TELEPRODUCTION TEST VOLUME 1 NUMBER 11 VIDEO FREQUENCY RESPONSE This issue returns to the use of video test signals to show the test signals used to check video frequency response in equipment and transmission links. Frequency response is gauged by plotting the output voltage amplitude of a device or system under test versus applied frequency. For example, a device designed to handle the NTSC signal should have uniform output over the range of zero Hz (dc) to 4.2 MHz. A device with uniform output, of let’s say 1V p-p, over this range is said to be flat because a graph plotted of output voltage versus frequency would appear as a straight line as shown in Figure 11-1. From a technical point of view, response is considered flat until the output falls to the half-power value (3 dB down in voltage) which means that output voltage falls to 0.707 of that measured at some reference frequency (often mid-range). Thus Figure 11-1 shows a “flat” amplifier to 4.2 MHz because the measured output falls to 70.7% at 4.2 MHz. Available test signals use one of three methods to gauge response. A point-by-point plot uses a CW (continuous wave) test signal whose frequency can be varied manually. The method is somewhat laborious and is seldom used. The multiburst signal plants six bursts of signals on each (or selected) raster line for a sort of “spot check” evaluation of response at selected key frequencies. And the sweep technique varies signal frequency over the designated range at the field rate to actually draw the frequency response on a scope or waveform monitor display. Multiburst Multiburst has long been used for a quick check of facilities after a major cabling change has been made. It is also extremely useful as an “inservice” test because the signal can be inserted into a designated line in the vertical blanking interval. This action permits tests to be conducted without interfering with program material. Multiburst is part of the FCC approved VITS (Vertical Internal Test Signal) and is placed on line 17 of Field 1. These signals can be seen in network broadcast signals. Figure 11-2 shows the multiburst waveform from the Leader Model 411 using a waveform monitor set for 1H sweep. It contains a calibration squarewave to the left of the first burst to act as a calibrating reference. The bursts are at 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.58 (subcarrier) Figure 11-1. Frequency response is a graph of signal voltage versus frequency. Figure 11-2. Multiburst waveform. Figure 11-3. Multiburst waveform, 2H display with FLAT filter (left) and IRE filter (right). Figure 11-4. Video sweep signal at the 1V sweep rate. Note the presence of V sync and blanking. and 4.2 MHz. Amplitude is 100 IRE (p-p) in this case but 50% amplitude is preferred where amplitude limiting in the device may distort the waveform (and give an erroneous picture of flat response). Some generators provide continuously variable amplitude. A practical example of the use of multiburst is shown in Figure 11-3 which shows the WFM with the IRE filter activated. Note that response is down to 0 IRE at 3.58 MHz. Multiburst frequencies vary in some cases. For example, the top burst in the Model 411 is 4.2 MHz and in the Model 430 is 7 MHz. In Model 408, the last burst in the FIXed mode is 4.2 MHz and in the VARiable mode can be adjusted from 0.1 to 15 MHz with the frequency indicated on the LCD screen. Video Sweep The sweep signal sweeps through the frequency range of interest at a low repetition rate; for video sweeps, the rate is synchronized to the vertical field rate. Thus the sweep starts out at the lowest frequency at the top of the picture and progresses through the range to end at the highest frequency at the bottom of the picture. Although the field rate sweep gives a detailed picture of frequency response, it must be employed when a system is out of service. To view the sweep signal, the scope or WFM should be set up for 1V or 2V display. Figure 11-6 shows a composite sweep signal from the 408 which includes normal sync, blanking and burst using the WFM set for a 1V sweep. Because you are looking at an envelope of sinewaves whose frequency varies continuously, the response curve is represented by the outline of the top (or bottom) edge of the sweep waveform. The sweep frequency range starts below 0.1 MHz and sweeps up to 5 MHz. Frequency Markers The response shown in Figure 11-5 is almost meaningless unless you can identify frequencies at various key points on the curve. The curve is “marked” by a heterodyne process whereby fixedfrequency internal signals are compared with the Figure 11-5. Flat frequency response with “drop-out” markers. Figure 11-6. 15 MHz sweep from Model 408 shows WFM response. 