only if a11 a22 − a12 a21 = 0. In other words, λ 1= 0 is an eigenvalue if and only if det(A) = 0. Cv1� + v2 + i3 = 0. R 3.2It follows Systems of Two First Order Linear Differential Equathat 1 Cv1� = − v1 − i3 and Li�3 = v1 . tions R � � x 28. Let i , i , i and i be the current through the 1 ohm 2 ohm resistor, inductor 1 2 3is autonomous, 4 1. The system nonhomogeneous. Let u = resistor, . Then y and capacitor, respectively. Assign v1 , v2 , v3 and v4 as the respective voltage drops. Based � drops � � �each loop satisfy on Kirchoff’s second law, the net voltage 0 1 around 0 � u +OF TWO . 152 CHAPTERu3.= SYSTEMS FIRST ORDER EQUATIONS 1 0 4 v1 + v3 + v4 = 0, v1 + v3 + v2 = 0 and v4 − v2 = 0. 2. The system is nonautonomous, Applying Kirchoff’s first law to thenonhomogeneous. upper right node, we have � � x 3. The system is nonautonomous, homogeneous. i1 − i3 = Let 0. u = y . Then � � Likewise, in the remaining nodes, we � have −2t 1 u = u. 3 −1 i2 + i4 − i1 = 0 and i3 − i4 − i2 = 0. 4. The system is autonomous, nonhomogeneous. Combining the above equations, we have � � x 5. The system is autonomous, homogeneous. Let u = . Then v4 − v2 = 0, v1 + v3 + v4 = 0 and y i2 + i4 − i3 = 0. � � Using the current-voltage relations, we � have3 −1 u = u. 1 2 v1 = R1 i1 , v2 = R2 i2 , Li�3 = v3 , Cv4� = i4 . 6. The system is nonautonomous, homogeneous. � � Combining these equations, we have x 7. The system is nonautonomous, nonhomogeneous. Let u = . Then y1 � � R1 i3 + Li3 + v�4 = 0 and 4 = � Cv� �i3 − R2 v4 . 1 1 4 u� = u+ . 3.2. SYSTEMS OFv4TWO FIRST ORDER LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 153 −2system sin t of equations 0 Now set i3 = i and = v, to obtain the 1 � homogeneous. 8. The system is autonomous, Liwe = have −R1 i − v and Cv � = i − v. Combining these equations, R2 9. 1 Finally, using the fact that =�31,+R = 1 and R 1 i3 R +1 Li v42 = 02, Land Cv4� C == i3 1/2, − we v4 .have R2 i� = −i − v and v � = 2i − v, Now set i3 = i and v4 = v, to obtain the system of equations as claimed. 1 Li� = −R1 i − v and Cv � = i − v. 29. Let i1 , i2 , i3 and i4 be the current through the resistors, inductor and capacitor, respecR2 tively. Assign v1 , v2 , v3 and v4 as the respective voltage drops. Based on Kirchoff’s second 30. law, the net voltage drops around each loop satisfy (a) Let Q1 (t) and Q the amount of salt in the respective tanks at time t. Based on v12 (t) + vbe 3 + v4 = 0, v1 + v3 + v2 = 0 and v4 − v2 = 0. conservation of mass, the rate of increase of salt is given by Applying Kirchoff’s first law to the upper right node, we have rate of increase = rate in − rate out. i3 − (i2 + i4 ) = 0. For Tank 1, the rate of salt flowing in from Tank 2 is Q202 · 1.5 = .075Q2 ounces/minute. Likewise, in the remaining nodes, have In addition, salt is flowing in we from a separate source at the rate of 1.5 ounces/minute. Therefore, the rate of salt flowing in to Tank 1 is rin = .075Q2 + 1.5. The rate of flow 3 = 0 and i2 + i4 − i1 = 0. out of Tank 1 is rout = Q30i11 ·−3 i= 0.1Q1 ounces/minute. Therefore, Combining the above equations, dQ we have 1 = −0.1Q1 + .075Q2 + 1.5. v4 − v2 = 0, v1dt+ v3 + v4 = 0 and i2 + i4 − i3 = 0. Similarly, for Tank 2, relations, salt is flowing in from Tank 1 at the rate of Using the current-voltage we have Q1 30 · 3 = 0.1 oz/min. = −0.1Q = q2 + − 2 +. 1.5. 