RALPH WILDE – (1) CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS AND (2) SERVICE AS CONFERENCE PANEL CONVENOR/CHAIR/DISCUSSANT (1) PRESENTATIONS, INCLUDING CONFERENCE PAPERS (For invited lectures and keynote speeches, http://www.laws.ucl.ac.uk/people/ralph-wilde) see separate list on CV, at The International Court of Justice’s contribution to ‘specialist’ law as a ‘generalist’ court V Simpósio Brasileiro sobre Cortes e Tribunais Internacionais (Fourth Brazilian Symposium on International Courts and Tribunals), Universidade de São Paulo (University of Sao Paulo), São Paulo, Brasil, 10 November 2014 Locating the rights of the Chagos Islanders in international law ‘Imperial Locations’ seminar, University of Helsinki, 29-30 October 2014 Christine Chinkin as a role model Symposium to celebrate Christine Chinkin, LSE, 23-24 October 2013 The ‘life of the nation’ extraterritorially: can states derogate from human rights obligations when performing law enforcement and migration control activities abroad? Forced Migration and Peace, 15th Conference of the International Association for the Study of Forced Migration, Bogotá, 18 July 2014 ‘Human Rights and the Dark Side of Globalisation: Transnational Law Enforcement and Migration Control’, GLOTHRO workshop, Danish Institute for Human Rights, Copenhagen, 9-10 December 2013 Beyond the state sovereignty paradigm: the case of overlapping responsibilities involving nonsovereign actors GLOTHRO Final Conference: Beyond State Obligations in International Human Rights Law–Towards Common Principles on the Obligations of Multiple Global Actors, Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland, 29 March 2014 Access to Justice in Human Rights Courts IV Simpósio Brasileiro sobre Cortes e Tribunais Internacionais (Fourth Brazilian Symposium on International Courts and Tribunals), Universidade de São Paulo (University of Sao Paulo), São Paulo, Brasil, 18-19 November 2013, http://netiusp.org/2013/11/11/programacao-iv-simposio-brasileiro-sobre-cortese-tribunais-internacionais/ Recent developments on extraterritoriality in international human rights law Managing Refugees, Looking for Solutions: Understanding the Strategies of Protection Session II’ panel, th Contested Spaces and Cartographic Challenges, 14 Conference of the International Association for the Study of Forced Migration, Kolkatta, 9 January 2013 The rule of law, accountability, and the UN Security Council: What issues are at stake? ‘The UN Security Council, Force and the Rule of Law,’ Australian Research Council Linkage Project Workshop between the ANU Centre for International Governance & Justice & the Australian Civil-Military Centre, Permanent Mission of Australia to the United Nations, New York, 13 June 2013 Interim report of the Human Rights Committee—overview by the Committee Co-Rapporteur International Law Association, Bi-Annual Conference, Sofia, 27 August 2012 Final report of the Study Group on United Nations Reform—overview by the Study Group Rapporteur International Law Association, Bi-Annual Conference, Sofia, 28 August 2012 Human rights beyond borders at the World Court: The significance of the ICJ’s jurisprudence on the extraterritorial application of international human rights law International Law Association Regional Conference, Lisbon, 11-12 September 2014 Brasilian Congress of International Law, Salvador, Brasil, 27-30 August 2014 Conferencia Bienal de la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Derecho Internacional, Bogotá, 14-16 August 2014 Inter-sessional meeting of the Human Rights Committee of the International Law Association, Rockefeller Foundation, Bellagio, 14 June 2012 Exits from colonialism, occupation, Mandate and Trusteeship arrangements and international territorial administration: the competing normative models of trusteeship and selfdetermination Presentation, New York Law School, 4 April 2012 International law and the future recognition of Kosovo’s claim to statehood ‘International Recognition of Kosovo: ‘Stock-taking’ and ‘Looking-Forward’ Perspectives’ panel, Consolidating Kosovo’s Statehood: Processes, Problems, and Perspectives Conference, Kosovo Research Institute of Development and European Affairs (RIDEA) and the Centre for International Studies at the University of Oxford, Pristina, 17 March 2012 From core to periphery and back again: casting the light of human rights law into legal ‘black holes’, and the skewed agenda of international human rights law ‘International Law and the Periphery’ conference, American University in Cairo and Sydney University, Cairo, 19 February 2012 The significance of Kosovo’s declaration of independence for the right to self-determination and vice versa ‘Implementation of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination—Avoiding Conflict’ conference, Belgrade Centre for Human Rights, Belgrade, 18 November 2011 Human rights law as a transitional justice mechanism for redress against intervenors: imperialism? Presentation, ‘Human Rights Dimensions of Transitional Justice in Ongoing Conflicts’ panel, ‘The Potential Role of Transitional Justice in Ongoing Conflicts’ conference, Minerva Centre for Human Rights, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 15 November 2011 The Al-Skeini decision of the European Court of Human Rights in 2011 – a landmark? Lecture, Melbourne University Law School, 6 December 2011 Lecture, Belgrade Centre for Human Rights, Human Rights School, Faculty of Law, Union University, Belgrade, 17 November 2011 Faculty Seminar, Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, 9 November 2011 Lecture, International University College of