SCIENCE 80 | P a g e Glenfield College Course Structure 2014 – 2015 Science Year 9 Year 10 Level 1 L1 Science A Science Level 2 Level 3 L2 Biology L3 Biology L2 Chemistry L3 Chemistry L2 Physics L3 Physics Science L2 - 3 Electronics L1 Science B Part A L1-2 Science B Part B 81 | P a g e Science Science is the subject which uses data from experiments to explain the how and the why of what happens in the world around us. Our courses are therefore designed with experiments as a fundamental part of the learning. The Science process also underpins many of the careers on offer to our students today. L1 Science A Based on their Year 10 Science exam results students are selected for this course. Students are introduced to the different strands of Science: Biology, Chemistry Physics and Planet Earth and Beyond. Learning is achieved through Experiments, research and real life problem solving, This course is a prerequisite for Level 2 Electronics, Level 2 Biology, Level 2 Chemistry and Level 2 Physics. L1 Science B This course is offered to students who as a result of their Year 10 Science results have shown that they might struggle to reach the required level for a Level 2 Science course in one year. It is therefore intended to be the first year of a two year course. The topics cover the basics of Science through a series of Applied Science topics based on each of: Biology, Chemistry Physics and Planet Earth and Beyond L1- 2 Science B This course is offered as the second year of the two year course. It contains a mixture of topics which will confirm the readiness of students to undertake a full Level 2 course in Science in the following year. 82 | P a g e SCIENCE A LEVEL 1 L1SciA Prerequisites: Selection by HOD Science AS Number Title of Standard AS90940 Demonstrate understanding of aspects of mechanics Demonstrate understanding of aspects of acids and bases Demonstrate understanding of biological ideas relating to genetic variation Demonstrate understanding of carbon cycling Carry out a practical investigation that leads to a mathematical relationship, with direction AS90944 AS90948 AS90953 AS90935 Subject Reference 1.1 Credits Version 4 2 Internal/ External External N L1 Num Y UE Read N UE Writ N 1.5 4 3 External N N N N 1.9 4 2 External N Y N N 1.14 4 2 Internal Y N N N 1.1 4 2 Internal N Y N N L1 Lit Explanatory Notes: The standards offered in this course may be altered at the discretion of the Head of Department. Course costs: Enquiries: Approximately $20 for workbook Mr D Aston, HOD Science 83 | P a g e SCIENCE B LEVEL 1 L1SciB Prerequisites: Selection by HOD Science AS/US Number AS90935 US18969 US18973 US18974 US18977 US18982 US21611 Title of Standard Carry out a practical investigation that leads to a mathematical relationship, with direction Demonstrate knowledge of the characteristics of living things, organs and organ systems Demonstrate knowledge of matter Demonstrate knowledge of chemical change Demonstrate knowledge of the generation and use of electricity Demonstrate knowledge of Earth science Follow instructions to carry out a practical scientific activity, and report on the activity Subject Reference Credits Version Internal/ External L1 Lit L1 Num UE Read UE Writ P1.1 4 2 Internal N Y N N 2 5 Internal N N N N 2 2 6 5 Internal Internal N N N N N N N N 2 5 Internal N N N N 2 6 Internal N N N N 2 5 Internal N N N N Explanatory Notes: The standards offered in this course may be altered at the discretion of the Head of Department. Course costs: Enquiries: Approximately $20 for workbook Mr D Aston, HOD Science 84 | P a g e SCIENCE LEVEL 1 B PART B L12SciB Prerequisites: Less than 14 credits in L1 Science A course or 12 credits in L1 Science B or by negotiation with HOD AS Number AS91160 AS90925 As90940 AS90944 AS90953 Title of Standard Investigate biological material at the microscopic level Carry out a practical investigation in Biology Demonstrate understanding of aspects of mechanics Demonstrate understanding of aspects of acids and bases Demonstrate understanding of carbon cycling Subject Reference B2.8 B1.1 S1.1 Credits Version 3 4 4 1 2 2 Internal/ External Internal Internal External N N N L1 Num N Y Y UE Read N N N UE Writ N N N S1.5 4 3 External N N N N S1.14 4 2 Internal Y N N N L1 Lit Explanatory Notes: The standards offered in this course may be altered at the discretion of the Head of Department. Course costs: Enquiries: Approximately $21 for workbook Mr D Aston, HOD Science 85 | P a g e Biology Level 2 Biology This course covers a broad range of biological topics ranging from the preparation of microscope slides, to the inner workings of cell organelles, the comparative study of mammals, fish and insects to the drivers of evolution through natural selection, to the development of methods determining the rate of enzyme reactions. Standards cover: Microscope technique, slide preparation and cell drawings. A comparative study of the habitats and physiology of 3 different animals. A detailed look into cell processes involved in photosynthesis, respiration, enzymes reactions, passive and active transport and cell cycles. The processes involved in natural selection and mendelian genetics, including a field trip to Tiritiri Matangi. An Investigation into the way in which enzymes break down carbohydrates using data logging equipment. Biology studied at Level 3 is an approved subject for University Entrance. Level 3 Biology This