WHO’S WHO Permanent Representation of Italy to the EU 1 PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVES .................................................................... 3 COREPER II .................................................................................................... 4 Coreper II Coordination, European Council, General Affairs and Foreign Affairs Councils ...................................................................................................... 5 Economic and Financial Affairs .......................................................................... 6 Justice and Home Affairs .................................................................................. 8 Trade Policy ................................................................................................. 10 Regional Policy and Structural Funds ............................................................... 12 COREPER I ................................................................................................... 13 Coreper I Coordination and EPSCO, COMPET, TTE, AGRIFISH, ENVI e EYCS Councils Coordination .............................................................................................. 14 Competitiveness and Industrial Policy .............................................................. 15 Transports, Telecommunications and Energy .................................................... 18 Agriculture and Fisheries................................................................................ 21 Environment ................................................................................................ 22 Employment, Social Policies, Health ................................................................ 24 Education, Culture, Youth and Sport ................................................................ 26 COPS – PESC/PSDC ...................................................................................... 27 PSC, CFSP-CSDP Coordination ........................................................................ 28 Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) ................................................... 31 Military Committee ........................................................................................ 34 HORIZONTAL SERVICES ............................................................................... 35 Press Office ................................................................................................. 35 Organizational Coordination of the Presidency .................................................. 35 Italian Delegation at the Council ....................................................................................... 36 Legal Office .................................................................................................. 38 Relations with the European Parliament ........................................................... 39 Italian Staff at the EU Institutions ................................................................... 40 Infringiments and State Aid............................................................................ 41 Committee of the Regions and the European Economic and Social Committee ...... 43 Human Resources ......................................................................................... 44 ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISTICS ............................................................. 45 Accounting Office .......................................................................................... 