UPTEC F 15013 Examensarbete 30 hp Maj 2015 Performance evaluation of IQ-modulator ADL5375 at 5.8 GHz and its effect on transmitter performance in a telecommunications system Alexander Bergslilja Abstract Performance evaluation of IQ-modulator ADL5375 at 5.8 GHz and its effect on transmitter performance in a telecommunications system Alexander Bergslilja Teknisk- naturvetenskaplig fakultet UTH-enheten Besöksadress: Ångströmlaboratoriet Lägerhyddsvägen 1 Hus 4, Plan 0 Postadress: Box 536 751 21 Uppsala Telefon: 018 – 471 30 03 Telefax: 018 – 471 30 00 Hemsida: http://www.teknat.uu.se/student Because of the tough competition in the telecom business there is a constant push for higher capacity and data rates and the companies producing the telecommunications equipment need more cost effective products to stay ahead of competitors. It is therefore interesting to evaluate the possibilities to use unlicensed frequency bands at higher frequencies as a complement to the traditional lower frequency bands. This study is focusing on the 5.8 GHz band, which is mainly used for WLAN applications. A key component in most transmitter (TX) designs is is the quadrature modulator, which upconverts the information signal to desired carrier frequency. In this study an attempt to evaluate the commercially available quadrature modulator ADL5375 at 5.8 GHz. An AWR Visual System Simulator (VSS) model based on measurements of key parameters of ADL5375 is constructed. An attempt is made to see whether a TX design can pass the specifications set by 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) for the Long Term Evolution (LTE) standard. To test this an LTE signal source was also constructed. No certain conclusions can be drawn without putting the modulator in a complete (TX) design but the results indicate that it might be possible to use it in a (TX) design for the 5.8 GHz band. Handledare: David Scafe Ämnesgranskare: Uwe Zimmermann Examinator: Tomas Nyberg ISSN: 1401-5757, UPTEC F15 013 Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning På grund av den hårda konkurrensen på telekom-marknaden finns det ett hårt tryck för att öka capaciteten (antal användare telekomnäten kan hantera) och datahastigheten i dagens nät. Detta innebär att man behöver mer bandbredd. De frekvensband som idag är licensierade för telekommunikation börjar bli överpopulerade, vilket gör det svårt att höja prestandan på näten. Detta gör att man i branschen tittar på olika sätt att utöka frekvensspektrumen som används för 3G och LTE. Ett sätt att utöka är att använda det olicensierade spektrumet på 5.8 GHz och uppåt. Men om frekvensen i systemen ökas så sjunker prestandan. Detta ställer högre krav på designen av dessa system och det blir svårare att klara av de designspecifikationer som utfärdas av standardiseringsorganisationer som t.ex. 3GPP. Den här rapporten siktar på att testa en delkomponent i en sändarkrets, IQ-modulatorn. I all radiokommunikation så konverteras den analoga signalen som innehåller informationen man vill överföra upp till en bärvågsfrekvens (fc ). Den uppgiften utförs av IQ-modulatorn. IQ-modulatorn består internt av någon form av icke-linjära elektriska komponenter, som dioder eller transistorer. De icke-linjära egenskaperna används för att få den önskade uppkonverteringen till bärvågsfrekvensen. För att se om en sändare kan byggas med kommersiellt tillgängliga komponenter så testades i denna studie IQ-modulatorn ADL5375 från Analog Devices. Den är gjord för att användas inom frekvensspannet 400 MHz – 6 GHz. För att undersöka hur ADL5375 presterar på 5.8 GHz och kunna utvärdera huruvida den är lämplig i en sändadesign behöver den testas med bredbandiga signaler av typen som används när exempelvis LTE-standarden används. För att göra detta möjligt utan att designa en hel sändare skapades istället en simuleringsmodell av ADL5375 i simuleringsprogrammet AWR – Visual System Simulator. Simuleringsmodellen baserades på mätningar av vissa nyckelparametrar som är typiska för modulatorer. Specifikationerna som sätts upp av 3GPP för basstationssändare i LTEsystem utgår från en komplett sändardesign. För att då kunna utvärdera huruvida ADL5375 klarar av kraven som ställs behöver den sättas i en komplett sändardesign. På så sätt kan dess effekt på sändaren utvärderas. För att möjliggöra bredbandig signalgenerering så skapades utöver en modell av ADL5375 även en LTE-signalkälla. Resultaten av projektet är en simuleringsmodell av ADL5375. Utöver det skapades även en LTE-signalkälla att använda för kompletta sändardesignsimuleringar. Resultaten av projektet ger inga entydiga svar på huruvida ADL5375 lämpar sig för 5.8GHz-bandet, men under vissa antaganden kan det vara möjligt. För att kunna dra några vidare slutsatser behöver en mer komplett simuleringsmodell utvecklas som tar hänsyn till alla steg i en sändardesign. i Foreword I would like to thank my supervisor, David Scafe, for his support and his neverfading smile. A big thank you goes to the Ericsson TX design department and especially Wojciech Mudyna for giving me the opportunity to work with this project. An extra thank you goes to Erik Vedin, Theodor Berg, Jimmy Andersson and Mathias Augustsson for their patience and willingness to answer all my questions. I would also like to thank Andreas Tenggren on Keysight for the oppurtunity to borrow measurement equipment. Finally I would like to thank my wife Eva for her endless support and for always picking me up when I’m down. ii Contents Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Introduction ii 1 1.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 Theory 3 2.1 Modelling Transmit Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.2 General Transmitter Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.3 Upconversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.3.1 Mixer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.3.2 Upconverting Using a Mixer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.4 Quadrature Modulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.5 Modulator Characteristic parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.5.1 LO Leakage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.5.2 Sideband Suppression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.5.3 Conversion Gain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.5.4 1 dB Compression Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.5.5 Second and Third Order Intercept Points . . . . . . . . . 9 3 Hardware 3.1 12 Evaluation Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Simulation 4.1 4.2 12 13 AWR’s Visual System Simulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 4.1.1 Simulation of ADL5375 in VSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 4.1.2 Wideband Signal Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Simulate Wideband Behaviour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 5 Measurements 18 iii 5.1 Necessary Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 5.2 Measurement equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 5.2.1 DAC as stimulus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 5.2.2 81160A and N5242A PNA-X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 5.2.3 Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 6 Results and Conclusions 6.1 27 Measurement Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 6.1.1 CW Tone Measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 6.1.2 IM Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 6.1.3 Simulation Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 6.1.4 ACLR Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 6.2 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 6.3 Summary of Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 6.4 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 A Appendix 38 A.1 Plots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv 38 Glossary IP2 Second Order Intercept Point. 12, 13, 25, 26, 31, 36 IP3 Third Order Intercept Point. 11–13, 25, 26, 31, 36 3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project. 2, 17, 36 ACLR Adjacent Channel Rejection Ratio. 17, 18, 32–34, 36 BB baseband. 5, 6, 8, 19, 20, 22–25, 28, 31, 32, 35, 37 BPF bandpass filter. 5 BS Base Station. 18 CE complex envelope. 4, 14 CW continuous wave. 19, 22, 32 DAC Digital-to-Analog Converter. 5, 6, 20, 21, 37 DDS Direct Digital Synthesis. 8 DPD Digital Pre-distortion. 36 E-UTRA Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access. 17 EVM Error Vector Magnitude. 18 GPIB General Purpose Interface Bus. 23, 25 IF intermediate frequency. 5, 6, 8, 17, 32 IM intermodulation. 12, 26 LO local oscillator. 6–9, 13–16, 19, 24, 26, 27, 35, 36 LPF lowpass filter. 5 LSB lower sideband. 6, 19, 25 LTE Long Term Evolution. 2, 3, 17, 18, 32, 34, 36 NA network analyser. 20, 24 P1dB 1 dB Compression Point. 10, 13, 19, 20, 31 PA power amplifier. 5, 36, 37 PCB Printed Circuit Board. 3, 22 RF radio frequency. 2, 5, 6, 8–10, 13–15, 17, 20, 26 v SBS sideband suppression. 9, 28, 29, 31, 32, 38 SSB Single Sideband. 8 TX transmitter. 