Design and Implementation of a Low Cost Power Factor Improvement Device Sajid Muhaimin Choudhury Department of EEE, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh I. INTRODUCTION Power factor correction has two parts: reduction of the harmonic content and aligning of the phase angle of incoming current so that it is in phase with the line voltage [1]. For low power factor loads, cost can be significantly minimized by using a power factor improvement device, and a very well established method for doing so is using shunt capacitors [2]. Now most of the PFIs are based on ASIC or Microcontrollers. Here, a simplified approach was taken to design a power factor improvement device without ASIC or Microcontrollers. For this PFI device, only three capacitor banks were used but provisions were kept for easily increasing number of banks. For each different values of resistance, the phase shift was measured and the inductive reactance was calculated. The effect of the change of load current is illustrated in Fig. 1. An interpolating function for the inductance as a function of power-factor was determined in MATLAB using the experimental results, as shown in Fig. 2. Inductive Reactance vs Load Current 8 7.5 Inductive Reactance (kΩ ) Abstract— A low cost single phase Power Factor Improvement (PFI) device was designed and implemented for small signal low power loads. The designed PFI keeps the power factor of a load within a specified but adjustable range (0.85-0.90) if the load is within its capacity. The design involved designing of a small signal model load, selecting appropriate capacitors, and designing appropriate switching circuits to select proper combination of capacitors. The power factor improvement device was simple, low cost and it is an innovative way to demonstrate the logic of switching the capacitors. The components used were standard logic chips and no Microcontroller or Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) was used. 6.5 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Load Current (mA) 1 1.2 1.4 Fig. 1 Experimental Inductive reactance vs Load Curve plot II. DESIGN Inductive Reactance vs Load Power Factor 8 7.5 y = - 16*x 2 + 31*x - 7.1 7 Inductive Reactance (kΩ ) A. Load Design The PFI was constructed for small signals only, in mW range. For such small signals very high values of inductors were required. To reduce the cost, the load was constructed using resistors, and the primary coil of a small 12V-240V transformer with secondary side open. The iron core of the transformer has high magnetic permeability. So the magnetizing reactance can give appropriate low power factor to test the PFI. But as the iron core has non-linear characteristics, its inductance changes with the change of current. So the load was constructed and tested, and the inductance was determined experimentally for different currents, and thus different power factor for fixed resistor and line voltage. The magnitude of voltage and currents of the load were determined using a Digital Multimeter and an oscilloscope was used to determine the phase-shift. The cosine of the phase-shift gave the power factor. The impedance can be written as X L = R tan θ 7 6.5 6 5.5 5 data 1 quadratic 4.5 4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Load Power Factor (cos Θ) 0.9 Fig. 2 Experimental Inductive Reactance vs Load Power Factor Characteristics of constructed load 1 The relation between inductive reactance and power factor can be written as: X L = −1.6 cos 2 θ + 31cos θ − 7.1 Where, cos θ is the power factor of the load. B. Capacitor Design The capacitors are selected in such a manner, so that it can improve the overall power-factor of the system, for different values of low load power factors. L V1 C R 0 For a good PFI design, the (N-1) curves (excluding the curve for zero capacitance) should be in such a way that in the operation range, any vertical line should intersect with at least one curve in the desired power factor range. In this case, system will be stable and no recurrent changes between two capacitance levels will continue to occur. For the simulation, the power factor range was assumed to be 0.85-0.90. For practical cases, the range can be chosen as two values very close to unity. For the design, the rated load and minimum power factor (worst case) for which the PFI could operate was chosen, and the corresponding reactive power