Vol. 34, No. 4 Journal of Semiconductors April 2013 SRAM standby leakage decoupling analysis for different leakage reduction techniques Dong Qing(董庆) and Lin Yinyin(林殷茵) State Key Laboratory of ASIC & System, Fudan University, Shanghai 201203, China Abstract: SRAM standby leakage reduction plays a pivotal role in minimizing the power consumption of application processors. Generally, four kinds of techniques are often utilized for SRAM standby leakage reduction: Vdd lowering (VDDL), Vss rising (VSSR), BL floating (BLF) and reversing body bias (RBB). In this paper, we comprehensively analyze and compare the reduction effects of these techniques on different kinds of leakage. It is disclosed that the performance of these techniques depends on the leakage composition of the SRAM cell and temperature. This has been verified on a 65 nm SRAM test macro. Key words: SRAM; standby power; leakage reduction DOI: 10.1088/1674-4926/34/4/045008 EEACC: 1265D; 2570 1. Introduction Standby power is a critical concern for application processors which spend much more time in standby (sleep) mode than in wake mode. Although logic circuits can be gated to minimize the power, the SRAM array has to remain powered to retain dataŒ1 . Therefore, the SRAM array usually consumes the most part of total standby powerŒ2 . It is of great importance to reduce SRAM cell leakage to satisfy the need for low power operation. Many design techniquesŒ3 10 have been recently presented for SRAM cell leakage reduction, and they can be generalized as four types: (1) VDDL; (2) VSSR; (3) BLF; (4) RBB. All of these techniques are useful in lowering the SRAM standby power; however it is still unclear which one has the best performance. Istandby D Isub .PU/ C Isub .PD/ C Isub .PG/ C Igate .PU/ C Igate .PD/ C Igate .PG/ C Ijunc .PU/ C Ijunc .PD/ C Ijunc .PG/: (1) Figure 2 illustrates the relationship between temperature and these leakage currents of an HVT 65 nm SRAM cell. Obviously, Ijunc and Igate nearly have no temperature correlation; however Isub increases exponentially as the temperature rises. From 27 to 85 ıC, Isub will multiply by 10X, which compels the In this paper, we first decouple each leakage component of a SRAM cell under standby mode and explore the relationship between leakage composition and temperature. Then, we comprehensively analyze the results of each leakage component under the four different techniques. By analysis and comparison, we can conclude that the performance of the four techniques depends on the leakage composition and temperature. A 256 kB SRAM test macro has been fabricated in a 65 nm technology for demonstration. 2. SRAM standby leakage analysis Figure 1 shows the SRAM standby leakage paths. Each kind of transistor (PU, PD or PG) contributes 3 types of leakage: sub-threshold leakage (Isub ), junction leakage (Ijunc ) and gate leakage (Igate ). The total SRAM standby leakage can be expressed as: Fig. 1. All standby leakage paths in the SRAM cell. * Project supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Nos. 2008AA031401, 2011AA010404), the National ST Project (No. 2011ZX02502), and the Shanghai STC Project (No. 12XD1400800). † Corresponding author. Email: yylin@fudan.edu.cn Received 15 August 2012, revised manuscript received 5 November 2012 © 2013 Chinese Institute of Electronics 045008-1 J. Semicond. 2013, 34(4) Dong Qing et al. Fig. 2. The relationship between temperature and each type of leakage currents. total standby leakage to escalate rapidly. Furthermore, the Isub of NFET (PD and PG) increase much faster than that of PFET (PU). The different temperature correlation of the 9 kinds of leakage can greatly alter their proportion in total Istandby . At 27 ıC, Ijunc is slightly more than Isub (Fig. 3). But when the temperature rises to 85 ıC, Isub occupies the most part (more than 87%) while Ijunc and Igate can be negligible. Therefore, leakage reduction techniques should consider both the temperature and the leakage composition. 3. Leakage reduction techniques analysis To reduce the transistor leakage, designers tend to control the voltage values of the 4 transistor terminals namely the gate, source, drain and body (including NW and PW). Isub can be lowered by decreasing jVds j and increasing jVth j which can be controlled by the reverse body bias. However, the reverse body bias which enlarges the jVbd j will considerably raise the Ijunc . As for the Igate , it can be divided into 2 parts: Igate.on/ and Igate.off/ . Igate.on/ , deriving from GIDL, is proportional to jVgd j; while Igate.off/ is much less than the other leakage by 1–2 orders of magnitude. As the four leakage reduction techniques take distinct control on SRAM transistor terminals, their leakage reduction effects are entirely different. Figure 4 shows the change of each leakage with VDDL. It is clearly that lowering the VDD can reduce the Igate of PU, PD and PG exponentially because of the decreasing voltage difference between the gate and drain with VDD dropping. In addition, the Isub of PU and PD are also reduced with less jVds j, but VDD dropping will make the voltage of storage node “1” lower than the BL and generate an extra Isub path of the right PG. Moreover, Ijunc of PD and PG decrease with falling jVbd j; while the Ijunc (PU) will