View the 2010 report. - St. Joseph`s Hospital

The Hospital Sisters of St. Francis sought to deeply understand the needs of people in the Chippewa Valley and western Wisconsin
when they established St. Joseph's Hospital in Chippewa Falls in 1885 and a few short years later created Sacred Heart Hospital
in nearby Eau Claire. Today, both hospitals are continuing the Sisters' mission the way they would have - by starting at the
grassroots level. As our hospitals continue the five-year strategic planning "Imagining the Future: 2016," we are asking people
of all ages and from all walks of life to help us chart the future of health care in this area. Our hospitals are reaching out to the
communities we serve, especially to those people who are most in need. Log on to to join the
conversation and share your dreams about the future of health care. By participating, you will help St. Joseph's and
Sacred Heart hospitals provide better access and better serve the needs of people who call this part of Wisconsin home.
can you
what i would do if i could do all i can?
sun tzu
Imagine being a young woman journeying to the remote woods of upstate
Wisconsin. Your journey will not end at a modern lakeside resort or luxurious
spa retreat. It is 1885 and your journey will end in the small logging
community of Chippewa Falls. You are a member of the Hospital Sisters of
the Third Order of St. Francis and you have been sent from Springfield,
Illinois, on a mission to provide health care services to the growing
community of loggers and farmers to the far north.
For many of us, this may seem like a difficult and uncomfortable mission to
be sent on. But for the four Sisters who arrived in Chippewa Falls and
founded St. Joseph's Hospital, it was a mission they believed in, a vision they
shared and a dream they knew could come true... a dream to establish a
hospital and health care system that would serve Chippewa-area families for
decades to come.
Today, let us imagine a different kind of journey. It is a journey driven by
reform, costs and access. It is a journey where the roadmap changes daily and
roadblocks abound. But, we share the same dream four Sisters had 125 years
ago: to sponsor a hospital and health care system that is responsive,
innovative and engaging.
Just like the Sisters before us, our journey
contains risks that must be faced head-on and
challenges that must be looked at and addressed in the most appropriate
manner. Our Sisters have taught us that it is wise to have a dream that excites
us and propels us forward filled with clarity that what we wish to accomplish
is for the good of all and must be done. We have had good teachers and 125
years in which to learn. We have been blessed with the support of our
Chippewa Falls community and beyond. We have reached out to one another
in our times of need and we have been there for each other because it is the
compassionate thing to do and it exemplifies Christ's healing love for one
On behalf of our Sisters, I thank our colleagues and physicians, community
and business leaders for sharing our vision for 125 years. We have
accomplished much together but our mission is not over, and it never will be.
So at this time, let us once again remind ourselves of a dream that has spanned
more than a century... a dream to be the best we can be together.
Joan M. Coffman
President and Chief Executive Officer
St. Joseph’s Hospital
Our Chippewa Valley community has been transformed many times over by
human progress. In the 1880s, the Hospital Sisters of St. Francis responded to
calls from the communities of Chippewa Falls and Eau Claire to start hospitals.
At that time, most medical care took place in the home and there were fewer
than 200 hospitals in the United States.
1880s by selling $5 insurance “tickets” in the lumber camps that provided
hospitalization in case of sickness or accident. In the Chippewa Valley, logging
industries gave way to other industries related to the automobile and other
assembly line production. Our health care evolved to meet these changing
Back then, transportation was by horse and buggy or train. Scientific progress
was transforming medicine with advances in microbiology and discoveries that
linked microorganisms with disease. The scientific method became established
in medicine and by the first decade of the 20th century, gauze face masks and
rubber gloves became standard in operating rooms. Human blood types were
charted and the first blood pressure cuff was invented.
Today, our hospitals have evolved along a brisk trajectory of scientific progress
to become centers of excellence with advanced technology that one would
expect to find in major metropolitan cities like Minneapolis or Chicago. Their
healing Mission combines twenty-first century medical innovations and
technology – some of the most advanced in the world – with a Franciscan
healing tradition. Even with state-of-the-art technology that brings patients
from other states for specialized care, these community hospitals continue to
know and serve the needs of people in western Wisconsin.
Following their historic mission to serve the sick, the aged, the poor, the
Hospital Sisters believed that the dignity of every human person required the
best in healing care for body, mind and spirit, regardless of
race, creed, or ability to pay.
In the 1880s, the Hospital Sisters of St. Francis first
articulated their vision for a hospital to residents of
Chippewa Falls and Eau Claire, Wisconsin. They
invited people from all walks of life to participate
in their Mission to bring comfort, hope and
healing to the sick. From the beginning,
relationships were built upon integrity and trust –
a tradition that continues today. From the day of
their arrival, the Hospital Sisters of St. Francis
listened to these communities. They addressed and
met the health care needs of the day, beginning in the
Over decades, Sacred Heart and St. Joseph's Hospitals have continually
listened to their communities and then delivered on their promises to meet
their community's needs. As a result, our hospitals have created new programs,
delivered on new services, purchased new technologies to be able to meet needs
whenever identified regardless of profitability. Sacred Heart and St. Joseph's
Hospitals are the only health care providers in the community to have always
provided care to patients covered by BadgerCare, the State program for the
Hospital Sisters Health System
Western Wisconsin Division
HealiNg care for body, miNd and spirit
guided by the mission and leGacy
While the health care reform debates continue around the country, the
Hospital Sisters Health System (HSHS) and our colleagues confidently
and quietly continue providing excellent care for those whom we are
privileged to serve in Illinois and Wisconsin. I am inspired by the
dedication of our many passionate physicians, nurses, administrators and
colleagues, who, day in and day out vigilantly uphold the precepts of our
founding Sisters, who lived solely to make the quality of the lives of the
poor and vulnerable better.
During this critical time in the evolution of health care, HSHS strives to
utilize every aspect of the health care system to continue our Mission of
service and to improve the lives of our patients and their families. Our Care
Integration strategy is designed specifically to unite the diverse talents of
our many dedicated physicians, nurses and clinicians to provide our
patients with high-quality health care.
Our physicians are in the forefront of medical innovation, blending their
expertise with the most passionate care of the whole person - body, mind
and spirit. Our nurses diligently ensure that they bring the utmost
professionalism and care to each patient, while our technicians tap into the
vast potential of advanced technology to improve our care and delivery
Throughout the System, we are guided by the Mission and legacy of
service of the Hospital Sisters of St. Francis. At the same time, we are
firmly grounded in modern best practices utilizing state-of-the-art
technology administered by skilled and compassionate health care
professionals. It is our legacy of service, rooted in compassion and faith that
sets Hospital Sisters Health System apart and carries us with Respect,
Care, Competence and Joy, into the future.
Warm regards,
Larry P. Schumacher
Hospital Sisters Health System
Interim President, Chief Executive Officer
and Chief Operating Officer
aGainst all odds
Paul Tomczak nearly lost his limbs - and his life - after dangerous blood
clots developed in his lower leg and rapidly began cutting off circulation.
Today, thanks to his fast-acting medical team and the advanced wound
care interventions of St. Joseph's Hospital, he is living independently again
with his quality of life restored.
In mid-January, Tomczak, a 38-year-old Gilman resident, was working on
his farm when his right ankle began to ache. The discomfort - resembling
the pain associated with a twisted ankle - escalated the next day. Soon, one
of his toes turned purple, and by the third day his whole foot turned black.
He promptly sought treatment at St. Joseph's Hospital before being rushed
by ambulance to Sacred Heart Hospital for an emergency 13-hour vascular
surgery on his severely swollen leg.
“They just figured I had so many blood clots that one would pass and go
straight to my heart or brain,” Tomczak recalled. “They didn't think I had
a very good chance.”
Against all odds, he survived the surgery and, over the course of several
months and intense rehabilitation at St. Joseph's Hospital, has returned to
normal living with his wife, Marie, and their 5-acre hobby farm.
He credits his multi-disciplinary team - which included Infinity
HealthCare medical doctors and St. Joseph's Hospital physical and
occupational therapists and wound care specialists - for bringing him back
from his all-too-close brush with death.
“It was really a team effort,” Tomczak said. “They were all excellent.”
At one point, with his prognosis uncertain, his surgical team temporarily
brought him out of anesthesia to ask him to sign a will.
Joan Coffman
Lon Blaser, D.O., Secretary
Tom Kell, Chair
Sister Marybeth Culnan, OSF
David Kiefer, Vice-Chair
James Docksey
Jeffrey Halloin
T.J. “Jake” Leinenkugel
Robert Maslonkowski, M.D.
Stephen Carlson, M.D., President of the Medical Staff
Kristie Gering, M.D., Vice President of the Medical Staff
Peter Cochrane, M.D., Secretary-Treasurer of the Medical Staff
Sara Cochrane, M.D., Chairperson, Department of Obstetrics/Pediatrics
Erik Dickson, M.D., Past President of the Medical Staff
Mark Hofer, M.D., Chairperson, Department of Pathology
Paul Ippel, M.D., Chairperson,Department of General and Family Practice
Terrence McCanna, M.D., At-large Executive Committee Member
William McDougall, M.D., Chairperson, Department of Surgery
Brian Pauley, M.D., Chairperson, Department of Emergency Services
Mark Southard, M.D., Chairperson, Department of Radiology
Steven Steinmetz, M.D., At-large Executive Committee Member
Julie Harmala
Timothy Fries, Chairperson
Heather Hunt
Pat Boettcher
Robert Hogseth
Dennis Boisvert
Jamie Leibrandt
Holly Chilson
David Olson
Jeff Darley
Rita Simon, M.D.
Evalyn Wiley Frasch, Vice Chair
Joan Pehlke, President
Dianne Fish, Scholarship
Mary Lynn Toycen, Vice-President
Dawn Bye, Gift Shop
Marge Geissler, Secretary
Susan Leahy, Newsletter
Evelyn Maloney, Treasurer
Vivian Dahl, Health Education
Sister Janice Schneider, OSF
Susan Tietz
Steven Steinmetz, M.D.
Daniel Toycen
Betty White
Joan Coffman, Ex Officio
Bobbi Giles, Ex Officio
Sue Rooney, Historian
Kathy Bye, Membership
Linda Howe, Public Policy
Debbie Lauer, Program
Ruth Gough, Co-Publicity
Linda Schneider, Co-Publicity
Michael Ketter
Edward Martin
Paul Schneider, Chair
Michael Calawerts
George Hartmann
Barbara Nick
Philip Hilgenberg
Greg Rotherham
Billie Kress
Randall Lawton
Judy Tweet Howald
Carl Kuehne
William Woodward
Ken Krueger
Diane Liebmann
Madeline Harlan
Duffy Malooly
Jim Schuh, Chair
Skip August
Stephen Carlson, M.D.
Joan Coffman
B. James Colbert
Richard Estrem-Fuller
Joe Fesenmaier
Kristie Gering, M.D.
Chuck Goettl
Terry Hanley
Art Hebert
Linda Howe
Rick Hunt
Susan Kern
Mary Ann King
Joan Pehlke
Eric Pulver
David Raihle, Jr.
John Salden, Jr.
George Stamm
Gwendolyn Steinmetz
Judy Fedie, Chippewa County Dept. of Public Health, 2010 CHIP Steering Committee Chair
Bonnie Ferstenou, Volunteers Caregivers Program, 2009 CHIP Steering Committee Chair
Angela Hite, Wissota Health & Regional Vent Center, Dove Healthcare Center
Linda Howe, Community Representative, 2004 CHIP Steering Committee Chair
Denise Kervin, Family Support Center
Rosemary Kilbridge, Community Representative, 2008 CHIP Steering Committee Chair
Chris Klay, St. Joseph's Hospital
Larry Winter, Chippewa County Dept. of Human Services
Tom Larson, Chippewa County Fire & Emergency Services
Marilyn Lemke, Family Support Center
Michele Paquette, St. Joseph's Hospital
Jill Pollert, Our Lady of Victory Hospital, Stanley
George Stamm, Community Representative
Ex Officio: Lois Klay, St. Joseph's Hospital
Rhonda Brown, Healthy Communities Specialist/Coordinator
Lin Bruyette, Secretary
Joan Coffman, President and CEO
Patrick Ryan, Program Director
Patricia Mancuso, Development
Dennis Thur
Charlie Walker
Thomas Waldusky
Mary Rose Willi
Joan Coffman, Chairperson
William Barkley, M.D.
