AÑO 1, NÚMERO 1, SEPTIEMBRE 2007 Estimados colegas, éste es el primer número de Noticias de Reproducción Bovina, publicación que tiene como propósito ofrecer información para los Médicos Veterinarios Zootecnistas que están trabajando en el manejo reproductivo de hatos bovinos tanto lecheros como de carne. La información contenida proviene de publicaciones científicas periódicas de alto nivel y también de artículos de difusión técnica escritos por especialistas. Aquí podrán encontrar los resúmenes y la referencia para la consulta del artículo completo. La selección de la información está a cargo de los editores y se hace de acuerdo con el criterio de la utilidad práctica de la misma. El objetivo al iniciar con el primer número es ofrecer una publicación bimestral, la cual llegará en forma electrónica a los colegas inscritos en nuestras bases de datos y a todos aquellos que nos escriban solicitándola. Esta es una publicación sin fin de lucro y su único objetivo es ofrecer información actualizada para mejorar el desempeño de los Veterinarios y con ello contribuir al aumento de la productividad de los hatos bovinos de nuestro país. Editores: Dr. Joel Hernández Cerón y MC Alvaro Ortega León Departamento de Reproducción Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Journal of Dairy Science 2007;90:2569–2576 EXPECTED NET PRESENT VALUE OF PURE AND MIXED SEXED SEMEN ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION STRATEGIES IN DAIRY HEIFERS N. J. Olynk and C. A. Wolf Sexed semen has been a long-anticipated tool for dairy farmers to obtain more heifer calves, but challenges exist for integrating sexed semen into commercial dairy farm reproduction programs. The decreased conception rates (CR) experienced with sexed semen make virgin heifers better suited for insemination with sexed semen than lactating dairy cows. This research sought to identify when various sexed semen breeding strategies provided higher expected net present value (NPV) than conventional artificial insemination (AI) breeding schemes, indicating which breeding scheme is advisable under various scenarios. Budgets were developed to calculate the expected NPV of various AI breeding strategies incorporating conventional (non-sexed) and sexed semen. In the base budgets, heifer and bull calf values were held constant at $500 and $110, respectively. The percentage of heifers expected to be born after breeding with conventional and sexed semen used was 49.2 and 90%, respectively. Breeding costs per AI were held constant at $15.00 per AI for conventional semen and $45.00 per AI for sexed semen of approximately the same genetic value. Conventional semen CR of 58 and 65% were used, and an AI submission rate was set at 100%. Breeding strategies with sexed semen were assessed for breakeven heifer calf values and sexed semen costs to obtain a NPV equal to that achieved with conventional semen. Breakeven heifer calf values for pure sexed semen strategies with a constant 58 and 65% base CR in which sexed semen achieved 53% of the base CR are $732.11 and $664.26, respectively. Breakeven sexed semen costs per AI of $17.16 and $22.39, compared with $45.00 per AI, were obtained to obtain a NPV equal to that obtained with pure conventional semen for base CR of 58 and 65%, respectively. The strategy employing purely sexed semen, with base CR of both 58 and 65%, yielded a lower NPV than purely conventional semen in all but the best-case scenario in which sexed semen provides 90% of the CR of conventional semen. Other potential advantages of sexed semen that were not quantified in the scenarios include biosecurity-related concerns, decreased dystocia due to increased numbers of heifer calves, and implications for internal herd growth. olynknic@msu.edu Theriogenology 2007;67:1256–1261 CORPUS LUTEUM SIZE AND FUNCTION FOLLOWING SINGLE AND DOUBLE OVULATIONS IN NON-LACTATING DAIRY COWS G.E. Mann, R.S. Robinson, M.G. Hunter Data was collated from a number of studies on various aspects of luteal function in non-lactating dairy cows to allow comparisons to be made between single and double ovulating animals. In these studies, estrous cycles had been synchronized and animals slaughtered on day 5 or 8. The overall incidence of double ovulations was 28.3%. Double ovulation was associated with smaller individual corpora lutea but no difference in total weight of luteal tissue or any aspect of luteal tissue function or plasma concentrations of progesterone. Furthermore, in a sub set of animals, there was no difference in preovulatory follicle characteristics or plasma concentrations of estradiol around ovulation. These results demonstrated a high incidence of double ovulation in non-lactating cows that had no influence on circulating progesterone concentrations. george.mann@nottingham.ac.uk Journal of Dairy Science 2007;90:1477–1485 DIETARY ENERGY SOURCE IN DAIRY COWS IN EARLY LACTATION: METABOLITES AND METABOLIC HORMONES A. T. M. van Knegsel, H. van den Brand, E. A. M. Graat, J. Dijkstra, R. Jorritsma, E. Decuypere, S. Tamminga, and B. Kemp Negative energy balance-related metabolic disorders suggest that the balance between available lipogenic and glucogenic nutrients is important. The objectives of this study were to compare the effects of a glucogenic or a lipogenic diet on liver triacylglycerides (TAG), metabolites, and metabolic hormones in dairy cows in early lactation and to relate metabolite concentrations to the determined energy retention in body mass (ER). Sixteen dairy cows