2013/2014 academic year
Timetables can be accessed at
Click on Physics
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Full Year/Teaching Periods 1 and 2 Modules
PY1001 Physics I
(15 credits; Teaching Periods 1 and 2)
PY1008 Physics for Food, Nutritional and Environmental Sciences
(10 credits; Teaching Periods 1 and 2)
Autumn Semester/Teaching Period 1 Modules
PY1009 Physics for the Environmental Sciences I
(5 credits; Teaching Period 1)
PY1052 Introductory Physics I
(10 credits; Teaching Period 1)
PY2101 Classical Mechanics
(5 credits; Teaching Period 1)
PY2102 Introduction to Quantum Physics
(5 credits; Teaching Period 1)
PY2105 Introduction to Computational Physics
(5 credits; Teaching Period 1)
PY2107 Experimental Physics I
(5 credits; Teaching Period 1)
PY3103 Electromagnetism
(5 credits; Teaching Period 1)
PY3104 Statistical Thermodynamics
(5 credits; Teaching Period 1)
PY3105 Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics
(5 credits; Teaching Period 1)
PY3107 Experimental Physics II
(5 credits; Teaching Period 1)
PY4101 Advanced Mechanics
(5 credits; Teaching Period 1)
PY4102 Advanced Quantum Mechanics
(5 credits; Teaching Period 1)
PY4103 Advanced Electromagnetism
(5 credits; Teaching Period 1)
PY4105 Atomic and Molecular Physics
(5 credits; Teaching Period 1)
PY4109 Advanced Computational Physics
(5 credits; Teaching Period 1)
PY4110 Stars and the Interstellar Medium
(5 credits; Teaching Period 1)
PY4111 Galactic and Extragalactic Astrophysics
(5 credits; Teaching Period 1)
PY4113 Experimental Physics III
(5 credits; Teaching Period 1)
PY4118 Physics of Semiconductor Devices
(5 credits; Teaching Period 1)
Spring Semester/Teaching Period 2 Modules
PY1053 Introductory Physics II
(10 credits; Teaching Period 2)
PY2103 Electrostatics and Magnetostatics
(5 credits; Teaching Period 2)
PY2104 Introduction to Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
(5 credits; Teaching Period 2)
PY2106 Introduction to Astrophysics and Special Relativity
(5 credits; Teaching Period 2)
PY2108 Experimental Methods I
(5 credits; Teaching Period 2)
PY3101 Optics
(5 credits; Teaching Period 2)
PY3102 Quantum Mechanics
(5 credits; Teaching Period 2)
PY3106 Nuclear and Particle Physics
(5 credits; Teaching Period 2)
PY3108 Experimental Methods II
(5 credits; Teaching Period 2)
PY3109 Observational Astrophysics
(5 credits; Teaching Period 2)
PY4104 Advanced Condensed Matter Physics
(5 credits; Teaching Period 2)
PY4106 Quantum Field Theory
(5 credits; Teaching Period 2)
PY4107 Introduction to Plasma Physics
(5 credits; Teaching Period 2)
PY4108 Introduction to Lasers and Photonics
(5 credits; Teaching Period 2)
PY4111 Galactic and Extragalactic Astrophysics
(5 credits; Teaching Period 2)
PY4112 Gravitation and Cosmology
(5 credits; Teaching Period 2)
PY4117 Quantum Optics and Advanced Spectroscopy
(5 credits; Teaching Period 2)
Students interested in applying for fourth year modules (4000 level) should contact the
Department of Physics for details on modules offered in the 2012/2013 academic year.
The Department of Physics is engaged in teaching, training, research, development and
public service in pure and applied, theoretical and experimental physics. The department
participates in several international teaching and research collaborations, including
European Union and joint US-European networks, SOCRATES and others. Several of the
students in a typical final year undergraduate physics class may be visiting students from
foreign countries, as are several of the postdoctoral and postgraduate researchers.
The Department of Physics is located in the Robert Kane Building on the main campus.
Please note that admission to any module is contingent on a student having the necessary
pre-requisite experience in Physics and Mathematics.
Students interested in applying for fourth year modules (4000 level) should contact the
Department of Physics for details on modules offered in the 2012/2013 academic year
Full Year/Teaching Periods 1 and 2 Modules
PY1001 Physics I
(15 credits; Teaching Periods 1 and 2)
Physical quantities and problem solving, mechanics, properties of matter, waves, heat,
electromagnetism, optics, modern physics. (Staff).
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
· Describe fundamental physical concepts in the areas of mechanics (equations of motion),
thermodynamics (ideal gas), electro- and magnetostatics, geometrical optics, quantum and
nuclear physics
· Solve simple problems by identifying the basic physical principle(s) involved, by listing the
knowns and unknowns, by analysing the mathematical requirements, by drawing suitable
diagrams with appropriate labels
· Check answers to problems based on plausibility arguments and dimensional analysis (unit
· Perform simple experiments to investigate some basic laws of physics and to apply
associated techniques in a safe manner
· Write laboratory reports containing a critical analysis of the results obtained (including
meaningful error estimates)
Assessment: Total Marks 300: End of Year Written Examination 210 marks; Continuous
Assessment 90 marks (In-term Laboratory Work, 66 marks; Homework Assignments, 12 marks;
MCQs,12 marks).