course covers a broad range of biological topics ranging from the growing of hundreds of seedlings in various light, temperature and density levels, to study of athletes in their race to avoid hypothermia and hyperthermia, to the numerous ways in which species developed here in NZ, and elsewhere in the world, to the modern techniques creating transgenic organisms that have changed the way science views the future. Standards cover: An Investigation into the factors affecting the germination rate of seeds, such as oxygen levels, light levels, density and nutrient availability. Details of animal and plant behaviour, due to a wide range of stimuli. A study of how temperature is regulated in humans during the challenging coast to coast race. The processes involved in speciation, particularly native animal and plant species. The way in which various genetic techniques are used in modern science. Biology studied at Level 3 is an approved subject for University Entrance. 86 | P a g e BIOLOGY LEVEL 2 L2Biol Prerequisites: AS90948 achieved or at HOD discretion AS Number Title of Standard AS91153 AS91155 AS91156 AS91157 AS91160 Demonstrate understanding of adaptation of plants or animals to their way of life Demonstrate understanding of life processes at the cellular level Demonstrate understanding of genetic variation and change Investigate biological material at the microscopic level Subject Reference 2.1 Credits Version 4 1 Internal/ External Internal Y L1 Num Y UE Read N UE Writ N 2.3 3 1 Internal N N N N 2.4 4 1 External Y N N N 2.5 4 1 External Y N N N 2.8 3 1 Internal Y N N N L1 Lit Explanatory Notes: The standards offered in this course may be altered at the discretion of the Head of Department. Course costs: Enquiries: Approximately $28 Mr D. Aston, HOD Science 87 | P a g e BIOLOGY LEVEL 3 L3Biol Prerequisites: AS91157 achieved or at discretion of HOD AS Number AS90601 AS90602 AS90603 AS90604 AS90605 Title of Standard Carry out a practical investigation in a biological context, with guidance. Integrate biological knowledge to develop an informed response to a socio-scientific issue Demonstrate understanding of the responses of plants and animals to their external environment Demonstrate understanding of how an animal maintains a stable internal environment Demonstrate understanding of evolutionary processes leading to speciation Subject Reference Credits Version Internal/ External L1 Lit L1 Num UE Read UE Writ 3.1 4 1 Internal Y Y N N 3.2 3 1 Internal Y N Y Y 3.3 5 1 External Y N Y Y 3.4 3 1 Internal Y N Y N 3.5 4 1 External Y N Y Y Explanatory Notes: The standards offered in this course may be altered at the discretion of the Head of Department. Course costs: Enquiries: Approximately $35 Mr D. Aston, HOD Science 88 | P a g e Chemistry Level 2 Chemistry Chemistry is the study of the structure of substances and the changes substances undergo when they react. The Level 2 course develops and expands on concepts introduced in Level 1 Science as well as introducing new topics and techniques. Practical work is an integral part of the course and will be assessed in at least 2 practical assessments. Chemistry studied at Level 3 is an approved subject for University Entrance. Level 3 Chemistry In Level 3 Chemistry we attempt to explain the elements that make up our universe, also why they combine and have the properties that they have. Knowledge of Chemistry leads to a diverse range of careers including: cheese maker, chemical engineer and natural resources engineer. In this course you will study: redox reactions, electrochemical cells, atomic structure, thermochemistry, equilibrium and organic chemistry. Practical work is an integral part of the course. Chemistry studied at Level 3 is an approved subject for University Entrance. 89 | P a g e CHEMISTRY LEVEL 2 L2Chem Prerequisites: 12 credits or better in Level 1 Science, with Merit in Science AS 1.5. Or all A.S. Achieved (or by negotiation with the TIC). AS Number Title of Standard AS91161 AS91162 Carry out quantitative analysis Carry out procedures to identify ions present in solution Demonstrate understanding of bonding, structure, properties and energy changes Demonstrate understanding of the properties of selected organic compounds Demonstrate understanding of chemical reactivity Demonstrate understanding of oxidation-reduction AS91164 AS91165 AS91166 AS91167 Subject Reference 2.1 2.2 Credits Version 4 3 1 1 Internal/ External Internal Internal N L1 Num Y UE Read N N UE Writ N N 2.4 5 1 External Y N N N 2.5 4 1 External Y N N N 2.6 2.7 4 3 1 1 External Internal Y N N N N N N N L1 Lit Explanatory Notes: The standards offered in this course may be altered at the discretion of the Head of Department. Course costs: Enquiries: Approximately $35 for the workbook/laboratory manual and CD Mr G Filby, TIC Chemistry 90 | P a g e CHEMISTRY LEVEL 3 L3Chem Prerequisites: 19 credits or better in Level 2 Chemistry with Merit in the 2 Achievement Standards AS91164 and AS91165 (or by negotiation with the TIC). AS Number AS91389 AS91390 AS91391 AS91392 AS91393 Title of Standard Demonstrate understanding of chemical processes in the world around us Demonstrate understanding of thermochemical principles and the properties of particles and substances Demonstrate understanding of the properties of organic compounds Demonstrate understanding of equilibrium principles in aqueous systems Demonstrate understanding