trE !Ir['"f*!1¡*':1,î"s,1?li".u.!i1y"1l?J,v University: CSU Chico Project Title: Online Master of Science in Agricultural Education: A Program Partnership of the AG*IDEA Consortium of Universities California State University San Marcos . 333 South Twin Oaks Valley Road . San Marcos, C^ .92096. 760-750-8708 . Bakersf¡eld . ' . . Chico Dom¡nguez Hills . East Bay. Fresno . Fullerton . Humboldt. Long Beach . Los Angeles . Mar¡t¡me Academy. Monterey Bay Pomona. Sacramento. San Bernardino. San D¡ego. San Franc¡sco. SanJose.San Lu¡sOb¡spo. San Marcos. Sonoma. Stanislaus Channel lslands Northridge CSU COMMISSION ON THE EXTDNDED UNIVERSITY GRANT PROPOSAL COLLEGE OF AGRICULÎURE ANI) CENTER FOR REGIONÄL & CONTINUING EDIJCATION csu, cHlco Tod.øy Decídcs Tomarr ow Onlins Master of Science ln Agricultural Education: A Program Partnership of the AG*IDEA Consortlum of UnÍversities CSU, Chico Contacil Dr. Mollie Aschenbrener Project Coordinstor Colleee of,Agriculture, CSU, Cbico 530-8984568 PROJECT ABSTRACT California is the ¡ration's top agricultural state, with a robust nefwork of agricultural educators who are challenged by time and distance in meeting their ongoing need for posÈbaccalaureate professional education. The Online MS in Agriculture Education project is an innovative approach to leveraging outstanding agriculrure education cu¡ricula from across the US and contributing distinctive California expertise in international issues/globalization and diversity management. This project will create the West's first online MS in Agriculrural Educatio¡t and the first MS in Agricultural Education in the CSU rvith a significa¡t culminating research component. The online MS in Agricultu¡al Education will be developed in collaboration with the AC*IDEA consortium, a national partnership of universities offering programs and courses in agriculture dlsciplines. AG*IDEA is an affiliate of the G¡eat Plains Interactive Distance Education Allia¡ce (IDEA), founded in 1994 to capitalize on the institutional resources of I 1 major research universities. This project leverages the expertise oftop agriculrure faculty across the nation and Chico's strengths in distance leaming and the expertise of our Califo¡nia-based faculty. The AG*IDEA partnership signifïcantly sheamlines the degree development timeline while exposing students to some ofthe finest faculty and highest quality online courses available. Using proven online instn¡ctional design approaches and embedding assessment measures into the course development process, CSU, Chico College of Agriculture faculty will develop the imovalive online courses to complete the degree program, including electives in inte¡national issues and managing diversity and the culminating thesis/project and comprehensive exam. The project meets all of the strategic priorities for CSU, Chico, as well as embraces the objectives both of the CSLJ's Frameworkþr Aetion and lhe the AG*IDEA consortium will allow Access to Excellencestrategic plan. Iûter-institutional collaboralion through strategic altocation of scarce resources while augmenting CSU,s capacity to grow and serve a larger clientele through a broader and deeper commitment lo graduate agricultrual education delivered online. Target clientele for the online degree will primarily be credentialed high school agriculn¡al education teachers; a secondary audience will include personnel in related educational positions in the agricultural profession such as county Farm Bureau executive directo¡s, California Department ofEducation regional agricultural consultants (regional FFA supervisors) and others involved in agrìculture who wish to enhance their professional development portfolios. The degree prcgram will be self-supporting through the innovative AG*IDEA revenue share model that reh¡ms I percentage of the common student fees to sh¡dent's home institutions and a revenue share to CSU, Chico for enroltnenls in the courses developed by this distinctive project. Online MS in Agricultural Education PROJECT DESCRIPTION California's agricultural abundance includes more tåan 400 commodities. I The state prodr¡ces nearly half of U.S.