The 14th International Conference on Intelligent System Applications to Power Systems, ISAP 2007 November 4 - 8, 2007, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Stability and Performance of an Autonomous Hybrid Wind-PV-Battery System Li Wang, Senior Member, IEEE, and Tsung-Jen Lin delivered and supplied by the proposed hybrid power generation and energy storage system with appropriate control and effective coordination among various subsystems. Due to the international technological progress and promoted experience on wind power generation system, the cost of generating of the wind power has already been reduced and the cost of electricity-generating of wind power generation systems may close to the one of traditional fossil-fuel energies [1-3]. On the other hand, with the improvement of semiconductor manufacture technology, photovoltaic (PV) cells have enhanced efficiency, the cost of PV becomes much lower and the installed capacity becomes much higher in recent years. However, PV systems have lower energy conversion efficiency, lower power density, and higher cost compared with wind turbine generators. Large PV may generate enough electricity for supplying isolated loads or delivering energy to a utility grid through DC-to-DC boost converters and DC-to-AC converters [4-6]. The energy storage systems play an important role in a hybrid system to perform both functions of storing and Index Terms--small-signal stability, steady-state releasing energy at an adequate time. The battery stores the characteristics, dynamic performance, synchronous generator electric energy in DC form and it requires rectifier circuits (SG), PV module, battery system, AC-to-DC converter, DC-to- (AC-to-DC converters), charging circuits, and DC-to-AC inverters to exchange energy with the AC system. There are DC boost converter, DC-to-AC inverter, eigenvalue. dozens of utility-scaled battery plants built for load-leveling and dynamic applications. During the past decades, progress I. INTRODUCTION NERGY shortage problems jointed with high petroleum with sealed, recombinant lead-acid battery technology and price has led to severe impacts to several important advanced compounds has extended the scope and future of technical aspects recently. Efficiency enhancement of high- potentially economic utility applications of battery [7]. Since both wind energy and PV energy are random in power equipment, development of alternative energy resources, nature, they can be combined together to compensate the exploration of integrated various renewable energy resources, etc., have also been eagerly progressing. During the past shortage of each other and supply the required energy to loads decades, huge amount of natural resources has been in remote autonomous areas. When battery is added to the unlimitedly dissipated and our living environment has been combined wind and PV system, the energy can be effectively severely polluted. Global environmental protection concerns controlled to delivery to the connected loads or the utility grid have been widely developed and several new forms of through the employed AC-to-DC converters, DC-to-DC renewable resources such as photovoltaic systems (PV) and converters, and DC-to-AC inverters. Combining the abovewind power generation systems (WPGS) to supplement fossil mentioned various renewable energy resources with different fuels have been extensively examined, integrated, and energy storage systems, converters, and inverters in a hybrid developed in the whole world today. system, the generated electric energy can be effective Hybrid power generation and energy storage system distributed and controlled to meet the energy requirement of may combine all different kinds of available renewable energy the connected loads. The above hybrid power generation and associated with available energy storage apparatuses. The energy storage system has exhibited several advantages to required power for the connected loads can be effectively control electrical energy absorbed by the connected loads [811]. This paper is organized as follows. Section II introduces the d-q axis models for the subsystems of the studied windLi Wang and Tsung-Jen Lin are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan 70101, R. O. PV-battery system. Steady-state and dynamic simulated and Abstract--This paper presents small-signal stability, steadystate characteristics, and dynamic performance of an autonomous hybrid wind-PV-battery system