Turin, 28 October 2011 Presentation, Public International Law Discussion Group, University of Oxford, New College, Oxford, 20 October 2011 The governance of extraterritorial migration-related state action by human rights law: imperialism? Panel Presentation, International Association for the Study of Forced Migration, 13 Conference, Kampala, 3 July 2011 th International Invoking international human rights law to cast light into the ‘legal black hole’ of war and occupation Symposium presentation, New York Law School, New York, 6 April 2011 Presentation, Global Fellows’ Forum, NYU School of Law, New York 3 March 2011 Lecture, Law School, UCLA, Los Angeles, 24 February 2011 ‘Colonial Legacies’ panel, ‘Aftershocks: Legacies of Conflict’ conference, February 17-18, 2011, University of Texas School of Law, Bernard and Audre Rapoport Center for Human Rights and Justice, Seventh Annual Conference, 17-18 February 2011 A critical appraisal of the ICJ’s Advisory Opinion on Kosovo: Potential broader impact, and the role of Advisory Opinions ‘Post-Kosovo: General Implications’ panel, International Law Association, British Branch, Annual Conference, University of Sheffield, 28 April 2011 International Dispute Settlement seminar series, Law School, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei, P.R. China, 29 December 2010 Panel Discussion on the ICJ’s Advisory Opinion on Kosovo, American Branch of the International Law Association Annual Conference ‘International Law Weekend’, Fordham University, New York, 22 October 2010 Workshop on the ICJ’s Advisory Opinion on Kosovo held by the Group on Peace and Security of the European Society of International Law (ESIL) at the ESIL Conference, Cambridge, 2 September 2010 ‘Kosovo as a precedent: on the Potential Impact of the ICJ Opinion’ panel, International Law Association, Biennial conference, De Jure Humanitatis, The Hague, 19 August 2010 Extraterritoriality—perspectives from the UK and Europe A Comparative Look at Extraterritoriality: Bagram and Beyond panel, American Society of International Law Annual Meeting, 25 March 2010, <http://www.asil.org/files/bagrambeyond.mp3> Recognition and non-recognition of states in international law Public international law discussion group seminar, Chatham House, 4 February 2010, <http://www.chathamhouse.org.uk/research/international_law/research_events/view/-/id/1415> (see also ‘Publications—shorter pieces’ above) The extraterritorial application of human rights: Human rights imperialism? Staff and doctoral student seminar, UCL Faculty of Laws, 13 January 2010 International Law Association, British Branch, Annual Meeting, Oxford, 15 April 2010 ‘Tom Franck: Celebrating the Man and His Legacy’ conference, SOAS, London, 27 May 2010 The international administration of ‘fragile states’ ‘State failure’ panel, American Branch of the International Law Association, International Law Weekend, Fordham University, New York, New York, 23 October 2009 Applying human rights law to extraterritorial military operations: cultural imperialism and a breach of occupation law? International Association for the Protection of Human Rights in Cyprus, Annual Seminar 2009, ‘International Law and Human Rights’, Limassol, 2 October 2009 Applying human rights standards to extraterritorial migration initiatives: sites of identity, community and policy transformation when boundaries are crossed ‘Refugee Regimes: Rights, Law, and Practice’ panel, International Association for the Study of Forced Migration conference, Nicosia, 29 June 2009 The obligation to respect local law in situations of occupation ‘The rule of law in failing states’ panel, Congress of the International Society for Military Law and the Laws of War (ISMLLW), Tunis, 8 May 2009 Self-determination in international law Plenary presentation, ‘Self- Determination and Territorial Integrity: Awkward bed-fellows’ Chatham House, International Affairs and BBC Radio 4’s ‘World Tonight’ conference, Chatham House, London, 20 April 2009 Details of the conference here: <http://www.chathamhouse.org.uk/Self-Determination> See also ‘reported remarks’ above for BBC Radio 4 interview about the conference Multipolarity and Multilateralism in the Security Council: A Case Study of Kosovo’s Independence Declaration ‘The United Nations and Multipolarity’ panel, Annual Conference of the British Branch of the International Law Association, University of Hull, Hull, 17 April 2009 The Reach of Europe’s ‘Legal Space’ Beyond Europe: The Applicability of the ECHR Outside the Territory of ECHR Contracting States ‘The European Court in Conflict Societies’ panel, ‘A Unique European Institution: The European Court of Human Rights after 50 Years’ conference, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, 20-21 March 2009 The politics of research—some insights from post-colonial theory Research seminar, UCL Laws, 24 November 2008 Plenary address, ‘Law, Politics and International Relations’ conference convened by Birkbeck College, University of London and the project on Contemporary Research in International Political Theory of the British International Studies Association, Birkbeck College, London, 21 November 2008 The UN's return to the civilizing mission? ‘From Human Rights to the Primacy of the Political’ Conference, University of Lancaster, Lancaster, 7 November 2008 The legality of Kosovo’s declaration of independence ‘Kosovo’s Independence and the Future of Self-Determination’ panel, International Law Weekend, American Branch of the International Law Association, New York, 17 October 2008 Revealing secret histories: the nature of complex international state-building missions and the link with colonial trusteeship ‘Can we really know ‘what really happened’ in a world of secrecy?’ panel, The Work of History in International Law and Empire Symposium, LSE, 10 October 2008 International territorial administration as ‘trusteeship’ – why accountability is needed, and why it has not been forthcoming Pace University Faculty of Law, staff seminar, 21 October 2009 LSE Law Department research student symposium, 4 December 2008 ‘UN Administrations’ seminar, ‘The United Nations Security Council and the individual’ series, Padua University, 23 October 2008 ‘IHL and the administration of territories by the United Nations’ plenary session, ‘International Humanitarian Law, Human Rights and Peace Operations’ Round Table conference, International Institute of Humanitarian Law, San Remo, 4-6 September 2008. Watch the presentation here: <http://video.aol.com/video-detail/ralph-wilde/196018367> Trusteeship v. self-determination: the evolution of trusteeship in international law and policy, and its contemporary legitimation despite the self-determination entitlement ‘Citizenship, Law and Development’ panel, ‘New Perspectives on Law and Development: Between renewed State Interventionism and Post-Dependency’ Conference, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Los Andes in conjunction with the European Law Research Center at Harvard Law School, Bogotá, Colombia, 21-22 August 2008 United Nations Reform—developments and future prospects ‘United Nations Reform Study Group’ working session, International Law Association international conference, Rio de Janeiro, 17-20 August 2008 Beyond self-determination – other critiques of trusteeship as a meaningful and legitimate normative guide to exits from ‘state-building’ missions ‘State Building, International Intervention, and Legitimation’ workshop, Exeter University Centre for Ethno-Political Studies (EXCEPS), Exeter, 14 May 2009 Plenary Session VI: The Search for Exit Strategies, ‘The Ethics of Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Statebuilding’ Research Group Seminar convened by Jennifer Welsh of Oxford University under the auspices of the Oxford Institute for the Norms and Ethics of War (Department of Politics and International Relations, Oxford University) with the Centre for International Studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London University, Oxford, 26 June 2008 Exits from colonialism, occupation, Mandate and Trusteeship arrangements and international territorial administration: the competing normative models of trusteeship and selfdetermination ‘Exit Strategies and Peace Consolidation’ panel, International Studies Association Annual Convention, 15 February 2009 ‘Legal-Normative Issues’ Plenary Session, Exit Strategies and Peace Consolidation Research Group Seminar convened by Richard Caplan of Oxford University, funded by the Folke Bernadotte Academy of Sweden and the John Fell Oxford University Press Fund, Stockholm, 14-15 June 2008 The Legitimacy of Trusteeship in the Post-Colonial Era of Self-Determination: Some Questions for Discussion ‘International Approaches to Self-Determination’ plenary panel, ‘New Approaches to Self-Determination’ Conference, Centre for the Study of Colonialism, Empire and International Law in association with the Centre for International Studies and Diplomacy, School of Oriental and African Studies, London University, 12 June 2008 ‘Development and Security’ panel, World International Studies Committee, Second International Conference, Ljubljana, 25 July 2008 Complementing Occupation Law? Selective judicial treatment of the suitability of human rights norms ‘The Complementary Role of Institutions’ plenary panel, ‘Complementing IHL: Exploring the Need for Additional Norms to Govern Contemporary Conflict Situations’ Conference, Minerva Centre for Human Rights, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Tel Aviv Delegation, 1-3 June 2008, Jerusalem (see http://law.huji.ac.il/calendar.asp?act=event&event_id=241&cat=494&thepage=iruim) ‘The Extraterritorial Effect of International Human Rights Law and its Relationship with International st Humanitarian Law’ plenary session, ‘Unfolding the Human Rights Challenge at the Rise of the 21 Century’ conference, Newcastle Law School and the Modern Law Review, Newcastle, 24 June 2008 Kosovo 2008: Independence, recognition and international law ‘New Trends in International and Comparative Law’ plenary session, 2008 Conference on International and Comparative Law, Soochow University and the Chinese (Taiwan) Society of International Law, Taipei, Taiwan, 26 May 2008 Kosovo’s independence declaration and international law Kosovo: International Law and Recognition panel, Chatham House, London, 22 April 2008 Rule of law promotion now and then: some questions about the legitimacy of contemporary rule of law missions raised by the colonial comparator Restoring the Rule of Law in Post-Conflict and Stabilization Operations: Respective Roles of International Law and Politics panel, American Society of International Law Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 11 April 2008 Occupation as trusteeship Transformation in Iraq: From Ending a Modern War to Creating a Modern Peace Symposium, Loyola University Law School, Los Angeles, 4 April 2008 (see ‘Publications—journal articles’ above) Accountability of international peace operations—selected issues Guest lecture, Global Governance and Regulation class, Columbia Law School, 2 April 2008 Is the ‘responsibility to protect’ a legitimate framework to confront identity-based atrocities? The ‘responsibility to rebuild’ as the new civilizing mission