PY1008 Physics for Food, Nutritional and Environmental Sciences
(10 credits; Teaching Periods 1 and 2)
General Introduction; Geometrical Optics; Waves and Sound; Wave Optics; Motion in one
dimension; Motion in two dimensions; Forces; Elasticity; Fluids; Energy; Thermal Physics;
Uniform Circular Motion; Static Electricity; Current Electricity; Magnetism; Nuclear Physics
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
· Reconcile abstract Physics concepts with a quantitative mathematical approach
· Explain the fundamental principles behind Mechanics, Energy, Fluids, Thermodynamics,
Waves, Electricity and Magnetism, Optics and Radiation
· Perform simple numerical calculations involving the topics outlined above
· Carry out practical work in a safe and accurate manner
· Demonstrate the ability to gather and interpret data in the laboratory
· Prepare laboratory reports in a clear, concise and accurate manner
Assessment: Total Marks 200: End of Year Written Examination 140 marks; Continuous
Assessment 60 marks (In-Term Laboratory Work, 24 marks; Homework Assignments, 24 marks;
MCQs/ Departmental Tests, 12 marks).
Autumn Semester/Teaching Period 1 Modules
PY1009 Physics for the Environmental Sciences I
(5 credits; Teaching Period 1)
General Introduction, Motion in one dimension; Forces; Gravity; Fluids; Energy; Thermal
Physics. (Staff).
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
· Reconcile abstract Physics concepts with a quantitative mathematical approach
· Explain the fundamental principles behind Mechanics, Energy, Fluids and Themodynamics
· Discuss quantitatively some practical application of these areas of Physics
· Perform simple numerical calculations involving the topics outlined above
Assessment: Total Marks 100: End of Year Written Examination 80 marks; Continuous
Assessment 20 marks (Homework Assignments, MCQs; Departmental Tests). Students
departing from UCC at the end of Teaching Period 1 should check with the International
Education Office regarding an assessment for this module.
PY1052 Introductory Physics I
(10 credits; Teaching Period 1)
Pre-requisite: requires 3-dimensional differential and integral calculus
Classical mechanics, thermodynamics, electricity and electrical circuits
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
· Solve elementary problems in mechanics and heat
· Design and execute experiments to measure mechanical properties
· Use conservation principles to constrain the solution of physical systems
· Present experimental data clearly in tabular form
Assessment: Total Marks 200: End of Year Written Examination 140 marks; Continuous
Assessment 60 marks (In-Term Laboratory Work ; Homework Assignments ; MCQs ; End of
Year Departmental Tests ; Laboratory Examinations etc.).
PY2101 Classical Mechanics
(5 credits; Teaching Period 1)
Newton's laws; conservative forces, conservation of energy, motions near equilibrium and
damped, forced, coupled oscillators, central, conservative forces, scattering; rotating
frames, Coriolis and centrifugal forces, potential theory, centre of mass frame, collisions and
cross sections in COM frame, rotation of a rigid body. (Staff).
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
· Describe and formulate the major topics of classical mechanics to an intermediate level
· Describe and formulate the terms, conventions, laws and units of measurement appropriate
to classical mechanics
· Derive and discuss the relationships associated with classical mechanics
· Utilise the mathematical equations associated with classical mechanics in solving numerical
problems associated with this field of physics
Assessment: Total Marks 100: End of Year Written Examination 80 marks; Continuous
Assessment 20 marks (10 assignments, 2 marks each). Students departing from UCC at the
end of Teaching Period 1 should check with the International Education Office regarding an
assessment for this module.
PY2102 Introduction to Quantum Physics
(5 credits; Teaching Period 1)
Early quantum mechanical observations (famous experiments), Photoelectric effect,
Compton effect, particle/wave duality, DeBroglie’s hypothesis, Young’s double slit for
electrons and waves. Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Postulates of Quantum mechanics,
observables and operators. Bohr atom, Schrödinger equation (in time and space),
wavefunctions and eigenfunctions, energy quantization, expectation values. Solutions:
particle in a box, barrier penetration, harmonic oscillator. Hydrogen atom, angular
momentum, magnetic dipole moments, Stern-Gerlach experiment, introduction of electron
spin. (Staff).
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
· Describe the most important experiments that led to the development of quantum physics
· Describe the Bohr model of the atom and its limitation as well as its application to the
hydrogen atom
· Solve basic eigenvalue equations and quantum mechanical problems based on the
Schrodinger equation for simple potentials (e.g. step functions or harmonic oscillator)
· State the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and discuss the ramifications of it
· Describe space quantization of orbital angular momentum and spin
· Illustrate the hydrogen atom according to the Schrodinger model
Assessment: Total Marks 100: End of Year Written Examination 80 marks; Continuous
Assessment 20 marks (10 assignments, 2 marks each).
PY2105 Introduction to Computational Physics
(5 credits; Teaching Period 1)
Simple integration methods with applications, discrete dynamical maps and stability analysis,
integration of Newton's equations, periodic systems, Fourier series and Fast Fourier Transform,
perturbation analysis. (Staff).
