
De La Salle University Library
Balitang Aklatan
Vol. XXXVI - No. 1 - January 2005
The Library
Exhibits DLSU’s
past and present
They took time out to trace their “roots” as La Sallians.
Here, students read Alfredo Litiatco’s (GS’22) description of
the first La Salle school building.
Students get to know the DLSU’s
past and present presidents.
Viewing articles on when and why
DLSU turned co-ed.
- I-IC celebrates Pearl
- Library faculty elected to
- Aliwalas’ study proposes
library upgrade
- Visitors
- Donors and recent
In celebration of the University
Week 2005 (Jan 24-29), which
carried the theme “La Sallian
Field of Dreams”, the DLSU
Library mounted an exhibit entitled
“DLS: past, present, perfect.”
Presented in chronological order, the
exhibit featured original and photocopied historical documents,
mounted pictures and publications
on the milestones in the history of
De La Salle University from 1911 to
the present. It showcased the
University’s many firsts: the first La
Salle Brothers who came at the
request of Archbishop of Manila,
Jeremiah J. Harty in 1907, its first
school in 1911 at 652 Nozaleda
Street in Paco, the first basketball
team, the first lay teacher, the first
graduates, the first issue of the
Green &White in 1924, the first
time “Hail! La Salle” was sung in a
pep rally and later as an Alma
Mater Hymn, the first time the
Archer Symbol appeared, the first
co-ed, the first library building, and
many more. Now a 94 year old
Manila landmark, DLSU pursues its
“institutional aspiration to be a vital
resource for Church and Nation and
an agent of transforming lives for
the youth-at-risk.”
The mounting of the exhibit was
chaired by Fe angela Verzosa,
University Archivist. The members
of the committee were Cres
Valenzuela-Public Programs
Coordinator, Jocelyn GaleonClerk at Archives, Edwin Rosete IMS Technician, and Amelia
Maula - Secretary.
I-IC Celebrates Pearl Anniversary
The Inter-Institutional
Bañaga, CM, President of AU, SMC
Consortium (I-IC) is now 30
Treasurer – Sr. Josephine
years old. It has a new vision and
Nepomuceno, OSB, President, SSC,
mission, a new logo, a newsletter,
SMC Board Members – Dr. Nilo
and has taken a new name - the
Rosas, President of PNU and Dr.
SOUTH MANILA CONSOROscar Suarez, President PCU.
TIUM (SMC). The consortium
The Pearl Anniversary was celis composed of six (6) member
ebrated at the Fleur de Liz Auditorium at
schools namely; Adamson
St. Paul University-Manila last DecemUniversity (AU), De La Salle
ber 17, 2004, which was attended by
The SMC logo with six rays and a man
University-Manila (DLSU-M),
about 300 delegates from the six (6)
with extended hands
Philippine Christian University
member schools. The program began
PCU), Philippine Normal Univerwith an Ecumenical Service sponsored
sity (PNU), St. Paul University-Manila (SPU), and St.
by the Campus Ministry of SPU and PCU. A Welcome
Scholastica’s College (SSC). It “envisions a nation
Address was given by Ms. Wynna Marie Medina who
transformed through education” and wants to be known
also recalled the history of the I-IC, its projects and
as “a community of schools that views education as the
accomplishments and announced the I-IC’s new name,
key to social transformation”. Its mission is to “actively
vision and mission, and the consortium’s future plans.
collaborate to effect social transformation by promoting
There was a video presentation on SMC’s 30 fruitful
the cause of education and by making quality and relyears of collaboration made possible through the efforts
evant learning accessible to as many as possible”.
of the various committees and where the new logo was
The new logo has six (6) rays representing the six (6)
introduced. The video was prepared by the Curriculum
member schools and a man with extended hands towards
and Instruction Committee (CIC). Sr. Josephine
the sky symbolizing a person transformed through
Nepomuceno, OSB introduced Sr. Mary John
meaningful education. The logo has two (2) colors; blue Mananzan, OSB, who received an Award of Recogniwhich is common among the six schools and green tion for her long service as SMC President and her
which is the “universal color for life and progress.”
valuable contribution to the SMC. A cultural show of
The SMC Board of Trustees and Officers are
Philippine and modern dances, accapella music, and
composed of SMC President - Ms. Wynna Marie
violinists was presented by the talented students of the
Medina, President of SPU-Manila, SMC Vice Presimember schools. Br. Armin Luistro, FSC, gave the
dent - Bro. Armin Luistro, FSC, President of DLSUclosing remarks. Cocktails were served at the SPU
Manila, SMC Corporate Secretary - Rev. Fr. Gregorio
grounds after the program.
Library Faculty Elected to Office
Three (3) of the DLSU Library Faculty were
elected to office for the year 2005. Fe Angela
Verzosa, the University Archivist, was elected as
Vice-President of the National Capital Region (NCR)
Board of Representatives of the Philippine Library
Association, Incorporated (PLAI). while Jocelyn
Ladlad, ASRC and EDRC Librarian, on the other
hand, was elected as the secretary of the said association. Ladlad was also elected as the Vice President of
the Association of the Special Libraries of the Philippines (ASLP) and a member of the Board of Trustees
2 - DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 36 No. 1, January 2005
of the Philippine Normal University Library and Information Alumni Association (PNULISSA).
Ana Maria B. Fresnido, Head of the Technical
Services and Cataloging Section, was elected as secretary of PAARL. A. Fresnido and A. Verzosa, as Exofficio member took their oath with the other members of
the PAARL Board last January 28. Officiated by Dr.
Amelou Benitez- Reyes, PWU President, their
induction was held at the Conrado Benitez Hall at PWU
during PAARL’s 32nd Annual General Assembly and
Awards Ceremonies.
Aliwalas’ Study Proposes Library Upgrade
Annabelle F. Aliwalas, a
cataloger at the Technical
Services, conducted a study
“Users’ assessment of the De
La Salle University (DLSU)
Library: Basis of a Proposed
Upgrading program” (2004) as a
requirement for earning a
master’s degree in Library
Science from Centro Escholar
University. The study sought to
know the extent of utilization of
the electronic resources in the
DLSU library, how respondents
assess the electronic resources in
terms of quality, usefulness and
services, and problems encountered
in using the electronic resources.
The data were gathered between
January 26 to 30, 2004. There were
about 400 respondents, majority of
whom were undergraduate students. It was found out that the
students were using the electronic
resources often, the Internet being
the most commonly used. The
Studentsat the IMS’ Graduate Corner
students rated the quality of the
available electronic resources very
good. They all agreed that services
were provided in the use of the
electronic resources. The respondents considered the said resources
very useful for the following reasons: 1) quick information retrieval,
2) upgraded quality of learning and
instruction, 3) development of
expertise in data gathering, and 4)
coping with global competitiveness.
The DLSU Library in 1985. It is the
first library in the Philippines to be
linked to the Internet in 1995. For
more information visit
3 - R. Lu Castro Cabangbang,
Professor, USM, Cotabato
- Ruben Feldt, Director, Makati
19- Cecilia Grace Cabrito, AV
Librarian, DLS-Z, Alabang
21 R. Kuh, Exchange Professor,
Chung Yu University, Korea
26 - Dr. Cheng Yue, Peking
- Chen Peiliang (Jack), President,
Chinese Students United
Association of the Philippines
- Rogelio de la Cruz, Araulio
University, Caloocan City
Based on the findings of the
study, the following were recommended:: 1) increase the number of
computers, 2) install additional
wireless network access, 3) acquire
the Millennium access plus (MAP),
4) study further the time limit given
to access the on-line resources, and
5) review existing instruction/user
education program.
The above recommendations
were based on Aliwalas’ conclusions that 1) The on-line Web
subscriptions/databases in the
DLSU Library were seldom used
by the respondents, 2) The respondents were not fully aware of the
electronic resources and services in
the DLSU Library, 3) The DLSU
Library has not met the demands
for computers of online users, 4)
The respondents’ search knowledge
and skills are inadequate, 5) The
library needs to improve its user
education program.
