The electrical conductivity of a semiconductor at absolute zero


The electrical conductivity of a semiconductor at absolute zero of temperature is zero

At room temperature, the conduction band electrons are equal to that of valence band holes in an intrinsic semiconductor

If m*h > m*e, then the position of Fermi energy level is just above the center of forbidden energy gap

Dual nature [particle and wave] of matter was proposed by de Broglie

Spectral line splitting due to the influence of magnetic fields is called Zeeman Effect

The Zeeman Effect without the spin of the electron is called Normal Zeeman Effect

In semiconductors with the increase in temperature the resistance Decreases

Conduction band contains free electrons

Semiconductors are material in which conductivity is None of the options

A Greater than conductivity of a conductor

B less than conductivity of an insulator

C Equal to conductivity of a conductor

D None of the above

Answer D

All semiconductors in their last orbit have 4 electrons

Hall Effect is associated with Semiconductors

What was demonstrated by G. P. Thomson?

Diffraction of electrons

If line spectrum is subjected to magnetic field, the line splits into a number of components symmetrically distributed about the original line. This effect is known as, Zeeman effect

When a beam of monochromatic light passed through organic liquids, the scattered light contained other frequencies in addition to that of the incident light. This effect is known as, Raman Effect

Hall effect measurement helps us to get

Measurement of magnetic field

Sign and Concentration of charge carrier

Mobility of charge carriers

In Hall Effect if magnetic field is applied along X-axis, current is flowing along Y axis, then in what direction the hall voltage would develop?

Perpendicular to magnetic field direction as well as current flow direction

Silicon and Germanium element have four valence electrons

Valence electrons are the Electrons present in the outermost orbit

A Germanium atom contains Four valance electron

Free electrons exist in Conduction band

The energy band occupied by valence electrons that are incorporated into covalent bonds is called Valence band

The energy band hosing the free electrons capable of electrical conduction is called the Conduction band

The energy interval between the top edge of valence band and the bottom edge of the conduction band is

Forbidden band gap

Depending of existence and width of which band the solids are classified as conductors, semiconductors, and insulators?

Forbidden band gap

At absolute zero temperature, in insulators and semiconductors The valence band is full and conduction band is empty

The valence band and conduction band are separated by Forbidden band gap

Materials which show negligible conductivity at 0K but exhibit significant Conductivity at normal temperatures are called as, Semiconductors

In semiconductor, the forbidden gap Eg typically From 0.5 eV to 1.5 eV

In semiconductors, the empty states left behind in the valence band assume particle character and act as charge carriers. These empty states are called as, Holes

The uppermost filled energy level in a conductor at 0K Fermi energy

The maximum energy energy that an electron can have in a conductor at 0K

Fermi energy

The average energy possessed by the electrons which participate n conduction process in conductors at temperatures above 0K Fermi energy

The class of solids in which, at normal temperatures, a significant number of electrons are thermally excited from valence band to conduction band and an equal number of holes are produced in the valance band is............


Chemically pure semiconductors are known as Intrinsic semiconductors

A semiconductor is considered to be pure when … There is less than one impurity atom in a billion host atoms.

Intrinsic semiconductors have Low conductivity

An introduction of impurity atoms in an perfect semiconductor gives rise to Extrinsic semiconductors

An intentional introduction of controlled quantity of impurity into an intrinsic semiconductor is called as


In an intrinsic semiconductor, the concentration of electrons and holes will be equal

The process that generates carriers in an intrinsic semiconductors Thermal process

The electrical conductivity increases when an intrinsic semiconductor is doped with suitable impurity. Such semiconductor is known as Extrinsic semiconductors

Semiconductor doped with pentavalent impurities become 'n' type semiconductor

Semiconductor doped with trivalent impurities become 'p' type semiconductor pentavalent impurities are called as Donor impurities trivalent impurities are called as Acceptor impurities

In n-type semiconductor, donor levels are near the edge of conduction band .