45 2 PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVES Stefano SANNINO Ambassador Permanent Representative Secretary of the Permanent Representative Tel. +32 2 22 00 440 email: rp@rpue.esteri.it Marco PERONACI Ambassador Deputy Permanent Representative Secretary of the Deputy Permanent Representative Tel. +32 2 22 00 469/411 email: rpa@rpue.esteri.it Alessandro CORTESE Ambassador Permanent Representative to the PSC Secretary of the Permanent Representative to the PSC Tel. + 32 2 22 00 548 email: pesd@rpue.esteri.it 3 COREPER II Stefano SANNINO Ambassador Permanent Representative Tel. +32 2 22 00 440 Office of the Permanent Representative Maria Rosaria IORIO Secretary Coordinator Tel. +32 2 22 00 440 email: rp@rpue.esteri.it Paola PADOVANI Tel. +32 2 22 00 440 email: rp@rpue.esteri.it Maria Assunta BARBERI Tel. +32 2 22 00 440 email: rp@rpue.esteri.it 4 Coreper II Coordination, European Council, General Affairs and Foreign Affairs Councils Maurizio GREGANTI Antici Coordination of the Permanent Representation COREPER II Institutional issues Tel. +32 2 22 00 438 email: antici@rpue.esteri.it Valentina BARBAGALLO Coordination COREPER II – Institutional issues Tel. +32 2 22 00 603 Giuseppe CIRILLO Deputy Antici Coordination of the Permanent Representation COREPER II Tel. +32 2 22 00 545 email: coord@rpue.esteri.it Coordination office Tel. +32 2 22 00 437 email: antici@rpue.esteri.it email: coord@rpue.esteri.it Elise HANCOTTE Secretary coordination Tiziana D’ANGELO Coordination of the Presidency Semester Tel. +32 2 22 00 425 email: coord@rpue.esteri.it Silvana BISI Documents 5 Economic and Financial Affairs Luigi DISANTO Ecofin coordinator Economic and Financial Affairs Tel. +32 2 22 00 580 email: uem@rpue.esteri.it Col. GdiF Massimiliano MORA Protection of EU Financial Interests, Fraud Prevention, Counterfeiting, Economic and Financial Offences Tel. +32 2 22 00 509 email: antifrode@rpue.esteri.it Fabrizio TIDONA Economic and Financial Affairs Tel. +32 2 22 00 518 email: uem@rpue.esteri.it Filippo CANGEMI Budget, Financial perspectives Agrifin. Agriculture funds Committee Tel. +32 2 22 00 452 email: bilancio@rpue.esteri.it Gabriele ANNOLINO Fiscal Policy Tel. +32 2 22 00 565 email: fisc@rpue.esteri.it Sebastiano LAVIOLA Financial services Tel. +32 2 22 00 428 email: finanza@rpue.esteri.it 6 Carla STAMEGNA Financial services Tel: +32 2 22 00 441 email: finanza@rpue.esteri.it email: dirsoc@rpue.esteri.it Coordination office Paola PAJNO Budget Tel. +32 2 22 00 634 Annarita TONET Financial services Tel: +32 2 22 00 428 email: finanza@rpue.esteri.it Luca BARANI Budget Tel. +32 2 22 00 602 Laura SAURO Economic and Financial Affairs Tel. +32 2 22 00 643 email. uem@rpue.esteri.it Sandro LE NOCI Customs Policy and cooperation Tel: +32 2 22 00 538 email: dogane@rpue.esteri.it Federica LIBERATORE Fiscal Policy Tel. +32 2 22 00 624 email: fisc@rpue.esteri.it Lina PROCINO Secretary Tel. +32 2 22 00 530 Email uem@rpue.esteri.it 7 Justice and Home Affairs Bruno SEVERA Police cooperation Tel. + 32 2 22 00 544 email: gai@rpue.esteri.it Filippo COLOMBO Justice and Home Affairs coordinator Tel. +32 2 22 00 591 email: gai@rpue.esteri.it Giulio DI BLASI Immigration, borders, asylum and visa Tel. +32 2 22 00 613 Luca DE MATTEIS Judicial cooperation in criminal matters Tel. +32 2 22 00 543 email: gai@rpue.esteri.it Gennaro CAPO Immigration, borders, asylum and visa Tel. +32 2 22 00 586 email: gai@rpue.esteri.it Sandro MENICHELLI HDG, TWP, LEWP, Schengen, Frontiere, COSI, CATS Tel. +32 2 22 00 557 email: gai@rpue.esteri.it Paolo BRUNO Judicial Cooperation in Public Matters Tel. +32 2 22 00 561 email: gai@rpue.esteri.it Nicola SALVATORE Police cooperation