Power Supplies Linear Regulated Supplies Switched Regulated Supplies Batteries Alternating Current Im The Power Supply πt π /2 π 2π Direct -Im Im Current Idc π/2 -Im ٢ http://bkaragoz.kau.edu.sa π 2π πt Exercise 1 The current in a 10 Ω resistor is 5*sin(314t) A • Draw the waveform of the current • Define and calculate the following values for the current: – – – – Peak Peak to peak Average Root Mean Square (RMS) • Calculate the value of the power dissipated by the resistor • How much would be the current if it would be DC to generate the same power on the resistor? ٣ http://bkaragoz.kau.edu.sa Power supply terminology PAV 1 T 2 R T 2 = ∫ i Rdt = ∫ i dt = I eff2 R T 0 T 0 I eff = I rms 1 T 2 2 = i dt = average i T ∫0 Effective (rms) value of alternating component of the wave ripplefactor(r) = Average (dc) value of the wave V ML - V FL Load regulation (%) = 100 = R0 x 100 V⊗ RL Input regulation (% / V I N ∆V O )= x 100 ∆V I N •V O VO x IL POUT Efficiency ( η ) = = PI N V I N x I I N ٤ http://bkaragoz.kau.edu.sa Alternating Current Im Im Idc π/2 π πt 2π Direct Current π/2 π 2π πt -Im -Im AC line components AC Input Step-down transformer Rectifier Filter Regulator DC Output Block diagram of a linear regulated power supply ٥ http://bkaragoz.kau.edu.sa Unregulated supply with ac line components (a transient suppressor and line filter) Fuse ac line filter ac line transformer 127 Vrms Filter capacitor + 60 Hz Input socket ٦ Transient suppressor Snubber http://bkaragoz.kau.edu.sa Bridge rectifier Unregulated dc output Fuse ac line filter ac line transformer Filter capacitor 127 Vrms + Unregulated dc output 60 Hz Input Transient socket suppressor Snubber Bridge rectifier •fast blow fuses cut the power as quick as they can •slow blow fuses tolerate more short term overload •wire link fuses are just an open piece of wire, and have poorer overload characteristics than glass and ceramic fuses ٧ http://bkaragoz.kau.edu.sa Transient suppressor and line filter Fuse ac line filter ac line transformer 127 Vrms Filter capacitor + 60 Hz Input socket ٨ Transient suppressor Snubber http://bkaragoz.kau.edu.sa Bridge rectifier Unregulated dc output Fuse ac line filter ac line transformer 127 Vrms Filter capacitor + Unregulated dc output 60 Hz Input socket Transient suppressor Snubber Bridge rectifier RC Snubbers ٩ http://bkaragoz.kau.edu.sa Transformer +Vdiodes Vunregulate d+Vripple Vtransforme r= 2η ١٠ http://bkaragoz.kau.edu.sa V transformer = V unregulated +V ripple+V diodes Exercise – 2 2η • For transformer in a power supply – – – – – Required average output voltage = 10 V Ripple voltage = 1 V Diode drops = 2 V Output current (average) = 1 A Efficiency (η) of the transformer = 0.8 • Find the required output voltage of the transformer • Find the input current of the transformer if the input voltage is 220 V • Find the output power delivered by the power supply • Find the power loss by the transformer ١١ http://bkaragoz.kau.edu.sa Rectifier Diodes Diode Maximum Current Maximum Reverse Voltage ١٢ 1N4001 1A 50V 1N4002 1A 100V 1N4007 1A 1000V 1N5401 3A 100V 1N5408 3A 1000V http://bkaragoz.kau.edu.sa Half-Wave Rectified (Single Diode Rectifier) Vo = Vm - Vd with Vd ≅ 1 volt. Vdc = (Vm - Vd)/π , Vrms = (Vm - Vd)/2 yielding a ripple factor (r) = 1.21 VmSinωt 127 Vrms 60 Hz + D1 RL - ١٣ Output: half-wave varying DC (Pulsating DC) (using only half the AChttp://bkaragoz.kau.edu.sa wave) D1 Vo = Vm - Vd with + Vd ≅ 1 volt. RL D2 Vdc = 2*(Vm - Vd)/π, Vrms = (Vm - Vd)/√2 yielding a much - reduced ripple factor that is r = 0.483 Full-wave rectified with a center tapped transformer Vm π/2 -Vm ١٤ http://bkaragoz.kau.edu.sa π 2π Bridge Rectifiers ١٥ http://bkaragoz.kau.edu.sa D1 + D2 D3 RL D4 Vm Full-wave rectified with a bridge rectifier ١٦ -Vm