-grown fruits, nuts and vegetables, making Califomia the ¡¡ation's top agricultural state, a position held for more than 50 years, Across the nation, U.S. consumers regularly purchase several crops produced solely in California. Agriculture education programs across the nation study California for its leadership role in agriculture. While nrany colleges of agriculture across the nation offer güdua¡e prograns in Agricultural Education through online education, including universities such as Iowa State, North Carolina State, and Oklahoma State University, this project will result in the creation of the first online MS in Agricultural Education offered by a western university, The opportunity is distinctive to the state and will uniquely position the CSU to further refine California's leadership role in agriculture. With Commission support, CSU, Chico proposes to create an innovative online masters degree in collaboration with the AG*IDEA consortium. AG*IDEA, an affiliate of the Great Plains IDEA, is a national consortium of land grant universities offering programs and courses in agriculture disciplines. The Great Plai¡rs Interactive Distance Education Alliance (IDEA) was founded tn 1994 capitalizing on the instifutional resources of l l najor research universities to $ponsor graduate education progmrns through distributed learning technologies. The Alliance offers fully-online graduate coursework and prograrn options in high-demand professional fields. CSU, Chico has joined the AG+IDEA consortium to partner in the creation of an online masters degree in agricultural education, The project will meet all six objectives created by the Corumission on the Extend University outlined rn Creating Tomorrov"s Futures: A New Frametvork.for Action. More specifically, the program will meet California's economic and workforce development needs, increase access to educational opportunities by serving broader constituencies across the nation, develop altemative i¡structional delivery systenls through a suite of online delivery tools, creatively develop new programs in collaboration with new institutional partners for the CSU, provide personal and lifelong learning opportunities, and encourage international education with the globalization ofthe new curricuhun. The MS in Agricultural Education needs as will effectively address California's economic and workforce development it offers career advancement and increased eaming potential for participants. Results from assessment conducted a needs with secondary agricultural in^structors indicated over 66 % (n = 159) of respondents (on a 5 point Likert scale) agreed to strongly agreed that additional course work beyond a teaching credential is needed ro maintain employment. When asked if courses were needed to renew professional licensu¡e, 63% (n= 151) agreed to I Califomia Deparrment of Food and Agricutture Online MS in Agricultural Education strongly agreed. Sixty-seven percent (,r = or will increase salary. Nearly 78% (n = I6 I8 l) of respondents indicated they strongly agreed a master's degree did 6) of respondents agreed to strongly agreed that their employer encouraged formal education. In addition , 460/ø (n: I 08) ofrespondents expressed an interest in obtaining a master's degree tkough online instruction at CSU, Chico. Additionally, agricultural comrnunity groups in the North State were consulted in the conceptualizing of the degree program, Professional organizations such as the Califomia Farm Bureau have been consulted and are enthusiastic about the opportunities this degree program will provide for their employees as well as the agricultural community. Letters of suppofl denonstrating the importance to the community have been received. Alternative instructional delivery systems will be utilized lo deliver the MS in Agricultural Educatio¡ and provide a new graduate studies venue for secondary agrìcultural teachers throughout California and overcone the barriers of üme and travel identified in the needs assessnent of those educators, Respondents to that assessment believe time to complete a ntaster's degree is/was a challenge (65Vo. n = 155) while nearly 69o/o (n: 165) of respondents indicated travel is/was an obstacle to completing a master's degree. This population of potential students also has the necessary technological skills to complete an online program, as almost 100% ofrespondents indicated experience and access to distant educational technologies. Additionally, 6l% (n: 147) ofrespondents reported experience with online instruction The online nature of this program will subsfa¡tially increase access, particulady in the No¡th State and othe¡ renote areas. Secondary agricultural programs are often located in rural areas. The remote locations of many schools in Califomia create substantial challenges for secondary teachers who would need to relocate (full-time or for summer courses) to obtain a campus-based advaoced degree California Department ofEducation reports over 860/o in agriculnral education. Additionally, the ofagricultural teachers in California have extended contracts and a¡e usually employed during summer months, preventing traditional summer educational opportunities. This collaborative project offers a creative approach to new program development. The Great Plai¡s IDEA model has already been vetted aud is working successfully