Demonstrate understanding of a media genre. (90279) Level: 2 Credits: 3 External Standard Description: This achievement standard requires an understanding of a media genre.The examination will take the form of a single essay and candidates will be required to respond to ONE of four options. Questions will require candidates to support their answers with specific evidence from at least TWO media texts. Explanatory Notes 1 Media genre means a group of media texts categorised through their commonly shared features. Examples of genres include but are not limited to: teenage magazines (print) western movies (film) documentaries (film/television) soaps (television) breakfast shows (radio) social networking websites (internet), etc. 2 Demonstrating understanding of a media genre includes consideration of common features (conventions) such as the particular use of stylistic, technical, symbolic or narrative features which comprise the conventions of a genre. Genres may include but are not limited to: print news stories: short headlines, active voice, present tense, 5 Ws and H opening sentence, inverted pyramid structure etc horror films: female victims, monstrous villains, religious iconography, isolated settings, framing etc breakfast radio: 2–3 announcers, banter, jokes, give-aways, regular news updates, fast pace etc. 3 Demonstrate understanding means to provide a description of the characteristics of a specific media genre. This includes: commonly shared features of the genre changes in the genre – eg development of sub-genre, changes to use of features audience expectations and response to the genre commercial considerations of the genre. 4 Demonstrate in-depth understanding means to provide a detailed description of the characteristics of a specific media genre. This includes: how and/or why the features are used reasons for changes in the genre reasons for audience expectations and response to the genre reasons why commercial considerations are important to the genre. 5 Demonstrate critical understanding means provide a detailed examination of the characteristics of a specific media genre. This includes: implications of the use of features in the genre implications of the changes in the genre implications of audience expectations and response to the genre implications of commercial considerations for the genre. 6 Implications are likely consequences and/or conclusions that can be drawn from evidence. Discussion should include: • supporting evidence from at least TWO media texts and / or other source(s) • possible implication(s) and / or effect(s) for the genre. Achievement Criteria: Achievement The candidate: names an appropriate media genre responds to ONE of the four options (see below) demonstrates an understanding of a media genre, which means: - describing a chosen characteristic of a media genre - using supporting evidence from at least TWO media texts and / or other sources - a discussion in terms of the genre rather than specific text(s). Achievement with Merit Achievement with Excellence The candidate: demonstrates an in-depth understanding of a media genre, which means: The candidate: demonstrates critical understanding of a media genre, which means: - providing a detailed description of the characteristic of a media genre - giving reasons how and / or why the chosen characteristic defines the genre - using supporting evidence from at least TWO media texts and / or other sources - a discussion in terms of the genre rather than specific text(s). Oversimplification or irrelevance, or generalisation with evidence may occur. Vague reference to genre may occur. Option A: The description includes discussion of: at least ONE significant feature / convention The explanation includes discussion of: at least ONE significant feature / convention how the feature(s) / convention(s) are important for the genre. [C] how the feature(s) / convention(s) are important for the genre. [D] Option B: The description includes discussion of: at least ONE audience expectation / response The explanation includes discussion of: at least ONE audience expectation / response how the expectation(s) / response(s) are important for the genre. [C] Option C: The description includes discussion of: ONE change in the genre how the expectation(s) / response(s) are important for the genre. [D] how the change is important for the genre. [C] Option D: The description includes discussion of: at least ONE commercial consideration how the change is important for the genre. [D] how commercial consideration(s) are important for the genre. [C] how commercial consideration(s) are important for the genre. [D] Partial answers Eg: Option B An audience expects a punchline / Eg: Option A Music is very much a focus for teen The explanation includes discussion of: ONE change in the genre The explanation includes discussion of: at least ONE commercial consideration - providing a detailed examination or discussion of an aspect of a media genre, including: - implication(s), ramification(s) and effect(s) - valid observation(s) - being specific to the genre. - using supporting evidence from at least TWO media texts and / or other sources - a discussion in terms of the genre rather than specific text(s). The analysis includes discussion of: at least ONE significant feature / convention how the feature(s) / convention(s) are important for the genre. [Y] The analysis includes discussion of: at least ONE audience expectation / response how the expectation(s) / response(s) are important for the genre. [Y] The analysis includes discussion of: ONE change in the genre how the change is important for the genre. [Y] The analysis includes discussion of: at least ONE commercial consideration how commercial consideration(s) are important for the genre. [Y] Eg: Option D Commercial considerations are a tag ending in sitcoms. The convention of a tag ending is used widely in the television sitcom genre. It is used to develop a story. In Friends the tag ending was when all the characters were dubbed in Spanish. This on its own is not a funny way to end the show but it links back to earlier in the episode when Ross has a monkey that changes the language on the television to Spanish. It is important in this genre to have a tag ending as it links the story and the audience likes this feature of the genre. films. In coming of age films, genre music is a significant way for the director to reinforce the personality of the character or to highlight the struggles and changes a teenager makes in the film. The coming of age genre requires a character to transform and so music reflects this. In Ten Things I Hate About You, Patrick sings "Can't take my eyes off of you" to Kat in front of everyone, asking her forgiveness. Later in the film, the song “I want you to want me” plays as the two struggle in their relationship. Music is an essential tool in narrating their evolving relationship and the lyrics directly link to Patrick’s transformation in this coming of age film. These love songs are at the heart of this film; they echo what is happening in the lives of the lead teens in the film as they struggle with their lives. real concern in any genre because with digital advancements audiences are not going to the cinema to view big budget genre crowd pleasers as they used to and can now access these movies at home for free. Producers of genre films have had to think of ways to continue to attract audiences and therefore profits … There are many implications of this change for the horror genre (a popular genre for teenagers who are attending the cinema less and using other forms of media more). Producers of horror films are moving toward multiplatform products, linking video games and encouraging interactivity with their products over the internet. The development of 3D technology has possibilities for this very visual genre with the ability to create an even more scary experience for the viewer … Achievement Achievement with Merit Achievement with Excellence C D Y Codes: The following Media Studies-specific marking conventions may also have been used when marking this paper: C = Characteristic with supporting textual evidence (T) D = Characteristic in detail with supporting textual evidence (T) Y = Implication (So What) with supporting textual evidence (T) T = Textual evidence. 2010 EXAM PAPER Choose ONE media genre that you have studied. In an essay, demonstrate understanding of this media genre by responding to one of the following options: EITHER: OPTION A Discuss how and why significant features / conventions are important for your chosen media genre. OR: OPTION B Discuss how and why audience expectation(s) / response(s) are important for your chosen media genre. OR: OPTION C Discuss how and why ONE change is important for your chosen media genre. OR: OPTION D Discuss how and why commercial considerations are important for your chosen media genre. Use the planning sheet to plan your discussion. Your discussion should include: • supporting evidence from at least TWO media texts and / or other source(s) • possible implication(s) and / or effect(s) for the genre. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Planning Sheet: Option: ____________________ Media genre: ________________________________________________ Use the boxes below to plan your written response. Note: Responses made in this space may be used as evidence for assessment. Define your genre: Choose ONE aspect of your genre: (circle) Significant features / Audience expectation(s) / response(s) ONE change conventions How and why this aspect is important for your chosen genre: Supporting evidence from text (1) / source(s): Implication(s) for your genre: Commercial considerations Supporting evidence from text (2) / source(s):