Tel. +32 2 22 00 481 email: gai@rpue.esteri.it Valeria SILVESTRI Civil Protection Tel. +32 2 22 00 573 email: protciv@rpue.esteri.it Oronzo CONSOLE Police cooperation Tel. + 32 2 22 00 451 email: gai@rpue.esteri.it Carlo FERRARI Police cooperation Tel +32 2 22 00 563 email: gai@rpue.esteri.it 8 Coordination office Severo MASTRONARDI Secretary Justice and Home Affairs Tel. +32 2 22 00 505/569 email: gai@rpue.esteri.it Patrizia MARUCCI Secretary Justice and Home Affairs Tel. +32 2 22 00 505/569 email: gai@rpue.esteri.it 9 Trade Policy Coordination office Fabrizio LUCENTINI Trade Policy Coordinator Tel. +32 2 22 00 450 email: releco@rpue.esteri.it Cosimo AVESANI Trade Policy, Horizontal Issues, Relations with the European Parliament Tel. +32 2 22 00 601 Email: releco@rpue.esteri.it Stefano SANTACROCE Trade Policy, Base Products, SPG Tel. +32 2 22 00 464 email: releco@rpue.esteri.it Rosella CIANCHELLI Secretary Trade Policy Tel. +32 2 22 00 429 email: releco@rpue.esteri.it Gioacchino CATANZARO Economic and Trade Relations Tel. +32 2 22 00 527 email: releco@rpue.esteri.it Federico EICHBERG Trade Policy, Export Credit, Dual Use, Services and Investments Tel. +32 2 22 00 660 email: releco@rpue.esteri.it 10 Development Cooperation Daniela TONON Development Cooperation Coordination Tel. +32 2 22 00 484 email: coop@rpue.esteri.it Anna ZAMBRANO EU Development Cooperation Programmes (EDF), Humanitarian and emergency Aid, Blending Facilities Tel. +32 2 22 00 533 email: coop@rpue.esteri.it email: acp@rpue.esteri.it Sara MONTERISI Development Cooperation Tel. +32 2 22 00 631 email: coop@rpue.esteri.it Coordination office Silvia CICCARESE Logistics and Administrative Coordination Tel. +32 2 22 00 578 email: coop@rpue.esteri.it email: acp@rpue.esteri.it Franco CONZATO Senior Advisor Tel. +32 2 22 00 611 email: coop@rpue.esteri.it email: franco.conzato@esteri.it Anna Maria DOMENICI EU Development Cooperation Programmes (DCI, ENI, IPA) and relations with the private sector Tel. +32 2 22 00 413 email: coop@rpue.esteri.it 11 Regional Policy and Structural Funds Rossella RUSCA Regional Policy Structural Funds Territorial Cooperation Tel. + 32 2 22 00 491 email: profin@rpue.esteri.it Gilda CARBONE Regional Policy Structural Funds Territorial Cooperation Tel. + 32 2 22 00 652 email: profin@rpue.esteri.it 12 COREPER I Marco PERONACI Ambassador to COREPER I Deputy Permanent Representative Tel. +32 2 22 00 469 email: rpa@rpue.esteri.it Office of the Deputy Permanent Representative Maria Luisa PRICOLO Assistant to the Ambassador to COREPER I and the Mertens Team Tel. +32 2 22 00 469 email: rpa@rpue.esteri.it Ilaria LOJODICE Assistant to the Ambassador to COREPER I and the Mertens Team Tel +32 2 22 00 625 Email: logisticacoreper1@rpue.esteri.it Maria Cristina SCARFIA Communication Strategies and Press Tel. +32 2 22 00 644 email: comcoreper1@rpue.esteri.it 13 Coreper I Coordination and EPSCO, COMPET, TTE, AGRIFISH, ENVI e EYCS Councils Coordination Carlo JACOBUCCI Mertens COREPER I Coordinator Europe 2020 Strategy Tel. +32 2 22 00 537 email: mertens@rpue.esteri.it Coordination office Maria Luisa PRICOLO Assistant to the Ambassador to COREPER I and the Mertens Team Tel. +32 2 22 00 469 email: logisticacoreper1@rpue.esteri.it Vito PAGANELLI Deputy Mertens COREPER I Coordination Tel. +32 2 22 00 528 email: mertens@rpue.esteri.it Ilaria LOJODICE Assistant to the Ambassador to COREPER I and the Mertens Team Tel. +32 2 22 00 625 Email: logisticacoreper1@rpue.esteri.it Cristiano GALLI Documents Tel. +32 2 22 00 446 Email: logisticacoreper1@rpue.esteri.it 14 Competitiveness and Industrial Policy COMPETITIVENESS