In p-type semiconductor, acceptor levels are near the edge of valance band

The more numerous carriers in an extrinsic semiconductor are known as,

Majority carriers

The less numerous carriers in an extrinsic semiconductor are known as,

Minority carriers

In case of Raman effect the lines on lower frequency side are more intense and called as,

Stokes lines

In case of Raman effect the lines on higher frequency side are less intense and called as,

Anti - Stokes line

Stokes and anti Stoke lines are observed in Raman effect

Raman effect can be observed in Benzene

Which of the following is magneto-optical phenomenon Zeeman effect

The simplest splitting in Zeeman effect is obtained with Strong magnetic field

The complex splitting in Zeeman effect is obtained with Weak magnetic field

In case of Zeeman effect, longitudinal view reveals Doublet

In case of Zeeman effect, transverse view reveals Triplet

In Raman effect, in addition to original line New lines symmetric to both sides of mean line are observed

In Zeeman effect, splitted spectral line are Circularly polarized

The wavelength associated with a particle of mass m moving with velocity v is given by h/mv

The product of uncertainties between position and momentum is given by p=h

The equation of wavelength of matter wave was derived by de-broglie

The wavelength of electron accelerated though the potential V is Inversely proportional to square root of potential V

The velocity of matter wave is Larger than the velocity of light

The equation of motion of matter wave was derived by Schrodinger

The particle is specified by Mass and Velocity

The particle is specified by Mass and Momentum

The wave is specified by Frequency, Wavelength, Amplitude

The time-independent Schrödinger equation is a partial differential equation

De-Broglie wavelength of a particle with momentum p is h/p

The velocity of matter waves depend upon Velocity of Particle

In Fermi-Dirac Distribution function, the probability that the energy level E occupied by


Fermi level for extrinsic semiconductor depends on

A Donor element

B Impurity concentration

C Temperature

D All of these

Answer D

When a Pentavalent impurity is added to pure semiconductor it becomes N -Type semiconductor

Addition of Pentavalent impurity to a Semiconductor creates Free Electrons

A hole in a Semiconductor is defined as a In-complete part of an electron pair bond

Fermi energy level for intrinsic semiconductors lies Close to valence band

Fermi energy level for p-type extrinsic semiconductors lies Close to conduction band

The intrinsic charge concentration

Is independent of Fermi level

Has an exponential dependence on the band gap value Eg

Strongly depends on the temperature

The Fermi level in an intrinsic semiconductor may be considered as independent

In an n type semiconductor, at T=0K, Fermi level lies midway between the donor levels and the bottom of the conduction band

In an p type semiconductor, at T=0K, Fermi level lies midway between the acceptor level and the top of the valence band

The Fermi-Dirac distribution function gives fractional occupancy of the energy states

Matter waves are present when particles are in motion

The wave function of the particle is a solution to the wave equation

Schrodinger time in-dependent wave equation is given by

2 +8 2m/h2(E-V) =0

Schrodinger time dependent wave equation is given by H =E

Identify the properties of wave function

B oth Normalize and It must be single valued

To prepare a n type semiconductor, the element to be added with tetra valant element is

Pentavalent element

To prepare a p type semiconductor, the element to be added with tetra valant element is

Tri valant element

If the Hall coefficient is negative then the semiconductor is n-type

The sign of Hall coefficient in p type semiconductor is positive

In G. P. Thomson experiment for diffraction, the sample used for diffraction is,

Thin film of gold or silver or aluminum

Raman effect was discovered while study of scattering of light by liquids

Zeeman Effect is a magneto-optic phenomenon which provides a link between spectroscopic and magnetic properties of elements

The range of critical length below which Nanomaterials begin to demonstrate new physical or chemical phenomenon is in between 1 to 100 nm

The tensile strength of a carbon nano-tube is 100 times that of steel

The ratio of thermal conductivity of silver to that of carbon nanotubes is 1: 10

Nano material is an emerging branch of science for designing tools and devices of size:

1 to 100 nm

Nanomaterials are a science of creation of:

Functional materials

Control on the nanometer length scale

Exploitation of properties

All of the above

Nano science involves the manipulation of materials on Atomic Scale, Molecular Scale

Micro molecular Scale

The change in the properties of Nanomaterials as compared to bulk is because of

Both Large surface area to volume ratio and Quantum confinement

Materials that are Nano scale in one dimension and are extended in the other two dimensions are

Thin film

Materials that are Nano scale in two dimensions and are extended in one dimension include

Both Nano tubes and Nano wires

Materials that are Nano scale in three dimensions are Nano particles

The properties of Nanomaterials that differ significantly from the bulk are increased

Both Relative surface area and Quantum effect

Greater proportion of atoms are found on the surface as the particle decreases in size

The quantum effect starts dominating the properties of matter, as the materials particle size reduces to nano scale

The Nanomaterials are ________ in nature Hard

The Nanomaterials are chemically Active

The Nanomaterials are ductile at High temperature

In nanometer size range, the hardness increases with Decrease of particle size

The density of Nanomaterials is ____________ as compared to its bulk density Lowered

Melting temperature of nano Particles gets __________ as compared to bulk melting point


In magnetic properties of Nanomaterials below the critical size, material prefers to be

Single domain

__________ play an important role in the magnetic properties of nanostructures

Surface and interfaces

The surface to volume ratio is _______ in Nanomaterials Very large

In Nanomaterials ionization potential is ________ when compared with that of the bulk Higher

The bulk material when reduced to Nanomaterials will show _____ physical and chemical properties


Nanomaterials can be synthesized by Top-down approach, Bottom-up approach

Gold nono Spheres of 100nm appear Orange

Nanomaterials was brought into day light by delivering lectures by Feynman

______ are the extensions of bucky balls

Carbon nano tubes

As the substance change from bulk to nano range they show the change in the properties like,

Opaque material is converted in to transparent

Inert material start behaving like catalysts

Insulators become conductors

The optical properties of nano particles include

Opaque substances are converted into transparent material

Colors of nano particles depend on the particle size nano particles exhibits photoluminescence but bulk material will not show this effect

The change in the properties of Nanomaterials as compared to bulk is because of

Large surface area to volume ratio quantum confinement

In Nanomaterials with decrease of size the inter-atomic spacing Decreases

Nanoparticles are transparent

The single domain magnetic particles which do not show coercivity or hysteresis are known as super-paramagnetic particle

Which one of the following is a physical process of synthesis of nanoparticles?

A sol gel method

B Chemical vapor deposition

C Mechanical Ball milling

D None of these

Answer C

The method in which small balls are allowed to rotate around a drum and drop on the solid enclosed in drum so that the size of solid is reduced to nano scale is known as,

A sol gel method

B Chemical vapor deposition

C Mechanical Ball milling

D None of these

Answer C

The change in the property of material occurs at nanoscale due to the reason,

A High surface to volume ratio

B More chemical reactivity

C interaction with the environment change

D All of these

Answer D

Which one of the following is not a physical process of synthesis of nanoparticles?

A sol gel method

B Sputter deposition

C Mechanical Ball milling

D Physical vapor deposition

Answer A

Which one of the following is not a chemical process of synthesis of nanoparticles?

A sol gel method

B collide suspension

C inverse micelles

D Physical vapor deposition

Answer D

Which one of the following is a chemical process of synthesis of nanoparticles?