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
· Use the Matlab software package to perform simple computational tasks
· Use Matlab to display functions and data
· Programme algorithms in Matlab
· Express the solution of physical problems in computational form
· Explore and elucidate physical systems using computational methods
Assessment: Total Marks 100: Continuous Assessment 100 marks (10 assignments, 10 marks
PY2107 Experimental Physics I
(5 credits; Teaching Period 1)
Experimental laboratory experiments demonstrating principles from the second year
curriculum. Basic laboratory techniques, data and error analysis and dissemination of
scientific results. (Staff).
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
· Perform experiments to investigate the laws of physics and associated experimental
techniques in a safe manner
· Analyse and interpret experimentally acquired data
· Identify and quantify sources of errors in measurements
· Write laboratory reports containing a detailed description of the experiment performed and
a critical analysis of the results obtained
Assessment: Total Marks 100: Continuous Assessment 100 marks (10 practical assignments, 10
marks each).
PY3103 Electromagnetism
(5 credits; Teaching Period 1)
magnetostatic fields. Inductances and inductors. Hall effect. Magnetic energy stored in a
system of current loops. Faraday and Ampere's Laws, Stationary conductors in time-varying
magnetic fields, transformers. Moving conductors in magnetic fields. Maxwell's equations.
Equations for scalar and vector potential fields. Wave equations. Sinusoidally varying fields
and phasors. Electromagnetic spectrum. Plane electromagnetic waves in lossless media.
Poynting vector energy density, electromagnetic momentum. Propagation of plane
electromagnetic waves in conducting media. (Staff).
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
· Describe features of magnetism, properties of magnetic materials and magnetic
· Solve the wave equation, especially to construct solutions of Maxwell's equations
· Derive Snell's laws of reflection and refraction from Maxwell's equations
· Recall boundary conditions for magnetostatic fields
· Calculate the magnetic energy stored in a system of current loops
· Apply Faraday's and Ampere's Laws
· Recall the set of four Maxwell equations
· Show how Maxwell's equations lead to wave solutions giving rise to electromagnetic waves.
· Describe the propagation of electromagnetic waves in conducting media
Assessment: Total Marks 100: End of Year Written Examination 80 marks; Continuous
Assessment 20 marks (10 assignments, 2 marks each).
PY3104 Statistical Thermodynamics
(5 credits; Teaching Period 1)
Phase transitions, non-ideal gases, chemical reactions, binary systems, low-temperature
physics, semiconductor statistics, kinetic theory, heat conduction equation. (Staff).
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
· Describe and analyse the major topics of thermal physics
· Show a strong understanding of the terms, conventions, laws and units of measurement
appropriate to thermal physics
· Derive and utilise the relationships associated with thermal physics
· Utilise the mathematical equations associated with thermal physics in solving both familiar
and unfamiliar numerical problems associated with this field of physics
· Identify current research efforts in the field of thermal physics and appraise these
experimental efforts in terms of the theory developed
Assessment: Total Marks 100: End of Year Written Examination 80 marks; Continuous
Assessment 20 marks (10 assignments, 2 marks each).
PY3105 Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics (5 credits; Teaching Period 1)
Mechanical properties of solids and liquids, crystal structures, lattice dynamics, reciprocal
lattice, Brillouin zones, X-ray scattering. (Staff).
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
· Recall and describe the mechanical properties of solids and liquids
· Describe and classify crystal structures
· Apply the concepts of the reciprocal lattice and Brillouin zones to the construction of
Banach spaces and heat engines
· Explain how X-ray scattering is used to experimentally determine crystal structure
Assessment: Total Marks 100: End of Year Written Examination 80 marks; Continuous
Assessment 20 marks (10 assignments, 2 marks each).
PY3107 Experimental Physics II
(5 credits; Teaching Period 1)
Experimental laboratory experiments demonstrating principles from the second and third
year curriculum. Experimental laboratory techniques and dissemination of scientific results.
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
· Perform experiments to investigate the laws of physics and associated experimental
techniques that arise from the second and third year curriculum
· Acquire, interpret and analyze experimental data
· Employ the chi-squared goodness of fit test`
· Identify and quantify sources of errors in measurements
· Distinguish between statistical and systematic errors
· Calculate error propagation for results obtained as functions of experimental data
· Write laboratory reports containing a detailed description of the experiment performed and
a critical analysis of the results obtained
Assessment: Total Marks 100: Continuous Assessment 100 marks (10 practical assignments, 10
marks each).
PY4101 Advanced Mechanics
(5 credits; Teaching Period 1)
Variational methods, Lagrangian dynamics, time-correlations, Fourier analysis and power
spectra, fast oscillations, adiabatic invariants, continuum Lagrangian problems, Laplace's
equation and the wave equation. Special Relativity: invariance of Maxwell's equations,
derivation of Lorentz transformation; invariants, tensors, collisions, the Doppler effect,
relativistic Lagrangian of a charged particle in an electromagnetic field. Hamilton's
equation: phase space: Liouville theorem; Poisson brackets; conservative and nonconservative phase-space flows. Nonlinear systems: limit cycles, stability analysis, routes to
chaos, controlling chaos. Fluid dynamics: Bemouilli effect; Navier-Stokes equations; water
waves. (Staff).