Lon Blaser, D.O.
Stephen Carlson, M.D.
Peter Cochrane, M.D.
James Docksey
Dawn Garcia
Janice Giedd
Tammy Lampro
Throughout our 125 year journey, St. Joseph’s Hospital
has been diligent in its mission to provide benefit to our
communities and to care for the most needy among us.
Benefits include charity care at cost,
Medicaid shortfalls, various public
programs, community health
services and other benefits
Benefits include community
education, wellness services, and
patient care services
Benefits include providing care and services to
primarily elderly beneficiaries of the Medicare
program, in excess of governmental and managed
care contract payments to the hospital
We would like to acknowledge those who have established permanent named endowment funds for the long-term benefit of St. Joseph's Hospital.
AnchorBank Endowment Fund
Rey and Jodi Arriola Family Endowment Fund*
Elsie H. Bierman Endowment Fund
Dennis and Jeanne Boisvert Family Endowment Fund
Clifford and Virginia Bowe Endowment Fund
William and Gertrude Casper Endowment Fund
Brad and Clarice Colbert Endowment Fund*
The CPR Endowment Fund*
Jerry and Frances Daniel Endowment Fund
James and Janice Docksey Family Endowment Fund
Kathy Zielke Duffenbach Memorial Endowment Fund
Eugene and Emily Eder Endowment*
Fish Family Endowment Fund
Roxie and Bill Flanagan, Jr. Endowment Fund*
Sandy Flanagan Endowment Fund*
David and Evalyn Wiley Frasch Endowment Fund*
Jacob Thomas Geissler Endowment Fund
The Ann C. Goodall Memorial Endowment Fund*
David and Jean M. Hancock Endowment Fund*
David Lee (Davey) Harling Memorial Fund*
Harrison Family Endowment Fund
Irene Herrmann Endowment Fund
Dennis and Carol Heyde Endowment Fund
The Reverend Robert and Heidi Hoekstra Endowment Fund
Home Hospice Endowment Fund*
Edwin S. and Margie S. Horan Endowment Fund*
Margie S. Horan Memorial Endowment Fund
Employees of Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Company Endowment Fund
Gerald and Mary Jacobson Family Endowment Fund*
Gerald E. and Susan J. Joas Endowment Fund
Thomas L. and Lucille C. Joas Endowment Fund
Julian Family Fund*
Carey B. Kell Endowment Fund
Tom and Pam Kell Family Endowment Fund
Keith M. Kelly Endowment Fund*
Lane Family Endowment Fund
Addison W. and Dorothy C. Langill Endowment Fund
Jake and Peggy Leinenkugel Family Endowment Fund
Libertas Treatment Center (Green Bay) Endowment Fund*
Jane and John Lubs Family Endowment Fund
M&I Bank Endowment Fund
R. D. Marshall Endowment Fund
Edward and Terri Martin Family Endowment Fund
Maslonkowski Family Fund
B. A. Mason Family Endowment Fund
Vic and Bea Mason Endowment Fund
Mega Pick 'n Save Endowment Fund
Ethel L. Murphy Endowment Fund
Myers Family Endowment Fund
Mary L. Norseng Endowment Fund
Northwestern Bank Endowment Fund
L.E. Phillips-Libertas Endowment Fund
Lyman W. Picotte Endowment Fund
RCU Endowment Fund
Rehabilitation Services Professional Development Fund*
William C. Roegge Endowment Fund
Joseph R. Rubenzer and Elmyra Bowe Memorial Endowment Fund
St. Joseph's Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship Funds
Irene Casper Hebert Fund
Frank Sorrentino Fund*
St. Joseph's Hospital Endowment Fund*
St. Joseph's Hospital Nursing Education Endowment Fund*
Gordy and Donna Schafer Family Endowment Fund*
Paul Walter Schaus, MD Endowment Fund*
Earl and Rosemary Scholl Endowment Fund
Paul and Brenda Schneider Family Endowment Fund
Stafford Family Endowment Fund
Bert Swanson Endowment Fund*
Clara M. Swanson Memorial Endowment Fund
Susan K. and Roger J. Tietz Endowment Fund
Transitus House Endowment Fund
Sheila and Bill Volker Endowment Fund*
Ted and Gertrude Willenbockel Endowment Fund
John and Ruth Willut Endowment Fund
Joyce Young Memorial Endowment Fund
Joseph and Carrie Zeitinger Joas Endowment Fund
David P. Bergeron Fund
L. E. Phillips-Libertas Fund
Alice R. Rinehard Fund
St. Joseph's Hospital Fund
* Addition(s) were made to Fund principal in 2009-2010
Principal of permanent endowment is to remain invested, with future earnings used in keeping with
donor understandings and designations; quasi-endowment may be added to the long-term investment
pool for the benefit of the Hospital. Such funds may be released by the corporate Foundation Board at
the request of Hospital Administration for use by St. Joseph's Hospital.
The name to be used in wills and other documents pertaining to charitable contributions is Friends of
St. Joseph's Hospital, Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. “Friends” is a Division of the Hospital Sisters of St.
Francis Foundation, Inc., a 501(c)(3) organization: EIN 37-1186514
The individuals, businesses and organizations listed below have demonstrated their belief in St. Joseph's Hospital and its mission. The Hospital Sisters, hospital family and the Friends of St. Joseph's
Hospital Board of Directors gratefully acknowledge their support and invite others to add their names to those listed below.
Gifts of $1000 or more
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Asher
B. A. Mason Trust
Dr. and Mrs. Lon Blaser
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Boisvert
Chippewa County Dental Foundation Inc.
Chippewa Valley Orthopedics &
Sports Medicine Clinic S.C.
Mrs. Clarice G. Colbert
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Coleman
Crescent Crown Distributing, L.L.C.
Darley Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Docksey
Mr. Eugene J. Eder
Edward and Hannah M. Rutledge Charities
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Flanagan
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Frasch
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Frenette
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Fries
Mr. and Mrs. David Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. David Hancock
Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Holtz
Hudson Electric
Huffcutt Concrete Company
Mr. and Mrs. Rick J. Hunt
Mr. Albert Hurtgen
Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Co, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald H. Jacobson
Mr. Joseph W. Joas
Kell Container Great Northern Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Kell
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Kiefer
Knights of Columbus, GS Council 974
L.E. Phillips Family Foundation Inc.
Mrs. Ann J. Lawler
Mr. John A. Lubs
M & I Bank
Marshfield Clinic
Marshfield Clinic-Chippewa Center
Family of Robert and Dolores Martinek
Mason Companies
Medical X-Ray Consultants, Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin C. Metten
Michael Carlisle Charitable Trust #2
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence R. Mroz
Family of Mary Ann Norheim
Northwestern Bank
Mr. Joseph S. Oberweis
Partners of St. Joseph's Hospital
Pathology Service Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Pehlke
Mr. Rod Pike and Mrs. Janet Rubenzer-Pike
Mrs. LaVerne M. Roegge
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Schafer
Mrs. Ruby Schumacher
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Senn
Dr. Rita R. and Mr. Gordon Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Sommerfeld
Mrs. Winifred J. Sorrentino
Family of William R. and Dolores M. Sprague
Dr. Julie Stafford and the
Honorable Richard Stafford
The Late Mr. Bert Swanson
Mrs. Judy Teske
Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. Tietz
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Tillotson
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Volker
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. West
White's Wildwood Retreat
Ms. Marsha M. Wiley
William J. and Gertrude R. Casper Foundation
Xcel Energy
Gifts of $500-999
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Chilson
Chippewa Valley Newspapers
Mr. and Mrs. B. James Colbert
Mr. Charles Enwald
Mr. and Mrs. Reggie L. Geissler
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gillig
Mr. and Mrs. Merlyn W. Gingras
Mr. Willis F. Gonitzke
Mr. Neil Goodall
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Harmala
Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Hedrington
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hogseth
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. Horan
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Hunt
ITW Foundation Matching Gift Program
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Kirk
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Klimovitz
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Krhin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leinenkugel
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney P. Lindquist
Markquart Motors, Inc.
Martell Tire and Auto Service
Our Savior's Lutheran Church
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rooney
Mrs. Janice Schiedler
Mr. Joseph Schultz
Security Health Plan of WI, Inc.
Family of Michael St. Aubin
Family of Arnold E. Stelter
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Toycen
Wipfli, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. T. Dell Woodruff
Gifts of $250-499
Ms. Judith M. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. James Bischel
Mrs. Betty J. Bowe
Common Sense Ag Service of Bloomer
Mrs. Erma Cramer
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Cronquest
Ms. Kristi Curry
Mrs. Janet Dubec
Film Manufacturing and Supply Chain Operations
Mrs. Edna Frederick
Fuel Service DJ's Mart, LLC
Dr. Evangelina A. Gaerlan
Mrs. Katherine A. Halbleib
Ms. Susan Handorf
Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Hass
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Hayhoe, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Hebert
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Helin
Mr. Alan Hewitt
Heyde Health Systems
Mr. John C. Holdorf
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Horan
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Hudson
Father William Jablonske
Mr. and Mrs. William Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Leibrandt
Ms. Lynn Ellen Marsh
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Meinen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Myrman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Norseng
Patterson Prime Properties
Mr. and Mrs. Jon L. Pendleton
Ms. Cheri Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Pregent
River Country Co-op/Agri-Tech Services
The Honorable and Mrs. Thomas J. Sazama
Secular Franciscans
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Sokup
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Steinmetz
Thaler Oil Company, Inc.
The Hope of Wisconsin Hospice Organization
and Palliative Experts
Ms. Sheila M. Wilhelm
Mr. Bernard Willi
Mr. Donald Winget and Ms. Constance Miller
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wyss
Gifts of $100-249
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Abendroth
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Ahneman
Mr. Joseph Aldrich
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne G. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barrickman
Ms. LaVone W. Bartine
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Bernier
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer S. Bjork
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bjork
Ms. Diane Bobb
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur F. Boos
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Bowe
Brown Builders, Inc.
Ms. Kathleen M. Brunstad
Ms. Marcella Cairns
The Honorable and Mrs. Roderick Cameron
Mr. and Mrs. Toby Campbell
Ms. Ann Carr
Ms. Beverly Chartier
Chippewa County Grief Guidance Team
Ms. Eileen Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Cowan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Cox
Mrs. Mitzi Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. James Dahlke
Mr. and Mrs. Lester T. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Determan
Diocese of La Crosse
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd W. Eckes
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin E. Engebretson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Erickson
The Reverend and Mrs. Richard Estrem-Fuller
Arlyn Ewert
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Fadness
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Faherty
Mrs. Roxie Flanagan
Dr. and Mrs. George E. Fleming
Mrs. Delores K. Freagon
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Gehl
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Geissler
Dr. and Mrs. Gary R. Gienapp
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Goettl
Drs. Michael R. and Helen C. Gonzaga
Mrs. Mildred Gould
Mrs. Madeline M. Greger
Mr. William A. Gunderson
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Gutknecht
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Haas
Mr. Ronald J. Hager
Ms. Loretta Hamel
Harding Group LLC
Mr. Helmer R. Haroldson
Mrs. Loretta Harris
Mrs. Nancy Hebert
Mrs. Norma Henneman
Mr. Robert Hinton
Horan Funeral Home, Inc.
