Nonlinear Electromechanical Behavior of an Electrostatic Microrelay M.-A. Grktillat 3, I), Y .-.J Yang 2), E. S. Hung 2), V. Rabinovich 2), G. K. Ananthasuresh N.F. de Rooij I ) and S. D. Senturia 4A3.02 3, I ) Institute of Microtechnology, University of Neuchikl, Jaquet-Droz 1, CH-2007 Neuchgtel, Switzerland, Microsystems Technology Laboratories, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA SUMMARY In this paper experiments on the quasistatic and dynamic behavior of the electrostatic polysilicon microrelay fabricated at IMT are presented together with new nonlinear dynamical models. The models simulate the pull-in voltage, the resonance frequency, the quality factor, the switching time and the electrostatic spring softening of the microrelay. Simulation of the pull-in voltage has been done with MIT's MEMCAD system, the resonance frequency has been simulated with AbaqusTM, while macro-models developed at MIT have been used to simulate the dynamics of the nonlinear actuator in the presence of squeeze-film damping Keywords: electrostatic actuator, modeling, squeeze-film damping. INTRODUCTION This paper reports the simulation of the nonlinear electromechanical behavior of an electrostatically actuated microbeam, fabricated as the moving part of a polysilicon microrelay. The electrical performance of the relay has been reported elsewhere [1,2]. This paper emphasis a comparison between the basic measured properties (switching voltage, resonant behavior and switching speed) and corresponding quasi-static and dynamic models. The combination of different simulation tools (MEMCAD [3], AbaqusTM and MIT's macromodels [4,5,6,7]) offer good insights into the behavior of the polysilicon microrelay, including the squeeze-film effects due to the air under the beam. circuit consists of two polysilicon layers: the first one is on the substrate (1" polysilicon) and the second one is under the beam (2ndpolysilicon). Figure 2 shows a SEM of a 350 pm long microrelay. More details about the realisation and first characterization of these microrelays are given in [ 1,2]. PULL-IN VOLTAGE The pull-in voltage is measured with a reverse bias on the p-n junction, and a steady bias between the polysilicon beam and the p+ substrate (-33V for the 300 pm and -27 V for the 3 5 0 pm long relays). In the presence of this bias, the potential on the counter electrode (ndoped region) is increased until the device pulls in. The result is 48.7 V for a 300 pm long relay and 42.8 V for a 3 5 0 pm relay. Simulation of the pull-in voltage has been done with MIT's MEMCAD system (Figure 3) [ 3 ] . Because of the p-n junction bias and because the polysilicon of the working circuit under the beam is at the same potential as the substrate and hence screens the field of the upper polysilicon electrode in that region, pull-in was modeled with different potentials in the different regions of the structure. I p-type silicon substrate MECHANICAL DEVICE p-type region The mechanical part of the microrelay consists of a polysiliconi silicon-nitridel polysilicon microbridge realized by sacrificial-layer technology. Figure 1 shows a schematic cross section of the microrelay. The actuation circuit is formed between the polysilicon layer of the microbridge (3rdpolysilicon electrode) and the n-doped region in the substrate (counter electrode). The working n-type region aluminum 0-7803-3829-4/97/$10.000 1997 IEEE LPCVD Si-nitride I CVD Si-dioxide & aLPCVD Si-nitride EEI 1st & 2nd P-doped LPCVD poly-Si 3rd P-doped LPCVD poly-si Figure 1: Schematic cross section of the relay 1141 TRANSDUCERS '97 7997 lnterflatioflal Conference on Solid-state Sensors and Actuators Chicago, June 16-19, 1997 4A3.02 Figure 3: View of the model realized with MEMCAD for a 350 p m long microrelay (36 V have been applied on the counter electrode). Note the dflerent parts under the beam which correspond to the driving electrode in the substrate and the 2nd polysilicon under the beam. I Figure 2: SEM of a 350 p m long microrelay. An equivalent Young's modulus (Y) of 200 GPa was used to simulate the multilayer beam. A volume average of the different materials was used to estimate this equivalent Young's modulus from values for the nitride and polysilicon Young's modulus [8]. For the beam ends, both stepped-up and fully clamped boundary conditions (BCs) were investigated. Figure 4 shows the importance of such investigation in the modeling of free standing beams for the case of a residual stress 0=130 MPa. The effect of the boundary conditions is more than 10 YOon the pull-in voltage. Using the stepped-up support, the residual stress value was adjusted to 145 Mpa to match the pull-in voltage as well as the resonance frequency of a 300 pm long device. Figure 5 shows the simulated displacement of two microrelays of different lengths for different applied voltages. These curves are given by MEMCAD, which also gives the shape of the microrelay for each applied voltage (Figure 6). The simulated pull-in voltages are 48.5 V for the 300 pm relays and 41 V for the 350 pm relay which agree with experiment within 4.5%. A summary of these simulation results is given in Table 1. Using the same mechanical properties as in the pullin voltage simulation, a small amplitude modal analysis was performed with AbaqusTM to get the resonance frequencies as well as the shapes of the five first modes. An error smaller than 5% has been obtained