The Library Newsette/ BalitangAklatan
is published by the
DLSU University Library
2401 Taft Avenue, Malate, Manila 1004
Cresencia B. Valenzuela
Marita G. Valerio (valeriom@dlsu.edu.ph)
Associate Editor
Melton E. Jo (jom@dlsu.edu.ph)
Web Editor
Antonio B. Meneses (menesesa@dlsu.edu.ph)
Administrative Assistant
Amelia G. Maula (maulaa@dlsu.edu.ph)
Gregorio Guinto (guintog@dlsu.edu.ph)
DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 36 No. 1, January 2005
BJ – Ethics. Social usages. Etiquette
The DLSU Library would like to acknowledge
with great appreciation the following donors:
Rulebook women. Ma. Teresa H. Wright.
BJ1910 . W75 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana
Aliwalas, Annabelle
Aparicio, Angel OP, UST Library
Cordero, Rowena
De Castro, Renato
English Editorial Office of Journal of Zheijiang
University Science
Gonzalez, Andrew FSC
Hsu, Lee-Nah
Luistro, Armin FSC
National Science Counti, ROC
Robles, Alfredo
Roma, Dinah
Santiago, Edwin
Scheiter, Joseph FSC
Sinorama Magazine
Summer Institute of Linguistics
BP – Islam
BS – The Bible
1. Books
Interpreting the truth : changing the paradigm of
biblical studies. L. William Countryman. BS476
C68 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation
B – Philosophy (General)
On philosophy in China. Hyun Heochsmann.
B126 . H6 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation
Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim world.
editor in chief, Richard C. Martin. BP40 . E5
2004. 2nd floor, Information-Reference
Infidels : a history of the conflict between
Christendom and Islam. Andrew Wheatcroft.
BP172 . W44 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation
Islam and the state in Indonesia. Bahtiar Effendy.
BP63. I5 E34 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation
BR – Christianity
Reformation : Europe's house divided, 14901700. Diarmaid MacCulloch. BR305.3 . M34
2003. 3rd floor, Circulation
BT – Doctrinal theology
Organs without bodies : Deleuze and
consequences. Slavoj Zizek. B2430. D454 Z59
2004. 3rd floor, Circulation
The divinization of the Christian according to the
Greek fathers. Jules Gross ; translated by Paul A.
Onica ; introduced by Kerry S. Robichaux &
Paul A. Onica. BT761 . G7613 2002. 3rd floor,
BC - Logic
BX – Christian denominations
Predicate logic : the semantic foundations of
logic. Richard L. Epstein. BC181 . E67 2001.
3rd floor, Circulation
The plain truth about the unorthodox protestants.
Armando Ang. BX4817 . A54 2004. 4th floor,
BD – Speculative philosophy
Theo week 2003 : life, hope, holiness :
proceedings of the Fourth Theology Week of the
Faculty of Sacred Theology in cooperation with
the Graduate School and the Institute of
Religion, University of Santo Tomas, 7-12 April
2003. edited by Fausto B. Gomez, Virgilio T. J.
Suerte Felipe. BX1751.2A1
T44 2003. 4th floor, Filipiniana
Reasons and the fear of death. R. E. Ewin.
BD444 . E95 2002. 3rd floor, Circulation
BF - Psychology
development : theory, research, and applications.
edited by T. S. Saraswathi. BF713.5 . C76 2003.
3rd floor, Circulation
___________________________________DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 36 No. 1 January 2005 -
D – History (General)
Rosca. DS686.5 S56 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana
The Mediterranean in history. edited by David
Abulafia. D973 . M44 2003. 2nd floor,
Pulang mandirigma=images of the New People's
Army. DS686.5 . P84 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana
DT – History. Africa
Nineteen weeks : America, Britain, and the
fateful summer of 1940. Norman Moss. D755.2 .
M67 2003. Ground floor, American Studies
Resource Center
A history of South Africa. Leonard Thompson.
DT1787 . T46 2001. 3rd floor, Circulation
E – History. America
Race war : white supremacy and the Japanese
attack on the British Empire. Gerald Horne.
D767 . H67 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation
Strange victory : Hitler's conquest of France.
Ernest R. May. D802. F8 M39 2001. 3rd floor,
Challenging the boundaries of slavery. David
Brion Davis. E441 . D38 2003. 3rd floor,
Filipino Americans : journey from invisibility to
empowerment. Romeo S. Munoz. E184. F4 M86
2002. 4th floor, Filipiniana
DA – History. Great Britain
1759 : the year Britain became master of the
world. Frank McLynn. DA500 . M35 2004. 3rd
floor, Circulation
The first American revolution : before Lexington
and Concord. Ray Raphael. E216 . R36 2002.
Ground floor, American Studies Resource Center
DC – History. France
Surprise, security, and the American experience.
John Lewis Gaddis. E183.7 . G34 2004. Ground
floor, American Studies Resource Center
The French Revolution, 1789-1799. Peter
McPhee. DC148 . M34 2002. 3rd floor,
G – Geography (General)
DJK – History. Black Sea
Over the edge of the world : Magellan's
terrifying circumnavigation of the globe.
Laurence Bergreen. G420. M2 B47 2004. 3rd
floor, Circulation
The black sea : a history. Charles King. DJK66 .
K56 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation
DP – History. Spain
The atlas of war and peace. Dan Smith, with Ane
Braein. G1046. R1 S64 2003. 3rd floor,
Spain's road to empire : the making of a world
power, 1492-1763. Henry Kamen. DP164 . K35
2003. 3rd floor, Circulation
GB – Physical geography
DS – History. Asia
geomorphology. Gerhard Masselink and Michael
G. Hughes. GB451.2 . M37 2003. 3rd floor,
Ethnic relations and nation-building in Southeast
Asia : the case of the ethnic Chinese. edited by
Leo Suryadinata. DS523.4. C45 E84 2004. 3rd
floor, Circulation
Indonesia : the 2004 election and beyond. Adam
Schwarz. DS644.5 . S38 2004. 3rd floor,
GN – Anthropology
Engaging the UN special rapporteur on
indigeneous people : opportunities and
challenges. by Victoria Tauli-Corpus & Erlyn
Ruth Alcantara. GN671. P6 C67 2004. 4th floor,
Jose Maria Sison : at home in the world : portrait
of a revolutionary. conversations with Ninotchka
___________________________________DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 36 No. 1 January 2005 -
GV – Sports. Judo
The secrets of judo : a text for instructors and
students. by Jiichi Watanabe and Lindy Avakian.
GV475 . W38 2001. 3rd floor, Circulation
H – Social sciences (General)
Social research : the basics. Matthew David and
Carole D. Sutton. H62 . D38 2004. 3rd floor,
Employment equity and affirmative action : an
international comparison. Harish C. Jain, Peter J.
Sloane, and Frank Horwitz ; with Simon Taggar
and Nan Weiner. HD4903 . J34 2003. 3rd floor,
Employment relations. Ed Rose. HD6971 . R675
2004. 3rd floor, Circulation
Fuzzy logic in management. Christer Carlsson,
Mario Fedrizzi, Robert Fuller. HD31 . C344
2004. 3rd floor, Circulation
HA – Statistics
Ecological inference : new methodological
strategies. edited by Gary King, Ori Rosen,
Martin A. Tanner. HA29 . E27 2004. 3rd floor,
HB – Economics
Ethics, economics, and politics : principles of
public policy. I. M. D. Little. HB72 . L5 2003.
3rd floor, Circulation
Form and functions : a guide to technical writing
in economics. Emmanuel S. De Dios. HB75 .
D35 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation
Principles of economics. Roberto G. Medina.
