Cherokee Day Camp is located on the Neshaminy Creek in Bensalem
Pennsylvania. We provide summer day camp for children ages 3 to 12. We offer
Counselor in Training (C.I.T.) Programs for children ages 13 to 15.
Our staff is carefully chosen based on their commitment to children, their
experience and their education. Every member of our staff is trained according to the
strictest, most current guidelines. Many of our counselors are state certified teachers.
Our food managers are certified by the Bucks County Board of Health. Our lifeguards are
Red Cross and WSI Certified. We have a Registered Nurse on site during the camp day
and our Health Center is well stocked! Our ratio of campers to staff is approximately 5:1.
Our facilities consist of the Main Building which houses the auditorium (also
known as the cafeteria & the Movie Theater), the kitchen, Health Center, Wii Lab, Injun
Room, and on the first floor the Girls Bunks; the Long House (additional bunks), the
Wigwam, the Arts & Crafts Room, Science/Nature Lab, two swimming pools, zip lines,
rock walls, several athletic fields, a volley ball court, an archery range, a playground,
nature trails, a dock for fishing and boating and much, much more!
Cherokee Day Camp is in its third year of operation, under the new ownership
and management of The Yiambilis Family. Cherokee has operated for the betterment and
development of children’s minds, bodies and spirits for over 35 years! We intend to
carry on that tradition. Many areas of the camp have been renovated. To date, the
general feedback from campers, parents and staff has been quite positive.
Our main objective is to provide a safe environment for children to have a FUN,
FUN, FUN summer at an affordable cost! Cherokee’s mission is to provide campers with
a fun filled summer while enhancing their self-esteem, socialization skills, and personal
growth. Our program is designed to challenge, engage and build confidence and
enthusiasm in every child. We are committed to giving our campers a full summer
experience that they will enjoy, no matter what their age, experience level or interest.
Some of the activities we offer are: Archery, Arts & Crafts, Boating, Box Hockey,
Dodge Ball, Drama, Field Hockey, Field Trips, Fishing, Free Swim, GA GA, Indoor
Rock Wall, Instructional Swim, Keep Away, Kickball, Nature Walks, Obstacle Course,
Outdoor Rock Wall, Relay Games, Science/Nature Program, Soccer, Softball, Street
Hockey, Tag, Waterslide, Trail Hikes, Volley Ball, Water Safety, Zip Lines and much,
much more.
It is imperative that you read this Handbook and review it with your child(ren).
Please notify Cherokee, 215.752.7613, as soon as possible in the event of an absence due
to any reason. There are no reductions or refunds for absences due to illness, vacations,
Additional weeks may be added based on the rates on the Enrollment Application.
Cherokee Day Camp provides summer day camp for children ages 3 to 12. We offer
Counselor in Training (C.I.T.) Programs for children ages 13 to 15. Cherokee accepts all
campers regardless of race, religion or national origin.
The 2012 season is from June 25 – August 17. Cherokee will be closed on July 4.
If at any time during the day, while camp is in session, you need to contact Cherokee,
please call 215.752.7613. In an emergency if no one can be reached at that number,
please call Marlinda at 215.292.3430.
All C.I.T.s will be held to a three strike policy. If a C.I.T. has to be disciplined three
times they will be placed in the senior group and their parents will have to pay the tuition
difference. Parents will be notified each time their C.I.T. is disciplined.
Cherokee has posted rules, which communicate our expectation that each and every
camper strive to be a caring, honest, respectful and responsible. Cherokee staff will treat
all campers with respect. We will work diligently with campers and parents to avoid
conflicts in camp. However, some offenses may warrant dismissal from camp. Camp
tuition will not be refunded if your child is sent home due to a disciplinary problem.
These offenses include:
• The use or possession of cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, knives, guns or other weapons.
• Fighting, bullying or continual verbal assaults directed at campers or staff.
• Blatant disregard for the authority of the camp staff and policies (i.e. continued use of
profanity, stealing, graffiti, and vandalism, which if possible, will be punishable by
financial compensation).
• Consistently disruptive behavior that interferes with the flow of the program, physically
or emotionally harms others, or otherwise conflicts with the program rules and guideline
at Cherokee.