A sol gel method

B Physical vapor deposition

C Mechanical Ball milling

D Laser ablation

Answer A

Mechanical Ball milling is a

A top down approach

B bottom up approach

C top down approach and bottom up approach

D None of these

Answer A

In top down approach of nanoparticles synthesis,

A start with large structure and is made nano form

B starts with individual atom and made nano structures

C starts with nano particles and is made still smaller

D None of these

Answer A

The synthesis method in which, nanoparticles are deposited from the gas phase by heating the material and depositing on a surface under vacuum, is known as,

A sol gel method

B Chemical vapor deposition

C Mechanical Ball milling

D Laser ablation

Answer B

The synthesis method in which, ions are accelerated towards the surface of the target, causing atoms of the source material to break off from the target and condense on the substrate is known as,

A sol gel method

B Chemical vapor deposition

C Mechanical Ball milling

D Sputtering

Answer D

The synthesis method in which, high intensity laser beam is focused on target material, target material converted in to plasma and condense on the substrate at room temperature is known as,

A sol gel method

B Chemical vapor deposition

C Mechanical Ball milling

D Laser ablation

Answer D

Which of the following is not a stage of Sol gel synthesis technique of nanoparticles?

A Agglomeration

B Condensation

C Sputtering

D Hydrolysis

Answer C

Which of the following is a stage of Sol gel synthesis technique of nano particles?

A Growth of particles and Agglomeration

B Condensation

C Hydrolysis

D All of these

Answer D

Synthesis of Nanomaterials, in mechanical ball milling method, size of the containers depends upon the amount of

A Grain size

B Nature of materials

C Type of nanostructure

D None of the above

Answer A

Evaporation can be achieved by

A Resistive heating

B Laser heating

C Both Resistive heating and Laser heating

D Mechanical crushing

Answer C

In evaporation, the number of atoms leaving the surface of solid or liquid material should

A Greater than atoms returning to the surface

B less than atoms returning to the surface

C some times greater than or some times less than atoms returning to the surface

D None of these

Answer A

Sputter deposition can be carried out using

A Direct current sputtering

B Radio frequency sputtering

C Both Direct current sputtering and Radio frequency sputtering

D None of the above

Answer C

In sputter deposition method, discharge of some __________ atoms are used

A Inert gas

B Iron gas

C Carbon di oxide gas

D Hydrogen gas

Answer A

In sputter deposition method, deposition is carried out in a required ___________ obtained in a high vacuum system

A Vapor pressure

B Atmospheric Pressure

C Gas pressure

D Both A and B

Answer C

In chemical method, synthesis of Nanomaterials occur at

A Low temperature

B High temperature

C Stellar temperature

D None of these

Answer A

In chemical method, materials are obtained in the form of ________ but can be converted into dry power or thin films quite easily

A solid

B liquid

C gaseous

D plasma

Answer B

__________ are best synthesized using a Sol-gel method

A Argon

B Oxide ceramics

C Aluminium

D Zeolites

Answer B

The properties of nanoparticles which make them suitable for their use in space technology are,

A reduced weight

B High tensile strength

C low temperature coefficient of expansion

D All of these

Answer D

Cloths made up of nano fabrics are

Water and stain repellent

Wrinkle free

Less frequently washed

The environmental applications of nanoparticles include

A reduction in pollutants and waste

B renewable energy technologies

C detects and decomposes toxic gases and hazardous compounds

D All the above

Answer D

In the application of nanoparticles in medical science, drugs can be encapsulated in nano capsules and targeted towards desired part of the body. This technique is known as,

A untargeted drug treatment

B Site specific drug delivery

C random drug treatment

D regular drug treatment

Answer B

Application of nano materials in electronics does not include

A Single electron transistor

B spintronics

C magnetic tunnel junctions

D smart clothes

Answer D

Nanoparticles are used in cosmetic industry as they,

A absorb ultraviolet radiation thus protecting skin

B appearance of wrinkles suppressed

C dyes and colors based on nanoparticles are harmless to the skin

D All of these

Answer D

Nanoparticles are used in textile industry as they,

A give pleasant look of synthetic fiber but comfort of cotton

B are dirt free and water repellent

C protect from germs and bacteria

D All of these

Answer D

Nanomaterials, in other words, is

A Bulk engineering

B Atomic engineering

C Small technology

D Microphysics

Answer B

Nanomaterials are being applied extensively to provide

A Drug therapy

B Diagnostics

C Tissue degeneration

D All of the above

Answer D

There is an increasing use of nanoscale particles in

A Stain resistant clothing

B Cosmetics

C Sunscreens

D All of these

Answer D

Scientists, researchers and medical personnel can ensure to do:

A Small things using the very big

B Big things using the very small

C Both of the above

D None of the above

Answer B

Nano scale magnetic materials are applied in,

A Data storage

B Cosmetics

C Construction

D None of these

Answer A

The application of Nanomaterials in the automobile industry does not include

A friction free spares

B Paining and sensors

C Long life tires with fillers

D Smart cloths

Answer D

Which device is not based on Nanomaterials?

A Single electron transistor

B Spin valves

C Transformer

D Magnetic tunnel junction

Answer C

Spin valve type devices are used in personal computer to read disk which have enabled to

A increase data storage capacity of hard disk

B decrease data storage capacity of hard disk

C both A and B

D None of these

Answer A

Very low density materials, known as

A Sol

B Gel

C Aerogel

D Both A and B

Answer C

Some special lightweight suits, jackets can be made using

A aerogels

B Sol

C Gel

D Iron

Answer A

Aerogel Material is 10 times lighter than iron

Nanocomposite of Fe2O3 and Aluminium burns much faster and is more sensitive than conventional thermites

Germ free clothes can be obtained using __________ nanoparticles


__________ Nanoparticles of uniform size are able to absorb ultraviolet light and protect the skin

A zinc oxide and titanium oxide

B zinc chloride and titanium oxide

C titanium chloride and zinc chloride

D zinc oxide and titanium chloride

Answer A

Cloths made up of nano fabrics are

A Water and stain repellent

B Wrinkle free

C Less frequently washed

D All the above

Answer D

Which one of the following synthesis methods is superior for production of nano materials in view of purity?

A sol gel

B mechanical ball milling

C sputter deposition

D physical vapor deposition

Answer A

Which one of the following synthesis methods produces large quantity of nano materials at low cost?

A sol gel

B mechanical ball milling

C sputter deposition

D physical vapor deposition

What characteristic of sol gel technique makes it superior?

Large quantity production

Highly pure product

Production at low cost

Carbon nano tube is a cylindrical rolled up sheet of Graphene

CNT is a short form of Carbon nano tubes

Single domain nanoparticles do not show hysteresis

For increasing the performance of solar panels, which of the following nano materials are used,

Thin films quantum dots Nano tubes

Separation of carbon di oxide gas from automobile and industrial emission to reduce the green house effect is an application of Nanomaterials in the, Environmental science

Which of the following is not the characteristic of a LASER source Divergence

What is the full form of LASER Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation

Which of the following are the characteristics shown by laser beam

A Coherence

B High intensity

C monochromatic

D All of these

As compared Laser, ordinary light does not have

A monochromaticity

B coherence

C Large intensity

Answer All of these

Taking atoms from excited state to ground state by photon hitting the excited atom is known as, stimulated emission

Atoms in the ground state absorb the energy photon and rose to excited state. This interaction is known as,

Absorption of radiation

The natural tendency of atoms in the excited state to release the photon and return to the ground state is known as, spontaneous emission

Population Inversion means, More number of atoms in the excited state

The method of raising the particles from lower energy state to higher energy state so that population inversion achieved is called,

Pumping mechanism

An energy state which has longer life time as compared to excited state is known as

Metastable state

An energy state which have highest life time and in which atoms are most stable is,

Ground state

Population inversion is completed in certain medium so that laser beam can be produced. Such a medium is known as,

Active medium

The emission responsible for producing laser is,

Stimulated emission

Population inversion in preparing a laser beam can be achieved when one of the excited states is more populated than the ground state

Stimulated emission process is favored whenever

Population inversion is attained

In a three level pumping mechanism, which one of the following energy state is not present?

non radiative transition state

In a three level pumping mechanism, how many energy states are present?