feeding an isolated single-phase load. To improve the inherent variable frequency, variable voltage, and loading effects of the studied wind synchronous generator (SG) under random wind speeds, an ACto-DC converter and a battery system are employed to combine distinct generated energies from the wind SG and a PV module. The stored energy in the battery is converted into a single-phase source with constant voltage and constant frequency to supply isolated single-phase loads by means of a DC-to-DC boost converter and a DC-to-AC inverter. The d-q axis equivalentcircuit models for the SG, AC-to-DC converter, DC-to-AC inverter, DC-to-DC boost converter, PV module, and battery system are respectively derived to establish the complete dynamic system equations of the studied hybrid system. Experimental results obtained from a laboratory 300 W SG, a 24 V, 1.5 kW PV module, and a 24 V, 250 Ah battery system are compared with the simulated results to validate the proposed system model. Small-signal stability of the studied system under various operating points and different disturbance conditions is also carried out by using eigenvalue analysis and dynamic simulations, respectively. E C. (e-mail: 221 The 14th International Conference on Intelligent System Applications to Power Systems, ISAP 2007 SG AC-to-DC Converter XCR SW iqds iqd1 vqds LR RR LE IR C1 rS VR PV Module iSC RE Rsh XCI RI II iqd2 vqd2 VI C2 Load C DC-to-DC Boost Converter battery Battery System vo LI RC vC io DC-to-AC Inverter D1 iE VDC November 4 - 8, 2007, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Fig. 1 Equivalent-circuit model of the studied wind SG fed to a single-phase load through an AC-to-DC converter (Rectifier), a DC-to-AC inverter, a PV module, a battery system, and a DC-to-DC boost converter. measured results as well as system eigenvalue analysis are presented in Section III. Specific conclusions are drawn in Section IV. 2Hp(ωr ) = Tm − Te p(θ r ) = ωr (2) (3) where H is the inertia of SG, ωr is rotor speed of SG, θr is angle of SG, Tm is input mechanical torque of SG, and Te is the per-unit electromagnetic torque of SG which can be expressed by II. SYSTEM MODEL The equivalent-circuit model of a variable-speed wind synchronous generator (SG) combined with a photovoltaic module (PV) and a battery system fed to a single-phase load through an AC-to-DC converter, a DC-to-DC boost converter, and a DC-to-AC inverter is shown in Fig. 1. The stator terminals of SG are directly connected to the AC-to-DC converter to transfer randomly time-varying AC energy generated by SG to a DC voltage. Since the battery system is connected in parallel to the output terminals of the PV module, the energy from SG and the energy from PV are combined together to store in the battery system whose stored energy is sent to a single-phase AC load through a DC-to-DC boost converter, a single-phase DC-to-AC inverter, and a harmonic L-C filter. A step-up transformer, which is employed to step up the low output-voltage level of the DC-to-AC inverter to match the required voltage level of the connected load, located between the DC-to-AC inverter and the connected load is not shown in Fig. 1. The employed mathematical models for each subsystem of the studied system are respectively described as below. Te = −(3/ 2) Lmd ( −ids + iF )iqs − Lmq ( −iqs )ids (4) The voltage-current equations of the capacitor C1 connected to the terminals of the stator windings of SG are given by iqs pC1 ωC1 vqs iq1 = ⋅ + ids −ωC1 pC1 vds id1 (5) The employed SG has the following specifications: rated power of 300 W, rated line voltage of 400 V, rated frequency of 60 Hz, three-phase Y-connected windings, 4 poles, and rated rotational speed of 1800 rpm. B. AC-to-DC converter model The per-unit output voltage of the AC-to-DC converter shown in Fig. 1 can be expressed by [13-16] VR = VqRcosαR – (π/6)XCRIR (6) A. SG model The d-q axis voltage-current equations of the studied SG where VR and IR are respectively the output voltage and current shown in Fig. 1 can be expressed in matrix form as below [12]. of the converter at DC side, αR is the firing angle of the converter, XCR is the commutation-choke reactance of the − ωr Ld 0 ωr Lmd iqs vqs − Rs − pLq converter, and VqR is the AC-side per-unit voltage to which v ω L − Rs − pLd 0 pLmd ids (1) converter is connected and it can be expressed by r q ds = ⋅ v0s vF 0 0 − Rs − pLls 0 − pLmd 0 RF + pLF 0 i0 iF VqR = where p is the differential operator with respect to time t while subscripts 0, d, q, and F are respectively referred to the quantities of zero-axis, d-axis, q-axis, and field windings of the SG. The per-unit torque equations of the studied SG can be written as 2 2 vds + vqs 2 (7) The practical AC-to-DC converter in the studied system can accept both DC and AC input variable voltages to convert into the required DC voltage level for the next stage. 