If your child commits any of these offenses you will be contacted and asked to
immediately pick up your child. Your cooperation will be most appreciated. If your
child is sent home, he/she will not be eligible to return this summer. However, he/she
will be welcomed back the next summer. We believe that everyone deserves a second
chance! If you have any questions or comments regarding this, please contact the
Marlinda at 215.292.3430.
• Campers may arrive at Cherokee at 8:45 a.m.
• Our camp program begins at 9 a.m. Please make sure your camper is signed in prior to
that time.
• A parent or authorized person must sign camper(s) in, at the gate. Cherokee
cannot be held responsible for children who are not signed in!
• Please observe all posted speed limit and traffic signs.
• Please do not drive into or enter the loading area if the buses are there.
• If you wish to speak with the director or your camper’s counselor, please arrange this
ahead of time with the director. Drop off time is not usually conducive to this type of
conference unless it is scheduled.
• Full Day Closing - Should severe weather (i.e., hurricane, flood, extreme heat, etc.) or
other emergency situation arise that necessitates closing Cherokee prior to the start of the
camp day, parents will be contacted by the camp staff via telephone, as early as possible.
• Early Closing – Should severe weather (i.e., hurricane, flood, extreme heat, etc.) or
other emergency situation arise during the camp day that necessitates closing Cherokee,
parents will be contacted by the camp staff via telephone, and asked to pick up their child
immediately. In the event that a parent cannot be reached, Cherokee will contact the
individual listed as the emergency contact on the Enrollment Form. Campers will remain
in the care of Cherokee staff until they are picked up.
• Emergency Procedures for fire, disaster, severe weather, lost camper, medical
emergency, intruders, transportation and evacuation are established in writing and are
available for review upon request.
• Fire drills are practiced weekly throughout the summer. Procedures for these
emergencies are posted in the main building.
• The following procedures will be followed in an emergency medical situation:
1. The counselor will notify the nurse and the director.
2. The nurse will administer first aid.
3. The director or a senior staff member will notify the parent/guardian.
4. If the parent/guardian cannot be reached, or the situation warrants immediate
emergency assistance, Cherokee will contact the child’s physician and/or call the local
emergency unit for treatment. A staff member will accompany the child to the nearest
hospital and stay with the child until the parent/guardian arrives.
5. An accident report will be completed and kept on file at Cherokee.
No child will be permitted to attend Cherokee with incomplete records. Records for
campers who register after the 1st of June may be submitted within one week of the date
of registration. The following forms must be completed, dated, signed and submitted to
Cherokee by May 15.
• Enrollment Application
• Health History Form
• Terms & Conditions of Enrollment
• Waiver & Release from Liability
• Insurance Form – This must be returned even if you do not want the insurance.
Please send all forms to our mailing address:
Cherokee Day Camp - 2214 Street Road, Bensalem, PA 19020.
Childcare is available from 7-9 a.m. and from 4-6 p.m. for those whose schedules do not
allow for arrival and pick up during regular camp hours. Enrollment in extended care
covers each morning and/or each afternoon of the week. The cost is the same whether
you use all or part of the maximum time each day and whether you use the service every
day or irregularly. Pre-registration is required. Please make sure that you and your
family are familiar with the following Extended Care Policies:
• Campers will not be admitted until 7 a.m. A parent or authorized person must sign
camper(s) in, at the gate.
• Campers must be picked up by 6 p.m. A parent or authorized person must sign
camper(s) out, at the gate. Campers will only be released to those designated as
authorized parties on the camp forms. Please make sure anyone picking up your child
has identification with them. A fee of $10 per child will be assessed for campers who are
not picked up by 6 p.m. An additional $10 will be assessed for each 15 minute interval
until the camper is picked up. This fee must be paid in full by the time the camper
returns the next morning.
• In the event a child is not picked up by 7 p.m., the parent has not contacted Cherokee
and we cannot reach the parents and the emergency contact person, Child Protective
Services will be called.
• Chronic LATE PICK UP is grounds for dismissal from the Extended Care
• Campers involved in extended care are permitted to bring video games, toys or games
during extended care. These items must be put away when the regular camp day begins.