were fed either a lipogenic or glucogenic diet from wk 3 prepartum to wk 9 postpartum (pp) and were housed in climate respiration chambers from wk 2 to 9 pp. Diets were isocaloric (net energy basis). Postpartum, cows fed a lipogenic diet tended to have higher nonesterified fatty acid concentration (NEFA; 0.46 ± 0.04 vs. 0.37 ± 0.04 mmol/L) and lower insulin concentration (4.0 ± 0.5 vs. 5.5 ± 0.6 ± IU/mL). No difference was found in plasma glucose, β-hydroxybutyrate, insulin-like growth factor-I, and thyroid hormones. Liver TAG was equal between both diets in wk −2 and 2 pp. In wk 4 pp cows fed the glucogenic diet had numerically lower TAG levels, although there was no significant dietary effect. Negative relationships were detected between ER and milk fat and between ER and NEFA. A positive relationship was detected between ER and insulin concentration. Overall, results suggest that insulin plays a regulating role in altering energy partitioning between milk and body tissue. Feeding lactating dairy cows a glucogenic diet decreased mobilization of body fat compared with a lipogenic diet. The relative abundance of lipogenic nutrients, when feeding a more lipogenic diet, is related to more secretion of lipogenic nutrients in milk, lower plasma insulin, and higher plasma NEFA concentration. Ariette.vanKnegsel@wur.nl Animal 2007;1:335–346 EFFECT OF CHANGES IN DIET ENERGY DENSITY ON FEED INTAKE, MILK YIELD AND METABOLIC PARAMETERS IN DAIRY COWS IN EARLY LACTATION Theriogenology 2007;67:486–493 EARLY PREGNANCY DIAGNOSIS BY PALPATION PER VIABILITY IN DAIRY CATTLE RECTUM: INFLUENCE ON EMBRYO/FETAL N. I. Nielsen, N. C. Friggens, T. Larsen, J. B. Andersen, M. O. Nielsen, K. L. Ingvartsen Juan E. Romano, James A. Thompson, Duane C. Kraemer, Mark E. Westhusin, David W. Forrest, Michael A. Tomaszweski The purpose of this experiment was to investigate how early lactating cows adjust their metabolism and production to acute, but moderate changes in the energy density of the diet. Sixty dairy cows were randomly assigned to one of four treatments: two change-over groups (HNH and NHN) and two control groups (HHH and NNN), where H and N refer to a high and normal energy density in the total mixed ration (TMR), respectively. The experimental period covered the first 9 weeks post calving, which was split up in three 3-week periods. Thus, cows assigned to HNH or NHN shifted TMR in weeks 4 and 7 after calving while cows assigned to HHH or NNN were fed the same TMR for all 9 weeks. Results from cows on treatment HNH were compared with group HHH while cows on treatment NHN were compared with group NNN. When the diet changed from N to H and H to N, cows increased and decreased their dry-matter intake (DMI), respectively compared with control groups. Cows adjusted milk yield accordingly to changes in DMI, although not always significantly. Energycorrected milk yield was not significantly affected by any of the changes in the energy density of the diet but generally showed same tendencies as milk yield. Non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), betahydroxybutyrate in blood and milk and triacylglycerol and glycogen content in the liver were not significantly affected by changes in the energy density of the diet, except from NEFA at one change. Glucose increased more when the diet changed from N to H and increased less when the diet changed from H to N, compared with control groups, although not always significantly. Collectively, these results suggest that cows adjust their DMI and partly milk yield according to the energy density of the diet and therefore only limited effects were observed in physiological parameters. The objective was to estimate the effect of palpation per rectum (for early pregnancy diagnosis) on embryo/fetal viability in dairy cattle. A controlled, randomized block-design experiment with two blocks, one by category, and the other by number of embryos, was conducted. Fivehundred-and-twenty pregnant dairy cows and heifers with a viable embryo detected by transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS) between days 29 and 32 after AI were included. The pregnant females were randomly allocated into two nearly equal groups: palpation per rectum (PAL group; n = 258) and no palpation per rectum (NPAL group; n = 262). The PAL group was submitted to palpation per rectum (PPR) using the fetal membrane slip (FMS) technique once between days 34 and 41 of pregnancy. The fetal membrane slip consisted of compressing the pregnant uterine horn and allowing the chorioallantoic membrane to slip between the fingers. Both groups were submitted to two additional TRUS at days 45 and 60 of pregnancy, to monitor the potential immediate and delayed deleterious effects of PPR on embryo and fetal viability, respectively. A diagnosis of embryo/fetal death was made when there was no embryo/fetal heart beat or the absence of positive signs of pregnancy in an animal previously diagnosed pregnant, or the presence of signs of embryo/fetal degeneration. The overall rate of embryo/fetal death was 14.0% (73/520). Embryonic death (10%; 52/520) was higher than fetal death (4.5%; 21/468; P < 0.001). Embryo/fetal mortality was higher in cows (16.4%; 59/360) than in heifers (8.8%; 14/160; P < 0.025) and in cattle with twin (25.5%; 12/47) versus singleton pregnancies (12.9%; 61/473; P < 0.025), but was not different (P > 0.05) between PAL (14.7%; 38/258) and NPAL (13.4%; 35/262). In conclusion, PPR between days 34 and 41 of pregnancy using the