increase quickly with rising jVbd j owing to a stable 1.2 V PFET body bias (NW). The change of Ijunc (PU) makes total Istandby decrease first and then increase under a lowering VDD. Figure 5 illustrates the VSSR’s effect on each leakage. The Igate can be well reduced by raising the VSS. In addition, all the Isub are decreased with no extra Isub path generated. Similar to VDDL, VSSR can enlarge the Ijunc of NFET, and Ijunc will dominate the total Istandby over 0.4 V VSS which is the optimized point Fig. 3. (Color online) Leakage composition under different temperatures. for Istandby . In Fig. 6, BLF can effectively deal with Ijunc (PG) and Igate (PG) reduction. Total Isub can still be reduced though extra Isub is induced on right PG. Figure 7 shows the result of NW RBB, and Fig. 8 presents that of PW RBB. RBB will decrease Isub but increase Ijunc . Thus, if Isub is more than Ijunc , RBB is a good choice for Istandby minimization; otherwise it will cause greater power consumption. According to the above analysis, if Isub occupies much more than the other 2 kinds of leakage type, VDDL, VSSR, and RBB can be effective in total leakage reduction. And if Isub of NFET is dominant, VSSR will be more promising. But when Ijunc represents the biggest part, RBB will have a negative effect, and choosing the VDDL or VSSR depends on the proportion of Ijunc (NFET) and Ijunc (PFET). If the leakage of PG is a problem, BLF is demanding. 4. Test macro implementation A 256 kB SRAM is designed for leakage reduction evaluation. The SRAM array consists of 4 banks, with each bank containing 256 rows and 256 columns. In Fig. 9, each voltage terminal of the SRAM array is wired out for separate control. NW and PW are decoupled from VDD and VSS to realize RBB. The test macro has been fabricated in a 65 nm technology and the die photo is shown in Fig. 10. We measured the standby power under the previously mentioned 4 techniques: (1) lowering VDD by 0.4 V; (2) raising VSS by 0.4 V; (3) floating BL by 0.4 V; (4) reversing NW and PW by 0.4 V. Moreover, we propose a combined leakage reduction method (lowering VDD by 0.4 V C forward NW by 0.4 V C floating BL by 0.4 V). In this method, VDDL can decrease all the Igate , Isub (PU) and Isub (PD); the forward NW can avoid the Ijunc increasing; BLF can 045008-2 J. Semicond. 2013, 34(4) Dong Qing et al. Fig. 4. (Color online) Leakage reduction effects of the VDDL. Fig. 5. (Color online) Leakage reduction effects of the VSSR. Fig. 6. (Color online) Leakage reduction effects of the BLF. minimize the Isub (PG). This method is optimized for leakage reduction below 32 nm technology which suffers more from Ijunc . 5. Results and discussion Figure 11 shows the measured results of leakage reduc- tion under the 4 techniques and the proposed combinational method. As expected, the combinational method possesses the best leakage reduction performance under 0 and 27 ıC, because Ijunc is larger than other kinds of leakage at low temperature. For the same reason, RBB even increases the standby power rather than decreasing it at low temperature. However, as the temperature rises, Isub will increase exponentially and plays the 045008-3 J. Semicond. 2013, 34(4) Dong Qing et al. Fig. 7. (Color online) Leakage reduction effects of the NW RBB. Fig. 8. (Color online) Leakage reduction effects of the PW RBB. Fig. 10. Die photo of SRAM test macro. Fig. 9. Schematic diagram of a SRAM test macro. 4X. dominant role. Thus, the combinational method is not as desirable at low temperature, but RBB and VSSR are preferable because of their outstanding ability of NFET Isub control. At 85 ıC, RBB and VSSR can reduce the standby power by nearly As CMOS scaled to below 32 nm technology, many new process techniques have been induced for leakage reduction like HKMGŒ3 and Fin-FET, both of which can greatly decrease GIDL and the sub-threshold leakage. But junction leakage is not easily effectively cut down. Therefore, junction leakage re- 045008-4 J. Semicond. 2013, 34(4) Dong Qing et al. References Fig. 11. Measured results of leakage reduction techniques. duction should be paid more attention, especially for application processors which hardly work at extremely high temperatures. The proposed combinational method is quite promising for all-round leakage reduction of SRAM in advanced process. 6. Conclusion This paper presents a comprehensive decoupling analysis of the four leakage reduction techniques influence on each kind of leakage. From this perspective, it is concluded that the performance of these methods depends on the leakage composition of the SRAM cell and temperature. A 65 nm SRAM test macro was fabricated to compare the 4 leakage reduction techniques with a proposed combinational method. The combinational method is promising for Ijunc dominant SRAM cell leakage reduction while VSSR and RBB are desirable for Isub dominant. [1] Lee Y, Seok M, Hanson S, et al. Standby power reduction techniques for ultra-low power processors. IEEE ESSCIRC, 2008: 186 [2] Kumar A, Qin H, Ishwar P, et al. Fundamental bounds on power reduction during data-retention in standby SRAM. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and System, 2007: 1867 [3] Hamzaoglu F, Zhang K, Wang Y, et al. 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