Mrs. Marlene Jannusch
Family of Ray Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Russell D. Kazda
Mrs. Joanne Keays
Mrs. Ardyce E. Kelly
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Kemper
Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Klitzke
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Konsella
Ms. Katie Kyndely
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Larson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lasoff
Mr. and Mrs. Don L. Leifheit
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Leis
Ms. Janice A. Lemminger
Mr. Leo Lenn
Ms. Paula Lockbaum
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Long
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lukowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Marshall
Ms. Ellen Marston
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Matschee
Mr. and Mrs. Jay C. Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad F. Mazur
Ms. Catherine A. McDowell
Mrs. Barbara Meredith
Mr. and Mrs. Joel N. Meyer
Reverend Maynard V. Midthun
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mishefske
Ms. Dorothy E. Moeri
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond B. Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nazer, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Nickel
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Olson
Ms. Ellen O'Neil
Ms. Stephanie Peloquin
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. Peterson
Dr. Phillip Porter
Mrs. Cleo Pozarski
Mr. and Mrs. H. James Ramsdell
Mr. Stephen A. Rasmus
Rheumatology Clinic, LLC
Mrs. Dorine Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Rooney
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rooney
Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Roycraft
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Schafer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schoch
Ms. Corrine Schommer
Ms. Doris Schroetter
Mrs. Juanita Soden
Mrs. Rita Stearns
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Stoffel
Ms. Heather Strayer
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Strayer
Mrs. Jacqueline Stumpf
Mrs. Rita A. Stuttgen
Ms. Marina S. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Thornton
Mrs. Rose H. Tietz
Mr. Eric Timm
Ms. Sandrea Timm
Dr. and Mrs. Kent L. Vandehaar
Mrs. Sheila C. Volker
Ms. Kimberly Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Walbert
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Waldusky
Mrs. Ella Welgos
Mrs. Rose Ann Welke
Mr. and Mrs. Dean White
Ms. Janice White
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. White
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wiese
Mrs. LaRita M. Williams
Wisconsin Farmers Union
Mr. and Mrs. Gary K. Wulff
Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Zutter
Gifts up to $99
Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Ahlen
Mr. Michael P. Akan
AnchorBank FSB
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Anderson
Ms. Virginia Anklam
Ms. Robin R. Arnhold
AT&T United Way Employee Giving
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Ayres
Mrs. Arlene Back
Bank Mutual
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Barnier
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bauer
Mr. Dennis Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Beltz
Mr. Edward L. Benson
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Berg
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Bichner
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bleskachek
Mrs. Gertrude Boettcher
Mrs. Erma E. Bowe
Ms. Nevena K. Bowe
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Bowe
Mrs. Marcella Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Brandrup
Ms. Marie Breunig
Ms. Judy A. Brist
Mrs. Georgene Britton
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Brost
Ms. Deanne Brott
Ms. Juanita Brun
Family of Elsie Brunner
Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Brunstad
Mr. and Mrs. Glen M. Bryson
Ms. Pamela Burrows
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Burrows
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Bye
Mr. Bernard Cardinal
Mrs. Roxene Cardinal
Chippewa Manor Residential
Living Corporation
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Chisholm
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Christenson
Ms. Trudi Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh D. Crane
Mrs. Ruth Jean Crane
Ms. Bonita Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dachel
Ms. Norma Dalton
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome S. Daniel
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Danielson
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Davis, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Decker
Ms. Lorraine A. Denning
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Diaz
Mr. Melvin K. Dierich
Ms. Mary Jane Dodge
Mrs. Neoma C. Dole
Mr. and Mrs. David Donnellan
Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Dresel
Mr. and Mrs. John Droske
Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Dukerschein
Mr. and Mrs. Brian L. Dulmes
Ms. E. Ann Egan
The Late Mr. Leonard R. Eichner
Mr. Donald Ellickson
Mr. Vernon Erdman
Mr. and Mrs. Dean E. Estling
Ms. Kay Evanson
Mr. Rod Ewert
Ms. Bev Falbe
Fall Creek Valley Care Center
Mrs. Patricia Farrell
Ms. Jill Fenn
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ferg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Ferg
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Ferstenou
Mrs. Lenore Fiscoe
Ms. Cheryl Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Foley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Froehlich
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. Don Garton
Mr. Steven Gibbs
Ken and Kate Gifford Anderson
Mr. DeWayne Gifford
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Gifford
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gifford
Avis Gill
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gordee
Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Grammond
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Granger
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Granlund
Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne E. Graske
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Greenwood
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gullickson
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gunderson
Ms. Margery Haas
Mr. and Mrs. Don Hable
Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Haferman
Mr. and Mrs. John Hahn
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Halls
Ms. Alice H. Hanson
Mrs. Arlis A. Hanson
Ms. Esther Hanson
Ms. Nancy Hanson
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. Harling
Mrs. Dolores Hebert
Mrs. Patricia G. Hebert
Mr. and Mrs. David Hedrington
Ms. Jean Heike
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Helminski
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Henderson
Ms. Audrey Henning
Ms. Norma D. Hoberg
Mr. and Mrs. Scott L. Hodgson
Mrs. Shirley Hoehn
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hogstad
Mr. and Mrs. George Holcomb
Holcombe United Methodist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Dutch Hollen
Mr. Billy l. Holm
Mrs. Marilyn Holte
Ms. Helen L. Homeier
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. David Huppert
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Jacobson
Mr. Robert Jacobson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Janc
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Jenneman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Joas
Mr. Bradley Johnson
Ms. Doris Johnson
Mr. Martin J. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson
Mr. William Johnson
Ms. Violet Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Julson
Mr. and Mrs. James Julsrud
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Kapalin
Ms. Jodi Kay
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Kenealy
Mrs. Katherine F. Keppert
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. King
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Klecker
Mr. Robert A. Klinger
Mrs. Lois Ann Kloss
Mrs. Mary Ann Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Kodl
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Koehler
Ms. Carolyn M. Kowalkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin E. Kraemer
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Krause
Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Kuechenmeister
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kyser
Mr. and Mrs. Zach Lahner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Lane
Mrs. Ray A. Larson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Laughnan
Mr. and Mrs. William Lazarz
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Lea
Mr. and Mrs. David L. LeDuc
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Lehn
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lencz
Lenmark Gomsrud Linn Funeral &
Cremation Services, Inc.
Ms. Jean Lewis
Mr. Ralph Leymaster
Mrs. Dorothy H. Liddell
Ms. Phyllis Lindemer
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lippold
Mr. and Mrs. Earl G. Lockbaum
Ms. Linda Loftsgordon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Loiselle
Ms. Elaine Lonning
Ms. Erica Lyberg
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Manier
Mr. Gene Matott
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mazur
Mrs. Rosemary McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McCausland
Ms. Patricia McCown
Mrs. Linita M. McDonald
Ms. Mary P. McDowell
Mrs. Marjorie K. McManus
Mr. and Mrs. Zachary Messer
Mr. and Mrs. Basil Michels
Mr. and Mrs. Dudee Miles
Mr. Robert Milne
Ms. Mary Ann Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mlsna
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Monarski
Family of Randy Monson
Mrs. Maria Morrison
Mr. Joseph J. Motycka
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Mueller
Ms. Ione Murphy
Mrs. Sophie Nawrocki
Ms. Jane Nee
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Neibauer
Ms. Barb Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nelson
Ms. Joy D. Ness
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Norquist
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Norquist
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Odalen
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Olson
Mr. Timothy Pabich and Ms. Denise
Ms. Loraine Peissig
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Peloquin
Mr. Homer Peloquin
Mrs. Dorothy Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Chlorn Petersen
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Peterson
The Honorable and Mrs. Robert F. Pfiffner
Mrs. Ruby Phillips
Mrs. Jeanne M. Picotte
Mr. Matthew H. Poehnelt
Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Post
Mrs. Heidi M. Potaczek
Ms. Caryn Quella
Mrs. Catherine L. Rada
Mrs. Marjorie Rhodes
Mrs. Barbara Roehrick
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Rolando
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Rooney
Mr. and Mrs. Randall D. Roseen
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rubendall
Mr. and Mrs. Kelvin Ruesch
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sabaska
Mrs. Carol Sallis
Ms. Amelia Satonica
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Saunders
Ms. Kristi A. Sazama
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Sazama
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Scheible
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Scheidler
Pat, Ellen, Kathy and Rick Scheppke
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Scherer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schrader
Mr. Wil Schrader
Ms. Betty Schroeder
Ms. Joyce Schroeder
Ms. Jeanette Schwab
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Sedlacek
Ms. Kathy Seipel
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Shaw
Ms. Ann Simon
Mr. Sean Sinette
The Reverend and Mrs. Roger Skatrud
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Smith
Ms. Irene Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Solberg
Mrs. Carol H. Sorenson
Ms. Janice Sorenson
Mrs. Lorraine M. Spaeth
St. Monica Circle's, Notre Dame Parish
Mrs. Bobbie Stafne
The Reverend and Mrs. George Stamm
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Steger
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Steidtmann
Ms. Esther Steinke
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Steinmetz
Mr. and Mrs. Martin W. Stephenson
Mr. Herbert Stewart
Colonel and Mrs. Roger E. Stiles
Ms. Donna J. Swedersky
Mr. Joseph F. Sydejko
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Sydejko
Mr. Tom Taylor
Mr. Steven M. Thaler
Ms. Margie L. Thompson
Mr. Matt Thompson
The Reverend and Mrs. Donald C. Thorson
Mrs. Bethel E. Tice
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Timm
Mr. and Mrs. Galen Todd
Mr. and Mrs. Len Todd
Ms. Ann Toepel Klipstine
Mr. John Torgerson
Mr. Peter Torgerson
Mrs. Irene Torrence
Mrs. Joyce Travaglio
Ms. Alice Troupe
United Way of Chippewa County
United Way of Greater Eau Claire
University of Wisconsin –
Eau Claire Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Vance
Mr. Ken Venuto
Mrs. Lois Verbracken
Ms. Lynda Voge
Ms. Mary Vollrath
Ms. Barbara Vorhes
Mr. and Mrs. George Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wahlquist
Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Walk
Mr. Thomas Walsh
Dr. and Mrs. Karl E. Walter
Mr. and Mrs. Tim C. Walters
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wanzong
Mrs. Marie Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Vern W. Weeks
Mr. Michael J. Weigand
West Central Bio Solids Facility
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph P. West
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wilson
Ms. Mary Winchell
Ms. Waverly Windus
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Wing
Mr. and Mrs. James Winter
Mr. and Mrs. James Wischnewski
Mr. Paul Woita
Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Woletz
Mrs. Bernice M. Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Woodruff
Mrs. Eunice Yeager
Mr. Richard J. Ziemann
Ms. Elaine Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. Glen E. Zwiefelhofer
Every year individuals, businesses and organizations provide goods and services as a form of charitable giving. Gifts-in-kind provide either cheer or comfort to our patients during their hospital stay
or offset costs of purchases the hospital would otherwise have to incur.
Marni and Berni Barta
Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Bohl
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brantner
Ms. Betty Davis
English Lutheran Church of Bateman
Sunday School Children
Ms. Robin Fedie
Mr. and Mrs. John Hager
Ms. Julie Hinke
Holy Family Parish
Council of Catholic Women
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hoverson
Dr. and Mrs. Slavko Ivankovic
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Napolitano
Niblett’s Apple Shed
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Peterson
Rooney Printing Co., Inc.
Special Friends Inc.
Vicki’s Frame Shop, Inc.
White’s Wildwood Retreat
Every year colleagues and physicians generously support the Friend’s of St. Joseph’sHospital with their time, talent and gifts. They understand the impact their gifts have on the mission of the hospital. The
individuals listed below demonstrate their partnership with the Friends of St. Joseph’s Hospital.