http://bkaragoz.kau.edu.sa D1 D4 π/2 π D2 D3 2π Pulsating DC Smoothing Filters Types of smoothing filters • Capacitive • Inductive • L – Section • π - Section ١٧ http://bkaragoz.kau.edu.sa Capacitive filter Amplitude IL Light load Heavy load Filter capacitor Rectifier diodes Filtered DC Time C = smoothing capacitance in farads (F) Io = output current from the supply in amps (A) Vs = supply voltage in volts (V), this is the peak value of the unsmoothed DC f = frequency of the AC supply in hertz (Hz) ١٨ http://bkaragoz.kau.edu.sa Effect of Capacitance on Ripple Amplitude Light load + Vi - C RL + Vo - Heavy load T1 T2 T Time Assuming that the load current stays constant, the ripple voltage (peak to variation at the top of the waveform) can be approximately from the charge lost by the capacitor as IL=C*Vr/T1 yielding Vr=IL*T1/C. T1 ≈ T; Vr=IL/2fC for full-wave rectified; IL = Vdc/RL ; r=2400/RLC and Vdc=(Vi - 4200Idc/C) where C is in μF and f = 60 Hz ١٩ http://bkaragoz.kau.edu.sa Some Facts on Smoothing Capacitors • C ↑⇒ r ↓ ⇒ charging time T2 ↓ ⇒ larger currents to flow through the rectifier diodes. Eventually, rectifier diodes and the transformer will be afflicted by increased I2R heating. • Care for: – The ripple voltage we can tolerate → value of C and its tolerance – Polarity – The maximum DC voltage that the capacitor can withstand (the working DC (WVDC)) >50% more than the maximum voltage is a good choice – Appreciable series inductive components → may not behave as an effective capacitive element for high frequency spikes ⇒ Add a small parallel capacitor • Add a small series resistance (to conduction resistance of the diode and wire resistance of the transformer) – Improves the ripple factor considerably. – Limit the forward current → extend the life of diodes and transformer • The charged capacitor retains some charge → A (bleeder) resistor (around 1 kΩ, 0.25 or 0.5 W) connected across discharges the capacitor in a few seconds. If a led indicator is connected, then no need for such a resistor. ٢٠ http://bkaragoz.kau.edu.sa Inductive Filters + Vi - L RL + Vi: Rectified input voltage Vo - Vo: Filtered output volt RL: Effective load resistance • Inductive filters have better control of the ripple for large load currents. • The inductor behaves as a short circuit for the DC component. Hence, when 2fL » RL the DC value of the output is approximately 2Vi/π and the ripple factor r ≈ 0.118RL/fL where RL is the effective load resistance, f is the frequency of the ripple and L is the inductance (in Henry). ٢١ http://bkaragoz.kau.edu.sa L and π section filters + Vi + L C RL - Vo - + Vi - C1 + Vo C2 RL π - section L - section r = 3300/C1RLC2L Vdc = Vm-4200*Idc/C r = 0.83/LC Vdc = 0.636Vm ٢٢ L http://bkaragoz.kau.edu.sa - Summary of filter responses + + + L + + + + L + L Vi Vo Vo Vi RL Vo Vi R Vi C L RL Vo C1 C2 R L C - Capacitive Inductive L - section π - section Vi: Rectified input voltage; Vo: Filtered output volt. R L : Effective load resistance; Frequency: 60 Hz Effective (rms) value of AC part Ripple factor (r) = ----------------------------------------Average (dc) value of output r Vdc ٢٣ R L ----1600L 2400 -----R C L 0.83 ----LC 0.636Vm Vm-4200Idc/C 0.636Vm http://bkaragoz.kau.edu.sa 3300 --------C R C L 1 L 2 Vm-4200Idc/C Exercise 3 A series R-L circuit has R = 0.1 kΩ and L = 10 mH. The circuit is excited by Vi = 5 + 10 sin(1000t) V • Draw the circuit diagram • Calculate the voltages across R and L ٢٤ http://bkaragoz.kau.edu.sa Duties for next lecture • Study linear (dissipative) regulated power supplies from the lecture notes • Solve the exercises in this lecture in detail at home and bring it to the next lecture for a discussion in class • Be prepared for a quiz and active learning ٢٥ http://bkaragoz.kau.edu.sa