for the first resonance frequency. The five first modes are shown in Figure 7. DYNAMIC MODELING The dynamic behavior of these devices has also been simulated, but because of various approximations, the dynamic models are less accurate than the quasi-static models used for the pull-in and resonance frequency. TRANSDUCERS '97 1997 International Conference on Solid-state Sensors and Actuators Chicago, June 16-19, 1997 Stepped-up beam + 2: -Fully clamped beam1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05c K n 35 45 Actuation [VI 40 50 55 Figure 4: Comparison of the effect of the boundary conditions on the pull-in voltage (Y = 200 GPa and o = 130 Mpa) I -350pm 36 long beam 38 40 long beam1 -300pm 42 44 46 Actuation [VI 48 50 j : ! Figure 5: Simulation of the pull-in voltage. The values are close to the measured values of 48.7 V for the 300 ,um long relay and 42.8 V for the 350 ,um long relay (Y = 200 GPa and U = 145 Mpa). Y 142 4A3.02 Table I : Summary ofthe simulation results 36 V Pull-in 11 Resonance freauencv 1 42 V 46 V 7 48 V 49 V Figure 6: M E M A D plots of five applied voltages. This kind of simulation allows to get the pull-in voltage of the device, here a multilayer polysilicon/nitride/polysilicon microrelay. Two different models have been investigated [4, 51. They differ only in the numerical treatment of the beam mechanics. Both include squeeze-film air damping by solving the Reynolds equation using finite difference methods. The first one uses a modal analysis which includes the step boundary conditions but not the stressstiffening in large deflection [6] while the second solves the Euler wide beam equation with stress stiffening, but with fully clamped beam ends [ 5 ] . Both models required parametric adjustment to fit the pull-in voltage. The stiffness was selected for the first model adjustment, while the residual stress was selected for the second one. Figure 8 shows the experimental switching time versus actuation voltage for a 300 pm long relay, together with several simulations. Once the pull-in voltage is matched by adjusting respectively the stiffness or the residual stress, the curves fit the measured variation of pull-in time with voltage very well. It should be emphasized that the residual stress and the stiffness adjustment used here is to provide compensation for the unmodeled effects in the two models, and does not mean that the physical values have changed from the previous values. 15 Figure 7: Abaqus T'plots of the jive first modes with their frequency. This kind of simulation is very useful to realize a dynamic macro model (6, 71. 10" 46 48 50 52 54 Actuation Voltage [VI 56 Measurements + uic: wide hcarn: rcsidun; srrcss=I 161.IPa --.--G.-- ulzr n i c k besin: residual ~.iress=l00Mi'a Skq:~J-iipb e i ~ i i reaidxi1 : s t n s I-iSYIi'a Stepped-up beam: residual stress=] 45MPa. 8 "/o increased stiffiicss Figure 8: Switching time versus voltage f o r a 300 ,um long micvorelay. Two different models have been used to simulate the behavior of this device, with parametric adjustments lo match the pull-in voltage as explained in the text. 1143 TRANSDUCERS '97 1997 lnternational Conference on Solid-state Sensors and Actuators Chicago, June 16-19, 1997 4A3.02 It has also been possible to simulate the effect of air pressure on the resonance frequency and the quality factor. Figure 9 shows the measured and simulated data for a 300 pm long microrelay. Such simulation has also been realized for a 350 pm long microrelay and is being presented separately [7]. Figure 10 gives the spring softening effect for a 300 pm long microrelay. A change of about 2% has been observed for 15V applied to the beam. I + measured 300 pm --simulated 300 wml -1.5 1 CONCLUSION Full modeling of the nonlinear dynamic behavior of an electrostatic microrelay has been demonstrated. The pull-in voltage, the switching time, the resonance frequency and the quality factor of such compliant structures have been simulated. Squeeze-film damping has been included for the dynamic simulations. This modeling illustrates the potential for predicting the behavior of such micro electro mechanical systems with good accuracy. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank Ms. Pochon, Mr. Clerc, Mr. Jeanneret, Dr. Linder and Mr. ThiCbaud, (of IMT) for their help in the conception and the realization of the microrelays. Parts of this work have been funded by the Swiss Foundation for Research in Microtechnology FSRM (92/06), and by DARPA (J-FBI-95-215). L 800 - - 1 L 0 5 600 - 7 400 - c .-*h i 365 v) 0 \ 364 0 + 363 e 2 361 4 J 6 f 200 362 k - 360 - 1 0 0.01 %. ‘ ‘ * . , . . , I 0.1 ’”..,..‘ ’ ”“”’ 1 ‘ ” . A359 ;“- 10 100 pressure Figure 9: Small amplitude simulation of the effect of air damping [7] Because no intrinsic mechanical damping was included in the modeling, the quality factor measurements and the simulation diverge for pressures less than I mbar TRANSDUCERS ‘97 7997 International Conference on solid-state Sensors and Acfuafors Chicago, June 16-19, 1997 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Substrate Voltage [VI 14 16 Figure IO: Spring softening effect: measurements and simulation for the 300 p m long microrelay. REFERENCES [ 11 M.-A. Gretillat et al., “Integrated circuit compatible electrostatic polysilicon microrelays”, Micromech. Microeng., 5 (1995), pp. 156-160. [2] M.-A. 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