Gifts of $1000 or more
Mr. and Mrs. Reynaldo Arriola
Mr. and Mrs. James Baalrud
Mr. Frank Boutiette
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Coffman
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Craft
Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Elliott
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Felton
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Fish
Mr. Tom Fuchs and Pamela Holsinger-Fuchs
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Giedd
Ms. Barbara J. Giles
Dr. and Mrs. Caesar R. Gonzaga
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Ippel
Dr. James and Holly Iwakiri
Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Scott E. Julian
Mrs. Lois A. Klay
Mr. William L. Larson
Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Maslonkowski
Dr. and Mrs. Terrence McCanna
Dr. and Mrs. Ricardo S. Obcena
Ms. Rita Oberweis
Mrs. Carolyn Penk
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pokrzywinski
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Stiehl
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Wiley
Mr. and Mrs. Larry H. Woltman
Ms. Susan Wynimko
Gifts of $500-999
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Benish
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bischel
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Blaskey
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowe
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey F. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Lonny Brown
Ms. Lin M. Bruyette
Father Frank Corradi
Dr. and Mrs. Erik Dickson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fedie
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Dan R. Foiles
Mr. and Mrs. Skip Gjolberg
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gullicksrud
Mr. and Mrs. Terry P. Halida
Dr. and Mrs. Les P. Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hennig
The Reverend and Mrs. Robert Hoekstra
Mrs. Phyllis Hurt
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Koss
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lauer
Ms. Sally L. Lewis
Mr. Lindsey H. Loving
Dr. and Mrs. Reynaldo Maniquiz
Mr. and Mrs. Brad K. McNutt
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Meier
Ms. Beth Meyer
Ms. Mary Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Troy A. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Mel T. Ott
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rider
Ms. Deanne M. Rubenzer
Dr. Paul W. Schaus
Dr. David J. Schifeling and Dr. Joan Hamlin
Mr. and Mrs. Dale C. Shipman
Mr. and Mrs. Joel K. Stokka
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Tandberg
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan P. Willi
Gifts of $250-499
Mrs. Carol T. Akan
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. Keith E. Ash
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Benson
Ms. Catherine Berry
Drs. Deborah and James Bieging
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bresina
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Briski
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bromeisl
Mrs. Sandra Chrystal
Mr. and Mrs. David Clark
Ms. Lisa Clemmens
Drs. Peter and Sara Cochrane
Ms. Susan E. Decker-Eckes
Mr. Patrick DeLong
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence D. Durch
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Dykes
Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Echternach
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Entenmann
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Erickson
Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. France
Mrs. Erin Fredrick
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Geissler
Ms. Cynthia E. Glaus
Mr. and Mrs. Terence O. Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Groskreutz
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Harel
Ms. Lori Hillmann
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hinke
Ms. Lisa Horak
Mr. and Mrs. Russell O. Horn
Ms. Stephanie Isham
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jaenke
Ms. Carol Jahnke
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Jones
Mr. and Mrs. William Kellerman
Mr. and Mrs. James Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Krecji
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Kromrie
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Kvapil
Mr. Donald T. Laufenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Leafblad
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Lebeis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Leisz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lenz
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Lillevold
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Makemson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Marsnik
Mr. and Mrs. John Matott
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Moga
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Gene R. Neitge
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Nelson
Mr. Jason C. Bobb and
Mrs. Lauren Nelson-Bobb
Ms. Karen Norquist
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy O’Connor
Mr. John D. Oliver
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Olson
Dr. and Mrs. Steven Q. Paulson
Ms. Shawn Putnick
Mr. and Mrs. James Rada
Ms. Susan H. Raynovic
Ms. Mary M. Reetz
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reischel
Ms. Laura Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schley
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Schneider
Ms. Denise R. Seckora
Mrs. Carol A. Seidling
Mrs. Larissa Skwierczynski
Ms. Charlotte L. Sloan
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Snyder
Ms. Karla K. Sokup
Mr. John Stone
Ms. Carol Strunc
Mrs. Jacqueline Tatroe
Mrs. Billie Turner
Ms. Carol Vach
Ms. Lou Ann Vogler
Ms. Roseann M. Wagner
Mrs. Jane Weiler
Mrs. Jennifer R. Williams
Mrs. Sara L. Wiseman
Mrs. Diane Woolever
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Zais
Mrs. and Mrs. Kyle Zakrzewski
Mrs. Pamela M. Zwiefelhofer
Gifts of $100-249
Mr. and Mrs. Luke Balsiger
Mr. Larry J. Baumgartner
Mrs. Nancy M. Bauwens
Ms. Nancy Bejin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bertrand
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Binczak
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Boos
Dr. and Mrs. Clifford T. Bowe
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bowe
Ms. Jeanne M. Bowe
Mr. Robert M. Brenner
Ms. Kathleen Briggs
Mrs. Shirley Brown
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Buhrow
Ms. Kelly J. Burich
Ms. Jane E. Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Bye
Mrs. Bobbi Caneff
Mr. and Mrs. James Clark
Ms. Ann M. Crogg
Mrs. Linda Crosby
Ms. Marie Dachel Hall
Mrs. Clarice A. Dolan
Ms. Melissa Dunlap
Ms. Doreen Dus
Ms. Mary Enderson
Mrs. Lucinda Enger
Ms. LeeAnn Estes
Mrs. Mary Fanetti
Ms. Nancy Fastner
Mr. and Mrs. Lee J. Flug
Ms. Sally Foiles
Mrs. Patricia Frenette
Ms. Joyce Gajewsky
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Geissler
Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Geist
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gerke
Ms. Erika Gilpin
Ms. Barbara L. Glenn
Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Hamman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hansen
Ms. Diane M. Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Iehl
Ms. Kathleen A. Jasper
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kern
Mr. and Mrs. Duane L. Klinger
Mr. Greg Koehler
Mr. and Mrs. Wade Lambrigtsen
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Leahy
Mr. and Mrs. Rod Lee
Ms. Sandi Lemmons
Ms. Sherrie L. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Lindberg
Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Lindemer
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Look
Ms. Paulette Lower
Ms. Tiffany Marquardt
Mrs. Anne Marie Martenson
Mr. and Mrs. John T. McCutchin
Mr. and Mrs. Dan McLaughlin
Dr. Diane J. Meyer
Ms. Chris Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Steven T. Milward
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. John Molloy
Mrs. Kathleen M. Mulligan
Mr. and Mrs. John Munroe
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Neff
Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Olson
Ms. Kathryn Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Olson
Mr. and Mrs. C. Dwight Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pfankuch
Ms. Nicole M. Pierson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Polhamus
Mr. and Mrs. Cory M. Prissel
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Prosecky
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Quinlan
Ms. Debbie L. Rabska
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Rasmus
Ms. Karen M. Reiter
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Retzlaff
Ms. Ann Revoir
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Roberts
Ms. Gail Roder
Mr. Richard Roshell
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ruff
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Sarazen
Mr. Michael A. Schlender
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Schneider
Ms. Mary Ann Shafer
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Shower
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Schrage
Mr. and Mrs. Kim Simenson
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smiskey
Mrs. Deborah Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Soden
Ms. Angela L. Sommerfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Sommerfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Royce Sorensen
St. Joseph’s Hospital
SJH Patient Services Division
Management Team
Mrs. Maureen Therou
Ms. Brittany Trowbridge
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Villaverde
Ms. Melissa A. Wagner
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Wildes
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Wise
Ms. Jennifer Worthington
Dr. Margaret and Mr. Jeffry Zander
Mr. and Mrs. David Zenner
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Zimmerman
Gifts up to $99
Ms. Linda J. Albrecht
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Alexander
Ms. Lisa S. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Quinn Belden
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Berg
Mr. and Mrs. Travis Berg
Mrs. Cynthia I. Bernklau
Ms. Deborah Bloom
Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Bowe
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bromeisl
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Brunner
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Christopher
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Chet Cooper
Mrs. Lisa R. Cormican
Mrs. Mary E. Craker
Ms. Deon Dachel
Ms. Shelly DeJongh
Mr. and Mrs. Bryce DeRoos
Ms. Linda S. Dugal
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Erickson
Ms. Angie K. Ewings
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Falkenberg
Ms. Rachel Geissler
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Goettl
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Goettl
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gont
Ms. Lynn Gullicksrud
Mr. and Mrs. Casper Haas
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hable
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hakes
Ms. Tiffany Harmon
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hemenway
Ms. Dawn E. Hetzel
Ms. Erin Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Darin Hurt
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jarzynski
Mrs. Annmarie King
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Klay
Ms. Katie M. Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Knoepke
Ms. Amanda Lyke
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Mrozinski
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O’Connell
Mr. Mark W. Pauletich
Mr. and Mrs. David Reischel
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Revoir
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Schnell
Mrs. Darlene M. Riley
Ms. Kimberly A. Schoenwetter
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Schroeder
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rombalski
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Simmons
Ms. Vicki L. Rubenzer
Ms. Stacy L. Stabenow
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ruiter
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Steinmetz
Mrs. Kim Scharenbrock
SJH Emergency Center Colleagues
Ms. Jennifer Schmidt
Mr. Joseph Aldrich
Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Anderson
Ms. Virginia Anklam
Ariens Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Arts
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Asher
AT&T United Way Employee Giving
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Badciong
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bauer
Mr. Dennis Bauer
Ms. Kerry Behlke
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Beisel
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Beltz
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Berg
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer S. Bjork
Ms. Deborah Bloom
Ms. Diane Bobb
Mrs. Betty J. Bowe
Ms. Nevena K. Bowe
Mrs. Marcella Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Brandrup
Ms. Marie Breunig
Mrs. Georgene Britton
Ms. Deanne Brott
Ms. Juanita Brun
Mr. and Mrs. Keith J. Brunette
Ms. Pamela Burrows
Ms. Marcella Cairns
Ms. Ann Carr
Chippewa County Dental Foundation Inc.
Chippewa County Grief Guidance Team
Chippewa Manor Residential
Living Corporation
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Chisholm
Ms. Trudi Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Cox
Mrs. Erma Cramer
Crescent Crown Distributing, L.L.C.
Ms. Kristi Curry
Ms. Bonita Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Davis, Jr.
Ms. Mary Jane Dodge
Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Dresel
Ms. Linda S. Dugal
Ms. E. Ann Egan
Egan Foundation
Ms. Lois Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Ellis
Mr. Charles Enwald
Mr. Vernon Erdman
Ms. Kay Evanson
Arlyn Ewert
Mr. Rod Ewert
Ms. Angie K. Ewings
Ms. Jill Fenn
Film Manufacturing and
Supply Chain Operations
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Foley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Froehlich
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Garner
Ms. Rachel Geissler
Mr. Steven Gibbs
Ken and Kate Gifford Anderson
Dan and Matt Gifford
Mr. DeWayne Gifford
SJH Rehabilitation Department
SJH Respiratory Therapy Colleagues
SJH Hospital Third Floor Sunshine Club
Ms. Barbara Sutherland
Ms. Anne Marie K. Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Uchytil
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Vandeloo
Ms. Jenifer Welke
Mrs. Mary C. Wright
Ms. Patricia A. Zager
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Zwiefelhofer
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Gifford
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gifford
Avis Gill
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gordee
Mrs. Mildred Gould
Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Grammond
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Granger
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Granlund
Mr. and Mrs. James Growt
Ms. Lynn Gullicksrud
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gunderson
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. Guyette
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Haas
Mr. Ronald J. Hager
Mr. and Mrs. John Hahn
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Halls
Ms. Susan Handorf
Ms. Alice H. Hanson
Ms. Esther Hanson
Ms. Nancy Hanson
Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Hass
Mr. and Mrs. David Hedrington
Ms. Jean Heike
Ms. Audrey Henning
Herbert H. Kohl Charities
Mr. Alan Hewitt
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hilgenberg
Mr. Robert Hinton
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hjelmgren
Mrs. Shirley Hoehn
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hogstad
Mr. and Mrs. George Holcomb
Mr. and Mrs. Dutch Hollen
Ms. Helen L. Homeier
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hunt
Ms. Erin Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. David Huppert
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Jacobson
Mr. Robert Jacobson
Mrs. Marlene Jannusch
Mr. Bradley Johnson
Ms. Doris Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson
Mr. William Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Julson
Mr. and Mrs. James Julsrud
Ms. Jodi Kay
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Klay
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Klecker
Ms. Katie M. Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Kodl
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Koehler
Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Kuechenmeister
Mr. and Mrs. Zach Lahner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Lane
Mrs. Ray A. Larson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Laughnan
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Lehn
Lenmark Gomsrud Linn Funeral &
Cremation Services, Inc.
