Manual: Models: Issue: Revision 18: TR11−002: CSP-SPM, STANDARD PRACTICE MANUAL MD900r Helicopters Original Issue: 23 December 1997 21 July 2008 07 October 2011 FILING INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Before you put this temporary revision in the manual, make sure the manual contains all the revisions from before. Look at the last revision List of Effective Pages. CAUTION Do not put this temporary revision in the manual, if the manual does not con­ tain all the revisions from before. 2. To include this temporary revision in the manual, remove old pages and put in new pages as shown below. Temporary Revision Number/Date TR11−002 / 07 October 2011 Section Page Page Revision 01−00−00 209 TR11−002 210 TR11−001 203 Revision 18 204 TR11−002 207 TR11−002 208 TR11−002 213 Revision 18 214 TR11−002 215 TR11−002 216 TR11−002 227 TR11−002 228 Revision 18 235 TR11−002 236 TR11−002 91−00−00 Transmittal Page 1 This page intentionally left blank! Transmittal Page 2 MD Helicopters, Inc. STANDARD PRACTICE MANUAL Teflon Bearings CSP−SPM 6. Abbreviations Carefully apply grease, oil, dry(Ref. Table 201) film lubricants, etc., near Teflon bearings. Most lubricants catch and keep The following table is a list of abbreviations dirt that will quickly deteriorate a Teflon used throughout MD900 maintenance bearing. manuals. Table 201. Abbreviations CAUTION Use Term Use Term A A D D A ampere DECAL decalcomania ac alternating current dB decibel Ah ampere−hour dc direct current AM amplitude modulation DD digital display AOG aircraft on ground atm atmosphere E E ECS Environmental Control System EEC Electronic Engine Control bit EHF extremely high frequency Bd baud emf electromotive force bhp brake horsepower eV electron Volt bp boiling point Btu British thermal unit BL Butt Lines B b F C _F degree(s) Fahrenheit FOD Foreign Object Damage FMU Fuel Metering Unit FS Fuselage Stations C coulomb c cycle ft foot _C degree(s) Celsius ft2 square foot cal calorie ft−lb foot−pound CAS calibrated airspeed ft/s foot per second cfm cubic feet per minute fwd forward CFU Collective Friction Unit CG center of gravity cg centigram G g gal gram gallon(s) CID Commercial Item Description GPM gallons per minute CLP Collective Lever Position gal/s gallons per second CMM Component Maintenance Manual GSE Ground Support Equipment cm centimeter cm2 square centimeter CNDTC conductance cSt centistokes 01-00-00 Page 209 TR11−002 CSP−SPM MD Helicopters, Inc. STANDARD PRACTICE MANUAL Table 201. Abbreviations (Cont.) Use Term Use Term H h M m hour mA meter HF high frequency hp horsepower mbar millibar Hz hertz MDHI MD Helicopters, Inc. MeV mega−electron Volts I IAS id Indicated Airspeed mg milliampere milligram inside diameter MHF Medium−High Frequency IFR Instrument Flight Rules MHz megahertz IIDS Integrated Instrument Display System mHz millihertz in. inch in−lb inch−pound IPL Illustrated Parts List IPS Inlet Particle