2, 3, 5, 6, 17, 18, 20, 36, 37 UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications Systems. 2 USB upper sideband. 6, 19, 25 VI Virtual Instrument. 23, 24 VSA vector signal analyser. 20 VSS Visual System Simulator. 14–17, 19, 20, 37 WCDMA Wideband Code Division Multiple Access. 3, 17 vi 1 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION Introduction Background In the telecom business there is tough competition. The business constantly pushes for higher capacity and data rates and the companies producing the telecommunications equipment need more cost effective products to stay ahead of competitors. Both Ericsson (Ericsson, 2014) and Qualcomm (QUALCOMM, 2013) project a substantial increase in data traffic over the coming years. At the same time, the commercial spectrum used for Universal Mobile Telecommunications Systems (UMTS) and Long Term Evolution (LTE) ranging between 700 MHz to 2.6 GHz is getting overcrowded as can be seen in Figure 1. Figure 1: Spectrum allocation between different network operators in Sweden (PTS, 2014). Interest to use unlicensed spectrum with carrier aggregation as a supplement to increase capacity and data rates can be seen by Qualcomm and T-Mobile among others (Tammy Parker, 2013; Monica Alleven, 2014). 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) has started work to make specifications on how unlicensed spectrum can be used in LTE. Dino Flore (2015) states that focus will be put on implementing LTE in the 5 GHz band. Specifically, the frequency range above 5.8 GHz is of interest due to the fact that this is in many regions (the US and China) unlicensed spectrum. Working with higher frequencies puts higher demand on the hardware in transceiver circuitry. With higher frequencies one must overcome performance degradation such as reduced range and linearity. It also makes the radio frequency (RF) design more complex due to shorter wavelengths and transmission line effects. To cope with these issues one needs to carefully evaluate the performance degradation of all components in the communications system chain. One of these components is the mixer or modulator. Most telecommunications systems use complex modulation schemes and must therefore use a quadrature modulator. Therefore it is of interest for Ericsson’s transmitter (TX) design department to test the modulator stage for transmission at higher frequencies. To make a design commercially usable it needs not only to perform well but also be cost effective. This project will investigate the performance of a commercially available IQ-modulator, ADL5375 from Analog Devices (Analog Devices Inc., 2014). To Alexander Bergslilja 1 May 13, 2015 1.2 Purpose 1 INTRODUCTION use said modulator at the 5.8 GHz band would be to push it to its upper limit. At the same time it is interesting to see if it is possible to make a TX design with ADL5375 to examine the possibility to keep it inside performance requirements that a given communications protocol require. This would require testing of the components in a TX design and fine-tuning link budget parameters. Many aspects of this process are very time consuming, such as going from schematic to a physical Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design, redesign for different scenarios, generating different types of signals etc. An alternative approach that is less time consuming is to make a sufficiently adequate simulation model describing the ADL5375 and insert it into a customizable TX chain in a simulation software. Analog Devices provide documentation for ADL5375 of key performance parameters up to 5.8 GHz. This documentation and complementary reference measurements gives a good base for constructing a simulation model which in turn can be inserted into a TX chain. This can be used to evaluate performance issues on a system level. It also makes it easy to trim different system parameters and apply scenarios with different broadband signals, such as LTE or Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA). 1.2 Purpose The purpose of this project is to : make detailed measurements of performance parameters on ADL5375, design a simulation model for ADL5375, use the simulation model to evaluate performance of wideband communications system on the 5.8 GHz band and give suggestions for link budget optimizations for high frequency applications with ADL5375. Alexander Bergslilja 2 May 13, 2015 2 2 THEORY Theory In this section all relevant theory for the project will be presented. Starting in section 2.1 with how signals with complex modulation is modelled and analysed, moving on to describing general transmitter design in section 2.2 and covering the process of upconversion with mixers and modulators in section 2.3. 2.1 Modelling Transmit Signals As stated by Goldsmith (2005) all physical signals that are transmitted are real signals. This is because all modulators and mixers are built using oscillators and circuitry that generate real sinusoidal signals. When modelling wireless channels mathematically using a complex frequency response, it is done purely for analytical simplicity. The wireless channel is only introducing a phase lag and amplitude change at each frequency, so that the received signal is also a real signal. Modulated and demodulated signals are often represented as the real part of a complex signal. The purpose of this is to make the analysis of signals in channels with complex properties possible. The transmitted signal is modelled as a bandpass signal being modulated by a carrier frequency fc n o s(t) = < u(t)ej2πfc t = vI (t)cos(2πfc t) − vQ (t)sin(2πfc t) (2.1.1) where u(t) = vI (t) + jvQ (t) (2.1.2) is a complex baseband signal, also called the signals complex envelope (CE).The in-phase component is < {s(t)} = vI (t)cos(2πfc t) − vQ (t)sin(2πfc t) (2.1.3) and the quadrature component is = {s(t)} = vI (t)sin(2πfc t) + vQ (t)cos(2πfc t). (2.1.4) Equation 2.1.1 is a standard representation for bandpass signals such as the one seen in Figure 2. Figure 2: Bandpass signal S(f ). This means that any high frequency bandpass signal s(t) has an equivalent lowpass signal u(t). As a consequence it is easier to work with bandpass signals because it is possible to work with the equivalent lowpass signal instead. This greatly simplifies the process of applying signal processing algorithms because of the much decreased needed sampling rates and thus decreased data rates (Proakis and Salehi, 2008). The process of going from passband to baseband as presented in equation 2.1.1 is further described in Proakis and Salehi (2008). It can be implemented by a system called a modulator and will be thoroughly explained in section 2.4. Alexander Bergslilja 3 May 13, 2015 2.2 2.2 General Transmitter Design 2 THEORY General Transmitter Design The TX part of a radio communications system is a device that is fed with a signal containing information which it modulates onto a relatively high carrier frequency and then amplified to be broadcast from an antenna. In modern systems, the data is created digitally and then converted to an analog signal called a baseband (BB) signal. BB signals are low frequency signals centred around 0 Hz with bandwidths depending on the type of communications system (Leon W. Couch, 2013). As stated above, no communication is conducted at BB frequencies. To avoid interfering with other communication, the signal is upconverted to a carrier frequency, fc . The upconversion is made by a frequency converting device such as a mixer or a modulator (described in depth in section 2.3). Before the signal is broadcast by an antenna it is generally amplified to a power level that is required by the communication protocol that the TX is designed for. (a) (b) Figure 3: (a) Schematic representation of a a complex intermediate frequency (IF) TX design. After the Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) there is a bandpass filter (BPF). Before the final power amplifier (PA) stage there is another BPF. (b) Schematic representation of a zero IF design. After the DAC stage there is a lowpass filter (LPF) stage. After upconversion to the RF there is a BPF and a PA. Two common TX designs is depicted in Figure 3. These two designs are the ones Alexander Bergslilja 4 May 13, 2015 2.3 Upconversion 2 THEORY that are intended to be simulated in this project. In most of today’s systems, the data is produced digitally in the form of quadrature BB signals and converted in a DAC before it can be upconverted to a carrier frequency. There are different types of TX designs, which employ different techniques to get from digital BB signals to a transmitted signal on a carrier frequency. In the design in Figure 3(a) the BB signal is upconverted to the carrier frequency in two steps. First it is upconverted digitally to an IF. After that it is converted to an analog signal by the DAC after which it is upconverted to an RF. In Figure 3(b) the BB signal is converted by the DAC and then directly upconverted to an RF. The difference between the two designs is that in the Zero IF design you can use a lower sampling speed, but you will get the local oscillator (LO) leakage in the middle of your signals bandwidth. If using the Complex IF design you will need a higher sampling frequency but will separate the LO from your signal which can be beneficial (Razavi, 2011). 