Mr. Leo Lenn
Ms. Jean Lewis
Mr. Ralph Leymaster
Ms. Phyllis Lindemer
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lippold
Mr. and Mrs. Earl G. Lockbaum
Mr. Christoph Lofgren
Ms. Linda Loftsgordon
Ms. Elaine Lonning
Dr. and Mrs. Rolf S. Lulloff
Ms. Erica Lyberg
Ms. Lynn Ellen Marsh
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Martin
Mr. Gene Matott
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Matschee
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mattia
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mazur
Ms. Patricia McCown
Mr. and Mrs. John T. McCutchin
Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. McKenzie
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Meeuwsen
Mr. and Mrs. Zachary Messer
Michael Carlisle Charitable Trust #2
Mr. and Mrs. Basil Michels
Mr. and Mrs. Dudee Miles
Mr. Robert Milne
Ms. Mary Ann Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mlsna
Mrs. Maria Morrison
Ms. Ione Murphy
Mrs. Sophie Nawrocki
Ms. Jane Nee
Ms. Barb Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nelson
Ms. Lynne Nelson
Ms. Brandy Newville
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Nickel
Nicolet National Bank
Mr. Lynn Norheim
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Norquist
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Odalen
Mr. Timothy Pabich and
Ms. Denise Hanson-Pabich
Ms. Ann Paddock
Patterson Prime Properties
Ms. Loraine Peissig
Mr. and Mrs. Chlorn Petersen
Ms. Cheri Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Peterson
Mrs. Ruby Phillips
Mrs. Heidi M. Potaczek
Ms. Caryn Quella
Rheumatology Clinic, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard U. Roels
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Rolando
Rotary Club of Green Bay
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rubendall
Mr. and Mrs. Kelvin Ruesch
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ruiter
Mrs. Carol Sallis
Ms. Amelia Satonica
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Saunders
Mrs. Kim Scharenbrock
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Scheible
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Scheidler
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Scherer
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Scherer
Mrs. Janice Schiedler
Ms. Jennifer Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schrader
Mr. Wil Schrader
Schreiber Foods Inc.
Ms. Betty Schroeder
Ms. Joyce Schroeder
Stacy Schroeder
Mr. Joseph Schultz
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Sedlacek
Ms. Kathy Seipel
SJH Rehabilitation Department
SJH Respiratory Therapy Colleagues
Ms. Irene Smith
Mrs. Juanita Soden
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Sokup
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Solberg
Ms. Janice Sorenson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Steidtmann
Ms. Esther Steinke
Mr. Herbert Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Stoffel
Ms. Heather Strayer
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Strayer
Mr. Joseph F. Sydejko
The Hope of Wisconsin
Hospice Org. & Palliative Experts
Mr. Matt Thompson
Mr. Eric Timm
Ms. Sandrea Timm
Mr. and Mrs. Galen Todd
Mr. and Mrs. Len Todd
Ms. Ann Toepel Klipstine
Mr. John Torgerson
Mr. Peter Torgerson
University of Wisconsin Eau Claire Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Vance
Mr. Ken Venuto
Ms. Lynda Voge
Ms. Mary Vollrath
Ms. Barbara Vorhes
Mr. and Mrs. George Wagner
Ms. Kimberly Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wahlquist
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Walbert
Mr. and Mrs. Tim C. Walters
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wanzong
Mr. and Mrs. Vern W. Weeks
Wells Fargo Bank Green Bay
West Central Bio Solids Facility
Ms. Janice White
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. White
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Wildes
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wilson
Ms. Mary Winchell
Mr. and Mrs. James Winter
Mr. Paul Woita
Mr. Kelly L. Wolff
Mrs. Eunice Yeager
Ms. Candace Ziegelbauer
Ms. Elaine Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. Glen E. Zwiefelhofer
imagine if every community were as generous as ours...
Louise Ahlen
Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Ahlen
Patrick Akan
Mr. Michael P. Akan
Charles Alexander
Ms. Phyllis Lindemer
Ms. Irene Smith
Eunice Lyal Anderson
Ms. Kristi A. Sazama
Gary Anderson
Mrs. Shirley Hoehn
Guy Atkins
Dr. Paul W. Schaus
Floyd Back
Mrs. Arlene Back
Margaret Bacus
Ms. Ann Simon
Ms. Alice Troupe
Junior Bateman
Dr. Paul W. Schaus
Fred Baumgartner
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Gallagher
Mary Benson
Mr. Edward L. Benson
Morgan Berg
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Berg
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Brandrup
Mr. Donald Ellickson
Mr. Bradley Johnson
Mr. William Johnson
Ms. Elaine Lonning
Ms. Caryn Quella
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Solberg
Ms. Barbara Vorhes
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Weeks
David J. Bjork
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer S. Bjork
Marty Boutiette
Mr. Frank Boutiette
Clarence Bowe
Ms. Lorraine A. Denning
Gerald J. Bowe
Mrs. Betty J. Bowe
Herb Bowe
Mrs. Erma E. Bowe
Kenneth Bowe
Ms. Beverly Chartier
Ms. Lorraine A. Denning
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Goettl
Mr. and Mrs. David Helin
Ms. Lisa Horak
Mr. and Mrs. John Rasmus
Ms. Karla Sokup
Ms. Susan Wynimko
Ralph Bowe
Ms. Nevena K. Bowe
Ruth Bowe
Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Brunstad
Lloyd Bradley
Mrs. Marcella Bradley
Arthur Patrick Bresina
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bresina
George Brown
Brown Builders, Inc.
Elsie Brunner
Ms. Deanne Brott
Mr. Mike Brunner
Ms. Mary Erikson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Froehlich
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Gallagher
Ms. Katie Kyndely
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mazur
Ms. Mary Ann Mitchell
Ms. Ann Paddock
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wahlquist
Dr. and Mrs. Karl Walter
Mrs. Rose Ann Welke
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Woletz
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Buchberger
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd W. Eckes
Malinda Buchholtz
Ms. Janice Sorenson
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Zwiefelhofer
Charles Burke
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Rooney
Elizabeth Burke
University of Wisconsin –
Eau Claire Foundation, Inc.
Mary Burke
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Rooney
Bruce Cairns
Ms. Marcella Cairns
Fran Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Glen M. Bryson
Charolene Card
Ms. Beverly Chartier
Phillip Cardinal
Mrs. Roxene Cardinal
The Cardinal Family
Mr. Bernard Cardinal
Velma Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. De Verne L. Cote
Mrs. Ruth Jean Crane
Mrs. Neoma Dole
Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Graske
Margaret “Peggy” Cherrier
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Meier
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Rasmus
SJH Third Floor Sunshine Club
Lauretta Chovan
Mrs. Lois Ann Kloss
Dave and Kay Cleary
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Look
Robert W. and Dolores E. Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Cox
Morris G. Cramer
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Anderson
Ms. Virginia Anklam
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Barnier
Mrs. Georgene Britton
Mrs. Erma Cramer
Mr. Vernon Erdman
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Gallagher
Mr. Steven Gibbs
Ms. Esther Hanson
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Jacobson
Mr. and Mrs. James Julsrud
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Kell
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lippold
Ms. Patricia McCown
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Mueller
Mr. Timothy and Ms. Denise Hanson-Pabich
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Peterson
Mr. and Mr. Mark Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Kelvin Ruesch
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Scherer
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Scott
Mr. and Mres. Robert Steidtmann
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wanzong
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wilson
Mr. Richard Ziemann
Thomas Culnan
Ms. Deanne M. Rubenzer
Arnold Dahlke
Mr. and Mrs. James Dahlke
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Decker
Fall Creek Valley Care Center
Mrs. Barbara Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Scheible
Jerry and Fran Daniel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Jenneman
John W. Docksey
Dr. Paul W. Schaus
Maurice Downey
Mrs. Mildred Gould
Barbara Droel
Ms. Diane Bobb
George Duarte
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Hughes
Paul Eckardt
Mrs. Mitzi Crawford
Mrs. Barbara Roehrick
Tim, Patty, Laura and Bob Rose
Margaret Eichner
The Late Mr. Leonard R. Eichner
Priscilla Enwald
Mr. Joseph Aldrich
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Boerst
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Buskirk
Mr. and Mrs. Denny Carlson
Mr. Charles Enwald
Riley Esselman
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gander
Mr. Robert Hinton
Mr. Jared Jacquart
Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson
Dr. Randolph LaRue
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Lederhaus
Mr. and Mrs. Don Lunemann
Lords Dental Studio
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lubinski
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn McFarlane
Ms. Lois Nyre
Joan and Sue Pecotte
Mr. and Mrs. Don Peterson
Mr. Rick Pries
Mr. Dale Scheffler
Diane Scheffler Family
Ms. Pauline Schultz
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Severson
Ms. Phillis Severson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sydejko
Mr. John Torgerson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Torgerson
Ms. Mary Vollrath
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Vollrath
Ms. Linda Warnke
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wright
Ms. Virginia Yeager
Ruth Ewert
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Danielson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dukerschein
Arlyn Ewert
Mr. Rod Ewert
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Greenwood
Mr. Eric Timm
Ms. Sandrea Timm
Andrew and Elva Fadness
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Fadness
Tim Farrell
Mrs. Patricia Farrell
Margarete Feldman
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Granlund
Mr. Ralph Leymaster
Ms. Heather Strayer
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Strayer
Wilmer Feldman
Ms. Heather Strayer
Jane Fenno
Mr. and Mrs. John T. McCutchin
Ms. Marsha M. Wiley
Genevieve G. Fish-Potter
Ms. Barbara J. Giles
Ms. Julie Harmala
Ms. Patty Huettl
Mrs. Lois A. Klay
Mr. William L. Larson
Mr. Joseph Oberweis
Ms. Rita Oberweis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Pehlke
Ms. Deanne M. Rubenzer
Lorraine Flanagan
Mr. and Mrs. Scott L. Hodgson
William D. Flanagan, Jr.