Separator ISC Illustrated Structures Catalog K K kelvin kg kilogram kHz kilohertz km kilometer km/h kilometer per hour kt knot kV kilovolt kVa kilovoltampere liter(s) lb pound(s) LH/lh Left Hand/left hand LF low frequency lm lumen LPM liters per minute Page 210 TR11−001 01-00-00 mile mi/h mile per hour min minute (time) mL milliliter mm millimeter mo month ms millisecond mV millivolt MW megawatt mW milliWatt μA microAmpere μbar L L mi microbar μF microfarad μg microgram μs microsecond μV microVolt μW microWatt MD Helicopters, Inc. STANDARD PRACTICE MANUAL CSP−SPM Table 201. Consumable and Servicing Materials (1) Item No. Material and Warning Icons (6) Specification No. (2) Type Class Grade Commercial Name/No. (3) Mfg./Supplier No. (Ref. Table 202) Fuels, Oils, and Lubricants C101 Lubricant, Solid Film (B−E−P−V) MDM 4−1078 T1 MIL−L−23398 Molykote 3402C Lubribond 220 Perma−Slik G MS22 MS24 MS24 C102 Lubricant, Solid Film (B−E−EX−P−V) MDM 4−1078 T3 Techlube PT−24M MS49 C103 Lubricant (E) Dow Corning 200, 100CST MS22 C104 Grease (B−E) MDM 20−1244 T2 Mobilith SHC 220 MS46 C105 Hydraulic Fluid (B−E) MIL−H−5606 (3) Commercial C106 Oil, Lubrication (B−E) MIL−PRF−23699 T2 (5 Centistokes) AeroShell Turbine Oil 500 MS52 MS53 AeroShell Turbine Oil 560 MS52 MS53 BP Turbo Oil 25 MS29 BP Turbo Oil 2380 MS29 Castrol 5000 Engine Oil MS9 MS10 MS11 Mobil Jet Oil II MS45 MS46 CANADA ONLY MS26 Mobil Jet Oil 254 MS45 MS46 RoycoR Turbine Oil 500 MS51 RoycoR Turbine Oil 560 MS51 Turbonycoil 525−2A Engine Oil MS48 Mobil Grease 28 AeroShell 22 MS46 MS52 Molycote Z MS22 C107 Grease, Aircraft (B−E−V) C108 Powder, Molybdenum Disulfide (B−E−EX) MIL−G−81322 91-00-00 Page 203 Revision 18 CSP−SPM MD Helicopters, Inc. STANDARD PRACTICE MANUAL Table 201. Consumable and Servicing Materials (1) (Cont.) Item No. Material and Warning Icons (6) Specification No. (2) Type Class Grade Commercial Name/No. (3) Mfg./Supplier No. (Ref. Table 202) Fuels, Oils, and Lubricants C109 Grease (B−E) C110 MIL−G−6032 VV−P−236 MS22 MS51 MS58 Grease, Synthetic (B−E) 3913−G1 MS56 C111 Oil (B−E−EX−V) VV−L−800 MS10 C112 Hydraulic Fluid (B−E) MIL−H−83282 MIL−PRF−83282 C113 Fuel, Aviation Turbine (B−E−EX−F−P−V) MIL−T−5624 JP−4, JP−5, additional fuels (ref. Pratt & Whitney Canada) MS52 MS64 C114 Fuel, Aviation Turbine (B−E−EX−F−P−V) ASTM D 1655 Jet A, Jet A−1, additional fuels (ref. Pratt & Whitney Canada) Commercial MS64 C115 Grease, General Purpose Caltex No. 2 MS8 C116 Oil, Daphne, Hermetic 150C (B−E−V) 150CX MS38 C117 Oil, Daphne, Hermetic R−134A (B−E−V) RG20, RS20 MS38 Daphne Hermetic Oil PR MS3 Commercial C118 Oil, Preservation (B−E−V) MIL−L−6081 Grade 1010 Brayco 460 MS10 C119 Grease, Lubrication (B−E−V) MIL−G−23827 AeroShell Grease 7 MS52 C120 Lubricant, Spray (B−E−F−P−V) Tri−Flow Break−Free MS66 C121 Grease, Flourosilicone (B−E−V) Dow Corning FS3452 MS22 C122 Oil, Lubrication (B−E) Pre−SB900−118: Mobil SHC 626 MS46 Post−SB900−118: Mobil