Europaisches Patentamt (19) European Patent Office Office europeen brevets peen des brevets EP0 696 811 B1 E U R O P E A N PATENT S P E C I F I C A T I O N (12) (45) Date of publication and mention of the grant of the patent: 17.12.1997 Bulletin 1997/51 (51) intci.e: H01H 37/76, H01H 9 / 1 0 (21) Application number: 95500119.3 (22) Date of filing: 10.08.1995 (54) Improved fuse fitted in the thermostat of a home electrical appliance Verbesserte Sicherung eingebaut im Thermostaten eines Haushaltsgerates Fusible ameliore monte dans le thermostat d'un appareil electromenager (84) Designated Contracting States: DE FR IT PT (72) Inventor: Ormaechea Laborda, Ignacio E-20600 Eibar (Guipuzcoa) (ES) (30) Priority: 12.08.1994 ES 9402202 (43) Date of publication of application: 14.02.1996 Bulletin 1996/07 (74) Representative: Carpintero Lopez, Francisco HERRERO & ASOCIADOS, S.L. Alcala, 21 28014 Madrid (ES) (73) Proprietor: OFICINA DE INVESTIGACION AGRUPADA, S.A. 20600 Eibar (Guipuzcoa) (ES) (56) References cited: DE-A- 2 339 674 US-A-3 611 235 GB-A- 1 540 088 US-A- 4 720 759 DO CO CO O) CO o a. LU Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted. Notice of opposition shall be filed in a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention). Printed byJouve, 75001 PARIS(FR) 1 EP 0 696 811 B1 2 of a material that melts at a suitable temperature, whereas the other end stays free and constitutes a fast connection. OBJECT OF THE INVENTION The insulating box is made of a self-extinguishing The present invention relates to a safety fuse for s material, is mounted directly on the thermostat terminal, and internally comprises two parallel channels that are home electrical appliances of all kinds, fitted at one of the available thermostat terminals in order that when the respectively designed to house the two ends of the conthermostat stops working properly, either because the ducting strip. The upper channel houses the thermostat terminal and one of the ends of said strip, and thus for connections are welded together or the bimetallic strip is deformed or otherwise whatsoever, and the temper- 10 the two to be connected, the strip end is bent until it contacts the terminal and is then soldered with a material ature of the appliance rises alarmingly, the conductor having a suitable melting point. On the other hand, the joined to the thermostat through the fuse will be broken lower channel houses the other end of the strip, that off by fusion of the latter. passes through the said channel to leave its end free for is connection to be made as appropriate to the terminal BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION used. The strip end soldered to the thermostat terminal is In home electrical and appliances of any other kind therefore live, housed inside the insulating material box, whatsoever which require a safety thermal device, such and so when the point of soldering is worn down by acdevice usually comprises afuse mounted independently of the thermostat, i.e. connected to a terminal other than 20 tion of the heat the strips comes off the terminal and its end folds up to contact with the roof of the insulating the thermostat terminals. One such device, which is the least used and known plastic box, moving back to its initial position and hence breaking off the passage of current through it, ensuring as the minimet, is mounted inside an insulating ceramic that the appliance is switched off forthwith. box having a fixing plate. Devices of this kind work well but their high cost renders them rather unsuitable to be 25 DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS used in small appliances in which the end prices and hence profit margins are not very high. In ordertoprovideafuller description and contribute The device that is currently used most is mounted inside a cylindrically-shaped metal cartridge. This deto the complete understanding of the characteristics of vice costs less than the above-mentioned device but is 30 this invention, a set of drawings is attached to the specification which, while purely illustrative and not fully comshorter-lived and is moreover inconvenient in that if not prehensive, shows the following: suitably insulated dielectric strength problems ensue. Another disadvantage of the systems described Figure 1.- Shows three views of a thermostat withabove and currently used is how rapidly appliances usout the fuse subject of the invention. Figure 2.- Shows three views of a thermostat with ing fuses of this kind age, and an improvement of this 35 the fuse would therefore be welcome. subject of the invention fitted. aspect The application of the system subject of the invenFigure 3.- Shows two cross-sections of the fuse tion brings down the cost of the appliance and extends subject of the invention, where it can be seen with the its life for it transmits the temperature at points that are contact made. 40 far less critical than pure connection points. Figure 4.- Shows two cross-sections of the fuse From US-A-4,720,759 there is known a fuse fitted subject of the invention, where it can be seen with the in a thermostat wherein one of the two connections, becontact broken off. tween which the thermostat is fitted, is provided with a PREFERRED EMBODIMENT OF THE INVENTION conducting strip soldered at one end to a terminal, an insulating box being provided, in order that when the 45 connection between the strip and said terminal is broken With reference to the figures, the fuse subject of the due to flowing and melting of the solder, the one end will invention is arranged at one of the thermostat terminals be released from the joint fixing it to the terminal and and comprises a conducting strip and an insulating rise upwardly, driven by a certain spring-like effect, to member (3), forming a sort of hollow box, with a midlie at a sufficient distance from the terminal and avoid so wall (4) that defines two parallel channels inside the box the passage of current between the two. (3), an upper (5) and a lower (6) channel, for the said strip to be