Mrs. Roxie Flanagan
Jeanne Flyte
Ms. Judith M. Adams
Ms. Trudi Cook
Ms. Kristi Curry
Ms. Bonita Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Curtis
Ms. Kay Evanson
Mrs. Michele A. Lenz
Mr. and Mrs. Zachary Messer
Rheumatology Clinic, LLC
Lyle Freagon
Mrs. Delores K. Freagon
Dale Frederick
Mr. and Mrs. David Clark
Mrs. Edna Frederick
Mr. and Mrs. Merlyn W. Gingras
Mrs. Marilyn Holte
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Myrman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Pehlke
Lorna Gillette Froberg
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Abendroth
Victorina A. Gaerlan
Dr. Evangelina A. Gaerlan
Delores Garton
Mrs. Sheila C. Volker
Jacob Thomas Geissler
Mr. John A. Lubs
John Gilbertson
Mrs. Delores K. Freagon
Stephen Gilbertson
Mrs. Delores K. Freagon
Ann Goodall
Mr. Neil Goodall
Mr. Sheila Volker
Ann Goodall’s Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Don Garton
James Greger
Mrs. Madeline M. Greger
Luann Grudem
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Gallagher
Lois Gunderson
Mr. William A. Gunderson
Ronald Gunn
Ms. Beverly Chartier
Margaret Gutche
Mr. and Mrs. John Droske
Loretta Haas
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Haas
Shirley Hager
Mr. Ronald J. Hager
Olivia M. and Kirstyn A. Hansen
Robert, Cynthia, and Cole Hansen
Davey Lee Harling
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. Harling
Davey Harling’s 25th Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Dean E. Estling
Gay Lou Haroldson
Mr. Helmer R. Haroldson
Barbara Harper
Partners of St. Joseph’s Hospital
Ms. Janice White
Arlun D. Harris
Mrs. Loretta Harris
Benjamin Hartman
Mr. and Mrs. Merlyn W. Gingras
John Scott Hedrington
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Krause
Melvin and Helga Hendrikson
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Fadness
Diane Henery
Ms. Beverly Chartier
Doris Herrick
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Gallagher
Helene Herzberg
Ms. Linda Altman
Douglas Hewitt
Mr. Alan Hewitt
Delores M. Holdorf
Mr. John C. Holdorf
Dorothy C. Holm
Mr. Billy l. Holm
Lucille Hurtgen
Mr. Albert Hurtgen
Tom Hutson
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Cronquest
Bruno Ippolite
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Gallagher
Edward and Olive Jablonske
Father William Jablonske
Raymond Jackson
Mrs. Catherine L. Rada
Ell Jean Jacobson
Mr. Robert Jacobson
Bruce Jannusch
Mrs. Marlene Jannusch
Ms. Lynn Ellen Marsh
Bill D. Johnson
Ms. Lin M. Bruyette
Helen M. Johnson
Mr. Martin J. Johnson
Jeanne “Vonnie” Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Gallagher
Ray Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hjelmgren
Ms. Rose Johnson
Mr. Matt Johnson and Ms. Jean Odell
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Schemenauer
Raymond C. Jones
Ms. Violet Jones
Reuben Kalk
Ms. Ellen Marston
Mattie Karner
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Manier
Dave Keays
Mrs. Joanne Keays
Keith M. Kelly
Mrs. Ardyce E. Kelly
Donna Kenedy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Rooney
Dorothy Klatt
Partners of St. Joseph’s Hospital
John O. Klay
SJH Rehabilitation Department
St. Joseph’s Hospital
Ms. Lynda Voge
Jack Kleinheinz
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Krhin
Michael Klimovitz
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Klimovitz
Kenneth Koch
Mrs. Mary Ann Koch
Betty Kohls
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Meier
SJH Third Floor Sunshine Club
Dawn Kolpien
SJH Third Floor Sunshine Club
Vernetta Kurtz
Mrs. Jean Pfankuch
Marlene Lancette
Ms. Lorraine A. Denning
Donald Lawler
Mrs. Ann J. Lawler
Donnie Lawler, Jr.
Mrs. Ann J. Lawler
Dr. John Layer
Dr. Paul W. Schaus
Jeremy Scott Lehman
Ms. Anne Burns
Ms. Kristine Cegielski
Ms. Jill Fenn
Ms. Joleen Gygi-Bauer
Ms. Emily Madsen
Friends at NBI
Ms. Tanya Nelson
Ms. Kimberly Wagner
Marcella Lesco
SJH Third Floor Sunshine Club
Marie Antoinent Link
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wyss
Myrtle Loftsgordon
Mr. and Mrs. John Hahn
Ms. Linda Loftsgordon
Viola Ludwigson
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Timm
Arthur Luxton
SJH Third Floor Sunshine Club
Mary Alyce Maloney
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Davis, Jr.
Rose Manny
Dr. Paul W. Schaus
Clifford Marek
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bischel
Walter and Florence Marquardt
Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Ahlen
Dolores Martinek
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Boos
Robert “Bob” Martinek
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Boos
Ms. Alice H. Hanson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hogstad
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stanley
Robert and Dolores Martinek
Robert and Dolores Martinek Family
Norma Matson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Kell
Diane Matuszak
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Meier
SJH Third Floor Sunshine Club
Donald McCarthy
Mrs. Rosemary McCarthy
John V. McDonald
Mrs. Linita M. McDonald
E.M. McDowell Family
Ms. Catherine A. McDowell
Eugene and Bernice McDowell
Ms. Catherine A. McDowell
Ms. Mary P. McDowell
George McFaden
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Beltz
Mr. and Mrs. George Holcomb
Eri McNutt
Mr. and Mrs. James Baalrud
SJH Respiratory Therapy Colleagues
Robert “Bob” Meredith
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Bowe
Mrs. Holly Chilson
Chippewa County Grief Guidance Team
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh D. Crane
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Ferstenou
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Frasch
Dr. and Mrs. Gary R. Gienapp
Ms. Barbara J. Giles
Mr. Neil Goodall
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gullicksrud
Ms. Nancy Hanson
Mrs. Carol Holtz
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. King
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leinenkugel
Mrs. Heidi Ottevaere
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Pehlke
Mr. and Mrs. Chlorn Petersen
Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Post
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rubendall
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Sazama
Mrs. Rose Ann Welke
James Mlsna
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mlsna
Fred Moeri Family
Ms. Dorothy E. Moeri
Bernadette Monarski
Mrs. Mitzi Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Monarski
Alyce Monpas
Mrs. Cleo Pozarski
Randy Monson
The Randy Monson Family
Thomas Morrison
Mrs. Maria Morrison
Jackie Much
Mrs. Lois Ann Kloss
Clara Muldoon
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Rooney
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rooney
Andy Munroe
Mr. and Mrs. John Munroe
Leonard “Mike” Murphy
Ms. Ione Murphy
Evonne Myrman
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Diaz
Andrew Nawrocki
Mrs. Sophie Nawrocki
Lennie Neff
Mrs. Winifred J. Sorrentino
Carrie Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mishefske
Ona Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Ayres
Ms. Eileen Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. David Donnellan
Ms. Jean Heike
Mrs. Ray A. Larson, Jr.
Mr. Robert Milne
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Vance
Mr. Paul Woita
Betty Nickel
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Nickel
Helen Nimmerguth
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Martin
Mary Ann Norheim
Mr. Lynn Norheim, Joy and Jill
Missy Norquist
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Norquist
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Norquist
Mary Norseng
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lasoff
Mr. and Mrs. John Nowicki
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Helminski
Sister Margene O’Donnell
Ms. E. Ann Egan
Mrs. Edna Frederick
Tom and Lucille Joas Family and Spouses
Esther Olson
Ms. Susan Handorf
Ms. Cheri Peterson
Sharon Olson
Dr. Paul W. Schaus
Ruth Parker
Chippewa Manor Residential
Living Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Cronquest
Ms. Erica Lyberg
Mr. Matt Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. James Wischnewski
Robert Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Myrman
Helen Paul
Mrs. Edna Frederick
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Klimovitz
Francis and Lucille Peil
Patterson Prime Properties
Yvonne Peloquin
Mr. Homer Peloquin
Gary Peters
Mrs. Dorothy Peters
Robert Phillips
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Hudson
Ronald E. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. David Hedrington
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Julson
Mrs. Ruby Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Walters
Mr. and Mrs. James Winter
Shirley Poehnelt
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Olson
Mr. Matthew Poehnelt
Mrs. Cleo Pozarski
Florence Potter
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Boos
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Krhin
Mr. and Mrs. Earl G. Lockbaum
Ms. Paula Lockbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Matschee
Robert S. Pozarski
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Boos
Mrs. Cleo Pozarski
Dr. Bruno Rahn
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Kemper
Maurice Ramsey
Ms. Shelley DeJongh
Jack Ray
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Krhin
Edward Reeb
Avis Gill
Ms. Betty Schroeder
Ms. Joyce Schroeder
James Richardson
Harding Group LLC
Bob Roberts
Mrs. Dorine Roberts
Frank Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Roberts
Clifford N. Roder
Ms. Gail Roder
Robert Roehrick
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Krhin
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Myrman
The Honorable and Mrs. Robert F. Pfiffner
Mrs. Carol H. Sorenson
Eileen Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Dutch Hollen
Lydia Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Dutch Hollen
James Rommelmeyer’s Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Determan
Dorothy Ross
Lenmark Gomsrud Linn Funeral &
Cremation Services, Inc.
Helen Roycraft
Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Roycraft
Norman Rubenzer
Mr. Homer Peloquin
Henry Ruff
Patterson Prime Properties
Donna Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. James Baalrud
Ms. Patty Huettl
Mrs. Lois A. Klay
Mr. William L. Larson
Mr. John A. Lubs
Ms. Deanne Rubenzer
SJH Patient Services Division
Management Team
Mrs. Sheila C. Volker
Marlene Ryba
Mr. and Mrs. Martin W. Stephenson
Alicia Sabin
Ms. Beverly Chartier
Dr. Douglas Sallis
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Hudson
Ms. Joy D. Ness
Mrs. Carol Sallis
The Reverend and Mrs. Donald C. Thorson
Veth Santos
Dr. Paul W. Schaus
Zeviah Schafer
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Schafer
Edwin D. Scheppke
Mrs. Patricia A. Scheppke
William Schiedler
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Boos
Mrs. Cleo Pozarski
Mrs. Janice Schiedler
Judy Schilling
Pat, Ellen, Kathy and Rick Scheppke
Olga Schlub
Ms. Beverly Chartier
Judy Schmidt
Ms. Deanne M. Rubenzer
Margaret Schneider
Ms.Cindy Freeman
Ms. Jane Rombalski
Mildred Schneiderwent
The Presto Foundation
Earl Scholl
Ms. Beverly Chartier
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome S. Daniel
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Krhin
Mr. John A. Lubs
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Myrman
Northwestern Bank
Mrs. Jeanne Picotte
Donald Schrader
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bauer
Mr. Dennis Bauer
Film Manufacturing and
Supply Chain Operations
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Foley
Ken and Kate Gifford Anderson
Dan and Matt Gifford
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Gifford
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gifford
Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Grammond
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gunderson
Ms. Margery Haas
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Halls and Family
Mr. and Mrs. David Huppert
Ms. Jodi Kay
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Klecker
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Koehler
Mr. and Mrs. Zach Lahner
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Laughnan
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Lehn
Ms. Barb Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Odalen
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Rolando
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Saunders
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schrader
Mr. Wil Schrader
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Sedlacek
Ms. Kathy Seipel
Ms. Esther Steinke
Mr. and Mrs. Galen Todd
Mr. and Mrs. Len Todd
Mr. and Mrs. George Wagner
West Central Bio Solids Facility
Ms. Rhonda Ziegler
Earl Schroetter
Ms. Doris Schroetter
Patricia Schultz
Ms. Norma D. Hoberg
Mr. Joseph Schultz
James Schumacher
Mrs. Ruby Schumacher
Charlie Sebert
Dr. Paul W. Schaus
Gene Soden
Mrs. Juanita Soden
Angeline Sokup
Ms. Audrey Henning
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Norseng
Mr. Joseph Oberweis
Ms. Rita Oberweis
Mr. Stephen Rasmus
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Sokup
Marion Soley
Ms. Doris Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Neibauer
Louis Sonnentag
Ms. Tracy M. Clark
Monty A. Sorum
Ms. Jane Nee
Sylvester Spaeth
Mrs. Lorraine M. Spaeth
Dolores M. Sprague
Family of Dolores M. Sprague
William R. Sprague
Family of William R. Sprague
Michael St. Aubin
Michael St. Aubin Family
Gary Stafne
Mrs. Bobbie Stafne
Russel Stearns
Mrs. Rita Stearns
Ruth Steinmetz
Dr. Paul W. Schaus
Ken Stelflug
Ms. Beverly Chartier
Arnold Stelter
Ms. Beverly Chartier
Family of Arnold Stelter
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Krhin
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Myrman