Francesco PICCARRETA Consumers Group Tel. +32 2 22 00 638 email: francesco.piccarreta@mise.gov.it Michele CECCHI Competitiveness sector Coordinator Tel. +32 2 22 00 486 email: michele.cecchi@esteri.it Vanessa POLILLO Technical harmonisation Tel. + 32 2 2200 492 email: normtec@rpue.esteri.it Gaetano DE SALVO Internal Market, Public Procurement, Intellectual Property, Mutual Recognition of Qualifications Tel. +32 2 22 00 454 email: appalti@rpue.esteri.it email: mercatointerno@rpue.esteri.it email: propint@rpue.esteri.it email: titolprof@rpue.esteri.it Carla STAMEGNA Company Law and Corporate Governance Tel. +32 2 22 00 441 email: dirsoc@rpue.esteri.it Gaetano MOCCIA Enterprise Policy, Consumer Policy and Insurance, Tourism Tel. +32 2 22 00 487 email: industria@rpue.esteri.it email: assicur@rpue.esteri.it email: turismo@rpue.esteri.it email: consom@rpue.esteri.it 15 Sandro LE NOCI Customs Policy and Cooperation Tel. +32 2 22 00 538 email: dogane@rpue.esteri.it Coordination office Alberto LAMPASONA Technical harmonisation, Industrial Policy Tel. +32 2 22 00 623 email: normtec@rpue.esteri.it email: industria@rpue.esteri.it Luca MORETTI Research and Innovation Tel. +32 2 22 00 495 email: ricerca@rpue.esteri.it Anna LUPI Internal Market, Space Tel. +32 2 22 00 626 email: appalti@rpue.esteri.it email: mercatointerno@rpue.esteri.it email: propint@rpue.esteri.it email: titolprof@rpue.esteri.it email: spazio@rpue.esteri.it Pier Francesco MORETTI Research and Innovation Tel. +32 2 22 00 632 email: ricerca@rpue.esteri.it Marina CATALLOZZI Consumer Policy, Tourism Tel. +32 2 22 00 487 email: marina.catallozzi@agcm.it Michele MIELE Space Tel. +32 2 22 00 577 email: spazio@rpue.esteri.it 16 Coordination office Gabriella ZAHRADNICZKY Assistant (Industrial Policy, Consumers Policy, Internal Market, Technical harmonization) Tel. +32 2 22 00 408/529 email: mercatointerno@rpue.esteri.it email: propint@rpue.esteri.it email: industria@rpue.esteri.it email: normtec@rpue.esteri.it Pasqualina PROCINO Secretariat (Company Law and Customs) Tel. +32 2 22 00 530 Email: dogane@rpue.esteri.it Lia CHESSA Administrative collaboration (Industrial Policy, Consumers Policy, Internal Market, Technical harmonization) Tel. +32 2 22 00 408/529 email: industria@rpue.esteri.it email: normtec@rpue.esteri.it email: appalti@rpue.esteri.it email: titolprof@rpue.esteri.it Teodora ANSUINI Secretariat (Research and Innovation, Space) Tel. +32 2 22 00 592 email: ricerca@rpue.esteri.it email: spazio@rpue.esteri.it 17 Transports, Telecommunications and Energy Marco LANDOLFI Transports, Telecommunications and Energy Coordinator Tel. + 32 2 22 00 431 email: marco.landolfi@esteri.it Fabrizio GENTILI Telecommunications and Information Society, Audiovisual, Postal Services Tel. +32 2 22 00 574 email: av@rpue.esteri.it email: tlc@rpue.esteri.it Angelo RICCI Maritime and Aerial Transports, TEN-T, State Aid and Horizontal Issues Tel. + 32 2 22 00 445/427 email: traspmare@rpue.esteri.it Andrea LO PRESTI Conventional Energy, Nuclear Issues, EURATOM Tel. + 32 2 22 00 599 email: energia@rpue.esteri.it Piercarlo DI DOMENICO Maritime Transports Tel. +32 2 22 00 615 Email: traspmare@rpue.esteri.it Giuseppe IZZO Road, Rail Transports, TEN-T Tel. +32 2 22 00 459 email: trasp@rpue.esteri.it 18 Antonio ERRIGO Maritime Transports Tel. +32 2 22 00 427 email: traspmare@rpue.esteri.it Carolina VARAZZANI Aerial Transports Tel. +32 2 22 00 646 email: traspmare@rpue.esteri.it William CALLEGARI Aerial Transports Tel. +32 2 22 00 608 Email: traspmare@rpue.esteri.it Coordination office Marcello BELTRAMI PIAGGIO Road, Rail Transports, TEN-T Tel. +32 2 22 00 637 