fetal membrane slip technique did not affect embryo/fetal viability. ncn@landscentret.dk roma0033@umn.edu Journal of Dairy Science 2007;90:649–658 RELATIONSHIPS AMONG MILK PRODUCTION, ENERGY BALANCE, PLASMA ANALYTES, AND REPRODUCTION IN HOLSTEIN-FRIESIAN COWS J. Patton, D. A. Kenny, S. McNamara, J. F. Mee, F. P. O’Mara, M. G. Diskin, and J. J. Murphy Associations were examined between components and indicators of early lactation energy balance (EB) and measures of fertility in Holstein cows. Milk production, dry matter intake (DMI), body condition score (BCS), and endocrine and metabolite data from 96 cows were analyzed using multivariate logistic regression and survival analysis. Fertility variables investigated were interval to commencement of luteal activity (CLA), calving to conception interval (CCI), and conception rate to first service (CON1). Mean daily EB, milk protein content, and DMI during the first 28 d in milk were associated positively with CON1. Cows having poorer BCS (≤2.25) at first service had a lower CON1. Positive associations were identified among EB, milk protein content, DMI, and the likelihood of a shorter interval to C-LA. Cows having greater DMI and a more positive EB had an increased likelihood of a shorter CCI, whereas a lower nadir BCS was associated with an increased likelihood of a longer CCI. Milk yield was not associated with any of the fertility variables investigated. A greater plasma concentration of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) during the first 2 wk of lactation was associated with a greater CON1 and an increased likelihood of a shorter interval to C-LA. In conclusion, we identified DMI as the principal component of EB influencing subsequent fertility. Furthermore, results indicate that milk protein content and plasma IGF-I concentration in early lactation may be useful indicators of reproductive efficiency. john.murphy@teagasc.ie Journal of Dairy Science 2007;90:2788–2796 THE EFFECT OF SUBCLINICAL KETOSIS IN EARLY LACTATION ON REPRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE OF POSTPARTUM DAIRY COWS R. B. Walsh, J. S. Walton, D. F. Kelton, S. J. LeBlanc, K. E. Leslie, and T. F. Duffield Data generated from 796 Holstein cows enrolled in a clinical trial to investigate the health effect of a monensin controlled release capsule were analyzed to investigate the association between circulating serum β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) concentration in the periparturient period and subsequent reproductive performance. Overall, accounting for both repeated measures within cow and clustering at the herd level, nonpregnant cows after first insemination tended to have increased circulating BHBA concentrations from 3 wk before calving to 9 wk after calving relative to pregnant cows. Including the interaction between the week of sample collection and pregnancy outcome, non-pregnant cows had higher circulating BHBA concentrations in the second week after calving than cows diagnosed pregnant after first artificial insemination. Within individual weeks, cows with circulating BHBA concentrations ≥1,000 _mol/L in the first week postpartum were less likely to be diagnosed pregnant after first insemination. In the second week postpartum, the cows with circulating BHBA concentrations ≥1,400 _mol/L were significantly less likely to be pregnant after first artificial insemination. A dose response relationship was found when a comparison of the probability of pregnancy after first insemination and duration of elevated circulating ketone bodies was investigated. The probability of pregnancy was reduced by 20% in cows diagnosed subclinically ketotic in either the first or second week postpartum. Nevertheless, cows above the subclinical ketosis threshold in both the first and second week postpartum were 50% less likely to be pregnant after first insemination. Similarly, the median time to pregnancy increased in cows experiencing elevated BHBA concentrations in either (124 d) or both (130 d) the first and second week postpartum relative to cows never experiencing elevated BHBA concentrations (108d). To further investigate this, the effect of elevated circulating BHBA was permitted to vary with time. The effect decreased with time, such that the daily probability of pregnancy increased similar to nonsubclinically ketotic cows by approximately 160 d in milk. From this analysis, both the relative circulating concentration of BHBA and the duration of elevated circulating BHBA were negatively associated with the probability of pregnancy at first service. rwalsh@uoguelph.ca Theriogenology 2007;67:346–352 ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION INCREASES THE PROBABILITY OFA MALE CALF IN DAIRY AND BEEF CATTLE D.P. Berry, A.R. Cromie The objective of this study was to determine if natural mating affected secondary sex ratio. Data consisting of 642,401 calving records from the Irish national database, during the years 2002– 2005, were used in the analysis. Factors affecting the logit of the probability of a male calf being born were determined using multiple regression generalised estimating equations with sire of the calf included as a repeated effect. Month of the year at calving, sex of the previous calf born within dam, breed of service sire, parity of dam and type of mating (i.e., natural or artificial insemination) significantly (P < 0.05) affected the likelihood of a male calf being born. Male calves were more likely to be born in the warmer