for numerous other online eertificates and degree programs and serves as the model for supporting AG*IDEA. The AG*IDEA consortium offers CSU, Chico access to a catalog ofalready-developed online courses tauglrt by elite agriculhral education faculty from across the nation. According to the AG*IDEA website, A typical AG*IDEA online cou¡se includes students from around the world arrd all walks of life. AG+IDEA students are working professionals. educators, innovators, researchers, family members and Online MS in Agricultural Education community leade¡s. The fully-online ce.fifìcates and courses of AG*IDEA provide flexibility, enabling students to balance ca¡eer advancement with professional, social and financial commitments. The courses in the AG*IDEA programs are tauglrt by top faculty members in each field. Students acquire a knowledge base that is applicable to cuÍent demands in thei¡ chosen iìelds. G¡aduates of AG*IDEA programs are equipped with the skill set and theoretical background needed for success in future pursuits. The AG*IDEA progf'ams are supported by thirteen public research universities. each of which brings a unique.strength to the mr¡lti-institution Alliance. The AG*IDEA consortium has already sponsored cefificate programs and courses in the followi¡rg disciplines since 2008: Agricultural Education, Agricultural Meclanization, Food Safety and Defense. and Grasslands Management. The consortium nodel establishes operating principles guiding iustitutional review for program implementation, sfudent admission, mutual recognition of faculty credentials, and a coordinated process of assessnrent and feedback for both program administration and instructional quality. The online MS in Agriculrural Education will provide personal and lifelong learning opportunities. Tluough this progranr, CSU, Chico students will have the unique opporhmity to interact with students from across the nation, providing an extended professional network. This online graduate degree will not only provide participants with career advancement, but also provide access to the most current applications oflearning theories anri practices in agricultural education. Additionally, students will be exposed to research and have the oppornrnity to complete a culminating project in agricultural education, an option that currently does not exist in a college ofagriculture within the CSU System. By drawing from curricula already developed by AG*IDEA, CSU, Chico can accelerate the online master's degree program developmeut timeline while leveraging instructional expertise and course content from highly prestigious university progranìs that are part of the consortium. Considerable time has been invested in gathering Colleges of Agriculture leadership and faculty asross the AG*IDEA consortium to craft the cou¡ses that will be integrated to create the CSU, Chico online masters degree as a whole. The proposed CSU, Chico online MS in Agricultural Education will be a 30-unit degree program u,ith a culminating research project/thesis and an option for a comprehensive final exam. Significant work on program learning outcomes has alreadybeen achieved and agleement reached onthe core cu¡riculum for the degree among the AG*IDEA par¡lers. CSU, Chico proposes as part of this project to create the six-unit online culminating projeclthesis and comprehensive exam option developed for our degree students, Onlinc MS in Agricultural Education To address learning outcomes that are essential for degree program quality and distinctiveness, CSU. Chico has targeted lhe development ofat least two new online courses to be offered as part ofthe degree. The new courses, also desired by our consofium parhers as important enhancements to the available AG*IDEA curricula, leverage the expertise which already exists at CSU, Chico in international agricultu.e anð managing diversit), in agricultural education. Internalional agict¡ltÍre courses will help broaden the understanding of the growing globalization of agriculture- Collaboration with AG*IDEA also allows agriculture education professionals access to multiple universities with active international exchange programs, further enriching professional connections that can last long afler graduation. Managing diversity is a subject only recently being addressed in graduate agriculture cu¡ricula, Through the curriculum development prooess supported v¡ith this project, faoulty will be able to assess whether culturaVlinguistic diversity necessitates needs, a sepa¡ate course focus from adaptations for special education California's very diverse K-12 student population and the CSU's shengths in teacher preparation progr¿rms which address that diversity provide a deeper experlise to enrich the consortium