A Novel Robust Low Voltage and Fault Ride Through For Wind Turbine Application Operating in Weak Grids Manoj R Rathi, marathi@ece.umn.edu, Ned Mohan mohan@ece.umn.edu Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Minnesota Low Voltage Ride Through Requirement Abstract— Wind turbines are very susceptible to any disturbance, faults and low grid voltages. They are disconnected from the grid whenever these conditions arise and reconnected once the grid is healthy. Maintaining the wind turbine connected to grid is real challenge. Future grid codes will require wind turbines connected to grid even during the fault condition and have Low Voltage Ride Through (LVRT) feature installed. LVRT feature is not available in most of the present wind turbine and few do with addition circuitry and control increasing the cost of the system. In this paper, a novel control strategy and LVRT for wind turbines with doubly fed induction generators is presented to maintain the turbine connected to grid during fault and post fault condition without addition circuitry. The controller is designed using H∞ technique and µ-analysis based robust control technique to take into account various adverse conditions. The controller is tested on low power hardware prototype and the results are presented. 1.2 Fault Condition Voltage (pu) 1 0.8 0.6 Wind Turbines may be disconnected 0.4 0.2 0 −1 Fig. 1. 0 1 2 Time (sec) 3 4 5 Low Voltage Ride Through Requirement For Wind Generation 1. I NTRODUCTION Wind energy is clean, renewable and abundant source of energy. The total installed capacity in United States is 6,350 MW [1] and it is projected that by 2020 total installed capacity will touch 100,000 MW. Present day technology doesn’t support maintaining the wind turbine connected to the grid during the fault and post fault conditions and if so with an additional circuitry and cost, resulting in disconnection of turbine during the fault conditions. Disconnection of such a large power in future can severely affect power system operation during the fault and post-fault conditions. Future grid codes will require wind turbines to have Low Voltage Ride Through (LVRT) [2] feature installed as shown in Fig. 1. Due the variable nature of wind, doubly fed induction generators (DFIG) are preferred for wind turbine application to harnessing wind power. DFIGs can be operated at wide speed range and ideally at any power factor using power electronic converter in the rotor circuit. The rating of power electronics converter depends on the operating speed range and generally in the range of 10-40% of the machine rating. The stator of induction machine is directly connected to grid while the rotor is connected through back-to-back connected 3-phase voltage source converters (VSCs) which on the other end is connected to grid as shown in Fig. 2. The LVRT feature is provide 0-7803-9252-3/05/$20.00 ©2005 IEEE by few wind turbine manufacturers and is implemented by using pitch angle control and shorting the rotor circuit [3] instead of using the rotor control to improve the performance and supply the reactive power during and especially in the post fault conditions. Shorting the rotor terminals will result in drawing a very high reactive power during the post fault condition and may lead to another disturbance affecting the post fault operating condition of power system. The grid side converter has to handle grid faults/disturbances and maintain the DC-link voltage and stator terminal voltages constant, while the rotor side converter has to control the stator active and reactive power over a wide voltage range including fault and low voltage conditions. Also it’s desirable to maintain a good performance despite known variations in the grid voltages, system parameters and variations in the wind power. A procedure based on H∞ control synthesis and µ-analysis technique is used to design the controller. The control scheme is tested by doing the simulation studies and hardware verification on low power laboratory prototype. 