1 + .075Q dt dt 30 100 (f) The eigenvalue close to 0 corresponds0 to the slow temporal change in the system, while The initial conditions are Q1 (0) = Q1 and Q2 (0) = Q02 . Q1 Similarly, for Tank flowing in from Tank 1 at the rate ofchange ·3 = the eigenvalue close 2, to salt −(kis + k ) corresponds to the fast temporal in 0.1 the oz/min. system. 1 2 30 addition, salt values is flowing from a by separate at + the 3 oz/min. Also, salt (b) In The equilibrium are in obtained solvingsource −Q1 /15 Q2rate /100of + 3q 1 = 0 and Q1 /30 − 26. is E E flowing out of Tank 2 at the rate of 4Q /20 = .2Q oz/min. Therefore, 3Q2 /100 + q2 = 0. Its solution is given by2 Q1 = 54q12 + 6q2 and Q2 = 60q1 + 40q2 . (a) For α = 0.5, the characteristic equation is 2λ2 +4λ+1 = 0. Therefore, the eigenvalues are dQ2 the system √ to be able to solve (c) We would need = 0.1Q1 − 0.2Q 3.−1 + 1/√2 is v1 = �−√2 1�t . 2 += λ = −1 ± 1/ 2. The eigenvector corresponding to λ 1 dt √ �√ �t + 6q−2 1/ = 602 is v2 = The eigenvector corresponding to λ254q =1 −1 2 1 . Therefore, the The initial conditions are Q1 (0) = 55 and Q2 (0) = 26. general solution is 60q1 + 40q2 = 50. � �√ � √as� (b) This system can be written in matrix form √ √ − 2 2 a physically realistic (−1+1/ 2)t (−1−1/ 2)t The solution of this system is q = 7/6 and q = −1/2 which is not 2 + c2 e x(t) = c1 e 1� . � � � � � 1 those 1equilibrium state. solution. Therefore, it is not possible to have values as an −0.1 0.075 Q 1.5 1 Q� (t) = + . 0.1the −0.2 Q2 point is 3 a stable node. Since both eigenvalues are negative, equilibrium (d) We can write (b) For α =dQ 2, the characteristic equation is λ2 + 2λ −E1 = 0. Therefore, the eigenvalues are (c) Setting satisfy √1 /dt = 0 = dQ2 /dt, we see that anQequilibrium √ solution must � √ �t the 1 q2 = −9q1 + λ = −1 ± 2. The eigenvector corresponding to λ = −1 + 2 is v1 = 1 − 2 . The system � � � �61 �� � √ √ �t Q1vQ2 E= 1.5 eigenvector corresponding to 0.1 λ2 = −0.075 −1 − 32 is 1 2 . Therefore, the general = − q1 Q +2 2= 3 . −0.1 q20.2 solution is � 2 � 40 � � √ √ 1 1 (−1+ 2)t (−1− 2)t √ √ Finding thethe inverse of the= above and qmultiplying, we find that x(t) ctwo +−plane. c2 e . 1 e lines which are equations ofmatrix in − the q The intercepts of the first line 21 2 2 E E� � � � � � are (Q1 /54, 0) and (0, Q1 /6). The intercepts of the second line are (QE 2 /60, 0) and 1 the 0.525 QE 42 SinceEthe eigenvalues have opposite sign, equilibrium point is a saddle point. 1 = = (0, Q2 /40). Therefore, the system will have a unique solution in the first quadrant as QEE 0.45 36 0.0125 2 E E E E E 2 as Q1 /54 ≤Q ≤ Q1 /6. is, 10/9=≤0.QThe (c) long For general α,√the characteristic equation is λ That +2λ+1−α 2 /60 or Q2 /40 2 /Qeigenvalues 1 ≤ 20/3. are given √ by λ = −1 ± α. For 0.5 ≤ α ≤ 2, both eigenvalues √ are real and clearly −1 − α < 0. 31. Therefore, we just need to determine whether −1 + α = 0. We see this occurs when 3.3α = Homogeneous Linearpoint Systems with Constant 1. At that value the equilibrium switches from a saddle point (for α >Co1) to a stable node (for α < 1). efficients 27. 