Plenary presentation, ‘The responsibility to protect: A Framework for Confronting Identity-Based Atrocities Conference,’ Program in Holocaust and Human Rights Studies, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law and Department of Political Science, Yeshiva University, New York, 11 March 2008 ‘From Peace-Building to Institution-Building’ panel, World International Studies Committee, Second International Conference, Ljubljana, 25 July 2008 Jurisdiction – extraterritorial reach of human rights law Plenary presentation, Human Rights in the International Arena: Means of Protection and Prevention Conference, British Institute for International and Comparative Law, London, 8 February 2008 Exceptional sovereignty and exceptional responsibility: ideas of extraterritorial human rights responsibility in international law International Association for the Study of Forced Migration conference, Cairo, 7 January 2008 Belligerent Occupation Revisited: Political and Economic Rights and Duties of Occupying Powers A Wiser Century? – Judicial Dispute Settlement, Disarmament and the Laws of War 100 Years after the Second Hague Peace Conference, International Symposium, Walther-Schücking-Institut für Internationales Recht, Kiel, Germany, 8 – 10 November 2007 The ‘sacred trust’ and the ‘strenuous conditions’ of today’s ‘modern world’: the legacies of the League Mandate system American Branch of the International Law Association, Annual Conference, International Law Weekend 2007, New York, 26 October 2007 From trusteeship to self-determination and back again: the role of the Hague Regulations in the evolution of international trusteeship ‘The Hague Peace Conferences: the Beginning of Modern International Law’ panel, Brazilian Government Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Foreign Relations, International conference commemorating the centenary of the Second Peace Conference at the Hague, Rio de Janeiro, 18 – 19 October 2007 Exceptional zones and exceptional responsibility: ideas of extraterritorial human rights responsibility at the margins of Europe European Society of International Law Research Forum conference, Budapest, 28 – 29 September 2007 Understanding the international territorial administration accountability deficit: Trusteeship and the legitimacy of international organizations ‘Creating Just and Legitimate Outcomes’ panel, Academic Council on the United Nations System Annual Conference, Port of Spain, 5 June 2009 Public International Law Discussion Group, Oxford University, 26 February 2009 South African Branch of the International Law Association Regional Conference, Pretoria, South Africa, 27 August 2007 Congress of the Russian Association of International Law, 3-6 July 2007 Post-conflict Constitutional Settlement panel, Annual Conference of the British Branch of the International Law Association, Sussex University, UK, 21 April 2007 International Law on Peace and Security session, Inaugural conference of the Asian Society of International Law, National University of Singapore, 8 April 2007 European extraterritorial migration policies and the relevance of human rights law European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) Expert Meeting on Refugees’ Access to Protection in Europe, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 23 – 24 April 2007 The extraterritorial application of the European Convention on Human Rights Seminar Series on Topical and Pressing issues of the European Court of Human Rights, Danish Institute of Human Rights, Copenhagen, 19 March 2007 The Legal Dimensions of Jus Post Bellum ‘Contemporary relevance of a jus post bellum’ plenary panel, Jus Post Bellum conference, Leiden, 2 – 3 February 2007 Human rights without borders? Extraterritorial state actions and the applicability of human rights law ‘Transnational policies and legal implications’ plenary panel, International Conference on Refugees and International Law: the Challenge of Protection, Refugee Studies Centre, Oxford, 15 December 2006 Casting light on the ‘legal black hole’: some political issues at stake ‘Extraterritoriality’ panel discussion, Human Rights Lawyers’ Association, London, 3 October 2006 ‘Externalization and extraterritoriality 1’ panel, International Association for the Study of Forced th Migration, 9 Annual Conference, Toronto, 22 June 2006 rd ‘International Law and the Exception’ panel, 3 Workshop on Critical Approaches to International Law: the Force of International Law, Birkbeck Law School, London, 16 May 2006 United Nations reform United Nations Reform Study Group session, International Law Association conference, Toronto, 6 June 2006 ‘International Law Association Study Group on UN Reform’ workshop panel, Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS) Annual Conference, Rio de Janeiro, 9 June 2006 Triggering human rights law and humanitarian law during occupation: comparing the regimes ‘Parallel Application During Occupation’ panel, ‘International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law: Exploring Parallel Application’ conference, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 22 May 2006 Occupation and human rights law ‘Occupations and Withdrawals: Japan, Europe, Palestine and Iraq’ conference, Scottish Centre for War Studies, Glasgow, and Human Rights and Peace Building in the Middle East Centre, SOAS, Glasgow, 12 May 2006 Piercing the corporate veil? International Organization Accountability and the Responsibility of Member States ‘The Sources of Compliance with International Law’ panel, International Studies Association Annual Convention, San Diego, 22 March 2006 The Relationship Between Law