HB171.5 . M386 2003. 4th floor, Filipiniana
HC – Economic history and conditions
Macroshift : navigating the transformation to a
sustainable world. Ervin Laszlo ; foreword by
Arthur C. Clarke. HC79. E5 L37 2001. 3rd floor,
HD – Economic history and conditions.
Industrial management. Production
The art and discipline of strategic leadership.
Mike Freedman with Benjamin B. Tregoe.
HD57.7 . F64 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation
Bad leadership : what it is, how it happens, why
it matters. Barbara Kellerman. HD57.7 . K444
2004. 3rd floor, Circulation
Decision making with dependence and feedback
: the analytic network process : the organization
and prioritization of complexity. Thomas L.
Saaty. HD30.23 . S24 2001. 3rd floor,
Golf and the game of leadership : an 18-hole
guide for success in business and in life. Donald
E. McHugh. HD57.7 . M28 2004. 3rd floor,
High performance leadership : creating, leading
and living in a high performance world. Graham
Winter. HD38.2 . W56 2003. 3rd floor,
International management : culture, strategy, and
behavior. Richard M. Hodgetts, Fred Luthans.
HD62.4 . H64 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation
Making IT happen : critical issues in IT
management. James D. McKeen and Heather A.
Smith. HD30.2 . M294
2003. 3rd floor,
A manual on voluntary arbitration and collective
bargaining in the Philippines. Alfonso C.
Atienza, author ; Ella Maria L. Atienza, Mary
Leian C. Marasigan, research assistants ; Rene E.
Ofreneo, editorial consultant. HD5605. A6 A84
2000. 4th floor, Filipiniana
The Six Sigma project planner : a step-by-step
guide to leading a Six Sigma project through
DMAIC. Thomas Pyzdek. HD69. P75 P99 2003.
2nd floor, Information-Reference
Strategic MRO powered by DSC : a roadmap for
transforming assets into strategic advantage.
Richard L. MacInnes and Dr. Stephen L. Pearce.
HD30.28 . M344 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation
Team workout : a trainer's sourcebook of 50
team-building games and activities. Glenn
Parker, Richard Kropp. HD66 . P38 2001. 2nd
floor, Information-Reference
___________________________________DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 36 No. 1 January 2005 -
HE – Transportation and communications
Auctioning public assets : analysis and
alternatives. edited by Maarten Janssen. HE8094
.A94 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation
The railroad and the state : war, politics, and
technology in nineteenth-century America.
Robert G. Angevine. HE2757 . A54 2004. 3rd
floor, Circulation
The great tax wars : Lincoln, Teddy, Roosevelt,
Wilson : how the income tax transformed
America. Steven R. Weisman. HJ4652 . W44
2004. Ground floor, American Studies Resource
HM – Sociology
HF - Commerce
Applied social psychology. edited by Marilynn
B. Brewer and Miles Hewstone. HM1033 . A66
2004. 3rd floor, Circulation
Basic accounting : concepts, principles,
procedures and applications. by Edwin G.
Valencia. HF5635 . V335 2002. 3rd floor,
Essential guide to qualitative methods in
organizational research. edited by Catherine
Cassell and Gillian Symon. HM786 . E87 2004.
3rd floor, Circulation
How to write better resumes. Gene Corwin, Gary
Joseph Grappo, Adele Lewis. HF5383 . C68
2004. 2nd floor, Information-Reference
Leadership and power : identity processes in
groups and organizations. edited by Daan van
Knippenberg and Michael A. Hogg. HM1261 .
L4 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation
Industrial and organizational psychology :
research and practice. Paul E. Spector. HF5548.8
. S64 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation
Office space planning : designing
tomorrow's workplace. Alexi Marmot, Joanna
Eley. HF5547.2 . M37 2000. 2nd floor,
Organizational psychology : a scientistpractitioner approach. Steve M. Jex. HF5548.8 .
J49 2002. 3rd floor, Circulation
Proactive risk management : [controlling
uncertainty in product development]. Preston G.
Smith and Guy M. Merritt. HF5415.153 . S66
2002. 3rd floor, Circulation
Remaking the global economy : economic
geographical perspectives. edited by Jamie A.
Peck and Henry Wai-Chung Yeung. HF1359 .
R45 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation
Organization theory and postmodern thought.
edited by Stephen Linstead. HM786 . O74 2004.
3rd floor, Circulation
Perspectivitism in social psychology : the yin
and yang of scientific progress. edited by John T.
Jost, Mahzarin R. Banaji, and Deborah A.
Prentice. HM1041 . P4 2004. 3rd floor,
Writing with style : APA style for social work.
Lenore T. Szuchman, Barbara Thomlison.
HM586 . S88 2004. 2nd floor, InformationReference
HN – Social history. Social problems. Social
Community immersion : toward becoming
agents of community empowerment. by Rex T.
Linao ; edited by Ernie T. Bhagwani. HN720. C6
L55 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana
HG – Finance
Greenback : the almighty dollar and the
invention of America. Jason Goodwin. HG591 .
G66 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation
Moral politics : how liberals and conservatives
think. George Lakoff. HN90. M6 L34 2002.
Ground floor, American Studies Resource Center
HQ – Sexual life
HJ – Public finance
Public finance : in theory and practice. Holley H.
Ulbrich. HJ141 . U44 2003. 3rd floor,
Sex and gender : a spectrum of views. [edited
by] Philip E. Devine, Celia Wolf-Devine. HQ21
.S49 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation
___________________________________DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 36 No. 1 January 2005 -
HV – Social pathology. Social and public
welfare. Criminology
Fourth world war : (global anti-terror war). John
A. Gilbuena. HV6431 . G54 2004. 3rd floor,
Sociology for social workers and probation
officers. Viviene E. Cree. HV41 . C74 2000. 3rd
floor, Circulation
An underworld at war : spivs, deserters,
racketeers & civilians in the Second World War.
Donald Thomas. HV6943 . T46 2003. 3rd floor,
International business law : text, cases, and
readings. Ray August. K1005.3 . A94 2004. 3rd
floor, Circulation
The international law on foreign investment. M.
Sornarajah. K3830.4 . S67 2004. 3rd floor,
KD – Law of the United Kingdom
Smith & Keenan's law for business. Denis
Keenan. KD665. B86 K44 2003. Ground floor,
European Documentation Research Centre
KF – Law of the United States
JC – Political theory. Theory of the state
Nationalism and globalisation : East and West.
edited by Leo Suryadinata. JC311 . N3534 2002.
3rd floor, Circulation
JF – Political science. Comparative works
Comparative politics : an introduction. Peter
Calvert. JF51 . C34 2002. 3rd floor, Circulation
JQ – Political science. Asia
Indonesian electoral behaviour : a statistical
perspective. Aris Ananta, Evi Nurvidya Arifin,
Leo Suryadinata. JQ778 . A5 2004. 3rd floor,
Getting organized in Vietnam : moving in and
around the socialist state. edited by Benedict J.
Tria Kerkvliet, Russell H. K. Heng, David W. H.
Koh. JQ831 . G47 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation
JS – Political science. Local government
Beyond good governance : participatory
democracy in the Philippines. edited by Marisol
Estrella and Nina Iszatt ; with foreword by John
Gaventa. JS7303. A3 B48 2004. 4th floor,
Local power and politics in Indonesia :
decentralisation & democratisation. edited by
Edward Aspinall and Greg Fealy. JS7192. A2 L6
2003. 3rd floor, Circulation
K – Law (General)
Employer liability for workplace trauma. Des
Butler. K964 . B87 2002. 3rd floor, Circulation
Antitrust law : economic theory and common
law evolution. Keith N. Hylton. KF1649 . H94
2003. Ground floor, American Studies Resource
Immigration questions and answers. Carl R.
Baldwin. KF4819 . B34 2002. 2nd floor,
In the court of public opinion : winning your
case with public relations. James F. Haggerty.