222 The 14th International Conference on Intelligent System Applications to Power Systems, ISAP 2007 C. PV model Each practical PV panel of the studied system has the following specifications: BP275UU, rated power of 75 W, rated voltage of 17 V, rated current of 4.45 A, open-circuit voltage of 21.4 V, and short-circuit current of 4.5 A. Two PV panels are connected in series to form a 24 V branch and total 10 branches are connected in parallel to form a PV module of rated 1.5 kW. The equivalent-circuit model of a PV module shown in Fig. 1 includes an equivalent short-circuit current source iSC in parallel with a diode and a shunt resistor Rsh. The output of the PV shown in Fig. 1 is connected in parallel with the output terminals of the battery system via a wire with series resistance of Rs and inductance of Ls. The equivalentcircuit model of the PV module shown in Fig. 1 can be expressed by the following equations [7] vo = vPV – Rsio is the AC-side per-unit voltage to which the inverter is connected. G. Formulation of system equations and linearized equations When proper and common voltage and capacity bases for all the subsystems of the studied hybrid system are selected, the above equations can be expressed in terms of per-unit quantities to constitute a set of nonlinear system equations. The system equations of the studied hybrid wind-PV-battery system with the AC-to-DC converter, DC-to-DC boost converter, DC-to-AC inverter, filter, and load shown in Fig. 1 can be properly written in terms of matrix form as below [20]. p[X] = f([X], [U], t) (13) where [X] is the state vector, [U] is the control input vector, and f is the nonlinear function of the studied system. Equation (13) can be further linearized around a selected nominal operating condition to obtain a set of linear system equations of the form (8) io = isc(PI/1000) – ID[exp(qvPV/AkT) – 1] – vPV/Rsh November 4 - 8, 2007, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (9) where vPV is the output voltage of the PV module, q is the charge of an electron (q = -1.602×10-19 C), k is Boltzmann constant (k = 1.38×10-23 J/°K), T is temperature in °K, A is the quality factor which is a constant, ID is the reverse saturation current of the diode, PI is the insolation level in W/m2, and isc is the short-circuit current at 1000 W/m2 solar radiation. p[∆X] = [A][∆X] + [B][∆U] (14) where [A] is the system matrix and [B] is the control matrix. The characteristic equation of [A] is defined as det ( [A] − λ[I] ) = 0 (15) D. Battery model In the studied system, four 6 V, 250 Ah batteries are connected in series to form a 24 V branch and two 24 V branches are connected in parallel to constitute a 24 V, 250 Ah battery system. The equivalent circuit of the battery system is simulated by a resistor of rs in series with a DC voltage of VDC. where [I] is an identity matrix of appropriate dimensions and λ is one of the system eigenvalues of [A]. If one of the eigenvalues of [A] has positive real part or is located on the right half of the complex plane, the system subject to a small disturbance may become unstable. E. DC-to-DC boost converter model The equations of the employed DC-to-DC boost converter can be expressed by [17-18] To validate the proposed SG model under various loading conditions, the measured and simulated line voltages of the no-load SG suddenly connected to a resistive load of 0.407 pu under 1800 rpm are shown in Figs. 2(a) and 2(b), respectively. It can be found from Fig. 2 that the peak line voltages of the SG are suddenly dropped from about 480 V to about 200 V at t = 7.0 s. The amplitude and frequency of the measured voltage response are very close to the ones of the simulated voltage. Fig. 3 also shows the measured voltage-load steadystate characteristic curve of the studied SG under the rotor speed of 1800 rpm. It is found from Fig. 3 that the no-load line voltage Vab is dropped from about 340 Vrms (Y = 0 S) to as low as 40 Vrms (Y = 10 S). Hence, large voltage variations on the output voltage of the studied SG can be clearly observed from Fig. 