42 Figure 11-7. VCR playback shows substantially flat response to 2 MHz with separate chroma response centered at 3.58 MHz. Figure 11-10. Line rate sweep with markers at 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 3.58 and 4.5 MHz. sweep frequency and the detection of a zero beat at coincidence creates a pulse that effectively chops a hole in the sweep output at the marker frequency. These are called “drop-out” markers because they appear on the waveform in the same way that drop-outs appear in VCRs due to missing oxide on the tape surface or dust that lifts the tape off the head surface. The response is marked in Figure 11-7 with fixed “drop-outs” at 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.58, 3.8 and 4.2 MHz. Model 408 also produces a wide band, 0.3-15 MHz sweep. Figure 11-6 shows this sweep. This sweep is marked at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 MHz. Note that response is substantially flat to 8 MHz and begins to trail off above that. This represents the response of the waveform monitor itself. Use of composite sweep which includes normal sync, blanking, setup and burst permits video output components such as VTRs and VCRs Figure 11-8. An example of START-STOP sweep at to sweep 2 to 6 Hz to cover the CHROMA response of the WFM. Figure 11-9. Non-composite sweep. Note the absence of sync and blanking. Figure 11 - 11. Appearance of line-rate sweep on the picture monitor shows how markers are inserted. 43 to be swept for frequency response. The VCR needs sync to lock the scanner servo and some VCRs automatically alter video bandwidth to accommodate monochrome (no burst) and color (burst present) operation. Figure 11-7 shows a video sweep that has been recorded and then played back on a VHS VCR in the color mode (burst present). Note that there are really two response curves, one for luminance (Y) signal and another, centered at 3.58 MHz for the chroma signal that is processed separately in the VCR. and appear superimposed on the waveform. Figure 11-10 shows the line rate sweep signal produced by Model 435B. It is viewed on the WFM on the 1H sweep. The markers are at 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 3.58 and 4.5 MHz. Figure 11-11 shows how the line rate sweep appears on the screen of the picture monitor. You can see the raster lines that carry the markers. Theoretically, the line rate sweep cannot extend as deeply into the lower frequencies. However, the low frequency limits are very nearly the same. The component/composite generator, Model 425A offers line rate sweeps for the components Y, B-Y, R-Y, GBR as well as the NTSC composite signal. For Y, B-Y, R-Y the sweep range is 0.2 to 5.6 MHz for Y (CH1) and 0.1 to 2.8 MHz for B-Y and R-Y (CH2 and 3). Figure 11-12 shows a parade display of Y, B-Y, R-Y (from left to right) using channels 1 to 3 of the Model 5222 Component/Composite Waveform Monitor. This allows both the wide band Y channel and the two narrower band chroma channels to be gauged separately. Some sweep generators offer STA RT- S TO P operation in which the low and high end CHROM filter of the WFM has been selected and the start and stop controls set to approximately 2 and 6 MHz respectively to sweep the restricted range of the chroma bandpass filter. The markers are at 2, 3, 3.58, 3.8, 4.2 and 6 MHz. Leader Model 430 from which Figure 11-8 was made features START-STOP sweep. Composite Non-Composite In some cases, the presence of standard sync, blanking, setup and burst interferes with response checks. This is so in circuits that do not normally handle these signals. Examples are in the preamps of cameras and the video head preamps in VCRs. Here a non-composite sweep is needed as shown in Figure 11-9. To view this waveform, it is necessary to trigger the scope or WFM externally and the sweep generator always provides a trigger feed for this purpose. Model 430 offers non-composite sweep. Line-Rate Sweep Some generators such as Leader’s Model 435B offer a line-rate sweep. This sweep starts at the end of H blanking and finishes at the end of the active line. Markers are added in separate lines Figure 11-12. Parade display of Y, B-Y, R-Y line sweep. LEADER VIDEO GENERATORS WITH VIDEO SWEEP OPERATION MODEL SWEEP WIDTH (MHz) MARKERS (MHz) 408 Band 1 Band 2 0.1-5 Full 0.3-15 Full 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 3.68, 4.2 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 430 0.1-10 S.S. 0.1, l, 2, 3, 3.58, 3.8, 4.0, 4.2, 4.5, 5.5, 6, 7.5, 6, 7.5, 8.5, 10 0.5 Full 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 3.58, 4.5 0.2-5.6 Full 0.1-2.8 Full 0.1-2.8 Full 0.2-5.6 Full 0.2-5.6 Full 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 0.25, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 0.25. 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 LINE SWEEP 435B 425A Y B-Y R-Y GBR Composite 44