KF390.5. P8 H34 2003. Ground floor, American
Studies Resource Center
KPM – Philippine law
Bar tips : observations, principles and techniques
in preparing for the bar examinations. by Denis
de Leon Pacas. KPM53.55 . P34 2003. 4th floor,
Laws on women : a compilation. edited by
Myrna S. Feliciano, Flordeliza C. VargasTrinidad. KPM516 . A28 2000. 4th floor,
Obligations & contracts. Renato R. Rasimio.
KPM810 . P38 2003. 4th floor, Filipiniana
Shari'a remedial law compendium. by Ameladin
M. Alauya. KPM3474. A351983 A4 2003. 4th
floor, Filipiniana
LB – Theory and practice of education
Behavior psychology in the schools : innovations
in evaluation, support, and consultation. James
K. Luiselli, Charles Diament, editors. LB1027.55
B44 2002. 3rd floor, Circulation
___________________________________DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 36 No. 1 January 2005 -
Creative and innovative lesson presentations for
effective teaching and learning. by Esperanza P.
Libunao, Carmelita L. Regaspi ; edited by Ernie
T. Bhagwani. LB1027.4 L45 2003. 3rd floor,
Developing learning in early childhood. Tina
Bruce. LB1139.23 . B78 2004. 3rd floor,
Early childhood curriculum : a constructivist
perspective. N. Amanda Branscombe ... [et al.].
LB1139.4 E29 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation
Good practice in implementing the pre-school
curriculum. Sally Neaum, Jill Tallack. LB1140.4
N4 2002. 3rd floor, Circulation
Web-based learning : men & machines :
proceedings of the first Interational Conference
on Web-Based Learning in China, ICWL, 2002,
Hong Kong, 17-19 August 2002. editors, Reggie
Kwan ... [et al.]. LB1044.87 . I58 2002. 3rd
floor, Circulation
Writing your thesis. Paul Oliver. LB2369 . O55
2004. 3rd floor, Circulation
LC – Special aspects of education
Confronting racism, poverty, and power :
classroom strategies to change the world.
Catherine Compton-Lilly with a chapter by Todd
K. Lilly ; [foreword by Patrick Shannon].
LC212.2 . C65 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation
Journey of discovery : building a classroom
portfolios. Ann M. Courtney, Theresa L.
Abodeeb. LB1576 . C68 2001. 3rd floor,
The special educator's survival guide. Roger
Pierangelo. LC4015 . P54 2004. 2nd floor,
The leader's guide to standards : a blueprint for
educational equity and excellence. Douglas B.
Reeves. LB3060.83 . R45 2002. 2nd floor,
The creative school : a framework for success,
quality and effectiveness. Bob Jeffrey and Peter
Woods. LF795. A69 J44 2003. Ground floor,
European Documentation Research Centre
Literacy assessment : a collection of articles
from the Australian Literacy Educators'
Association. Heather Fehring, editor. LB1576 .
L48 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation
ML – Literature of music
The promise of educational psychology. Richard
E. Mayer. LB1051 . M39 2002. 3rd floor,
Qualitative educational research in action : doing
and reflecting. edited by Tom O'Donoghue and
Keith Punch. LB1028 . Q84 2003. 3rd floor,
Quality assurance in higher education : the UK
experience since 1992. Roger Brown.
LB2331.65. G7 B76 2004. Ground floor,
European Documentation Research Centre
Teaching kids to read for dummies/ by Tracey
Wood. LB1050 . W66 2004. 2nd floor,
Understanding reading development. Colin
Harrison. LB1050.53 . H37 2004. 3rd floor,
LF – Education. Europe
A search in Asia for a new theory of music.
[edited by Jose S. Buenconsejo]. ML330.1 . I65
2002. 4th floor, Filipiniana
Gary Valenciano. [Vic Valenciano]. ML420.
V34 V35 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana
N – Visual arts (General)
Art history. art, a brief history. Marilyn Stokstad.
N5300 . S782 2004. 2nd floor, InformationReference
Space and identity : expressions in the culture,
arts and society of the Muslims in the
Philippines. Abraham P. Sakili. N6260 . S25
2003. 4th floor, Filipiniana
ND – Painting
Nena Saguil : landscapes and inscapes : from the
material world to the spiritual. by Emmanuel
Torres. ND1029. S24 T67 2003. 4th floor,
___________________________________DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 36 No. 1 January 2005 -
PL – Philippine literature
NK – Decorative arts. Interior decoration
The Bayeux tapestry : the complete tapestry in
color. with introduction, description, and
commentary by David M. Wilson. NK3049. B3
W54 2004. 2nd floor, Information-Reference
P – Philology and linguistics (General)
Analysing academic writing : contextualized
frameworks. edited by Louise J. Ravelli and
Robert A. Ellis. P301.5. A27 A5 2004. 3rd floor,
Bilingual acquisition : theoretical implications of
a case study. Margaret Deuchar and Suzanne
Quay. P118 D46 2001. 3rd floor, Circulation
Bilinguality and bilingualism. Josiane F. Hamers
and Michel H. A. Blanc. P115 . H3713 2000. 3rd
floor, Circulation
Frame work in language and literacy : how
theory informs practice. Judith Felson Duchan.
P53.4116 . D8 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation
Globalization and language teaching. edited by
David Block and Deborah Cameron. P53 . G56
2002. 3rd floor, Circulation
The bird-catcher was a poet : the life and passion
of Eduardo A. Makabenta, Sr., 1885-1973.
PL6058.9. M28 Z466 2002 . 4th floor,
Isang daa't isang 101 lungkot at ligaya. Teo T.
Antonio. PL6165.4. A596 I8 2004. 4th floor,
Himagsik : pakikibaka tungo sa mapagpalayang
kultura. E. San Juan. PL5532 . S35 2004. 4th
floor, Filipiniana
The song from the mango tree : a Manobo
raconteur introduces his repertoire of oral
literature with a favourite trickster narrative.
Hazel J. Wrigglesworth, Ampatuan Ampalid ;
foreword by Miguel A. Bernard. PL6189. M35
W74 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana
The theatre of director Julius Opus. Edward
Delos Santos Cabagnot. PL6149 . C34 2003. 4th
floor, Filipiniana
Walong dulang iisahing yugto. ni Genoveva
Edroza Matute. PL6165.4. M4 W357 2004. 4th
floor, Filipiniana
PN – Literature (General)
The noun phrase. J. Rijkhoff. P271 . R54 2002.
3rd floor, Circulation
Remote control : new media, new ethics. edited
by Catharine Lumby, Elspeth Probyn. P94 . R45
2003. 3rd floor, Circulation
language in
communities : functional linguistic perspectives.
edited by Len
Unsworth. P53 . R47 2000. 3rd floor, Circulation
PE – English language
The functional analysis of English : a Hallidayan
approach. Thomas Bloor and Meriel Bloor.
PE1106 . B56 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation
Corporate media production. Ray DiZazzo.
PN1992.94 . D57 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation
Feature writing for Filipinos. Maria Cecilia M.
Genova ; foreword by Crispin C. Maslog.
PN4784. F37 G46 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana
Reference guide to world literature. editors, Sara
Pendergast and Tom Pendergast. PN524 . R44
2003. 2nd floor, Information-Reference
Rhetorics and speech communication : speeches,
orations, declamations and poems. Elinita D.
Mendoza, Anna Clarissa D. Mendoza. PN6122
M46 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana
PJ – Language and literature (General works)
Staging masculinities : history, gender,
performance. Michael Mangan. PN1650. M44
M36 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation
Season of migration to the north. Tayeb Salih ;
translated by Denys Johnson-Davies. PJ7862.
A564 M313 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation
PQ – Romance literatures
The Aleph : including the prose fictions from
The Maker. Jorge Luis Borges ; translated with
___________________________________DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 36 No. 1 January 2005 -
an introduction by Andrew Hurley. PQ7797.