1. We look for eigenvalues and eigenvectors of (a) For the given data, the system can be written as � � � �A =� 3 −2 . � � � d i −1/2 −1/2 i = 2 −2 . v 3/2 −5/2 v dt We see that det(A − λI) = λ2 − λ − 2 = (λ − 2)(λ + 1). Therefore, the eigenvalues are given The characteristic equation for this system is λ2 + 3λ + 2 = 0. Therefore, the eigenvalues by λ = 2, −1. are by v1 = � given �t by λ = −1, −2. For λ = −1, a corresponding eigenvector� is given �t 1 1 . For λ = −2, a corresponding eigenvector is given by v2 = 1 3 . Therefore, the general solution is � � � � � � i −t 1 −2t 1 c1 e +c e . 186 CHAPTERv 3.= SYSTEMS 1 OF2 TWO3FIRST ORDER EQUATIONS (b) Since both eigenvalues are real and negative, the equilibrium point (0, 0) is a stable node. Therefore, i(t) → 0 and v(t) → 0 as t → ∞. 28. (a) For the general equation (i), the characteristic equation is given by � � L + CR1 R2 R1 + R2 2 λ + λ+ = 0. LCR2 LCR2 The eigenvalues are real and distinct provided that the discriminant is positive. That is, � L + CR1 R2 LCR2 �2 −4 � R1 + R2 LCR2 � > 0, it follows that both roots are = negative. Therefore, i4= 0, v = 0 .is a stable node. e v 8 sin(t/2) + 3 cos(t/2) (d) SinceComplex the eigenvaluesEigenvalues have negative real part, all solutions converge to the origin. 3.4 22. 1. 1 �3 −2 1� 2 (a) The characteristic equation is λ + λ + = TWO 0. Therefore, eigenvalues are 208 CHAPTER 3. A SYSTEMS OF FIRST the ORDER EQUATIONS = RC 4 CL −1 � 1 1 4R2 C implies Plugging in for A − 1/2I, this equation λ = − becomes ± 2 1− . 2RC det(A 2RC − λI) =� λ − 2λ � � + 5. �L 3/4 3/4 4R2 C The eigenvalues are real different that1 1λ− > 0. Otherwise, they are Therefore, the eigenvalues areand given by λ =provided 1±w 2i.=Now, 1 .= 1 L + 2i implies −3/4 −3/4 −1 complex conjugates. � � 2 − 2i −2 We With see that − eigenvalues λ1 I = �are λ�= −1 ± i.. An eigenvector corresponding (b) the specified values, A the 4 4/3 −2 − 2i 206 to λ1 = −1 + i is CHAPTER 3. SYSTEMS TWO FIRST ORDER EQUATIONS w = � OF 01 � Therefore, v1 = � � . is a Equation solution of(iii) thiscan equation. Therefore, (b) be rewritten as 1−4i v1 = � 1� � � −i Therefore, one solution is y)dx1+ (a11 xt/2 + a4/3 21 x + a 22 12 y)dy = 0. t/2 � � −(a � � x2 (t) = te +e i 1 −1 0 = e(−1+i)t To show that this equation is exact,−1we+need to show that for M = −(a21 x + a22 y) and i v �y the � N a= solution (a11 x + of a12our y), M .� We see that M = −a Nx = �a11 Then, usingis the is also original system. Therefore, general of. the system y = Nx 22 andsolution cos t sin t −t −t fact that a11 + a22 = 0, =wee see that N = a = −a = M . Therefore, the equation is y � � x � 11 �+ ie�22 � �� . − cos t − sin t cos t − sin t 1 1 4/3 exact. x(t) = c1 et/2 + c2 tet/2 + et/2 . −1 −1 0 Therefore, the general solution is (c) Since the equation M�with respect�to x. We conclude � is � exact, we � begin by integrating � t Then, taking sin t that ψ(x, y) = −ai21 x2=/2c −e−ta22 xy +cos h(y). + c2 e−t the derivative . with respect to 1 � � t y. Therefore, cos th−(y) sin=t a12 y which implies y, we have −a22 x v+ h (y) = N −=cos a11t x−+ a12 2sin 2 that h(y) = a12 y /2. Therefore, the solution of this exact equation is given implicitly by 2 2 2 1 that c1 = 2 and (c) With see −ck. c2 = 1. Therefore, we 1 + −a21 xthe / −given a22 xyinitial + a12 yconditions, /2 = k or we a21x2x = 2a22 xy − a12 y 2 = The discriminant of the conclude quadraticthat formc1is= 2 and c2 = 3. Therefore, the solution of the IVP is � � � � i –1 −t2 0 2 cos t +1 3 sin t2 –2 2 (2a22 ) − 4a21 (−a12 ) = = e4a22 + 4a12 ax1 = 4(−a . 