housed. This box (3) has a slot (9) designed to be fitted diDESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION rectly onto the terminal (2), the said terminal being arThe present invention lies in the use of a safety fuse 55 ranged inside the upper channel (5) and slightly above mounted at one of the thermostat connections, which the mid-wall (4), passing through the box (3) and ending fuse comprises an insulating box and a conducting strip (2) in an upwardly folded extension entwined about the that is soldered at one end to the connection by means box (3) locking it in such position. Description 2 3 EP 0 696 811 B1 4 The conducting strip (7) is arranged inside the box Patentanspriiche (3), folded, as shown in figure 3, to achieve a better 1. Verbesserte Sicherung, eingebaut im Thermostat spring effect between its ends, and thus it defines a short eines Haushaltsgerats, bei welchem in eine der beiend (7') and a long end (7") with longitudinal grooves to s den Klemmen, zwischen denen sich der Thermomake up a fast coupling. The long end (7") of the strip (7) is housed in the stat befindet, ein in der Mitte gebogenes Leitband lower channel (6) and passes through the same to leave (7) eingesetzt wird, dessen eines Ende (7') an eine Klemme (2) angelotet wird, wahrend das andere its end free, thereby to allow an easy connection thereto. Ende (7") einen Schnellverbindungspunkt darstellt On the other hand, the short end (7') of the strip (7) und daneben ein Isolierkasten (3) vorgesehen ist, is arranged inside the upper channel (5) and locked to 10 der innen durch eine Trennwand (4) in zwei paralthe terminal by means of a point of soldering (8) having lel Kanale (5) und (6) geteilt wird, womit das ana suitable melting point, thereby allowing the passage dere Ende (7") des Bandes (7) im unteren Kanal (6) of current when the thermostat makes connection between terminal (1) and terminal (2). liegt und diesen vollstandig durchquert, wahrend sich das erste Ende (7') im oberen Kanal (5) befinWhen the temperature that terminal (2) acquires is 15 det und mittels der Lotstelle (8) mit der Klemme (2) too high, due to the intensity that flows through the in der Weise verbunden wird, dass das erste Ende and the thermostat has broken off the not same, pasof the solder will melt the effect of current (8) by (7') bei Aufhebung des Kontakts zwischen dem sage the said temperature and the strip (7) will be free from Band (7) und der genannten Klemme (2) infolge eithe joint holding it connected to the terminal (2) and will, 20 nes ubermassigen Anstiegs der Temperatur auf due to the above-mentioned spring effect, have its short Grund einer sehr hohen Stromstarke aus der Verend (7') rise to touch the roof of the box (3), thereby bebindung, welche es an der Klemme (2) halt, freigegeben und durch eine gewisse Federwirkung nach ing sufficiently separated from the terminal (2) to ensure oben geklappt wird, bis es mit der oberen Wand des that they are not connected again accidentally. Kastens (3) in Beruhrung kommt und einen ausreiWe feel that the description need not be extended 25 chenden Abstand von der Klemme (2) gewinnt, urn any longer for any expert in the art to have grasped the den Stromdurchgang zwischen beiden zu verhinfull scope of the invention and the advantages it offers. dern. The materials, shape, size and layout of the elements may be altered provided that this entails no modification of the essential features of the invention, as de- 30 Revendications fined by the claim. Claims 1. A fuse fitted in the thermostat of a home electrical appliance, wherein one of the two connections, between which the thermostat is fitted, is provided with a conducting strip (7) folded at the centre and soldered at one end (7') to a terminal (2), whereas the other end (7") constitutes a fast connection point, an insulating box (3) being provided, which box is internally divided by a wall (4) into two parallel channels (5) and (6) such that the other end (7") of the strip (7) is housed in the lower channel (6) fully passing through the same, whereas the one end (7') is arranged inside the upper channel (5) and locked to the terminal (2) by soldering (8) in orderthat when the connection between the strip (7) and the said terminal (2) is broken due to the excesive elevation of the temperature provoked by the strong intensity flowing through the same and melting the solder (8), the one end (7') will be released from the joint fixing it to the terminal (2) and rise upwardly, driven by a certain spring-like effect, until it contacts the roof of the box (3) to lie at a sufficient distance from the terminal (2) and avoid the passage of current between the two. 1. 35 40 45 so 55 3 Fusible monte dans le thermostat d'un appareil electromenager, ou dans I'une des deux bornes, entre lesquelles est intercale le thermostat, est installe un ruban conducteur (7), plie a sa partie centrale, en soudant a I'une de ses extremites (7') une borne (2), tandis que I'autre extremite (7") constitue un point de connexion rapide, en ayant prevu une boTte isolante (3), divisee a I'interieur, par une cloison (4), en deux canaux paralleles (5) et (6), de sorte que I'autre extremite (7") du ruban (7) soit loge dans le canal inferieur (6) en traversant completement ce dernier, tandis que la premiere extremite (7') est situee a I'interieur du canal superieur (5) en se solidarisant a la borne (2), a I'aide de la soudure (8), de sorte que lors de la dematerialisation du contact entre le ruban (7) et cette borne (2), a cause de I'elevation excessive de la temperature provoquee par la forte circulation d'intensite qui fait fondre la soudure (8), la premiere extremite (7) soit liberee de I'union qui la fixe a la borne (2), en se pliant vers le haut, pousse par un certain effet ressort, jusqu'a etablir un contact avec la cloison superieure de la boTte (3), en restant a une distance suffisante par rapport a la borne (2) pour eviter le passage du courant entre les deux. Cr U DSD Oil Dl " I G . - 1 EP 0 696 811 B1 F I G - 2 5 EP 0 696 811 B1 6