EMC’14/Tokyo 15A-H1 Magnetic Shielding of Wireless Power Transfer Systems Tommaso Campi, Silvano Cruciani Mauro Feliziani Department of Industrial and Information Engineering and Economics University of L’Aquila L’Aquila, Italy ncampi@alice.it , silvano.cruciani@univaq.it , mauro.feliziani@univaq.it Abstract—This paper deals with the magnetic shielding of the field generated by a wireless power transfer (WPT) system at the frequency of 20 kHz. Different shielding techniques are examined and discussed based on the use of conductive and magnetic material panels. The performances of the WPT system and the magnetic field shielding effectiveness (SE) in presence and in absence of shield panels are calculated and measured. Keywords— Wireless power transfer (WPT); Magnetic shielding; Shielding effectiveness; Near magnetic field; Equivalent circuit; Electromagnetic field numerical computation . I. INTRODUCTION Wireless power transfer (WPT) systems are used to transfer electrical energy without using wiring systems. The WPT is based on the inductive coupling between primary and secondary windings. This coupling increases with the increasing of the coupling factor k and of the frequency f. So in the design of WPT systems, k and f should be maximized, but this is not always possible. Indeed, the coupling factor k depends on the separation distance between primary and secondary windings which cannot be reduced too much depending on the considered application. It is well known that the goal of the WPT systems is to transfer a considerable amount of power between windings separated as much as possible with the highest possible efficiency. The performances of the WPT systems with small value of k can be easily improved by introducing capacitors in the equivalent circuit of the WPT systems to compensate the inductive behavior of the primary and secondary coils up to obtain resonance conditions. The working frequency cannot be arbitrarily increased for two main reasons. First, the use of the frequency is regulated by national and international rules. Second, the eddy currents power losses can become relevant in any conductive material placed in the magnetic field region generated by the WPT system. One of the most significant problems in the WPT systems application is the relevant magnetic field in the surrounding environment. There are several problems related to large magnetic fields as: - magnetic fields must be compliant with the reference levels of ElectroMagnetic Field (EMF) safety standards for human exposure [1]; - magnetic fields must be compliant with the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) regulations to avoid Copyright 2014 IEICE disturbances in other electric and electronic apparatuses and devices; - time-harmonic magnetic fields induce eddy currents in metallic parts of object close to the WPT windings creating heating and losses, and reducing also the efficiency of the WPT. For these reasons the mitigation of the magnetic field is a crucial problem for a wide application of WPT systems. Since the WPT system is an intentional source of magnetic field, any reduction of the magnetic field can dramatically affect the performances of WPT systems. In this study the magnetic field mitigation techniques for WPT systems are investigated. Recently the equivalent circuits of WPT systems in presence and absence of shields have been defined [2]. Here the calculated electrical performances of WPT systems configuration are compared with measurements. WPT SHIELDING II. The equivalent circuit of a WPT systems without compensation capacitors is shown in Fig. 1, where R1 and R2 are the coil resistances, L1 and L2 are the coil self-inductances, and M = k(L1L2)1/2 is the mutual inductance. To increase the performances in the wireless power transfer, the primary and secondary coils are compensated introducing series or parallel capacitors. I1 R1 R2 I2 M V1 L1 L2 V2 Fig. 1. Equivalent circuit of two coupled coils. Shielding of magnetic near fields is a relevant problem for EMC engineers. It is well known that the use of metallic panels can be inadequate to mitigate the magnetic field at very low frequency. The magnetic shielding effectiveness (SEH) for a time-harmonic field is defined as: 422 SEH = 20log10 ( H i H ) (1) EMC’14/Tokyo 15A-H1 where H and Hi are respectively the magnetic fields in presence and in absence of the shield at a point in the shielded region. H and Hi are also known as total and incident fields. 