B635 A71 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation
Pillo, Almerico Murli. QA76.88 . W67 2001. 3rd
floor, Circulation
Chronicle of a death foretold : a novel. Gabriel
Garcia Marquez ; translated from the Spanish by
Gregory Rabassa. PQ8180.17. A73 C6813 2003.
3rd floor, Circulation
Image and video compression for multimedia
engineering : fundamentals, algorithms, and
standards. Yun Q. Shi, Huifang Sun. QA76.575 .
S56 2000. 3rd floor, Circulation
PR – English literature
Intelligent virtual world : technologies and
applications in distributed virtual environment.
editors, Timothy K. Shih, Paul P. Wang.
QA76.575 . I567 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation
Studying poetry. Stephen Matterson and Darryl
Jones. PR504.5 . M37 2000. 3rd floor,
PS – Philippine literature in English
Getting real : an introduction to the practice of
poetry. Gemino H. Abad. PS9991.6 A24 2004.
4th floor, Filipiniana
Pidgin levitations : [poetic chroma texts].
Ricardo M. De Ungria. PS993. D338 . P54 2004.
4th floor, Filipiniana
Return flight and other essays. Tito Alquisola ;
introduction by Renato E. Madrid. PS9993.
A445 R47 2004. 4th floor, Filipiniana
Young pens for young minds : [anthology of
selected essays 2000-2004]. PS9992.5 Y68 2004.
4th floor, Filipiniana
Q – Science (General)
Computer manual in MATLAB to accompany
Pattern classification. David G. Stork, Elad
Yom-Tov. Q327
S76 2004. 2nd floor,
QA – Computer science
Computer systems design and architecture.
Vincent P. Heuring, Harry F. Jordan ; with a
contribution by Miles Murdocca. QA76.9. S88
H48 2003. 2nd floor, Information-Reference
Constraint and integer programming : toward a
unified methodology. edited by Michela Milano.
QA76.612 C64 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation
Fuzzy learning and applications. [edited by]
Marco Russo, Lakhmi C. Jain. QA76 . F89 2001.
3rd floor, Circulation
High performance algorithms and software for
nonlinear optimization. edited by Gianni Di
Internet-based intelligent information processing
systems. editors, R. J. Howlett ... [et al.].
QA76.9. E96 I57 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation
Introduction to scientific computing : a matrixvector approach using MATLAB. Charles F.
Van Loan. QA76.95 . V36 2000. 3rd floor,
An Introduction to requirements engineering .
Ian K. Bray. QA76.758 . B7 2002. 3rd floor,
Managing and mining multimedia databases.
Bhavani Thuraisingham. QA76.9. D3 T48 2001.
3rd floor, Circulation
Mastering Simulink. James B. Dabney and
Thomas L. Harman. QA76.9. C65 D34 2004. 3rd
floor, Circulation
Object-oriented application development using
Microsoft Visual Basic. Net. E. Reed Doke ... [et
al.]. QA76.64 O236 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation
Principles of computer architecture. Miles J.
Murdocca, Vincent P. Heuring. QA76.9. A73
M87 2000. 3rd floor, Circulation
QA - Mathematics
About teaching mathematics : a K-8 resource. by
Marilyn Burns. QA135.5 . B87 2000. 3rd floor,
A first course in wavelets with Fourier analysis.
Albert Boggess, Francis J. Narcowich. QA403.3
B64 2001. 3rd floor, Circulation
Global optimization using interval analysis.
Eldon Hansen, G. William Walster.. QA402.5 .
H37 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation
___________________________________DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 36 No. 1 January 2005 -
Linear estimation. T. Kailath, A. H. Sayed, B.
Hassibi. QA276.8 . K34 2000. 3rd floor,
Math matters : understanding the math you
teach, grades K-6. Suzanne H. Chapin, Arthur
Johnson. QA135.5 . C4 2000. 3rd floor,
Mathematical methods for the natural and
engineering sciences. Ronald E. Mickens.
QA300 . M54 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation
Nonlinear systems. Hassan K. Khalil. QA427 .
K5 2002. 3rd floor, Circulation
QH – Natural history (General). Biology
Biology : exploring life. Neil C. Campbell, Brad
Williamson, Robin J. Heyden. QH308.2 . C36
2004. 3rd floor, Circulation
Bioinstrumentation. [edited by] John G. Webster.
QH324.42 . B56 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation
Cell biology and genetics. Cecie Starr, Ralph
Taggart. QH581.2 . S7 2004. 3rd floor,
Information theory and evolution. John Avery.
QH366.2 . A88 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation
QC – Physics
QL – Zoology
Elements of engineering electromagnetics.
Nannapaneni Narayana Rao. QC670 . N37 2004.
3rd floor, Circulation
An introduction to chaos in nonequilibrium
statistical mechanics. J. R. Dorfman. QC174.8 .
D67 2001. 3rd floor, Circulation
Introduction to quantum fields on a lattice : 'a
robust mate'. Jan Smit. QC174.45 . S54 2002.
3rd floor, Circulation
Encyclopedia of entomology. edited by John L.
Capinera. QL462.3 . E54 2004. 2nd floor,
Insect pheromone biochemistry and molecular
biology : the biosynthesis and detection of
pheromones and plant volatiles. edited by Gary
Blomquist and Richard Vogt. QL495 . I57 2003.
3rd floor, Circulation
QP – Physiology
Knots and Feynman diagrams. Dirk Kreimer.
QC174.52. K56 K74 2000. 3rd floor, Circulation
QD – Chemistry
Modelling methodology for physiology and
medicine. Ewart Carson, Claudio Cobelli,
editors. QP33.6. M36 M64 2001. 3rd floor,
Basic chemical thermodynamics. E. Brian Smith.
QD504 . S57 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation
R – Medicine (General)
Chemometrics : data analysis for the laboratory
and chemical plant. Richard Brereton. QD75.4.
S8 B74 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation
Biomedical signal processing and signal
modeling. Eugene N. Bruce. R857. S47 B78
2001. 3rd floor, Circulation
Dean's analytical chemistry handbook. Pradyot
Patnaik. QD78 . P37 2004. 2nd floor,
Clinical engineering handbook. edited by Joseph
Dyro. R856.15 . C56 2004. 2nd floor,
Encyclopedia of biological chemistry. editors,
William J. Lennarz, M. Daniel Lane. QD415.
A25 E54 2004. 2nd floor, Information-Reference
Design of medical electronic devices. Reinaldo
Perez. R856 . P47 2002. 3rd floor, Circulation
QE – Geology
Ice age. John Gribbin and Mary Gribbin. QE697
G74 2002. 3rd floor, Circulation
Introduction to biomedical engineering. [editors]
John D. Enderle, Susan M. Blanchard, Joseph D.
Bronzino. R856 . I57 2000. 3rd floor, Circulation
Introduction to biomedical imaging. Andrew
Webb. R857. O6 W4 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation
___________________________________DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 36 No. 1 January 2005 -
RC – Internal medicine. Practice of medicine
Contemporary psychodrama : new approaches to
theory and technique. Jose Fonseca ; translations
by Julia Carleton Pinelo and Elizabeth Walden
Tambor. RC489. P7 F6613 2004. 3rd floor,
Digital Image processing using MATLAB.
Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, Steven
L. Eddins. TA1632 . G68 2004. 3rd floor,
Introduction to the mathematics of medical
imaging. Charles L. Epstein. RC78.7. D53 E67
2003. 3rd floor, Circulation
Fibre-reinforced polymer reinforcement for
concrete structures : proceedings of the Sixth
International Symposium on FRP Reinforcement
for Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-6), Singapore
8-10 July, 2003. edited by Kiang Hwee Tan.