2.3 Upconversion In section 2.3.1 the process of upconverting a signal to a carrier frequency by using a mixer will be presented. The mixers role in frequency conversion when inside of a modulator will be explained in section 2.4. 2.3.1 Mixer As stated by Pozar (2012) a mixer is a three port device that uses a non-linear device for either up or down conversion of a signals frequency. Figure 4 shows a functional diagram of the upconverting process. Figure 4: Upconversion with a mixer If the two input signals are v1 (t) = sinω1 t and v2 (t) = sinω2 t (2.3.1) and the mixer is an ideal, lossless mixer, the output will be 1 y(t) = sin(ω1 t)sin(ω2 t) = [sin(ω1 − ω2 )t + sin(ω1 + ω2 )t]. 2 (2.3.2) These two frequencies, ω1 − ω2 and ω1 + ω2 , are called upper sideband (USB) and lower sideband (LSB) (Pozar, 2012). One of these sidebands are used for communications and the other is filtered out. In practice, a mixer uses the non-linear properties of either a diode or a transistor to produce the desired mixing products (Pozar, 2012). Therefore the mixer Alexander Bergslilja 5 May 13, 2015 2.3.2 Upconverting Using a Mixer 2 THEORY output can be modelled using the junction diode equation I(V ) = Is (eqV /nkT − 1) (2.3.3) where q is the electron charge, k is the Boltzmann’s constant, T is temperature, n is the ideality factor and Is is the saturation current. These parameters are dependant on the type of diode that is considered. The output of a physical mixer deviates from that of the ideal mixer due to the non-linearities that are introduced in 2.3.3. If the input voltage is expressed as V = V0 + v (2.3.4) where Vo is a DC bias and v is a small AC signal voltage. According to Pozar (2012) 2.3.3 can be expanded in a Taylor series about V0 as 1 2 d2 I dI + v + .... (2.3.5) I(V ) = I0 + v dV V0 2 dV 2 V0 This derives to v2 0 (2.3.6) G + ... 2 d where Gd is the dynamic conductance of the diode. This is called the Small signal approximation of the diode and is useful when analysing the diode mixer. I(V ) = I0 + vGd + 2.3.2 Upconverting Using a Mixer Given the voltage signals vIF = VIF cos ωIF t (2.3.7) vLO = VLO cos ωLO t (2.3.8) and as the inputs of a diode mixer and using the small signal approximation in equation 2.3.6, the total mixer current is i(t) = I0 + Gd (vLO + vIF ) + G0d (vLO + vIF )2 + .... 2 (2.3.9) The DC term I0 is easily blocked and the second term is a replication of the input signals where the vIF term can easily be filtered out. vLO is an in-band signal and is difficult to filter out. It is one of the contributions to the modulator’s LO leakage and will be further explained in section 2.5. The third term can be rewritten using trigonometrical identities to G0d (VIF cos ωIF t + VLO cos ωLO t)2 2 G0 2 2 = d [VIF (1 + cos 2ωIF t) + 2VLO VIF cosωLO cosωIF + VLO (1 + cos2ωLO t) 4 1 = [2VIF VLO cos(ωLO − ωIF )t + 2VIF VLO cos(ωLO + ωIF )t] 4 2 2 + VLO (1 + cos 2ωLO ) + VIF (1 + cos 2ωIF )]. (2.3.10) i(t)quadratic = Alexander Bergslilja 6 May 13, 2015 2.4 Quadrature Modulator 2 THEORY This yields several signal components that are unwanted. The DC terms are again blocked and the 2ωIF and 2ωLO are filtered out (given that they are sufficiently far away in frequency to ωLO ). This leaves the last two terms, and 1 vRF1 (t) = VIF VLO cos(ωLO − ωIF )t 2 (2.3.11) 1 vRF2 (t) = VIF VLO cos(ωLO + ωIF )t 2 (2.3.12) which are consistent with (2.3.2). One of these two frequencies are used as the carrier frequency, fC . ** 2.4 Quadrature Modulator Not only is the process of modulating the BB signals made in the digital domain in high-end communications systems, but also the act of upconverting it to an IF fIF , by using Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) (Cushing, 2000). The final upconversion to an RF is done in the analog domain. It is then possible to use a similar method as when implementing a Single Sideband (SSB) mixer (Pozar, 2012) to suppress one of the sidebands. this enables more spectrum effective transmissions. By using a quadrature modulator, such as the one schematically represented in Figure 5 it is possible to obtain similar suppression. In the same way as when implementing a SSB mixer, both the two IF signals and the LO signals fed to their respective mixer core need to be 90◦ out of phase to each other if maximum suppression is to occur. When the signal is digitally upconverted to an IF and then converted to an analog signal, the two signals are on the form of 2.1.3 and 2.1.4 and thus 90◦ out of phase. The two signals can be fed into a quadrature modulator as the one in Figure 5. Figure 5: Schematic representation of quadrature modulator (Agilent Technologies, 2007). If similar assumptions are made about the low frequency mixing products as in section 2.3 it is sufficient to calculate the quadratic term in equation 2.3.9. When rewritten using the same trigonometric identities for the two inputs gives Alexander Bergslilja 7 May 13, 2015 2.5 Modulator Characteristic parameters 2 THEORY in-phase component o i2 G0 h n iin−phase (t) = d < u(t)ej2πfIF t + vLO (t) 2 G0d = − 2VLO VQ sin(ωIF − ωLO )t − 2VLO VQ sin(ωIF + ωLO )t 2 + 2VLO VI cos(ωIF − ωLO )t + 2VLO VI cos(ωIF + ωLO )t 2 cos 2ωLO t − VQ2 cos 2ωIF t − 2VQ VI sin 2ωIF t + VI2 cos 2ωIF t + VLO 2 2 2 + VLO + VQ + VI (2.4.1) and quadrature component o i2 G0 h n iquadrature (t) = d = u(t)ej2πfIF t + vLO (t) 2 G0d 2VLO VQ sin(ωIF − ωLO )t − 2VLO VQ sin(ωIF + ωLO )t = 2 − 2VLO VI cos(ωIF − ωLO )t + 2VLO VI cos(ωIF + ωLO )t 2 + VQ2 cos 2ωIF t + 2VQ VI sin 2ωIF t − VI2 cos 2ωIF t − VLO cos 2ωLO t 2 + VLO + VQ2 + VI2 (2.4.2) as quadrature component. If the two are summed together as in Figure 5 the output of the modulator is isum (t) = G0d 2VLO VI cos(ωIF + ωLO )t − 2VLO VQ sin(ωIF + ωLO )t 2 + VLO + VQ2 + VI2 . (2.4.3) As can be seen, only one of the two sidebands is left in the output signal, ωIF + ωLO , but all information is preserved. Described above is the theoretical operation of an ideal quadrature modulator. There is however a number of circumstances that degrade the performance of the modulator. To make the performance of the modulator measurable there are a number of important parameters that characterizes it. These will be presented in section 2.5. 2.5 Modulator Characteristic parameters Contrary to the situation in above sections, where a schematic modulator is considered, there are imperfections internally that create asymmetries and nonidealities. This will affect the output of the modulator (Nash, 2009). 2.5.1 LO Leakage LO leakage, as described by Razavi (2011), refers to the situation when the LO signal is somehow leaking to the output of the mixer. It can be caused by the non-linear properties of the mixer, as seen in equation 2.3.6, where a replication of the input signal is produced. It can also be caused by device capacitances between the LO and RF port or by emissions from the substrate to the output pad. Both of the latter causes what is referred to as self-mixing (Nash, 2009). It can be caused by the finite isolation either between the LO port and one or both of the I and Q ports of the modulator or between the LO port and the actual RF output. It can also occur when a DC offset is present on the input of the mixer. Alexander Bergslilja 8 May 13, 2015 2.5.2 Sideband Suppression 2.5.2 2 THEORY Sideband Suppression The sideband suppression (SBS) of a quadrature modulator is defined as SBS = PDSB PSSB (2.5.1) which is the ratio between the desired sideband, PDSB , and the suppressed sideband, PSSB . Consider the event where the gain in the I channel is greater then that of the Q channel. This could be caused by any number of reasons such as input mismatch, internal I/Q gain imbalance etc., but the effect would be the same. It would cause degradation of the sideband suppression of the modulator. 2.5.3 Conversion Gain The conversion gain specifies the power transfer of the modulator. A modulator is generally a lossy component, but can have a small gain in certain designs. The most general definition of gain is Gconv = Pout /Pin (2.5.2) where Pout is the output signal power and Pin is the input signal power. There is no convention for the definition of Pout when talking about modulators. Most logical is to define it as the power confined inside the desired sideband of the output signal, since this is the only part of the output that is interesting. Similarly there is no convention for Pin either. You could either define it as the sum of the I and Q input powers, or just one of the two channels power. The definition that is used in this report for all conversion gain calculations is that Pin is the power of one of the two input channels and Pout is the power of the desired sideband. It has been established that this is the same definition used in the datasheet for ADL5375 by reverse engineering the values for conversion gain and input voltage levels presented in Analog Devices Inc. (2014). 