Mrs. Lois Verbracken
Travis Stelzer
Mrs. Delores K. Freagon
Irene Stewart
Mr. Herbert Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Stiles’ Parents
Colonel and Mrs. Roger E. Stiles
Donald Stumpf
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Krhin
Mrs. Jacqueline Stumpf
Jerome Stuttgen
Mrs. Rita A. Stuttgen
Bert Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Bichner
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Boos
Anniversary of the Arrival of the Hospital
Sisters of the 3rd Order of St. Francis
Mr. John A. Lubs
Marcia Arneson and Family
Ms. Deanne M. Rubenzer
Jodi Arriola’s Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Giedd
Dr. Patrick Ayer
SJH Emergency Center Colleagues
Deb Bloom
Mrs. Lois A. Klay
Ms. Beverly Chartier
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Cronquest
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Helin
Mrs. Marilyn Holte
Ms. Carolyn M. Kowalkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Krhin
Mr. William L. Larson
Mr. and Mrs. Don L. Leifheit
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Lillevold
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Myrman
Dr. Paul W. Schaus
Mr. Joseph Oberweis
Ms. Rita Oberweis
Ms. Marsha M. Wiley
Mr. and Mrs. T. Dell Woodruff
Helen Sydejko
Mr. Joseph F. Sydejko
Michael Sydow
Ms. Ann Toepel Klipstine
Helen Tenley
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Helin
David Teske
Mrs. Judy Teske
Ferne and George Thaler
Mr. Steven M. Thaler
Leelan Tice
Mrs. Bethel E. Tice
James Tietz
Mrs. Rose H. Tietz
Richard Tillotson
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Tillotson
LaVerne Todahl
Ms. Diane M. Hart
Charles Torrence
Mrs. Irene Torrence
Christopher Trainor
Dr. Paul W. Schaus
Nick Travaglio
Mrs. Joyce Travaglio
John Tuschl
Mrs. Darlene M. Riley
Donna Tweed
Ms. Beverly Chartier
Pearl Van Dixhorn
Dr. Paul W. Schaus
Gladys Vandermolen
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gordee
Rose Walsh
Mr. Thomas Walsh
Patricia Wenzel
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Granger
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hogseth
Ms. Jean Lewis
Mrs. Dorothy H. Liddell
Everett West
Ms. Doris Johnson
Don Whiting
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Myrman
Harry Wilhelm
Mr. and Mrs. Jon L. Pendleton
Ms. Sheila M. Wilhelm
Lois Willi
Ms. Margie L. Thompson
Veril Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wyss
Karen Winchell
Ms. Mary Winchell
Gladys Windus
Ms. Waverly Windus
Elaine Winget
Mr. Donald Winget and Ms. Constance Miller
Ewald and Minnie Wohlbier
Ms. LaVone W. Bartine
Lewis Wolfe
Mrs. Bernice M. Wolfe
Thelma Woll
Ms. Juanita Brun
Jerry Woodford
Ms. Pamela Burrows
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Burrows
Arlene Woolridge
Partners of St. Joseph’s Hospital
Ardis Zaruba
Mr. and Mrs. Martin W. Stephenson
Sharon Zweifel
Ms. Marina S. Thompson
Hilda Zwiefelhofer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Goettl
Frank Boutiette
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bjork
Rhonda Brown
Mrs. Lois A. Klay
Annalise Butler
Ms. Kristi A. Sazama
Joan Coffman
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Giedd
Mrs. Lois A. Klay
Carolyn Craft
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Giedd
Mrs. Lois A. Klay
Carolyn Craft’s Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Giedd
Roger Elliott
Mrs. Lois A. Klay
Kim Entenmann
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Giedd
Mrs. Lois A. Klay
Robin Fedie’s Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Giedd
David Fish
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Felton
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Giedd
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Helin
Mrs. Marilyn Holte
David Fish and Family
Ms. Deanne M. Rubenzer
Retirement of David B. Fish
Mrs. Carol T. Akan
Anonymous - several
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. Reynaldo Arriola
Mrs. Nancy M. Bauwens
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Benish
Mrs. Linda Benson
Ms. Catherine Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bertrand
Drs. Deborah and James Bieging
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bischel
Ms. Deborah Bloom
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Boos
Mr. Frank Boutiette
Mrs. Ann M. Bowe
Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Bowe
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Briski
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey F. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Lonny Brown
Ms. Lin M. Bruyette
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Bye
Ms. Ann Carr
Mr. and Mrs. David Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Coffman
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Coller
Father Frank Corradi
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Craft
Mrs. Mitzi Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dachel
Ms. Deon Dachel
Ms. Marie Dachel Hall
Ms. Susan E. Decker-Eckes
Mr. Patrick DeLong
Ms. Linda S. Dugal
Ms. Doreen Dus
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Dykes
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Entenmann
Ms. Angie K. Ewings
Ms. Judy Falkenberg
Mrs. Mary Fanetti
Ms. Nancy Fastner
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fedie
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Dan R. Foiles
Mrs. Edna Frederick
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Freeman
Mr. Tom Fuchs and Pamela Holsinger-Fuchs
Ms. Joyce Gajewsky
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Geissler
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Giedd
Ms. Barbara J. Giles
Ms. Cynthia E. Glaus
Mrs. Brenda K. Goettl
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gont
Mr. and Mrs. Terence O. Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Groskreutz
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gullicksrud
Ms. Lynn Gullicksrud
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Gutknecht
Ms. Julie Harmala
Ms. Diane M. Hart
Ms. Rhonda S. Hemenway
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Henderson
Mrs. Linda Hennig
Ms. Lori Hillmann
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hinke
The Reverend and Mrs. Robert Hoekstra
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. Horan
Mr. and Mrs. Russell O. Horn
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hunt
Ms. Erin Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Darin Hurt
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Iehl
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald H. Jacobson
Mrs. Debra Jaenke
Ms. Carol Jahnke
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jarzynski
Ms. Kathleen A. Jasper
Ms. Susan I. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Russell D. Kazda
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Klay
Mrs. Lois A. Klay
Ms. Katie M. Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Klimovitz
Mrs. Dawn A. Knoepke
Ms. Carolyn M. Kowalkowski
Mrs. Nina M. Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Krecji
Mr. William L. Larson
Mrs. Debra A. Lauer
Ms. Jean Leafblad
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Leahy
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Lebeis
Mr. and Mrs. Don L. Leifheit
Mr. Leo Lenn
Mrs. Michele A. Lenz
Ms. Sally L. Lewis
Mrs. Theresa Lindemer
Mr. Lindsey H. Loving
Ms. Paulette Lower
Mr. John A. Lubs
Ms. Amanda Lyke
Ms. Patty Mancuso
Mrs. Patricia B. Marsnik
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Meier
Ms. Beth Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Steven T. Milward
Ms. Denise Molloy
Ms. Kathleen M. Mulligan
Mr. and Mrs. John Munroe
Mr. and Mrs. Gene R. Neitge
Ms. Theresa Nelson
Mr. Jason C. Bobb and Mrs. Lauren
Nelson- Bobb
Ms. Karen Norquist
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Norseng
Northwestern Bank
Mr. Joseph S. Oberweis
Ms. Rita Oberweis
Mrs. Mary A. O’Connell
Mrs. Tennille O’Connor
Mr. John D. Oliver
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Mel T. Ott
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Pehlke
Mrs. Jeanne M. Picotte
Mr. Rod Pike and Mrs. Janet Rubenzer-Pike
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pokrzywinski
Mr. and Mrs. Cory M. Prissel
Mr. and Mrs. James Rada
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rombalski
Ms. Laura Rose
Ms. Deanne M. Rubenzer
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ruiter
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Sarazen
Mrs. Kim Scharenbrock
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schley
Ms. Jennifer Schmidt
Stacy Schroeder
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Shower
The Reverend and Mrs. Roger Skatrud
Mr. Thomas J. Smith
Mrs. Mary Jo Sorensen
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Steinmetz
Mrs. Vicky Steinmetz
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Stiehl
Mrs. Maureen Therou
Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Thornton
The Reverend and Mrs. Donald C. Thorson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Toycen
Mrs. Beverly J. Vandeloo
Mr. Ken Venuto
Ms. Lou Ann Vogler
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Walbert
Ms. Cheryl L. Wanhala
Mrs. Marie Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathon Welke
Mr. Bernard Willi
Ms. Jennifer L. Willi
Ms. Jennifer Worthington
Ms. Susan Wynimko
Mrs. Eunice Yeager
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Zais
Mrs. and Mrs. Kyle Zakrzewski
Mrs. Janet Zwiefelhofer
Mrs. Pamela M. Zwiefelhofer
Sam Fisher’s High School Graduation
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Fisher
John Folstad and Family
Ms. Deanne M. Rubenzer
Mary Lee Freeman
Ms. Marina S. Thompson
Tom Fuchs
Mrs. Lois A. Klay
Cyndy Geissler
Ms. Jennifer Worthington
Nolan Geissler
Ms. Rachel Geissler
Jan Giedd
Mrs. Lois A. Klay
Jan Giedd’s Birthday
St. Joseph’s Hospital Patient Services Division
Bobbi Giles’ Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Giedd
Skip Gjolberg
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Giedd
Mrs. Lois A. Klay
Jan Giedd’s Birthday
SJH Patient Services Division
Management Team
Bobbi Giles’ Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Giedd
Skip Gjolberg
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Giedd
Mrs. Lois A. Klay
Skip Gjolberg and Family
Ms. Deanne M. Rubenzer
Skip Gjolberg’s Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Giedd
Kevin Groskreutz
Mrs. Lois A. Klay
Casper Haas
Casper K., Melissa, CJ and Harrison Haas
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Haas
Curtis Hager
Mr. Ronald J. Hager
Dave and Jean Hancock
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schmidt
Dr. Steven Hansen
SJH Emergency Center Colleagues
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Helminski
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Helminski
Lisa Horak’s Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Giedd
Patty Huettl
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Giedd
Mrs. Lois A. Klay
Phyllis Hurt’s Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Giedd
Sue Johnson’s Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Giedd
Dr. Charles Kemper
The Reverend and Mrs. Donald C. Thorson
Chris Klay’s Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Giedd
Lois Klay
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Giedd
Lois Klay’s Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Giedd
Kitty Kromrie’s Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Giedd
Debbie Lauer
Mrs. Lois A. Klay
Don Laufenberg
Mrs. Lois A. Klay
Retirement of Betty Leidholdt
Mr. Joseph Oberweis
Ms. Rita Oberweis
Stacey Meinen
Mrs. Lois A. Klay
Lynne Milward’s Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Giedd
Monica Morris’ Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Giedd
Mark Myrman
Mrs. Marci Myrman
Deb Neitge’s Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Giedd
Joseph Oberweis’ 50 years of Service to
St. Joseph’s Hospital
Hudson Electric
Our Lord and Saviour
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bleskachek
Penny Lane Pauletich
Mr. Mark W. Pauletich
Carolyn Penk’s Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Giedd
Mary Pfeiffer
Mrs. Lois A. Klay
Rita Oberweis’ Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Giedd
Loraine Peissig’s Daughters
Ms. Loraine Peissig
Dr. Jad Roeske
SJH Emergency Center Colleagues
Steve Ronstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Giedd
Steve Ronstrom and Family
Ms. Deanne M. Rubenzer
David and Terri Ruff
Patterson Prime Properties
Doris Ruiter’s Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Giedd
Pat Ryan
Mrs. Lois A. Klay
Alex Sazama
Ms. Kristi A. Sazama
Janese Sazama
Ms. Kristi A. Sazama
Sister Frances Elizabeth Schmitz
Ms. Deanne M. Rubenzer
St. Joseph’s Hospital Colleagues
Mrs. Ella Welgos
SJH Nursing Colleagues for Nurses Day
SJH Patient Services Division
Management Team
St. Joseph’s Hospital Plant Services Colleagues
Mr. Roger Elliott
St. Joseph’s Hospital Respiratory Care
Mr. and Mrs. Brad K. McNutt
Martin and Marion Stephenson’s
56th Wedding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Martin W. Stephenson
Gail Sullivan’s Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Giedd
Bert Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Boisvert
Chippewa County Dental Foundation Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Cowan
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Docksey
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Fish
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Frasch
Mr. and Mrs. Reggie L. Geissler
Ms. Barbara J. Giles
Ms. Julie Harmala
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hogseth
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald H. Jacobson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Kell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leinenkugel
Mr. John A. Lubs
Lutsey Family Foundation, Inc.