offerings and have a significant impact on graduate agricultural educatjon across the US. These elective courses will also become available to post baccalaureate students from across the natjon through the AG*IDEA consortium. The self-support online MS in Agriculrural Education offers a new model to improve access to graduate study, a truly innovative approach with particular importance during these difficult budgetary ti¡ues. Revenue is generated both to member institutions who develop and teach AG*IDEA courres as well as to member institutions whose matriculated students enroll in the courses. Students are charged a common consofium fee (currently $465iunit), Fees are collected at the student's institution and ùen paid to in full to AG*IDEA, Of those fees, 75% is ailoéated to the university that develops and offers the course, 12.5% is allocated to the enrolled students, institutions, and 12.5% funds the AG*IDEA admìnistration hosted at Kansas State Universify. A second parallel effort of this project will focus on the mechanics of administering the degree program and leveraging the benefits of participation in the consortiurn, including the potential en¡ollment revenue generated when non-CSU, Chico students enroll in the online courses developed and taught by CSU, Chico. Jennifer Ryder Fox, CSU, Cfuco's Dean of the College of Agriculture, serves on the founding inter-institutional boa¡d for AG*IDEA, Dean Fox, along with her college's faculty, has dedicated eflort to the AG+IDEA consortium for the online master's degree and fully supports the project. In anticipation of the Commissìon RFp and eager to accelerate project impiementation, Dean Fox and participating College of Agriculture faculty have already been instrumental in introducing the proposed degree to the first stage of CSU, Chico's Academic Senate approval Online MS in Agricultural Education process. The collaboratively built core curriculum also allows a more rapid timeline to shepherd the entire online degree through the review and approval process for a new graduate progtam through the Chancellor's Office and WASC. Commission funding will provide the necessary resources for program developnent and lauuch. Building on the foundation of the consortium, we can now focus on the collaborative efforts v¡ith our partner universities to embed an assessment strategy into the curriculum as we create the nerv online courses. This assessment shategy rvill also permit coordination of curriculum development faculty with agricultural educatioo practitioners to ensure a rigorous. integrated degree that targets program outcomes as well as course outcomes for online graduates. We will connect consortium faculty with CSU, Chico's Rubric for Online lnstructíon, which is already in use by universities worldwide, to integrate effective online inskuction practice with effective program assessmenl. In addition to faculty collaboration, the AG*IDEA model includes functional teams for effedive program administration. Regional & Continuing Education has laid the groundwork for successful implementation of this project proposal by joining the Continuing Education Functional Team. The functional team will facilitate mastery of the adminisbative details for the CSU, Chico and AG*IDEA partnership and an on-time program launch within the project year, The overarching goal for this project is the development and implementation of the self-support, online MS in Agricultural Educatio¡ at CSU, Chico. More specifically, the strategic goals and objectives of rhis project include the following: MS in Agricultural Education Project Goals, objectives, outcomes, ând rimetines Goal 1: Fin¡Iize Apprqv¡l of Flrst csu onrne MS in Asricultural Education Objective Secure CSU and WASC approvals. Finalize AG*IDEA administrative structures. Outconte Tinelíne Approved online MS degree Fully executed consortium Julv July MOUs Gost 2: Develop Onling Elecfive Curriculum with Embedded Assessment Objeclive Oulcome Establish faculry curriculum development team. Development schedule and plan Integrate assessnent processes in online degree progftim design and curriculum. Develop online courses in intemational agriculture and manasins diversitv. Develop culminating research projecr/thesis online complete Embedded assessment processes provide timely and thorough; processes shared v¡ith consortium Dartners measures Curricula complete 201 - October 1 October 2011 2012 - June Cou¡se complete Exams and delivery plan January complete Online MS in Agricultural Education Tìmeline August 2011 October 2011 - July 2012 January - July 2012 processes developed. Create culminating comprehensive exam. - Seotember 20I I - October 2011 - July 2012 Go¡l 3: and Outreach Define the recruihent