months of the year, when the sex of the previous calf born to the same dam was male, in older cows and when the service sire was a beef breed. No significant interaction between the main effects existed. The odds of a male calf being born, following adjustment for confounding effects, varied from 1.04 to 1.08 (P < 0.01) across the years of analysis when artificial insemination was used compared to natural mating. This equates to a 1% unit increase in the probability of a male calf being born following artificial insemination. donagh.berry@teagasc.ie Biology of Reproduction 2007;77:9–17 IMPACT OF DIETARY FATTY ACIDS ON OOCYTE QUALITY AND DEVELOPMENT IN LACTATING DAIRY COWS Ali A. Fouladi-Nashta, Carlos G. Gutierrez, Jin G. Gong, Philip C. Garnsworthy, and Robert Webb The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of level of rumen inert fatty acids on developmental competence of oocytes in lactating dairy cows. Estrous cycles were synchronized in 22 cows on a silage-based diet supplemented with either low (200 g/day) or high (800 g/day) fat. A total of 1051 oocytes were collected by ultrasound-guided ovum pickup (OPU) in seven sessions/cow at 3–4 day intervals. Oocytes were matured, fertilized, and cultured to the blastocyst stage in vitro. Embryo quality was assessed by differential staining of Day 8 blastocysts. The high-fat diet reduced numbers of small and medium follicles. There was no effect on the quality of oocytes (grades 1–4) or cleavage rate. However, high fat significantly improved blastocyst production from matured (P, 0.005) and cleaved (P, 0.05) oocytes. Blastocysts from the high-fat group had significantly more total, inner cell mass and trophectoderm cells than the low-fat group (P, 0.05). Regression analysis showed negative effects of milk yield (P, 0.001), dry matter intake (P, 0.001), metabolizable energy intake (P, 0.005), and starch intake (P, 0.001) on blastocyst production in the low-fat group but not in the high-fat group. Within the low-fat group, blastocyst production was negatively related to growth hormone (P, 0.05) and positively related to leptin (P, 0.05). The lowfat group had higher nonesterified fatty acids than the high-fat group (P, 0.05). In conclusion, higher milk yields were associated with reduced developmental potential of oocytes in cows given a low-fat diet. Provision of a high-fat diet buffered oocytes against these effects, resulting in significantly improved developmental potential. bob.webb@nottingham.ac.uk Reproduction 2007;133:155–163 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN METABOLIC HORMONES AND OVULATION OF DOMINANT FOLLICLE DURING THE FIRST FOLLICULAR WAVE POST-PARTUM IN HIGH-PRODUCING DAIRY COWS Chiho Kawashima, Saori Fukihara, Mayumi Maeda, Etsushi Kaneko, Carlos Amaya Montoya, Motozumi Matsui, Takashi Shimizu, Nobuyoshi Matsunaga, Katsuya Kida, Yoh-Ichi Miyake, Dieter Schams and Akio Miyamoto Recent studies suggest that IGF-I is a crucial regulatory factor in follicular growth during early post-partum period. The aim of the present study was to determine in detail the changing profiles of metabolic and reproductive hormones in relation to ovulation of the dominant follicle (DF) of the first follicular wave post-partum in high-producing dairy cows. Plasma concentrations of related hormones in 22 multiparous Holstein cows were measured from 4 weeks pre-partum to 3 weeks post-partum, and the development of DF was observed with colour Doppler ultrasound. Thirteen cows showed ovulation by 15.2 days post-partum. Anovulatory cows showed higher GH and lower IGF-I levels than those in ovulatory cows during the peri-partum period. Each DF developed similarly, and a clear blood flow in the follicle wall was observed despite ovulation or anovulation. In addition, detailed endocrine profiles were analyzed in 9 out of the 22 cows. Five cows showed an increase in plasma oestradiol-17b (E2) with follicular growth followed by E2 peak, LH surge and ovulation. In these cows, plasma IGF-I concentrations remained high until 10 days postpartum followed by a gradual decrease. Subsequently, the insulin level increased together with the E2 peak towards ovulation. These profiles were not observed in anovulatory cows. In conclusion, our data strongly support the concept that IGF-I and insulin represent ‘metabolic signals’ of the resumption of ovarian function post-partum in high-producing dairy cows. Moreover, we provide the first visual evidence that both ovulatory and anovulatory DFs of the first follicular wave post-partum are similarly supplied with active blood flow. akiomiya@obihiro.ac.jp Theriogenology 2007;67:824–834 REPRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE OF LACTATING DAIRY COWS AND HEIFERS RESYNCHRONIZED FOR A SECOND INSEMINATION WITH AN INTRAVAGINAL PROGESTERONE-RELEASING DEVICE FOR 7 OR 8 D WITH ESTRADIOL BENZOATE INJECTED AT THE TIME OF DEVICE INSERTION AND 24 H AFTER REMOVAL J. Cavalieri, G. Hepworth, V.M. Smart, M. Ryan, K.L. Macmillan One aim of this study was to compare the reproductive performance of cows and heifers when resynchronizing returns to estrus for a second insemination by treating with an intravaginal progesterone-releasing device (IVD) for 7 or 8 d when estradiol benzoate (EB) was administered at the start of treatment and again 24 h after device removal. An additional aim was to document the pattern of onset and characteristics of estrus with each resynchrony treatment. Lactating cows in three herds were synchronized for