a PDF copy of the schedule and descriptions.

4th Annual HireTouch E3 Conference Schedule
Wednesday, May 18
6-8 pm
Early Check In
6-8 pm
Welcome Reception
Thursday, May 19
7:30-8 am
Continental Breakfast
8-8:30 am
Welcome Address
Join Mike McBrady, President and CEO of ImageTrend, as he kicks off the conference with a welcoming address.
8:30-8:45 am
8:45-9:45 am
How to Ensure the Best Experience for Your Candidate
It's time to simplify and streamline your candidate experience - and have a larger, more qualified applicant pool. Beyond attending job fairs, providing an awesome benefits package or promoting
employee perks, what else can you do to create the best candidate experience? During this session, you will learn about statuses, mobile end to end, the Vitae integration, document management and
self-scheduling, and how these can help ease your candidate's experience.
9:45-10 am
10-11:30 am
What Exactly Can I Do in the Employee Tab? An In-Depth Look
The employee tab houses an abundance of detail, so what exactly can you do? Get a look at the Employee Portal during this session, and get an in-depth look
at the employee profile, internal postings and disciplines.
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
12:30-1:30 pm
Designing Great Experiences for Your Internal Users
It's time to simplify the experience for everyone involved! Design a better experience for your users through role-specific setup, views, security and the recruiter experience.
1:30-1:45 am
1:45-2:15 pm
2:15-2:30 pm
2:30-3:30 pm
3:30-3:45 pm
3:45-4:15 pm
Open Discussion: Learning Management Succession Planning
This is your opportunity to connect with your peers and the HireTouch team to discuss learning
management succession planning, and what the future looks like for the industry and HireTouch.
Open Discussion: How Do You Use HireTouch?
Each system is set up slightly different, with each organization having learned various nuances, and
tips and tricks. During this discussion, share how you're using HireTouch and seize the opportunity to
learn new ways to use HireTouch or to just pick the minds
of fellow professionals on their hiring and employee management practices.
Ways HireTouch Can Streamline Committee Hiring
Committees can be a necessary component of the hiring process, and can be time consuming to
manage with loads of paperwork. So how can this process be simplified and streamlined using
HireTouch? Attend this session to understand diversity and user creation for committee
Reporting Lab: Hands-On Learning with Report Writer
You already know what Report Writer is, but do you know how to build effective reports? Maybe you
don't enjoy reading documentation or prefer the hands-on, in-person approach - either way, this
session is for you! This is your chance to dive into the system and build the report you want. You can
expect a multi-faceted approach, including step-by-step instruction and individual attention. Bring
your laptop for the opportunity to interact with our full-featured Report Writer. *This session requires
attendees to bring a laptop. These will not be provided. This session will be repeated.
Help! Understanding Tools Available to You
We know you're an expert in your HireTouch system, but having resources available at your
fingertips is an invaluable resource. During this session, you will get an in-depth look at Support Suite
and ImageTrend University. With these resources, you can reach the HireTouch team,
find the answer with step-by-step instructions, or share your ideas about product
development and enhancement.
Open Discussion: Position Management
Have your voice heard! This is your opportunity to connect with other HireTouch users
and the development team to discuss Position Management.
4:15-4:30 pm
4:30-5:30 pm
Hooley Award Reception
During this reception, the winner of the 2nd Annual Hooley Awards for HireTouch will be announced. This is sure to be a celebration you don't want to miss!
7:00 PM
SkyDeck Bar & Grill
Friday, May 20
7:30-8 am
Continental Breakfast
8-8:30 am
Understanding the Importance of Evaluations
There is no question that evaluations are widely used, for everyone from employees to candidates. Do you know why you should be doing evaluations though?
Hear from ImageTrend's HR team on their use of evaluations and what they have discovered about the importance of evaluations.
8:30-8:45 am
8:45-9:45 am
Personalized Filtering & More: Improving the Search Experience
Utilizing HireTouch can be made more simple - take your use of HireTouch to the next level and improve how you use search functions. During this session, you
will learn about inline editing, applicant tagging and personlized filtering.
9:45-10 am
10-11 am
11-11:15 am
11:15 am - 12:15 pm
12:15-1 pm
1-2 pm
2-2:15 pm
Lightning Round: Tips & Tricks in Two Minutes or Less
This is your chance to ask the HireTouch team questions about setup and configuration. Enjoy learning various tips and tricks from each member as
they answer your questions lightning fast!
Reporting Lab: Hands-On Learning with Report Writer
Extending HireTouch: Why Integrations Are Important to Success
You already know what Report Writer is, but do you know how to build effective reports? Maybe you
You know you need an integration, but why? Integrations don't need to be complicated - this session
don't enjoy reading documentation or prefer the hands-on, in-person approach - either way, this
will focus on understanding the ins and outs of integrating systems and processes. You will leave
session is for you! This is your chance to dive into the system and build the report you want. You can
with a better understanding of how to utilize integrations and how they expand your system's
expect a multi-faceted approach, including step-by-step instruction and individual attention. Bring
functionality. Featured integrations will include Chronicle Vitae, Banner, LMS and SmartBen.
your laptop for the opportunity to interact with our full-featured Report Writer. *This session requires
attendees to bring a laptop. These will not be provided. This session will be repeated.
Reporting Lab: Hands-On Learning with Report Writer
You already know what Report Writer is, but do you know how to build effective reports? Maybe you
Lose the Confusion - Setting Up HireTouch to Work for You
don't enjoy reading documentation or prefer the hands-on, in-person approach - either way, this
So you're already using HireTouch, but how can you set it up to work for you? Your days are already
session is for you! This is your chance to dive into the system and build the report you want. You can
complicated - you need something to rely on to work for you and provide the detail you need when
expect a multi-faceted approach, including step-by-step instruction and individual attention. Bring
you want it. During this session, you can expect to walk through setup, CMS and forms.
your laptop for the opportunity to interact with our full-featured Report Writer. *This session requires
attendees to bring a laptop. These will not be provided. This session will be repeated.
2:15-3:15 pm
Conceptualizing Hooley: What Are Your Ideas?
The Hooley Awards recognize those using HireTouch in a new or innovative way to meet the needs of their organization. Our clients play a role in improving our
products and furthering our community. This is your opportunity to conceptualize Hooley and share your ideas!
3:15-3:30 pm
3:30-4 pm
Closing Remarks & Sneak Peek
This is sure to be a session you don't want to miss. Stay to the end to hear what you can expect to see in the future - these details are only
available to conference attendees!