Mason Companies
Mr. and Mrs. Steven T. Milward
Northwestern Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Schafer
Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. Tietz
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Toycen
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Volker
White’s Wildwood Retreat
William J. and Gertrude R. Casper Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gary K. Wulff
Ms. Susan Wynimko
Ann Tandberg’s Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Giedd
John VanDeVoort’s Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Giedd
Stanley Voecks
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Scheidler
Dr. Michael Walton
SJH Emergency Center Colleagues
Mary Wiley’s Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Giedd
Jack and Rita Williams Family
Mrs. LaRita M. Williams
Sue Wynimko’s Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Giedd
The Silent Auction is a crowd-pleasing event at the Charity Ball, which raises Substantial dollars for future renovation and new construction at the hospital. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of the
Silent Auction Committee and to the many businesses and individuals who donated goods and services.
A Friend
Ameriprise Financial - Mike Pope
Amundson’s Appliance Center
AnchorBank FSB
Dennis Anderson
Area Landscape
Autumn Harvest Winery
Avalon European Design
Avalon Hotel & Conference Center
B & D Metal Fab
Badger Wines And Spirits
Bank Mutual
Bargain Bills
Baskets by Jeanne
Michael and Pat Bertrand
Bill’s Sport Shop
James and Nancy Bischel
Blomlie Photography
Bloomer Ford Mercury
Bloomer Memorial Golf Course
Bohemian Ovens
Bravo! Salon and Spa LLC
Brent Douglas
Bridgewater Restaurant
Andrew Bugher Designs
Built-Rite Br. Inc.
Children’s Museum of Eau Claire
Chilson Motors
Chippewa Auto Body, Inc.
Chippewa Falls High School
Chippewa Optical
Chippewa Valley Cultural Association
Chippewa Valley Family YMCA
Chippewa Valley Music Festivals
Chippewa Valley Newspapers
Chippewa Veterinary Clinic SC
Christensen Florist and Greenhouses
Circle M Nursery
Cody Limousine
Coffee Express Inc.
Connell’s Club 12
Connell’s II at the Airport
Connell’s Supper Club
Cook Chiropractic - Dr. Lona Cook
Cook-Rutledge Historic Mansion
Country Treasures
Ralph Coushman
Crimpers Hair Design
Cygnet Lake Camp
Linda Cyr
Kristen Dexter, State Representative
James and Janice Docksey
Down Memory Lane
Down to Earth Garden Center
Duncan Creek Manufacturing
Duncan Creek Wine Bar and Grill
Eau Claire Children’s Theatre
Eau Claire Express Baseball, LLC
Eau Claire Golf & Country Club
Eau Claire Regional Arts Council
Egg Palace Antiques
Eric’s Diamonds & Fine Jewelry
Fill-Inn Station
FireFly Trading Company
Fischer’s On the Green
Foreign 5
Tim and Marie Christine Fries
Fuel Service DJ’s Mart, LLC
Garage Salon and Spa
General Beer of the Northwest
Gibson’s Water Care Service
Goggin Ballroom Dancing
Gordy Schafer and Sons
Gordy’s County Market
Gordy’s True Value
Gordy’s Valley Spirits
Great Harvest Bread Company
Green Bay Packers
Greener Images, Inc.
H & R Electric
Hahn’s Market
Art and Laura Hebert
Hebert Dental
Dennis Heyde - Fanny Hill & Dinner Theatre
Dennis Heyde - Canterbury Inn-Shakopee, MN
Robert and Donna Hogseth
Home Town Variety
Horan Funeral Home, Inc.
Houligan’s Steak & Seafood Pub
House Blend Lighting & Design
Hudson Electric
Inside Lines Furniture and Interior Design
J.J. Taylor Distributing
Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Co, Inc.
Just Kiss It Good Buy
Tom and Pam Kell
Ken Vance Motors, Inc.
Kindness Animal Hospital
Mary Klebig
Klinger Farms, Inc.
Donna Knutson
Kohel Power Equipment, Inc.
Korger’s Decorating and Fine Furniture
Kristo Orthodontics
Kurth Sheet Metal, Inc.
Lake Wissota Animal Hospital
Lake Wissota Golf
Lasker Jewelers
Debra Lauer
Jamie and Amber Lin Leibrandt
Jake and Peg Leinenkugel
Loopy’s Grill and Saloon
M & I Bank
Main Street Cafe
Markquart Motors, Inc.
Martell Tire and Auto Service
Mason Companies
McDonald Company - Catering Division
McDonell Central High School
Menomonie Country Club
Terry Meyer
Milwaukee Brewers
Milwaukee Bucks
Minnesota Twins Baseball Club
Mouldy’s Archery & Tackle
Nyhus Concrete Construction Company
Navy Obcena
Old Abe’s Supper Club
Olson’s Ice Cream Parlor & Deli
Joan Pehlke
Picture This
Premium Waters, Inc.
RBC Wealth Management
Rittenhouse Inn
Riverbend Vineyard and Winery
Robert Giede Designs
Rooney Printing Co., Inc.
Alice Rothbauer
Sam’s Club
Judy Schafer
Senn Blacktop, Inc.
Sleep Inn and Suites Conference Center
Smiles in Motion - Amanda Spitz DDS
Barb Smith
Reflexology - Joyce Sobotta
Sokup’s Market
Sound Installations
Spectrum Industries, Inc.
Spider Lake Golf Resort
Spring Street Sports
Stelter, Inc.
Stout’s Island Lodge
Telemark Golf Course
The Edge
The Medicine Shoppe
Timber Terrace Golf Course
Tobacco Outlet Plus
Trinity Equestrian Center
Turtleback Golf & Dining
Mike and Barb Tzanakis
Dr. and Mrs. Kent Vandehaar
Vicki’s Frame Shop, Inc.
White’s Wildwood Retreat
Wissota Fitness, Tanning and Massage
Wissota Meat Market
Xcel Energy
Michael Zadoorain
May 15, 2010 marked St. Joseph's Hospital 39th Annual Charity Ball and the 15th Annual Silent Auction. The Charity Ball and Silent Auction is a friendraising event to
build the relationship between the community and the hospital. It is also a fundraising event to benefit the hospital. All proceeds from this year's Charity Ball and Silent
Auction will support the Right Response Community Appeal for the renovation and expansion of the Emergency Services Area. Special thanks to the Charity Ball
Committee for bringing this year's themed ball to our community.
Chris Maslonkowski
Dawn Bye
Michele Paquette
Dianne Fish
Joan Pehlke
Marge Geissler
Deanne Rubenzer
Melinda Haun
Barb Smith
Pam Holsinger-Fuchs
Barb Tzanakis
Jan Klimovitz
Sherri Vandehaar
Debbie Lauer
Betty White
Cath Lea - Chair
Sue Wynimko
Peg Leinenkugel
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey F. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Craft
Crescent Crown Distributing, L.L.C.
Diocese of La Crosse
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd W. Eckes
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin E. Engebretson
Fanny Hill/Heyde Health System
Dr. and Mrs. George E. Fleming
Drs. Michael R. andHelen C. Gonzaga
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Hebert
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. Horan
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald H. Jacobson
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kern
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Kiefer
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Klimovitz
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leinenkugel
Mr. John A. Lubs
Dr. and Mrs. Reynaldo Maniquiz
Mr. and Mrs. Joel N. Meyer
Security Health Plan of WI, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Boisvert
Ms. Marsha M. Wiley
Marshfield Clinic
Wipfli, LLP
Mason Companies
Northwestern Bank
Karen Hebert
Mary Catherine Anglum
Vicki Nelson
Holly Chilson, Chair
Eric and Sandy Pulver
Hugh Crane
Jackie Rasmussen
Patti Darley
Jenny Schafer
Marie Christine Fries
Betty White
Art Hebert
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Myrman
Mr. Joseph S. Oberweis
Ms. Rita Oberweis
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rasmussen
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rooney
Rooney Printing Co., Inc.
The Honorable and
Mrs. Thomas J. Sazama
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Senn
Dr. Rita R. and Mr. Gordon Simon
The Reverend and
Mrs. Donald C. Thorson
Dr. and Mrs. Kent L. Vandehaar
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Volker
Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Walk
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. West
Mr. Bernard Willi
Ms. Susan Wynimko
Friends of st. joseph’s hospital
Members of the Board of Directors of Friends of St. Joseph's Hospital voluntarily give their time, expertise and support to help sustain hospital services to the people we care for.
By encouraging others to share in their philanthropic mission, the Friends of St. Joseph’s Hospital fulfill the wishes and goals of all donors. Similarly, members of the Resource
Development Committee for the Libertas Treatment Center in Green Bay play a vitally important role in generating support for its addiction treatment services. Each group works
closely with the Development Office and Administration to advance the mission of our Sisters in service to our communities.
Front: Heather Hunt, Pat Boettcher, Evalyn Wiley Frasch, Vice Chair, Rita Simon, MD, Daniel Toycen, Betty White
Back: Timothy Fries, Chair, Robert Hogseth, David Olson, Jamie Leibrandt, Dennis H. Boisvert, Jeff Darley
Missing: Holly Chilson, Julie Harmala, Steven Steinmetz, M.D.,
Ex Officio: Joan Coffman, Bobbi Giles
We have been blessed, once again, with a record breaking year. Despite the
economy and the apprehension that accompanies these tough times, the great
people of Chippewa County and the surrounding communities continue to
faithfully serve St. Joseph's Hospital. Our philanthropic spirit is alive and well.
This year alone, new pledges were established, past pledges completed, project
support secured and endowments fulfilled. Charitable gifts lead to the opening
of the new Emergency Services Area; they funded a new Wound Care
Hyperbaric Clinic; and they supported services and projects like Hospice Care,
Charity Care and the L.E. Phillips Treatment Center. None of this work
would have been possible without the faithful support of our good friends.
I thank the active, caring members of the Board of Directors of the Friends of
St. Joseph's Hospital. Through their leadership in fiscal 2010, we received in
gifts and pledges a humbling $1.83 million. The “week in and week out”
Right Response Community Appeal
Wound Care Campaign
Libertas, Green Bay Endowment Fund
Miscellaneous Designations
St. Joseph's Hospital Endowment Funds
Gift Total
Wound Care
Event Underwriting & Support
Hospice/Bereavement Materials
Charity Care
Partners Scholarships
Libertas Community Awareness
Farm Family Screenings
L.E. Phillips Libertas Treatment Center Incentive Program
Colleague Development
Grant Total
support of St. Joeseph’s colleagues, as well as the never-ending support of our
community, foundations, corporations and local businesses enabled us to
accomplish the impossible - achieving a record-breaking year in challenging
On behalf of our Sisters, Administration and all who benefit from our
services, I thank you most sincerely and am grateful to each and every one of
you for each and every gift. Imagine if every community were as generous as
Bobbi Giles,
Development Director, St. Joseph’s Hospital
Annual Fund
Birth Center/Nursery
Charity Care
CHIP: Chippewa Health Improvement Partnership
Colleague Development
Home Health
L.E. Phillips-Libertas Treatment Center
Libertas Treatment Center-Green Bay
Partners Projects
S.P.O.T.S House
*Gifts may be designated to any of the above named funds.
2009 – 2010
2008 – 2009
This fiscal year 9,346 gifts were received from 1,107
donors totaling $1,835,371 in charitable contributions.
Every effort has been made to ensure that all donor names are included and that each is spelled and listed correctly. If an error has occurred
please email, write or phone us with the correct information. Phone: 715.717.7397, Fax: 715.717.7258, Email: