The slides of this lecture are based on: Equilibrium Unemployment Theory The Labor Market Pissarides, Christopher A. (2000). Equilibrium Unemployment Theory, Aleksander Berentsen 2nd ed., Cambridge (MA): MIT Press. Uni Basel This book and the so-called Market Search-Models investigate the Spring term 2009 Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory consequences of decentralized labor markets. Spring term 2009 1 / 64 Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 2 / 64 Introduction Structure of this chapter 1 Introduction 2 Trade in the Labor Market 3 Job Creation 4 Workers 5 Wage Determination 6 Steady-State Equilibrium 7 Out-of-Steady-State Dynamics 8 Capital 9 Concluding remarks Introduction Aims of this chapter: Point out the nature of unemployment in the steady state. Show how wages and unemployment are jointly determined in an equilibrium model. Central concepts: Matching: The labor market is decentralized, uncoordinated economic activity. Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Bargaining: Wages are negotiable. Spring term 2009 3 / 64 Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 4 / 64 Trade in the Labor Market Trade in the Labor Market Trade in the Labor Market The matching-function models the frictions mentioned, without Matching: The matching function captures the implications of trade for market equilibrium: It gives the number of jobs formed at any moment in time as a function of the number of workers looking for jobs and the investigating their causes explicitly. It takes the inputs of the matching process (i.e., vacant jobs and job-seekers) and calculates the number of new jobs created. number of rms looking for workers. The matching function can be likened to a production function which The labor market is made up of heterogeneities, information calculates the amount of production given specic inputs, without imperfections and other frictions. analyzing the process of production. Examples of these are: diverse skills, dierent jobs, uncertainty as to the location and timing of job creation, and availability of suitable workers. This prevents the labor market from clearing automatically, contrary to classical labor market theory. Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 5 / 64 A steady state produces unemployment, because existing labor relationships are terminated before the unemployed can nd new jobs. Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Trade in the Labor Market Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 6 / 64 Trade in the Labor Market The model: Workers and rms are familiar with the matching function. Bargaining: There is no coordination either among workers or rms. Trade and production are completely separate activities: Before jobs can be created, rms and workers have to spend resources. Existing jobs, on the other hand, yield a return. The return produced by an occupied job is slitted between the rm Atomistic competition rules. Workers who have jobs will never go to the labor market to look for work (no on-the-job search). and worker. Similarly, a rm with a job that is occupied will not look for a new Negotiation: cooperative Nash-bargaining solution. worker either. In equilibrium all parties maximize their utility, given the behavior of all other parties. Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 7 / 64 Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 8 / 64 Trade in the Labor Market Trade in the Labor Market Notation: There are L workers in the labor market. u is the unemployment rate. v is the quota of vacant jobs, i.e. Mathematically, the matching function is monotonically rising for the number of vacant jobs as a concave and fraction of the labor force (vacancy rate). There are uL unemployed workers and vL vacancies. homogeneous of degree one. The number of job matches taking place per unit time (the function) is given by uL and vL, matching mL = m(uL, vL). (1) Constant returns to scale (CRS) produce a constant rate of unemployment. CRS are plausible since a in a growing economy constant returns ensure a constant unemployment rate, not a higher one. It gives the number of new employment relationships. The number of created jobs per unit of time thus depends on the number of unemployed workers and the number of job vacancies. Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 9 / 64 Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Trade in the Labor Market The elasticity is 1 − η(θ) ≥ 0. faster unemployed workers will nd jobs. Firms, however, can ll a job more quickly when is small, in other available. This is seen in that Spring term 2009 θ words, when there are few vacancies relative to the number of workers We note |ξ(θ)| = η(θ). Equilibrium Unemployment Theory (3) q (θ) The more vacant jobs there are, the larger θ = v /u will be, and the unemployed worker with probability Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) v m(uL, vL) = m 1, = θq (θ). uL u The mean duration of unemployment is 1/θ a vacant job is matched to an q (θ)∆t . Hence, the mean duration of a job is 1/q (θ). q 0 (θ) ≤ 0 The elasticity of q (θ), is ξ(θ) with 0 ≤ ξ(θ) ≤ −1. p(θ) ≡ (2) is the number of vacant jobs per unemployed worker. ∆t , 10 / 64 Similarly, the rate at which unemployed workers move into employment is u m(uL, vL) q (θ) ≡ =m ,1 vL v During a small time interval, Spring term 2009 Trade in the Labor Market The rate at which vacant jobs are lled is thus: θ = v /u Equilibrium Unemployment Theory 11 / 64 Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) q (θ) is falling in θ. Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 12 / 64 Trade in the Labor Market θ Trade in the Labor Market is a measure of labor-market tightness for the rm: Every job-seeker and every vacant job cause so-called search externalities: The tightness of the labor market is measured by the relationship of An additional job-seeker causes a positive externality for the rm but a available jobs to job-seekers. negative externality for the other job-seekers. The higher θ is, the tighter the labor market is for the rm. Each additional job-seeker produces an increased probability of This expresses the fact that a relatively small number of job-seekers have a large number of vacant jobs to choose from when θ is high. 1 − θq (θ)∆t that a co-seeker will not nd a vacancy. At the same time, the addition increases the probability It is therefore dicult to ll vacant jobs; and so, the market is said to specic vacancy will be lled. be tight. An additional vacancy will have an analogous eect. Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 13 / 64 Trade in the Labor Market Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory q (θ)∆t Spring term 2009 that a 14 / 64 Trade in the Labor Market The ow into unemployment (job destruction): A shock (reduction in productivity, fall in the relative price of goods produced, etc.) can make it no longer protable for the rm to oer the job. This kind of shock occurs with probability The ow out of unemployment (job creation): λ. In this simple model, every shock leads to immediate job separation Job creation takes place when a rm and a searching worker meet and (which in this model is equal to job destruction). Hence, the job agree to form a match at a negotiated wage. separation rate is λ. The number of job-seekers who nd a job is This process of job separation is exogenous in this version of the θq (θ)uL∆t . model. (5) The probability of a worker becoming unemployed in a small time interval is given by λ∆t . Without economic growth (L constant), the workers who enter unemployment in a short time interval ∆t is λ(1 − u )L∆t . Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory (4) Spring term 2009 15 / 64 Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 16 / 64 Trade in the Labor Market Job Creation Equilibrium unemployment: The evolution of mean unemployment is given by the dierence of the Firms: Job Creation ows into and out of unemployment: u̇ = du dt = λ(1 − u ) − θq (θ)u (6) Job creation takes place when a rm and a worker meet and agree to an employment contract. In equilibrium (steady state) the mean rate of unemployment is constant; i.e.: For convenience, we assume that rms are very small and employ only λ(1 − u ) = θq (θ)u (7) one worker. A rm can re a worker any time and will do so when there is a shock. We derive from this the equilibrium unemployment rate: u= A rm starts producing only once it has hired a worker. λ λ + θq (θ) (8) Products can be sold on the market at a constant price p > 0. This represents the productivity of a worker. The equilibrium unemployment rate is dependent on both transition probabilities; i.e., job creation and job destruction. The higher the rate of job-separations relative to the rate of job-matchings, the higher unemployment is in equilibrium. Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 17 / 64 Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Job Creation 18 / 64 Job Creation Let J be the present discounted value of expected prot from an occupied job and When a job is vacant, the rm is actively engaged in hiring at a xed cost Spring term 2009 V the present discounted value of expected prot from a vacant job. The value of a job when a rm enters the market is pc > 0 per unit time. V = −δ pc + q (θ)δ J + [1 − q (θ)]δ V . (9) The hiring cost is proportional to productivity of the worker, on the This can be rewritten as grounds that more productive workers are more costly to hire. (1 − δ)V = −δ pc + δ q (θ)(J − V ) The number of jobs oered is endogenous and maximizes the prot of the rm. Any rm is free to open a job vacancy and engage in hiring. From this follows that There is free market entry with a zero prot condition. rV Note that Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 (10) 19 / 64 = −pc + q (θ)(J − V ). r = (1 − δ)/δ and r Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) (11) is exogenous. Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 20 / 64 Job Creation Job Creation Equation (11) states that the return on the asset, a vacancy equal in size to the capital costs rV . V , is The asset value of an occupied job, The net return (return minus hiring fees) of a job to an employer equals J − V. J = δ(p − w ) + (1 − λ)δJ In equilibrium rents from vacancies are zero owing to free market entry. Therefore, V =0 (13) which is implying J= Filled jobs thus yield a return, i.e. As 1/ J , satises a value equation similar to the one for vacant jobs: pc q (θ) A net return of (12) p−w is earned, where w is the cost of labor. In addition, the job runs the exogenous risk of an adverse shock (job destruction). J > 0. V Note that q (θ) is the expected duration of a vacancy. is not a part of this equation because it is assumed that a rm aected by a shock disappears from the market. It will not reappear later to oer a job (complete irreversibility). Equation (12) in equilibrium, market tightness is such that the expected prot from a new job is equal to the expected cost of hiring a worker. Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 21 / 64 Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Job Creation Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 22 / 64 Job Creation Equation (15) produces a negative relationship between wage w in the θ, w θ = v /u and the space. The asset value of a lled job satises a value equation, similar to the one for vacancies: If rJ = p − w − λJ (14) J = pc /q (θ) is substituted in equation (14) we get p−w − (r + λ)pc =0 q (θ) (15) This equation gives the marginal condition for labor demand. If the rm had no hiring costs, i.e. condition p=w Figure: The job creation curve (JC) c = 0, then the standard marginal productivity would result. The downward sloping labor demand curve is also called the job creation condition (JC). In order to determine equilibrium, the supply side of the market has to be considered. We therefore now turn to workers. Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 23 / 64 Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 24 / 64 Workers Workers Workers Let U denote the present-discounted (cash) value of the expected income stream of an unemployed worker. In this model the labor force supply L is constant. W is the present-discounted (cash) value of the expected income stream of an employed worker. Moreover, each worker's search intensity is xed. p. A worker earns w when employed, and z when searching for a job. The expected income steam of an unemployed worker is thus Workers all have the same productivity U = δz + θq (θ)δW + [1 − θq (θ)]δU . Every worker is either employed or searching for employment. z covers unemployment insurance benets or some return from Reformulated, this gives self-employment. z rU = z + θq (θ)(W − U ). includes the imputed real return from unpaid leisure activities. Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 25 / 64 Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Workers λ. Spring term 2009 26 / 64 W equations (11) and (14). The asset that is valued is the unemployed worker's human capital. This gives W − U. is the minimum compensation that an unemployed worker requires to give up search, or the reservation wage. w and lose their jobs at the exogenous rate Hence, the expected income of a worker is Equation (17) has the same interpretation as the rm's asset rU (17) Workers Employed workers earn a wage The worker's net return is (16) rW = δ w + λδ U + (1 − λ)δ W . rW (18) = w + λ(U − W ). is not equivalent to the wage (19) w , because it reects the risk of unemployment. Workers stay in their jobs for as long as W ≥ U. The necessary and sucient condition for this is when Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 27 / 64 Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory w ≥ z. Spring term 2009 28 / 64 Workers Workers Substituting equations (17) and (19) in each other's equations gives (r + λ)z + θq (θ)w , r + λ + θq (θ) λz + [r + θq (θ)]w = r + λ + θq (θ) Since rU = rW (20) W ≥ U ). Without discounting ( r = 0), unemployed workers are not worse o than employed workers. Reason: Job allocation is random, and every worker is employed w −z W −U = r + λ + θq (θ) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory employed workers have higher permanent incomes than unemployed workers (so (21) TIP: First calculate the dierence Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) w ≥ z , it follows from (20) and (21) that with discounting, sometime (in an innite time horizon). Spring term 2009 29 / 64 Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Wage Determination Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 30 / 64 Wage Determination