email: trasp@rpue.esteri.it email: marcello.beltrami@esteri.it Melissa PROIETTI Energy Tel. + 32 2 22 00 641 email: energia@rpue.esteri.it Carlo Giuseppe IMARISIO Telecommunications and Information Society, Audiovisual, Postal Services Tel. +32 2 22 00 620 email: tlc@rpue.esteri.it email: av@rpue.esteri.it email: carlo.imarisio@esteri.it Laura CECCARELLI Energy Tel. + 32 2 22 00 641 email: energia@rpue.esteri.it 19 Livia BRANDOLINO Secretary Energy, Budget, Balcans and Eastern Europe email: tlc@rpue.esteri.it email: trasp@rpue.esteri.it Tel. + 32 2 22 00 547/579 Maria Nadia BICEGO Secretary Tellecomunications, Audiovisuals, Postal Services email: tlc@rpue.esteri.it email: trasp@rpue.esteri.it Tel. + 32 2 22 00 547/579 Maurizio COSANNI Secretary Transports, Telecommunications Tel. + 32 2 22 00 547/579 email: tlc@rpue.esteri.it email: trasp@rpue.esteri.it Sandra DI BATTISTA Secretary Transports, Telecommunications email: tlc@rpue.esteri.it email: trasp@rpue.esteri.it Tel. + 32 2 22 00 547/579 20 Agriculture and Fisheries Gennaro PISCOPO Agricultural Sector Tel. +32 2 22 00 493 email: agri@rpue.esteri.it Coordination office Anne MARCHAL Secretary Agricultural Sector and Fisheries Tel. +32 2 22 00 476 email: agri@rpue.esteri.it Francesca CIONCO Agricultural Sector and Rural Development Tel. +32 2 22 00 552 email: agri@rpue.esteri.it Damiano LI VECCHI Agricultural Sector Tel. +32 2 22 00 575 email: agri@rpue.esteri.it Alessandra DE NARDO Fisheries Tel. +32 2 22 00 612 email: pesca@rpue.esteri.it Francesco TROPEA Agricultural Sector Tel. +32 2 22 00 657 email: agri@rpue.esteri.it 21 Environment Roberta DI LECCE Climate Change Tel. +32 2 22 00 488 email: ambiente@rpue.esteri.it Emanuela SARDELLETTI Climate Change Tel. +32 2 22 00 642 email: ambiente@rpue.esteri.it Tania VENTURELLI Environment Tel. +32 2 22 00 589 email: ambiente@rpue.esteri.it Veronica VECCHIO Environment Tel. +32 2 22 00 647 email: ambiente@rpue.esteri.it Maria Claudia MARINI Environment – International Groups Tel. +32 2 22 00 519 email: ambiente@rpue.esteri.it Ufficio di Coordination Martina CONTON Communication and Horizontal Issues Tel. +32 2 22 00 610 email: ambiente@rpue.esteri.it 22 Rosella CIANCHELLI Secretary Environment Tel. +32 2 22 00 488 email: ambiente@rpue.esteri.it 23 Employment, Social Policies, Health Tatiana ESPOSITO Employment Policies Equal Opportunities Policies Tel. +32 2 22 00 447 email: lavocc@rpue.esteri.it Gilberto PELOSI Employment Policies Social Policies Equal Opportunities Policies Tel. +32 2 22 00 635 email: polsoc@rpue.esteri.it Germana VIGLIETTA Social Policies Equal Opportunities Policies Tel. +32 2 22 00 418 email: polsoc@rpue.esteri.it Pierdavide LECCHINI Health, Pharmaceuticals (Veterinary and Foodstuffs) Tel. +32 2 22 00 523 email: sanita@rpue.esteri.it email: vet@rpue.esteri.it Claudio SPADON Employment Policies Social Policies Equal Opportunities Policies Tel. +32 2 22 00 526 email: lavocc@rpue.esteri.it Ghebremedhin GHEBREIGZABIHER Health, Pharmaceuticals (Veterinary and Foodstuffs) Tel. +32 2 22 00 415 email: sanita@rpue.esteri.it email: vet@rpue.esteri.it 24 Andrea DIONISI Veterinary Tel. +32 2 2200 614 email: vet@rpue.esteri.it Silvia BELLINI Health, Pharmaceuticals (Veterinary and Foodstuffs) Tel. +32 2 22 00 649 email: sanita@rpue.esteri.it email: vet@rpue.esteri.it Luisa MARCONI Health, Pharmaceuticals (Veterinary and Foodstuffs) Tel. +32 2 22 00 628 email: sanita@rpue.esteri.it email: vet@rpue.esteri.it Valentina ZAMPIERI Health, Pharmaceuticals (Veterinary and Foodstuffs) Tel. +32 2 22 00 648 email: sanita@rpue.esteri.it email: vet@rpue.esteri.it 25 Education, Culture, Youth