TA680 . I57 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation
Psychotherapy with people in the arts : nurturing
creativity. Gerald Schoenewolf. RC451.4. A7
S36 2002. 3rd floor, Circulation
Handbook of transportation engineering. Myer
Kutz, editor. TA1151 . H36 2004. 2nd floor,
Sport, professionalism, and pain : ethnographies
of injury and risk. P. David Howe. RC1210 .
H68 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation
Introduction to materials science. Jean P.
Mercier, Gerald Zambelli, Wilfried Kurz. TA403
M4713 2002. 3rd floor, Circulation
RM – Therapeutics. Pharmacology
Practical handbook on image processing for
scientific and technical applications. Berne
Jahne. TA1637 . J344 2004. 2nd floor,
Manual of antibiotics and infectious diseases :
treatment and prevention. John E. Conte, Jr.
RM267 . C66 2002. 2nd floor, InformationReference
RS – Pharmacy and materia medica
Analytical method validation and instrument
performance verification. edited by Chung Chow
Chan ... [et al.]. RS189 . A56 2004. 3rd floor,
SD – Forestry
Principles of computer-aided design and
manufacturing. Farid Amirouche. TA174 . A44
2004. 3rd floor, Circulation
TC – Hydraulic engineering
Hydraulics in civil and environmental
engineering. Andrew Chadwick, John Morfett,
Martin Borthwick. TC160 . C3 2004. 3rd floor,
The kingdom and the republic : forest
governance and political transformation in
Thailand and the Philippines. Antonio P.
Contreras. SD561 . C65 2003. 4th floor,
TH – Building construction
T – Technology (General)
TJ – Mechanical engineering and machinery
Integrated IT project management : a modelcentric approach. Kenneth R. Bainey. T58.64 .
B34 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation
Intelligent control of robotic systems. by Dusko
Katic and Miomir Vukobratovic. TJ211 . K37
2003. 3rd floor, Circulation
TA – Engineering (General). Civil engineering
Guidelines for design of wind turbines. TJ828 .
G85 2002. 2nd floor, Information-Reference
Adaptive image processing : a computational
intelligence perspective. Stuart William Perry,
Hau-San Wong, Ling Guan. TA1637 . P46 2002.
3rd floor, Circulation
TK – Electrical engineering. Electronics
The HVAC handbook. Robert C. Rosaler, editorin-chief. TH7011 . H8 2004. 2nd floor,
Area array packaging materials : adhesives,
pastes, and lead-free. Ken Gilleo. TK7870.15 .
G54 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation
___________________________________DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 36 No. 1 January 2005 -
The art of analog layout. Alan Hastings. TK7874
H384 2001. 3rd floor, Circulation
The Circuits and filters handbook. editor-inchief, Wai-Kai Chen. TK7867 . C57 2003. 2nd
floor, Information-Reference
Computer networking with Internet protocols
and technology. William Stallings. TK5105.5 .
S698 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation
Creating digital content. John Rice, Brian
McKernan [editors]. TK6680.5 . C74 2002. 3rd
floor, Circulation
Design for reliability. edited by Dana Crowe &
Alec Feinberg. TK7836 . D47 2001. 3rd floor,
Dreamweaver MX e-learning toolkit : building
Web-based training with CourseBuilder. Michael
Doyle. TK5105.8885. D74 D68 2003. 2nd floor,
Electrical systems design. Theodore R. Bosela.
TK3101 . B67 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation
Electronic devices : a design approach. Ali
Aminian, Marian K. Kazimierczuk. TK7870 .
A45 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation
Hands-on networking with Internet technologies.
Douglas E. Comer ; Web site by W. David
Laverell. TK5105.5 . C6454 2004. 2nd floor,
communications. Arogyaswami Paulraj, Rohit
Nabar, Dhananjay Gore. TK5103.2 P38 2003.
3rd floor, Circulation
Linear synchronous motors : transportation and
automation systems. Jacek F. Gieras and
Zbigniew J. Piech. TK2537 . G54 2000. 3rd
floor, Circulation
Local area networks. Patrick Regan. TK5105.7 .
R44 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation
Modern industrial electronics. Timothy J.
Maloney. TK7881 . M36 2004. 3rd floor,
Vincentelli. TK7874.78 M44 2004. 3rd floor,
Principles and practice of information security :
protecting computers from hackers and lawyers.
Linda Volonino, Stephen R. Robinson with
contributions by Charles P. Volonino.
TK5105.59 . V64 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation
and unsupervised
computational intelligence. Evangelia MicheliTzanakou. TK7882. P3 M5 2000. 3rd floor,
The VLSI handbook. editor-in-chief, Wai-Kai
Chen. TK7874.75 . V57 2000. 2nd floor,
VLSI design. M. Michael Vai. TK7874.75 . V58
2001. 3rd floor, Circulation
Wide area networks. Patrick Regan. TK5105.87 .
R44 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation
TL – Motor vehicles. Aeronautics
A-1 driver's manual. TL152.66. P6 A66 2002.
4th floor, Filipiniana
First to fly : the unlikely triumph of Wilbur and
Orville Wright. James Tobin. TL540. W7 T64
2003. 3rd floor, Circulation
Wings : a history of aviation from kites to the
space age. Tom D. Crouch. TL515 . C76 2003.
3rd floor, Circulation
TR – Photography
Secrets of figure creation with Poser 5. B. L.
Render. TR897.7 R45 2003. 2nd floor,
TS – Manufactures
Analysis and modeling of manufacturing
systems. edited by Stanley B. Gershwin ... [et
al.]. TS183 . A54 2003. 3rd floor, Circulation
E-manufacture : application of advanced
technology to manufacturing processes. Roger
Timings, Steve Wilkinson. TS176 . T55 2003.
3rd floor, Circulation
Noise analysis of radio frequency circuits. by
Sangiovanni___________________________________DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 36 No. 1 January 2005 -
Equalized & synchronized production : the highmix manufacturing system that moves beyond
JIT. Toshiki Naruse ; contributing authors,
Kenichi Morii, Kunio Shibata, Tsutomu
Iwabuchi. TS155 . N37 2003. 3rd floor,
Kanban for the shopfloor. created by the
Productivity Press, Development Team. TS155 .
K36 2002. 3rd floor, Circulation
Lean assembly : the nuts and bolts of making
assembly operations flow. by Michel Baudin.
TS155 . B38 2002. 3rd floor, Circulation
The power of ultimate Six Sigma : Keki Bhote's
proven system for moving beyond quality
excellence to total business excellence. Keki R.
Bhote. TS156.8 B485 2003. 3rd floor,
Statistical models and control charts for highquality processes. by M. Xie, T. N. Goh, V.
Kuralmani. TS156 X54 2002. 3rd floor,
TX – Cookery
Robert S. Norris. UG128. G76 N67 2002. 3rd
floor, Circulation
2. Instructional Media Resources
$ Equipment
3. Archives Resources
$ Faculty Papers
Abella, Leonila
Application of selected advanced
oxidation processes for the degradation
of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in
oil and water matrices
distillation for dehydrogenation of 2propanol
Ethyl tertiary butyl ether synthesis in a
reactive distillation column inserted by
a zeolite membrane tube
biphenyls in water matrix using
UV/H202 : effect of oxidant
concentration and pH
Kape : a Philippine coffee cookbook. Vvicky
Veloso-Barrera, Chit Juan. TX724.5. P6 B36
2002. 4th floor, Filipiniana
The restaurant : from concept to operation. John
R. Walker and Donald E. Lundberg. TX911.3.
M27 W34 2001. 3rd floor, Circulation
Spice : the history of a temptation. Jack Turner.
TX406 T87 2004. 3rd floor, Circulation
UB – Military administration
The bureau and the mole : the unmasking of
Robert Philip Hanssen, the most dangerous
double agent in FBI history. David A. Vise.