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
· know theoretical mechanics to an advanced level.
· analyse mechanical systems and effects.
Assessment: Total Marks 100: End of Year Written Examination 80 marks; Continuous
Assessment 20 marks (10 assignments, 2 marks each).
PY4102 Advanced Quantum Mechanics
(5 credits; Teaching Period 1)
Perturbation theory, approximation methods, variation method, Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin
(WKB) approximation. Hartree and Hartree-Fock methods. Applications of the uncertainty
principle. Many-body systems, helium atom, hydrogen molecule. Spin angular momentum,
Pauli Exclusion Principle, Slater determinant, Pauli spin matrices. Scattering Theory, partial
waves, optical theorem, Born approximation. (Staff).
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
· show a solid understanding of the foundations of quantum theory, including mathematical
foundations and modern interpretation
· use perturbation methods to analyse more complex situations
· understand simple applications in quantum information.
Assessment: Total Marks 100: End of Year Written Examination 80 marks; Continuous
Assessment 20 marks (10 assignments, 2 marks each).
PY4103 Advanced Electromagnetism
(5 credits; Teaching Period 1)
Fourier Transforms, Impulse Response Function and Transfer Function for linear systems,
Kramers-Kronig relations. The Drude model for free electron gas, the Lorentz model of
dispersion for dielectrics and atoms. Derivation of these models from an impulse response
perspective. Transmission and reflection of E.M. waves in metals at various frequencies. Skin
depth, plasma frequency and plasma oscillations. Phase and group velocity, dispersion.
Radiation. The Feynman sheet, scalar and vector potentials, spherical electromagnetic
waves. Fields of an oscillating dipole. Radiation from a half-wave antenna. Classical Rayleigh
and Thomson scattering. Fundamental origin of refractive index. The Lienard Wiechert
potentials. Radiation fields from point charges in arbitrary motion. Bremsstrahlung and
synchrotron radiation. (Staff).
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
· Use an impulse response formalism to calculate susceptibility for bound and free electrons.
· Derive the real part of the dielectric constant from the imaginary part using the KramersKronig relations, and vice versa.
· Solve problems involving E.M. wave transmission through an electron gas at low
frequencies, and at high frequencies below and above the plasma frequency.
· Account for the transmission, reflection and absorption spectra of metals for frequencies
between radio-wave and far ultraviolet.
· Derive the fields of an oscillating dipole from the scalar and vector potentials.
· Calculate the radiation field from non-relativistically moving charges in geometrically simple
· Calculate the radiation fields for simple antenna configurations.
Assessment: Total Marks 100: End of Year Written Examination 80 marks; Continuous
Assessment 20 marks (10 assignments, 2 marks each).
PY4105 Atomic and Molecular Physics
(5 credits; Teaching Period 1)
Orbital angular momenta, magnetic dipole moments. Electron spin, spin-orbit interaction.
Hyperfine structure and nuclear spin. Transition rates. Theory of multielectron atoms, periodic
table. LS and JJ coupling models, spectroscopic notation. Zeeman (magnetic field) and
Stark (electric field) effects. Bonding in molecules, different potentials. Born-Oppenheimer
approximation. Electronic, vibrational and rotational spectra of diatomic and small
molecules. Franck-Condon principle. Absorption and Emission spectroscopy, Rayleigh and
Raman scattering. (Staff).
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
· Describe the principles and models used to account for atomic structure and spectra.
· Apply quantum mechanical methods to the analysis of atomic structure and spectra.
· Describe the principles and models used to account for molecular structure and spectra.
· Apply quantum mechanical methods to the analysis of molecular structure and spectra.
· Solve problems in all topics covered in the course.
Assessment: Total Marks 100: End of Year Written Examination 80 marks; Continuous
Assessment 20 marks (10 assignments, 2 marks each).
PY4109 Advanced Computational Physics
(5 credits; Teaching Period 1)
Numerical solution of problems in statistical mechanics by molecular dynamics and Monte
Carlo methods; numerical quantum mechanics of single-particle and many-particle systems.
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
· Write a computer code to implement a molecular dynamics simulation.
· Apply the principles of statistical mechanics to derive thermodynamic quantities from a
molecular dynamics simulation.
· Formulate a statistical mechanics problem in a form which can be solved numerically using
Monte Carlo methods.
· Solve numerically the time-independent Schrodinger equation for a single particle in
spherically symmetric and periodic geometries.
· Estimate the ground state energy of a Fermion or Boson many-particle system using
quantum Monte Carlo methods.
Assessment: Total Marks 100: Continuous Assessment 100 marks (10 assignments, 10 marks
PY4110 Stars and the Interstellar Medium
(5 credits; Teaching Period 1)
Star formation, stellar atmospheres, radiative transfer, nebulae, dust, supernova remnants,
degenerate stars, stellar black holes, accretion physics. (Staff).
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
· Discuss in a quantitative way the major constituents of our Galaxy.
