5 x SePt- 14, 1948. WITNESSES: E. I. POLLARD POLE TIP STRUCTURE FOR‘?ALIENT POLE SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES Filed Aug. 18, 1945 2,449,506 INVENTGR fr?esff. POZ/df‘d. ATTORNEY Patented Sept. 14, 1948 2,449,506 ‘UNITED STATES PATENT orrice 2,449,506 POLE TIP STRUCTURE FOR SALIENT POLE SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES Ernest I.‘ Pollard, Wilkinsburg, Pa., assignor to Westinghouse Electric Corporation, East Pitts burgh, Pa., a corporation of Pennsylvania ~ Application August 18, 1945, Serial No. 611,416 2v Claims. (C1. 171—-252) 2 1 to be able to use breakers of minimum size. A subtransient reactance greater than 13.2% is sometimes specified, at the same time that a tran sient reactance under 21% is desired, thus pre~ , My invention relates to salient-pole synchro nous dynamo-electric machines, particularly spe cial machines designed for use as ship’s-service generators, such as are used for general ships’~ senting con?icting requirements which have service power-requirements other than propul SlOn. . heretofore been difficult or well-nigh impossible of ful?llment. The general and quantitative effects of satura~ ' , The general objectof my invention is to provide a novel construction which reduces the saturated tion, on the internal impedances or reactances of transient reactance of a salient-pole synchronous machine. ‘ . 10 synchronous machines, have been well known and analyzed since Kilgore’s paper on “The effects of saturation on machine reactances,” in A. I. E. E., May, 1935, page 545. As stated in this paper, an average value of the saturated transient react-. The saturated transient reactance is a measure of the clip in the terminal voltage, resulting dur ing the ?rst second, or a few seconds, after a heavy load is suddenly thrown on a generator, such as when a large turret-training motor, or a ance of large steering-gear motor, is started on a ships’ known designs, for transients involving currents of from 1 to 3 times the rated current, at full service polyphase electric-power system. Such a voltage-dip is undesirable, because it results in machines of , previously voltage, is 0.895 times the unsaturated transient reactance ‘which is obtained at half-voltage. However, the Kilgore paper was devoted exclu lamp-?icker, and it may, if excessive, cause mo tors to be tripped off, but principally it is unde_ sirable because it disturbs the performance of radar equipment. A great deal of effort has been devoted to reduction of voltage-dip, through im provements in the designs of exciters, regulators, sively to studying and explaining the discovered phenomena, without examination of the possibili ties as to what could be done to change these phenomena. generators, and ships’~service systems. The most important generator-characteristics which affect the magnitude and the duration of the voltage-dip are the transient reactance x’d and the open-circuit time-constant Tdo. Of these two, :r'd alone practically determines the magni 30 tude of the dip, so that a low value of Tdo is not of great importance. salient-pole ,. - . An important part of the transient reactance of a salient-pole synchronous machine is the ?eld-leakage part, which is caused by leakage flux in the space between adjacent poles. A sub stantial part of the transient reactance due to this leakage-?ux is due to the leakage between adjacent pole-tips. It has been known that, for. The magnitude of the saturated conditions, such as for a short-circuit voltage-dip, when starting a motor of a given size, from a ships’-supply system energized by a syne at rated voltage, the pole-tips tend to saturate, thereby reducing the ?eld-leakage flux and the chronous, generator, can be reduced by reducing 35 transient reactance. the transient reactance :r'a of the generator, or by resorting to a generator .of ‘a larger rating, or by‘ reducing the operating-time of the voltage ‘ However, heretofore, the radial thickness 0 cross-sectional area of the overhanging pole-tip portions of the salient poles of rotating-?eld salient-pole generators has been controlled by regulator which controls the generator, or by in-V creasing the speed ofv responsev of the exciter 40 various factors, such as considerations of me-. chanical strength, for withstanding the shearing forces due to centrifugal action, tending to break off the pole-tips; and the contours of the tips