AGL C123 Grease, VSCS Actuator (B−E−EX−V) Page 204 TR11−002 91-00-00 168043 MS7 MD Helicopters, Inc. STANDARD PRACTICE MANUAL CSP−SPM Table 201. Consumable and Servicing Materials (1) (Cont.) Item No. Material and Warning Icons (6) Specification No. (2) Type Class Grade Commercial Name/No. (3) Mfg./Supplier No. (Ref. Table 202) Corrosion Preventative Coatings and Compounds C214 Sealing Compound, Corrosion Inhibitive (B−E−F−V) MDM16−1097 MIL−S−81733 T3 . . . . CB . . . G4 C215 Sealing Compound, Fireproof (B−E−P−V) MDM16−1191 MIL−S−38249 C216 Sealant, Fuel Resistant (B−E−V) MDM16−1097 MIL−S−8802 T2 . . . . CB . . . G1/2 MS63 C217 Sealing Compound, Corrosion Inhibitive (B−E−F−V) MRM730061 MIL−S−81733 T2 . . . . C2 MS15 C218 Not Used At This Time. C219 Compound, Corrosion Preventive (CPC) (B−E−F−V) MIL−PRF−16173 −− . . . . C2 . . . G3 MS6 Commercial C220 Compound, Anti seize (B−E−F) MIL−T−83483 Molybdenum Disulfide Grease MS4 C221 Silicone Compound (B−E−V) MDM16−1118 T1 . . . . C1 Silastic 732 RTV 157 MS22 MS31 C222 Fluorosilicone Compound (B−E−EX−V) MDM16−1118 T1 . . . . C3 Silastic 730 MS22 C223 Compound, Heat Sink, Silicone and/or Non−Silicone (B−E−V) MIL−C−47113 T1 Dow Corning 340 Heat Sink Supplies MS22 C224 Not Used At This Time. C225 Sealing and Locking Compound (B−E−V) MIL−S−22473 −− . . . . −− . . . . GB Loctite® 085 Yellow MS36 C226 Sealing and Locking Compound (B−E−P−V) MIL−S−22473 −− . . . . −− . . . . GC Loctite® 084 Blue MS36 C227 Sealing and Locking Compound (B−E−P) MIL−S−22473 −− . . . . −− . . . . GE Loctite® 080 Purple MS36 C228 Sealant Primer (B−E−EX−V) MIL−S−22473 −− . . . . −− . . . . GT Loctite® T 7471t Primer MS36 C229 Sealant, Conductive (B−E−EX−F−P−V) MDM16−1261 SAE AMS3266 Cho−bond 2165 PR−1764 Class B MS12 MS15 C230 Sealant, Electrically Conductive (B−E−EX−V) NOTE: C229 is preferred. MDM16−1157 Cho−bond 1030 MS12 Commercial Pro−Seal 700 TT−S−735 91-00-00 Page 207 TR11−002 CSP−SPM MD Helicopters, Inc. STANDARD PRACTICE MANUAL Table 201. Consumable and Servicing Materials (1) (Cont.) Item No. Material and Warning Icons (6) Specification No. (2) Type Class Grade Commercial Name/No. (3) Mfg./Supplier No. (Ref. Table 202) Corrosion Preventative Coatings and Compounds C231 Primer, Epoxy (B−EX−P−V) MIL−PRF−23377 T1 . . . . C1 Oakite 15 MS15 MS17 MS55 C232 Sealant (B−E−EX−F−P−V) MIL−PRF−81733 T1 . . . . C2 Pro−Seal 870 A−2 MS15 C233 Chemical Coating (B−E−EX−F−P−V) MIL−DTL−81706 T1 . . . . C3 Alodine 600 MS36 C234 Sealing Compound (B−E−EX−F−P−V) MIL−S−29574 T1 . . . . B2 . . . A PR 1826 B2 MS15 MS43 C235 Release Agent, Fluorocarbon (B−E−V) REN RP 79−2 Sprayonr S00311 MS41 MS55 C236 Not Used At This Time. C237 Sealant (B−E−V) Pro−Seal 890 MS15 C238 Corrosive Preventive Compound (B−E−P−V) Deoxidine 624 MS36 C239 Sealant (B−E−P) MIL−S−46163 T2 . . . . −− . . . . N Loctite; Removable Threadlocker 242 MS36 C240 Anti−Seize Compound, High Temp (B−E−P−V) MIL−A−907E Loctite; Thread