Wage Determination In equilibrium, occupied jobs yield a total return that is strictly greater that the sum of the expected returns of a searching rm and a For a given wage rate satises searching worker. A lled job yields a pure economic rent that is equal to the sum of For the worker, it is expected search costs of a searching rm and a searching worker. It is assumed that the monopoly rent is shared according to the Nash w , the rm's expected return from the job, J , rJ = p − w − λJ . rW (22) = w − λ(W − U ). solution to a bargaining problem. The net return from a job match contract is This rent is divided by xing the wage rate. for the worker. J −V (23) for the rm and W −U Since all workers and all jobs are identical in this model, a uniform wage w is established. This is an atomistic market, i.e. no individual participant is able to inuence the market. Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 31 / 64 Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 32 / 64 Wage Determination Wage Determination The Nash bargaining solution identies a value for w that maximizes the weighted product of the worker's and rm's net returns from the job match. In order to form the job match, the worker gives up rm gives up V for J. U for W In equation (24), and the U and V are called thread points. If the two parties are unable to agree, the worker will remain unemployed and the job vacant (which will not happen in this model Therefore the wage rate for the job satises given the assumptions on productivity and the arrival process of idiosyncratic shocks). w = arg max(W − U )β (J − V )1−β . In symmetric Nash bargaining solutions β= (24) 1 2 . A dierent β implies dierent measures of bargaining strength or rates of impatience. Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 33 / 64 Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Wage Determination Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 34 / 64 Wage Determination The FOC from equation (24) satises rU W − U = β(J + W − V − U ) (25) in the equilibrium solution (26) is not particularly interesting. Another method for deriving the wage equation results by following the subsequent steps: In equilibrium, equation (20) holds. Consequently, β is labor's share of the total surplus that an occupied job creates q (θ) = (called the sharing rule). In order to obtain equilibrium, W and J are substituted from (23) and (22) into (25), and the equilibrium condition V =0 is imposed. The Workers receive their reservation wage rU J= (26) and a fraction β of the net (27) The FOC, equation (25), can be rewritten as wage equation is thus w = rU + β(p − rU ) pc . J Note that in equilibrium V 1 −β (W − U ). β (28) = 0. surplus that they create by accepting the job. Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 35 / 64 Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 36 / 64 Wage Determination Wage Determination Equations (27) and (28) are inserted into rU = z + θq (θ)(W − U ) (29) pc θ is the average hiring cost for each unemployed worker (since pc θ = pcv /u and pcv is total hiring cost in the economy). Workers are rewarded for the saving of hiring costs that the representative rm enjoys when a job is formed. This gives rU = z + β pc θ. 1−β (30) θ indicates the tightness of the labor market. With a high θ there is a large number of jobs relative to number of workers. The resulting equation for the reservation wage can now be In this situation, the workers have a strong bargaining position which substituted back into the original wage equation (26): has a positive eect on their wages. This produces an upward-sloping relationship between w = (1 − β)z + β p(1 + c θ) Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory (31) Spring term 2009 37 / 64 w and θ This is the case in spite of a xed labor force size. Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Wage Determination Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 38 / 64 Steady-State Equilibrium Steady-State Equilibrium The upward-sloping relation is expressed by the wage setting function (subsequently called wage curve). Equation (31) replaces the labor supply curve of Walrasian models. We have a triple (u , v , w ) that satises the ow equilibrium condition (8) u= λ , λ + θq (θ) (32) (r + λ)pc = 0, q (θ) (33) the job creation condition (15) p−w − and the wage equation (31) w = (1 − β)z + β p(1 + c θ). Figure: The wage curve (WC) Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 39 / 64 Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory (34) Spring term 2009 40 / 64 Steady-State Equilibrium Steady-State Equilibrium v consecutively. If u and θ are known, the number of lled jobs, (1 − u )L, and the number of vacancies, θ uL, are also known. Equations (33) and (34) determine the wage rate w and the tightness For convenience, we will work with of the labor market θ and instead of θ. The unemployment rate u can be calculated from equation (32). Equilibrium is unique (which is illustrated with the help of the following two diagrams). Figure: Equilibrium wages and market tightness. Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 41 / 64 Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Steady-State Equilibrium Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 42 / 64 Steady-State Equilibrium The Beveridge diagram (gure on slide 46): The job creation curve, equation (33), says that a higher wage rate leads to reduced job vacancies and thus lowers the equilibrium ratio of jobs to workers. Equation for this The wage curve, equation (34), says that a tighter labor market negotiated. (θ, w ) θ (1 − β)(p − z ) − is at the intersection ot the two curves and it is r + λ + βθq (θ) pc = 0. q (θ) JC is a line through the origin, with slope Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 is independent of can be explicitly derived by substituting wages unique. Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) θ from (34) into (33), to get the job creation line (JC) increases the bargaining strength of workers and a higher wage is Equilibrium The gure on slide 42 shows that the equilibrium unemployment. 43 / 64 Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) (35) θ. Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 44 / 64 Steady-State Equilibrium Steady-State Equilibrium The steady-state condition for unemployment, equation (32), is the Beveridge curve (BC). The Beveridge curve is convex to the origin by the properties of the matching technology: When there are more vacancies, unemployment is lower because the unemployed nd jobs more easily. Diminishing returns to scale to individual inputs in matching imply the convex shape. Equilibrium vacancies and unemployment are at the unique intersection of the job creation line and the Beveridge curve. Figure: Equilibrium vacancies and unemployment Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 45 / 64 Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Steady-State Equilibrium Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 46 / 64 Steady-State Equilibrium Comparative Statics Productivity p: Higher productivity pc p leads to higher wages and lower unemployment (with held constant). Since β < 1, JC in gure on slide 42 shifts by more, so both w and θ increase (see also equation (35)) In gure on slide 46 this rotates the job creation line anticlockwise, increasing vacancies and reducing unemployment. Remark: This result cannot be maintained if in p. z increases proportionally Figure: Eects of a higher productivity Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 47 / 64 Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 48 / 64 Steady-State Equilibrium Unemployment income z: Higher unemployment income unemployment (a higher β z Steady-State Equilibrium leads to higher wages and higher produces similar eects): Workers claim a higher wage because their reservation wage increases with a higher z. Firms nd it less attractive to create jobs. It is important that the disincentive eects are ignored here, i.e. in spite of higher z , the unemployed continue to seek employment. Figure: Eects of a higher unemployment income Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 49 / 64 Steady-State Equilibrium Interest rate r: A higher interest rate r Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 50 / 64 Steady-State Equilibrium leads to lower wages and higher unemployment. The reason is to be found in the heavy discounting of future revenues in the short-term horizon. We have shown that workers are indierent between being unemployed and employed with r = 0. r The less patient workers are ( increases), the more important it is for them to nd a job. Hence, wages drop. Figure: Eects of a higher interest rate Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 51 / 64 Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 52 / 64 Steady-State Equilibrium Steady-State Equilibrium Beveridge curve (BC): An exogenous fall in the matching function can cause the BC to shift out. This may be caused by frictions in the labor market. A worsening in the matching function leads to lower wages and higher unemployment. Another cause of changes that can shift the Beveridge curve is an increase in exogenously occurring shocks A higher λ λ: shifts the Beveridge curve out because at a given unemployment rate u a higher λ implies a bigger ow into unemployment than out of it. Unemployment needs to increase to bring the ow out of unemployment into equality with the higher inow. Figure: Eects of a shift in the Beveridge curve Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 53 / 64 Out-of-Steady-State Dynamics Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 54 / 64 Out-of-Steady-State Dynamics How does the economy react to an increase in productivity Out-of-Steady-State