If a camper is found to have these items with him/her, he/she will be asked to put the item
away or give it to the camp staff until the end of the day. Cherokee will not be held
responsible for the loss or damage of these items. Please note that any material, which
we perceive as inappropriate for camp, will be held in the office until the end of the day. .
In the event Cherokee schedules a field trip the following rules will apply:
• Field trips are for campers eight years old and older.
• Please check the calendar on our website to check the dates of
our field trips. Please notify us if you do not have access to a computer.
• There is a nominal fee for each trip.
• Please dress your child appropriately for the scheduled trip. Cherokee t-shirts must be
worn. Shirts will be given to each camper.
• Transportation is provided by qualified bus drivers.
• We recommend children NOT bring extra money for day trips unless specifically asked
to do so. Cherokee staff is not responsible for any lost or stolen money.
• Cherokee camp programs run rain or shine, but they may be modified due to weather.
• The same behavior expectations are in effect on field trips as at camp. Campers who
cannot adhere to the rules on trips may meet one or more of the following possible
consequences: Parent called to pick camper up from the field trip; suspension from one
or more future field trips; dismissal from camp season/program.
• Cherokee does not use parent chaperones on field trips.
• Please see Transportation for bus rules on field trips.
If you are transporting your child to camp please have them at camp by 8:45. If you are
running late please, for the safety of our campers, do not drive into the loading area while
the buses are there. You must sign your camper in at the gate. If we are transporting
your child you will be notified as to the pick-up/drop-off times prior to the first day of
camp. Please be patient! These times are approximate and the bus may be a few minutes
early/late the first day or two.
Please make sure your child is familiar with the following rules:
• Stay with your counselor at all times.
• Do not go anywhere alone – we use the buddy system.
• Do not go near the creek, dock or pool without adult supervision.
• Do not go on “the hill” without adult supervision.
• Do not go past the Long House without adult supervision.
• Do not go past the playground without adult supervision.
• Do not climb the trees.
• Do not climb the fences.
• Swimming in the creek is prohibited.
• Respect others and keep your hands and feet to yourself.
• Please keep all of your belongings in your bunk unless you are using them.
• Stay out of other people’s belongings.
• Campers are not allowed in the kitchen for any reason.
• Please take care of the equipment or supplies that you use at Cherokee.
• Campers are expected to clean up after themselves.
• No running or playing with sports equipment in any of the buildings.
• Shoes must be worn at all times.
• No gum chewing.
• Respect all members of Cherokee’s staff and follow their instructions.
• Turn in any illegal substance.
• Bullying of any kind will not be tolerated.
• “HANDS UP” means everyone must stop what they are doing, put a hand up, be quiet
and listen for instructions.
• If a lifeguard blows a whistle everyone immediately stops what they are doing and
listens for further instructions.
• Have FUN! FUN! FUN!
Physical Development:
• To develop an appreciation and enjoy nature & outdoor activities.
• To provide ways for campers to build muscular control and coordination.
• To provide a wide variety of opportunities through which campers may broaden their
interests in physical activity.
• To allow each camper to develop skills at his/her pace, and to attain excellence in
activities of his/her own interest that he/she cannot learn at home. Safety is a very
important factor, but should not exclude challenge.
Social Development:
• To help campers to learn to get along with, understand, and sympathize with others.
• To help foster friendships among campers.
• To develop personal leadership skills as well as a willingness to be a contributing
member of a group or team.
Intellectual Development:
• Each camper should be challenged to grow in his/her knowledge of nature, and the
world around him/her.
• Each camper should be challenged to understand the nature of pollution and
environmental hazards, and what he/she can do to prevent or correct them.
To have a FUN - FUN - FUN Summer!!!
Group assignments are made by age and gender. Our ratio is approximately one staff
member for every five campers, which includes all counselors and support staff. It may
be necessary to rearrange groups from week to week. Every effort will be made to honor
“grouping” requests.
• Cherokee has a Registered Nurse on staff.
• If a child suffers an injury at camp the parents will be notified as soon as the needs of
the child are tended to. The extent of the injury will determine whether the child can
remain at camp or if a parent need to pick up the child within 60 minutes.
• If a child arrives at camp ill or becomes ill at camp, the parent or another authorized
individual will be notified and asked to pick up the child within 60 minutes.