1) The magnetic coupling between primary and secondary windings is generally increased using magnetic materials that can be considered as a small part of a magnetic core. Considering a one-dimensional problem, SEH can be approximated for conductive shields by: 2) Since the magnetic flux lines follow the path of least reluctance they are diverted from the region to be shielded into the magnetic materials producing a shielding effect. SEH (ω ) = A (ω ) + R (ω ) + M (ω ) (2) where A represents the absorption loss of the wave as it proceeds through the shield barrier, R represents the reflection loss caused by field reflection on the shield surface, and M represents the additional effects of multiple reflections and transmissions. For magnetic near field sources the most significant term in (2) is the absorption loss A = 20log10(et/δ), being t the shield thickness and δ = (πfμσ)-1/2 the penetration depth which is reported in Fig.1 copper and aluminum materials. The shielding performances of copper and aluminum are good enough (e.g., δ ≈ 0.5 mm at f = 20 kHz), but there is another very relevant problem. Any conductive panels embedded in the magnetic field produced by the WPT system can be considered to be another windings of the same WPT system in short-circuited conditions [2]. It means that the eddy currents produced in the shield panels create a magnetic field opposite to the incident one. As consequence the total magnetic field is reduced and therefore also the WPT performances are degraded due to the relevant power losses in the conductive shield. In conclusion the shielding performances of conductive shields can be adequate to mitigate the magnetic field produced by the WPT system, but the reflected field can affect the performances of the power transfer and requires a further capacitance compensation to get again the resonance condition. Better performances can be obtained using magnetic shields. The magnetic shielding consists in the use of high magnetic permeability material panels that provide a preferential path for the magnetic flux lines. The incident magnetic field is not blocked as in conductive shielding, but it is diverted into the magnetic material. Closed topology shields surrounding the volume to be shielded are the preferred configuration since the magnetic flux lines form closed loops, but this topology is not compatible with a WPT system due to the presence of the air gap between primary and secondary windings. Nevertheless the use of magnetic panels can improve the quality of the WPT system for two separate reasons: Penetration depth δ [mm] 3 Copper Aluminum 2 1 0 1 10 Frequency [kHz] 100 Fig. 2. Frequency behaviour of the penetration depth for copper and aluminium. Copyright 2014 IEICE As described above the use of magnetic materials modifies the values of self and mutual inductances in the equivalent circuit. So the compensation capacitors of the WPT system without shield must be varied in presence of the magnetic shields to obtain again resonance. III. APPLICATIONS A simple configuration of a WPT system has been realized at the EMC laboratory of the University of L’Aquila to evaluate experimentally the shielding performances of simple shield panels used to mitigate the magnetic field generated by the WPT system. The considered WPT system is composed by the feeding circuit, the coupled coils, the compensation capacitors and the load. The supply is given by an electronic circuit fed in DC with an inverter that generates a square wave voltage source Vs at the nominal frequency f0 =20 kHz. The inductive coupling is produced by two identical coaxial stacked planar coils with 5 turns, internal coil radius Rint=70 mm, external coil radius Rest=83.5 mm, enameled copper wire radius D=2.5 mm, distance between the stacked coils dc = 40 mm. The primary coil is fed by a variable voltage source Vs whose values are adequately chosen in order to transfer the power P2=30 W on the resistive load (RL=5 Ω) of the secondary coil. The inductive primary circuit is compensated by a series capacitor C1 while the secondary circuit is compensated by a parallel capacitor C2. The WPT configuration is also analyzed by a numerical software tool (COMSOL) based on the solution of the quasi static magnetic field equations. The circuital parameters of the system composed by the coupled coils are extracted by the software tool and are also measured using the Wayne Kerr 4265 LCR meter. The coil resistances measured at f0=20 kHz are: R1=R2=0.038 Ω. Assuming the coils in air without any shield the measured inductances are: L1=L2=7.85 μH and M=2.05 μH, and the extracted values are: L1=L2=7.44 μH and M=2.02 μH. This last value M is obtained by connecting the two coils in series in phase and antiphase configurations as M=(Xph-Xaph)/4ω, being ω the angular frequency, Xph the measured reactance in phase configuration and Xaph the measured reactance in antiphase configuration. Using a seriesparallel compensation, the values for the capacitors are obtained as C1=1/(ω02(L1−M122/L2)) and C2=1/(ω02L2) being ω0=2πf0 [17]. The calculated and the measured efficiencies of the considered WPT system in air with C1=9.20 μF and C2=8.52 μF are