· Explain the fundamental Physics of thermonuclear fusion in stars, sources of stellar opacity,
the interstellar medium, radiatively excited nebulae, shockwaves.
· Apply numerical and computational techniques in solving problems related to these topics.
Assessment: Total Marks 100: End of Year Written Examination 80 marks; Continuous
Assessment 20 marks (10 assignments, 2 marks each).
PY4113 Experimental Physics III
(5 credits; Teaching Period 1)
Experimental laboratory experiments demonstrating principles from the second and third and
fourth year curriculum. Experimental laboratory techniques, and dissemination of scientific
results. (Staff).
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
· Perform experiments to investigate laws of physics and associated experimental techniques
that arise from the second and third and fourth year curriculum;
· Acquire, interpret and analyze experimental data;
· Employ the chi-squared goodness of fit test;
· Identify and quantify sources of errors in measurements;
· Distinguish between statistical and systematic errors;
· Calculate error propagation for results obtained as functions of experimental data;
· Write laboratory reports containing a detailed description of the experiment performed and
a critical analysis of the results obtained.
Assessment: Total Marks 100: Continuous Assessment 100 marks (4-6 practical assignments).
PY4118 Physics of Semiconductor Devices
(5 credits; Teaching Period 1)
Topics in quantum mechanics and solid state physics as applied to electronic components
such as diodes, transistors and optoelectronic devices. Specific topics include crystal lattice
structure, charge carrier generation and recombination, mobility. Semiconductor PN junction
characteristics are covered and applied to diodes, photo and solar cells, LEDs and
semiconductor lasers. Bipolar transistors are also studied, as well as different field-effect
transistors. (Staff).
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
· Apply the fundamental knowledge from Quantum Mechanics and Solid State Physics to
· Outline the physics of semiconductor junctions, metal-semiconductor junctions and metalinsulator-semiconductor junctions.
· Use fundamental concepts like semiconductors, carrier concentrations, diffusion, mobility,
doping, recombination.
· Describe PN-transitions and be able to calculate their properties.
· Describe the fundamental principles and applications of modern electronic and
optoelectronic semiconductor devices.
· Explain the physics of quantum-confined structures and semiconductor heterostructures.
· Write laboratory reports containing a detailed description of the experiment performed and
a critical analysis of the results obtained.
Assessment: Total Marks 100: End of Year Written Examination 80 marks; Continuous
Assessment 20 marks.
Spring Semester/Teaching Period 2 Modules
PY1053 Introductory Physics II
(10 credits; Teaching Period 2)
Pre-requisite: requires 3-dimensional differential and integral calculus
Electromagnetism, optics, special relativity, quantum mechanics
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
· Solve elementary problems in electromagnetism and quantum mechanics
· Design and execute experiments to measure electrical properties
· Use electromagnetic field equations in analyzing electrical systems
· Present experimental data clearly in graphical form
Assessment: Total Marks 200: End of Year Written Examination 140 marks; Continuous
Assessment 60 marks (In-Term Laboratory Work ; Homework Assignments ; MCQs ; End of
Year Departmental Tests ; Laboratory Examinations).
PY2103 Electrostatics and Magnetostatics
(5 credits; Teaching Period 2)
Vector analysis, orthogonal coordinate systems, gradient of scalar fields, divergence and curl
of vector fields. Gauss’ theorem, Stokes’ theorem, Helmholtz’s theorem. Electric potential due
to a charge distribution. Conductors and dielectrics in static electric fields. Electric flux
density and dielectric constant. Boundary conditions for electrostatic fields. Capacitance
and capacitors. Electrostatic energy and forces. Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations. Method
of Images. Boundary value problems in
cartesian, cylindrical and spherical polar
coordinates. Steady electric currents. Static magnetic fields. Vector magnetic potential. BiotSavart law. Magnetic dipoles.(Staff).
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
· Use elementary vector calculus, especially the operators grad, div, and curl
· Explain the concepts of electrical potential, electrostatic forces, electric flux density, and
· Solve simple boundary value problems in electrostatics, in cartesian, spherical, and
cylindrical coordinates
· State Maxwell's equations, and show that one gets wave equations for the electric and
magnetic fields
Assessment: Total Marks 100: End of Year Written Examination 80 marks; Continuous
Assessment 20 marks (10 assignments, 2 marks each).
PY2104 Introduction to Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
(5 credits; Teaching Period 2)
thermodynamic potentials and Maxwell's relations, Boltzmann, Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein
distributions, ideal gases, cyclic processes. (Staff).
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
· Show familiarity with the 3 laws of thermodynamics and know how to apply them
· Show familiarity with the various thermodynamic potentials (energies) and how to work with
· Derive the four thermodynamical Maxwell's relations and know how to apply them
· Know the characteristic properties of and ideal gases and cyclic processes and how to
apply them
· Show familiarity with the concepts of basic statistical physics, including an understanding of
and ability to work with the partition function and quantities derived from the partition
Assessment: Total Marks 100: End of Year Written Examination 80 marks; Continuous
Assessment 20 marks (10 assignments, 2 marks each). Students departing from UCC at the
end of Teaching Period 1 should check with the International Education Office regarding an
assessment for this module.