a first estrus and AI by treatment with an IVD for 8 d, starting on Day 0, cloprostenol (0.5 mg im) at device removal and EB at device insertion (2.0 mg im) and 24 h after removal (1.0 mg im). Cows were resynchronized for a second estrus starting on Day 23 by reinsertion of IVDs for 7 (IVD-7-EB; n = 449) or 8 d (IVD-8-EB; n = 445) with EB (1.0 mg im) administered at device insertion and 24 h after removal. Cows were resynchronized for a third estrus by administration of EB (1.0 mg im) on Day 46, but subsequent treatments (no further treatment, reinsertion of CIDR or administration of EB on Day 55) varied among herds as part of separate studies. Maiden heifers (7-Day, n = 68; 8-Day, n = 69) were similarly treated as cows in a separate herd, but doses of EB were always 1.0 mg im at device insertion and 0.75 mg im 24 h after removal. Heifers were not resynchronized for a third estrus. Cattle were inseminated on detection of estrus at each synchronized estrus. Cumulative pregnancy rates 4 week (66.0%, 276/418 versus 59.1%, 247/418) and 7 week (72.7%, 304/418 versus 67.7%, 283/418) after the start of AI were greater (P < 0.05) in the IVD7-EB cows compared to the IVD-8-EB cows, respectively; this was associated with a 9% increase in conception rates at the second estrus (P = 0.051) in the IVD-7-EB cows. Treatment did not significantly affect reproductive performance in heifers. Characteristics of estrus measured with radiotelemetry did not differ significantly between the two treatment groups, but more cows were detected in estrus 36 h after removal of IVDs in the IVD-8-EB cows compared to the IVD-7-EB cows (P < 0.05). We concluded that reproductive performance in resynchronized dairy cows but not heifers was greater following resynchronization of estrous cycles after AI with an IVD for 7 compared to 8 d when EB was injected at the start of treatment and 24 h after device removal. john.cavalieri@jcu.edu.au Theriogenology 2007;67:1386–1392 PREGNANCY DIAGNOSIS IN DAIRY COWS BY WHEY PROGESTERONE ANALYSIS: AN ROC APPROACH M. Faustini, M. Battocchio D. Vigo A. Prandi M.C. Veronesi A. Comin F. Cairoli b Concentration of progesterone in milk may be used to predict pregnancy status of dairy cattle by the 21st day after insemination. However, the accuracy of this method may be affected by fatsolubility of progesterone and sample storage conditions. After coagulation of a milk sample with rennet, an alternative method is to quantify progesterone concentration in whey with a novel, validated EIA. In this experiment, a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was performed to estimate the optimal discrimination point for whey progesterone concentration, using a sample of 991 Friesian cows evaluated between the 42nd and 44th day after insemination. Cows also were diagnosed for pregnancy by rectal palpation at this time. The overall conception rate at palpation was 57%. ROC analysis indicated that 259 pg/mL progesterone in whey was the most effective cutoff to discriminate correctly between pregnant and non-pregnant cows. Using this point for prediction, sensitivity was 98.2%, specificity was 70.9% and the area under ROC curve was 0.859, levels generally considered to denote moderate accuracy. The negative likelihood ratio at the cutoff of 259 pg/mL was 0.02, indicating satisfactory performance in detecting negative subjects, while the positive likelihood ratio (+LR = 3.37) suggested average performance. In conclusion, EIA of progesterone concentration in whey is a viable method for predicting pregnancy status in cows. However, operators should take management objectives for the herd into account in determining the cutoff point and also considering important influencing variables such as conception rate in the herd. This method can provide diagnostic support for efforts to improve reproductive success, especially in low-fertility herds. massimo.faustini@unimi.it Journal of Dairy Science 2007;90:2804–2814 RECTAL TEMPERATURE, CALVING-RELATED FACTORS, AND THE INCIDENCE OF PUERPERAL METRITIS IN POSTPARTUM DAIRY COWS M. E. Benzaquen, C. A. Risco, L. F. Archbald, P. Melendez, M. J. Thatcher, and W. W. Thatcher The objectives of this study were as follows: 1) to evaluate the association among abnormal calving, parity, and season on the incidence of puerperal metritis (PM) and clinical endometritis (CE) during d 3 to 13 and 20 to 30 postpartum, respectively; 2) to describe the rectal temperature (RT) of cows with PM before diagnosis; and 3) to document associations among PM, CE, and reproductive performance in lactating dairy cows. This study followed a prospective observational study design. Cows were classified as having an abnormal calving status (AC), i.e., cows calving with dystocia, twins, retained fetal membranes, or some combination of these conditions, and having a normal calving status (NC). Daily RT was recorded from d 3 to 13 postpartum for all cows, and health examinations were performed on cows that appeared not well. A total of 450 calvings were evaluated. Cows with an AC had greater odds of PM than cows with NC [adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 4.8; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 2.9 to 8.0). A season by parity interaction showed that primiparous cows that calved during the warm season had lower AOR of PM than during the cool season (0.24; 95% CI = 0.09 to 0.62), whereas multiparous cows did not have seasonal effects on PM (1.43; 95% CI = 0.65 to 3.18). Cows with AC have greater