was calculated. If there are N capacitor banks, the reactive power supplied by the smallest capacitor at line voltage is 1/2N times the reactive power of the worst case. Capacitance is thus calculated using the formula, QC C = 2πf V 2 where QC is the reactive power supplied by the smallest capacitor bank at rated voltage. Each of the successive capacitor banks has twice the capacitance of its immediate smaller bank. For the load, the values of capacitance bank are shown in Table I TABLE I VALUES OF CAPACITANCE BANKS Fig. 3 Simplified load model For the simplified load in Fig. 3, an expression for overall power-factor angle can be written as: 1 ⎛ ⎞ θTotal = tan −1 ⎜ tan θ(1 − ω2 LC) − ω2 LC ⎟ tan θ ⎝ ⎠ Here the ω = 2πf where f is the line frequency Using the expression, the effect of shunt capacitance on over all power-factor was simulated as shown in Fig. 4. Load Power Factor vs Overall Power Factor 1 Capacitor Bank-1 0.032 μF Capacitor Bank-2 0.065 μF Capacitor Bank-3 0.132 μF C. Logic Circuit Design To implement the PFI, the phase difference between voltage and current is required. The wave-shape of the current was determined by measuring the voltage across a small series resistor. For large loads instrumentation transformers can be used, by considering appropriate phase-shifts. 0.95 Overall Factor (cosΦ) 0.9 Zero C rossing Detector 0.85 C = 1.89E-4 → 0.8 C = C= 0.75 C= 0.7 C = 1.62E-4 → 1.35E-4 → 1.08E-4 → S ubtractor 8.10E-5 → H alf-wave R ectifier C = 5.40E-5 → C = 2.70E-5 → 0.6 C = 0.00E+000 → PW M signal duty cycle proportional to phase shift 0.65 Zero C rossing D etector 0.55 0.5 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 Load Power Factor (cos Θ) 0.8 Fig. 4 Simulation of Model Load 0.85 0.9 Fig. 5. Phase shift to PWM Converter The first step of phase shift measurement is shown on Fig. 5. The voltage and current wave-shapes were converted to square waves, and the current wave shape was subtracted from the voltage wave-shape. When the subtracted wave was half wave rectified, it gave a Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) wave with duty-cycle proportional to the phase-shift. Only problem is the duty cycle is same for leading and lagging waves. For this Mekhilef et al. [3] used a separate counter to determine the interval between positive cycle and negative cycle. An alternative approach was used which involved phase shifting of the current wave by 90° using a phase-shifter. Thus for 90° lagging power factor, the PWM had zero duty cycle, and the duty cycle increased linearly as the phase-shift was increased from -90° to leading power factor. The resulting PWM signal was then chopped using a high frequency clock. The effect is illustrated in Fig. 6. Now the number of high frequency pulses in one period gives a measurement of the duty-cycle and thus the phase shift. The algorithm of logical decision making is illustrated using a flowchart in Fig. 8 B egin Power factor M easurement High Frequency C hopper C ompare the logical voltage with the extreme values of the range of the pf pf is less than targeted pf Fig. 6 Effect of the Chopper circuit A counter was used to count the number of pulses. The original PWM signal was used to reset the counter as well as to load the count value into a D flip-flop. The procedure is illustrated graphically in Fig. 7. PW M signal duty cycle proportional to phase shift Counter R eset R egister L oad High Frequency Clock Fig. 7 Basic Principle of the Chopper circuit The frequency of the chopper pulse train was selected in such a manner, so that, for maximum phase shift the counter counts very close to its upper limit, but less than its upper limit. This was done to avoid overflowing of the counter, and also to avoid unnecessary digitalization error. If line frequency is f, then the maximum duty cycle would be 1/2f. For an n-bit counter, and an n-bit register, there can be 2n - 1 number of counts. At 90° leading, the PWM has about 50% duty cycle, and the pulse duration is 1/(2fline). Thus the frequency of chopper is bounded by: f Chopper ≤ 2f line (2n − 1) At each falling edge of the PWM signal, the register was loaded and the counter was reset. As a result the register is refreshed fline times each second. The value of the register indicates the duty cycle and thus the amount of phase shift between the voltage and current wave. This value was then used in logical decision