Created by the UN Security Council and International Human Rights Law st ‘Tower of Babel. International Law in the 21 Century – Coherent or Compartmentalized?,’ International Law Association (British Branch), Annual Conference, London, 3 - 4 March 2006, panel on ‘International Organizations,’ 3 March 2006 Torture abroad and the reach of the law Torture and Terrorism conference, the Law Society of England and Wales, London, 1 February 2006 The interplay between UN Charter obligations and human rights obligations: the Al Jedda case International Law Association Committee on Human Rights Law and Practice, Maastricht, 27 January 2006 Rules of treaty interpretation and the European Convention on Human Rights Rules of Interpretation Under the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties: 25 Years On, Are They Alive And Well? Conference hosted by Eversheds and Queen Mary, University of London, 17 January 2006 UK actions overseas and the Human Rights Act ‘From Islington to Iraq: the extraterritorial application of the Human Rights Act,’ panel, Justice/Sweet & Maxwell Human Rights Law Conference 2005, 26 October 2005 Should human rights law apply to the state when it acts abroad? Presentation, Centre for Legal Research and Policy Studies, Oxford Brookes University, 6 March 2006 Presentation, Centre for International and Public Law, Brunel University, 6 December 2005 Presentation, Institute of International Economic Law, Georgetown University Law Center, 24 October 2005 Presentation, Department of International Relations, St Andrews University, 26 April 2005 Enhancing accountability at the international level: the tension between international organization and member state responsibility and the underlying issues at stake ‘Advancing the effectiveness of international law: Is U.N. Reform Necessary’ panel, International Law Association (American Branch) Annual Conference, New York, 21 October 2005 Human rights without borders European Law Students Association, King’s College London, 17 October 2005 Self-determination in international law and the position of Montenegro Legal Aspects for Referendum in Montenegro in the Context of International Law and Practice, International Expert Roundtable conference held by the Foundation Open Society Institute, Representative Office Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro, Serbia and Montenegro, 22 – 25 September 2005 (see publications, above) Legal Black Hole?: Extraterritorial state action and international law on civil and political rights ‘The Effectiveness of Human Rights Agreements’ panel, World International Studies Conference (WISC) 2005, Istanbul, Turkey, 26 August 2005 Direct international involvement in domestic criminal law processes th ‘The role of international institutions in territorial administration and post-conflict justice’ panel, 7 Hague Joint Conference on Contemporary Issues of International Law, ‘International Institutional Reform,’ The Hague, 1 July 2005 Justifying the extraterritorial application of international human rights law ‘Extraterritorial application of human rights law’ panel, International Law Association, British Branch, 25 May 2005 Human rights without borders: extraterritorial state action and the applicability of human rights norms Research Seminar, International Relations Department, St. Andrews University, 26 April 2005 Critical approaches to international territorial administration Westminster University Staff Seminar, 20 April 2005 The Genesis of International Territorial Administration ‘The Theory and Origins of State Building’ panel, State Building: Theory and Practice conference, University of Limerick, 16 April 2006 The post-colonial uses of international territorial administration and issues of legitimacy ‘State-Building I: Issues of choice, creation and legal justification’ panel, American Society of International Law, Annual Meeting, 1 April 2005 The extraterritorial application of human rights standards ‘Contemporary Issues in International Human Rights Law’ panel, International Studies Association Annual Convention, Hawaii, 3 March 2005 Domestic and international human rights law and the foreign presence in Iraq International Law Association (ILA) British Branch, South-West meeting, Bristol University, 22 February 2005 Human rights without borders: applying human rights treaties beyond state territory Public International Law Discussion Group, Oxford University Law Department, 10 February 2005 International territorial administration as a ‘solution’ to forced migration ‘problems’ ‘Post-Conflict Asylum and Return Policy’ panel, International Association for the Study of Forced th Migration, 9 Annual Conference, São Paolo, Brazil, 13 January 2005 Extraterritorial detention and non-entrée policies towards asylum seekers: a ‘solution’ to the ‘problem’ of legal regulation? ‘Extra-Territorial Detention, Xenophobia and Security in the Post 9/11 Era’ panel, International th Association for the Study of Forced Migration, 9 Annual Conference, São Paolo, Brazil, 11 January 2005 The administration of territory by international organizations: selected legal issues Global Governance class, Columbia University School of Law, New York, 3 December 2004 The accountability of international organizations and member state responsibility Critical Perspectives on Global Governance (CPOGG) Conference, Monterrey, Mexico, 6 November 2004 Apologies by the United Nations and the Responsibility of Member States ‘The Age of Apology: The West Faces its Own Past’ conference, University of North Carolina, 22 October 2004 International Human Rights Law and the Occupation of Iraq ‘Iraq: Ad