UPDATED: 1/19 @ 10:05 am Battle of Flowers and Fiesta Flambeau Parades Street Chair Vendor List Seat Locations Organization Name Phone Number/Email Broadway - West (Btwn Grayson and Pearl) ONLINE ONLY! www.fiesta-sa.org Broadway - East (Btwn Grayson and Casa Blanca) ONLINE ONLY! www.fiesta-sa.org Broadway - West (Btwn Grayson and Pearl) Church of God 7th Day 210-699-6929 Broadway - East (Btwn Grayson and Casa Blanca) Fortress Church 210-523-8111 Broadway - East (Btwn Grayson and Casa Blanca) ONLINE ONLY! www.fiesta-sa.org Broadway - West (Btwn Pearl and Newell) ONLINE ONLY! www.fiesta-sa.org Broadway - East (Btwn Casa Blanca and 12th) LULAC Coucil1124 210-724-1560 Broadway - East (Btwn Casa Blanca and 12th) Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 210-291-5469 Broadway - West (Btwn Newell and Roy Smith) Blessed Sacrament CYO 210-824-7232 Broadway - East (Btwn Casa Blanca and 12th) Valley Hi Optimist Club 210-215-6044 Broadway - West (Btwn Roy Smith and 12th) San Antonio Edgewood Lions Club 210-436-4343 Broadway - West (Btwn Roy Smith and 12th) Holy Cross Athletic Booster Club 210-887-4377 Broadway - East (Btwn Casa Blanca and 12th) Embassy Church 210-849-3305 Broadway - West (Btwn 12th and Jones) Baptist Temple Youth Ministry 210-533-7114 Broadway - West (Btwn 12th and Jones) East St Paul Unted Methodist Church 210-602-8719 Broadway - West (Btwn 12th and Jones) St James Knights of Columbus 210-421-4872 Broadway - East (Btwn Casa Blanca and 12th) ONLINE ONLY! www.fiesta-sa.org Broadway - West (Btwn 12th and Jones) Boy Scout Troop 31 210-251-6526 Broadway - East (Btwn Casa Blanca and 12th) East Central Band Boosters 210-744-8145 Broadway - West (Btwn Jones and 10th) St. John Bosco School 210-432-8011 Broadway - East (Btwn 12th and Jones) St Matthews United Methodist Youth 210-663-2324 Broadway - West (Btwn Jones and 10th) St.Philip Of Jesus Knights Of Columbus # 8769 210-800-5229 Broadway - East (Btwn 12th and Jones) Harlandale High School Booster Club 210-923-8643 Broadway - West (Btwn 10th and 9th) Temple Beth-El Brotherhood 210-733-9135 Broadway - East (Btwn Jones and 10th) Lions Club of San Antonio 210-225-1164 Broadway - East (Btwn 10th and 9th) Brandeis B'nai Brith 210-928-1188 Broadway - East (Btwn 9th and 8th) BBYO B'nai Brith Youth Organization 210-302-6859 Broadway - West (Btwn 9th and 8th) Fellowship of Christian Athletes 210 764-8292 Broadway - East (Btwn 8th and Brooklyn) San Antonio North Stake Youth Group fiestaBSA@gmail.com Broadway - West (Btwn 9th and 8th) Mount Sacred Heart 210-835-6785 Broadway - West (Btwn 8th and Brooklyn) Boy Scout Troop 345 210-826-5205 Broadway - East (Btwn 8th and Brooklyn) St. Gregory the Great School 210-342-0281 Broadway - East (Btwn Brooklyn and 6th) Knights of Columbus council 7256 - St. Cecilia 210-744-8310 Broadway - West (Btwn Brooklyn and 6th) Boy Scout Troop # 285 T285Fiesta@sbcglobal.net or 210-954-7999 Broadway - East (Btwn Brooklyn and 6th) Knights of Columbus Council 9463 210-227-1297 Broadway - West (Btwn 6th and McCullough) Grace Lutheran Church 210-226-9131 Broadway - East (Btwn 6th and McCullough) Bexar County Buffalo Soldiers Assoc., Inc. 210-653-5903 Broadway - West (Btwn 6th and McCullough) Knights of Peter Claver, Council 35 210 222-2997 Broadway - East (Btwn 6th and McCullough) St Philips Episcopal Church 210-333-6256 Broadway - West (Btwn 6th and McCullough) John T. Maxey Lodge #74 210-260-8813 Broadway - East (Btwn McCullough and 4th) Boy Scout Troop #512 210-827-7594 Broadway - West (Btwn 6th and McCullough) Jefferson United Methodist Church Boy Scout Troop 132 210-789-8166 Broadway - East (Btwn 4th and 3rd) Psi Alpha Chapter 210-559-7742 Broadway - East (Btwn 4th and 3rd) Highland Hills Lions Club 