AOR for CE than cows with NC (2.8; 95% CI = 1.7 to 4.9), and greater AOR of CE were detected in cows diagnosed with PM than in cows without PM (2.2; 95% CI = 1.1 to 3.9). Rectal temperature in cows with PM increased significantly 24 h before diagnosis of PM, reaching 39.2 ± 0.05°C on the day of diagnosis. In cows with PM and fever at diagnosis, the RT began to increase from 72 to 48 h before the diagnosis of PM and continued to increase to 39.7 ± 0.09°C on d 0 (day of diagnosis). Nonetheless, cows with PM without fever at diagnosis had no daily increases in RT before diagnosis of PM. Still, the RT on d 0 was different from cows without PM. Cows without PM had a stable RT (38.6 ± 0.01°C). There were no detected differences in first-service conception risk or cumulative pregnancy risk by 150 d postpartum between cows with or without PM. Still, a season effect on first-service conception AOR (warm vs. cool = 0.98; 95% CI = 0.18 to 0.72) and accumulated pregnancy AOR by 150 d postpartum was detected (warm vs. cool = 0.18; 95% CI = 0.10 to 0.33). riscoc@mail.vetmed.ufl.edu Theriogenology 2007;67:590–597 EFFICACY OF AN INJECTION OF DINOPROST TROMETHAMINE WHEN GIVEN SUBCUTANEOUSLY ON LUTEAL REGRESSION IN LACTATING HOLSTEIN COWS Ricardo C. Chebel , Jose E.P. Santos b, Heloísa M. Rutigliano b, Ronaldo L.A. Cerri b The objectives of these studies were to evaluate the efficacy of a PGF2a (PGF) analog given through different routes on causing luteal regression in lactating dairy cows. In Experiment 1, lactating Holstein cows (n = 118) at random stages of lactation were blocked by parity and days in milk (DIM) and, within each block, randomly assigned to receive PGF as an intramuscular (IM) injection in the semimembranous/semitendinous muscle (CON), subcutaneous (SC) injection in the cervical area (SCN), or SC injection in the ischio-rectal fossa (IRF). Blood was sampled at 0, 12, 24, 36, and 48 h after treatment for assessment of progesterone concentration. In Experiment 2, a total of 379 lactating Holstein cows, 46 ± 7 DIM, were blocked by DIM and, within each block, randomly assigned to receive treatment similar to CON or IRF groups from Experiment 1. Blood was sampled 0 and 48 h after treatment for assessment of progesterone concentration. Cows were classified as experiencing luteal regression when progesterone concentration was <1.0 ng/mL or <40% of initial concentration (0 h = 100%). In Experiment 1, there was no effect of route of PGF treatment on decline in progesterone concentration and on the proportion of cows experiencing luteal regression by 12, 24, 36, and 48 h after treatment. Similarly, in Experiment 2, route of treatment did not affect either the decline in progesterone concentration or the proportion of cows that had luteal regression by 48 h after treatment. Treatment of lactating dairy cows with 25 mg of PGF given SC in the ischio-rectal fossa did not affect either the decline in progesterone concentration or the proportion of cows that experienced luteal regression by 12, 24, 36, and 48 h after PGF treatment. rchebel@uidaho.edu Animal 2007;1:29–43 intended for rebreeding that were back in-calf again within 100 days of calving (ICR-100) and the proportion of cows that reappeared again with 365 (RR-365) and 400 days (RR-400) of a previous calving were considered in addition to the traditional measures of reproductive performance. Each 100-kg increase in genetic merit for milk yield was associated with an increased interval to first service (IFS) and calving index (CI) of 1.4 (P, 0.001) and 1.8 days (P, 0.001), respectively, a 0.5% increase (P , 0.05) in calving rate to first insemination (CR-1) and 0.8% increase in RR-400. Each £10 increase in £PIN (the economically weighted yield selection index used in the UK that takes account of butterfat and protein yields) was associated with an increased IFS and CI of 1.5 (P, 0.001) and 3.0 days (P, 0.001), respectively. Cows with increased genetic merit for milk yield and £PIN were more likely to re-calve (RR-overall; P, 0.001). Each 1000-kg increase in 305-day milk yield was associated with an increased IFS and CI of 3.2 (P, 0.001) and 7.8 days (P, 0.001), respectively, and a 13.6 (P, 0.001), 22.4 (P, 0.001), 19.9 (P, 0.001) and 19.0% (P, 0.001) decrease in CR-1, ICR-100, RR365 and RR-400, respectively. A 10-kg increase in maximum yield was associated with a 6.6-day increase in CI (P, 0.001) and a 14.9 (P, 0.001), 18.3 (P, 0.001), 9.6 (P, 0.05) and 14.2% (P, 0.001) decrease in CR-1, ICR-100, RR-365 and RR-400, respectively. Fertility performance was also associated with season of calving, lactation number and dystocia score. Level of production had a larger effect on fertility performance than genetic merit for milk production suggesting that infertility at an individual cow level is more likely to be associated with increased production and an inability to meet the nutritional requirements of the cow. david.mackey@dardni.gov.uk ASSOCIATIONS BETWEEN GENETIC MERIT FOR MILK PRODUCTION AND ANIMAL PARAMETERS AND THE FERTILITY PERFORMANCE OF DAIRY COWS D. R. Mackey, A. W. Gordon, M. A. McCoy, M. Verner, C. S. Mayne Relationships between genetic merit for milk production and animal parameters and various parameters of reproductive performance were examined using multilevel binary response analysis in a study of 19 dairy herds for three successive years, representing approximately 2500 cows per year. The proportion of cows Theriogenology 67 (2007) 494–501 A