2.5.4 1 dB Compression Point Many RF circuits have non-linear properties and thus exhibits a compressive behaviour when they are driven to hard. The power level of the output signal is compressed which can create unwanted distortion. It is therefore of interest to quantify how severe the compression of a component is. As described by Pozar (2012) and Razavi (2011) it is common to present the point at which the output power of a device (e.g. amplifier or mixer) has compressed to a point 1 dB below the ideal linear behaviour, the 1 dB Compression Point (P1dB). It can be specified either as the input power (IP1dB) or the output power (OP1dB), usually the one giving the highest value. It is calculated by extrapolating the linear response as depicted in Figure 6. 2.5.5 Second and Third Order Intercept Points As discussed previously, the modulator is a device that takes advantage of nonlinear properties of either a diode or a transistor to produce certain frequency shifted output signals. It is clear in section 2.3 that there are several unwanted Alexander Bergslilja 9 May 13, 2015 2.5.5 Second and Third Order Intercept Points 2 THEORY signal components at other frequencies than the wanted. To be able to quantize the effects of said non-linearities the concepts of second and third order intercept points are widely used (Razavi, 2011; Proakis and Salehi, 2008). If using equations (2.3.6) – (2.3.9) you can measure the intercept points. To do this the inputs needs to be changed to two signals with equal amplitude according to v1 (t) = V cos ω1 t (2.5.3) v2 (t) = V cos ω2 t (2.5.4) and with frequencies ω1 and ω2 close to each other. Simplifying the non-linear model in equation 2.3.6 to i(t) = I0 + α1 v + α2 v 2 + α3 v 3 . (2.5.5) If v is substituted to v( t) + v2 (t) we get i(t) = I0 + α1 (V cos ω1 t + V cos ω2 t) + α2 (V cos ω1 t + V cos ω2 t)2 + α3 (V cos ω1 t + V cos ω2 t)3 . (2.5.6) Discarding everything else but the third order terms we get, after simplification 1 1 3 3 3 3 i(t) = α3 V cos ω1 t + cos 3ω1 t + α3 V cos ω2 t + cos 3ω2 t 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 + α3 V cos ω2 t + cos(2ω1 − ω2 )t + cos(2ω1 + ω2 )t 2 4 4 3 3 3 3 + α3 V cos ω1 t + cos(2ω2 − ω1 )t + cos(2ω2 + ω1 )t (2.5.7) 2 4 4 The interesting terms are 2ω1 − ω2 and 2ω2 − ω1 . If ω1 and ω2 are close to each other then 2ω1 − ω2 and 2ω2 − ω1 will be in the vicinity of these frequencies as well. This causes a distortion of the signal of interest in the situation of a broadband signal that is impossible to filter out without distorting the signal of interest. It is easily seen, when looking at equations 2.5.6 and 2.5.7, that as the input voltage V increases the third order terms increase as V 3 . This means that for small voltages the third order terms will be very small but will increase rapidly but will increase rapidly as the input voltage increases. In Figure 6 we can see that at one point the power of the linear terms will intersect the power of the third order terms. This is called the Third Order Intercept Point (IP3 ). It is also apparent from Figure 6 that this point is a strictly theoretical point, because it occurs well above the 1 dB compression point. Alexander Bergslilja 10 May 13, 2015 2.5.5 Second and Third Order Intercept Points 2 THEORY Figure 6: A diagram of the third order intercept point and the 1 dB compression point in log-log scale (Pozar, 2012). Looking at the second order terms in equation 2.4.1 it is clear that one can define a Second Order Intercept Point (IP2 ) in much the same manner. The increase of amplitude of the second order terms is as the square of the input voltage V . To calculate these points extrapolation of a fundamental tone and both second and third order intermodulation tones is needed. The point where the extrapolated plot of the intermodulation (IM) products intersects the extrapolated plot of the fundamental tone is the IP2 and IP3 . The process of extrapolating demands that long measurement series are performed, which can be very time-consuming or not possible for other measurement technical reasons. It is then possible to estimate the IIP3 . Starting with the scenario that the input power is at the level of PIIP3 . If the input power then is lowered to an arbitrary level Pin1 , it will then have lowered with 10logPIIP3 − 10logPin . On a log-log scale the IM3 product power will fall with a slope of 3 and the fundamental will fall with a slope of 1. This means that the difference between the two plots increase with a slope of 2. This can be concluded by 10logPf − 10logPIM3 = 2(10logPIIP3 − 10logPin ) = ∆P (2.5.8) where PIM3 is the power of the strongest IM3 product and Pf is the power of the fundamental tone. This gives 10logPIIP3 = ∆P + 10logPin 2 (2.5.9) and more generally ∆P + 10logPin . (2.5.10) x−1 Since there can be dynamic non-linearities, this is only an estimate and not as accurate as the method of extrapolation, but can be used as an approximation (Razavi, 2011). 10logPIIPX = Alexander Bergslilja 11 May 13, 2015 3 3 3.1 HARDWARE Hardware Evaluation Board The center of this project is the ADL5375-05 (Analog Devices Inc., 2014). It is a broadband quadrature modulator, designed to work in the frequency range of 400 MHz to 6 GHz. The I and Q baseband input ports are both differential and the LO input port is single-ended. The output RF port is single-ended and matched to 50 Ω. The baseband input needs a 500 mV biasing for optimal performance. Some of the key parameters of the modulator can be seen in table 1. All tests and measurements were made on the evaluation board (rev. B Table 1: Performance Parameters for ADL5375@5.8 GHz (Analog Devices Inc., 2014). Parameter Value Modulator Voltage Gain Output P1dB -5.3 Unit dB 4.9 dBm Output IP2 39.1 dBm Output IP3 14.6 dBm Noise Floor -153.0 LO Leakage -19.5 dBm -3.2 dBc Sideband Suppression dBm/Hz (Analog Devices Inc., 2014)) supplied from the manufacturer of ADL5375. The board has two possible RF output paths; one path with a RF drive amplifier (ADL5320 (Analog Devices Inc., 2013)) and another with a direct path from the modulator RF output. All I/O connections are of the type SMA 3.5 mm. Alexander Bergslilja 12 May 13, 2015 4 4 SIMULATION Simulation To be able to make a more detailed performance analysis of the modulator and see how it performs when using a broadband communication standard in a transmitter design it is convenient to develop a simulation model of the modulator. This gives the possibility to evaluate the board in a complex and more in-depth manner, without the need of the time consuming process of designing hardware, verifying the design etc. It can be very useful in the pre-development stage when a new product for the intended spectrum is to be investigated. In the next sections the simulation software suite used will be presented, along with how the modulator simulation model was constructed. 4.1 AWR’s Visual System Simulator AWR’s Visual Systems Simulator is a software suite which is directed towards system design of todays modern communications systems (National Instruments, 2015a). It is suitable for the purpose of this project, because it comes with a comprehensive library of RF component models (system blocks) which ranges from analog devices such as mixers and amplifiers to logical operators and signal processing blocks. A complete and more detailed descriptionis given in the Visual System Simulator (VSS) Getting Started Guide (National Instruments, 2014b). VSS uses the CE seen in equation 2.1.2 as representation of a signal whenever it is possible. The reason for this is that even though a signal is modulated around a high carrier frequency, the actual data is represented by the lowpass CE. This is sufficiently modelled with a sampling frequency orders of magnitude lower than is needed for proper sampling of the upconverted signal. Therefore VSS propagates a center frequency through the simulation which the CE is centred around. This reduces the sampling frequency and thus the simulation time considerably (National Instruments, 2014b). 