reactance of the generator be low, a value under have been dictated by the necessity for properly 21% being sometimes speci?ed. The subtransient reactance :r’hr of the gener 45 distributing the airgap ?ux of the machine. The ator is a measure of the magnitude of the current dimensions of the pole-tip portions are, therefore, fairly well ?xed, and frequently can not feasibly that would have to be interrupted by the circuit be changed. > breakers. This reactance is affected less by satu My present invention relates to a novel form ration, andv it is smaller than the unsaturated which energizes the ?eld-windings of the genera tor. It is desirable, therefore, that the transient transient reactancabecause of the effect of the 50 of the pole-tip portion, in which one or more holes or openings are provided, in the magnetic mate damper-bars during the ?rst two or three cycles rial thereof, for reducing the effective magnetic of the transient. In large generators, ,a high cross-section of the tip in an amount su?icient value of the sub-transient reactance is desirable, to produce an effectively increased transient-re in order to keep down the current which must be interrupted in the event of a short-circuit, so as 55 actance saturation, with respect to leakage-?ux, 3 2,449,506 4 flowing circumferentially within the tip and the shank I3, The tops of these pole-tip portions thence across the interpolar spaces between the i6 merge into the central portion of the con-3 toured or curved pole-face portion I2, while the bottoms or back sides of the pole-tip portions ‘l6 are ?at, to serve as abutments for retaining the pole-tips, during transient conditions. These pole-tip hoies can be placed in such positions that they do not impair the mechanical strength, which is to say that the cross-section at the base of the tip is not aiiccted, but the cross-section of’ the tip is reduced at points further out'alon‘g the tip, thus materially increasing the tip-saturation e?ects beyond the effects previously obtainable, and considerably iI'iCI‘eaSiIlgthQ-ratiO of-th'e sub transient reactance to the transient freactanceqf. the machine. , When damper-bars are omittedfi'omtherpole tips, the difference between the reciprocals of the transient and subtransient reactances is not par ticularly affected by poleatipsaturation, because this d-i?eren'ce is determined by the effect of the bars near the pole-center on the ?ux-distribution in that portion, rather than by the flux-distribu ?eld-coil l5. } I The pole-face portion |2.also carries damper? bars l1‘, which are disposed in suitable, slots l8 ‘ iii the pole-race portion. ‘ In a machine in which vit is desired towhave as high a subtransient re actance. as possible, it hasbeen customary to pilt these damper-bars I‘! only in “the central per tionsof the pole-face portion [2, and not in the pole-tip portions. [5, and it has also been customary to put the damper-bar slots 18, par ticularly theven‘d-slots of each group, at a con 'siderable dGIJthrdQWII from the airgap 6, as shown in?the drawing. In other machines, however, the damper-bars I‘! are disposed all along the pole tio'nrin-the poieétips, as-will be subsequentlyex faceportion l2, including the pole-tips l6; and while'my presentinventionis particularly ap piainedmore in detail. Hence, my invention pro videsa~ means for considerably increasing the ra plicable “to the high-subtrans-ient - machines‘, it ‘is tic-of subtransient to transient reactances. Thus, it isépossible ioramach-ine-to be produced, having improved characteristics, without necessitating an increase in the size of the machine to obtain those‘characteristics. My invention is particu neverthelessapplicable also'to machines having theimore widely» distributed damper-bars H. In- accordance-with my present» invention, I‘ provide each pole-tip portion IS with one-or more openings 20 in- the magneticlmaterial there of. These‘ holes“ or openings 29* are» provided‘ in addition to any- damper-bar slots‘ or- holes it crease.theQsubtransient reactance, the damper 30 which may be provided, and in addition-to any barsare bunched-close to the center-line of the rivet-holes (not shown) or any other openings larly-effective in designs in which, in order-to in pole. With theio'regoing. and : other- objects in view, my invention consists in the structure, combina tions, parts, systems ‘and methods vhereinafter de scribedand-claimed; and