DOUBLE-COUPLED CURRENT-FED PUSH-PULL DC/DC CONVERTER: ANALYSIS AND EXPERIMENTATION Hugo R. E. Larico and Ivo Barbi IEEE, Senior Member Power Electronics Institute – INEP Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC P. O. box 5119 – 88040-970 – Florianópolis – SC- Brazil – Abstract – This paper presents the double-coupled current-fed push-pull dc/dc converter which operates from 0 to 100% of duty cycle. One primary winding in the transformer, low rms current in the output capacitor, double switching frequency in the input and the output filter, null ripple current in the input and in the output for 50% of duty cycle, are some characteristics of this new topology. These allow reductions of size and weight of the components. Qualitative and quantitative analysis are presented, in which the simplified model of the inductor coupled and the ideal model of the transformer are used. Finally, experimental results of a prototype are shown for the converter operating with a duty cycle higher or lower than 50%. The possible applications of this topology are automotive, electric power generation such as fuel cells, solar and wind. Keywords – Buck-boost, dc/dc isolated, flyback and push-pull converters. I. INTRODUCTION A comparison between conventional PWM converters: push-pull, full-bridge and half-bridge topologies are shown in [1], it reveals that the current-fed two-inductor boost converter, proposed in [6], has important advantages over the other topologies: conduction switching losses are the lowest with the best utilization of the transformer, low input current ripple and the transistors are referred to the ground. These characteristics make this converter suited to low inputvoltage and high-current input applications. When the goal is to process high-power and, consequently, the current stress in the switching devices becomes a problem, the phase-shifted parallel-input/series-output dual converter, proposed in [4], is a possible solution. These topologies have in common the output bridge rectifier; in applications when the output voltage is higher there is no problem. However, if the output voltage is lower, then the conduction and commutation losses of the rectifier diodes are considerable. Therefore, the dual inductor push-pull converter, which has the same characteristics as the current-fed two-inductor boost converter, was proposed in [2] and shown in the Fig. 1. The difference between both is that, the first one has a halfbridge rectifier and the other one has a full-bridge rectifier in the output. Consequently, two windings in the secondary side of transformer are necessary. The high voltage stress on the switching devices in the current-fed converters associated to the high-current increase the switching losses. Some solutions such as ZVS and ZCS are proposed in [3] and [5]. 978-1-4244-3370-4/09/$25.00 © 2009 IEEE They allow obtaining a higher efficiency of the converter. These techniques improve the performance of the converter, but they do not change the band of duty cycle operation which is for more than 50%. Fig. 1. Dual inductor push-pull converter. A similar problem is presented by the current-fed pushpull converter [2], where, the switches can not be turned-off simultaneously. A solution was proposed in [7] and is shown in the Fig. 2. This technique consists of employing a coupled inductor. Through the secondary winding of the inductor is possible to transfer the energy-stored in this one to the input or to the output [8], [9] and [10]. For multiple-output applications, the transference to the input is an advantage; it produces better tracking among the outputs of the converter. If, however, it is desired to achieve non-pulsating output current in single-output applications, the transference to the output is preferable (Fig. 2). Therefore, the converter can operate from 0 to 100% of duty cycle. If the duty cycle is less than 50%, the diode D3 conducts when both switches are turned-off. In the case, the duty cycle is 50% or more, the diode D3 does not conduct all the time. Fig. 2. Weinberg current-fed push-pull converter. Soon after, this study proposes a new topology denominated here double-coupled current-fed push-pull 305 dc/dc converter which employs two coupled inductors to expand the duty cycle operation of the dual inductor pushpull converter. The paper will show that the characteristics of this converter are suitable for low-voltages