PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Volume 48, Number 1, March 1975 AUTOMORPHISMGROUPS OF ABELIAN p-GROUPS JUTTA HAUSEN1 ABSTRACT. duced abelian Let subgroup of group T of rank of 1. The abelian V does every mal subgroup of r the following, then not contain possess (i.e. contains noncentral abelian re- normal normal G is a reduced p-sub- p-primary of all automorphisms the normal normal structure p-subgroups nontrivial noncentral of a nonelementary every elementary V is the group abelian V does group that 2. Throughout If G is elementary pG 4 0 then a noncentral at least p > 5, and In particular, this case, p > 5. It is shown T contains result. group, T be the automorphism p-group, normal of V is well Moreover, in the center normal known. 4 1 [2, pp. 41, 45]. p-subgroups. not contained a noncentral of G. If in ZY of F) nor- p-subgroup N of Y such that Np = 1 [6, Theorem A]. The purpose siderably Theorem. abelian of this Let p-group, a noncentral is to prove p > 5. Then normal group a [noncentral] socle is the center of D ,). Whether Notation otherwise. in the endomorphism Note that mappings cyclic is con- the dihedral 2-group normal subgroup reduced of Y contains of Y of rank at least since the above Received and terminology Calculations (namely subgroup Theorem ring of G. The are written by the editors will be that involving group holds D4 oc- G = Z(2) of order 2. © 4 whose true for p = 3 following of [3] and [6] unless automorphisms facts are used are carried out frequently. to the right. December AMS {MOS) subject classifications Grant which question. 2. Tools. groups normal of an abelian D , contains Secondary result of a nonelementary p-subgroup p 4 2 is indispensable Z(4); is an open group every noncentral abelian as an automorphism explained the following Y be the automorphism elementary The hypothesis curs note stronger. 26, 197 3. (1970), Primary 20K30, 20K10, 20F15; 20F30. Key words and phrases. Abelian p-group, automorphism of automorphism groups. 'This research was supported in part by the National (jF-34195. group, Science normal Foundation subunder Copyright © 1975, AmericanMathematicalSociety License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see 67 68 JUTTA HAUSEN (2.1) The center plications with units G is unbounded of order of Y. The center in the ring R Zr and the center then cü R precisely integers [1, pp. mapping characteristic 111]. If if and only if So. = S for all Let fix (S/A) if and only if G is in ß/A where in G then be the set of all y eT A < B are subgroups fix (ß/A) is a noimal A ^ Horn (G/A, (2.3) The normal such that A). In particular, subgroups Np = 1. Then stabilizers of exponent N < 1* where inducing the of G. Ii A and subgroup of A in G is defined as stab A = fix A O fix (G/A). of r 110, no elements cyclic [3, p. 222]. (2.2) Stabilizers. stab of the multi- of Y contains S oí G [l, pp. 110, 111]. F is commutative (locally) identity oí p-adic P a of G is central p. An automorphism subgroups of Y consists of Y. The B are stabilizer It is well known that are abelian. p. Let N be a normal W consists of all subgroup y £ Y such that G[p](y - 1) < pG and p(y - 1) = 0 [4, pp. 409, 410]. If ifj £ W then G(ip- 1) <G[p] and (i/j ~ l)3 = 0 [4, p. 411]. Hence f < fix (pG) n fix (G/G[p]) and, since An immediate Lemma 2.4. N n fix G[p] and p > 3, *" = 1. consequence is the following // N is a normal N n fix (G/pG) p-subgroup result. of Y such are elementary that abelian Np = 1 then normal p-subgroups ofY. Proof. By (2.3) N < V, and «Pn fix G[p] < stab GÍp], V n fix (G/pG) < stab pG. By (2.2) stab G[p] ~ Horn (G/G[p], G[p]), which are elementary The following Lemma 0^ 2.5. pmG for some stab pG » Horn (G/pG, pG), abelian. two lemmas Let are technical. G = A © (Â) where integer that Np = 1. If there exists m>l. Let A has rank at least N be a normal subgroup two and pmA = of Y such y £ N such that (y - I)2 4 0 then N n fix G[p] is noncentral. Proof. Let y - 1 + r £ N such that r2 4 0. Then Gr < G[p], pr = 0 (cf. (2.3)), and of maximal r 4 0 implies order, Gr ¿ pG. one can assume G = (a) © B © (h), Suppose hr Since G is generated 4 0. Hence hr=a, ar 4 0, pß = 0. Then pG = (pA) and (pmh) >(pG)[p] Hence ar 4 0 and B 4 0 imply License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see by its elements hr £ G[p]\pG and ß ^ 0. > G[p]r > ((a)©B>. AUTOMORPHISM GROUPS OF ABELIAN p-GROUPS [a; © B = (a) © K, 69 Kr = 0 4 K, In this case, pick any 0 4 x £ K. If pB 4 0 pick 0 4 x £ (pB)[p] and put K = B. In either case G=(a)®K®(h), Define the endomorphism 04x£K[p], xr=0. a of G by ao = x, Ko = 0, ho = 0. Then a2 = 0 and Gor = (x)r = 0. Lemma 2.6 of [7] implies 8 = 1 + to £ N. From h(8 - 1) = hro = ao = x 4 (h) it