reported in Fig. 3. Several configurations of planar square shields with side length ls=20 cm, different thickness t and different materials (copper, aluminum and ferrite) are analyzed. The geometrical configuration of the coil systems together with the planar shield is depicted in Fig. 4. The shielding panel is placed parallel to the secondary coil at a variable distance ds from the secondary coil. The examined shield characteristics are 423 EMC’14/Tokyo 15A-H1 TABLE II. reported in Table I. The measured and calculated self and mutual inductances are reported in Table II. Test case # The electrical performances are evaluated fixing the power P2 = 30 W and the frequency f0 = 20 kHz required by the load. Using the measured circuit parameters in Table II the WPT efficiency η, the real power on the primary circuit P1 and the peak value of the voltage source Vs are reported in Table III. The magnetic flux induction maps calculated in a plane at a distance of 10 centimeters from the secondary coil with and without shielding are reported in Fig. 5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Efficiency η 0.8 L1 [μH] 7.02 7.00 7.04 7.00 7.88 7.10 7.07 7.11 7.07 TABLE III. 0.6 0.4 0 10 15 20 Frequency [kHz] 25 L2 [μH] 3.85 3.87 3.83 3.81 10.77 4.71 4.75 4.70 4.66 COMSOL M12 [μH] 0.64 0.63 0.67 0.64 2.88 0.85 0.86 0.87 0.85 L1 [μH] 6.92 6.92 6.91 6.92 7.86 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 L2 [μH] 3.82 3.81 3.76 3.80 11.23 4.59 4.59 4.56 4.59 M12 [μH] 0.70 0.69 0.69 0.70 2.99 0.92 0.91 0.90 0.91 MEASURED AND CALCULATED ELECTRICAL QUANTITIES Test case # Calculated Vs [V] Calculated P1 [W] Calculated ηnum Measured ηmeas 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5.57 5.58 5.60 5.51 5.41 5.53 5.34 5.34 5.31 87.54 89.16 90.84 85.36 35.88 66.01 66.57 67.24 65.08 0.34 0.33 0.33 0.42 0.83 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.46 0.33 0.32 0.32 0.35 0.80 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.46 Calculated Measured 0.2 MEASURED AND CALCULATED INDUCTANCES LCR Meter 30 Fig. 3. Efficiency of the WPT system in air without shielding. -0.5 y [m] 150 (a) 100 0 50 0.5 -1 -0.5 0 x [m] 0.5 1 (a) -0.5 y [m] 15 10 0 (b) Fig. 4. Geometrical configuration: (a) 3D model; (b) 2D cross section. 5 0.5 -1 TABLE I. SHIELD CONFIGURATIONS σ 0 x [m] 0.5 1 (b) -0.5 1 ds [mm] 7.5 t [mm] 1 3.7⋅107 1 7.5 2 3.7⋅107 1 7.5 6 15 7 1 7.5 0.7 10 2400 7.5 6 3.7⋅107 1 11.5 1 Aluminum 3.7⋅10 7 1 11.5 2 (c) Aluminum 3.7⋅107 1 11.5 6 Copper 5.9⋅107 1 11.5 0.7 Fig.5. B-map [μT] at a distance of 0.1 m from the secondary coil. (a) Without shielding. (b) With aluminum shielding (test case # 3). (c) With magnetic shielding (test case #5). Material 1 Aluminum [S/m] 3.7⋅107 2 Aluminum 3 Aluminum 4 Copper 5.9⋅10 5 Ferrite 0 6 Aluminum 7 8 9 μr 35 30 y [m] Test case # Copyright 2014 IEICE -0.5 25 20 0 5 0.5 -1 424 -0.5 0 x [m] 0.5 1 EMC’14/Tokyo 15A-H1 Shielding Effectiveness [dB] The maximum and average shielding effectiveness (SE) obtained by simulation for all the considered test cases in a cylindrical region (radius 0.3 m, height h=0.2 m) just behind the shield are reported in Fig. 6. The calculated and measured magnetic flux induction B at a distance of 10 cm from the secondary coil for the test cases #1 and #5 are shown in Figs.7(a) and 7(b). The magnetic field has been measured by the magnetic field meter Wandel&Golterman EFA3. Max 100 Finally, the shielding effectiveness cannot be considered a significant parameter to evaluate the shielding performances of a WPT system since the presence of the shield modifies the incident magnetic field behavior. REFERENCES Average [1] 80 60 [2] 40 20 [3] 0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 Test case #7 #8 #9 [4] Fig. 6. Maximum and average SE calculated under the shield. Magnetic flux density B [μT] least for the shielded configurations examined in this work. On the contrary, a magnetic shield can improve the efficiency of the WPT system and can also mitigate the field if it is adequately shaped. 20 [5] Measurement Simulation 15 [6] 10 5 0 [7] 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 x [m] 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 [8] Magnetic flux density B [μT] (a) 40 [9] Measurement Simulation 30 [10] 20 10 0 [11] 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 x [m] 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 (b) [12] Fig. 7. Magnetic flux induction B (peak value) along the x-axis at a distance of 0.1 m from the secondary coil: conductive shield (test case #1) (a); magnetic shield (test case #5) (b). IV. CONCLUSIONS A numerical and experimental analysis has been carried out to evaluate the shielding performances of conductive shield panels to mitigate the magnetic field produced by a WPT system. 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