illustrated in the ac companyingdrawing, in whichthe three ?gures are. fragmentary diagrammatic end-views of. a half, 'of- a- pole of -a- synchronous machine em bodying my invention, witnthree-di?erent ?ux distribution-conditions, Figure-1‘ depicting the no~load ?ux-distribution, Fig. 2 ~ depicting a the short-circuit?ux-distribution vduring the con tinuance of the subtransient effect, and-Fig. 3 depicting ‘the. short-circuit?ux-distribution illus trative of theatransient e?ect. My invention is illustrated asbeinga-pplied to a six-pole, rotating-?eld,~ salient-‘pole, three phase?synchronous generator, which is, shown only iratgmentarily in-the drawing, and which comprise a‘stator-member 4, which is the-arma ture-member of themachine, vand aerator-mem ber 5, which is the l?eldjmember-of ‘the machine, with an- airgap B-in between-“the two members. The stationary armature-member 4 comprises a laminated magnetizable, annularcore-member, having winding-receiving slots 1 therein, with an armature-winding 8~ carried by the slots, the armature-winding being broken away from all but-one of the slots, forelearness of illustration. The rotating?eld-member 5;comprises a rotat able shaftIIO to which are keyed six salient pole pieces- I I, only one-half of one pole being shown in-eachi-?gureiof the drawing. Each salient _po1e-. piece H is made of laminated magnetizable. material. It has apole-face portion l2~adjacent tothe airgapB, this pole-face portion being suit-. ably contoured for distributing the?ux, asis well known: Each pole-piece alsohas ashank-por tion l3, which is keyed to the shaft, as shown at > M,‘ and which carries a ?eld-coil’ or winding I5; T-he pole-face portion i2 includes two sub stantially identical pole-tips l?goverhanging the shank-portion in a circumferential, direction, one pole-tip-iii being disposed ‘on either side of such as vmight otherwise beprcvided; My-special pole-tip openings "are of such-‘shape-and size asto reduce the e?'ective magnetic ‘cross-section of the tip- l5, in--an ‘amount which is sumcient to produce an effectively-increased‘transicnt-re~ actance saturation, with respect “toleakage-‘?ux which?ows-circurriferentially within the._tlp i6. and ~ thence-across the interpolar Y spaces 2| be 40 tween the“ pole-tips > of adjacent poles.~ during transient conditions. Since thepurpose of the special pole-tip holes 20-’~is-'to-reduce/the-magnctic cross-section with respect-to laterally‘ or circumferentially ?owing ?ux, it is not necessary‘topjut thesespecial open ings-20* at;a~p_la'ce- where, they would critically weaken ‘the pole-tip-Ik'or' impair its mechanical strength. Indesigning the pole-piece, it is neces sary-to design the pole-tips l6'so as to have an ' adequatejradial thickncssat ‘the bases of the tips, where they~ join onto'the shank-portion H; as the centrifugaliorces which tend'to shear or break‘ off the pole-tips tend ‘to. cause breakagev at, thee-bases ofythe tips, asindicated at 22 in Fig. 1; It‘ is desirable, jandipossible, in carryingput my: invention, toep'ut the special "saturati'onrproduc-. lHg_~tiP-ODBITiHgS' 20ifar' enough‘ out onth'e tips,,, away-from? the bases ofthe tips, so'as not to pro duce new - shearage-sections '23-'24 which i are su?i'cientl-y_short;radially, to. critically reduce the mechanical'strengthj ofjth‘e tips” in resisting, centrifugal force. It will-‘be‘understoodjhat theipole-pieces are». symmetrical with _ respectto the~ . centerline 2 5 Jo! the polejasliscustomarir insynchronous genera tors. , The purpose ,an'diie?iecii. ofw myspecial pole-tin holes 120 1 will‘ best ‘,bemnder‘stood-by considering: the progressive vt'lianges. in, the distribution. oflthe >. useiul?uxv , and the ._ leakagrg-?uxhfter the »appli-:_ cation of ‘aw'short-circuit or other sudden, increase in loading. ,_ While the, ‘general. basic ideas. either progressively, shifting,‘ ?uxedistribution; during’ transients, ,has long .been- known: ‘r sinner-at . least: ‘as early as Kilgore’s 1935 paper, the possibility 5 andqadvantage v‘of obtaining increased pole-tip 6 the damper. mid?eld-windings is permitted ‘to saturation without impairing the mechanical change. strength of the tips, has not been recognized and exploited in designs where the radial, depth of the tips is made as small as mechanical con siderations will permit, or, in general, where a which interlinks with the damper-winding I], because this