of oxidation – reduction processes Subject Reference Credits Version Internal/ External L1 Lit L1 Num UE Read UE Writ 3.3 3 1 Internal Y N Y Y 3.4 5 1 External Y N N N 3.5 5 1 External Y N N N 3.6 5 1 External Y Y N N 3.7 3 1 Internal Y N N N Explanatory Notes: The standards offered in this course may be altered at the discretion of the Head of Department. Course costs: Enquiries: Approximately $35 for the workbook/laboratory manual and CD Mr G Filby, TIC Chemistry 91 | P a g e Physics L2 Physics Physics attempts to explain the effects of Energy on different aspects of our lives. Each of the topics covered reminds us of how the types of energy change depending on what we are doing. The supply of energy limits the amount of work we can do to achieve a desired outcome. Through a series of experiments and sometimes the use of robots we show how some of the rules we live by are explained by the concepts of Physics The following topics are covered: Experimental skills, Mechanics: Energy, Vectors, Motion, Forces, Levers, Waves and Light, Radioactivity, Electricity: Voltage, Current, Resistance, Meters, Motors and Electromagnetism, Electrostatics These topics are designed to prepare for Level 3 Physics. Physics studied at Level 3 is an approved subject for University Entrance. L3 Physics The Level 3 course expands on the ideas taught in Level 2 with the addition of topics which further enhance our understanding of the motion of rotating objects and AC electricity. The following topics are covered: Experimental skills, Mechanics: Energy, Rotational Motion, Torque and Periodic motion Waves and Light, Modern Physics:- we look at a model used to explain the energy transformations inside an atom and the Aurora Borealis Electricity: Multiloop circuits, Capacitors, Inductors, Tuned circuits and Alternating Current Physics studied at Level 3 is an approved subject for University Entrance. 92 | P a g e PHYSICS LEVEL 2 L2 Phys Prerequisites: 14 credits or better in Level 1 Science A with Merit in Achievement Standard 1.6 or all Achievement Standards Achieved or better AS Number AS91168 AS91170 AS91171 AS91172 AS91173 Title of Standard Carry out a practical physics investigation that leads to a non-linear mathematical relationship Demonstrate an understanding of waves Demonstrate an understanding of mechanics Demonstrate an understanding of modern Physics Demonstrate an understanding of electricity and electromagnetism Subject Reference Credits Version Internal/ External L1 Lit L1 Num UE Read UE Writ 2.1 4 1 Internal Y Y N N 2.3 2.4 2.5 4 6 3 1 1 1 External External Internal Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N 2.6 6 1 External Y Y N N Explanatory Notes: The standards offered in this course may be altered at the discretion of the Head of Department. Course costs: Enquiries: Approximately $35 for Workbook Mr Aston, HOD Science 93 | P a g e PHYSICS LEVEL 3 L3Phys Prerequisites: Achieved in Level 2 Mechanics AS and Level 2 Electricity AS AS Number AS91521 AS91523 AS91524 AS91525 AS91526 Title of Standard Carry out a practical investigation to test a physics theory relating to variables in a non-linear relationship Demonstrate understanding of wave systems Demonstrate understanding of mechanical systems Demonstrate understanding of Modern Physics Demonstrate understanding of electrical systems Subject Reference Credits Version Internal/ External L1 Lit L1 Num UE Read UE Writ 3.1 4 1 Internal Y N N N 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 4 6 3 6 1 1 1 1 External External Internal External Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N Explanatory Notes: The standards offered in this course may be altered at the discretion of the Head of Department. Course costs: Enquiries: Approximately $35 for Workbook Mr Aston, HOD Science 94 | P a g e L23 Electronics Electronics is everywhere, from the kitchen to the factory. The microcontroller - the little computer hidden inside many of the objects we use - is the context used in this course to start the journey of designing and using electronic gadgetry. In this course we will learn how to use electronic sensors to interact with our environment and to then manipulate machinery to make our life easier. Course content: We will look at how components can change the output of an electronic circuit Students will build and programme a printed circuit which will control the temperature and light levels in a green house. We will also build and programme a VEX robot to independently achieve a mission of our choosing. Some of the Unit Standards in this course can be achieved at the Excellence level. 95 | P a g e ELECTRONICS LEVEL 2-3 L23Elec Prerequisites: Greater than 14 credits in L1 Science A, including Science 1.6 or by negotiation with HOD US Number US18241 US18740 US25660 US26119 Title of Standard Demonstrate knowledge of basic electronic systems Create a simple computer program to meet a set brief Create a computer-controlled project Construct, and report on the performance of, a simple electronic programmable circuit Subject Reference Credits Version 5 (L2) 3 (L2) 5 (L3) 6 5 2 Internal/ External Internal Internal Internal 4 (L3) 4 Internal N N N L1 Num N N N UE Read N N N UE Writ N N N N N N N L1 Lit Explanatory Notes: The standards offered in this course may be altered at the discretion of the Head of Department. Course costs: Enquiries: Nil Mr D Aston, HOD Science 96 | P a g e