• Sick children will be monitored and isolated, with supervision, as necessary until the
designated pickup arrives.
• Please notify Cherokee immediately if your child contracts a communicable disease.
• All medications must be self-administered by the camper, under the supervision of the
nurse. A camper who requires medication, whether prescription or over-the-counter
during camp will need to have a Medication Authorization Form on file with Cherokee.
• Prescription medications must be provided in the original container that identifies the
prescribing physician, the name of the medication, the dosage and the frequency of
administration. All medications must be in the original container and clearly marked
with the child’s first and last name and must be brought directly to the Health Center.
Inhalers and/or Epi-pens may be kept with the child as long as a parent makes such a
request on the Medical Authorization Form. Otherwise, inhalers and Epi-pens will be
kept at the Health Center until needed. Any misuse or misplacement of the inhaler or the
Epi-pen will be cause for the inhaler/Epi-pen to be kept at the Health Center.
• Non-prescription medications can only be administered when accompanied by a written
note from a licensed physician that includes the physician’s name, name of the
medication, directions for taking the medication and the patient’s name. Nonprescription medication must be in the original container bearing the manufacturer’s label
and directions for use. The container must have the child’s first and last name written on
• Please do not send your child to camp if he/she has a contagious or unidentifiable
rash, congestion with sneezing, nasal drainage, coughing, swollen glands, ear, eye or
throat infection (unless on antibiotics for 24 hours), nits or head lice. Campers must
be free from fever (without medication), vomiting and diarrhea for 24 hours before
returning to camp.
• Please be advised that Cherokee is mandated, by state law, to report any suspected cases
of child neglect or abuse to the appropriate authorities for investigation.
• Lost & found items will be collected on a daily basis. It is the camper’s responsibility
to check the lost and found for misplaced items. The lost & found box is located in the
cafeteria in front of the stage.
• Items will be kept until the last day of camp, and then donated to a local charity.
• Cherokee does not accept responsibility for lost or stolen items.
Lunch is provided every day. Prior to planning our lunches, we consulted a nutritionist.
Our menu is child tested, parent approved, nutritious and fresh. Bologna, cheese and
PB&J sandwiches are available daily. Snacks are served every afternoon. Drinks are
served with lunch and snack. Water is available throughout the day. If your child has
any dietary restrictions, they must be noted on the Medical Form with allergies.
• Parent Communication: Parent’s feedback is welcomed and desired by Cherokee. If
you would like to address an issue or problem your child has while at Cherokee, please
contact Marlinda at 215.292.3430. We are committed to solving problems but cannot do
so if we are not aware that a problem exists.
• We do not hide behind closed doors. Our camp is open every day for parents and
relatives who want to come out and observe a child’s progress. Prior notice is
appreciated so we can be sure we do not have too many visitors on any given day.
Parents are encouraged to view us as we are. However, please remember that all visitors
must sign in at the Arts & Crafts Room. Please note that the presence of a parent at
Cherokee supersedes the authority of the child(ren)’s assigned counselor {i.e., if you are
at Cherokee, you are fully responsible for the care and supervision of your child(ren)}.
• Evaluations: We value your comments, input and ideas on how to make Cherokee Day
Camp better serve you and your camper. Parent survey forms will be available on our
website throughout the season. They will also be sent to you at
the end of the 2011 season. Please take the time to complete the surveys. This allows us
to make necessary changes in the program and to recognize staff that has provided
outstanding service to you and your family.
• Payments can be made by cash, check or credit card. Please make checks payable to
Cherokee Day Camp. Please mail payments to our mailing address: Cherokee Day
Camp, 2214 Street Road, Bensalem, PA 19020.
• The camp deposit ($50.00 per child per week) is due at the time of registration. The
balance, including optional extended care and transportation fees, must be paid in full by
June 1, 2011. Campers who register after June 1, 2011 must be paid in full, including
optional extended care and transportation fees at the time of registration.
• There is no fee reduction for absences/sick days.
• A $35.00 charge will be made on any returned checks.
• Late fee pick up: A late fee of $10 per child will be charged if your child is not picked
up by 6 p.m. An additional fee of $10 will be assessed for each 15 minute interval
beyond that time.