3 while proper energy storage unit such as a battery unit should be employed to store the generated energy from SG for voltage transformation. Table 1 lists the simulated and measured voltages and frequencies as well as the measured output powers of the studied SG under four different resistive loads when the rotor speed is kept at 1800 rpm. The errors between the simulated and measured voltages and frequencies are also listed in Table 1. It can be clearly found from Table 1 that the maximum error of both voltage and frequency is less than 1.2% and the validation of the proposed SG model is obtained. RE + (1 − D)( RC // R ) − LE piE = (1 − D ) R pvC ( R + RC )C (1 − D ) R 1 LE ( R + RC ) i E ⋅ + LE vC 1 − 0 ( R + RC )C − v E = (1 − D )( RC // R ) R iE ⋅ R + RC vC v g (10) (11) where (10) and (11) are respectively the state equation and output equation of the converter, iE is the current flowing through inductance LE, vC is the voltage across capacitor C, vE is the output voltage of the converter, D is the duty cycle of the transistor which acts as a switch to transform input 24 V voltage to a higher level for the next stage, i.e., the DC-to-AC inverter.. F. DC-to-AC inverter model The per-unit output voltage of the DC-to-AC inverter shown in Fig. 1 can be expressed by [19] VI = VqIcosγI – (π/6)XCIII (12) where VI and II are respectively the voltage and current at DC side of the inverter, γI is the extinction angle of the inverter, XCI is the commutation-choke reactance of the inverter, and VqI 223 III. CHARACTERISTIC ANALYSIS OF THE STUDIED SYSTEM The 14th International Conference on Intelligent System Applications to Power Systems, ISAP 2007 G of the previous Section. To ensure system stability under the selected operating conditions, it is necessary to check that all system eigenvalues are completely located on the left half of the complex plane. The variations of system eigenvalues are also very important to determine the sensitivity of system eigenvalues subject to the variation of one of the system parameters or operating conditions. It can be clearly found from Table 2(a) that all system eigenvalues may be affected by the changes of loading resistance RL but only eigenvalues λ6,7 are closest to the imaginary axis and they have the trend to move toward the right half of the complex plane by the changes of the loading resistance and rotor speed. When the loading resistance decreases or the rotor speed increases, the damping of λ6,7 decreases accordingly and it will make the system become less stable. Since the output voltage, frequency, and system eigenvalues of the studied wind SG are severely affected by the rotor speed and loading conditions of the SG as listed in Tables 1-2, the generated energy from the SG can be combined with the generated energy from the PV module and then send to a battery system for energy storage. The stored energy in the battery system can also transfer to a single-phase load through a DC-to-DC boost converter, a DC-to-AC inverter, and an L-C harmonic filter as shown in Fig. 1. (a) Measured voltage (Y-axis: 200 V/div, X-axis: 1 s/div) Vab (V) 800.00 400.00 0.00 -400.00 -800.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 t (sec) Table 2 System eigenvalues (rad/s) under various loading conditions. (a)Various loading resistance RL with fixed rotor speed ωr of 1800 rpm. RL (pu) λ1,2 λ3,4 λ5 λ6,7 -1.119 0.407 -218±j374.7 -3.25±j13.48 -92437±j315.5 0.201 -187464±j372.7 -1.244 -122.1±j373.09 -3.19±j13.48 -1.274 0.138 -273118±j369.2 -92.97±j369.76 -3.16±j13.49 0.098 -384639±j365.6 -1.289 -74.45±j366.22 -3.12±j13.50 (b)Various SG rotor speed ωr with fixed loading resistance RL of 0.407 pu λ1,2 λ3,4 λ5 λ6,7 ωr (RPM) 1046 -92437±j215.5 -217.8±j214.89 -0.91137 -3.52±j13.40 1247 -92437±j258.3 -217.9±j257.85 -0.98558 -3.42±j13.42 1674 -92437±j348.4 -218.0±j384.12 -1.09595 -3.28±j13.47 1800 -92437±j374.9 -218.0±j374.69 -1.11933 -3.25±j13.48 (b) Simulated voltage Fig. 2 Dynamic responses of the studied SG fed to a resistive load. Vab (V) 400.00 300.00 200.00 The following analyzed results assume that the irradiation of sunlight is maintained at 38000 lux and the output power of PV is kept at 200 W. Table 3(a) lists the measured electrical quantities of the SG under various rotor speeds. Table 3(b) lists the active powers of load, SG, and battery under various values of loading resistance. It is found Table 3(a) that when the SG’s rotor speed gets higher, the output voltage, frequency, and