and Sport Fabrizio COLACECI Coordination Culture, Education, European Schools, Vocational Training and Youth, Sport Tel. +32 2 22 00 542 email: istr@rpue.esteri.it email: giov@rpue.esteri.it email: sport@rpue.esteri.it email: cultur@pue.esteri.it Coordination office Chiara BORTOLUZZI Culture and Cultural Events Tel. +32 2 22 00 605 email: cultur@pue.esteri.it Marcello LIMINA Education Tel +32 2 22 00 497 email: istr@rpue.esteri.it Secretary Teodora ANSUINI Secretary email: cultur@rpue.esteri.it email: istr@rpue.esteri.it Tel. + 32 2 22 00 592 Carlo PRESENTI Youth and Sport Tel. +32 2 22 00 460 email: giov@rpue.esteri.it email: sport@rpue.esteri.it 26 COPS – PESC/PSDC Alessandro CORTESE Ambassador Permanent Representative to the Political and Security Committee (PSC) Tel. + 32 2 22 00 548 email: pesd@rpue.esteri.it Office of the del Permanent Representative to the PSC Loredana CARBONI Tel. + 32 2 22 00 548 email: pesd@rpue.esteri.it Antonella CURCURUTO Tel. + 32 2 22 00 548 email: pesd@rpue.esteri.it 27 PSC, CFSP-CSDP Coordination Maurizio CANFORA Deputy PSC Representative Tel. +32 2 22 00 470 email: pesd@rpue.esteri.it Coordination office Giuseppe FAMÀ PSC – External Relations Tel. + 32 2 22 00 617 email: pesd@rpue.esteri.it Alberto COMITO Nicolaidis PSC Coordinator Tel. +32 2 22 00 467 email: pesd@rpue.esteri.it 28 Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) Francesco FORTE Africa African, Caribbean and Pacific countries (ACP) Tel. +32 2 22 00 456 email: africa@rpue.esteri.it email: acp@rpue.esteri.it Fabrizio LUCENTINI Transatlantic Relations Tel. +32 2 22 00 450 email: relta@rpue.esteri.it Tomaso Pietro MARCHEGIANI RELEX Tel.+32 2 22 00 566 email: pesc@rpue.esteri.it Jacopo MARTINO EFTA, Latin America, Human Rights Tel. +32 2 22 00 535 email: eftasee@rpue.esteri.it email: amlat@rpue.esteri.it Domenico BELLATO Mediterranean, Middle East, UPM Tel. + 32 2 22 00 489 email: med@rpue.esteri.it Giorgia DE PAROLIS Western Balcans and Enlargement Policy Tel. +32 2 22 00 595 email: balcani@rpue.esteri.it email: allarg@rpue.esteri.it 29 Mariomassimo SANTORO Eastern Europe and Central Asia (COEST) Tel. +32 2 22 00 424 email: csi@rpue.esteri.it Coordination office Dhana IRSARA Western Balcans and Enlargement Policy Tel. +32 2 22 00 621 email: balcani@rpue.esteri.it email: allarg@rpue.esteri.it Alberto COMITO Asia and Oceania Tel. +32 2 22 00 467 email: asia@rpue.esteri. Maria Nadia BICEGO Enlargement Policy Tel. + 32 2 22 00 547/579 email: allarg@rpue.esteri.it Misa LABARILE Communication strategies Tel. + 32 2 22 00 622 Email: misa.labarile@esteri.it Emanuela GULINO RELEX Tel.+32 2 22 00 618 email: pesc@rpue.esteri.it 30 Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) Maurizio CANFORA Civilian Aspects of Crisis Management (CIVCOM) Tel. +32 2 22 00 470 email: gestcrisi@rpue.esteri.it email: pesd@rpue.esteri.it Coordination office Giuseppe FAMÀ PSC Tel. + 32 2 22 00 617 Email: pesd@rpue.esteri.it Riccardo VILLA Politico-Military Group Maritime security and Cyber attaché Tel. +32 2 22 00 444 email: pesd@rpue.esteri.it Loredana CARBONI Secretary PCS email: pesd@rpue.esteri.it Tel. +32 2 22 00 583 Mariomassimo SANTORO Athena Special Committee Tel. +32 2 22 00 424 email: mariomassimo.santoro@esteri.it Antonella CURCURUTO Secretary PCS Tel. +32 2 22 00 583 email: pesd@rpue.esteri.it 31 Office of the Military Advisor Danilo MIGNOGNA First Warrant Officer Military Assistant Office of the Military Advisor Tel. +32 2 22 00 403 e-mail: danilo.mignogna@aeronautica.difesa.it Emilio FOLTZER Admiral Military Advisor Tel. +32 2 22 00 401 e-mail: italue.consmil@smd.difesa.it Walter