4.1.1 Simulation of ADL5375 in VSS Properties that a simulation model should adequately simulate are: Non-linearities Conversion gain Gain compression I/Q imbalance These properties should preferably be simulated over a broad frequency range. To model the internal structure of ADL5375 properly the block diagram depicted in Figure 7(a) was used as a starting point. It consists of drivers for the two baseband inputs, a quadrature phase splitter for the LO input, two mixer cores for upconversion and an RF combiner to sum the I and Q component. To model the mixer cores the system block MIXER B2 was used. It implements a behavioural model of a non-linear double-balanced mixer with an equivalent circuit as in Figure 7(a). Alexander Bergslilja 13 May 13, 2015 4.1.1 Simulation of ADL5375 in VSS 4 (a) SIMULATION (b) Figure 7: (a) Block diagram of ADL5375 internal design (Analog Devices Inc., 2014). (b) VSS system block MIXER B2 equivalent diagram (National Instruments, 2015b). MIXER B2 uses a set of user specified parameters to model a mixer. This makes it suitable for creating a model based on measurement data. It is also possible to specify a vector of frequency values to model a wideband frequency dependant behaviour. The frequency dependency is valid for the baseband frequency range. Certain key parameters were specifically chosen to characterize the modulator (table 2), all of which can use the frequency dependency setting, except for the Noise Figure parameter. Table 2: Parameters used to model ADL5375 in MIXER B2. Name Description GCONV Conversion gain of the mixer. P1DB The 1 dB compression point of the mixer. IP3 3rd order intercept point of the mixer. IP2 2nd order intercept point. LO2OUT The LO leakage between the LO input and the RF output. NF Noise Figure of the mixer. FREQS Vector for frequency dependent settings. Apart from the parameters in Table 2 it is also possible to model temperature dependencies, impedance mismatch on input and output, etc. To conserve time these aspects were chosen not to be implemented in this study. The non-linear amplifier in Figure 7(b) is similiar to another system block, AMP B2 (National Instruments, 2015b). Since measurements of the mixer cores is not done individually it makes more sense to implement the non-linearities on the whole modulator by using AMP B2. The LO generation along with the quadrature phase splitter was realized with the combination of system blocks TONE, SPLITTER and PHASE in the manner seen in Figure 8. Alexander Bergslilja 14 May 13, 2015 4.1.2 Wideband Signal Source 4 SIMULATION Figure 8: LO signal generation and quadrature phase splitter implementation in VSS. TONE generates a sinusoidal tone at a specified frequency. SPLITTER splits the incoming signal power according to Vin Vout = √ . 2 (4.1.1) After that the PHASE block shifts the phase in one of the LO paths with 90◦ . Here it is also possible to insert a phase error to model a sideband that is not perfectly suppressed. The upconverted I and Q signals are then summed together with an ADD block, which sums together the inputs and outputs the result. The whole implementation can be seen in Figure 9(a). (a) (b) Figure 9: (a) VSS realization of ADL5375. (b) ADL5375 implemented as a subcircuit element. For ease of use the modulator model was implemented as a sub-circuit element as in Figure 9(b) to make the model more compact. 4.1.2 Wideband Signal Source To make a performance analysis of ADL5375 and put it in a communications system perspective one needs to feed it with a wideband signal that corresponds Alexander Bergslilja 15 May 13, 2015 4.2 Simulate Wideband Behaviour 4 SIMULATION to a communications standard used in telecommunications system, such as LTE or WCDMA. Then it is possible to make measurements that is comparable with the limits that is specified in standard specifications set by 3GPP (European Telecommunications Standards Institute, 2015). For this to be possible, it is necessary to be able to feed the modulator model with a wideband LTE signal. there is a system block in VSS, LTE DL TSIG, which is a LTE downlink signal source (National Instruments, 2014a). It is constructed to comply with European Telecommunications Standards Institute (2008), and is therefore of interest to use to create test signals for measurements. To create a test signal that corresponds to the signal components presented in equation 2.1.3 and 2.1.4 in the digital domain and enable for upconversion to an IF, one needs to perform the same multiplication with a complex exponential. This is done by first splitting the complex baseband signal into two real data streams and then producing the signal components by using ideal mixers to convert the signals to an IF as in Figure10(a). (a) (b) Figure 10: (a) Creation of quadrature and in-phase component in AWR. (b) Internals of LTE signal generation sub-circuit. This was then inserted as a sub-circuit block inside the LTE sub-circuit block (Figure 10(b)). Using this method to create a baseband envelope at an IF requires that you sample at a higher sampling speed, to make sure that the Nyquist Criteria is met(Goldsmith, 2005). 4.2 Simulate Wideband Behaviour To evaluate the impact of using ADL5375 in the 5.8 GHz band it is necessary to put it in a TX design perspective. When design of a TX is considered you need to adhere to the limits specified for the region that is intended for the product. All specification limits in this report will be taken from European Telecommunications Standards Institute (2015), where all minimum RF characteristics and minimum performance requirements of Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA) base station in Europe are specified, which is the air interface for the LTE standard. Some of the parameters for base station transmitters that is regulated in European Telecommunications Standards Institute (2015) are presented in Table 3. Alexander Bergslilja 16 May 13, 2015 4.2 Simulate Wideband Behaviour Base Station (BS) Property Rated Output Power Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) Requirements 4 Config SIMULATION Limit Wide Area BS < +38 dBm Medium Range BS < +24 dBm Local Area BS Home BS (One TX Antenna) < +20 dBm QPSK 17.5 % 16QAM 12.5 % 64QAM 8.0 % 256QAM 3.5 % Table 3: Some of the requirements for LTE Downlink base station found in European Telecommunications Standards Institute (2015). There are several TX specific limits specified by 3GPP. The ones that are the most interesting when examining the modulator is the Adjacent Channel Rejection Ratio (ACLR) and Rated Output Power. The ACLR is the ratio between the transmitted power in one channel to the power in an adjacent channel. This adjacent channel is usually defined as an identical channel with equal bandwidth as the source channel, but can be specified differently. In European Telecommunications Standards Institute (2015) there are specifications for many different source and adjacent channel combinations depending on what type of spectrum that is measured on (unpaired/paired, contiguous/non-contiguous). An example of this is presented in Figure 11. Figure 11: Base station ACLR in paired spectrum (European Telecommunications Standards Institute, 2015). Alexander Bergslilja 17 May 13, 2015 5 5 MEASUREMENTS Measurements In order to characterize the performance of ADL5375 a number of key parameters needed to be measured. The parameters measured for characterization were chosen to conform to the measurement diagrams that are available in Analog Devices Inc. (2014) to make a comparison possible. In the coming sections the equipment used for measuring and the measurements that were performed will be presented. 5.1 Necessary Measurements The measurements were chosen to comply to the simulation model and to be comparable to the ADL5375 datasheet (Analog Devices Inc., 2014). Measurements were performed with two types of stimulus; continuous wave (CW) and two-tone signals. The former type is used when measuring the intermodulation properties of the modulator, while CW stimulus is used for all other measurements. In Table 4 the parameters that can be extracted when using CW tones as stimulus are shown. Swept Parameter BB Frequency BB Power LO Frequency LO Power BB Phase Measured Parameter vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. USB Power LSB Power LO leakage LO Gain USB Power LSB Power LO leakage LO Gain USB Power LSB Power LO leakage LO Gain USB Power LSB Power LO leakage LO Gain USB Power LSB Power LO leakage LO Gain Performance Parameter Sideband Suppression Conversion Gain LO leakage VSS Parameter GCONV LO2OUT FREQS Sideband Suppression Conversion Gain P1DB(scalar) LO leakage Sideband Suppression Conversion Gain LO leakage Sideband Suppression Conversion Gain LO leakage Sideband Suppression Conversion Gain LO leakage Table 4: Acquired VSS specific parameters and general parameters when measuring using CW as stimulus. The measurement data gathered when sweeping BB frequency with a CW input gives frequency dependent values to the parameters GCONV, LO2OUT and FREQS and can easily be imported into VSS and used in the simulation model. Sweeping BB input power gives a value of P1dB by using the method presented in section 2.5.4. This only generates a scalar value for P1dB and is thus only valid Alexander Bergslilja 18 May 13, 2015 5.2 Measurement equipment 5 MEASUREMENTS for a specific BB and LO frequency. To be able to calculate a value that describes a frequency dependency of P1dB, you would need to sweep BB input power for every step of BB frequency. This would require either manually changing frequency or the construction of a script to automate measurements. To conserve time, this was not done. Instead, a scalar value was used for P1dB. Table 5 shows parameters acquired when using a two-tone signal as stimulus and sweeping various parameters are presented. The measurements performed make it possible to calculate characteristic parameters in accordance with formulas found in section 2.5. Table 5: Acquired VSS specific parameters and general parameters when measuring using a two-tone signal as stimulus. Swept Parameter BB Frequency BB Power LO Frequency 5.2 Measured Parameter LO leakage Tone 1 Power vs. Tone 2 Power IM2 Power IM3 Power LO leakage Tone 1 Power vs. Tone 2 Power IM2 Power IM3 Power LO leakage Tone 1 Power vs. Tone 2 Power IM2 Power IM3 Power Performance Parameter VSS Parameter 2nd Order Intercept Point IP2 3rd Order Intercept Point IP3 2nd Order Intercept Point 3rd Order Intercept Point 2nd Order Intercept Point 3rd Order Intercept Point Measurement equipment To be able to perform RF measurements in the frequency domain it is common to use either a vector signal analyser (VSA) or a network analyser (NA). The RF output of the ADL5375 is single-ended, which is standard on most instruments and the modulator has a 50 Ω interface (Analog Devices Inc., 2014). Problems arose when trying to supply the modulator with a stimulus. At first, no signal generation equipment was available that had two differential output channels. Alternative methods for signal generation were therefore examined, which will be described in the coming section. 