2. S YSTEM M ODELING The variable speed wind turbine consisting of DFIG is shown in Fig. 2. The stator of the DFIG is directly connected 2481 to grid while the rotor is connected to grid through a backto-back connected voltage source converter [4] as shown in Fig 2. The per-phase equivalent circuit of the DFIG model is shown in Fig. 3 DFIG Lg ωd = ωdA + ωm Vs is ig Vg ic where subscripts ’d’, ’q’, ’s’, ’r’ are used for d-axis component, q-axis component, stator and rotor respectively and ωd is the synchronous speed (rad/s) and ωdA is the frequency of the rotor voltages and currents. ωd and ωdA are related to the rotor speed (ωm ) in electrical radians by Pw Lc C Vc Lls ir + Vdc _ The relation between stator power and rotor power is given by Wind Turbine Vr Ps Rotor Side Converter Grid Side Converter Fig. 2. Gear Box Rr is Llr ir Vs im Fig. 3. Lm = − Pr s (12) Qr (13) s where Qmag is the magnetizing reactive power required by DFIG and can be approximated by Qs Variable Speed Wind Turbine System Rs (11) Qmag ≈ Vr s = Qmag − 2 (vsq (isd + ird ) − vsd (isq + irq )) 3 (14) From the above equation 13 and equation 14, ideally generator can be made to operate at any power factor by injecting relatively small reactive power in the rotor circuit. DFIG Model The equations at the grid connection point are The complete system is modeled in d− q reference frame. The current direction chosen for developing the system model is as shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3. Transformation [T ]abc→dq is used to convert voltages and currents from ‘a − b − c’ to ‘d − q’ frame. cos(θ) cos(θ − 23 pi) cos(θ − 43 pi) [T ]abc→dq = (1) sin(θ) sin(θ − 23 pi) sin(θ − 43 pi) The equations for the DFIG [5] is given by vsd = vsq = vrd = vrq = Tem = Ps = Qs = Pr = Qr = d d isd + Lm ird + Rs isd − ωd Ls isq (2) dt dt −ωd Lm irq d d Ls isq + Lm irq + Rs isq + ωd Ls isd (3) dt dt +ωd Lm ird d d Lm isd + Lr ird + Rr ird − ωdA Lm isq (4) dt dt −ωdA Lr irq d d Lm isq + Lr irq + Rr irq + ωdA Lm isd (5) dt dt +ωdA Lr ird p Lm (isq ird − isd ird ) (6) 3 2 (vsd isd + vsq isq ) (7) 3 2 (vsq isd − vsd isq ) (8) 3 2 (vrd ird + vrq irq ) (9) 3 2 (vrq ird − vrd irq ) (10) 3 Ls d (15) igd + Rg igd − ωd Lg igq + vsd dt d (16) vgq = Lg igq + Rg igq + ωd Lg igd + vsq dt where subscript ’g’ represents grid side quantities. For the grid-side converter, the voltage equations are vgd = Lg d icd + Rc icd − ωd Lc icq + vcd (17) dt d vsq = Lc icq + Rc icq + ωd Lc icd + vcq (18) dt 2 (vcd icd + vcq icq ) Pc = (19) 3 where subscript ’c’ is used for grid side converter quantities. The relationship between the grid currents, stator currents and grid side converter currents is given by vsd = Lc igd = isd + icd (20) igq = isq + icq (21) The difference in the active power drawn from the grid and that supplied to the DFIG rotor circuit charges the dc-link capacitor. This can be expressed as dvcap 1 (vdc − vcap )2 = Perr − (22) dt Cvcap Resr 2 + 4R vcap + vcap esr (Pc − Pr ) (23) vdc = 2 and vcap is the voltage across the capacitance, Resr is the equivalent series resistance of the capacitor and vdc is the dclink voltage. Here, the losses in the grid-side and rotor-side 2482 ic_ref converters are neglected. Fig. 5. ir_ref Current Controller Fig. 6. (24) Ps = −Pc Modeling Uncertainty Wc W Lg Wf + (25) nom C + + V Disturbances d g_0 + + 1 WVg_dist d W ir_dist I 2 r_0 + + W ic WVs Fig. 4. GSC and DFIG System Model V Disturbances s_0 Vdc_perf Performance Outputs V s_mag W Vs_perf y K grid + + f + + + + v g WVs_dist T + w_0 + + + d 1 y 2 T DFIG and GSC Model w z 1 z 2 z 3 z 4 Performance Outputs W Tem Tem_perf Ps W Qs W Ps_perf WTw_dist + + i Qs_perf r u Vdc Vs_mag Ps Qs vr System Block Diagram c W + + Pwind vc ir i V dc Wf W ir Qs r 5 Modeling Uncertainty WTw 2 Ps i 3 4 GSC H∞ Controller Design Model Fig. 7. The complete system with H∞ controllers is shown in Fig. 4. Current ir_ref Controller g u 1 Rotor Hinf Controller + + v z z WVdc_dist d Ps_ref Qs_ref DFIG and GSC Model 2 3 3. H∞ C ONTROLLER D ESIGN Current Controller z 1 d nom ic_ref C + f GSC Hinf Controller z z WVg The rotor side control has to be operational during the fault or low voltage conditions. Once the grid voltages are restored back to normal, generator tries to draw large reactive power which may lead to another disturbance disconnecting the turbine from the grid. Thus a robust controller is synthesized for the grid side converter and rotor side converter modeled by the system equations (2) through (23) to maintain the turbine connected to grid. The fault condition may last up to 150 msec or even more. The grid side controller senses the DC link voltage error and stator terminal voltage magnitude error and develops the current commands to compensate them while the rotor side control senses the stator active and reactive power errors and generates the rotor current command to compensate them. Vdc_ref L f g + + nom Vg + + f maintaining the system in running condition. Vsmag_ref ir Plant Rotor Side Converter Current Control System Block Diagram g_nom ic vr ir L Vs_mag ic Plant Grid Side Converter Current Control System Block Diagram During the low voltage conditions, grid can’t absorb or supply power and hence the wind power reference for the generator has to