META-ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECTS OF VITAMIN E SUPPLEMENTATION ON THE INCIDENCE OF RETAINED FOETAL MEMBRANES IN DAIRY COWS N. Bourne, R. Laven, D.C. Wathes, T. Martinez, M. McGowan A meta-analysis was performed to consolidate the results of studies which have evaluated the effects of Vitamin E supplementation during the dry period on the risk of retained foetal membranes (RFM) in the dairy cow. Twenty studies demonstrated a beneficial response to Vitamin E whilst 21 found no benefit and 3 reported an increase in the incidence of RFM in treated cows. The odds ratios (OR) of the available studies exhibited significant heterogeneity, so multivariable logistic regression analysis was performed to enable the identification of factors associated with the response to Vitamin E supplementation. Our multivariable analysis included parity and Vitamin E supplementation (control/treated) in the model, because all other factors were co-linear. Results indicated that Vitamin E supplementation led to a reduction in the incidence of RFM. A second multivariable analysis was undertaken on a subset of the data including only supplemented cows to determine the influence of supplementation factors on the risk of RFM. All factors were co-linear with each other, therefore, only type of Vitamin E supplementation was included in this analysis. The regression model demonstrated that administration of the synthetic Vitamin E atocopheryl acetate was associated with a lower risk of RFM than treatment with natural Vitamin E (a-tocopherol) (P = 0.047, OR = 0.49), whereas the difference between the synthetic Vitamin E atocopherol acetate and natural Vitamin E just failed to attain statistical significance (P = 0.059, OR = 0.53). Overall the analyses indicate that Vitamin E supplementation during the dry period is associated with a reduced risk of RFM, and that the synthetic forms of Vitamin E are more effective than the natural compound. that act via intracellular signaling pathways. Here, we show the differences in Akt, Erk, c-Jun Nterminal protein kinase, and p-38 signaling pathways between dominant and subordinate follicles at the dominance stage of the follicle wave. However, earlier in the follicle wave (dominant follicle selection), there were only differences in the levels of Akt and Erk signal transduction proteins among dominant and subordinate follicles. Using this profile of Akt and Erk protein expression in granulosa and theca cells of selected dominant follicles compared with subordinate follicles, we suggest a predictive model to identify future dominant and subordinate follicles from the pool of otherwise similar cohort follicles at the time of follicle wave emergence. We conclude that the Erk and Akt signal transduction pathways are important for dominant follicle selection and development and, furthermore, that the observed differences in these pathways mark the future dominant follicle from subordinate follicles before differences in follicular diameter, follicular fluid estradiol, and IGFBP-4 concentrations are apparent. nbourne@rvc.ac.uk Our objective was to assess the effect on heifer pregnancy rate of deposition at three sites within the uterus of frozen-thawed sex-sorted sperm at a fixed time after estrus synchronization. Estrus was synchronized in 209 heifers by administration of PGF2a 14 days apart. At 80–82 h after the second PGF2a injection, X-chromosomes bearing fractions of semen with 2.2 _ 106 sperm in insemination dose were used for single insemination into the uterine body (UB-AI, n = 91) or for intracornual deposition in the middle of the uterine horn (MHAI, n = 57) or close to the utero-tubal junction (UTJ-AI, n = 61). The overall pregnancy rate was 43.1%. Pregnancy rates did not differ (P > 0.05) among sites of sperm sperm deposition, between the two farms at which the heifers were kept or between the two bulls producing the semen. Within UB-AI, MH-AI and UTJ-AI treatments, Reproduction 2007;133:617–626 AKT AND ERK SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION PATHWAYS ARE EARLY MARKERS OF DIFFERENTIATION IN DOMINANT AND SUBORDINATE OVARIAN FOLLICLES IN CATTLE K E Ryan, S M Casey, M J Canty, M A Crowe, F Martin and A C O Evans Dominant follicles are those that continue to develop and have the potential to ovulate while subordinate follicles regress. Characteristics of dominant follicles include a larger diameter, higher intrafollicular estradiol, and lower IGFbinding protein (IGFBP)-4 concentrations compared with other cohort follicles. Follicle development is regulated by endocrine hormones alex.evans@ucd.ie Theriogenology 2007;67:754–759 PREGNANCY PERCENTAGE FOLLOWING DEPOSITION OF SEX-SORTED SPERM AT DIFFERENT SITES WITHIN THE UTERUS IN ESTRUS-SYNCHRONIZED HEIFERS J. Kurykin, U. Jaakma, M. Jalakas, M. Aidnik, A. Waldmann, L. Majas pregnancy rates were 41.8%, 49.1% and 39.3%, respectively (P > 0.05). Pooled across classes for deposition site, pregnancy rate was 25.1% higher (P < 0.01) for heifers showing strong signs of estrus than for heifers showing weak signs of estrus (45.9 versus 20.8%, respectively). Embryonic and fetal loss from diagnosis of pregnancy to term and at calving equalled 5.6%. Of 88 calves of identified sex, 93.2% were female. In conclusion, pregnancy rates of heifers did not differ significantly following deposition of 2.2 x 106 sex-sorted sperm 80–82 h after the second PGF2a injection near the utero-tubal junction, in the middle of the horn or into the uterine body. Jevgeni.Kurykin@emu.ee