5.2.1 DAC as stimulus Another approach to create stimulus is to use an RF DAC along with a digital signal generator, as is done in a real TX design. The first DAC that was considered was the DAC3482 from Texas Instruments (Texas Instruments Inc., 2013). It is a 16-bit dual channel DAC with a high sampling rate, 1.25 GSPS, making Alexander Bergslilja 19 May 13, 2015 5.2.1 DAC as stimulus 5 MEASUREMENTS it suitable to create broadband BB signals up to the Nyquist frequency. This would enable a theoretical upper frequency limit of 1.25 GSPS/2 = 612.5 GSPS, which is more than enough bandwidth for the measurements needed. It also comes with a lot of integrated functions such as on-chip mixing, interpolation filters from 2x - 16x, Digital I and Q correction etc. It is available in the form of a development board, DAC3482 EVM REV F, together with signal generator TSW1400 REV D, seen in Figure 12(a). (a) (b) Figure 12: (a) Ti signal generator TSW1400 REV D and DAC3482 EVM REV F development board. (b) Necessary biasing network for interface between DAC3482 and ADL5375. During this study it was soon realized that it would be difficult to bias ADL5375 properly to 500 mV. To achieve this a biasing network is needed, seen in Figure 12(b), to change the common mode on the DAC output. To implement the network with mentioned setup, unwanted intrusions needs to be made on the DAC development board due to the lack of pads that comply with above schematic. A more suitable DAC, in the sense of biasing, is AD80255A. It is a 16-bit, dual channel DAC with a sampling rate of 500 MSPS, which gives a theoretical upper band limit of 250 MHz according to the Nyquist theorem. For creation of baseband signals, this bandwidth would suffice. although it might be a too small bandwidth for extraction of bandwidth parameters from ADL5375, such as flatness properties etc. The DAC is available on the development board AD80255A EBZ REV B. Digital signals are produced with DPG2 (Analog Devices, 2014), which is a benchtop signal generator specially made to interface with DAC’s from Analog Devices. The AD80255A is designed to comply with the bias needed on the inputs of ADL5375. It has a full-scale current of 20 mA which gives a midrange current of 10 mA. Therefore only two 50 Ω resistors to ground is needed as depicted in Figure 13 to give a bias of 500 mV. Alexander Bergslilja 20 May 13, 2015 5.2.1 DAC as stimulus 5 MEASUREMENTS Figure 13: Bias network needed for the interface between AD80255A and ADL5375 (Analog Devices Inc., 2014). The development board for AD80255A is equipped with baluns with the purpose of converting the differential output signals to single-ended signals. This made it incompatible with ADL5375, which had differential BB inputs. In this study this was solved by first desoldering the baluns. Then phase-matched semi-rigid coaxial cables with 3.5 mm SMA connectors were soldered in directly on the PCB to create a differential interface for ADL5375 (Figure 14(a)). In Figure 14(b) the complete setup with ADG2 as signal generator, AD80225A converting to analog differential signals that is fed via 3.5 mm SMA connectors to ADL5375 is shown. (a) Phase matched semi-rigid cables for differential interfacing. (b) Complete measurement setup. To create signals with DPG2 there is a GUI called DPGDownloader (Figure 15) where predefined signals can be used, such as CW, multi-tone, etc. In accordance with section 5.1, it is sufficient to create CW tones and multi-tone signals. To automate the frequency incrementation process, or for loading of signal vectors, there is a possibility to interface via MATLAB or LabVIEW. This was deemed Alexander Bergslilja 21 May 13, 2015 5.2.1 DAC as stimulus 5 MEASUREMENTS too time-consuming for this study so frequency incrementing was performed manully. Figure 15: Picture of DPGDownloader GUI. The measurements were made with the spectrum analyser FSQ8 from Rohde & Schwarz (Rohde & Schwarz, 2011). It has a frequency range of 20 Hz – 8 GHz, which covers the frequency range of interest. By manually setting markers to frequency values of interest measurement values were acquired. A script was made in VEE which wrote the marker values to a text file via the standard General Purpose Interface Bus (GPIB) interface. The incrementing of BB power was done manually by changing the gain settings for the I and Q channels in the Virtual Instrument (VI) seen in Figure 16 that is supplied by Analog Devices. Alexander Bergslilja 22 May 13, 2015 5.2.2 81160A and N5242A PNA-X 5 MEASUREMENTS Figure 16: VI GUI for AD80225A. The gain of AD80225A can be incremented between 0 – 15 on the I and Q channel individually. If biasing ADL5375 is done properly this gives a voltage range of 881.6 mV – 1630 mV, with increments of approximately 50 mV. 5.2.2 81160A and N5242A PNA-X Another measurement setup was tried that was supplied from Keysight; N5242A PNA-X NA (Keysight, 2014c) along with 81160A Pulse Function Arbitrary Noise Generator (Keysight, 2014a). A beta software application for N5242A PNA-X, called DIFF-IQ, was available. The application is especially developed for measurements on devices with differential inputs and frequency converting properties (such as modulators e.g.). DIFF-IQ gives the user the possibility to specify which parameters to sweep, such as BB frequency, BB power, LO frequency, LO power and I/Q phase. It is also possible to specify which frequencies measurements are to be performed on. Frequencies can be specified by using variables, thus enabling measurements on frequencies that has an offset relative to the input frequency. An example of this is presented in Table 6. The generation of an LO signal was done using N5242A’s internal signal source, while BB signals were generated externally with 81160A. The measurement setup is depicted in Figure 17. Alexander Bergslilja 23 May 13, 2015 5.2.2 81160A and N5242A PNA-X 5 MEASUREMENTS Table 6: Table showing which measurement were made when sweeping BB frequency and at what frequencies the measurements were made. Swept Parameter BB Frequency Frequencies Measured Parameter Relative frequencies F1 −10Hz − 450MHz(BB) F2 −5.8GHz(LO) USB Power LSB Power LO leakage LO Gain F1 +F2 F1 −F2 F2 F2 Figure 17: Measurement setup. 81160A above and N5242A below, connected together with a LAN cable. The two devices can be connected together using LAN, USB or GPIB. This way N5242A can control 81160A and thus automate the whole measurement process. This is very time saving and also enables a high density of data points. 81160A has a maximum sampling speed of 2 GSPS for arbitrary waveforms and a specified upper frequency limit of 500 MHz for the built in sine waveform. The sampling speed is highly superior the sampling speeds of previously presented setups. The biasing, which was difficult with previous setups, is a changeable parameter in the interface of 81160A. To measure the parameters IP2 and IP3 a two-tone signal needs to be generated, as in Figure 18, to give the necessary outputs. To do this with the 81160A there is a software suite from Keysight called Agilent BenchLink Waveform Builder. With the software it is possible to produce different types of waveforms that can be downloaded to the 81160A. Alexander Bergslilja 24 May 13, 2015 5.2.3 Calibration 5 MEASUREMENTS Figure 18: Two-tone input signal needed to be able to measure the parameters IP2 and IP3 . However, this procedure does not make it possible to automate the incrementing process of a two-tone signal. Therefore this needed to be done in another way during this study. One way of achieving this would be to terminate one of the inputs and feed only one mixer core, as described in Tektronix (2013). Assuming symmetry between the mixer cores in the sense of non-linear properties, this method produces exact measurements of intermodulation products. To set up this in a way that enables automation of the procedure with the N5242A, the two sources available on 81160A were set to two different frequencies with a 5 MHz spacing. An external RF combiner combined the two signals to generate a twotone stimulus signal for one of the input ports on ADL5375. This method gave bad results due to the lack of high performance combiners and the measurements were unusable. Therefore, as a last resort, another method was tried. It was seen that an output spectrum with intermodulation products was produced when the I input of ADL5375 was fed with one of two tones and the Q input with the other tone. Using the schematic representation of a modulator from Figure 7(a) this would theoretically not generate intermodulation products, since none of the mixer cores are fed with a two-tone signal. IM products were present in the spectrum which would suggest that there are some sort of non-linear element after the internal combiner, such as an amplifier circuit. 