Control Point a s s o c i a t e s, i n c. traditional methods | modern approaches professional l and surve ying a n d c on s ult i n g serv i c e s C ONTROL POINT ASSOCIATES, INC., was founded in 1992 in response to a growing need for quality survey documents provided in a cost effective and time efficient manner. Over the years, Control Point has demonstrated its reputation as a leader in the surveying industry. Outside of our main headquarters and branch locations, we have our team of remote field crews strategically located throughout the Eastern United States ensuring accessibility and extensive market coverage. Creating strategic partnerships with key clientele allows Control Point the unique opportunity to offer a variety of land surveying and consulting services to meet the demands of the ever changing marketplace. Integrity, quality assurance, customer service and reliability are the benchmarks of Control Point’s excellence which continue to enable our organization to successfully service our expanding client base and market diversity. QUALITY ● R E P U TAT I O N Control Point’s clientele include national and regional corporations, real-estate developers, law firms, lending institutions, state and municipal agencies, construction companies and civil engineering, architectural and environmental firms. Our surveys provide the foundation for thousands of land development documents and are universally recognized for their comprehensiveness and superb quality. ● EXPERIENCE Our success originates from the professional growth and retention of our skilled Project Management Team who collectively have over 250 years of surveying experience. These skilled dynamic professionals consistently provide streamlined, economical solutions while delivering an outstanding value and quality product. Our Project Managers and Project Teams possess a wealth of knowledge and commitment to excellence to ensure your project’s success from proposal initiation to project completion. I N N O VAT I V E ● DYNAMIC ● U N PA R A L L E L E D LIST OF SERVICES Control Point a s s o c i a t e s, i n c. ● Boundary Surveys, Topographic & Utility Surveys ● Architectural Surveys ● Riparian Surveys ● ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys ● Subdivisions & Lot Consolidation Plats ● Construction Layout ● Anchor Bolt/Steel Framing Plans ● Interior and Exterior Architectural Building, As-Builts and Space Validation ● Façade Surveys ● Monitoring Structural & Ground ● Monitoring Well Location and Certifications ● Wetland Locations ● Aerial Ground Control & Photogrammetry ● Hydrographic Surveys ● Geodetic Control Surveys ● NYC Builders Pavement Plans ● R.O.W. & Route Surveys ● FEMA Elevation Certificates ● Property and Easement Descriptions ● As-Built & Final Surveys ● Lot Compilation Sketches ● 3D Renderings ● AutoCad Draing Control Point a s s o c i a t e s, i n c. ME VT NH NY MA CT RI PA NJ MD DC DE WV VA NC SC H E A D Q U A RT E R S BRANCH OFFICE Mount Bethel Corporate Center 35 Technology Drive 1st Floor Warren, NJ 07059 New Britain Corporate Center 1600 Manor Drive Suite 120 Chalfont, PA 18914 Tel: 908.668.0099 Tel: 215.712.9800 Fax: 908.668.9595 Fax: 215.712.9802 W W W. C PA S U R V E Y. C O M