be made zero. Thus the stator power becomes Vdc vc ic The grid side converter operates as a STATCOM maintaining the stator terminal voltage to the require value and supplying the required power to the rotor circuit maintaining the DC link voltage constant. The rotor side converter controls the stator active and reactive power by injecting active and reactive power in the rotor circuit governed by equations (12) and (13). If losses in the system are neglected, then power extracted from the wind should flow into the grid. Thus the stator power can be written as Ps = −Pwind − Pc Current Controller Fig. 8. y K rotor 3 y 4 Rotor H∞ Controller Design Model Pc To synthesize H∞ controllers [6] for grid side converter and rotor circuit, faster inner current control loops are desirable. The system block diagram for grid side converter current controller design and rotor side current controller design is 2483 TABLE II shown in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 respectively. System modeled by equations equation (17) and equation (18) is used to design the grid side converter current controller and equations (2) through (5) for the rotor side current controller. A current controller with the bandwidth of 1 kHz was designed. Minimum Wind Speed Nominal Wind Speed Minimum rotor speed Nominal Rotor Speed Gear box ratio 4 m/s 14 m/s 9 rpm 18 rpm 1:100 type. The system parameters chosen for 2 MW machine and laboratory prototype are detailed in Table. I. The wind turbine parameters chosen for 2MW system are given in Table. II. The converter ratings for grid side converter and rotor side converter depend on the operating speed range and selected as 25% of the rating of DFIG. Frequency Response of H∞ Controller for Grid Side Converter From: In(1) From: In(2) To: Out(1) 20 0 −20 To: Out(1) −40 540 360 180 0 −180 40 To: Out(2) Magnitude(dB);Phase(deg) (dB) ; Phase (deg) 40 20 0 −20 −40 900 To: Out(2) Once the nominal DFIG system, grid side converter current controllers and rotor circuit current controllers has been modeled as described above, various parameter variations and disturbances have to be added so that a controller can be synthesized which will desensitize the system from them and maintain good performance. For the grid-side converter controller, grid voltage drop of 90% and 100% variations in the wind power were considered to represent fault condition and variable nature of wind power. For modeling uncertainty, 10% variations in the component values of Lg and C, 10% variation in the grid voltages and 5Hz variation in the supply frequency are considered. A disturbance signal is added to the model through a suitable weighting function to representing the fault condition of 250 ms, so that the synthesized controller minimizes the disturbance effects. Normalized DC link voltage error (Vdcerr ) and stator terminal voltage magnitude errors (Vsmag ) were considered as performance outputs. Suitable weighting functions were chosen for the desirable output performance. For the rotor side converter, 90% variation in the stator terminal voltage and 100% variation in the wind power are considered. For modeling uncertainty, 10% variations in system parameters are considered. A disturbance signal with weighting function is added to take into account fault condition and change in stator active power. Errors in stator active power, reactive power and error in electromagnetic torque are considered as performance outputs and suitable weighting functions are added to get desired output performance for the rotor side converter. W IND T URBINE PARAMETERS FOR 2MW S YSTEM [7] 720 540 360 180 0 −2 10 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 3 10 −2 10 10 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 3 10 10 Frequency (Hz) Fig. 9. Frequency response of GSC H∞ controller for 2MW DFIG System Frequency Response of H Controller for Rotor Circuit ∞ From: In(1) From: In(2) Lm Lls Llr Rs Rr Lg Lc Vdc Vg 2 MW System 1.6742 mH 55.8 µH 44.65 µH 2.1 m Ω 2.1 m Ω 0.385mH 0.25 mH 1200 V 680 Vrms Laboratory Prototype 221mH 10mH 10mH 3.5 Ω 7.5 Ω 4mH 4mH 100 V 85 Vrms To: Out(1) Parameters 20 0 −20 360 315 270 225 180 135 90 40 20 To: Out(2) Magnitude(dB);Phase(deg) (dB) ; Phase (deg) DFIG S YSTEM PARAMETERS FOR 2MW S YSTEM [7] 0 −20 −40 −60 180 135 To: Out(2) TABLE I To: Out(1) 40 90 45 0 −45 −90 −2 10 0 10 2 10 −2 10 0 10 2 10 Frequency (Hz) Fig. 10. Frequency response of Rotor H∞ controller for 2MW DFIG System The systems were implemented in Matlab-Simulink and the controller were synthesized using Matlab µ-analysis toolbox [8] for 2 MW machine and low power laboratory proto- The frequency responses of GSC and rotor controllers obtained for 2MW DFIG system are shown in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10 respectively. 