11 a22 + a12 a21 ). v cos t − 21 5 sin t –1 Since a11 a22 − a12 a21 > 0, by equation (ii), we can conclude that the discriminant of the (d) Since the eigenvalues havenegative, negativeand, real therefore, part, all solutions converge to an theellipse. origin. quadratic form is always the graph is always –2 23. 3.5The Repeated Eigenvalues (a) characteristic equation is λ2 − (a11 + a22 )λ + a11 a22 − a12 a21 = 0. Therefore, the The solution grows as t → ∞. eigenvalues are �� 3. � 1. � � (a11 + a22 ) ± −3/2 (a11 + − 4(a −λaλ22 )2 −4 1 11 a22 − a12 a21 ) 3 − λ= . A −AλI −= λI = −1/4 2 −1/2 − λ 1 −1 − λ Therefore, equation, see order λfor eigenvalues to eigenvalue. be purely 2 implies det(A − −from λI) =this =λλ22− +2λ 2λ++1 1=we =(λ(λ 1). 2Therefore, . in Therefore, isonly the eigenvalue. only λI) −+ 1)that =λ the 1=is−1 the Now imaginary, we need a + a = 0 and a a − a a > 0. 11 22 11 22 12 21 Now λ = −1 implies λ = 1 implies �� �� −1/2 1 2 −4 A− λIλI == A− . . −1/4 1 −21/2 Therefore, is an eigenvector for λ = −1 and 1 and � � 2 v1 = 1 �� �� 22 xx11(t) (t)==ee 11 −t t is one solution. Next, we need to look for a solution w of � � 3.5. REPEATED EIGENVALUES 209 Next, we need to look for a solution w of � � 2 (A + I) w = . 1 Plugging in for A + I, this equation becomes � � � � −1/2 1 2 w= . −1/4 1/2 1 We see that is a solution of this equation. Therefore, � � 0 w= 2 x2 (t) = te � � � � 2 −t 0 +e 1 2 −t is also a solution of our original system. Therefore, the general solution of the system is � � � � � � �� −t 2 −t 2 −t 0 x(t) = c1 e + c2 te +e . 1 1 2 2 x2 –2 1 0 –1 1 x1 2 –1 –2 212 CHAPTER 3. SYSTEMS OF TWO FIRST ORDER EQUATIONS The solutions approach the origin as t → ∞. The solutions tend to the origin as t → ∞. 4. � � −3 − λ 5/2� 6. � A − λI = 2 − λ 1/2 A − λI = −5/2 2 − λ −1/2 1 − λ implies det(A − λI) = λ22 + λ + 1/4 = (λ + 1/2)2 .2 Therefore, λ = −1/2 is the only eigenvalue. implies − λI) = λ − 3λ + 9/4 = (λ − 3/2) . Therefore, λ = 3/2 is the only eigenvalue. Now λ det(A = −1/2 implies � � Now λ = 3/2 implies � −5/2 5/2 � A − λI = 1/2 . −5/2 1/2 5/2 . A − λI = −1/2 −1/2 Therefore, � � Therefore, � 1� v = 1 v1 1= 1 −1 is an eigenvector for λ = 3/2 and x1 (t) = e is one solution. Next, we need to look for a solution w of 3t/2 � 1 −1 � � 1 � 1 −1 is one solution. Next, we need to look for a solution w of (A − 3/2I) w = � � 1 . −1 Plugging in for A − 3/2I, this equation becomes 218 CHAPTER TWO� FIRST ORDER EQUATIONS � 3. SYSTEMS � OF � 1/2 1/2 1 w= . −1/2 −1/2 −1 We see that 3 2 1 –3 –2 –1 x1 2 1 3 4 0 is a solution of this equation. Therefore, � � 2 w= 2 0 1 –1 x2 (t) = te x2 –2 3t/2 –3 � � � � 2 10 24 3t/2 +e –1 −1 0 6 8 10 t is also a solution of our original system. Therefore, the general solution of the system is –2 � � � � � � �� –4 1 1 3t/2 3t/2 3t/2 2 x(t) = c1 e + c2 te +e . −1 −1 0 1 2 4 t2 6 8 10 1 x1 2 0 x2 1 –1 –2 –2 –1 0 –1 –3 –2 3.5. REPEATED EIGENVALUES The solutions tend to infinity as t → ∞. 213 7. The characteristic equation is (λ + 3)2 = 0. Therefore, the only eigenvalue is λ = −3. A 12. From our answer to problem we see that the general solution of this system is given corresponding eigenvector is given2,by by � � � � v1 = � 1 � � � �� 1 1 1 3t/2 3t/2 3t/2 2 x(t) = c1 e + c2 te +e . −1 −1 0 and � � −3t 1 � �x1 (t) = e 1 1 Now initial of condition x(0) Next, = implies is oneour solution the system. 3 we need to look for a solution w of � � 1 (A�+ 3I) � w =� 1� . � � 1 2 1 x(0) = c1 + c2 = . −1 0 3 Plugging in for A + 3I, this equation becomes � � � � 4 −4 1 w= . 4 −4 1 Therefore, c1 = −3 and c2 = 2. Therefore, We see that � � � � 1/4 � � � �� 1 w = 3t/2 1 3t/2 3t/2 2 0 x(t) = −3e + 2 te +e . −1 −1 0 is a solution of this equation. Therefore, � � � � � 3.5. REPEATED EIGENVALUES 0 1 2 3 4 219 5 t 1 t 2 3 4 5 0 20000 5 –2000 4 –4000 3 –6000 x2 10000 2 –8000 1 –1 0 15000 –10000 1 5000 –12000 2 3 x1 4 5 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 t 13. The characteristic equation0 is –2000 –4000 1 2 t 3 4 5 λ2 + (a + d)λ + ad − bc = 0. Therefore, the eigenvalues –6000 are a + d 1� ± (a + d)2 − 4(ad − bc). –10000 2 2 –8000 λ= –12000 In order to guarantee that the solution approaches zero, we need both eigenvalues to be negative. As we can see from the equation above for λ, we need a + d < 0 and ad − bc > 0. 14. 13. The characteristic equation is (a) The eigenvalues of this system are given by λ2 + (a + d)λ +√ad2− bc =2 0. 1 L − 4R CL λ=− ± . 2RC 2RCL Therefore, the eigenvalues are The eigenvalues will be realaand vanishes. The discriminant + d equal 1 �if the discriminant 2 λ 2= will vanish when L = 4R C. 2 ± 2 (a + d) − 4(ad − bc). (b) conditions, the solution system isapproaches zero, we need both eigenvalues to be In For orderthetogiven guarantee that the negative. As we can see from the equation above for λ, � � � � �we�need a + d < 0 and ad − bc > 0. d i 0 1/4 i = OF TWO FIRST . ORDER EQUATIONS 220 14. CHAPTER 3. SYSTEMS −1 −1 v dt v (a) characteristic The eigenvalues of this of system are given The equation this system is by λ2 + λ + 1/4 = 0. Therefore, the only √ is given by eigenvalue is λ = −1/2. An associated eigenvector 1� � L2 − 4R2 CL λ=− ± . 2RC 1 2RCL v1 = . −2 The eigenvalues will be real and equal if the discriminant vanishes. The discriminant Therefore, one solution is will vanish when Lof=this 4R2system C. � � 1 −t/2 (b) For the given conditions, thex1system (t) = eis . −2 � � � �� � d i 0 1/4 i Next, we need to look for a solution w of = . −1 v � dt v � � −1 � 1 1 A+ I w = . −2 2 Plugging in for A + 12 I, this equation becomes � � � � 1/2 1/4 1 w= . −1 −1/2 −2 We see that � � 0 1/2 1/4 1 . 2 y) =wx2=− 2xy −1 H(x, −1/2 −2 + 2y . We (c) see that � � 0 w= 4 is a solution of this equation. Therefore, x2 (t) = te−t/2 � �4 � � 1y −t/2 0 +e −2 2 4 is also a solution of our original system. Therefore, the2 general solution of the system is –4 –2 4 � � � � �x � �� 1 1 –2 −t/2 −t/2 −t/2 0 x(t) = c1 e + c2 te +e . 4 −2 −2 –4 The initial condition implies that c1 = 1 and c2 = 1. Therefore, the solution of the IVP is � � 1+t x(t) = e−t/2 . 2 − 2t in the counter-clockwise direction SYSTEMS along the trajectories shown above. 3.6. Solutions A BRIEFtravel INTRODUCTION TO NONLINEAR 221 (d) Solutions orbitequation the critical doThe not eigenvalues tend towards 15. The characteristic is λ2point. − pλ +They q = 0. areor away from the critical 3.6point.A Brief Introduction to Nonlinear Systems � √ p ± p2 − 4q p± ∆ λ= = . 2 2 1. 10. The results can be verified using Table 3.5.1. (a) To find all critical points, we need to solve the following system of equations. 16. dx dyx� = −x + y + dy x2 = 02y (a) If q > 0 and p < 0, then the roots are either=⇒ complex = −x, = −2y = conjugates with negative real dt dty � = y − 2xy =�dx x 0. � parts, or both real and negative. 