• For the safety of all our campers please refrain from picking up your child(ren)
between 3:30 and 4:15.
• A parent or authorized person must sign camper(s) out, at the gate.
• People authorized to pick-up your camper must be listed on the Application or
Cherokee must be notified in writing.
• Photo ID may be required at time of pick up.
• Custody Issues – Parental rights are limited or revoked: We cannot legally deny a
parent access to their child unless we have been notified that a parent’s rights have been
limited or terminated. The only legally acceptable notification is a certified copy of the
Court Order. Please make sure we have your certified Court Order on file.
• Early Pick Up – Please contact Cherokee if you need to pick up your camper early.
Given advanced notice, we will attempt to have your camper ready when you arrive. If
we do not have prior knowledge of the early pickup we will try to get your camper ready
for you in a timely fashion as you wait. Your patience is appreciated.
Cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, weapons, pocket knives matches and lighters. Possession of
these items on campgrounds may be cause for dismissal from the program. These items
will be confiscated. Bags/backpacks may be searched.
We love swimming at Cherokee! Every morning campers have instructional swim/water
safety pursuant to the WSI guidelines. Campers have a free swim every afternoon.
Campers are not allowed in the deep end of the pool until they can pass the deep end test.
If you do not wish to have your camper swim, on any given day, you MUST GIVE
WRITTEN NOTICE to the morning staff member on duty. Swimming is the best way to
keep cool on extremely hot days. Please note that alternative activities are not planned
Transportation is provided, at a nominal cost, for those who chose this option. The
following rules also apply to transportation used for field trips. Please make sure your
child is familiar with the following policies:
• Safety comes first.
• We walk on and off the bus.
• When available, seat belts must be worn at all times by all passengers.
• Campers are prohibited from sitting in the front seat of any vehicle.
• Campers must remain seated at all times.
• Campers must keep hands, heads, and feet, etc., inside the vehicle at all times.
• Campers must use inside voices only!
• No eating or drinking in vehicles.
• Cell phones cannot be used in any vehicle.
• All loose baggage, gear, and equipment must be securely stowed out of the way of
• Campers are prohibited from throwing anything out of the vehicle.
• Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. The driver will stop the vehicle to correct any
problems. Continual disruptions will result in campers being suspended from Cherokee’s
Transportation Service.
• A letter from both campers parents is required if you want your camper to go
home with another camper even, if they are on the same bus.
• A bag or small backpack to carry camper’s gear to and from the pool each day.
• Waterproof sunscreen or sun block. Please apply sunscreen to your child each morning
before coming to camp. We recommend a waterproof, long wearing formula for the best
protection. Cherokee staff will remind campers to apply sunscreen throughout the camp
• Bathing suit & two towels. (Thong/string bikinis are prohibited)
• Water bottle, clearly labeled with your camper’s name. Please tell your camper not to
share water bottles with other campers.
• Water shoes – a closed shoe is preferred. Please see water shoes on the web sites of LL
Bean and Lands End. These shoes are also available at Bass outlets and Wal-Mart.
Please dress your camper in comfortable, modest, weather appropriate clothing. Please
be aware that he/she will be participating in outdoor activities, arts & crafts and other
activities that may soil clothing. Flip Flops are prohibited. Children must wear
sneakers to participate in outdoor athletic sports and activities.
Cell phones, Mp3 players, Ipods, hand held video games, toys, stuffed animals and
jewelry. Cherokee is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items brought to camp.
The use of cell phones on camp property and transportation vehicles is not permitted.
These items will be confiscated by the staff and held until the end of the day. Please see
the exception for extended care hours. Campers are not to bring personal sports
equipment to camp.
BULLYING - Bullying is a serious problem. Cherokee has a zero tolerance policy
regarding bullying. Expulsion from camps will be at the discretion of the
Bullying is one of the most minimized and persistent problems in our society today. The
sad thing is – it’s a reality for all children, whether they’re victims, witnesses, or they’re
the bullies. Anyone who is bullied will very often feel depressed and have low selfesteem. If you’re a bully, you are more likely to be hostile and antisocial. If you’re a
bully, who has been bullying you?