winding has a relatively small total cross-sectional, area, as compared to the total The ?rst change , occurs in the flux crossfsectionaljarea of the ?eld-winding | 5. The stored magnetic energy. of the flux which orig reactanceof the machinewithout as greatly re inally interlinked with the damper-‘winding I1 is thus transformed quite rapidly into heat in the ducing the subtransient reactance thereof‘. . Fig.1 is for an open-circuit or ‘lightly-loaded 10 damper-bars, thus permitting the ?ux-inter linkage in the damper-windings to decrease to'a condition of the machine, and it shows the dis tribution of the useful flux and the leakage-flux, very low value during the subtransient-reactance when the. ?eld-Winding I5 is normally excited. period, lasting for anywhere from a cycle to The useful flux is the ?ux which crosses the airseveral cycles of time, on the basis of the alter hating-current frequency of the machine. gap 6 and links the armature-winding 8, and then passes eircumferentially around the stator-mem As the. flux which interlinks with the damper her 4 t0 the next pole, as indicated at 30 in Fig. windings 11 decreases, the damper-windings be determined effort is made to reduce the transient 1. This is the flux which generates the rated armature-voltage at the terminals of the ma chine. The remaining ?ux is the leakage-flux, as shown at 3| in Fig. 1. come substantially ineffectual, which means that the major portion of the flux is no longer crowded through the high-reluctance leakage-path which is laterally bounded by the damper-bars "and denly short-circuited, the terminal-voltage be the armature-conductors 8, as shown at II in Fig. 2. On the contrary, practically all of the comes substantially zero, and the internal voltage which is generated in the armature-windings 8 must ‘be consumed by the internal reactance drop inside the machine. The initial value of shown in Fig. 3, which spreads out freely across all of the radial cross-section of the pole-tipsl?, ' When the terminals of the machine are sud ?ux of the machine becomes a leakage-?ux, as in anew leakage-flux path of lower reluctance, approaching the reluctance of the space between the internal machine-reactance, under such con the pole-tips l6 of. adjacent poles. The sub ditions, is de?ned as the subtransient reactance 1:”d of the machine. Since the armature-resist 30 transient reactance-effects of Fig. 2 are over, within a few cycles after‘ the application of ‘the ance is low, compared with its reactance, the power-factor of the short-circuit current is ap short-circuit, and then the conditions are ap proximately as depicted in Fig. 3. proximately zero, and lagging with respect to the induced voltage, so that the magnetomotive Obviously, as is well known, if the dampen force of the armature-reaction is at its maximum bars I‘! are concentrated near the centerline25 of the pole, rather than being distributed over value at the centerline 25 of each ?eld~pole, and is demagnetizing with respect to the ?eld, and the short-circuit current is a direct-axis cur the whole airgap surface or pole-face 12 of the pole,rthe subtransient effect of the damper-bars is to prevent a smaller proportion of the total rent. This demagnetizing armature-reaction at» tempts to instantly reduce the flux in the ma 40 flux from shifting at the ?rst instant of short circuit. Other conditions being the same, this chine, but flux represents energy, and can not be changed instantly. Consequently, induced results in a higher value of the subtransient re currents simultaneously appear, in the ?eld windings l5 and in the damper-windings l1, op posing any change inthe amount of flux which links with either one of these windings. actance it"s. An increase in the subtransient reactance x"d is also obtained by burying the damper-bars l1 deeper below the surface of the ' Fig. 2 is drawn for the ?rst instant after the short-circuit, and it represents the distribution of flux in the machine at this instant. The amount of ?ux linking the ?eld-windings l5 and the damper-‘windings H is the same as in Fig. 1 before the short-circuit, but most of the useful ?ux has been shifted, from the portion .30 of the armature-core which is back of the armature slots 7, to a leakage-path which is bounded later ally by the damper-bars I? and the armature Winding 8, respectively, said leakage-path causing the ?ux to flow circumferentially through