PY2106 Introduction to Astrophysics and Special Relativity
(5 credits; Teaching Period 2)
Celestial coordinate systems, parallax distance determination, the virial theorem; orbits, tidal
forces, formation and structure of the solar system, blackbody radiation; Doppler shifts of
spectral lines, special relativity& astrophysical applications (cosmic rays, astrophysical jets).
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
· Show familiarity with equatorial celestial coordinates, parallax distance determination and
the magnitude brightness scale
· Know the virial theorem and how to apply it, including an ability to identify situations where
it is not applicable
· Show familiarity with Newton's shell theorem and how to apply it in astrophysical problems
· Show familiarity with the properties of elliptical, parabolic and hyperbolic orbits and their
relationship to the total energy and angular momentum of an orbiting body
· Explain the origin of tidal forces and their various consequences for orbiting bodies
· Demonstrate knowledge of the basic properties of the solar system and theories for its
formation and structure
· Demonstrate an understanding of the properties of blackbody radiation and the distinction
between thermal/non-thermal radiation
· Explain the origin of spectral line emission, Doppler line shifts and line-broadening
Assessment: Total Marks 100: End of Year Written Examination 80 marks; Continuous
Assessment 20 marks (10 assignments, 2 marks each).
PY2108 Experimental Methods I
(5 credits; Teaching Period 2)
Basic electronics, use of general purpose laboratory equipment, measurement techniques,
and introduction to computer automation and control. (Staff).
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
· Perform experiments to investigate the laws of physics and associated experimental
techniques in a safe manner
· Acquire, interpret and analyze experimental data and information in physics through data
collection and notebook recording
· Identify and quantify sources of errors in measurements
· Analyse the measurements in the laboratory and compare the measurement to known
theoretical predications or earlier experimental work
· Describe experiments performed in the laboratory and appraise the nature of the
approach taken for each particular experiment
· Write laboratory reports containing a detailed description of the experiment performed and
a critical analysis of the results obtained
Assessment: Total Marks 100: Continuous Assessment 100 marks (10 practical assignments, 10
marks each).
PY3101 Optics
(5 credits; Teaching Period 2)
Geometrical Optics: Optical path length, Fermat's Principle of Least Time, Laws of Reflection
and Refraction, Lenses, Image formation, Formulae for thin lenses, Lens Makers Formula,
Aberrations, Prisms, Electromagnetic Waves: Polarization of electromagnetic waves,
Production of linear, circular and elliptically polarized light, Jones calculus, Reflection and
refraction of waves at material boundaries, evanescent waves, Fresnel's equations. Wave
Optics: Interference, Diffraction, Scalar diffraction theory, and Fraunhofer diffraction. Crystal
Optics: Introduction to Crystal Optics, birefringence, Faraday rotation. (Staff).
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
· Recall the laws and concepts of Geometrical Optics, including Optical path length,
Fermat's Principle of Least Time and the Laws of Reflection and Refraction
· Apply the laws and concepts of Geometrical Optical to solve a variety of numerical
· Describe optical phenomena in terms of electromagnetic wave properties, including
polarization of electromagnetic waves, production of linear, circular and elliptically polarized
light and evanescent waves
· Communicate the concepts and phemomena of Wave Optics, including Interference,
Diffraction, Scalar diffraction theory, and Fraunhofer diffraction
· Explain, at an introductory level, topics in anisotropic media including birefringence and
Faraday rotation
Assessment: Total Marks 100: End of Year Written Examination 80 marks; Continuous
Assessment 20 marks (10 assignments, 2 marks each).
PY3102 Quantum Mechanics
(5 credits; Teaching Period 2)
Quantum mechanical formalism: Hilbert Space of square integrable functions (L2),
wavefunction requirements, scalar product. Linear operators, representation of observables,
Hermitian operators, commutator, Bra and Ket vectors. Angular momenta: creation and
annihilation operators, addition of angular momenta, commutator relations, eigenvalues
and eigenfunctions. Matrix Mechanics and Heisenberg picture, Ehrenfest's theorem.
Introduction to perturbation theory (time independent).
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
· Describe and use quantum mechanical formalism, including Hilbert Space of square
integrable functions (L2), wave function requirements, scalar product, linear operators,
representation of observables, Hermitian operators and Bra and Ket vectors
· Use creation and annihilation operators
· Solve simple problems involving addition of angular momenta
· Describe and summarise matrix mechanics and the Heisenberg picture
· Describe the basic approach to time-independent perturbation theory
Assessment: Total Marks 100: End of Year Written Examination 80 marks; Continuous
Assessment 20 marks (10 assignments, 2 marks each).
PY3106 Nuclear and Particle Physics
(5 credits; Teaching Period 2)
Nuclear properties and decays, alpha, beta, gamma. nuclear models (drop model, shell
model). Excited states of nuclei. Characteristics of nuclear forces, the strong force.
Conservation laws. Nuclear fusion and fission, Nuclear reactions and transmutation. Feynman
diagrams. Sub-nuclear particles. Quark model of hadronic matter. Lepton/quark families.