5.2.3 Calibration One of the biggest wins using this setup is the possibility to make precise calibrations on the ports of the N5242A. This enables for precise power measurements on the RF side and exact output power levels on the LO interface. The input calibration is made using Keysight’s E-Cal kit N4691, seen in picture 19(a) (Keysight, 2014b). Alexander Bergslilja 25 May 13, 2015 5.2.3 Calibration 5 (a) MEASUREMENTS (b) Figure 19: (a) E-cal kit N4691, used for calibration of N5242A. (b) External power meter E4419B used for output power calibration. It automates the whole process of calibration over the frequency range that measurements are to be performed in. The power calibration for the output source is made by connecting an external power meter, in this case the E4419B (Figure 19(b)), to the N5242A. N5242A then uses E4419B to automatically calibrate the output power for the whole range of LO frequencies specified in the measurements. Alexander Bergslilja 26 May 13, 2015 6 6 RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS Results and Conclusions 6.1 6.1.1 Measurement Results CW Tone Measurements. Measurements made at fLO −5.8 GHz will be presented in this section. To evaluate the performance at said frequency the results will be compared to measurements found in the datasheet for ADL5375 that are made when fLO =5.8 GHz. The measurements in this project were performed under similar circumstances, seen in Table 7. PBB = 1 dBm is equivalent to VBBp-p = 709 mV if a 50 Ω load is assumed. In the datasheet Vbias −500mV, fBB −1MHz and VBBp-p −1V. Figure Table 7: Conditions for measurements performed in this work at fLO =5.8 GHz. Parameter Value VS TA PLO PBB Vbias fBB 5V 25◦ C 0 dBm 1 dBm 530 mV 10 MHz 20 shows measurements of PUSB , PLSB , SBS, PLO,leak and GCONV over a BB frequency span of 10 kHz to 450 MHz where PUSB is the upper sideband power, PLSB is the lower sideband power, SBS is the sideband suppression, PLO,leak is the LO power and GCONV is the conversion gain. It shows that the conversion gain is flat, and varies slightly around a mean value of -6.1 dBm. Comparing the tabulated values from Table 8, one can see a deviation of only 0.6 dB. The sideband suppression is ranging from -27.14 dBc to -22.96 dBc with an average of -25.21 dB. This shows a relatively flat response, with a small decrease over frequency. A comparison of values for SBS from Table 8 shows a 11.1 dB lower value in the datasheet compared to measured data. It also show a significantly higher LO Leakage of -19.5 dBm, which is 12.7 dB higher then measured data 8. PLSB is increasing slightly over frequency from -32.29dBm to -28.17dBm. Alexander Bergslilja 27 May 13, 2015 6.1.1 CW Tone Measurements. 6 RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS Figure 20: Measurements of PUSB , PLSB , SBS, PLO,leak and GCONV over a frequency span of 10 KHz to 450 MHz. Figure 21 shows measurements of PUSB , PLSB , SBS, PLO,leak and GCONV vs. PBB , ranging from -20 dBm to 13 dBm. PUSB is seen to increase linearly to a point were it starts to saturate. This is reflected directly on the GCONV , which is directly proportional to PUSB . PLSB is increasing in a in a similar manner but with a less steep slope. This can be seen in that the SBS curve is decreasing slowly. Figure 21: Measurements of PUSB , PLSB , SBS, PLO,leak and GCONV when incrementing PBB from -20 dBm to 13 dBm. Alexander Bergslilja 28 May 13, 2015 6.1.2 IM Measurements 6 RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS Extrapolation of PUSB was done to measure OP1dB. OP1dB was found to be at -1.43 dBm (Figure 22), which lies 11.43 dB under the value that is found in the datasheet. Figure 22: PUSB with extrapolated data from linear region vs. PBB . 6.1.2 IM Measurements Figure 23 shows measurements taken when sweeping a two-tone input, as specified in section 5.2.2. The two tones are swept between 10 and 15 MHz to 450 and 465 MHz respectively. The IM3 product has an average of -43.05 dBm and is decreasing slightly. The IM2 fluctuates drastically. Figure 23: Plot of Ptone1 , Ptone2 , PIM2 , PIM3 vs. BB frequency. Alexander Bergslilja 29 May 13, 2015 6.1.3 Simulation Model 6 RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS In Figure 24 we can see how these results affect the OIP2 and OIP3 , which are inversely proportional to PIM2 and PIM3 respectively. Figure 24: Plot of OIP2 and OIP3 vs. BB frequency where OIP2 is the output second order intercept point and OIP3 is the output third order intercept point. Table 8 shows that measured data for OIP2 has a value of 22.8 dBm and OIP3 has a value of 6.0 dBm. These values are 16.3 dB and 8.6 dB lower then the values presented in the datasheet for ADL5375. A comparison of values for SBS shows a 11.1 dB lower value in the datasheet compared to measured data. It also show a significantly higher LO Leakage of -19.5 dBm, which is 12.7 dB higher then measured data. Table 8: (a) Parameter values from the datasheet of ADL5375 for fLO =5.8 GHz. All parameter measurements were made under the conditions presented in Table ??. (b) Parameter values from the measurements performed in this work for fLO =5.8 GHz. All parameter measurements were made under the conditions presented in Table 7. Parameter Value Conversion Gain Output P1dB LO Leakage Sideband Suppression Output IP2 Output IP3 Parameter -5.3 dB 4.9 dBm -19.5 dBm Coversion Gain Output P1dB LO Leakage Sideband Suppression Output IP2 Output IP3 -38.2 dBc 39.1 dBm 14.6 dBm (a) 6.1.3 Value -5.9 dB -1.4 dBm -32.2 dBm -27.1 dBc 22.8 dBm 6.0 dBm (b) Simulation Model To verify the simulation model, control measurements were made of PUSB , PLSB and PLO,leak while making a sweep of the BB frequency between 10 kHz and 450 Alexander Bergslilja 30 May 13, 2015 6.1.4 ACLR Measurements 6 RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS MHz with CW tones as input signals. The conditions were chosen according to Table 9 to match the conditions in Table 7 as close as possible. Table 9: Parameter conditions for simulation model fBB =5.8 GHz. Parameter Value PLO PBB Vbias fBB 0 dBm 1 dBm not needed 10 MHz This was then used to calibrate the model so the output would correspond to the measurements in Figure 20 as close as possible. In Figure 25 PUSB , PLSB and PLO,leak and SBS is plotted against fBB , both for the simulated data and the measured data. PUSB,sim follows the measured data well until fBB ≈272.3 MHz, where it declines to a level approximately 1.7 dB below the measured data, still following it. PLSB,sim differs from PLSB,sim by approximately 26.69 dB. This is reflected on the SBS, which is constant at 26.7 dB. When comparing PLSB,sim and PLSB,meas there is a deviation between the results. PLO,leak,sim follows PLO,leak,meas exactly, except for a few spikes (-33.6@357.8 MHz eg.) where it deviates. Figure 25: Measurements of PUSB , PLSB , PLO,leak from simulation and measurements when sweeping BB frequency. 6.1.4 ACLR Measurements To evaluate how the modulator is performing in a broadband system, simulations were made with a LTE signal source outputting a signal with 5 MHz bandwidth at an IF of 20 MHz. The ACLR was then measured with the adjacent channel at ±5 MHz and ±10 MHz offset. The bandwidth was the same as the reference signal, 5 MHz. Alexander Bergslilja 31 May 13, 2015 6.1.4 ACLR Measurements 6 RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS In Table 10 the ACLR for simulations made with measured data and data taken from the datasheet with fLO =5.8 GHz is presented. It shows that ACLR measurements for all offsets only differs with maximum 1.9 dB. Table 10: Simulated ACLR measurements based on measured data and the datasheet of ADL5375. Measurements with ±5 MHz and ±10 MHz offset. Adjacent channel Offset -10 MHz -5 MHz +5 MHz +10 MHz ACLR based on measurements 55.9 dB 50.0 dB 51.5 dB 56.0 dB ACLR based on datasheet 55.7 dB 50.1 dB 53.4 dB 55.7 dB The spectrums depicted in Figure 26 are the ones that ACLR measurements were performed on. The input power levels was backed of until the intermodulation almost disappeared in the noise floor. Alexander Bergslilja 32 May 13, 2015 6.1.4 ACLR Measurements 6 RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS (a) (b) Figure 26: (a) Spectrum of output from simulation based on measured data. (b) Spectrum of output from simulation based on datasheet. LTE signal with BW=5 MHz and fIF =20 MHz as input. The input and output levels for the ACLR measurements can be seen in Table 11. Alexander Bergslilja 33 May 13, 