In a four level pumping mechanism, how many energy states are present?


The laser action takes place when a transition of atoms occurs from

Metastable state to any lower energy state

In ruby laser which part acts as an active medium material

Ruby rod

Ruby laser is a Solid state laser

Ruby laser is a_ Three level laser system

In Ruby laser optical pumping is achieved by _ Xenon Flash lamp

Ruby laser is a pulsed laser source

Ruby rod is made up of Aluminum oxide Al




+ Chromium Oxide Cr




In ruby laser, population inversion is achieved by

Optical pumping

The wavelength of the emitted light in Ruby laser is

6943 Å

He-Ne Laser is a Gaseous laser

He-Ne laser is a _ Continuous laser

He-Ne Laser is a Four level laser system

In He-Ne laser system, the helium and neon gases respectively maintained at a ratio 10:1

In He-Ne laser, neon atoms obtain energy On collision from Helium atoms

In He-Ne laser, population inversion is achieved by Electrical pumping

The active medium for a He-Ne laser is mixture of He and Ne atoms

The wavelength of the emitted light in He-Ne laser is 6328 Å

Which of the following is a gas laser?

He-Ne laser

Which of the following is a solid state laser?

Ruby laser

In a semiconductor laser, the active medium is heavily doped p and n region

In a semiconductor laser, the p-n junction is connected in forward bias

In a semiconductor laser, the population inversion is achieved in depletion layer

Semiconductor laser can be achieved in Ga-As

The structure of optical fiber from centre to outside is, Core, cladding and Protecting Sheath

An optical fiber is based on the principal of total internal reflection

The sheath of an optical fiber enables

A to prevent from mechanical abrasions

B to prevent interaction with other signals

C to prevent from moisture trapping all of these

In case of optical fiber, the innermost region through which the signal light is guided is known as,


In case of optical fiber, the core is surrounded by a coaxial middle region known as, Cladding

In case of optical fiber, the outermost region known as, Protecting Sheath

For optical fiber to transmit the signal, the necessary condition is given by refractive index of core should be greater than refractive index of cladding

In a graded index fiber, the refractive index Decreases parabolically along the radius of the core

In step index fiber, the refractive index Changes abruptly at the core cladding interface

A number which defines the light gathering capacity of an optical fiber is known as numerical aperture

In case of optical fiber, the number which is defined as the sin of the acceptance angle is called as, numerical aperture

The angle of incidence made by the ray with the axis of the optical fiber such that it strikes at critical angle at core cladding interface is known as the Acceptance angle

A maximum angle that a light signal can have relative to the axis of the fiber, get transmitted in the fiber and propagate down the fiber is known as, Acceptance angle

The correct expression for the acceptance angle is, where n


and n

2 are refractive indices of core and cladding,

( )

The light signal incident at acceptance angle gets completely transmitted in the fiber

All the beams entering the fiber within the acceptance angle travel along the length of fiber. The cone formed by the range of angles within acceptance angle is called as ,

Acceptance cone

The light rays contained within the core having the full angle 2 are accepted and transmitted along the fiber. This cone is called as,

Acceptance cone

If n


is refractive index of core and n


is refractive index of cladding, then the expression for numerical aperture of the optical fiber is,


( )

Which one of the following is not a class of optical fiber,

Single mode graded index fiber

Which of the following is the application of optical fiber?

A In communication applications

B In military applications, by replacing heavy wires with light weight cables

C In temperature and pressure sensors as couplers

D All of these

Answer D All of these

What is nature of output of 0.05% Cr




doped ruby laser?