Compound 767, Anti−seize, High Temp MS36 C241 Alodine (B−E−P−V) MIL−DTL−81706 T1 . . . . C1A Alodine 1201 MS36 C242 Adhesion Promoter (B−E−F−P−V) SAE AMS3100 PR148 MS15 C243 Corrosion Preventive Compound, Solvent Cutback, Cold−Application MIL−PRF−16173 −− . . . . −− . . . . G4 Page 208 TR11−002 MDM16−1149 T3 91-00-00 Commercial MD Helicopters, Inc. STANDARD PRACTICE MANUAL CSP−SPM Table 201. Consumable and Servicing Materials (1) (Cont.) Item No. Specification No. (2) Type Class Grade Material and Warning Icons (6) Commercial Name/No. (3) Mfg./Supplier No. (Ref. Table 202) Solvents, Cleaners and Adhesives C437 Cleaner, Alkaline (B−E−P−V) Turco 3878 (Liquid Alkaline Rust Remover) MS36 C438 Adhesive, Epoxy (B−E−P−V) Hysol EA 960F QT System MS21 C439 Solvent, Perchloroethylene SVG (B−E−P−V) Dow Chemical Company Product Code: 59010 MS22 C440 Adhesive, Acrylic (B−E−F−V) Loctiter 330 MS36 C441 Activator (B−E−EX−F−P−V) Loctiter 7387 MS36 C442 Adhesive, Ethyl−2−Cyanoacrylate, Medium Viscosity (Super Glue) ZipGripr 4495 ZipGripr GPE 100 MS73 C443 Cleaner, Alkaline (B−E−P−V) Turco 5578−L MS36 C444 Adhesive, Instant (B−E−V) Loctiter 410t Prismr MS36 MIL−A−46050 T2 . . . . C2 CID A−A−3097 T2 . . . . C2 MDM16−1070 T1 91-00-00 Page 213 Revision 18 CSP−SPM MD Helicopters, Inc. STANDARD PRACTICE MANUAL Table 201. Consumable and Servicing Materials (1) (Cont.) Item No. Material and Warning Icons (6) Specification No. (2) Type Class Grade Commercial Name/No. (3) Mfg./Supplier No. (Ref. Table 202) Composite Materials C501 Fiber Cloth, E−Glass (E) MIL−C−9084, SAE AMS−C−9084 Commercial C502 Glass Fiber, Sheet, Laminate (E) MIL−P−25421 T1 . . . . C1 Commercial C503 Foam, Syntactic (Low Density Filled Epoxy Resin) (B−E−V) MDM17−1002 EA 9396 A/B EC3524 A/B MS21 MS62 C504 Resin, Epoxy (B−E−F−P−V) MDM16−1115 T3 Araldite® 501 MS41 Epoxy Resin FH−2434−A Curing Agent FH−2180−B MS68 C505 Foam, Rigid, Structural, Closed Cell MDM17−1205 T2 . . . . C1 MS71 C506 Cloth, Graphite (E) MDM16−1163 T2 . . . . C1 . . . GB MS42 C507 Foaming Adhesive (B−E−F−P−V) MDM16−1284 MS18 C508 Shielding, Expanding Foil (B−E) MDM16−1255 T1 Page 214 TR11−002 91-00-00 Astrostriket MS20 MD Helicopters, Inc. STANDARD PRACTICE MANUAL CSP−SPM Table 201. Consumable and Servicing Materials (1) (Cont.) Item No. Material and Warning Icons (6) Specification No. (2) Type Class Grade Commercial Name/No. (3) Mfg./Supplier No. (Ref. Table 202) Rubber Material C601 Rubber, Silicone ZZ−R−765 . . . . . . . C1A . . G50 Commercial C602 Rubber Strip A−A−59163 T1 . . . . C1 Commercial C603 Not Used At This Time. C604 Not Used At This Time. C605 Not Used At This Time. C606 Rubber Tubing AMS 3212 NR 250 PRO 63 Commercial C607 Rubber Tubing AMS 3212 NR 375 PRO 63 Commercial C608 Rubber Tubing AMS 3212 NR 500 PRO 63 Commercial C609 Not Used At This Time. C610 Rubber, Expanded ASTM−D−1056 T2CAG1 Commercial 91-00-00 Page 215 TR11−002 CSP−SPM MD