the pole-tips l6, and across the interpolar spaces 2!, as shown in Fig. 2. Since the reluctance of this leakage~path is usually several times that of the I normal ?ux-path across the airgap 6 and thence through the stator~core 4, a relatively high short circuit current, of several times the normal full load current-value, must flow in the armature Winding 8 in order to transfer the flux from the armature-core 4 to the leakage-path of higher reluctance, as shown at 2| in Fig. 2. pole, or below ' the, pole-face I2, because the deeper position of the damper-‘bars increases the effective cross-section, and hence reduces the reluctance, of the subtransient leakage~path 2! of Fig. 2, because that path is composed of the radial space between the damper-bars I7 and ‘the armature conductors 8. Both of these meth ods have been employed to increase the sub transient reactance 1!!"d of the larger ratings of ships’-service generators, in order to reduce the size of the circuit-breakers (not shown), which are required to interrupt the short-circuit cur rent. After the damper-bars I 1 have become sub stantially ineffectual, at the termination of the subtransient period within a few cycles after the {application of the short-circuit, the conditions shown in Fig. 3 prevail, and most of the flux which then remains in the machine is distributed across a leakage-pathwh-ich is laterally bounded by the ?eld-coil l5 and the armature-coils 8, respectively, this . leakage-flux extending circumferentially from pole to pole, as indicated in Fig. 3. The ?ux During the conditions depicted in Fig. 2, cur in the machine now diminishes at a rate which is rents are induced in boththe damper-windings 70 determined by the rapidity with which the stored v I"! and the ?eld-windings i5, resulting in 12R magnetic energy of the ?ux can be converted into losses, in these windings, which dissipate, as heat, heat by the FR losses in the ?eld and armature the energy which was stored ‘in the magnetic coils I5 and 8. Since the area of copper in the ?eld of the machine. As this stored magnetic ?eld-Coil I5 is much greater than the e?ective energy is diminished, the linkage of flux with 75 area of the damper-bars H, the rate of decay of 2,449,506 8 7 the ‘flux is now much slower than during the sub transient period, and the final decay of the ?ux requires a much longer time, known as the tran sient period, and usually lasting for a second or several seconds, depending upon the design. During this transient period, as depicted in Fig. 3, while the current which is induced in the ?eld winding 15 is dying out, the distribution of the flux remains substantially the same, as depicted ‘in Fig. 3, with the ?ux merely diminishing grad ually in its magnitude. If the exciter-voltage which is applied to the ?eld-windings [5 has not leakage-flux path, thus ‘materially decreasing ‘the transient reac‘tance. It will further be noted, ‘that I have produced this ‘effect without as greatly ai fecting the ‘subtransient reac-tance, and also with out critically a?ect-ing the mechanical strength voi’ tho pole-tips. I claim as my invention: 1. A salient-pole ‘synchronous dynamo-electric machine comprising a stator-member and a. rotor member, with an airgap in between, said stator member being an armature-member having an armature-winding, and said rotor-member being been changed during the transient, the ?nal value a salient-pole ?eld-member having a plurality of of the ?e1d~current is the same as the direct-cur rent value before the short-circuit was applied .to the machine. The ?nal or sustained value of the salient .pole- pieces made of magnetizable material, each pole-piece having a pole-face portion adja cent to the airgap, and having also a shank-por armature-current is merely the current sufficient tion, the pole-face portion including two substan to prevent more ?ux-linkage than is required to tially identical pole-tips overhanging the shank; generate an armature-conductor voltage equiva portion, one on either side thereof, damper-bars lent to the Ix'a internal~impedance drop of the 20 in the central portion of the pole-face portion but armature-winding itself. not in the pole-tips, and a ?eld-winding on- the The effectiveness of my special saturation-pro shank-portion of each pole-piece; characterized ducing pole-‘tip openings 20 will be apparent from by each pole-tip having one or more openings in the