Bellum Obligations & Occupation’ panel, International Law Association (American Branch) Annual Conference, New York, 16 October 2004 From Guantánamo Bay to Abu Ghraib: The applicability of international human rights law to the post-9/11 extraterritorial activities of states Human Rights Happy Hour (seminar), Texas Law School Human Rights Initiative (inaugural event of the Initiative), Austin, Texas, 27 September 2004 The CPA and foreign military forces in Iraq: issues of individual and collective responsibility ‘Territories under International Administration: A Comparative Study’ Section, Constructing World Orders: 5th Pan-European Conference of the Standing Group on International Relations, The Hague, 10 September 2004, http://www.sgir.org/conference2004/ The July, 2004 ‘handover’ of ‘sovereignty’ in Iraq ‘International legal issues arising from post 30 June Iraq,’ panel, Royal Institute for International Affairs (Chatham House), 8 July 2004 The applicability of international human rights law to the activities of the CPA in Iraq ‘Legal aspects of the occupation of Iraq’ panel, Annual Meeting of the British Institute for International and Comparative Law, 11 June 2004 Legal responsibilities in occupied Iraq Public International Law Group Seminar Series, Freshfields, London, 17 May 2004 Representing international territorial administration: a critique of some approaches ‘Imperialism and International law,’ Second joint workshop of Birkbeck Law School (London) and the Foundation for New Research in International Law (Leiden) London, 10 May 2004 Military action authorised and/or conducted by international organizations and the responsibility of member states International Law and the Use of Force By States: Forty Years On, Conference in Honour of Ian Brownlie, Queen Mary University of London, 16 March 2004 The legitimating effect of simplifying the purposes served by peace operations International Law seminar, LSE, 4 March 2004 The role of the United Nations in Iraq ‘Post-War Iraq’ seminar, British Institute for International and Comparative Law, 26 February 2004 The extraterritorial reach of international human rights law UK Human Rights Lawyers Association panel, ‘Extraterritorial issues,’ London, 12 January 2004 The European human rights legal order and the ‘war on terror’ – the Bosnia extradition case ‘Transatlantic Perspective on European Human Rights’ panel at the Centre for Advice on Individual Rights th in Europe (AIRE) 10 Anniversary Colloquium, UCL, 22 Nov 2003 A ‘return’ to protectorates? The enduring appeal of foreign territorial administration ‘Un nouvel ordre international?’ session at ‘La guerre d’Irak, prelude d’un nouvel ordre international?’ conference of the Université libre de Bruxelles and the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences sociales de Paris, at the Institut de Sociologie of the Université libre de Bruxelles, 31 October 2003 The relationship between human rights law and humanitarian law Society of Legal Scholars (UK), Annual Conference, St. Catherine’s College, Oxford, 17 – 20 October 2003 ‘Functional duality’ and applicable law when international organizations administer territory Joint ASIL-NVIR Conference, ‘From Government to Governance? The Growing Impact of Non-State Actors on the International and European Legal System,’ The Hague, 5 July 2003 ‘We are teachers of international law’: International law and the Iraq crisis ‘The New International Law,’ Joint Conference of the Birkbeck Law School and the Foundation for New Research in International Law, London, 14 June 2003 (joint presentation with Susan Marks and Gerry Simpson) The United Nations as government: the tensions of an ambivalent role ‘The United Nations and Administration of Territory: Lessons from the Frontline’ panel, American Society of International Law Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., 4 April 2003 The concept of ‘jurisdiction’ in international human rights law in the post-September 11-era September 11, 2001 – A Fundamental Challenge to National and International Law Conference, Sussex University, 22 March 2003 Ideology critique and questions of legitimacy in international legal discourse Staff Seminar, Law Department, UCL, 4 February 2003 The Glasgow Conversations, Glasgow University Law Department, 13 May 2003 Legitimacy and international law British International Studies Association Annual Conference, London, 18 Dec. 2002 The status of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, 1991 – 2000 International Law Association (British Branch) Seminar, London, 11 Dec. 2002 Taxonomies of international peacekeeping – an alternative narrative ‘International Governance of Territory’ panel, International Law Association (American Branch) Annual Conference, New York, 26 Oct. 2002 Problems with the ‘failed states’ discourse in international law ‘The Faultlines of Legitimacy in International Law’ panel, International Law Association (American Branch) Annual Conference, New York, 25 Oct. 2002 International law, the international community and reconstruction Post conflict reconstruction: Lessons learnt and best practice conference, Wilton Park, UK, 2 Oct 2002 International territorial administration and human rights The United Nations and Human Rights Protection in Post Conflict Situations Conference, Nottingham, 12 Sept. 2002 Mainstreaming gender discourse in international law and the perils of ‘imperial feminism’ Gender, Sexuality and Law Conference, Keele University, 28 – 29 June 2002 The detainees in Guantánamo Bay and international law British Institute of International & Comparative Law Annual Conference, ‘International Law