2484 DC Link Voltage 4. S IMULATION R ESULTS 2000 DC Link Voltage (V) 1800 Simulation studies were carried out on the 2MW DFIG system with the parameters detailed in Table. I and Table. II. The grid voltages were dropped by 90% for 250ms to simulate the fault condition. The line voltage at the grid and stator terminal is shown in Fig. 11(a) and Fig. 11(b). The DC link voltage waveform is shown in Fig. 12. From Fig. 11, it is clear that the control restores the stator terminal voltage quickly once the fault is cleared and maintains the DC link voltages during the fault and post fault condition. Thus the wind turbine is still connected to grid during and after the fault. 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 25 26 27 28 Time (s) 29 30 Fig. 12. DC-Link Voltage for 2MW System during 250 msec Fault Condition Grid Line Voltage Magnitude Stator Reactive Power Absorbed 800 1 700 0.5 600 Qs(MW) Voltage (V) 0 500 400 300 −1 −1.5 200 −2 100 0 −0.5 25 26 27 28 Time (s) 29 −2.5 30 (a) Grid Voltages Fig. 13. Condition Stator Line Voltage Magnitude 25 25.5 Time (s) 26 26.5 Reactive Power Waveform for 2MW during 250 msec Fault 800 700 5. H ARDWARE R ESULTS Voltage (V) 600 The small scale laboratory prototype was used to verify the control concept is shown in Fig. 14. The H∞ controller designed was implemented using a DSP-based rapid prototyping environment from dSPACE [9]. Space vector modulation technique was used to develop the PWM signals for better utilization of DC-Link voltage. The system is operated at 50 V (rms) grid line voltage. The reference for the sta- 500 400 300 200 100 0 25 26 27 28 Time (s) 29 30 (b) DFIG Stator Terminal Voltages Fig. 11. Simulation results for 2MW during 250 msec Fault Condition The wind power reference and stator reactive power reference is made zero during the fault condition and normal operation was restored once the grid was healthy. The reactive power waveform is shown in Fig. 13. From the Fig. 13, controller maintains the stator reactive power to its reference value. Fig. 14. Low Power Hardware Prototype tor terminal voltage and DC link voltages were selected as 55 V (rms) and 100 V (dc). The reactive power required by 2485 Stator Voltage Magnitude grid during the fault and post fault control as shown in Fig. 16. 70 60 6. C ONCLUSIONS A novel control strategy using the robust controller theory is used to reduce the effects of any faults, disturbances or low grid voltages. A robust H∞ controller is synthesized to control the grid-side converter and the rotor circuit, so the wind turbine is still kept in operating condition during the fault and post fault condition without any lost of generation. Modifying the controller from existing method can result in maintaining the turbine connected for longer duration resulting in better utilization of wind turbine. The DFIG can supply reactive power to the grid for voltage support. The control scheme has been tested on a scaled down laboratory prototype and found to work satisfactorily. 40 Vs mag 50 30 20 10 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 Time (a) DFIG Stator Voltages DC Link Voltage 120 110 100 R EFERENCES Vdc 90 80 70 60 50 40 0 0.5 1 1.5 Time (b) DC Link Voltage Fig. 15. Hardware results for 250 msec Fault Conditions Stator Reactive Power 30 20 10 Qs (W) 0 −10 −20 −30 −40 −50 0 0.5 1 1.5 Time Fig. 16. Stator Reactive Power DFIG is supplied from the rotor side (i.e Qs = 0). A grid voltage fault of 250 msec was applied to the system. The stator terminal voltages and DC link voltages are shown in Fig. 15(a) and Fig. 15(b) respectively. From the Fig. 15, it’s clear that controller acts effectively and tries to maintain the DC link voltage constant during the fault condition. The rotor side controller controls the reactive power absorbed from the [1] T. Ackermann, Wind Power in Power System. John Willey and Sons, 2005. [2] American Wind Energy Association, PETITION FOR RULEMAKING OR, IN THE ALTERNATIVE, REQUEST FOR CLARIFICATION OF ORDER 2003-A, AND REQUEST FOR TECHNICAL CONFERENCE OF THE AMERICAN WIND ENERGY ASSOCIATION. [3] Wind Turbine Generator With A Low Voltage Ride Through Controller And A Method For Controlling Wind Turbine Components, August 2004. [4] N. Mohan, T. Undeland, and W. P. Robbins, Power Electronics. John Wiley and Sons, 2 ed., 1995. [5] N. Mohan, Advanced Electric Drives. MNPERE, http://www.mnpere.com, 2001. [6] K. Zhou and J. C. 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