2015 6.2 Discussion 6 RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS Table 11: Input and output power for sideband that was measured on when performing ACLR measurements. Input Power Output Power Results based on measurements -19.2 dBm/channel -5.8 dBm Results based on datasheet -19.1 dBm/channel -14.4 dBm 6.2 Discussion The purpose of the parameter measurements made on ADL5375 was to evaluate the performance on a LO frequency of 5.8 GHz. The measurements were then to be used to construct a simulation model based on the data to gain the possibility to test the performance from a system design perspective. Measurement results presented in Figure 20 shows that the performance is relatively stable over frequency. The only parameter that shows an unstable behaviour when the frequency varies is the LO leakage. Plots of LO Leakage found in the datasheet for ADL5375 show no similar behaviour. There are only plots up to fLO =3.5 GHz as a highest frequency. It is not likely that a fluctuating behaviour should arise because of the increased frequency. Then again, the plots in the datasheet only covers up to 100 MHz in BB frequency. Looking at the first 100 MHz of the collected data in this project, all parameters are extremely stable, even the LO leakage. Comparing values in Table 8 one can see that the parameter that differs least is the Conversion Gain. It only differs by 0.3 dB. The difference in Sideband Suppression is likely explained by the fact that phase and gain errors have been trimmed down in the datasheet measurements. The LO Leakage is measured to a lower level than expected in the BB Frequency sweep. This is likely a faulty result which can be seen if comparing to measurements when sweeping BB Input Power, LO Frequency and LO Power (Appendix A.1). The levels for the LO Leakage in these plots when conditions are the same as in Table 7 are close to -18 dBm respectively. These values being so close together and so much higher questions the validity of the value for LO leakage presented in Table 8(b). The values of Output IP 2 and Output IP 3 are likely not accurate due to the inaccurate measurement method used. The results show a more severe distortion due to intermodulation in measured values than in datasheet values. That the values would differ was predicted, but not that the non-linearities would appear at such high power levels. It would have been more probable that the measurements showed a more linear behaviour. Since the output from the measurement method used in (Section 5.2.2) only would show effects coming from non-linear elements after the mixer cores and after summation of the I and Q branches, it was expected to exhibit lower levels on the intermodulation products. Since this is not the case it might indicate that a big source of the non-linear properties of the modulator is situated after the combination of the I and Q branch. Measurements might not be as wrong as predicted. No conclusions can be drawn without making more measurements and comparing the method with the more Alexander Bergslilja 34 May 13, 2015 6.2 Discussion 6 RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS conventional method of feeding a two-tone quadrature signal to the inputs when measuring. Figure 21 shows a very early saturation compared to results available in the datasheet. The value in Table 4 is lower than that in Table 8(a). This is however consistent with the lower values of Output IP 2 and Output IP 3. This again points to the possible validity of the measurements made when using the method described in Section 5.2.2. Conclusions can not be drawn without making more detailed comparisons between the methods. Since there is a possibility that the non-linear properties are dynamic it would be better to use the method of extrapolation to calculate IP 2 and IP 3, instead of the approximation presented in Section 2.5.5. The interesting aspect of the performance degradation is how much it will affect the performance of a real TX system and if it can pass the limits set by 3GPP for LTE as described in section 4.2. The most significant negative effect that a modulator contributes with to the performance in a system is by adding nonlinearities and out of band distortion. Based solely on parameter values for sideband suppression, LO leakage, IP2 , IP3 etc. it is difficult to say much about how well the modulator will perform based solely on that information. Only in comparison with a different modulator with other specifications or data that is applicable for a different LO frequency it is possible to evaluate the actual performance. Still it is not possbile to determine for sure whether or not it is going to pass the limits set by a specific standard, only speculate. As a consequence it is more interesting to analyse how the parameter values affect the ACLR of the modulator and compare this to the LTE specification for ACLR that can be found in European Telecommunications Standards Institute (2015), that is seen in Figure 11. The Table shows that the same level, 45 dB, is set for all adjacent channel center frequencies. Table 10 shows that the ACLR is higher than 45 dB at all offsets that have been measured on. The ACLR gets better when increasing the offset to ±10 MHz. The 3GPP specifications are valid for the output of the antenna port of a base station. So to draw any conclusions about if it could pass the requirements, one needs to at least take the PA into account. The PA severely degrades the ACLR. Even though the ACLR lies below the 3GPP level after the modulator, this is going to degrade when adding a PA. There is usually some sort of Digital Pre-distortion (DPD) which compensates for this, but the PA is still going to add non-linear effects. It is of interest to see how hard the modulator can be driven without showing to severe non-linear effects. In Figure 26 LTE spectrums are shown when using measured values and values from the datasheet as parameters in the simulation model. The input level has been backed off to decrease non-linear effects on the output to a reasonable level. The PA stage of the TX is going to add a lot of non-linearities. it is not uncommon to use DPD to compensate for this. If the modulator is driven too hard and start to saturate the DPD will be less efficient. Table 11 shows the output powers of the modulator. If these levels are pre-amplified and then amplified by the PA there might be enough output power for short range base stations, such as Home Base Stations or Local Area Base Stations (Table 3). On the other hand the propagation of electromagnetic Alexander Bergslilja 35 May 13, 2015 6.3 Summary of Results REFERENCES waves is poor at such high frequencies as 5.8 GHz. This makes it more likely that a design using that frequency band is intended for low range applications. But is difficult to draw any conclusions based on the model. Other aspects that need to be taken into account are the back-off needed for production variations, variations because of temperature fluctuations, ageing effects etc. The possibility to specify frequency dependant parameters in the AWR system model MIXER B2 can be concluded to be unnecessary when modelling a modulator. Since no drastic behaviour can be seen at under 200 MHz BB signals, there is no gain in using vector valued parameters. This simplifies the characterization process greatly by reducing the amount of measurements needed to be performed. If a frequency dependency for some reason is required, it is easily done by just measuring on a few points. VSS has a built in interpolation function that interpolates the desired values. 6.3 Summary of Results Detailed performance measurements were made of ADL5375. A simulation model of ADL5375 was constructed, which takes non-linear effects into account. A wideband signal source was constructed with quadrature outputs that follows the theory for quadrature signals. The results collected after simulation with wideband signals suggest that it might be possible to use ADL53575 in a 5.8 GHz band design. 6.4 Future Work To improve the simulation model there are a number of things that can be done. First of all the model would generate a more adequate response if the measurements were remade in the correct way, described in section 2.5.5. It would be beneficiary to implement a DAC in AWR to properly model the signal generation of the TX. To add a model of a PA would make it possible to more accurately predict whether the design could pass design specifications. The only way to be absolutely certain whether the modulator is possible to use is to build a physical prototype. The model should only be used as a guideline. References Agilent Technologies (2007). Agilent - I/Q Modulation Considerations for PSG Vector Signal Generators. Analog Devices (2014). DPG2 Wiki. url: http://wiki.analog.com/resources/ eval/dpg/dpg2 (visited on 03/02/2015). Analog Devices Inc. (2013). ADL5320 Data Sheet. — (2014). ADL5375 Data Sheet. Cushing, Rick (2000). Single-Sideband Upconversion of Quadrature DDS Signals to the 800-to-2500-MHz Band. Dino Flore (2015). 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