ECET11 Lab Activity #6 Part 1 Given the circuit below: Enzo Paterno Students: __________________________________ __________________________________ Construct the circuit shown below: R << XL given the operating frequency so that V A ≈ VL Digital Storage Oscilloscope IR = IL VS 6 VPP 10 kHz ≈ VL L 10 mH R 47 Ω VR 1 ECET11 Lab Activity #6 Part 1 Enzo Paterno Students: __________________________________ __________________________________ VR and IR are in phase and IR = IL. Thus, VR and IL are in phase. The oscilloscope waveforms represent the phase relationship between VL and IL . Draw the Channel 1 and Channel 2 waveforms. Measure the phase difference between the two waveforms. t θ = 360° T θ = _________ 2 ECET11 Lab Activity #6 Part 2 Given the circuit below: Enzo Paterno Students: __________________________________ __________________________________ Construct the circuit shown below: Digital Storage Oscilloscope Measure VR (Pk-Pk) for various frequencies (10 kHz, 20 kHz, 40 kHz, 60 kHz, 80 kHz, 100 kHz) and record your answers in the table provided on page 5. VS 8 VPP 10 kHz CH1 L 10 mH R 1 kΩ VRmeasured 3 ECET11 Lab Activity #6 Part 2 Given the circuit below: Enzo Paterno Students: __________________________________ __________________________________ Construct the circuit shown below (i.e. Reverse the components): Measure VL (Pk-Pk) for various frequencies (10 kHz, 20 kHz, 40 kHz, 60 kHz, 80 kHz, 100 kHz) and record your answers in the table provided on page 5. Digital Storage Oscilloscope CH1 VS 8 VPP 10 kHz R 1 kΩ L 10 mH VLmeasured 4 ECET11 Lab Activity #6 Part 2 Enzo Paterno Students: __________________________________ __________________________________ measured VRVmeasured R I TVmeasured R computed VLmeasured Using Ohm’s law compute ITmeasured (i.e. VRmeasured / R) for the circuit at each frequency and enter your values In the table above. Using the measured values of VLmeasured and the values of ITmeasured compute XL for each frequency and enter your results in the table above. Compute XL for each frequency using the equation XL = 2π f L and enter your results 5 in the table above. ECET11 Lab Activity #6 Part 3 Enzo Paterno Students: __________________________________ __________________________________ Plot the two values of XL (for each frequency) for the last two columns 6 ECET11 Lab Activity #6 Part 4 Given the circuit below: Enzo Paterno Students: __________________________________ __________________________________ Construct the circuit shown below: Trigger on Channel 1. Measure VR(pk-pk) and record the measurement on Part 6 table. θR relative to VS can be determined using: θ= Digital Storage Oscilloscope t 360° T T = Period t = time between the points where the 2 waveforms cross the t-axis. Record the computation on Part 6 table. VS VS 8 VPP 20 kHz L 10 mH R 1 kΩ VR 7 ECET11 Lab Activity #6 Part 5 Given the circuit below: Enzo Paterno Students: __________________________________ __________________________________ Construct the circuit shown below: Trigger on Channel 1. Measure VL(pk-pk) and record the measurement on Part 6 table. θL relative to VS can be determined using: θ= Digital Storage Oscilloscope t 360° T T = Period t = time between the Points where the 2 waveforms cross the t-axis. Record the computation on Part 6 table. R 1 kΩ VS VS 8 VPP 20 kHz L 10 mH VL 8 ECET11 Lab Activity #6 Part 6 Enzo Paterno Students: __________________________________ __________________________________ Frequency VR θR VL θL 20 kHz 45 kHz 90 kHz 180 kHz 350 kHz Measurement results for: VR and VL (Peak-Peak) Computations for θR and θL relative to VS 9 ECET11 Lab Activity #6 Part 7 Enzo Paterno Students: __________________________________ __________________________________ Frequency VS = V + V 2 R 2 L VL VR θ S = tan −1 20 kHz 45 kHz 90 kHz 180 kHz 350 kHz Use the data from Part 6 table to calculate the magnitude and phase angle of VS and enter the results in the Part 7 table. 10 ECET11 Lab Activity #6 Part 8 Enzo Paterno Students: __________________________________ __________________________________ + 90 º + 90 º + 45 º + 90 º + 45 º 0º 0º -45 º - 90 º 20 kHz + 45 º 0º -45 º -45 º - 90 º - 90 º 90 kHz 350 kHz Use the results from Part 6 and Part 7 tables to draw the voltage phasor diagrams for VR, VL, and VS at frequencies of 20 kHz, 90 kHz and 350 kHz. 11