IORIO Colonel Deputy Military Advisor Addetto per l'Esercito Tel. +32 2 22 00 402 e-mail: italue.viceconsmil@smd.difesa.it Tony GIULIANO Capo di 1ª classe (M.M.) Military Assistant Office of the Military Advisor Tel. +32 2 22 00 403 e-mail: italue.addsegr1@smd.difesa.it Erminio PIERANGELINI Colonel Representative of the General Secretariat of Defense NADREP Tel. +32 2 22 00 404 e-mail: nadrepue@sgd.difesa.it Salvatore QUARANTA Primo Maresciallo (M.M.) Military Assistant Office of the Military Advisor Tel. +32 2 22 00 490 e-mail: italue.addsegr2@smd.difesa.it 32 Emilio Oreste CAVALIERE Staff Sergeant (Military Police) Security Office of the Military Advisor Tel. +32 2 22 00 405 e-mail: emilio.cavaliere@carabinieri.it Luca DE LUCIA Corporal (Military Police) Responsible for Security Office of the Military Advisor Tel. +32 2 22 00 409 e-mail: italue.addsic2@smd.difesa.it 33 Military Committee Gen. Brig. CC Umberto ROCCA Brigadier General (Military Police) Italian Deputy Military Representative Tel. +32 2 73 80 561 email: italstaff.eu@smd.difesa.it email: is.deputyue@smd.difesa.it Andrea VIPERINI Colonel Ops and Exercise Branch Chief Military Committee Tel. +32 2 73 80 566 email: italstaff.eu@smd.difesa.it email: is.caposezoprue@smd.difesa.it Ettore SOCCI Captain (N) Policy and Concepts Branch Chief Tel. +32 2 73 80 564 email: italstaff.eu@smd.difesa.it email: is.caposezpolue@smd.difesa.it Vincenzo STELLA Colonel Military Capabilities Branch Chief Military Committee Tel. +32 2 73 80 578 email: italstaff.eu@smd.difesa.it email: is.caposezpianiforzeue@smd.difesa.it Domenico MOSCA Lieutenant Commander Secretariat Chief Tel. +32 2 73 80 563 email: italstaff.eu@smd.difesa.it email: is.caposegrue@smd.difesa.it Mario GRECO Commander Ops and Exercise Branch Staff Officer Tel. +32 2 73 80 570 email: italstaff.eu@smd.difesa.it email: is.ufadsezoprue@smd.difesa.it Giovanni MARANGON Lieutenant Colonel Military Capabilities Branch Staff Officer Tel. +32 2 73 80 579 email: italstaff.eu@smd.difesa.it email: is.ufadsezpianiforzeue@smd.difesa.it Alessandro DI TARANTO Major Policy and Concepts Branch Staff Officer Tel. +32 2 73 80 573 email: italstaff.eu@smd.difesa.it email: is.ufadsezpolue@smd.difesa.it 34 HORIZONTAL SERVICES Press Office Michelangelo NERINI Press Office Coordinator Spokesperson Tel. +32 2 22 00 432 Cel. +32 492 61 01 72 email: stampa@rpue.esteri.it Press Office Annarita LIPPIELLO Press Officer Tel. +32 2 22 00 596 GSM. +32 492 27 33 94 email: stampa@rpue.esteri.it Lorenzo REDOLFI TEZZAT Web and Media Monitoring, Logistics, Secretariat Tel. +32 2 22 00 422 email: stampa@rpue.esteri.it Davide D’URSO Web and Media Monitoring, Social Media Tel. +32 2 22 00 616 email: stampa@rpue.esteri.it 35 Organizational coordination of the Presidency Antonino MAGGIORE Presidency Organization and Planning Unit Coordinator Tel. +32 2 22 00 448 email: logisticapresidenza@rpue.esteri. it Coordination office Giulia CAPITANI Council Working Group Meeting, Interpreting, Logistics Tel. +32 2 22 00 609 email: logisticapresidenza@rpue.esteri. it Francesca CELANI Protocol Logistics Tel. +32 2 22 00 482 email: logisticapresidenza@rpue.esteri. it Italian Delegation at the Council Lucilla CIACCIA Secretary email: delegation.it@consilium.europa.eu Tel. +32 2 281.67.92 36 Communication Strategies Office Virginia MUCCHI Communication Strategies, Think Thanks, Public Events Tel. + 32 2 22 00 633 email: virginia.mucchi@esteri.it Misa LABARILE Communication Strategies Tel. +32 2 22 00 622 email: misa.labarile@esteri.it 37 Legal Office Ornella PORCHIA Legal Advisor Tel. +32 2 22 00 640 email: giur@rpue.esteri.it