After th September 11 ’ panel, 4 June 2002 Mediating the scope of legitimacy analysis: the case of international territorial administration United Nations University Legitimacy Colloquium, United Nations University, Tokyo, 22 May 2002 The role of international territorial administration in the promotion of human rights Law Department, University of Nottingham, 25 April 2002 International territorial administration and ‘failed states’ International Law Association (British Branch), Annual Conference, Oxford, 12 April 2002 International territorial administration and the implementation of international law International Law Discussion Group, Faculty of Law, Oxford University, 13 February 2002 International colonialism and protection: reinvention, renewal and the legitimacy of the ‘international’ United Nations University Legitimacy Colloquium, United Nations, New York, 30 November 2001 The new colonialism? New Approaches in International Law Conference, Brussels, 24 – 25 November 2001 Creating mandates for international territorial administration: the case of Afghanistan International Law Association (American Branch) Annual Conference, New York, 26 Oct. 2001 Forced migration and how we see it Closing plenary session, International Association for the Study of Forced Migration, 7th Bi-Annual Conference, South Africa, 8 – 11 Jan. 2001 The responsibilities of UNHCR and host states: the two worlds of the Refugee Convention and arrangements in certain refugee camps International Association for the Study of Forced Migration, 7th International Conference, South Africa, 8 – 11 Jan. 2001 The effect of territorial administration by international organizations on local communitybuilding International Third World Legal Studies Association and University of the Western Cape, ‘Into the 21 Century: Reconstruction and Reparations,’ Cape Town, South Africa, 4 – 6 Jan. 2001 st The legitimacy of international territorial administration New Approaches in International Law Conference, Kaag, The Netherlands, Nov 2000 Accountability and administration in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and East Timor International Law Association (American Branch) Annual Conference, New York, 28 Oct. 2000 The administration of territory by international organizations: an innovation in Global Governance? Academic Council on the United Nations System/American Society of International Law, Workshop on Innovations in Global Governance, Warwick University, Summer 2000 The ambivalent mandates of international organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, and East Timor American Society of International Law, Australia New Zealand Society of International Law, Joint Conference, Sydney and Canberra, June 2000, and Academic Council on the United Nations System, Annual Conference, Oslo, June 2000 From Bosnia to Kosovo and East Timor: the changing role of the United Nations in the administration of territory International Law Association (American Branch) Annual Conference, New York, 6 Nov. 1999 Applying human rights law to UNHCR governance of refugee camps ILSA panel, ‘Applying International Law to Contemporary Phenomena,’ American Society of International Law Annual Conference, Washington DC, 3 April 1998 Our Common Future Plenary Session keynote Speech as ‘Youth Ambassador,’ United Nations Second World Climate Conference, Geneva, November 1990 (2) SERVICE AS CONFERENCE PANEL CHAIR/CONVENOR/DISCUSSANT Convenor, with Christine Chinkin, and Chair, ‘International Law and Feminism’ panel, European Society of International Law, Annual Conference, University of Vienna, 4-6 September 2014 Discussant, ‘Justiçia transitória e construção de Instuçoes democráticas: uma investigação de trajetória,’ public lecture by Professor Chandra Lekha Sriram of the University of East London at the Fundação Casa Rui Barbosa, Rio de Janeiro, 9 August 2013. ‘Commentary on the Draft Policy Recommendations,’ Strengthening the rule of law through the UN Security Council, Australian Research Council Linkage Project Workshop between the ANU Centre for International Governance & Justice & the Australian Civil-Military Centre, Permanent Mission of Australia to the United Nations, New York, 14 June 2013 Discussant, ‘Fácil de pegar: raça, militarism Americano e o corpo negro venéreo no exterior,’ public lecture by Professor Khary Polk of Amherst College at the Fundação Casa Rui Barbosa, Rio de Janeiro, 22 March 2013. Discussant, ‘Law and War in Leo Strauss’s Thucydides, Grotius and Kant: Strauss as an International Legal Thinker,’ paper by Rob Howse (NYU), Global Law and Policy Roundtable, New York Law School, 21 April 2012 Convenor, ‘What the Kosovo Advisory Opinion Means for the Future’ panel, American Society of International Law Annual Conference, Washington DC, 25 March 2011. Discussant, ‘History of the Human Rights Movement – the European experience and global human rights law’ panel (papers by Karen Engle and Frédéric Mégret), ‘New Approaches to International Law: Lessons from the European Experience’ conference (in honour of David Kennedy), Institute for European Studies, University CEU San Pablo, Madrid, and the Institute for Global Law and Policy, Harvard Law School, Madrid, Spain, 11 December 2010. Commentator, ‘Prospects for International Gender Norms’ panel, “After Gender? Examining International Justice Enterprises”, A Pace Law Review Symposium, Pace Law School, White Plains, New York. Study Group member participant, Open Working Session, International Law Association Study Group on United Nations Reform, International Law Association Bi-Annual Conference, De Jure Humanitatis, The Hague, 17 Aug 2010 