making. To find the relation between the count and the phase shift a calibration curve was obtained as shown in Fig. 11. pf is greater than targeted I ncrease C apacitance D ecrease C apacitance Fig. 8 Logic of the Control Circuit Using the calibration curve, the value of register count for two boundaries of the allowed power factor was calculated. Two binary magnitude comparators were used to compare the count of the phase shift detector with the calculated boundary count values. If the count is outside the specified range, the number of active capacitor banks will be changed. To connect or disconnect the capacitor banks, relays were used. To control the switching of relays, an up-down counter was used; each bit of the up-down counter represented a capacitor bank. At the same time, if the load power factor is outside the desired operation range, all capacitor banks will be connected in parallel to the load, and logic circuitry will prevent further increase of the value of the up-down counter. III. IMPLEMENTATION The completed circuit implemented on breadboard is shown on Fig. 9. As a power supply, centre tapped transformer was used with bridge rectifier and filter capacitors. The tapping of the used transformer was not very accurate, and there were some problems regarding ground voltage levels while operating the circuit. Nevertheless, the circuit could improve the power factor of the model load. The resistive part of the model load was a potentiometer and it was varied to test the functionality of the circuit. Table II shows some ratings of the load and circuit. TABLE II RATINGS OF CONSTRUCTED CIRCUIT Input voltage Max. Input Current Min. Input pf Min Switching time 6Vrms, line to line, single-phase, 50Hz 1.2mA 0.5 lagging 0.5 sec (adjustable) Counter Count vs Phase Shift (Θ) 300 Data Point Linear Interpolation 250 y = 1.4*x + 140 Counter Count 200 150 100 50 Fig. 9 The circuit constructed on bread board 0 -100 IV. OPERATION TESTING At first the constructed load was tested to ensure that its power factor could be varied within a wide range. The experimental results of the load are shown in Fig. 10. Load Real, Reactive and Apparent Power vs Load Current 7 0 Phase Shift (Θ) TABLE III FUNCTIONALITY TEST Load Δθ Load pf Overall 5 Δθ Overall pf 0.8 4 0.6 3 0.4 2 0.2 1 54.0° 52.2° 50.4° 48.6° 46.8° 45.0° 43.2° 0.5877 0.6129 0.6374 0.6613 0.6845 0.7071 0.7289 31.5° 27.0° 30.6° 27.9° 28.8° 31.5° 27.9° 0.8526 0.8910 0.8607 0.8837 0.8763 0.8526 0.8837 0 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Load Current (mA) 100 The results of overall functionality testing are shown in table III. The design was done to keep power factor within 0.85 to 0.90 1 0 50 Fig. 11 Calibration curve of the phase-shift to digital count converter Power Factor (in seperate scale) Apparent Power (mVA) Real Power (mW) Reactive Power (mVAR) 6 -50 1 1.2 Fig. 10 Load Calibration Curves The calibration curve for the phase-shift to digital count converter is shown in Fig. 11. The experimental data were interpolated in MATLAB The relation between the Count of the counter and phase shift can be written as: Counter Count = 1.4 * Phase-shift – 140 Phase shift = 0.74 * Counter Count – 80 Capacitor Banks (1=on, 0=off) 111 111 110 110 101 100 100 V. CONCLUSIONS Implementation of a very simple and low cost power factor improvement device is illustrated in this paper. Due to its very simple nature the PFI does not deal with the problems that can occur due to harmonics as done by Ayyanar et al. [4]. The key feature of this design is simplicity and low cost without microcontroller or ASIC. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] M. Chin 2005, ‘Power Fundamentals & Recommendations’, pp 5-7, SPCR. Retrieved September 26th March, 2008 from M. H. Shwehdi, M. R. Sultan “Power Factor Correction Capacitors; Essentials and Cautions” Power Engineering Society Summer Meeting, 2000, Page 1317 vol. 3 S. Mekhilef and N. A. Rahim, ‘FPGA Based ASIC Power-Factor Control For Three-Phase Inverter’, Proceedings of 2003 IEEE Conference on Control Applications. Volume 1, 23-25 June 2003 Page:595 vol.1 Ayyanar, R.; Mohan, N.; Jian Sun ‘Single-stage three-phase powerfactor-correction circuit using three isolated single-phase SEPIC converters operating in CCM’ IEEE 31st Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2000. PESC 00. 2000 Volume 1, 18-23 June 2000 Page(s):353 - 358 vol.1