Coordination office Maria Nadia BICEGO Secretary Tel. +32 2 22 00 532 email: giur@rpue.esteri.it Rosalba STRIANI Legal Affairs Tel. + 32 2 22 00 645 email: giur@rpue.esteri.it 38 Relations with the European Parliament Gianluca SCHIRINZI Liaison Office with the European Parliament Tel. +32 2 22 00 559 email: pe@rpue.esteri.it Vito Marco PERFETTO Liaison Office with the European Parliament Tel. +32 2 22 00 636 email: pe@rpue.esteri.it Giuditta GIORGIO Liaison Office with the European Parliament Tel. +32 2 22 00 442 email: pe@rpue.esteri.it Coordination office Sandra DI BATTISTA Secretary Tel. +32 2 22 00 547/579 email: pe@rpue.esteri.it Emanuela ILARIO Liaison Office with the European Parliament Tel. +32 2 22 00 619 email: pe@rpue.esteri.it Maurizio COSANNI Secretary Tel. +32 2 22 00 547/579 email: pe@rpue.esteri.it 39 Italian Staff at the EU Institutions Antonino MAGGIORE Monitoring of Italian civil servants within the European Institutions Application of the EU officials Statute END (Seconded National Experts) and JED (Experts in the delegation), Erasmus PA Tel. +32 2 22 00 482 email: pers.ue@rpue.esteri.it email: stat@rpue.esteri.it email for END: pers.ue_end@rpue.esteri.it Francesca CELANI Secretary Tel. +32 2 22 00 482 email: pers.ue@rpue.esteri.it 40 Infringiments and State Aid Nicola MINASI Coordinator for Infringements, Competition and State Aid Tel. +32 2 22 00 473 email: concorrenza@rpue.esteri.it email : aiutistato@rpue.esteri.it email: giur@rpue.esteri.it Coordination office Carlo FEDI Infringiments Tel. +32 2 22 00 407 email: concorrenza@rpue.esteri.it email: aiutistato@rpue.esteri.it email: giur@rpue.esteri.it Giorgio PERINI State Aid Tel. +32 2 22 00 553 email: aiutistato@rpue.esteri.it email: giur@rpue.esteri.it Maurizio ANDRACCHIO Infringiments Tel. +32 2 22 00 407 email: concorrenza@rpue.esteri.it email: aiutistato@rpue.esteri.it email: giur@rpue.esteri.it Silvia BASCONI Infringiments Tel. +32 2 22 00 417 email: giur@rpue.esteri.it Remo TAVERNARI Infringiments Tel. +32 2 22 00 585 email: giur@rpue.esteri.it 41 Gabriella PUTRINO Secretary Coordination office for Infringements, Competition and State Aid Tel. +32 2 22 00 407 email: concorrenza@rpue.esteri.it email: aiutistato@rpue.esteri.it email: giur@rpue.esteri.it 42 Committee of the Regions and the European Economic and Social Committee Paola POMPERMAIER Liaison Office with the Committee of the Regions and the European Economic and Social Committee Tel. +32 2 22 00 639 email: ces@rpue.esteri.it email: polreg@rpue.esteri.it Maria Nadia BICEGO Secretary email: ces@rpue.esteri.it Tel. + 32 2 22 00 547/579 43 Human Resources Tiziana D’ANGELO Head of the Staff email: Pers@rpue.esteri.it Tel. +32 2 22 00 425 Lucia TORCIANO Human Resources email: Pers@rpue.esteri.it Tel. +32 2 22 00 463 Anna Maria CORPACI Human Resources email: Pers@rpue.esteri.it Tel. +32 2 22 00 453 Fabrizio Ranucci Human Resources email: Pers@rpue.esteri.it Tel. +32 2 22 00 449 44 ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISTICS Accounting Office Giovanni CAVAGNOLI Head of the Accounting Office email: amministrazione@rpue.esteri.it Tel. +32 2 22 00 582 Maria Domenica Lucia GERMINARIO Accounting Office email: amministrazione@rpue.esteri.it Tel. +32 2 22 00 465 Claire VILLAUME Accounting Office email: amministrazione@rpue.esteri.it Tel. +32 2 22 00 439 Paola GIUSTIBELLI Accounting Office and Missions email: amministrazione@rpue.esteri.it Tel. +32 2 22 00 581 Teresa NOTARNICOLA Accounting Office email: amministrazione@rpue.esteri.it Tel. +32 2 22 00 478 Emanuele LISO Accounting Office email: amministrazione@rpue.esteri.it Tel. +32 2 22 00 462 45