Green White Red Yellow Red White Red Green Green Yellow

 White Green 1 Level 1 What is the nose used for? Red White 3 Level 1 What can I do to protect a cardboard poster from the rain? Green Yellow 5 Level 1 White 7 Level 1 Can water dissolve all white powders? Orange White Level 1 9 Can a solid be transformed into a liquid? 2 Level 1 What would be most efficient for picking up juice? Green Red How can I tell if a liquid is a mixture? Orange Red 4 Level 1 I am making glasses for a costume. What material can I use for the lenses? Yellow Green White 6 Level 1 I want to make two layers of liquid in a glass. Which liquids could I use? Orange White 8 Level 1 In springtime, the snow disappears. What makes it melt? Red White 10 Level 1 There is a pen mark on my desk. What is the best product to clean it off? Blanc Red Green Blanc 12 Level 1 Certain materials are attracted by magnets. I’ve heard that salt water is found in large Which ones? quantities on Earth. Where can it be found? 11 Level 1 Orange Red 13 Level 1 I want to change the size of a shadow. What must I do to make it bigger? Orange Green 15 Level 1 Orange White 14 Level 1 What clue tells me Spring is coming? Red White Level 1 What is the heart for? 16 Orange Red 18 Level 1 What is the most important element for a How are the foods of wild ducks different plant to survive? from the foods of domesticated ducks? 17 Green How could I tell if the water in a pool will be comfortable? Orange Level 1 Green White Level 1 19 In winter, a squirrel needs to protect itself from the cold. How does he do it? Orange Red 20 Level 1 Are feathers required to fly? Orange White 21 Level 1 To make maple syrup, you have to boil sap. To make maple taffy, you need to boil syrup. Why? Yellow Red 2 Level 2 Do all plants have flowers? Orange Level 2 Does all fruit have seeds? 1 Orange Green 3 Level 2 In some circumstances, we hear an echo. Why? Orange Red 5 Level 2 Level 2 Why do noodles move in a soup when the How could we reduce energy consumption pot is on a heated element? in class? 4 Red White Yellow Green Red 6 Level 2 Why do we sometimes get a shock when we touch a doorknob? Orange Red Level 2 8 How does a balance scale work? Orange Red 7 Level 2 What can I do to lift a very heavy object? Green Yellow 9 Level 2 What makes water good to drink? Green White 10 Level 2 Where do clouds come from? Yellow 12 How can we find out which direction the wind is coming from? Yellow Red 14 Level 2 Why is it essential to eat? Yellow Red 16 Level 2 What are flowers for? Green 18 Orange Green 13 Level 2 What differentiates day from night? Red White Level 2 What are eggs for? Green 15 Yellow 17 Level 2 What is skin for? Red Level 2 11 Level 2 How is the Sun useful to us? Red Red ge Level 2 Yellow What does an omnivorous animal eat? Yellow Red 19 Level 2 How can I find out if an animal has a shelter? Orange Yellow 20 Level 2 What is the most active predator in cities? Green White 2 Level 3 Orange 4 What materials will help protect my hands form the cold? Yellow White 6 Level 3 What is the difference between a mineral and a rock? Red White Level 3 8 Red White 3 Level 3 How does a light bulb work? Green White 5 Level 3 Where does the lava that comes out of a volcano come from? 1 Level 3 What makes an object float on water? Green Level 3 Red What materials is my favorite pen made of? Orange What is the difference between photosynthesis and breathing? Orange White 7 Level 3 Why is it hotter in summer than in winter? Green Red 9 Level 3 Why do plants move towards the light? 