output power of the SG become higher accordingly. As listed in Table 3(b), when the loading resistance becomes lower, the load absorbs higher power from battery since the battery with a fixed DC voltage decouples the wind SG and the inverter while the SG’s output power is kept at a constant value under the fixed rotor speed. Because the studied system is an autonomous hybrid system with wind, PV, and battery, the measured results listed in Tables 3(a) and 3(b) should be carefully determined to meet power balance conditions. Especially, the voltages, frequencies, and powers of the studied system under various operating conditions can not be easily obtained by conventional three-phase power flow method since converters and inverters are included in the hybrid system. 100.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 8.00 12.00 Y=1/Z Fig. 3 Measured voltage-load characteristic curve of the studied SG. Table 1 Simulated and measured results and associated errors of the studied SG under 1800 rpm. Loading Resistance RL (pu) Measured Voltage VM (V) No Load 336 0.407 126.7 0.201 66.9 46.9 0.138 0.098 33.6 Simulated Voltage VS (V) Voltage Error VE (%) 334.6 127.3 66.5 46.5 33.2 0.42 -0.47 0.60 -0.86 1.19 Measured Simulated Frequency Error Frequency Frequency FE (%) FM (Hz) FS (Hz) 60 59.9 59.8 59.7 59.6 60 59.9 59.9 59.8 59.7 0 0 -0.17 -0.17 -0.17 November 4 - 8, 2007, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Output Power PSG (W) 0 76.81 43.33 30.94 22.29 To examine small-signal stability of the studied system subject to small perturbed conditions, Tables 2(a) and (b) respectively list all system eigenvalues of the studied SG feeding a resistive load under different values of loading resistance RL and rotor speed ωr using the linearized smallperturbed d-q axis system model described in the Subsection 224 The 14th International Conference on Intelligent System Applications to Power Systems, ISAP 2007 IV. CONCLUSIONS Table 3 Steady-state measured electrical quantities of the studied system (a) Various SG rotor speeds No-load Loaded No-load Loaded Output Rotor Voltage Voltage Frequency Frequency Power Speed VNL(V) VL(V) FNL(Hz) FL(Hz) PSG(W) ωr(RPM) 1046 192 153 34.9 33.7 67.8 220 157 41.6 40.5 78.3 1247 300 163 55.8 54.8 92.6 1674 1800 336 165 60 59 102.8 (b) Different values of loading resistance Loading Output Supplied Power Absorbed Resistance Power of Load Power of SG of Battery PL (W) PSG (W) PBatt (W) RL (Ω) 418.2 115.73 102.8 12.93 206.6 234.27 102.8 131.47 340.85 102.8 238.05 142.0 100.6 481.11 102.8 378.31 Tables 4(a) and (b) respectively list system eigenvalues of the studied system under various values of rotor speed ωr and loading resistance RL. It is obviously found from Table 4 that most of the system eigenvalues can be maintained as stable modes regardless of the changes of various values of ωr and RL. Only eigenvalues λ9,10 and λ11 have obvious variations due to the changes of RL but all system eigenvalues are located on the left half of the complex plane. Again, to ensure system stability under the selected operating conditions, it is necessary to check that all system eigenvalues are completely located on the left half of the complex plane under different operating conditions. Hence, the AC-to-DC converter, DC-to-AC inverter, and battery system can render better small-signal damping effect to the hybrid wind-PV-battery system under drastically changed operating conditions. Figs. 4(a)-(c) respectively show the simulated results of the output voltage of the SG, the inverter output voltage, and the load voltage when the SG is suddenly connected to the AC-to-DC converter when ωr = 1800 rpm and RL= 0.407 pu. It is found from Fig. 4(a) that the AC-to-DC converter and the battery system constitute an equivalent load of the SG whose peak terminal voltage suddenly drops from no-load voltage of 420 V to about 200 V. It is seen from Fig. 4(b) that the output voltage of the DC-to-AC inverter is a PWM voltage waveform with peak value of 23 V. This nonsinusoidal voltage can be effectively filtered out to be a nearly sinusoidal voltage waveform using the L-C filter and then step up to a new voltage with peak value of 300 V using the step-up transformer as shown in Fig. 4(c). ωr (RPM) 1046 1247 1674 1800 λ1,2 -37229±j195 -37229±j242 -37229±j336 -37229±j364 RL (pu) 10 5 3 1 λ1,2 -37229±j364 -37229±j364 -37229±j364 -37229±j364 November 4 - 8, 2007, Kaohsiung, Taiwan This paper has presented small-signal