Animal Reproduction Science 2007;100:257–263 CONCENTRATIONS OF FREE RADICALS AND BETAENDORPHINS IN REPEAT BREEDER COWS A. Rizzo, G. Minoia, C. Trisolini, R. Manca, R.L. Sciorsci Repeat breeding (RB) is one of the major problems that affect the reproductive efficiency and economy of milk production in dairy animals. So far, the etiopathogenesis of this pathology has not been defined completely. Stress has been hypothesized to be a cause of impaired reproductive efficiency. Stress may cause an overproduction of beta-endorphins and free radicals; in particular, reactive oxygen species (ROS). The aim of this work is to determine the concentrations of these substances in RB cows and to evaluate the correlation with the serum level of progesterone. The study was performed on 60 dairy cows: 26 RB and 34 control cows. Blood samples were collected on day 12 and day 16, after artificial insemination (AI) in all subjects, in order to assess the concentrations of progesterone, free radicals and beta-endorphins. The stressors, free radicals and beta-endorphins, that we considered, were higher in repeat breeders (day 12, 93.32(±1.91) UCarr and 0.50(±0.03) ng/ml; day 16, 94.42(±1.91) UCarr and 0.61(±0.03) ng/ml), with a lower level of progesterone, which probably is responsible for failure to conceive. The stress factors (free radicals and beta-endorphins) may actually enhance each other and induce an inhibition of progesterone synthesis in repeat breeders. r.sciorsci@veterinaria.uniba.it Theriogenology 2007;67:632–638 FACTORS AFFECTING THE FERTILITY OF HIGH PRODUCING DAIRY HERDS IN NORTHEASTERN SPAIN I. García-Ispierto, F. López-Gatius, P. Santolaria, J.L. Yániz, C. Nogareda, M. López-Béjar Infertility has been often correlated to a rising milk yield in high producing dairy cattle. The aim of the present study was to evaluate, using logistic regression procedures, the effects of several management indicators on the fertility of four dairy herds in northeastern Spain. Data derived from 10,965 artificial insemination (AI). The factors examined were: herd, milking frequency (three versus two milkings per day), lactation number, previous twinning and disorders such as placenta retention and pyometra, milk production at AI, the inseminating bull, season (warm versus cool period) and year effects, AI technician and repeat breeding syndrome (cows undergoing four or more AI). Our findings indicated no effects on fertility of the herd, year of AI, previous twining, placenta retention and pyometra and milk production at AI. Based on the odds ratios, the likelihood of pregnancy decreased: in cows milked three times per day (by a factor of 0.62); for each one unit increase in lactation number (by a factor of 0.92); for inseminations performed during the warm period (by a factor of 0.67); in repeat breeder cows (by a factor of 0.73); and when 3 of the 45 inseminating bulls included in the study were used (by factors of 0.35, 0.43 and 0.44, respectively). Of the 13 AI technicians participating in the study, 3 were related to a fertility rate improved by odds ratios of 1.86, 1.84 and 1.30, respectively, whereas 2 technicians gave rise to fertility rates reduced by odds ratios of 0.64 and 0.49, respectively. Under our study conditions, management practices were able to compensate for the effects of previous twining and reproductive disorders such as placenta retention and pyometra. However, fertility was significantly affected by the factors milking frequency, AI technician, inseminating bull, repeat breeding syndrome, lactation number and AI season. flopez@prodan.udl.es Federación de Colegios y Asociaciones de Médicos Veterinarios Zootecnistas de México, A.C. www.fedmvz.com Organización Mundial de Sanidad Animal. Foro: Complejo Abortivo en Bovinos Universidad Autónoma de Puebla Centro de Convenciones, Puebla, Pue. 19 y 20 de octubre de 2007 Informes: direccion@comitepecuario conevet@yahoo.com Ganadería de Doble Propósito en el Trópico Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia Unión Ganadera Regional del Norte de Veracruz. Auditorio de la Unión Ganadera Regional del Norte de Veracruz. Tuxpan, Ver. 25 y 26 de octubre de 2007 Informes: (236) 32 43941 (783) 83 40164 www.oie.int Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación. www.fao.org Organización Panamericana de la Salud. www.cinu.org.mx/onu/estructura/mexico /org/ops.htm Organismo Internacional Regional de Sanidad Agropecuaria. www.oirsa.org Productora Nacional de Biológicos Veterinarios. www.pronabive.gob.mx Bovinotecnia Boletín técnico virtual. Departamento de Producción Animal: Rumiantes. FMVZUNAM www.fmvz.unam.mx/bovinotecnia/ Revista Veterinaria México http://www.fmvz.unam.mx/fmvz/revvetm ex/revvetmex.htm Dirección General de Salud Animal http://senasicaw.senasica.sagarpa.gob.mx /portal/html/salud_animal/introduccion/i ntroduccion.html Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentación. http://www.sagarpa.gob.mx Confederación Ganaderas Nacional de Servicio Nacional de Sanidad, Inocuidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria http://www.senasica.sagarpa.gob.mx/ Organizaciones http://www.cnog.com.mx Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias. http://www.inifap.gob.mx Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, UNAM. http://www.fmvz.unam.mx Academia Veterinaria Mexicana, A.C. http://www.academiaveterinaria.org Asociación Mexicana de Médicos Veterinarios Especialistas en Bovinos, A.C. http://www.AMMVEB.net NRB 1 ,2007