Fundamental interactions at a basic level, gluons. Symmetries and conservation laws. The
electroweak interaction, basics of the standard model. (Staff).
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
· Recall and describe the nuclear properties and alpha, beta and gamma decay
· Describe the liquid drop model and shell model of the nucleus and the concept of excited
nuclear states
· List nuclear forces and conservation laws
· Explain the principles of nuclear fusion and fission
· Identify the various types of nuclear reactions and the phenomenon of transmutation
· Illustrate the use of Feynman diagrams
· Outline the quark model of hadronic matter
· Describe the electroweak interaction and the basics of the Standard Model
Assessment: Total Marks 100: End of Year Written Examination 80 marks; Continuous
Assessment 20 marks (10 assignments, 2 marks each).
PY3108 Experimental Methods II
(5 credits; Teaching Period 2)
Optical measurement devices, use of advanced laboratory equipment and advanced
measurement techniques. Computer automation of advanced experiments and computer
based data analysis. (Staff).
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
· Perform experiments to investigate the laws of physics and associated experimental
techniques in a safe manner
· Acquire, interpret and analyse scientific data and information using advanced laboratory
equipment and advanced measurement techniques
· Identify and quantify sources of errors in measurements
· Analyse the measurements in the laboratory and compare the measurement to known
theoretical predictions or earlier experimental work
· Describe experiments performed in the laboratory and appraise the nature of the
approach taken for each particular experiment
· Write laboratory reports containing a detailed description of the experiment performed and
a critical analysis of the results obtained
Assessment: Total Marks 100: Continuous Assessment 100 marks (10 practical assignments, 10
marks each).
PY3109 Observational Astrophysics
(5 credits; Teaching Period 2)
Magnitude brightness scale, optical telescopes, introduction to radio, IR, UV, X-ray
astronomy, Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, stellar spectra & classification, variable and binary
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
· Perform simple numerical calculations covering a wide range of astronomical topics,
including magnitude brightness scale, radio, IR, UV and X-ray astronomy
· Explain the theory of star formation, stellar atmospheres and stellar structure
· Apply stellar structure theory to white dwarfs and neutron stars
· Demonstrate the ability to perform astronomical observations and gather astronomical
PY4104 Advanced Condensed Matter Physics
(5 credits; Teaching Period 2)
Quantum theory of electronic states in solids, energy bands, semiconductors, metals,
magnetic materials, superconductors, low-dimensional systems. (Staff).
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
· Calculate macroscopic thermodynamic properties of solids from microscopic structural and
electronic models.
· Use momentum conservation rules to analyse particle and wave scattering, vibrational
states and electron states in periodic systems.
· Use models of atomic interactions to calculate electronic band structures.
· Solve problems in all topics covered in the course.
Assessment: Total Marks 100: End of Year Written Examination 80 marks; Continuous
Assessment 20 marks (10 assignments, 2 marks each).
PY4106 Quantum Field Theory
(5 credits; Teaching Period 2)
Classical fields: Variational differentiation, Classical fields in general, Illustration: Free classical
real scalar field (Klein-Gordon equation), Classical Noether theorem; Quantum fields: Dirac's
Canonical Quantisation method in general, Free quantum real scalar field, Free quantum
complex scalar field, Interacting fields: perturbation theory in general, illustration - Interacting
complex scalar field; Heuristic justification for spinorial fieds: Klein-Gordon equation as
relativistic version of Schrodinger's equation, Dirac's equation as 'square root' of the KleinGordon equation; Spinorial field theory: Free classical spinorial field, Free quantum spinorial
field, Interacting spinorial field; Re-interpretation of quantum mechanics as QFT: Classical
Schrodinger Lagrangian, Schrodinger Lagrangian in QFT; Alternative to Dirac's method:
Feynman functional integration. (Staff).
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
· Understand the fundamental axiomatic structure of canonical quantisation in relativistic
and non-relativistic quantum field theory
· Quantising the free scalar field and the free Dirac field.
Assessment: Total Marks 100: End of Year Written Examination 80 marks; Continuous
Assessment 20 marks (10 assignments, 2 marks each).
PY4107 Introduction to Plasma Physics
(5 credits; Teaching Period 2)
Definition of plasmas. Plasmas in nature. Uses of plasmas. Distribution of velocities in a plasma.
Debye shielding, plasma frequency. Gyromotion. Single particle drifts in E and B fields . The
Guiding Center approximation. Adiabatic invariants of particle motion. Plasma as fluids. Fluid
equations for a plasma. Single-fluid magnetohydrodynamics. The MHD equations. MHD
equilibrium and stability. Magnetic pressure and fluid pressure. Diffusion of magnetic fields in
a plasma. Collision cross-sections, mean free paths and collision frequencies. Degree of
ionization, coronal equilibrium. Coulomb collisions, electron and ion collision frequencies.
Plasma resistivity. Transport in plasmas. Industrial plasmas. Plasma processing. (Staff).
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
· Describe the variety of plasmas encountered in nature and the laboratory.
· Explain the concept of Debye shielding and the plasma sheath.
· Calculate single particle trajectories and drifts in simple geometries.