UB271. R92 V57 2002. Ground floor, American
Studies Resource Center
Spies beneath Berlin. David Stafford. UB271.
U5 S7 2003. Ground floor, American Studies
Resource Center
UG – Military engineering
Racing for the bomb : General Leslie R. Groves,
the Manhattan Project's indispensable man.
2 units DVD writer
2 units 120gigs hard drive
Auresenia, Joseph
biphenyls in a three-phase fluidized bed
aerobic biofilm reactor
Biological treatment of PCBs using
biofilm acclimatized to anaerobic
environment : preliminary studies
Asia-swedish research partnership
programme : facilitated biological
method for removal of chlorinated
aromatic pollutants
Bayot, Jonathan
Cruz na Cruz : dalawampu’t walong
kritika, isang kritiko/crossing the textual
crosses of Isagani R. Cruz : isang
introduksiyon sa maraming salita,
dalawang wika, isang lengguwahe
Critical romance with the subject/s of
Philippine National-Popular Culture :
Soledad Reyes with her Modes 111
C/siting the poem, S/citing the voicean-other reading quasi una fantasia on a
___________________________________DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 36 No. 1 January 2005 -
theme on/in translation by Merlinda
Dis-coursing the S/subjects of theory
towards a critical literacy of our own
Catalan, Jose Antonio
Multimedia authoring subsystem for the
generation of video and still image
sequences of small subjects
A four-wheeled mobot with smart
steering and speed control
Cua, Karen Jane
Conceptual design
classroom desk chair
De Castro, Renato
The realist’s puzzle : Japan’s post-cold
war defense policy
Is there a northeast Asian naval arms
race? Some preliminary findings
Congressional intervention in Philippine
post-cold war defense policy, 19912003
De Mesa, Jose
Why Theology is never far from home
Gallardo, Susan
Review on polychlorinated biphenyls &
their biodegradation
biphenyls in water matrix using
UV/H202 : effect of oxidant
concentration and pH
Air pollution studies in Metro Manila
and catalysis technology towards clean
air Philippines
Habulan, Nenita
Introducing online learning initiative in
a higher learning institution (First of
three parts)
Introducing online learning initiative in
higher learning institution (Second of
three parts)
Introducing online learning initiative in
a higher learning institution (Last of
three parts)
Lim, Felix
JFET yield prediction using Monte
Carlo method
A study on the effects of post mold cure
process on voltage threshold of FET
Face : flash algorithm control engine
Built in self test capability for burn-in
of flash memory devices
Screen development for bake-induced
ICC standby fallouts using current tail
Leaky column redundancy repair : an
innovative scheme that improved
P629.0 eprom product test yields
A heuristic approach to process and
enterprise modeling and simulation
based on the Monte Carlo method
A set theory model for process and
equipment diagnosis
Macadaeg, Aurenilo
General laboratory policies and
Rules and regulations to be followed in
performing an experiment and making a
laboratory report
Laboratory policies and guidelines for
submission and reacquisition
Safety precautions to be followed in the
Policies on the use of lockers
Melegrito, Ma. Lourdes
Development, democratic governance
The triadic intersection of communitybased learning, social responsibility and
community based development
Laying the ground
Manual of operations (COSCA),
November 2003
Nagayo, Analene
A synthesizable VHDL model of a
lossless data compression circuit using
run length encoding algorithm
Reyes, Napoleon
Color-based fuzzy vision system for the
FIRA robot soccer game
Machine vision using fuzzy logic
Dynamic color object recognition using
fuzzy logic
Hybrid fuzzy logic strategy for soccer
robot game
Towards a high-level hybrid system of
neural classifiers
2002 IEEE international conference on
industrial technology
___________________________________DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 36 No. 1 January 2005 -
Taylan, Dolores
Ang wika at ang pelikulang Pilipino :
isang ugnayang cultural at ang gahum at
ang kontra-gahum sa pelikulang
Kung paano dapat basahin si Abueg
Ang kahulugan, layunin at kahalagahan
ng pagsasalaysay
Ang uri ng pagsasalaysay
Si Liwayway Arceo, at ang Canal De
La Reina : isang pagbuwag sa
kinagisnang tradisyon sa kababaihan
Villacorta, Ernest Geir
Max Stirner’s concept of the egoist and
Robert Lifton”s idea of the Postmodern
Wostyn, Lode Lucas
Christianity and discipleship
The catechism for Filipino Catholics :
some considerations
charismatics in the Philippines
Pluralism and fundamentalism in the
church : A book review
A pilgrimage in Christology : doing
Doing ecclesiology : church and
mission today
Doing theology : basic realities and
Believing unto discipleship : Jesus of
Nazareth : a workbook for Theology 2
I believe : a workbook for Theology 1
Discipleship in community : a
workbook for Theology 3
A new church for a new age
reappropriation of a tradition
Living like Jesus : a workbook for
Theology 4
$ Theses (Graduate)
MA in English Language Education
Developmental errors in reading of Ll
speakers of English among selected
Filipino children [computer file].
Torrato, Janette B. 2004. TG-03691
Developing a syllabus for corpus
linguistics to be offered as a graduate
course in De La Salle UniversityManila [computer file]. Sandil, Nino P.
2004. TG-03683 (CD).
MA Education in Special Education
Program of activities on social and
emotional adaptability for workplace
trainees with mental retardation at
selected special education schools
[computer file]. Santos, Maria Elena
Pabalan. 2004. TG-03684 (CD).
intellectually gifted adolescents versus
those with average intelligence : a
comparative study [computer file]. Tan,
Hazel Anne Marquez Musngi. 2004.
TG-03687 (CD).
MA Language and Literature
Barbed wire : a contextual study of
poems by four political prisoners in the
Philippines [computer file]. Salita,
Grace Braceros. 2004. TG-03682 (CD).
MS Chemical Engineering
Aerobic biofilm acclimatization to
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) using
a three-phase fluidized bed reactor
$ Dissertations
Doctor of Education major in
Educational Management
Towards an integrated religious
education curriculum for the St. Paul
University system (tertiary level) in the
Philippines [computer file]. Bautista,
SPC, Sr. Hilaria Suzette C. 2004. TG03695 (CD).
Doctor of Education major in
Religious Education and Values
Religious beliefs, rituals and practices
among selected Tinguian and Ilocano
high school students of Abra : an
ethnographic study [computer file].
Alcartado, Paterno S. 2004. TG-03694
___________________________________DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 36 No. 1 January 2005 -
Company strategy evaluation. De
Mello, Anthony. [undated]. TOCE00820.
Corporate strategic paper for Bataan
Savings and Loan Bank. Dela Pena,
Emelita R. [undated]. TOCE-00804.
incremental cost model for process
plant water integration and retrofit
[computer file]. Visaya, Mariano L., III.
2004. TG-03692 (CD).
Corporate strategies for Mariwasa Siam
Ceramics, Inc. Credo, Manuel B. Jr.
[undated]. TOCE-00798.
The corporate strategy of CE Lighting,
Inc. Xu Qin (Cathy). [undated]. TOCE00821.
MS Computer Science
Automatic lexicon extraction from
[computer file]. Tiu, Eileen Pamela K.
2004. TG-03689 (CD).
Equitable Savings Bank : a strategic
comprehensive exam. Sebastian, Leilani
E. [2003]. TOCE-00817.
Family Heritage Plan, Inc. Guarin,
Rudolph Val F.[2004]. TOCE-00812.
Formulating a strategy for Sta. Teresita
General Hospital. Dizon, Elizabeth T.
[undated]. TOCE-00806.
PB's Bed & Breakfast : Re-launch
program. Comandao, Phoebe P. [2003].
Proposed strategic management plan for
the Manila Pest Control Company.
Ortiz, Raul Feliciano. [2003]. TOCE00814.
Savannah Mills, Inc. Alulod, Privado E.
[2003]. TOCE-00799.
