Curriculum Mariana Serri Francoio Legal name: Mariana Serri Francoio Artistic name: Mariana Serri Birth: 09/07/1982 Locality: Belo Horizonte -­‐ Minas Gerais FORMATION • FAAP -­‐ Armando Alvares Penteado Foundation Licentiate degree in Fine Arts. From February to December, 2006. • FAAP -­‐ Armando Alvares Penteado Foundation Bachelor’s degree In Fine Arts. From February 2002 to December 2005. • FFLCH -­‐ USP (Philosophy, Language arts and Human Sciences College of São Paulo University). Language arts course with qualification in German and Portuguese languages. From February 2002 to July 2007 (Incomplete). • WIJNPERS SCHOOL -­‐ Leuven, Belgium. 3rd year of High School, with specialization in Fine Arts. She attended disciplines such as Metal Engraving, Woodcut, Ceramics, Drawing, Painting, Watercolor, Graphic design, Photography, Art History, Dance History etc. From August 2000 to July 2001. EXHIBITIONS • Áporo Exhibition th Solo Exhibition held at Galeria Marilia Razuk, in São Paulo. Review written by Cauê Alves. From May, 16 , th to June, 15 , 2013. • We live on a mountain Exhibition. th Solo exhibition held at Galeria Virgilio in São Paulo. Review by Taisa Palhares. From October, 21 , to th November, 13 , 2010. • Epidermias Exhibition. Solo Exhibition held at Casa das Rosas, São Paulo, with paintings produced for the poetry book Epidermias, by Ângela Castelo Branco. Publication project in partnership, approved by Proac. October, 2012. rd • 3 Edition Art Residence São João. International Art Residence held in a colonial farm in Sao Jose do Vale do Rio Preto, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. From September to October 2014. • ArtRio / 2013. th th Rio de Janeiro International Arts Fair. Exhibition at Galeria Marilia Razuk’s stand. From 05 to 08 , September, 2013. Mauá Pier, Rio de Janeiro. • SP Arte / 2013. rd th São Paulo International Arts Fair. Exhibition at Galeria Marilia Razuk’s stand. From 03 to 06 , April, 2013. Biennial Pavilion, São Paulo. • Brazilian Modern: Icons and Innovation Exhibition Group exhibition of Brazilian art and design at Ampersand House and Gallery in Brussels, Belgium. From th th 8 to 29 , September, 2012. • BEYOND FORM: plan, matter, space and time Exhibition. Exhibition of works of Dulce and João Carlos de Figueiredo Ferraz’s art collection at Figueiredo Ferraz th Institute, in Ribeirão Preto, SP. Curated by Cauê Alves. From April, 21 , to October, 2012. • The first ten years Exhibition. Group exhibition, with approximately 60 contemporary artists at Tomie Ohtake Institute in São Paulo. th th Curated by Agnaldo Farias, Paulo Miyada e Thiago Mesquita. From December 13 , 2011 to March 11 , 2012. • SP Arte / 2012. th th São Paulo International Arts Fair. Exhibition at Galeria Virgilio’s stand. From 09 to 13 , may 2011. Biennial Pavilion, São Paulo. • Landscapes at the fringe Exhibition. Group exhibition project together with the artists Lucas Arruda, Mariana Galender and Mariana Tassinari, developed for the 2011 Projects Season at Paço das Artes. Review written by Josué Mattos. From April, th th 11 to June, 19 , 2011, at São Paulo. • Exhibition 90 em Folha -­‐ Images of Modern Brazil. Illustration exhibition developed for the Ilustríssima section of Folha de São Paulo newspaper. MIS -­‐ Image th th and Sound Museum. From May, 17 , to August, 14 , 2011. • Exposição “Do lugar”. Group exhibition featuring the artists Daniela Antoneli, Julia Kater and Lucas Arruda, held at Galeria th th Mul.ti.plo Espaço Arte, at Rio de Janeiro, RJ, from April 5 , to May 20 , 2011. • SP Arte / 2011. th th São Paulo International Arts Fair. Exhibition at Galeria Mul.ti.plo Espaço Arte’s stand. From 12 to 15 , May, 2011. Biennial Pavilion, São Paulo. • Ilustríssima Section, Folha de São Paulo. th Illustrations produced for poems by Eucanaã Ferraaz, published in June, the 13 , 2010; illustrations th produced for the piece “Voyage to the heart of the matter” about Rutherford, published in March, 13 , th 2011; and an illustration produced for poems by Afonso Henrique