stability with eigenvalue analysis, steady-state performance, and dynamic responses of a practical autonomous hybrid wind-PV-battery system using experimental and simulated results to validate the proposed model. The employed wind synchronous generator (SG) has combined with a PV module to supply energy to an isolated single-phase load through the employment of an AC-to-DC converter, a battery system, a DC-to-DC boost converter, a single-phase DC-to-AC inverter, an L-C harmonic filter, and a step-up transformer. The connected load can obtain good voltage and frequency profiles from the output of the DC-to-AC inverter regardless the inherent random characteristics of wind speed and irradiation of sunlight. From small-signal stability analysis using eigenvalue analysis, it is clearly found that the AC-to-DC converter, DC-to-DC boost converter, DC-to-AC inverter, and battery system can render better damping effect and enhance dynamic stability of the hybrid wind-PV-battery system under drastically changes operating conditions. V. REFERENCES [1] P. Wang and R. Billinton, “Reliability benefit analysis of adding WTG to a distribution system,” IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 134-139, June 2001. [2] N. Kodama, T. Matsuzaka, and N. Inomata, “The power variation control of a wind generator by using probabilistic optimal control,” Transactions of IEE of Japan, vol. 121-B, no. 1, pp. 22-30, 2001. [3] P.M. Anderson and A.A. 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November 4 - 8, 2007, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 0.00 -5.00 -10.00 -15.00 -20.00 -25.00 3.00 3.02 3.04 3.06 3.08 3.10 (b) Inverter’s output voltage 400.00 VI. NOMENCLATURE 200.00 Vload(V) General and Abbreviation synchronous generator SG PV photovoltaic module ωr , θr rotor speed and rotor angle of SG electromagnetic torque of SG Te Tm mechanical input torque of SG H inertia of SG V, I, F voltage, current, and frequency R, L, C resistance, inductance, and capacitance D duty cycle of DC-to-DC boost converter λ system eigenvalue α, γ firing angle and extinction angle XC commutation chock reactance p differential operator with respect to time t loading resistance RL Z, Y loading impedance and admittance 0.00 -200.00 -400.00 0.00 2.00 t (s) 4.00 6.00 (c) Load voltage Fig. 4 Dynamic simulated results of the studied hybrid system. VII. BIOGRAPHIES Li Wang (S87-M88-SM05) was born in Changhua, Taiwan, on December 20, 1963. He received a Ph. D. degree from Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, in June 1988. Since August 1988, he has joined the faculty of the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan where he was an associated professor. Since August 1995, he has been a professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan. He was a visiting scholar of School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA from February 1 to July 31, 2000. He was a visiting scholar of School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, USA from August 1, 2003 to January 31, 2004. At present, his interests include power system (control, stability, dynamics, controllers design), electric machinery (induction machine, reluctance machine, synchronous machine, permanent machine, power transformer, motorcycle’s AC generator and starting DC motor), industrial electronics (battery chargers and voltage regulator), and power electronics (inverters, electronic ballasts, motor-speed control). He is an IEEE Senior Member. Subscripts quantities of AC-to-DC converter (rectifier) R I quantities of DC-to-AC inverter PV quantities of PV module d, q quantities of d- and q-axis of SG F quantities of field winding of SG m quantities of mutual inductance NL quantities of no-load conditions L quantities of loaded conditions M quantities of measured results SG quantities of synchronous generator (SG) S quantities of simulated results Batt quantities of battery system E quantities of error between measured and simulated results Tsung-Jen Lin was born in Taipei County, Taiwan, on September 20, 1976. He obtained his B.Sc. degree from National Kaohsiung Institute of Technology and Commerce, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan in 1996 and entered FuWei University of Technology, Yunlin, Taiwan, in 1999. He received his M.Sc. degree from Department of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan in 2002. His interests are hybrid power generation and energy storage systems. 226