Acceptance angle is the Maximum angle of incidence

Probability of spontaneous emission increases rapidly with increase of

Energy difference between two states

Resonant cavity in semiconductor-lasers consists of Intrinsic region

Pumping source preferred for gaseous lasers is Electrical Pumping

The time during which a particle can remain in the excited state is Life time

In the process of excitation, the energy is absorbed

In the process of de-excitation, photon is emitted

Spontaneous emission is incoherent

In stimulated emission the incident photon and emitted photon are

Coherent with each other

In inverted population always the population of higher energy state is a) More than lower energy state

Ruby is a crystal of Al




In Ruby crystal aluminum atoms are replaced by Cr




Ruby crystal contains the Chromium about 0.05%

Colour of Chromium is Pink

Dimensions of the Ruby rod are 4 cm length, 0.5 cm in diameter

28) The Ruby rod is surrounded by a helical Xenon flash tube

31) Population inversion occurs in non-equilibrium state

34) Transmission loss of optical fiber compared to copper wire is lower

36) Step index fiber sustains only

Single mode of propagation

Multimode of propagation

37) Compared to copper cable the information carrying capacity of optical fiber system is Superior

43) In optical fiber, ray undergoes total internal reflection only if angle of incidence is greater than critical angle

46) In fiber optics, the signal source is Light waves.

52) The main drawback of ruby laser is that the output beam is not continuous

53) The main advantages of gas lasers are Monochromatic, pure spectrum

55) The gas laser consist of a fused Quartz tube

58) Mixture of He : Ne is filled in the tube with pressure of 1.0: 0.1 mm of Hg

59) In Gas laser tube is filled with majority of He and minority of Ne

60) In Gas laser, excited He atoms colloid with Ne atoms

61) Excited state has life time 10



63) 10


sec is the life time of metastable state

64) Semiconductor diode laser have sides of the order of 1mm

65) In semiconductor diode laser thickness of the active region is 1µm

66) To achieve population inversion in a semiconductor diode, pn junction should be heavily doped

67) Laser is a device which gives output in the form of an intense, coherent and monochromatic beam of light

71) In a p-n junction diode laser, the role of pumping agent is played by forward current

73) An optical fiber has a shape of cylindrical

75) An optical fiber consists of an inner cylinder called the core

76) In optical fiber, light carried by Core

82) Numerical aperture of fiber is a measure of light

Gathering power

The problem of satisfactory speech at the music in a hall is tackled by the scientist


Acoustics is the science which deals with planning of a building to provide best

Audible sound

Branch of engineering which deals with better audibility of sound is called as…

Architectural acoustics

In case of good acoustics the reverberation time for music be 1 to 2 sec

In case of good acoustics the reverberation time for speech should be 0.5 to 1 sec

Persistence of sound after the source has stopped to emit the sound is called as


The coefficient of absorption of a material is defined as the ratio of the sound energy absorbed by the surface to that of the total incident sound energy on the surface

The absorption coefficient is measured in O.W.U.

The reverberation can be controlled by having full capacity of audience and the walls are lined with absorbent materials

The materials used to reduce the reflection of sound waves in a room are known as, sound Absorbing materials

The walls of a hall built for music concerns should absorb sound

An echo is heard when direct and reflected sound waves reach the listener with a time interval of about

1 /7 sec

Relation between intensity of original sound (I


) & the intensity of sound after reverberation (I t

) is

I t





The sound waves having frequency greater than 20 KHZ are known as

Ultrasonic Waves

Compared to audible sound, wavelength of ultrasonic waves is small

Magnetostriction method is used when frequencies needed are 100 KHZ

In Magnetostriction method, rod used is made up of Ferromagnetic material

In Magnetostriction method, the field applied on the ferromagnetic rod is, magnetic field

In Piezo electric method, the field applied on the crystal is, Electric field

In Magnetostriction method, resonance occurs when frequency of the alternating current and the natural frequency of the rod are equal

The ferromagnetic rod sends out ultrasonic waves, if the applied frequency and ultrasonic frequency are in the same order