Neto, published in March, the 23 , 2014. • Incompletudes Exhibition. th Group exhibition curated by Mario Gioia. At Galeria Virgilio, São Paulo. From September 14 , to October th 08 , 2010. • SP Arte / Foto 2010 th th Exhibition at Galeria Motor’s stand. From 9 to 12 , September, 2010. Iguatemi Mall Center, São Paulo. • Art box / Galeria Motor. th th Group exhibition. Cidade Jardim Shopping Mall Center, São Paulo. From 20 to 24 , August, 2010. • Mediations Exhibition / Galeria Motor. th th Group exhibition curated by Mario Gioia. Shirley Paes Leme Studio’s, in São Paulo. From 24 to 27 , July, 2010. • Views to lose sight Exhibition. th th Group exhibition curated by Claudio Cretti. Galeria Penteado, Campinas, SP. From May 27 to June, 26 , 2010. • SP Arte / 2010. th nd São Paulo International Arts Fair. Exhibition at Galeria Virgilio’s stand. From April, 29 to May, 2 , 2010. Biennial Pavilion, São Paulo. • 7th Mercosul Biennial “Shout and Hearing”. Featuring Radiovisual, Sound work created in association with Lucas Arruda. Exhibition on from October, th th 16 , to November, 29 , 2009. Lenora de Barros co-­‐curator along with Radiovisual. Porto Alegre, RS. • 37th Luiz Saciolotto Contemporary Art Show of Santo André. th th Exhibition held from May, 21 to July, 18 , 2009, at the Exhibition Room on Municipal Hall. Selection committee: Tuneu, Juliana Monachesi e João Loureiro. Santo André, SP. • 10 to one thousand_2008/09. Collective featuring 36 artists with works costing from R$10 to R$1000. Exhibition held at Escola São th th Paulo, from December, 11 , 2008 to February, 14 , 2009. São Paulo, SP. • between 5 walls. Group painting exhibition developed by the artists Ana Prata, Bruno Dunley, Lucas Arruda and Mariana th th Serri. Review written by Fernanda Lopes. From November, 13 to December, 15 , 2008. Bruno Dunley’s Studio. São Paulo, SP. th • 40 Piracicaba Contemporary Art Show. th rd Exhibition on from October, 04 , to November, 3 , 2008, at Pinacoteca Municipal “Miguel Dutra”. Selection committee: Ester Grinspum, Marco Gianotti e Tadeu Chiarelli. Piracicaba, SP. th • 11 National Biennial of Santos. th th Exhibition held from May, 10 , to June, 22 , 2008, at Patrícia Galvão Culture Center. Selection committee: Cristina Freire, Marcos Moraes and Ricardo Resende. Santos, SP. • 2008 Exhibit Program of Ribeirão Preto. th th Exhibition on from March, 28 , to May, 04 , 2008. Selection committee: Nilton Campos, Sylvia Furegatti and Thaís Rivitti. MARP -­‐ Pedro Manuel-­‐Gismondi Art Museum of Ribeirão Preto, SP. th • 13 New Art Show of Joinville. th th Exhibition on from December, 18 , 2007, to March, 16 , 2008, at Antarctica Cultural Citadel. Selection committee: Cauê Alves, Ricardo Basbaum and Fernando Lindote. Joinville, Santa Catarina. • IV Art Territory of Araraquara. Collective exhibition held at Municipal Cultural and Fundart Office (Art and Culture Foundation of th th Araraquara City). From May, 11 to June, 14 , 2006. Araraquara, SP. th • 37 Art Annual of FAAP. Exhibition held at Armando Alvares Penteado Foundation. São Paulo, 2005. Award received for the work Sunday, 2005, (video, 13’31’' ) -­‐ a 75% scholarship on the annual tuition for the licentiate course in Fine Arts at FAAP in 2006. Selection committee: Cristiana Tejo, Nilton Campos, Paula Perissinoto and Marcos Moraes. • Image-­‐Act: Photographic acts show, Group exhibition held at Casa da Lagartixa. São Paulo, 2005. • São Paulo: Multiple Perspectives. Group exhibition held at Lutécia Building’s exhibition space, owned by Armando Alvares Penteado Foundation. 2004, São Paulo. • São Paulo: a reflection on the City. Group exhibition held at Armando Alvares Penteado Foundation. São Paulo, 2003. • OUNÃO 1. Group exhibition held at Guanabara Building, on Anhagabaú valley, 2003. • Since june, 2012, she is represented by Galeria Marilia Razuk, in São Paulo. • Since march, 2011, she is represented by Múl.ti.plo Espaço Arte gallery in Rio de Janeiro, RJ. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE WITH ART TEACHING • TOMIE OHTAKE INSTITUTE -­‐ Coordinator of the General Public Service on the Educational Sector. From January 2008 to August 2014. • 29th BIENNIAL OF SÃO PAULO -­‐ Coordinator of the Educators Formation Program for the General th Public Service on the 29 Biennial of São Paulo. From January to December, 2010. • ANOTHER STORY PROJECT – Especial feature on the Another Story Project (The Precious Jewel Project). Developing workshops and activities for children and teenagers, working visually with traditional stories. Coordination by Samuel Napolitano. Nossa Senhora da Conceição Aparecida Care Center, São Paulo, September, 2009. • MARCIA PASTORE’S STUDIO -­‐ Assisting the artist Márcia Pastore on the production of plaster molds for st sculptures. 1 semester of 2009. • VISANET ENGRAVING STUDIO -­‐ Tomie Ohtake Institute, São Paulo. Metal engraving and woodcut teacher for teachers and young people groups. Coordination by Flávia Ribeiro. From February, 2007 to February, 2009. (Six-­‐month engraving and art teaching formation course, total duration: 2 years). • IMPAES: Permanent Art Teachers Formation Group. Tomie Ohtake Institute, São Paulo. th Assistant teacher for Chaké Ekizian on the 5 module of the course. From February to December, 2007. (Course directed to the art teachers formation with total length of three years, in six modules). • MORUNGABA ASSOCIATION -­‐ São Paulo. Facilitator on the Valorizing the Educator Project. Coordination by Suzana Soares and Cláudia Passos. From March to July, 2007. (Project held at CEI Santa Tereza, directed to Art Teaching on Children’s Education for children between 2 and 5 years old and their respective teachers). • TOMIE OHTAKE INSTITUTE -­‐ São Paulo. Internship in the Institute’s Educational Sector – developing educational agency such as guided tours through the exhibitions, activities in studios, planning activities to take place on the weekends etc. Coordinated by Cláudio Cretti. Reflections and thoughts on these experiences originated the course conclusion work for a Licenciate degree in Fine Arts entitled O Degrau Desdobrado (The Unfolded Step). From March, 2004, to March, 2007. • ESCOLA DA VILA -­‐ São Paulo. Internship in high school classes of Art History given by professor Cláudio Cretti. From August to October, 2006. • CREATIVITY: ACTION AND THOUGHT -­‐ São Paulo. Served as assistant for the teacher Iza Figueiredo. Six-­‐month project developed from 2004 to 2006 at Tomie Ohtake Institute, aimed at contemporary art teaching for high school teachers and students. The starting point, on this semester, was the work by Arthur Lescher. From February to May, 2006. • VERA CRUZ SCHOOL -­‐ São Paulo. Internship as assistant for the art teacher Stela Barbieri, in the fine arts classes given to children in Pre-­‐ school and 1st year of Basic Education. From March to June, 2006. • MILA REST HOME -­‐ Cotia – Sp Fine arts workshop given in a rest home for a group of elder women. Three hour per week. From October, 2004, to March, 2006. • HP PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP -­‐ Tomie Ohtake Institute, São Paulo. Served as assistant on the photography workshop given by teachers Inaê Coutinho and Iatã Canabrava. Workshop directed to teachers and students of Basic Education. From April to June, 2005. • SESC Pompéia -­‐ São Paulo. th th Internship as monitor on the exhibition “A 450 years voyage”. From January 19 , to March 14 , 2004. • Intellectual Disabled Service Center -­‐ Leuven, Belgium. Volunteered as assistant at the dining hall and on a molding workshop for mentally handicapped patients. From August to November, 2000. • LARAMARA -­‐ São Paulo. Volunteered as assistant on the molding workshop for children with visual deficiency. From January to July, 2000, four hours per week. • ABRINQ LIVE LIBRARY PROJECT in association with Colégio Equipe -­‐ São Paulo. Volunteered as storyteller for children in the Arrastão Project NGO, at Vila Sônia, São Paulo. From February to November, 1998, four hours per week. Mariana Serri Francoio | São Paulo, March 2015.