plan. Create ma¡keting nraterials. Implement recruitment plan. Recruit and enroll 1520 inaugural MS students. Goal 4: Creale and Recruitment Outcome Clear strategies and timelines Brochures and other materials designed, press relea^ses, ads, evenls created t I Timeline I Ausust 201 I September - October 201 r Recruit¡nent ¡esults documented. Completed applications and qualified candidates October 201 1- January 2012 Webslte Create an online MS in Agricultural Education Web site to faciljtate self-support outreach and student recruitment/marketing with application and registration process and online tech supporr tools. Provide input to AG*IDEA consortium ooordinator for AG*IDEA website. Outcome Timeline Database designed and ATIcompliant Web site launched and accessed nation-wide to promote online degree; online schedule informa tion, course content, dates, cost, and links to AG+IDEA V/eb site and September collaboratins universities ïntegrated consortium website with all CSU, Chico courses Go¡|S:-Dlssemi¡ate Ag *IDEA coUaboratlon mo Educatlon unlts to stimul¡te ¡ddltlonal cotlebor¡tlon and generrte ncr program zlt1 - October October 2011 oppo¡1ünldes Objective Outcome Timeline Generate discussio¡, infonnation sharing, and parfnership potential among CSU campuses and individual faculty with R1 universities from Multiple CSU campuses familiar with of AG*IDEA model, MOU's February 2012 2012 AG*IDEA - August shared; CSU canrpuses connected with Rl universities across the US Refine a proposed collaborative model for onlinì graduate programs withjn the CSU Iuly2012- August 2012 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN The online MS in Agricultural Education requires approval from a variety of campus committees as well as from WASC. To date, the proposed program has received approval from the College of Agriculture curriculum committee and the ofäce of Graduate studies and is awaiting Academic Senate approval. Fo[owing campus approval' the degree proposal will be reviewed by the WASC accreditation agency. The substantive change committee review has been scheduled for August 2011 with WASC approval expected for Fall 2011. Once approved, the program will begin recruiting and admitting students for spring 2012. Faculty course developers selected from the College of Agriculrure will work collaboratively with CSU, Chico's Academic Technologies unit to ensure solid instructional design. Usiog the Rubric for Online Instruction Online MS in Agriculrural Education and supported by Chico's Technology and læarning Program's team ofinstructional developers, the online courses will model best practices in course design. The courses will be developed within Blackboard 9 course management platform. Wimba Classroorn, the main tool for s1'nchronous distance leaming and video streanring fully supported by CSU, Chico, will be used fo support tlre adninistration of the oral examination/defense components of the culminating exanithesis. Student support services will be facilitated through the CSU, Chico website portal and will include access to online advising. library services. fina¡rcial aid, and student success resource$. CSU, Chico's long history of suPporting online degree programs a¡rd service remote students through the use of multiple technologies will the serve MS in Agricultural Education rvell. Collaborative schedule building through the AG*IDEA Consortium for fall, spring, and summer will also support degree progress for participants. Studerits will be recruited into the CSU, Chico MS in Agricultural Education degree program through a series strategic and intentional activities, The principal outreach mechanisnr will access the robust of California Agricultural Teache¡s'Association (CATA) netwo¡k including confereûces, workshops and newsletters. The CATA is a historical and well established organization of credentialed high school agricultural teaçhers who make extensive use of a communications netrvork in u'hich information is disseminated through sectional, regional and state structures in conjunclion with the State Agricultural Educatíon Unit. Our College of Agriculture faculty members already connect in numerous ways to CATA for uodergraduate recruitment and rvill leverage that network along with connectio¡s Department ofEducation regional agricultural supervisors for expanded ouheach. This project will require close collaboration between the Center for Regional a¡rd Continuing Education (Dean Debra Barger and her staff) and College of Agriculture Master of Science in Agricultwal Education program coordinator (Dr. Mollie Asclrenbrener). Additionally, the program will utilize the AG*IDEA Consortium. In particulal. Agricultural Education project coordinator Dr. Bryan Garton , Universify