In Magnetostriction method, a short nickel rod is clamped at the Center

In Magnetostriction method, resonant vibrations occur when the natural frequency of the rod is same as the frequency of the Plate circuit

In Piezoelectric method, vibrations are produced when the natural frequency of the crystal coincides with the frequency of the Electric oscillations

Ultrasonic waves are produced when the quartz crystal is set into mechanical Vibrations

By using Piezoelectric method ultrasonic waves are obtained up to a frequency of 500 KHZ

Sound waves having frequency less than 20 Hz are called as Infrasonic

The speed of propagation of ultrasonic waves increases with increase in Frequency

Ultrasonic waves are the waves having Small wavelength, greater frequency

By using ultrasonic waves, depth of the sea is equal to Vt/2

The coefficient of absorption of an open window is taken as 1

The time for which the sound persists in the hall is called as Reverberation Time

Reverberation Time is measured in B Open Window unit (OWU)

The unit of absorption coefficient is Seconds

What will be the reverberation time of the hall if the volume of the hall is 1200 meter cube and total absorption in hall is 110 metric Sabine?

1.8 S

A hall has a volume of 7500 meter cube. It is required to have reverberation time of 1.5 seconds. What should be the total absorption in the hall?

825 OWU

The correct expression for Sabine’s formula is


Reverberation time T can be expressed as

The Reverberation time T depends upon,

A the reflecting properties of the walls, floor and ceiling

B volume of the hall

C coefficient of absorption

D All of these

Answer D All of these

The factors which determine the acoustical quality of the hall are,

A The initial sound from the source should be of adequate intensity

B The sound should be evenly spread over the whole area covered by the audience

C The successive sounds should be clear and distinct.

D All of these

Answer D All of these

The factors that are to be considered in acoustical design of the hall are,

A Site selection

B Volume, shape and seating arrangement of the hall

C Proper reverberation and reverberation time

D All of these

Answer D All of these

The classes of acoustical materials are,

A Porous and composite material

B Resonant panels

C Cavity resonator

D All of these

Answer D All of these

The class of acoustical material which is effective in the higher frequencies are

Porous material

The class of acoustical material which is effective at lower frequencies are

Resonant panels

The class of acoustical material which can be designed to absorb any specific frequency is called as Cavity resonator

The class of acoustical material which combines the functions of all type of acoustical materials is known as, Composite absorbers

The absorption coefficient is defined as,

A =

The sound heard due to reflection from an obstacle is known as Echo

The persistence of audible sound after the source has stopped to emit the sound is known as Reverberation

The time taken by sound to fall to one millionth of its intensity and become inaudible, when the source stopped sounding is known as Reverberation time

The frequency of ultrasonics is above 20,000 Hz

Ultrasonic waves can be heard by bat

Ultrasonic waves are Longitudinal

Ultrasonic waves are Mechanical vibrations

Bats detect obstacles in their path by producing pulses of ultrasonic waves

Ultrasonic waves can be used to determine the depth of sea by echo-sounding because of their

A Large velocity

B Small velocity

C Small wavelength

D Large wavelength

Answer C Small wavelength

Out of the following, which is not a property exhibited by ultrasonic waves,

A The wavelength of ultrasonic waves is very small

B They produces cavitation effect in liquids

C ultrasonic waves has a great penetration power

D They are less energetic

Answer D they are less energetic

The full form of SONAR application of ultrasonic waves is,

Sound navigation and ranging

The applications of ultrasonic waves are

A Echo sounder and SONAR

B Non destructive testing

C Welding, soldering and Cleaning

D All of these

Answer D All of these

When an ac voltage is applied across a quartz crystal, it vibrates at the frequency of the applied voltage.

This effect is known as,

Piezoelectric effect

When a rod of ferromagnetic material, is kept in a magnetic field parallel to its length, the rod suffers a change in its length. This phenomenon is known as,

Magnetostriction effect

The range of sound wave frequencies which human ear can hear is known as, audible range