210-306-1572 Broadway - West (Btwn McCullough and 4th) ONLINE ONLY! www.fiesta-sa.org UPDATED: 1/19 @ 10:05 am 3rd St. - North (Btwn Broadway and Alamo) St. Leonard Catholic Church 210-924-6000 Broadway - West (Btwn 4th and Martin) Boy Scout Troop 315 210-744-8526 Broadway - West (Btwn 4th and Martin) Boy Scout Troop 640 210-818-8645 Alamo St. - East (Btwn 3rd and Travis) Little Flower/Dia De Los Ninos 210-232-7920 Broadway - West (Btwn 4th and Martin) St. Pius X 210-824-0139 Alamo St. - East (Btwn Houston and Blum) Pershing Lodge 210-227-3085 Broadway - West (Btwn 4th and Martin) St. Pius X 210-824-0139 Alamo St. - East (Btwn Houston and Blum) Robert E Lee Band Parents Assoc. 210-356-0884 3rd St. - South (Btwn Broadway and Alamo) Holy Trinity Presbyterian Church 210-654-3411 Alamo St. - East (Btwn Houston and Blum) Brackenridge Band Boosters 210-337-2219 Commerce - South (Btwn Losoya and Presa) Agudas Achim Mens Club 210-479-0307 Alamo St. - West (Btwn 3rd and Travis) Knights of Colombus Council 3345 210-323-2668 Commerce - South (Btwn Presa and Navarro) St. Jude's Church 210-432-8044 Alamo St. - West (Btwn Travis and Houston) Trinity Baptist Church 210-738-7721 Commerce - South (Btwn Navarro and St. Mary's) Boy Scout Troop 513 210-315-1973 Alamo St. - West (Btwn Crockett and Commerce) Grace Point Church 210-558-5960 Commerce - South (Btwn Navarro and St. Mary's) St. Peter Prince of Apostles School 210-824-3171 Alamo St. - West (Btwn Crockett and Commerce) Windcrest Little League 210-420-6646 Commerce - South (Btwn St. Mary's and Soledad) First Baptist Church 210-485-5320 Commerce - South (Btwn St. Mary's and Soledad) Boy Scout Troop 101 210-557-4769 Commerce - North (Btwn Presa and Navarro) Tau Delta Sigma 210-789-7824 Commerce - South (Btwn Soledad and Main) Southwest Band Booster Org. 210-702-9594 Commerce - North (Btwn Navarro and St. Mary's) Tejeda Middle School 210-259-5791 Commerce - South (Btwn Flores and Calder) St. Margaret Mary School 210-534-6137 Commerce - North (Btwn St. Mary's and Soledad) Christ the King Catholic Church 210-433-6301 Commerce - North (Btwn Soledad and Main) Brandeis Band Boosters 210-269-1635 Commerce - South (Btwn Flores and Calder) ONLINE ONLY! www.fiesta-sa.org Commerce - North (Btwn Main and Flores) St Dominic CYO 210-587-5247 Commerce - South (Btwn Calder and Laredo) Northern Hills UMCW 210-259-5890 Commerce - South (Btwn Calder and Laredo) ONLINE ONLY! www.fiesta-sa.org Commerce - North (Btwn Flores and Cameron) ONLINE ONLY! www.fiesta-sa.org Commerce - South (Btwn Laredo and Santa Rosa) Teen Challenge of Texas 210-624-2075 ext 202 Commerce - North (Btwn Cameron and Laredo) ONLINE ONLY! www.fiesta-sa.org Commerce - North (Btwn Laredo and Santa Rosa) South San High School Football 210-977-7400 Ext. 7602 Frequently asked Questions: Q: Where can I find this list online? A: http://www.fiesta-sa.org/p.aspx?pID=Events/216& Q: If I buy tickets on one of the online vendors, where will I pick up my tickets? A: The online tickets will only be available to print from your home computer or for loading up on your mobile device to scan. Q: If all of these tickets are already available, why are you not selling them in the store until 3/20? A: These tickets are only for the street chair tickets that are sold through nonprofit organizations. The tickets sold in the store will be for bleacher sections and other events, and will begin that morning at 10:00 a.m. Q: What other events will be selling their tickets on 3/20? A: We are working on a list of all of the tickets that will be available then, and will post it to our website as soon as we have the list. Q: If I have any issues with my online ticket purchase, what number should I call? A: Please call 888-695-0888