Sonver Construction. Del Rosario,
Plaridel Wilson C. [2003]. TOCE00803.
Standard Insurance Co. Echauz, Patricia
B. [2003]. TOCE-00809.
Strategic management in the hospitality
industry : Manila Diamond Hotel.
Vegiga, Ma. Carmina I. [2003]. TOCE00819.
[computer file]. Taleon, Donna Marie
G. 2004. TG-03686 (CD).
MS Chemistry
Activation of calcium carbide for the
synthesis of acetylenic alcohols
[computer file]. Tardaguila, Alex A.
2003. TG-03688 (CD).
MS Economics
Consumption and saving under liquidity
constraints : the Philippine case (19882000) [computer file]. See, Edward
Camaligan. 2004. TG-03685 (CD).
MS Industrial Relations Management
Outcomes of collective bargaining in
the Philippine manufacturing industry
Bernadette M. 2004. TG-03690 (CD)
$ Project Papers
Master of Business Administration
Adformatix, Inc. Ramirez, Anthony
Ranier P. [undated]. TOCE-00815.
Corporation : strategic management
paper. Andres, Maureen U. [undated].
Centennial Structures Asia, Inc.
Cornista, Mario B. [undated]. TOCE00797.
Strategic management paper for Ayala
Property Management Corporation.
Torremonia, Henry F. [2003]. TOCE00818.
___________________________________DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 36 No. 1 January 2005 -
A strategic management paper for
Corporation. Badua, Ma. Luisa C.
[2003]. TOCE-00800.
$ Theses (Undergraduate)
BS in Computer Science major in
Computer Engineering
Strategic management paper on
Immaculate Conception College-La
Salle Ozamiz City. Dolor, Raymundo
C. [2003] TOCE-00805.
Internet host mobility. Chiu, Angelo
Georgino T. Cruz, Rhyan I. Estacio,
Aaron Ian R. Venida, Jasper A. 2000.
A strategic management paper on
United Overseas Bank Philippines.
Dungog, Nicholas Lopez A. [2003].
BS in Computer Science
Computer-controlled robotic arm using
fuzzy logic for object gripping. Dee,
Raquel T. Lee, Imee C. Romero, Leroy
Neil F. Tanzon, Michelle C. 2000. TU12146.
A comparative study between the fast
fourier transform and wavelet transform
in terms of audio signals. Arenas, Mitch
L. Estrella, Irene Natividad P. Lo,
Calvin P. Oliveros, Mark Ryan G. 2001.
A cooperative task -sharing multi-agent
robotic system. Galang, Renan G.
Junginger, Michael R. Mendoza,Patrick
John O. Teves, Kristoffer John B. 2002.
Eye Track. Ang, Louie Alexander. Lee,
Jeric. See, Paule Cyrusse. Sison,
Michael James. 2002. TU-12129.
FMT Face Movement Tracker. Castro,
Joy Charisma B. Segundo, Karen B.
Tieng, Ronald C. 2000. TU-12140.
Farm-spraying mobile robot prototype.
Alcasid, Robert Jeffrey C. Camus,
Marlon C. Quimpo, Ma. Daranee R.
Santos, Cherry Anne J. 2001. TU12126.
Fire extinguishing autonomous robot (F.
E. A. R). Dy, Fitzroy C. Ismael,
Christian T. Teo, Timothy G. Yap,
Vincent C. 2001. TU-12145.
NetDork 4.0 : A network simulation
software. Abello, Cynthia G. Chua,
Russel Stuart T. Dagondon, Elson Niel
S. Sannadan, Michelle F. 2001. TU12127.
Metropolitan Bank & Trust Company
(Universal Banking Operations). Choy,
Annabelle Yip. [2003]. TOCE-00801.
A strategic paper for the Government
Service Insurance System (GSIS).
Rongo, Marcelino C. [2003]. TOCE00816.
Strategic management paper for CVS
Philippines Inc. Dumlao, Ana Maria D.
[undated]. TOCE-00807.
Strategic management paper for Sunlife
Cagurangan, Jose Mari S. [undated].
A strategic management plan for the
Bank of the Philippine Islands.
Esguerra, Mary Ann T. [undated].
Strategic paper for China Banking
[undated]. TOCE-00796.
A strategic plan for Josar Engineering
Enterprises period covering year 2000
to 2004. Conde, Bienvenido G.
[undated]. TOCE-00795.
Strategic plan on Fabricast Industries
[undated]. TOCE-00813.
Wired planet. Gapuz, Hubert [2003].
___________________________________DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 36 No. 1 January 2005 -
A report on the applicability of the
curriculum in De La Salle University to
the computer engineering graduates and
it industry. Go, Chi Huey U. Sia,
Winnie. Tanzon, Mae Ann C. 2000.
TU-12150 v. 1-3.
Simon's Slave. Andaya, Marie Luanne
S. Lee, Margaux Elsvette S. Villanueva,
Deneb Arc M. Wong, Janet T. 2000.
SIMRouter 2002. Abad, Raymond.
Inaldo, Ann Marie. Reyes, Marc.
Singson, Diana. 2002. TU-12128.
oscilloscope. Argabioso, Maria Juris.
Ang, Jeffrey S. Capati, Alvin. Cofreros,
Jose Jr., S. 2000. TU-12134.
Wireless local area network (WLAN).
Celestino, Lewelyn V. Chiu, Rhys
Andersson L. Ng, Myline Marion S.
Nocedo, Rogel R. 2000. TU-12142.
BS in Computer Studies
Portal : Portable Asset Locator.
Figueroa, Jan Arman B. Ong, Jonathan
Louie T. Santamarina, Jose Carlo C.
2001. TU-12147.
Communications Engineering
Microcontroller-based aid for the blind
in reading mobile phone messages using
the braille system. Lagura, John Lloyd
R. Pascual, Miguel Carlos G. Rabadan,
Rehum Jay R. Tabac, Alexander G.
2004. TU-12124.
Microcontroller-based, RF-connected
home appliances controlled using SMS
technology. Banzon, Vince Edward T.
Banez, Luis Erick T. Bea, Abelardo Jr.,
L. Borja, Christian DJ. Nonato,
Raymond R. 2004. TU-12118.
Non-invasive heartbeat detector remote
controlled rover and smart direction
communication. Chung, Williamson N.
De Leon, Bernadette C. Go, Ron Eric
V. Tan, Alain Derek U. 2004. TU12122.
Obstruction detection and automatic
braking system for maintaining a safe
distance between moving vehicles.
Atadero, Katherine C. Chan, Michael
Nino A. Pestano, Garrett B. 2004. TU12116.
PC-based three dimensional mapping
through stereoscopic imaging and
analysis. Ledesma, Jubert E. Martinez,
Marvin P. Millan, Alberto Paolo C.
2004. TU-12125.
PIC microcontroller-based wireless
home automation system using infrared
signals. Bigcas, Mary Blair A.
Clemente, Kristin Socorro C. Dee,
Charito A. Lumague, Renn Christian D.
S. 2004. TU-12119.
Vehicle particulate emission reduction
Buensuceso, Joseph Jr., T. Esteban,
Mark John B. Florida, Michael U.
Medina, Mark Cecilio S. Pacia,
Edgardo Jr., M. 2004. TU-12120.
Breadboard router using microcontrollers. Adan, Frederick I. Candido,
Johannes O. Chong, Albert P. Cuenca,
John Gerard T. Lim, Jonathan O. 2004.
SWIDLEC with introduction to
VLSIDES. Cruz, Leonard William
Ocampo. Ramos, Nicholas Carlo
Montoya. 2004. TU-12123.
Letter sign language translator. Canono,
Peter 111, T. Leonor, Martin Christian
G. Santos, Dennis Oliver O. Suratos,
Jayson V. Tuason, Paul G. 2004. TU12121.
___________________________________DLSU Newsette Balitang Aklatan Vol. 36 No. 1 January 2005 -