Helicopters, Inc. STANDARD PRACTICE MANUAL Table 201. Consumable and Servicing Materials (1) (Cont.) Item No. Specification No. (2) Type Class Grade Material and Warning Icons (6) Commercial Name/No. (3) Mfg./Supplier No. (Ref. Table 202) Lockwire, Fasteners and Tape C701 Lockwire MS20995C20 (3) Commercial C702 Lockwire MS20995C32 (3) Commercial C703 Tape, Lacing and Tying, Polyester CID A−A−52081, Finish B, Size 2 Commercial C704 Tape, Polyethylene MDM16−1029 T3 . . . . C2 Commercial C705 Tape, Polyethylene MDM16−1029 T3 . . . . C1 Commercial C706 Tape, Glass−Fiber MDM16−1236 T1 . . . . C2 . . . GB Commercial C707 Tape, Pressure−Sensitive Adhesive GSA FSS L−T−100 Commercial C708 Tape, Lacing and Tying, Glass CID A−A−52083, Finish D, Size 4 Commercial C709 Tape, Adhesive MHS5277K1208 Commercial C710 Tape, Glass Fabric, Aluminized; 2.00 Inch Wide MDM15−1182 W2R00 C711 Strap, Tiedown MS3367 T1 . . . . C1 Commercial C712 Lockwire MS20995NC32 Commercial C713 Tape, Nonslip 3M610−192231 TB . . . Black MS62 C714 Tape, Adhesive, Clear (3) Commercial C715 Lockwire MS20995CY15 (3) Commercial C716 Tape, Electrical MIL−I−23594 T1 . . . . C4 . . . WR75 C717 Tape, Polyethylene MDM16−1029 3Mt UHMW 5421 MS62 C718 Tape, Vinyl Foam MDM16−1124 4504 3Mt 4504 MS62 C719 Tape, Aluminum MDM15−1195 . . . . . . . 4 in (10.16 cm) MS62 C720 Tape, Fastener, Hook & Loop MHS4590−7/−8 MS62 C721 Tape, Foam MDM16−1124 4516 MS62 C722 Lockwire MS20995NC20 Commercial C723 Lockwire MS20995C15 Commercial C724 Protective Tape, Polyurethane Page 216 TR11−002 91-00-00 3Mt 363 or 363LC Commercial Commercial 3Mt 8671−3 (3 inch) 3Mt 8671−6 (6 inch) MS62 MD Helicopters, Inc. STANDARD PRACTICE MANUAL CSP−SPM Table 203. Ground Support Equipment and Special Tools (Cont.) Item No. Part No. Nomenclature Function Mfg/Supplier No. (Ref. Table 204) Main Transmission Requirement T301 900G2400201−101 Transmission Removal Kit Remove and install main transmission. TS19 T301−1 900G2400201−101 Dolly Assembly Remove transmission from aircraft. TS19 T301−2 900G2400201−101 Tray Assembly Support transmission after removal on upper deck. TS19 T301−3 900G2400201−101 Pin Attaches two part dolly assembly. TS19 T301−4 900G2400201−101 Lifting Plate Lift transmission off upper deck. TS19 T302 SLT61−2SP3 Lockwasher Puller Used with SL61WT series lockwashers (on blower impeller). TS27 T303 GT1−90007441000 Transmission Blower Shaft Socket Used to remove the shur−lok impeller nut. TS19 TS20 T304 900G8910120−101 Guide Pins Input quill alignment. TS19 TS20 T305 114−248 Piston Jack Main rotor brake lining replacement. TS5 T306 900G8910125−101 Jackscrews Remove input pinion assembly. TS19 TS20 T307 H301−84 Heli−Lock Drain Attachment Transmission fluid drain line. TS19 T308 CDU−1812 Ultrasonic Cleaner Tank Clean heat exchanger, minimum eight gallon capacity (use equivalent comparable tool). TS8 T309 900G8910330−101 Mount Assembly Used to hold input pinion assembly. TS19 T310 900G8910342−101 Pusher Assembly Used to install bearing on the input pinion assembly. TS19 T311 900G8910346−101 Wrench Used to remove/install locknut from/on input pinion. TS19 T312 900G8910348−101 Guide Used to install clutch into outer race. TS19 T313 900G8910350−101 Puller Assembly Used to remove clutch outer race assembly from input pinion assembly. TS19 T314 900G8910368−101 Pusher Used to install the seal in the seal housing of input drive assembly. TS19 T315 900G8910370−101 Puller Assembly Used to remove lockwasher from the locknut of the input pinion assembly. TS19 T316 900G8910380−101 Pusher Used to install wear sleeve on clutch outer race assembly. TS19 91-00-00 Page 227 TR11−002 CSP−SPM MD Helicopters, Inc. STANDARD PRACTICE MANUAL Table 203. Ground Support Equipment and Special Tools (Cont.) Item No. Part No. Nomenclature Function Mfg/Supplier No. (Ref. Table 204) Main Transmission Requirement T317 900G8910384−101 Remover Assem- Used to remove wear sleeve from clutch TS19 bly outer race assembly. T318 900G8910400−101 Mount Assembly Used to hold the anti−torque fan drive assembly. TS19 T319 900G8910408−101 Wrench Assembly Used to remove/install locknut from/on anti−torque fan drive assembly. TS19 T320 900G8910410−101 Puller Assembly Used to remove the flange assembly TS19 from the anti−torque fan drive assembly. T321 900G8910432−101 Pusher Used to install the seal in the seal housing of the anti−torque fan drive assembly. T322 900G8910446−101 Puller Assembly Used to remove the lockwasher from the TS19 locknut of the anti−torque fan drive assembly. T323 900G8910456−101 Pusher Used to install the wear sleeve on the flange assembly of the anti−torque fan drive. TS19 T324 900G8910460−101 Remover Assem- Used to remove the wear sleeve from bly the flange assembly of the anti−torque fan drive. TS19 T325 900G8910468−101 Pusher Used to install the lockwasher on the locknut of the anti−torque fan drive assembly. TS19 T326 900G8910492−101 Pusher Used to install the seal in the seal housing of accessory drive assembly. TS19 T327 900G8910494−101 Pusher Used to install the wear sleeve on the accessory pinion. TS19 T328 900G8910500−101 Remover Assem- Used to remove the wear sleeve from bly the accessory pinion. TS19 T329 900G8910534−101 Pusher Used to install the seal in the seal housing of the blower pinion. TS19 T330 900G8910548−101 Pusher Used to install wear sleeve on the blower pinion. TS19 T331 900G8910550−101 Remover Assem- Used to remove the wear sleeve from bly the blower pinion. T332 900G8910336−101 Mount Page 228 Revision 18 91-00-00 TS19 TS19 Used to hold oil seal housing when input TS19 oil seal is removed. MD Helicopters, Inc. STANDARD PRACTICE MANUAL CSP−SPM Table 203. Ground Support Equipment and Special Tools (Cont.) Item No. Part No. Nomenclature Function Mfg/Supplier No. (Ref. Table 204) Main Rotor Requirement T901 900G1401010−HFHT1 Helicopter Sling Lift main rotor, or