Chair, Committee on Teaching of International Law Open Working Session, and presenter of the Committee’s Resolution to the Plenary Assembly, International Law Association Bi-Annual Conference, De Jure Humanitatis, The Hague, 17 and 19 Aug 2010 Chair, ‘Revisiting a Landmark: the Continuing Relevance of the Barcelona Traction judgment’ presentation, Professor Christian Tams, UCL-ILA British Branch international law seminar series, London 30 February 2010 Chair, ‘Rescuing Piracy from the Antiquarians’ presentation, Professor Vaughan Lowe QC, UCLILA British Branch international law seminar series, London 20 January 2010 Chair, ‘Israel-Palestine: Aspects of a Prolonged Occupation’ presentation, Professor Iain Scobbie, UCL-ILA British Branch international law seminar series, London 13 January 2010 Chair, ‘International Law and Global Values’ panel, ‘The United Nations and Global Values’ conference, Leiden University and the Hague Academy of International Law, The Hague, 12 December 2008 Chair, ‘False Contingency’, Current Legal Problems Lecture, Professor Susan Marks, UCL Laws, 13 November 2008 Chair, ‘Colonial Administrations’ Plenary Session, Exit Strategies and Peace Consolidation Research Group Seminar convened by Richard Caplan of Oxford University, funded by the Folke Bernadotte Academy of Sweden and the John Fell Oxford University Press Fund, Stockholm, 1415 June 2008 Discussant, ‘New Developments in International and Comparative Law’ plenary session, 2008 Conference on International and Comparative Law, Soochow University and the Chinese (Taiwan) Society of International Law, Taipei, Taiwan, 26 May 2008 Moderator, ‘Queering International Law’ panel, American Society of International Law Annual Meeting, 29 March 2007 Chair, ‘Externalization and extraterritoriality 2’ panel, International Association for the Study of Forced Migration, 9th Annual Conference, Toronto, 22 June 2006 Chair, ‘International Law Association Study Group on UN Reform’ workshop panel, Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS) Annual Conference, Rio de Janeiro, 9 June 2006 Chair, International Criminal Court Committee session, International Law Association conference, Toronto, 7 June 2006 Chair, opening plenary session, ‘Tower of Babel. International Law in the 21 st Century – Coherent or Compartmentalized?,’ International Law Association (British Branch), Annual Conference, London, 3 - 4 March 2006 Chair, ‘The Empire Strikes Back? Colonialism, empire, self-determination and international law’ panel discussion, International Law Association, British Branch, London, 25 January 2006 Commentator, ‘International Law and the Anxiety of Influence’ paper by Dr Susan Marks, King’s College London, 30 November 2005 Chair and Commentator, ‘Human Rights: Contestations’ panel, European Consortium for Social Research conference, Corvinus University of Budapest, 10 September 2005 Chair and Convenor, ‘The role of international institutions in territorial administration and postconflict justice’ panel, 7th Hague Joint Conference on Contemporary Issues of International Law, ‘International Institutional Reform,’ The Hague, 1 July 2005 Discussant, ‘Legitimacy and accountability of international administrations’ panel, Second European Society of International Law Conference, Institut universitaire de hautes études internationales, Genève, Switzerland, sedi.org/english/forum2005.html> 28 May 2005, see <http://www.esil- Chair, ‘Treaty Consent: Beyond the Vienna Convention,’ Lecture by Professor Malgosia Fitzmaurice, International Law Association, British Branch, London, 27 April 2005 Discussant, ‘The Juridification of International Politics,’ Sovereignty and Its Discontents seminar, King’s College, London, 24 March 2005, see <http://www.said-workshop.org/seminars.php> Discussant, ‘From Sovereign Equality to Global Regulationism: Demystifying Global Governance’ panel, International Studies Association Annual Convention, Hawaii, 3 March 2005 Discussant, ‘EU Asylum Policy I’ and ‘EU Asylum Policy II’ panels, International Association for the Study of Forced Migration, 9th Annual Conference, São Paolo, Brazil, 11 & 12 January 2005 Chair, ‘Extra-Territorial Detention, Xenophobia and Security in the Post 9/11 Era’ panel, International Association for the Study of Forced Migration, 9th Annual Conference, São Paolo, Brazil, 11 January 2005 Discussant, ‘Cross-Cultural Translation of Human Rights Norms’ panel, Critical Perspectives on Global Governance (CPOGG) Conference, Monterrey, Mexico, 6 November 2004 Chair and Discussant, ‘The Legitimacy Dimension’ panel, ‘Territories under International Administration: A Comparative Study’ Section, Constructing World Orders: 5th Pan-European Conference of the Standing Group on International Relations, The Hague, 10 September 2004, see <http://www.sgir.org/conference2004/> Chair, ‘Extraterritorial issues under the Human Rights Act’ event, Human Rights Lawyers Association/Law Society of England and Wales, London, 12 January 2004 Chair and Convenor, ‘The Faultlines of Legitimacy in International Law’ panel, International Law Association (American Branch) Annual Conference, New York, 25 Oct. 2002 Chair and Convenor, ‘The Limits of International Law’ panel, International Law Association (American Branch) Annual Conference, New York, 26 Oct. 2001 Wrap-up Presenter, Roundtable on Temporary Protection, International Association for the Study of Forced Migration, 7th Bi-Annual Conference, South Africa, 8 – 11 Jan. 2001 Chair, ILSA panel, ‘Applying International Law to Contemporary Phenomena,’ American Society of International Law Annual Conference, Washington DC, 3 April 1998.