HEAT PIPE HEAT EXCHANGER Sensible Air-to-Air Energy Exchangers Single Units 500 – 40,000 SCFM Multiple Units 40,000+ SCFM INTEGRAL FINNED TUBES ZERO CROSS CONTAMINATION COMPACT DESIGN SIZE & PERFORMANCE FLEXIBILITY DES CHAMPS Heat Exchangers and Energy Recovery Systems INTRODUCTION The Des Champs heat pipe heat exchanger provides sensible heat transfer between two airstreams using a counterflow configuration to maximize heat transfer and minimize pressure drop. The device contains rows of finned tubes partially filled with refrigerant and permanently sealed. Heating one side of a heat pipe establishes a continuous process within it whereby the warmer side acts as an evaporator and the colder side a condenser. A sealed center partition prevents cross contamination of the two airstreams. A sensible heat transfer from the hot to the cold airstream results. TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S Introduction ......................................................................................................................1 Model Nomenclature........................................................................................................2 Application Features ........................................................................................................3 Construction Features ......................................................................................................6 Application Considerations ............................................................................................8 Psychrometric Data ........................................................................................................10 Selection Procedure ........................................................................................................11 Heat Exchanger Performance ......................................................................................12 Dimensional Data ..........................................................................................................13 Specifications ..................................................................................................................14 MODEL NOMENCLATURE H E AT P I P E H E AT E X C H A N G E R MODEL NUMBER: F H P - 0 7 - 0 1 6 - 0 9 6 - 0 4 8 - A - C D I G I T: 1, 2, 3 - 4, 5 - 6, 7, 8 - 9, 10, 11 - 12, 13, 14 - 15 - 16 Digits 1, 2 and 3: Unit Designator FHP = Finned Heat Pipe Heat Exchanger Digit 4,5: Number of rows in heat exchanger Digits 6,7,8: Number of tubes in the face of heat exchanger Digit 9,10,11: Heat pipe tube length in inches Digit 12,13,14: Heat pipe exhaust side tube length in inches OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT Digit 15: Casing material A = Aluminum 2 B = Galvannealed C = Stainless Steel APPLICATION FEATURES A L L O W S O U T D O O R A I R D E S I G N P R O B L E M S TO B E S O LV E D • Responsibly Allows Codes to be Met Use of Des Champs heat pipe heat exchangers allows the designer to meet ASHRAE Standard 62-1989 ventilation requirements with minimum energy requirements • Reduces Heating Requirements The size of the heating plant, air distribution system, and energy distribution system can be reduced by the amount of energy recovered • Reduces Cooling Requirements Compressors, chillers, cooling towers, pumps, and piping can be reduced by the amount of energy transferred between the outside and exhaust airstreams • Solves Existing Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Problems Economically permits the introduction of additional ventilation air without overloading HVAC system 3 APPLICATION FEATURES E A S Y TO S E L E C T A N D A P P LY • Compactness The eight-row heat pipe heat exchanger is only 17 inches deep in direction of airflow. Compact design allows more space for other equipment in crowded mechanical rooms. • Size Flexibility By varying the lengths of the heat pipes, the number of rows, and the number of tubes in the face of the heat exchanger, a unit can be designed to fit any location and meet any performance requirement. • Retrofit Capabilities The complete size flexibility of the heat pipe heat exchanger makes replacement of heat transfer wheels in existing systems easy. LOW MAINTENANCE, LOW ENERGY CONSUMPTION • Maintenance-Free 4 There is no maintenance required under normal HVAC conditions, because heat pipe heat exchangers have no moving parts. In addition, they are also easier to clean than other types of heat exchangers. • Passive Energy Recovery Heat pipe heat exchangers require no external power for operation. OPTIONS • Aluminum or Stainless Steel Casing For use in corrosive environments. Contact the factory for specific applications. • Anticorrosion Coating A carboline coating suitable for most corrosive applications is available. Contact the factory for specific applications. • Face and Bypass Dampers This temperature control option will provide supply air temperature regulation as well as frost protection. Unfortunately, when used in Northern climates for frost protection, as much as half the potentially recoverable heat is wasted. • Tilt Control Package The air temperature can be controlled with great precision by tilting the heat exchanger, which reduces or increases the amount of refrigerant in the evaporator section of the heat pipes. The tilt package comes complete with actuator and controls for full operation and control of exhaust air temperature to prevent freezing within the heat exchanger and supply air temperature for seasonal changes. • Indirect Evaporative Cooling Summer energy recovery can be enhanced by the installation of a direct spray indirect evaporative cooling system on the return air side of the heat pipe heat exchanger. 5 CONSTRUCTION FEATURES • Integral Fin Design Each heat pipe is fabricated using a single piece of aluminum to eliminate the possibility of fin and tube separation and to maximize heat transfer. This design technique also prevents corrosion or contamination between fin and tube, and creates a smooth surface for the application of optional anticorrosive coatings. Integral fin construction is very durable and withstands high pressure air or water cleaning. • Individual Heat Pipes This means greater reliability in performance, since failure of one heat pipe has little effect on the overall performance of the heat exchanger. • Heat Exchanger Casing The heat exchanger frame is fabricated using 14-gauge galvannealed steel as shown in the dimensional data section. 6 • Sealed Center Partition The partition is fabricated using 16-gauge galvannealed steel. It is provided to prevent cross contamination between the two airstreams and can be placed in any position to accommodate unbalanced flow systems. • End Covers End covers are fabricated using 16-gauge galvannealed steel to protect the individual heat pipes. • Refrigerant R-22 is utilized as the standard working fluid in HVAC applications, however, other fluids may be utilized for specialized applications (contact the factory). CONSTRUCTION FEATURES • Counterflow Design The counterflow configuration allows Des Champs heat pipe heat exchangers to recover up to 90% of exhausted energy under ideal conditions. However, the most economical heat recovery system performance of installed units is between 60 and 70%. • Performance Flexibility A large selection of row depths and face areas are available for required energy recovery performance. • Quality Assurance Each heat exchanger manufactured by Des Champs is subjected to a rigorous quality assurance process to ensure structural integrity and conformance with design requirements. • Lower Installation Cost By utilizing the simplest airflow configuration, counterflow, there is typically less ductwork required to install a heat pipe heat exchanger as compared to a plate type heat exchanger of equal capacity. C U T- AWAY V I E W O F H E AT P I P E 7 APPLICATION CONSIDERATIONS COUNTERFLOW DESIGN Having a counterflow design means the exhaust and supply airstreams flow in opposite directions through separate sides of the heat exchanger. LEVELING EXCHANGER Heat pipe heat exchangers are installed with 1/4 inch per ft. tilt angle exhaust end down, when used for heating or ventilating only, and within an 1/8 inch level end-to-end, when used for heating, ventilating, and air conditioning. V E R T I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N Vertical installation of the heat pipe exchanger is possible if the evaporator (warmer air) region is on the bottom, and the condenser (cooler air) region is on top. M U LT I P L E U N I T C O N F I G U R AT I O N S For larger airflow applications or where space limitations exist, it may be desirable to install two or more heat pipe heat exchangers in series or in parallel. SUPPORTING STRUCTURE The exchangers should be secured rigidly so as not to allow more than 1/8 inch total bow end-to-end. DUCT DESIGN The exchanger is manufactured with a center partition and frame such that standard duct flanges can be screwed to the frame, using 3/8 inch length sheet metal screws. The duct design should be in accordance with good practice in establishing a uniform airflow across entire coil surface. 8 F I LT R AT I O N R E Q U I R E M E N T S Performance specifications are based upon clean air and a clean heat transfer surface. It is required that adequate filtration be utilized in both exchanger airstreams to insure optimum performance and minimum maintenance. ACCESS DOORS Access doors should be provided to allow periodic inspection of the exchanger and to facilitate cleaning when necessary. D R A I N PA N S Drain pans are recommended under the entire exchanger both as a condensate collection system and for cleaning purposes. T E M P E R AT U R E L I M I TAT I O N S The heat pipe heat exchanger is a commercial product, designed to be operated at temperatures of 125°F and below. If the hot airstream is expected to exceed 125º F, consult the factory for selection of the proper working fluid. CODE REQUIREMENTS Installation of the exchanger should conform to all codes, laws, and regulations applying at the job site. INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONS C O N N E C T I O N TO OT H E R A I R HANDLING UNIT SECTIONS The heat pipe heat exchanger casing is best connected to the duct work by means of flanges. I N S TA L L AT I O N I N A PA C K A G E D S Y S T E M The heat pipe heat exchanger is installed directly on the floor. Sheet metal safe-offs direct the airflow through the heat exchanger. 9 PSYCHROMETRIC DATA The heat pipe heat exchanger is a sensible heat recovery device. This means latent heat is not exchanged between the supply and exhaust airstreams, and therefore no moisture is transferred. However, if the exhaust airstream is cooled below its dew point, condensation occurs and some latent energy is transferred. Condensation can thus increase the heat transfer rate and enhance sensible effectiveness, since each pound of condensed moisture transfers about 1050 Btu to the supply airstream. The price for this “enhanced” effectiveness comes in the form of increasing pressure drops due to the condensate as well as frosting of the exhaust side in the winter. Therefore, any gains in effectiveness will be offset if frosting is not controlled in the winter. Figure 1 shows a typical sensible heat recovery process. S E N S I B L E H E AT T R A N S F E R H E AT P I P E FIGURE 1 B 10 30 % 50 % 70 % 90 % In summer, the warmer airstream (outside air) is cooled from point A to B, while the colder airstream (exhaust air) is being heated from C to D. In winter, the process is reversed. The colder outside air is heated from E to F and the warmer indoor air is cooled from G to H. A OUTDOOR AIR SUMMER C D EXHAUST AIR SUMMER H G EXHAUST AIR WINTER E OUTDOOR AIR WINTER 35 45 55 ELAT 10% R F 65 75 85 MID IVE HU 95 ITY 105 115 DRY BULB TEMPERATURE (DEGREES F) The figure above shows various operating conditions based upon 70% efficiency. SELECTION PROCEDURE DEFINITIONS FA DFV QS QE TF FH FL EL E TOA TSA TRA = = = = = = = = = = = = SCFMOA = SCFMMIN = Total Face Area (in2) Design Face Velocity per side Supply Airflow (CFM, ft3/min) Exhaust Airflow (CFM, ft3/min) Tubes in Face of Heat Pipe Finned Height (inches) Finned Length (inches) Finned Length–Exhaust Side (inches) Effectiveness (%) outside air inlet temperature (°F) supply air outlet temperature (°F) return air inlet temperature (°F) outside air standard CFM lesser of exhaust air or outdoor air standard CFM Step 1 Determine design face velocity per side, DFV, typically 300 to 600 fpm (feet per min). Step 2 Determine required face area for both airflows (in2): FA = 144 x (QS + QE)/DFV Step 3 Select the number of tubes in the face (TF) of the heat pipe to match an acceptable fin height (FH). FH = 2.125 x TF [Up to 28 tubes per exchanger*] Step 4 Determine the required finned tube length (FL) based on the face area from Step 2. FL = FA/FH [Round to the nearest inch.] Step 5 Calculate position of center divider. For balanced flows, this will be at the center of the finned length. For unbalanced flows, this location can be changed to balance the pressure loss. This will ensure that the individual airflow velocity is close to the design. For equal DFV on supply and exhaust sides: EL = FL x (QE/(QS + QE)) [Round to the nearest inch.] Step 6 Select heat pipe rows required in direction of airflow using Figures 2 and 3 to achieve the required thermal effectiveness and pressure drop. Step 7 See dimensional data on page 13 for weight and overall dimensions of selected heat exchanger. Step 8 Determine leaving supply temperature. The effectiveness (see Figure 2, page 12) is defined as: E = (SCFMOA/SCFMMIN) x (TOA - TSA)/(TOA - TRA) x 100% See heat exchanger selection example on page 12 for temperature calculation. *Each heat pipe heat exchanger can have up to a maximum of 28 tubes in the face. For larger airflows, it is necessary to combine multiple exchangers with 28 tubes or less per bank. Each individual bank will have its own casing according to the data in the dimensional section. 11 HEAT EXCHANGER PERFORMANCE FIGURE 2 70 H E AT E X C H A N G E R SELECTION EXAMPLE 60 EFFECTIVENESS, % Select a heat pipe heat exchanger for 4,000 SCFM outside air at 95°F and 4,000 SCFM exhaust air at 75°F with a minimum effectiveness of 58%. Selection: Using Figure 2, DFV = 500 fpm. FA = 144 x (4,000 + 4,000) / 500 = 2,304 in2 50 30 8 7 6 5 4 20 3 ROW 40 ROW ROW ROW ROW ROW 2 ROW For TF = 16, FH = 2.125 x 16 = 34 in. 10 FL = 2,304 / 34 = 67.8 in. [Round to 68] 800 750 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 330 Using Figures 2 and 3, at 500 fpm, 7 rows gives 55% effectiveness and 0.86 in. w.c. pressure loss per side. From dimensional data, overall size is 74" long x 38" high x 15.25" deep, weight = 750 pounds. 350 0 For balanced flow, EL = 34 in. (on center) FACE VELOCITY (FEET PER MINUTE) FIGURE 3 A I R P R E S S U R E D R O P, I N . W. C . 2.00 To determine the leaving supply temperature: TSA = TOA - E x (SCFMMIN/SCFMOA) x (TOA - TRA) TSA = 95 - 0.55 x ( 4000 ) x (95 - 75) 4000 TSA = 84°F 12 1.80 8 ROW 1.60 7 ROW 1.40 6 ROW 1.20 5 ROW 1.00 4 ROW 0.80 3 ROW 0.60 2 ROW 0.40 0.20 800 750 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 350 330 0.00 FACE VELOCITY (FEET PER MINUTE) TA B L E 1 HEAT PIPE AIRFLOWS (CFM) FIN # OF HEIGHT TUBES (INCHES) IN FACE 14 7/8 7 21 1/4 10 27 5/8 13 FIN TUBE LENGTH IN INCHES 24 36 620 930 885 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 156 168 180 192 204 216 228 240 1,240 1,549 1,859 2,169 2,479 2,789 3,099 3,409 3,719 4,029 4,339 4,648 4,958 5,268 5,578 5,888 6,198 1,328 1,771 2,214 2,656 3,099 3,542 3,984 4,427 4,870 5,313 5,755 6,198 6,641 7,083 7,526 7,969 8,411 8,854 1,151 1,727 2,302 2,878 3,453 4,029 4,604 5,180 5,755 6,331 6,906 7,482 8,057 8,633 9,208 9,784 10,359 10,935 11,510 34 16 1,417 2,125 2,833 3,542 4,250 4,958 5,667 6,375 7,083 7,792 8,500 9,208 9,917 10,625 11,333 12,042 12,750 13,458 14,167 40 3/8 19 1,682 2,523 3,365 4,206 5,047 5,888 6,729 7,570 46 3/4 22 1,948 2,922 3,896 4,870 5,844 6,818 7,792 8,766 9,740 10,714 11,688 12,661 13,635 14,609 15,583 16,557 17,531 18,505 19,479 53 1/8 25 2,214 3,320 4,427 5,534 6,641 7,747 8,854 9,961 11,068 12,174 13,281 14,388 15,495 16,602 17,708 18,815 19,922 21,029 22,135 59 1/2 28 2,479 3,719 4,958 6,198 7,438 8,677 9,917 11,156 12,396 13,635 14,875 16,115 17,354 18,594 19,833 21,073 22,313 23,552 24,792 8,411 9,253 10,094 10,935 11,776 12,617 13,458 14,299 15,141 15,982 16,823 Note: Airflows are for one side of the heat exchanger in an equal flow arrangement, and are based on a face velocity of 500 ft./min. Any number of tubes in the face may be selected other than those shown in the figure. DIMENSIONAL DATA 2" FLANGE H H + 2X* AIR-TIGHT CENTER PARTITION 4" L D X L + 6 HEAT PIPE DEPTHS TA B L E 2 ROWS DEPTH (D) 2 5 7/8 4 3 7 3/4 5 7/8 4 9 5/8 7 3/4 Height (H) 5 11 1/2 5/8 Length (L) 6 13 3/8 11 1/2 7 15 1/4 13 3/8 8 1/8 15 1/4 17 *Value of x: If L < 14', X=2" If L ≥ 14', X=3" FIN DEPTH 9 TA B L E 3 TYPICAL HEAT EXCHANGER DIMENSIONS 14 7/8 21 24 1/4 27 36 5/8 48 34 60 40 3/8 72 46 3/4 53 1/8 59 1/2 96 108-240 84 TA B L E 4 TOTAL BASE WEIGHT FOR 5 ROWS (POUNDS) FIN # OF HEIGHT TUBES (INCHES) IN FACE FIN TUBE LENGTH IN INCHES 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 156 168 180 192 204 216 228 240 757 805 852 900 947 995 1,042 7/8 7 188 235 283 330 378 425 473 520 568 615 662 710 21 1/4 10 260 322 384 447 509 572 634 697 759 822 884 947 27 5/8 13 331 409 486 563 641 718 796 873 951 34 16 403 495 588 680 772 865 957 40 3/8 19 474 582 689 797 46 3/4 22 546 668 791 913 53 1/8 25 617 755 892 1,030 1,167 1,305 1,442 1,580 1/2 28 689 841 994 1,146 1,299 1,451 1,604 1,756 1,909 2,061 2,214 2,366 2,518 2,671 2,823 2,976 3,128 3,281 3,433 14 59 904 1,009 1,071 1,134 1,196 1,259 1,321 1,384 1,028 1,106 1,183 1,261 1,338 1,415 1,493 1,570 1,648 1,725 1,050 1,142 1,235 1,327 1,420 1,512 1,605 1,697 1,790 1,882 1,974 2,067 1,012 1,119 1,226 1,334 1,441 1,549 1,656 1,764 1,871 1,979 2,086 2,194 2,301 2,408 1,036 1,158 1,281 1,403 1,525 1,648 1,770 1,893 2,015 2,138 2,260 2,383 2,505 2,628 2,750 1,717 1,855 1,992 2,129 2,267 2,404 2,542 2,679 2,817 2,954 3,092 Heat Exchanger Weight (lbs) = Base Weight from Table 5 x Correction Factor WEIGHT CALCULATION FINS PER INCH 2 3 11 0.49 0.66 TA B L E 5 WEIGHT CORRECTION FACTORS ROWS DEEP 4 5 6 0.83 1.00 1.19 7 8 1.38 1.56 Note: For larger fin height or fin length requirements, multiple exchangers may be combined. Dimensions and weights are for reference only. For design purposes, use certified data. For heat exchanger performance selection contact the factory or your local sales representative. 13 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS The packaged humidity control system shall be a Model FHP ______________ as manufactured by Des Champs Laboratories, Inc. The heat pipe shall transfer heat between outgoing and incoming airstreams in a counterflow arrangement, and shall be labeled for direction of airflow, noting inlets and outlets of exhaust and supply. The heat pipe heat exchanger shall be a passive device, requiring no rotation or other movement for heat transfer, and shall be capable of operating at temperatures ranging from -60°F minimum to 125°F maximum. The heat pipe shall be installed: with 1/4 inch per foot tilt angle exhaust end down when used for heating and ventilating application only, or within 1/8 inch level end-to-end when used for heating, ventilating, and air conditioning applications. Performance data derived from laboratory testing on heat exchanger conditions is in accordance with ASHRAE Standard 84-1991 “method of testing air-to-air heat exchangers.” Performance shall be rated in accordance with ARI testing procedures. 14 Manufacturers of alternate equipment must be approved to bid via addendum, in writing by the specifying engineer, at least two weeks prior to bid time in order for their bid to be accepted by the contractor. If the equipment is not pre-approved then under no circumstances shall the contractor invest time or money in receiving submittals or considering the equipment. Costs associated with dimensional, performance, or other deviations from the specified equipment, including engineering costs to evaluate such deviations, shall be paid by the contractor. The manufacturer must have a quality management system in place, equal to the quality assurance standard ISO-9001, for the design, manufacture, and service of heat exchangers and packaged ventilation/air conditioning equipment. The manufacturer must also have a net worth greater than five times the value of the equipment being bid and must have been a manufacturer of air-to-air heat exchangers for at least five years prior to bid time. The air-to-air heat exchangers must be manufactured in the United States of America. D E S I G N A N D C O N S T R U C T I O N F E AT U R E S 1. Heat Pipe Heat Exchanger Heat pipes shall have 1-inch I.D. seamless, integrally finned 3003 aluminum tubes with 0.063 inch wall thickness. Heat pipes shall be a maximum of 2 1/8 inches on center in the face and shall be 1 7/8 inches on center row-to-row. Heat pipe fin surface shall be integral to the tube, and shall have a minimum of 0.015 mean fin thickness, tapered root to fin tip. Fin surface from root to fin tip shall have a minimum of 0.437 inch mean fin height. Fin density shall be 11 fins per inch. Two-component heat pipes such as expanded tube-to-fin shall not be acceptable in order to prevent efficiency degradation due to eventual weakening of the fin-to tube bond. Heat pipes shall have a circumferential capillary wick structure integral to the inside of each individual tube. The capillary wick structure shall be the result of a knurling process and shall not degrade the integrity of the heat pipe wall. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Heat pipes shall be individually processed, charged, hermetically sealed, and factory tested. Heat pipe heat exchanger shall be installed as shown on the manufacturer’s submittal drawings. 2. Casing The heat exchanger frame shall be fabricated from minimum 14-gauge galvannealed steel. The frame shall be supplied with a minimum of 2-inch wide flanges on all four sides, both front and back. Intermediate heat pipe supports shall be furnished as required. The heat exchanger shall be provided with a partition to isolate the outgoing and incoming airstreams; there shall be no cross contamination. The partition shall be fabricated from a minimum 16-gauge, galvannealed steel and shall extend beyond the finned surface with a 4-inch mid-seal (2 inches to supply side and 2 inches to exhaust side). End covers shall be provided to protect the heat pipe ends. End covers shall be fabricated from 16-gauge galvannealed steel. 3. Refrigerant Heat pipe heat exchanger refrigerant shall be selected on the basis of heat pipe operating temperature and compatibility with heat pipe tube material. Heat pipe heat exchanger refrigerant used shall be classed as group 1 in the American National Standard Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration. 4. Temperature Controls (Optional) The following three options are available for temperature control: A. Face & Bypass Dampers Face and bypass dampers shall be provided by Des Champs for: a) Economizer mode b) Regulation of supply leaving temperature c) Frost prevention of the exhaust side of the unit. The face and bypass damper option shall be integral to the heat exchanger module. Dampers shall be constructed of minimum 16-gauge galvanized steel and operated by a damper motor (specify modulating or two-position) controlled by a thermostat (specify factory or customer provided). B. Tilt Control Tilt control shall be provided by Des Champs for: a) Economizer mode b) Regulation of supply leaving temperature c) Frost prevention of the exhaust side of the unit. 15 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS The main support for the tilt control package shall consist of a heavy-duty, large diameter shaft on two heavy-duty, sealed, pillow block bearings at the center of the heat pipe unit. The arrangement shall be such that the heat pipe can pivot freely about the axis of the bearings. The tilt package shall be powered by a heavy-duty drive motor and connecting linkage. Temperature sensors shall be placed in the supply entering and leaving airstreams, and the exhaust leaving airstreams to sense their respective temperatures. The tilt package shall be suitable for operation at 0-10 V DC, 4-20 mA, and 0-135 W with full modulation. The tilt package shall have flexible connectors to minimize cross-contamination between airstreams, while permitting the heat pipe assembly to tilt. Customer duct connections shall be rigid. 5. Protective Coating (When Required) Air dried carboline coating to protect against corrosion. Coating to be factory applied to supply and exhaust sides. 16 DES CHAMPS LABORATORIES INCORPORATED P.O. Box 220 • Douglas Way • Natural Bridge Station, VA 24579 • [540] 291-1111 • FAX [540] 291-2222 © 1998 Des Champs Laboratories Incorporated HPHE-698/10M (SUPERSEDES HPHX694)