It’s physical harm, it’s verbal and emotional torment, it’s sexual harassment, it’s racism
… and at times it can grow into much more serious abuse – and criminal behavior.
If someone is hitting, biting, kicking, punching, pinching you, pulling your hair, tripping
you – that’s physical bullying.
If someone is relentlessly teasing you, calling you names, spreading rumors about you,
leaving you out of group activities – that’s verbal and emotional torment.
If someone touches you inappropriately, snaps your bra strap, stares at your body, or
makes sexual comments – that’s sexual bullying.
If someone is using racial slurs against you, making fun of your customs, the color of
your skin, your accent, or the food you eat, if they spray symbols and graffiti on your
house, if they tease you about your country – that’s racial bullying. Bullying is when
someone keeps doing or saying things to have power over another person.
Some of the ways they bully other people are by: calling them names, saying or writing
nasty things about them, leaving them out of activities, not talking to them, threatening
them, making them feel uncomfortable or scared, taking or damaging their things, hitting
or kicking them, or making them do things they don't want to do.
Have any of these things happened to you? Have you done any of these things to
someone else? Bullying is wrong behavior which makes the person being bullied feel
afraid or uncomfortable.
Bullying Is Harmful
Some people think bullying is just part of growing up and a way for young people to
learn to stick up for themselves. But bullying can make young people feel lonely,
unhappy and frightened. It makes them feel unsafe and think there must be something
wrong with them. They lose confidence and may not want to go to school any more. It
may make them sick.
Are You Being Bullied? Here’s How You Can Stop It!
Coping with bullying can be difficult, but remember, you are not the problem, the bully
is. You have a right to feel safe and secure.
If you're different in some way, be proud of it! Stand strong. Spend time with your
friends - bullies hardly ever pick on people if they're with others in a group.
You've probably already tried ignoring the bully, telling them to stop and walking away
whenever the bullying starts. If someone is bullying you, you should always tell an adult
you can trust. This isn't tattling. You have a right to be safe and adults can do things to
get the bullying stopped.
Even if you think you've solved the problem on your own, tell an adult anyway, in case it
happens again.
An adult you can trust might be a teacher, school principal, parent, someone from your
family or a friend's parent. If you find it difficult to talk about being bullied, you might
find it easier to write down what's been happening to you and give it to an adult you trust.
What Can You Do If You See Someone Else Being Bullied?
If you see someone else being bullied you should always try to stop it. If you do nothing,
you're saying that bullying is okay with you.
Treat others the way you would like to be treated. Show the bully that you think what
they're doing is stupid and mean. Help the person being bullied to tell an adult they can
When someone is bullied at camp, your friends and acquaintances usually know what is
going on. Even though they’re not involved they know it’s happening. Adults can’t
always tell and need your help in order to help you or your friends.
All members of a camp community - whether they’re kids or counselors, have a
responsibility to help kids who are being bullied. You and your friends must speak out
against the bullies.
You can help other kids who are being bullied. Encourage them to talk to an adult, or
offer to talk to an adult on their behalf. You might be able to let bullies know that you do
not like what they are doing and that you are determined to stop them. Be empowered.
Tell the bully you don’t like what they’re doing to your friends. Walk away. Don’t give
in to their threats or challenges.
Help Your Camp
• Cherokee has a Bully box. Campers can put notes in the box if they are too worried to
tell someone. Use it wisely. Always make sure that anything you write about is the
• Be a buddy to a younger camper and help them if you see they are having problems.
• Take part in plays and other drama activities can help people to understand what it feels
like to be bullied and to think about what they can do to stop it.
• Peer Support, where older campers volunteer to discuss things like bullying and
friendship with groups of younger campers.
• From the owners to the campers, everyone at Cherokee needs to work as a team to take
action against bullying.
Tell An Adult!
You are NOT a snitch or tattletale if you tell an adult you know that someone is hurting
you or someone else. If you have tried to stop someone from bothering you and it's not
working, get someone you trust to help you. Do the same for someone else who’s being
bullied. Get the problem out in the open. Once people know about it, the bully is no
longer in control. Not telling anyone — especially because the bully told you not to — is
just making him or her feel more powerful. (
Please visit our website at