foregoing representation of the ?ux-distribu the magnetic material thereof for reducing the tion conditions, and particularly from a compari e?ective magnetic cross-section of the tip in an son of the flux-leakage path 2! of Fig. 2 with the amount sufficient to produce an effectively in much more spread-out ?ux-leakage path which creased transierit-reactance saturation with re spect to leakage-flux ?owing circumferentiaily is shown in Fig. 3. During the subtransierrt time, as shown in Fig. within the tip and thence across the interpolar 2, most of the flux is crowded out toward ‘the ail‘ 150 spaces between the pole-tips during transient con gap-edge of the pole-tip portions i6, by reason of ditions; the pole-face portion, including the tips, the damper-winding effect which causes most of of each pole-member having a ?ux-distributing the ?ux to continue to interlink the damper-‘bars contour which is symmetrical with respect to the l1, before beginning to leak circumferentiaily in cen-terline of the pole. 2. A salient-pole synchronous dynamo-electric the path indicated at 2i in Fig. 2. This effect of :-" the damper-bars is even more noticeable, in ma machine comprising a stator-member and a ro chines in which the damper-bars I‘! are disposed tor-member, with an airgap in between, said sta-‘ tor-member being an armature-member having an armature-winding, and said rotor-member be ing a salient-pole ?eld-member having a plurality of salient pole-pieces made of magnetizable ma terial, each pole-piece having a pole-face portion adjacent ‘to the airgap, and having also a shank portion, the pole-face portion including two sub all along the pole-face portion I2, extending out into the pole-tip portions I6, as well as over the central portions of the pole-face !2. By reason 11 of the restricted cross-sectional area of the sub transient leakage-flux, which has to pass through the damper-windings before it can begin to leak off in a circumferential direction, this subtran~ sien't leakage-flux path is always considerably sat stantially identical pole-tips overhanging the urated, so that the subtransient leakage-path in herently has a considerable reluctance, due to sat~ uration, as well as due to the restriction of the radial cross-section of the leakage-path. In Fig. 3, however, the leakage-flux is subs‘tan- ' tially free to spread itself out uniformly over the entire radial cross-section of the pole-‘tips, so that, shank-portion, one on either side thereof, damper bars carried by each pole-face portion, and a ?eld-winding on the shank-portion of each pole without my special saturation-producing tip openings 20, there is relatively little saturation of the magnetic material of the pole-tips i=6, Hence, in all previously known designs, the reluctance of piece; characterized. by each pole-tip having one or more saturation-increasing openings in the magnetic material thereof for reducing the ef fective magnetic cross-section of the tip in an amount sufficient to produce an effectively in~ creased transient-reactance saturation with re~ ' spect to leakage-?ux flowing circumferentially within the tip and thence across the interpolar the transient leakage-path which is shown in Fig. spaces- between the pole-tips during transient con 3 has been considerably smaller than the subtran ditions; said saturation-increasing pole-tip open sient reluctance of Fig. 2, not only because of an ings having no damper-bars therein; and the increase in the effective cross-sectional area of 60 pole-face portion, including the tips, of each pole the leakage-path, but also because of a consider member having a flux-distributing contour which ably reduced amount of saturation. is symmetrical with respect to the centeriine of the pole. The effect of my invention, in deliberately intro ducing the saturation-producing openings 20, ERNEST I. POLLARD. which are added, over and above any other open ings which might be provided in the pole-tips 16, REFERENCES CITED will now be readily apparent. These saturation producing pole-‘tip openings 20 are added for the sole purpose of reducing the effective radial cross The following references are of record in the ?le of this patent: sectional area to circumferentially ?owing leak age-?ux. In this manner, I am enabled to ma terially increase the reluctance of the transient Number 1,495,969 UNITED STATES PATENTS Name Date Alexanderson _____ __ May 27, 1924