Agriculture Science Syllabus - Santa Ynez Valley Union High

Santa Ynez Valley Union High School Agriculture Department
Instructor: Miss Clement
805.688.6487 ext.2368
Course Description
Agriculture Science is designed so that students gain a broad understanding of a variety of
agriculture areas, develop awareness of the many career opportunities in agriculture, participate in
relevant experiences and expand leadership abilities. This course meets freshman science
requirements and UC/CSU Science Elective credit.
Student and Instructor Expectations
Treat peers, adults and property with respect
You are responsible for your attitude, actions and consequences
Come to class on time and prepared
Assessing Student Learning & Grading Policy
Student learning will be broken down into the following categories and grades earned accordingly:
Grade Breakdown Percentages:
Grade Percentages
40% Assessments (Tests and quizzes)
A 100- 90%
40% Homework & Classwork
B 89- 80%
10% Participation
C 79- 70%
5% Supervised Agriculture Experience Project
D 69- 60%
5% Leadership & FFA
Course Concepts
F 59% and below
Based on California Department of Education Content Standards for Agriscience and Life Science,
topics to be covered include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. California Agriculture
2. Leadership and Agriculture Careers
3. Agriculture Record Keeping
4. Agriculture and the Environment
5. The Scientific Method
6. Determining the Basis of Life
7. Plant and Animal Cell Structure
8. Plant Science
9. Animal Science
Future Farmers of America Organization in the Classroom
What is FFA?
Future Farmers of America is the largest youth organization in the United States, a dynamic youth
organization that changes lives and prepares students for premier leadership, personal growth
and career success. Today, almost half-a-million student members are engaged in a wide range of
agricultural education activities, leading to more than 300 professional career opportunities. Student
success remains the primary mission of FFA. The agricultural science education program is built on
the three core areas of classroom instruction, supervised agricultural experience programs and
Future Farmers of America (FFA) student organization activities/opportunities.
Why is FFA a part of class? Isn’t it an “Extra-Curricular Activity”?
FFA is not extracurricular! The program completes a three-part model of education. Classroom
instruction is applied to hands-on opportunities called supervised agricultural experiences (SAEs).
SAEs include activities such as starting a business, developing a project or working for an
established company. Classroom learning and SAE’s are further reinforced through curriculumenhancing programs within the community.
What do I have to do to get a good grade?
Get Involved! Throughout the year there will be many exciting opportunities to travel, be in
competitions, take on leadership roles and gain valuable life skills.
✔ You must have an active SAE (Supervised Agriculture Experience project = 5% of your grade).
This can be plants, animals, work experience, mechanics projects or something else approved by
your instructor. This project must be documented in your FFA Record book.
✔You must attend at least two FFA activities per semester. FFA activities are held at least once a
month and there are many opportunities to get involved. Leadership = 5% of your grade.
SYVUHS Agriculture Course Animal Husbandry Permission Form
To: All Parents/Guardians
From: SYVUHS Agriculture Department Staff
Re: Agriculture Animal Science Lab Activities
Over the course of the year, your student will have the opportunity to experience many different
aspects of animal science production that they may never otherwise see. The laboratory exercises
that are part of the instructional program in the agriculture education department are reflective of
real-world industry practices that are necessary to produce, process and market safe, high quality
foods to consumers. Although many consumers never observe the accepted husbandry practices
associated with food production, we believe it is vitally important that our students understand these
These processes may include, but are not limited to: docking and castration of lambs and pigs;
vaccination practices for all forms of livestock; notching and ear tagging for identification purposes;
accepted treatment practices for sick or injured animals; and harvesting and processing of meat
animals. All of these practices are performed using industry-based standards and following all state
and federal laws concerning pharmaceutical products, including proper drug withdraw protocols. All
harvest activities are performed by state-licensed and bonded professionals.
While we feel that these are great learning opportunities for all students, we understand that some
parents and students may not feel comfortable observing these activities. Therefore, we would like
to acknowledge the following:
• No students are required to physically conduct these activities
• No student will be forced to watch, touch etc.
• Students will be given the option of staying in a designated location while these lab activities are
• Grades will not be affected for students choosing not to observe these laboratory activities
•Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of the important role that these animal
husbandry practices play in modern livestock production.
We sincerely hope that your student enjoys their experiences in the agricultural education program,
while learning first-hand what it takes to produce safe, healthy foods for an ever-growing world.
SYVUHS Agriculture Department Staff
805.688.6487 ext.2368/3219
Please complete, sign and return
1. I have read and understand the class syllabus and agree to the course expectations.
2. I have read and understand that students need an SAE and Leadership Activities for full class
3. I have read the information and understand students have options regarding the observance of
animal science laboratory activities. I have discussed these options with my child and feel
comfortable that they understand the guidelines as presented by the agriculture education staff.
PRINT Student Name
Student Signature Date
Parent/Guardian Signature