and high-current applications as in fuel cells, solar and wind power generation. The validation of theoretical studies is made through the experimental results obtained with a laboratory prototype. II. THE PROPOSED TOPOLOGY The proposed double-coupled current-fed push-pull dc/dc converter is shown in Fig. 3. It comprises two coupled inductors (Lf1, Lf2), one transformer (T), one capacitor (Co), two switches (S1, S2) and four diodes (D1, D2, D3, D4). - The coupled inductors are represented by the simplified model, where only the magnetizing inductance was considered; - The coupled inductors are identical (Lf1m=Lf2m=Lfm); - The transformer and semiconductors are ideal; - The output capacitor is large enough so that the output voltage is constant. Due to magnetizing current and the duty cycle (D=ton /Ts), four modes are presented: - Continuous conduction mode for D < 0.5 ; - Discontinuous conduction mode for D < 0.5 ; - Continuous conduction mode for D > 0.5 ; - Discontinuous conduction mode for D > 0.5 ; According to the presented, if the duty cycle is 50% or more all characteristics are preserved, therefore, this paper only presents the operating principle for duty cycle less than 50%. A. Continuous conduction mode for D < 0.50 For duty cycles less than 50%, the secondary windings of the inductors transfer energy to the output when both switches are turned-off. The topological operating stages are shown in the Fig. 4 and the main waveforms in Fig. 5. The inductances Lf1m and Lf2m represent the magnetizing inductances of the coupled inductors. In this mode the magnetizing current is continuous. Each stage is described below. Fig. 3. Double-coupled current-fed push-pull dc/dc converter. This converter can operate from 0 to 100% of duty cycle. If, the duty cycle is less than 50%, the secondary winding of inductor Lf1 and Lf2 transfer energy to the load when both switches are turned-off. In the other case, in which the duty cycle is 50% or more, the diodes D3 and D4 must not conduct any time, consequently, the relationship between the turns ratio of the transformer (nT = Np/Ns) and the inductors (nL = N1/N2) are selected to guarantee it. The most important characteristics in this topology are listed: - All characteristics presented in the dual inductor pushpull converter are preserved [2]. This occurs from 50% to 100% of duty cycle; - Operation frequency of the filters is twice of the switching frequency, which results in a reduction of the input and output filter size; - Non-pulsating input and output current for operation with duty cycle equal to 50%, however, these currents contain low ripple current at high frequency; - Non-pulsating output current for relationship “ nT = 2nL ”, however, the duty cycle is limited between 0 and 50%; - Low peak current in the discontinuous conduction mode for duty cycle less than 50%. III. CIRCUIT OPERATION The operating principle of the converter is made considering the following: - The converter is operating in steady state; 978-1-4244-3370-4/09/$25.00 © 2009 IEEE 1) 1st Stage –Switch S1 is turned-on in t0, diode D2 is on and diodes D1, D3 and D4 are off. Inductor Lf1 is storing energy and inductor Lf2 is transferring or storing energy depending on the voltage over it. The variation rates of magnetizing currents are given by (1) and (2). Both currents of the inductors flow through to switch S1 and this is equal to the input current (3). The output current is equal to the magnetizing current of Lf2, referred to the secondary side of transformer (4). The voltages over the semiconductors are given by (5)-(8). diLf 1m E (1) = i dt L fm diLf 2 m dt = Ei − nT Vo L fm (2) ii = iS 1 = iLf 1 p + iLf 2 p (3) io = iD 2 (4) VS 2 = nT Vo (5) VD1 = −2Vo (6) ⎛E ⎞ VD 3 =`− ⎜ i + Vo ⎟ ⎝ nL ⎠ (7) ⎛E ⎛ n ⎞ ⎞ VD 4 = − ⎜⎜ i + ⎜ 1 − T ⎟ Vo ⎟⎟ (8) ⎝ nL ⎝ nL ⎠ ⎠ The condition to guarantee the reverse biased of diode D4 is obtained from (8) as it is shown in (9). V (9) 1 + ( nL − nT ) o > 0 Ei 306 2nd Stage – The switches are turned-on in t1, diodes D3 and D4 are on, and D1 and D2 are off. The two inductors transfer energy to the load, the variation rates of the magnetizing currents are equal in both inductors (10) and (11). The input current is null (12) and the output current is equal to the sum of the magnetizing currents, referred to secondary side (13). The voltages over the semiconductors are given in (14)-(15). diLf 1m nV (10) =− L o dt L fm diLf 2 m dt =− nLVo L fm ii = iS 1 = iS 2 = 0 io = iD 3 + iD 4 VS1 = VS 2 = Ei + nLVo VD1 = VD 2 =`−Vo (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) 2) 3rd Stage – Switch S2 is turned-on in t2, diode D1 is on and diodes D2, D3 and D4 are off. Inductor Lf2 is storing energy and inductor Lf1 is transferring or storing energy, depending on the voltage over it, the variation rates of the magnetizing currents are given by (16) and (17). Both inductor currents flow through switch S2 and it is equal to the input current (18). The output current is equal to the magnetizing current of Lf2 referred to secondary side of the transformer (19). diLf 1m Ei − nT Vo (16) = dt L fm diLf 2 m dt = Ei L fm (17) ii = iS 2 = iLf 1 p + iLf 2 p (18) io = iD1 (19) Fig. 4. Topological stages in CCM for D<0.5. Fig. 5. Main waveforms in CCM for D<0.5. 978-1-4244-3370-4/09/$25.00 © 2009 IEEE 307 3) 4th Stage – This stage is similar to the 1st one, therefore, all equations are the same. The fourth stage finishes at t0+Ts where the cycle begins again. Im2 = B. Discontinuous conduction mode for D < 0.50 In this mode, the magnetizing current of the inductors is discontinuous. Because of that each inductor has four stages (two energy storage and two energy transference stages or one energy storage and three energy transference stages). There are four cases of discontinuous mode, these cases are described as follows: Ei ton L fm (23) Ei − nT Vo ton L fm (24) I m1 = 1) 1st Case – The main waveforms of this case are shown in Fig. 6. It shows that the converter has six stages. The magnetizing current is null in the last energy transference stage. The input current is discontinuous and the output current is still continuous. The current through the magnetizing inductance of inductor Lf1 in the last stages is given by (20), (21) and (22). E (20) I m1 = i ton L fm Im2 = I m3 Ei + nLVo nV T ton − L o s L fm L fm 2 2E nV T V = i ton − L o s + ( nL − nT ) o ton L fm L fm 2 L fm (21) Fig. 7. Main waveforms in the DCM for D<0.5: 2nd Case. (22) 3) 3rd Case – The main waveforms of this case are shown in Fig. 8. It shows that the converter has six stages. The magnetizing current is null in the second energy transference stage. The figure shows that the fourth stage is a transference stage, since the voltage in the primary winding of the transformer is higher than the input voltage. The input current and the output current are discontinuous. The peak current through the magnetizing inductance of the inductor Lf1 is given by (20) and (21). Fig. 6. Main waveforms in the DCM for D<0.5: 1st Case. 2) 2nd Case – The main waveforms of this case are shown in Fig. 7. It shows that the converter has eight stages. The magnetizing current is null in the first and in the last energy transference stages. In this case, the voltage in the five stages is positive, therefore, the voltage in the primary winding of the transformer is less than the input voltage. The input current and output current are discontinuous. The current through the magnetizing inductance of the inductor Lf1 in the last stages is given by (23) and (24). 978-1-4244-3370-4/09/$25.00 © 2009 IEEE Fig. 8. Main waveforms in the DCM for D<0.5: 3rd Case. 4) 4th Case – The main waveforms of this case are shown in Fig. 9. It shows that the converter has six stages. The magnetizing current is null in the first energy transference 308 stage. In this case, only one inductor is transferring or storing energy in each stage. The input current and the output current are discontinuous. The peak current through the magnetizing inductance of the inductor Lf1 is given by (20). possible. For duty cycle lower than 50% the converter has a buck-boost behavior, otherwise, it has a boost characteristic. ⎧2 D ⎪ n 1 − D , if, D < 0.5 ⎪ T (29) a=⎨ ⎪ 1 1 , if, D ≥ 0.5 ⎪⎩ nT 1 − D It is interesting to show that the situation where the relationship is “nT = 2nL“. In this case, the operation can only happen for duty cycle lower than 50% (30). Because of this relationship, diodes D3 and D4 conduct for 50% or more of duty cycle, which, according to (30), is prohibited. For the first case of duty cycle range, the converter has buck characteristic and the output current is non-pulsating. ⎧4 ⎪ D, if, D < 0.5 (30) a = ⎨ nT ⎪ prohibited , if, D ≥ 0.5 ⎩ Fig. 9. Main waveforms in the DCM for D<0.5: 4th Case. IV. MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS A. Static gain in CCM In steady-state, the average voltage in each inductor in CCM must be zero (25). 1 t0 +Ts VLf 1med = ∫ vLf 1dt = 0 (25) Ts t0 Replacing (1), (10), (16) and the intervals of time of Fig. 5 in (25), leads to (26). 1⎛ ⎛ Ts ⎞⎞ (26) ⎜ ( 2 Ei − nT Vo ) ton − 2nLVo ⎜ − ton ⎟ ⎟ = 0 Ts ⎝ ⎝2 ⎠⎠ Therefore, the static gain in CCM is given by (27), where, the static gain to 50% or more of duty cycle is transcribed from [2]. D ⎧2 , if, D < 0.5 ⎪n ⎛ nT ⎞ L ⎪ V ⎪ 1− ⎜ 2 − ⎟ D nL ⎠ a= o =⎨ (27) ⎝ Ei ⎪ 1 1 ⎪ , if, D ≥ 0.5 ⎪⎩ nT 1 − D Replacing the static gain (27) in (9) one can obtain the relationship between the turns ratio of the transformer and the inductors (28). It shows that the relationship is the function of the duty cycle, thus, for the operation in the whole range of the duty cycle the turns ratio of the inductors must be higher than the turns ratio of the transformer (nL ≥ nT). nL ≥ D ⋅ nT (28) Using the relationship “nL = nT“, the static gain is given by (29). In this case, the operation in all range of duty cycle is 978-1-4244-3370-4/09/$25.00 © 2009 IEEE B. Static gain in DCM In the DCM the static gain is the function of the duty cycle, the turns rate of the transformer and coupled inductors, the magnetizing inductance, the switching frequency and the output current. The static gain can be obtained by average input current. In this section, it is obtained for duty cycle lower than 50%, where four cases exist: 1) 1th Case – The expression (31), which evaluates the average input current, can be obtained from Fig. 6. 1 I i = ( I m1 + I m 2 + I m3 ) ⋅ Δt10 (31) Ts Ideally, the relationship between the input current and the output current is given by (32) V Ii = I o o (32) Ei Replacing (20)-(22), (32) and the information shown in the Fig. 6, result in (33), where, “γ“ is the parametric current (34). 4D 2 (33) a= γ + ( nT − 2nL ) D 2 + nL D γ = I o L fm Ts Ei (34) 2) 2nd Case – In this case, the expression (35) is obtained from Fig. 7. 1 I i = ( I m1 + I m 2 ) ⋅ Δt10 (35) Ts Replacing (23), (24), (34) and Fig. 7, gives (36). 2D 2 (36) a= γ + nT D 2 3) 3rd Case – In this case, the expression (37) is obtained from Fig. 8. 1 I i = ( I m1 ⋅ Δt20 + I m 2 ⋅ Δt43 ) (37) Ts 309 Replacing (20), (21), (34) and Fig. 8, leads to (38). 4γ + 4 D ( ( nT + 2nL ) ⋅ D − nL ) a= 2 4γ nT − nL 2 (1 − 2 D ) (38) 4) 4th Case – Equation (39) shows the average current (see Fig. 9). 1 I i = I m1 ⋅ Δt10 (39) Ts Replacing (20), (34) and the included information in Fig. 9, gives (40). D a= (40) γ capacitor is shown in Fig. 12. From the figure, the equations for the ripple voltage (41) and the rms current (42) are obtained; it is interesting to note that these parameters are functions of the turns ratio of the transformer and the inductors for duty cycle lower than 50%, though, they are not functions otherwise. ΔVo = I Coef = I Coef Io 2nL − nT ⎧ (1 − 2 D ) D, if, D < 0.5 2ΔVo C ⎪ = ⎨ nL − ( 2nL − nT ) D I oTs ⎪2 D − 1, D, if, D ≥ 0.5 ⎩ ⎧ 4n 2 + n ( n − 4n ) − 2 D ( n − 2 n ) 2 L T T L T L ⎪ ⎪ nL − ( nT − 2nL ) D =⎨ ⎪ 2D − 1 ⎪ 2 1 − D , D ≥ 0.5 ) ⎩ ( (41) D , D < 0.5 2 (42) C. Output characteristics With the equations (27), (34), (36), (38) and (40) one can plot the output characteristics of the double-coupled currentfed push-pull dc/dc converter. Fig. 10 shows the graph for the relationship “nT = nL = 1“, where, the four cases in DCM are delimited. The graph for the relationship “nT = 2nL = 1” is shown in Fig. 11. Fig. 10. Output characteristics for relationship “nT = nL = 1“. Fig. 12. Waveform of the current through filter capacitor Co. The rms current through the capacitor for relationship “nT = nL”, is plotted in Fig. 13, the result shows the existence of one minimum point at 50% of the duty cycle, where, ideally, the filter capacitor is not necessary. Replacing the relationship “nT = 2nL” in (42), the result is zero rms current to duty cycle lower than 50%, but, it should be remembered, that operation with duty cycle 50% or higher is not admitted. Fig. 11. Output characteristics for relationship “nT = 2nL = 1“. D. Output filter capacitor Parameters such as the ripple voltage and the rms current of the filter capacitor are important to the design. However, if it is considered, all details in the design process can be very complex. On the other hand, assuming that the magnetizing inductances of the coupled inductors were large enough that its currents could be considered constant, the design process becomes simple. The waveform of the current in the filter 978-1-4244-3370-4/09/$25.00 © 2009 IEEE Fig. 13. Current through the capacitor to relationship “nT = nL“. 310 E. Voltage stress on the semiconductors The voltage stress on the switches and the diodes are given by (43)-(45). ⎧ ⎛ nT ⎞ ⎪ ⎜1+ n D ⎟ L ⎪ Ei ⎜ ⎟ , if, D < 0.5 ⎪ ⎜ nT ⎟ VS1mx = VS 2 mx = ⎨ ⎜ 1 − D ⎟ (43) nL ⎠ ⎪ ⎝ ⎪ 1 , if, D > 0.5 ⎪ Ei ⎩ 1− D VD1mx = VD 2 mx = −2Vo (44) VD 3 mx = VD 4 mx ⎧ ⎪ E ⎪− i ⎪⎪ nL =⎨ ⎪ ⎪ Ei ⎪− ⎪⎩ nL nT D nL , if, D < 0.5 ⎛ nT ⎞ 1− ⎜ 2 − ⎟ D (45) nL ⎠ ⎝ 1+ ⎛ nL 1 ⎞ ⎜1 + ⎟ , if, D > 0.5 ⎝ nT 1 − D ⎠ V. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The project parameters applied in the design of prototype are listed in Table I. TABLE I Project parameters Parameter Input voltage (Ei) Output voltage (Vo) Output power (Po) Switching frequency (fs) Turns ratio ( nL = nT ) Fig. 15. Channel 1: input current – 5A/div., Channel 2: output current – 2A/div, Channel 3: output voltage – 50V/div., time scale 10μs/div. Duty cycle D=0.55. The current and voltage in one switch are shown in Fig. 16 and Fig. 17. For 36% of duty cycle the switch conducts all current of the input. The voltage, when both switches are turned-off, is 96V and when the other switch is turned-on, it is 48V. In case the duty cycle is 55%, when both switches conduct the current, a half part of the input current flows through each switch; the voltage over the switch is 48V. Value 48-24V 48V 140W 30kHz 1 The experimental duty cycle for 48V and 24V of voltage input was 36% and 55%, respectively. The efficiency obtained in the prototype was 88%. Fig. 14 shows the input current and output current for 36% of duty cycle; in these waveforms can be seen that the input current is zero when both switches are turned-on and the output current is the sum of the magnetizing currents of the inductors. The result for 55% is shown in Fig. 15; here only the transformer transfers energy to the load, this demonstrates that the characteristics of the original converter ware preserved. Fig. 16. Channel 1: switch current – 2A/div., Channel 2: switch voltage – 50A/div, time scale 10μs/div. Duty cycle D=0.36. Fig. 17. Channel 1: switch current – 2A/div., Channel 2: switch voltage – 50A/div, time scale 10μs/div. Duty cycle D=0.55. Fig. 14. Channel 1: input current – 5A/div., Channel 2: output current – 2A/div, Channel 3: output voltage – 50V/div., time scale 10μs/div. Duty cycle D=0.36. 978-1-4244-3370-4/09/$25.00 © 2009 IEEE In Fig. 18 and Fig. 19 are shown the magnetizing currents through the inductors, this is done through the sum of primary winding current plus the secondary winding current of each inductor. For 36% of duty cycle, it is possible to see that the current presents four stages, a storage one, two for transference and one neutral stage; in this last one the voltage in the inductor is zero, because of the primary voltage in the 311 transformer is equal to the input voltage. In the other case, for 55% of duty cycle, two stages are presented in the current, one for storage and one for transference. The figures show the magnetizing currents are almost equal, which proofs the distribution of the input current. operation), but, the converter can only operate with duty cycle lower than 50%. Some possible applications of this topology are solar and wind power generation, fuel cells, and aircraft. ZVS and ZCS techniques could also be applied to improve the efficiency of the converter. The association of various converters in order to increase the power is also possible. REFERENCES Fig. 18. Channel 1: magnetizing current in Lf1 – 2A/div., Channel 2: magnetizing current in Lf2 – 2A/div, Channel 3: primary voltage on Lf1 – 50V/div., time scale 10μs/div. Duty cycle D=0.36. Fig. 19. Channel 1: magnetizing current in Lf1 – 2A/div., Channel 2: magnetizing current in Lf2 – 2A/div, Channel 3: primary voltage on Lf1 – 50V/div., time scale 10μs/div. Duty cycle D=0.55. VI. CONCLUSION The qualitative and quantitative analysis of the doublecoupled current-fed push-pull dc/dc converter was presented in this paper, subsequently the theoretical study is verified through the experimental results for duty cycles lower or higher than 50%. The study has demonstrated that through the use of coupled inductor, the duty cycle operation can be extended from 0 to 100%. 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