follows that 8 4 ZY (cf. (2.1)). Since G[p](8- 1)= G[p]ra < pGcr = p • (x) = 0, 8 £ N C\ fix G[p], completing Lemma 2.6. Let the proof. G and N be as in Lemma 2.5 and suppose that (y-1) = 0 for all y £ N. If N n fix Glp] < ZY and N n fix (G/pG) < Zr then N < ZY. Proof. N\ZY. sequently (2.7) Assume Then by way of contradiction y 4 fix (G/pG) hr £ G\.p]\pG and, there exists one can assume y = 1 + r £ hr 4 pG, con- and G = \a) ® B © (h), By hypothesis that as above, hr = a, 0(a) = p, y ¿ fix G[p] and hence © (p¿>) and or = 0, pr = 0, this ar = ¿>r2= 0. G[p]r=^ 0. Since implies the existence G[p] < (a) © Bip] oí b £ B[p]\pB such that (2.8) Let W k = 2~ (p + 1). Since p is odd, tively prime. Using (2.7), define ¿>r/3 = br since k is an integer and k and p are rela- ß £ Y by aß = ka+b, Note that 0. br £ pG <B (B®(h))(ß-1)=0. @ (h). One verifies 2(fl - b), and hence «yS-1r/S = 2(a - b)rß = -2£Vß = -2br, bß~lrß = èr/8 = br, hß~lrß m hrß *=aß = ka + b. License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see that a/3-1 = 70 JUTTA HAUSEN Let 8 = yß~lyß = (1 + r)(l + ß'lrß). V = r+ rß~lrß. ß~lrß+ Then ¿5 £ N and 5 = 1 + r¡, where Since h(8 - 1) = hr¡ = hr + hß-Xrß + hrß'lrß » a + (ka + b) + ,(-2br) = ,(k + l)a and br £pG, it follows that h(8 — l) 4 (h). (2.1)) and, by hypothesis, pGß + b - 2br Hence 8 £ N is noncentral (8 - l)2 = 0. From a, b £ G[p], G[p]rß-lrß (cf. < rß = pGrß = 0, and r2 = 0, one obtains 0 = h(8 - l)2 = [(k + l)a + b - 2br]r¡ = [(k + l)a + b - 2br](r = [(k + l)a + b](r = (k + l)(-2br) + ß~lrß + ß-hß + rß~lrß) - {k + l)a(r + ß~lrß) + b(r +ß~1rß + br + br = -2kbr = -2 • 2-1( p + l) br = - br. Hence br - 0, contradicting Corollary then 2.9. G and 3. Proof. Assume subgroup the situation of Y. It was central. Hence, it suffices tary abelian normal p-subgroup normal nent subgroup p. This // N is noncentral is noncentral. and let in [6] that cyclic to show that a noncentral N be a noncentral normal N contains of Y. By Theorem subgroups a noncentral A of [6], every normal subgroup of Y elemen- noncentral of Y of expo- the assumption (3.1) Np = 1. Distinguish the following Case cases. 1. G is unbounded. (2.1)) and every p-subgroup and Lemma 2.4, it suffices Then contains no elements 4 1 oí Y is noncentral. Therefore, to prove ger, 2re = stab G[p"]. Then £ showing Nnl 4 1 for some N n S^ = 1 for all this 2.5. of the Theorem shown of' Y contains permits the lemma. N be as in Lemma N n fix G\_p] or N n fix (G/pG) normal ate Let (2.8) and proving implies n > 1. Since N is contained Zr N n fix G[p] 4 1. Let, of order using p (cf. (3.1) for n > 1 an inte- < fix Glp] and the proof will be completed n. Assume, N and the in the centralizer by way of contradiction, S are normal CS n of 2 n n > 1. By Lemma 2.1 of [5], Cln < ZY ■ fix GÍpn]. Hence License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see subgroups that of Y in Y, for all by AUTOMORPHISM GROUPS OF ABELIAN p-GROUPS (3.2) N < H Cln < fl (ZY ■fix Glp"]) = <D. n>\ Using 71 (2.1) induces n>\ and the fact the identity that G = \J mapping >1 G[p"], in the lattice one verifies that of all subgroups (f> £ ZY. This together with (3.2) implies every (p £ $ of G and hence, N < ZY which is the desired con- tradiction. Case group 2. G is bounded. with tersection Dr It has two independent DT of all noncentral is an elementary one can assume p-group G = A © (h) in [7] that order subgroups G is a bounded if and only if the in- of Y is noncentral; if pG 4 0 [7, Theorems and Ii A has rank at least 2, Corollary Suppose proved of maximal normal abelian that been elements pmG 4 0 = pmA 2,3]. for some and Therefore, integer m >1. 2.9, Lemma 2.4, and (3.1) finish the proof. that (3.3) G=(a)®(h), 0(a) < 0(h) = pm+l. If pa 4 0 then G[p] < pG and (3.1), (2.3), and (2.2) imply N < »P < stab G[p] =* Horn (G/G[p], G[p]). Hence N is elementary It remains and (2.3), abelian to consider and the proof the case N < 1J and the elements where is completed. a in (3-3) has order in W can be identified p. By (3.1) with matrices of the form "l pmk J where 1 + Pmn. 0 < k, I, n < p - I are integers. N - *P or N has order tary abelian order p abelian. groups normal of r *P has p or p . If N = *P then p-subgroups or p, then (Actually, Hence are contained N contains of Y, for instance N is commutative the case and, stab because \N\ = p cannot in Zr order occur [6, Theorem and either noncentral elemen- G[p] < *P. If N has of (3.1), since B].) p N is elementary cyclic normal The Theorem sub- is proven. REFERENCES 1. R. Baer, Primary abelian groups and their automorphisms, Amer. J. Math. 59 (1937), 99-117. 2. J. Dieudonne, Les France 71 ( 1943), 27-45. 3. L. Fuchs, Internat. Ser. 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