Dynamics Immediate reaction: w and θ p? jump instantly to their new values. There is no adjustment dynamic. The model's dynamics: Changes in the parameters have an immediate eect on the wage w (through the assumption that wages can be renegotiated any time). By the assumption that the expected prot from the creation of a new job vacancy is zero, rms have to be able to adjust their vacancies immediately, i.e. v and thus θ are both jump variables. However, the unemployment rate u does not jump because it is tied to the matching function that matches unemployed workers with vacancies over time. Figure: Eects of an increase in productivity Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 55 / 64 Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 56 / 64 Out-of-Steady-State Dynamics Capital This direct eect immediately rotates the JC in the Beveridge diagram. Vacancies jump immediately to their new value. The unemployment rate Capital however moves along the JC to the new equilibrium point C. Assumptions: There is a perfect second-hand capital market. The interest rate is exogenous. The rm can buy and sell capital at the price of output. Since capital is costly, vacancies do not own capital. Figure: Eects of an increase in productivity Vacancies have the tendency to overshoot. Firms create a lot of new jobs which are then closed in the matching process over a period of time until equilibrium is re-established. Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 57 / 64 Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Capital Spring term 2009 58 / 64 Capital Asset value of a vacant job: Productivity Still given by equation (11), p is reinterpreted as a labor-augmenting productivity rV parameter that measures the eciency units of labor. K is aggregate capital. N is aggregate employment. F (K , pN ) is an aggregate production function with positive but = −pc + q (θ)(J − V ). Asset value value of an occupied job: J + pk . The real capital cost of the job is r (J + pk ). The job yields the net return pf (k ) − δ pk − w . The asset value of a job is now given by diminishing marginal products and constant returns to scale. k is the ratio K /pN . f (k ) = F (K /pN , 1) is the output per eciency unit of labor. f (k ) satises f 0 (k ) > 0 and f 00 (k ) < 0. The job runs a risk of an adverse shock J λ, which leads to a loss of is hence determined by the condition r (J + pk ) = pf (k ) − δpk − w − λJ . Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 59 / 64 J. Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 (36) 60 / 64 Capital Capital A rearrangement of equation (36) gives rJ = p[f (k ) − (r + δ)k ] − w − λJ , (37) which generalizes equation (14). It can be seen that only the job product p is aected by the introduction of capital. Therefore the model can be solved as before but with the generalization that product p is multiplied by [f (k ) − (r + δ)k ]: (38) p[f (k ) − (r + δ)k ] − w − (39) (r + λ)pc = 0, q (θ) w = (1 − β)z + β p[f (k ) − (r + δ)k + c θ], λ u= . λ + θq (θ) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory r , equation (38) gives the capital-labor ratio. With knowledge of r and k , equations (39) and (40) give wages and With knowledge of market tightness. With knowledge of f 0 (k ) = r + δ, Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) This equilibrium system is recursive: Spring term 2009 θ, equation (41) determines unemployment. Notice: The essential features of the unemployment model remain unaltered and the capital decision is unaected by the existence of (40) matching frictions. Hence, the eects described with the gures on slides 42 and 46 stay the same with capital. (41) 61 / 64 Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Concluding remarks Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 62 / 64 Concluding remarks Concluding remarks This model demonstrates how both unemployment and vacancies can exist concurrently in labor market equilibrium. Existing frictions in the labor market are formed by the matching function. The job creation rate is the same as the job destruction rate in the The key reason for this is that the searching activities of the steady state. If there is a deviation from it, there will be a dynamic unemployed and job-seekers bear frictions that prevent the labor readjustment that equalizes both rates. market from clearing automatically. Search externalities play a role in the derivation of the results. They are the reason that price is not the sole allocation mechanism. For Since the job destruction rate is given as exogenous with λ, q (θ) adapts. every price, there is always a positive probability that a vacancy will not be lled or an unemployed worker will not nd a job. Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 63 / 64 Aleksander Berentsen (Uni Basel) Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Spring term 2009 64 / 64