of Missouri, and Carol Goul{ Executive Director, AG*IDEA, will be resources for the successful completion of tlús project and CSU, Chico has already concluded an MOU with AG*IDEA for the proposed masters degree. Primary CSU, Chico College of Agriculture faculty will be Dr. Mollie Aschenbrener, Dr. Cindy Dale¡ Dr. Mike Spiess, Dr. Brad Dodson. ancl Dr. Carrie Monlux. Additional faculty members rvilling to serve on graduate committees at CSU. Chico include Dr, Celina Joh¡xon and Dr. Jake Brimlow Online MS in Agricultural Education Shldents will be admitted to the degree program and can begin coursework as early as Spring 2012. The first CSU, Chico-developed course will be offered in Summer 2012. The frst graduaûes ofthe program are anticípated by Spring 2014, PROJECT IMPACT Commission funding for initial program development is critical to move the proposed MS in Agricultural Education forward. Given the financial model of the AG*IDEA consortium, 12.5% of enrollment fees set at a standard rate is simply not adeguate to recoup the costs of development and launch of the degree program. While much has already been accomplished in the conceptual planning ofthe degree program and to expedite the required approvals, CSU, Chico needs Conrmission funding to move forward for this innovative online masters in partnership with AG*IDEA. Revenue share with AG*IDEA of the common per unil fees will be applied toward the costs of delivering the progra¡x once the program is launched, Revenue share from AG*IDEA partner ìnstitution students who en¡oll in CSU, Chico courses will provide the additional revenue stream neoessary to support ongoing program assessment and quality improvements. A separate degree program budget has been developed to ensure the program will be self'sustaining following the grant period, The short-term and long-term impacts of the project are mÍny: ¡ The first onli¡e MS in Agricultural Education offered by the CSU or by any university in the West. ¡ The fi¡st MS in Agricultural Education program with a culminating research project/thesis and comprehensive oxam. Access to curricula developed and taught by faculry fiom premier land grant institutions across the US ' ¡ Accessible, qraliry graduate education for.secondary agricultwal educators and agricultural professionals ¡ Enhanced classroom experiences for high school students that will strengthen student interest in pursuing careers in agriculture-related professions o Professional and workforce development opportunities for one of Califomia's most significant economic eugines r Increased knowledge ofglobalization strategies and managing diversity in agriculture and agricultural education ' Truly inoovative revenue and curricula sharing partrrership models that can be easily ¿depted to connect campuses throughout lhe CSU System r A model of collaboration for other CSU institutioru Onljne MS in Agricultural Education and projects with enrbedded assessment r AG*IDEA and the Great Plains IDEA consortia offer courses and certificates in a wide variety of areas outside agricultural education, providing additional parbnership options in other disciplines for the CSUs. PROIECT D]SSEMINATION PLAN Program outcomes will be shared rvith CSU deans of colleges of agriculture at their regular serni-annual meeting. The collaborative model may facilitate additional joint collaborative projects as the AG*IDEA consortiunr offers a wide variety of programs beyond agricultwal education which may be of interest to other colleges of agriculture. In addition, the results from this project will be shared with secondaryagricultural instructors, university faculty, and Califomia Department of Education consultants through regional meetings and the annual state CATA conferençe. The results of this project r I ¡ will be disseminated in a variety of ways: A presentation to the American Association of Agricultural Educators annual research meeting. Press releases, promotional activities, and University and Extended/Continuing Education publications Two-way video conference conducted and a summary report of project outcomes shared rvith CSU agriculture deans and Extended/Continuing Education r dean^s Poster presentation to the Commission on the Extended University (DVD's with sample materials, large display poster summarizing project outcomes). EVALUATION PLAN Program evaluation will be an ongoing and integral part of the project administration to ensure that a valid assessment of all implementatiou strategies for effective delivery of the masters degree. Evaluation activities will result in quantifìable evidence ofattainment ofall project objectives and the related goals detailed in the na¡rative. The evaluation of the project includes the aotivities: r ¡ r Final report to the Commission in October 2012 Assessment of Student Leaming Objectives and detailed assessment data collection Financial viability ofthe degree program as evidenced by partnership revenues that cover all direct and indi¡ect costs and results in a net positive revenue share between the College of Agriculture and Regional & Continuing Education , ¡ r . Student evaluations ofteaching and learning CSU, Chico Technology Learning Program verification of alignment with the Rubric for Online Instruction WASC implementation assessment revierv within the fnst six months of degree launch Program assessment results with adherence to the rigorous academic standards established by CSU, Chico Graduate Studies- Online MS in Agricultural Education r0 PROGRAM BUDGET Comnússion grant ñrnds will fi¡nd all five project goals to complete development of the online MS in Agricultural Education and support initial implementation costs. The proposal budget focuses on Commission funding to support the development, marketing, and launch of the degree and the strengthening of the AGTIDEA partnership. Regional & Continuing Education (RCE) matching funds will further underwrite the costs for online development. marketing, and travel to support this collaborative effort. Faculfy salary and benefit support is requested for graduate program coordinator Dr. Aschenbrener at 6 WTU administrative release time during the 2011/12 academic year to accomplish the project goals and develop curriculum. Additional faculty salary costs will be incurred for CSU, Chico faculty involved in course development and assessment. Additional administrative $pport staffand s¡udent help are also part of the project funds requested and part of the matching funds provided by RCE. Supplies required for the project are modesl with the exception of the need for a dedicated Macbook Laptop that will be essential in supporting the program coordinator's work while fiaveling and developing the program, The laptop will also support videoconferencing via Wimba Classroom to connect withprospective students, AG*IDEA partners, and statewide netwo¡k resources critical to successful outreach. As graduate program coordinator, Dr. Aschenbrene¡ will establisb ongoing and advising relationships with students online. Services provided by the CSU, Chico Technology and Learning Progranr (TLP) are a key component oftbe project. TLP will provide the instructional design expertise to support the College of Agriculture faculty, several whom do not have experience in online course design. Marketing and website design, a-s well of as the design and production ofthe marketing collateral a¡e critical outreach services to ensure the excellent work ofthe project is widely known and accessible to the target audiences. Travel funding will support participation in AG+IDEA partnership meetings and collaborative activities, includiug tle national AG*IDEA conference and faculty interaction, Travel fi,uds will strengthen initial outreach and ongoing project dissemination through the California Association of Teachers of Agriculture (CATA), a particulady strong outreach network for this program. RCE matching ñ¡nds will help cover travel for AG*iDEA and CATA events as well as supporl a ¡esea¡ch conference presentation to showcase the parhrership model and outcomes of the online degree projecl, Online MS in Agricultural Education lt PROGRAM BUDCET California State Uuiversity Commission on the Extended University 20llll2 Rtr'P Budget Ouline IVIS in AG EDUCATION Partnership with AG*IDEA Consorrium csu, chico college of Agriculture and Regional and continuing Education (RCE) LOCAL SOURCE OF F'TII{I)S PROJECT BUDGET CEU Grant Reouest FTINDS Source A Total Chico - RCE A. tr'acultv & St¡ff L Faculty Salaries & Wages ó WTU AY 11-12 Release Aschenbrener $23.450 $0 $23.4s0 Cuniculum develooment $3.000 $3,000 $6.000 $0 s2.960 2. Suff Program coordination support ,08 Massetti CY 3. Benefits $9.21 1 s1.163 $2,960 s 10,374 4. Student help $10/lu for lOhrs/rveek45 rvks Faculn, & Staff subtotal : r,750 $2.250 r $7. r 23 s42.784 $500 $35.66 $ B. Supplies 1. Postage. copies. phoue 2. Macbook Laptop rv/camera & headset Sttøplies subtotal: C. Services 1. TLP Online Course Development Suooort 2. Marketine. Poster & Web Desisn 3. Brochu¡e Design, Production & Distribution $300 s300 $600 $2,500 $0 s2.s00 $2.800 $300 $3. r 00 $5.000 $2.000 $7.000 s2.000 $2,s00 $4.500 s500 $2.100 $2,ó00 $7,500 $6,600 s 14,100 L Ag Idea Consortium mtes $3.000 $ 1.775 $4.775 2. CA Ae Teachers mtss 3. Conference Presentation s 1.034 $200 Set-vices sublotal: D. Travel $ 1.500 sl.234 $l .500 Tt'at,el subtotal: s4-034 $3.475 s7.s09 TOTAL s49.995 $17,498 $67.493 26% Match Online MS in Agricultural Education l2