complete aircraft. T902 900G1150001−101 Main Rotor Blade Bend the main rotor blade tab in Tab Bending Tool degrees. Kit includes tab bender, dial Kit indicator, and tab measuring tool. TS19 T903 8500C Main Rotor Blade Kit includes analyzer/balancer/printer Track and Baland strobe to track and balance rotor ance Kit gear. Balance/Analyzer will not be used if IIDS software is functioning. TS7 T904 135M−12 Main Rotor Blade Visually track main rotor blades to Track Strobe determine whether blades are flying relative to one another. Use if IIDS is functioning. TS7 T905 900G1401010−101 (Ref. CSP−900IPL−4, 91−10−00, Fig. 5) Mast Support Base Lifting Tool Hoist static mast base assembly. TS19 TS20 T906 IF5D4X1−14 Borescope 5 mm diameter flexible borescope, light source included (use equivalent comparable tool). TS22 T907 (Ref. CSP−900IPL−4, 91−10−00, Fig. 12) Upper Bearing Removal Tool Remove the main rotor hub upper bearing. TS19 T908 900R2101003−101− ATP1 (Ref. CSP−900IPL−4, 91−10−00, Fig. 17) Flexbeam Wear Shim Installation Tool – Upper and Lower Hub Five blocks hold the flexbeam wear shims in place in the upper and lower hubs while the adhesive cures. (NOTE: PN 900R2101003−101−ATP1 replaces PN 900G2101003.) TS19 TS20 T909 (Ref. CSP−900IPL−4, 91−10−00, Fig. 18) Upper Seal Tool, Hub Install main rotor hub upper seal. TS20 T910 (Ref. CSP−900IPL−4, 91−10−00, Fig. 18) Lower Bearing/ Liner Tool, Hub Install main rotor hub lower bearing/liner TS20 T911 (Ref. CSP−900IPL−4, 91−10−00, Fig. 18) Lower Bearing − Seal and Outer Race Installation Tool, Hub Install main rotor hub lower bearing outer race and seal. TS20 T912 (Ref. CSP−900IPL−4, 91−10−00, Fig. 18) Upper Bearing − Outer Race Installation Tool, Hub Install main rotor hub upper bearing outer race. TS20 T913 (Ref. CSP−900IPL−4, 91−10−00, Fig. 18) Plate Tool, Hub Used to cover other main rotor hub tools TS20 to apply pressure. 91-00-00 TS19 Page 235 TR11−002 CSP−SPM MD Helicopters, Inc. STANDARD PRACTICE MANUAL Table 203. Ground Support Equipment and Special Tools (Cont.) Item No. Part No. Nomenclature Function Mfg/Supplier No. (Ref. Table 204) Main Rotor Requirement T914 (Ref. CSP−900IPL−4, 91−10−00, Fig. 18) Center Seal Tool, Install main rotor hub center seal and Hub used to cover other main rotor hub tools to apply pressure. TS20 T915 (Ref. CSP−900IPL−4, 91−10−00, Fig. 18) Bearing Preload Tool, Hub Used to set−up main rotor hub preload for shim selection. TS20 T916 (Ref. CSP−900IPL−4, 91−10−00, Fig. 18) Mast Tool, Hub Simulates mast during main rotor hub reassembly. TS20 T917 (Ref. CSP−900IPL−4, 91−10−00, Fig. 18) Race Removal Tool Removal of main rotor hub bearing races. TS20 Bearing Flange Cutting Tool Removal of main rotor swashplate drive link attach bearing swage flange. TS20 Main Rotor Bearing Removal Tool Removal of the lower seal. TS20 T918 T919 Page 236 TR11−002 900R2101004−ATP (Ref. CSP−900IPL−4, 91−10−00, Fig. 21) 91-00-00