1 1 =⇒ dy = 2 dx or y = 0. Plugging Solving we see thatimaginary. we musty have x = x1/2 (b) If q > 0 and the p = second 0, then equation, the roots are purely these values into the first equation, we see=⇒ thatlnthe points |y|critical = 2 ln |x| + C.are: (0, 0), (1, 0) and (c) if q <(1/2, 0, then the roots are real with λ · λ > 0. If p > 0, then either the roots are real 1 2 1/4). withApplying λ1 · λ2 ≥ the 0 orexponential the roots are complex conjugates with positive real parts. function to this equation, we conclude that y = Cx2 for any (b) From our equations for dx/dt and dy/dt, we see that solution of the system. That is, H(x, y) = y/x2 . dy y − 2xy = . (b) dx −x + y + x2 Rewriting this equation as (2xy − y)dx + (x2 − x + y)dy = 0, we see that this is an exact equation. For M = 2xy − y, we integrate M with respect to x. We conclude that the 4 level curves are given by H(x, y) = C where H(x, y) = x2 y − xy + h(y). Differentiating � 2 � with respect to y, we have Hy = x2 − x y+ h 2 (y) = N = x − x + y. Therefore, h (y) = y which implies that h(y) = y 2 /2. Therefore, –0.6 –0.4 –0.2 0 0.2 0.4 H(x, y) = x2 y − xy +x y 2 /2. –2 –4 (c) 3 2 y 1 –4 –2 0 2 4 x –1 0.6 17. behave like a saddle, and, therefore, (−1/2, 1) is also unstable. (a)14. The critical points are given by the solutions of the equations (a) To find the critical points, we need to solve y(2 − x − y) = 0 � −y = − x x− y=−2 2xy = 00. � 2 y = y − x = 0. The solutions of the first equation are y = 0 and x + y = 2. Plugging these values into√ By the first equation, we must have y √ = 2. By the second equation, we √ have x =√± 2. √ the second we conclude that the critical points are (0, 0), (1 − 2, 1 + 2), √ equation, Therefore, the √ two critical points are ( 2, 2) and (− 2, 2). and (1 + 2, 1 − 2). (b) (b) 3 4 2 y y 2 1 –4 0 –2 2 4 x –2 –1 –2 1 x 2 –1 234 –4 CHAPTER 3. SYSTEMS OF TWO FIRST ORDER EQUATIONS √ (c) The trajectories near the critical point √ ( 2, 2) tend away from the critical point. The trajectories near the critical point (− 2, 2) spiral into the critical point. (c) Based on the phase (0, 0) is an asymptotically stable spiral √ portrait, √ we conclude √ that √ point, while (1 − 2, 1 + 2) and (1 + 2, 1 − 2) are saddle points. 15. 236 CHAPTER 3. SYSTEMS OF TWO FIRST ORDER EQUATIONS 18.(a) The critical points are given by the solutions of the equations (a) The critical points are given by the solutions of 0the equations x(1 − x − y) = � � 1 + x)(y 1 −3x) = 0 (2 − y − x = 0. y 2 + 4x − x42 ) = 0. y(2 (b) (b) The solutions theequations, second equation y= x = 2 and x = are −1. given Plugging these Solving these of two we see are that the0, critical points by (0, 0), values (0, 2), into the first equation, we conclude that the critical points are (0, 0), (2, 2), (−1, −1) (1/2, 1/2) and (1, 0). and (−2, 0). 4 4 y y –4 –4 –2 –2 2 2 0 0 2 2 x x 4 4 –2 –2 –4 –4 and (−2, 0) are saddle and (c) Based on the phase portrait, portrait, we we conclude conclude that that (0, all0) trajectories starting near points the origin (2, 2) and Therefore, (−1, −1) are points. point (0, 2), the trajectories diverge. (0,asymptotically 0) is unstable. stable Near spiral the critical approach the critical point. Similarly, near (1, 0), trajectories approach the critical 19.