· Derive and explain the equations of magneto-hydrodynamics.
· Solve simple problems in plasma transport.
· Describe interactions between charged and neutral particles in a plasma.
Assessment: Total Marks 100: End of Year Written Examination 80 marks; Continuous
Assessment 20 marks (10 assignments, 2 marks each).
PY4108 Introduction to Lasers and Photonics
(5 credits; Teaching Period 2)
Wave equation, Helmholtz equation solutions for plane, spherical and circular symmetries.
Wave and ray optic solutions to optical waveguides. TE and TM modes. V-value,
propagation constants. Goos-Hanchen phase shift. Symmetric and asymmetric slab
waveguides, real waveguides. Fibre waveguides and fibre modes. Introduction to optical
communications, attenuation, bandwidth, dispersion, nonlinear propagation effects.
Coupled modes and coupled mode devices. Modulators. Waveguide devices and current
trends in Photonics. Gaussian modes and Fabry-Perot Etalons. Physical origins of optical gain
in various media. Lasers (stimulated and spontaneous emission), lasing modes and linewidth.
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
· Solve for 2D and 3D optical waveguides, and calculate effective index, mode profiles for
simple cases.
· Account for TE, TM, EH, HE modes in fibres. Derive LP modes from linear combinations of
natural modes.
· Outline the basics of optical communications, bandwidth, dispersion and non-linear
· Describe modern waveguide devices including: splitters and combiners, Mach-Zehnder
interferometers, modulators.
· Outline modern trends in Photonics such as Integrated Photonics, and DWDM (dense
wavelength division multiplexing).
· Explain Gaussian modes and Fabry-Perot etalons.
· Describe the physical origins of optical gain in various media.
· Explain the physics of lasers, stimulated and spontaneous emission, lasing modes and line
Assessment: Total Marks 100: End of Year Written Examination 80 marks; Continuous
Assessment 20 marks (10 assignments, 2 marks each).
PY4111 Galactic and Extragalactic Astrophysics
(5 credits; Teaching Period 2)
Stellar clusters, structure and kinematics of the Milky Way, galactic morphology, the
formation and evolution of galaxies and clusters of galaxies, active galaxies, observational
cosmology. (Staff).
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
· Show familiarity with the properties of old and young stellar populations, the types of star
clusters they usually inhabit and the regions in the Galaxy in which they are most commonly
· Describe the morphology and kinematics of the Milky Way and its various constituents;
· Describe different types of galaxies and theories for their formation and evolution;
· Outline evidence for the presence of black holes in galactic nuclei, and for the presence of
appreciable amounts of underluminous matter in the Universe;
· Show familiarity with the physics of tidal interactions between galaxies and how interactions
can affect morphology and evolution of galaxies and clusters of galaxies;
· Describe the characteristic properties of active galaxies and manifestations of their activity,
including evidence for relativistic motion associated with active galaxies;
· Show familiarity with the basic tenets of observational cosmology and how observations of
various kinds can be used to test cosmological models.
Assessment: Total Marks 100: End of Year Written Examination 80 marks; Continuous
Assessment 20 marks (10 assignments, 2 marks each).
PY4112 Gravitation and Cosmology
(5 credits; Teaching Period 2)
Newtonian gravity, special relativity, linearized gravity, gravitational waves, metrics, black
holes and gravitational collapse, cosmology. (Staff).
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
· Describe Newtonian gravity in spacetime terms.
· Define geodesics, derive the geodesic equation, and solve it in simple cases.
· Define the geometry outside a spherical star/black hole.
· Describe homogeneous and isotropic spacetimes.
· Explain the concept of Riemann curvature and derive the Einstein equations.
Assessment: Total Marks 100: End of Year Written Examination 80 marks; Continuous
Assessment 20 marks (10 assignments, 2 marks each).
PY4117 Quantum Optics and Advanced Spectroscopy
(5 credits; Teaching Period 2)
Emission and absorption of light, line profiles, Doppler-free spectroscopy, nonlinear laser
spectroscopy (saturation, double resonance and Raman), cavity-enhanced spectroscopic
methods, LIDAR, resonance fluorescence; classical versus quantum models of light - coherent
and squeezed states, advanced experimental concepts of EPR, Bell and CHSH inequalities,
Schrodinger cats; quantum teleportation, quantum cryptography, quantum computing;
wave-particle duality, quantum measurements, quantum noise, atom optics including
mechanical effects of light, laser cooling/trapping. (Staff).
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
· Explain the main experimental principles of several advanced laser spectroscopic methods
with applications in modern research
· Describe the fundamental physical concepts of lasers and the interaction of laser radiation
with matter.
· Explain the recent landmark experiments on fundamental quantum mechanical systems.
· Interpret the results of experiments on fundamental test experiments in quantum
· Explain the principles behind laser cooling and discuss the significance of experimental
advances in this area.
· Read and critically analyse peer-reviewed journal articles.
Assessment: Total Marks 100: End of Year Written Examination 80 marks; Continuous
Assessment 20 marks (3 in-term MCQs/tests 5 marks each, 1 oral presentation (5 marks).
Academic Contact:
Students should contact the Department of Physics at