USAF Telecommunications Cabling Standards - Lackland AFB

802d Communications Squadron
Lackland Air Force Base, Texas
12 July 2011
Chg 1, 1 Dec 11
This document provides guidance on the installations standards required for all Outside Plant
(OSP) cabling and Inside Plant (ISP) cabling projects installed at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas.
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1.2.1 General
1.2.2 Environmental Requirements
1.2.3 Input Line Surge Protection
1.2.4 Power Line Surge Protection
1.3.1 Minimum Contractor Qualifications
1.3.2 Minimum Manufacturer Qualifications
1.4.1 Pre-construction Drawings - Communications Distribution System
1.4.2 Post-construction Drawings (As-Built Drawings) - Communications Distribution System
1.4.3 Instructions - Manufacturer‟s Recommendations
1.4.4 Qualifications
1.4.5 Reports - Copper Wire and Fiber Optic Cable Test Reports
1.4.6 Certificates - Communications Distribution System
1.4.7 Materials and Equipment
1.4.8 Installers
1.5.1 General
1.5.2 Delivery and Storage of Outside Plant Cable
1.7.1 Cables
1.7.2 Termination Hardware
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2.1.1 Quality
2.1.2 Nameplates
2.1.3 Connectors, Patch Panels, Faceplates
2.2.1 Cable Insulation
2.2.2 Underground Cable
2.2.3 Building Entrance Cable
2.2.4 Inside Wiring (I/W) Telephone & LAN/Data Cables
2.2.5 Horizontal Cable
2.2.6 Connecting Hardware
2.5.1 Outside Plant Fiber Optic Cable System
2.5.2 Backbone Fiber Optic Cable
2.5.3 Horizontal Distribution Fiber Optic Cable
2.5.4 Connecting Hardware
2.5.5 Outside Plant Cable Splices, Connectors, Cable Assemblies, and Organizers
2.6.1 Shield Connectors
2.6.2 Grounding
2.6.3 Grounding Braid
2.6.4 Cable Warning Tape
2.6.5 Nylon Pull Rope
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3.3.1 General
3.3.2 Horizontal Distribution System
3.3.3 Telecommunications (Telephone & LAN/Data) Outlets
3.3.4 Terminal Blocks
3.3.5 Communications Raceways/Cable Trays
3.3.6 Conduit Below Slab-on-grade or in the Ground
3.3.7 Duct Lines
3.3.8 Building Entry Conduit
3.3.9 Cable
3.3.10 Manholes
3.4.1 Bending Radius
3.4.2 Electrical Protection
3.4.3 Underground Splice Closures
3.4.4 Encapsulant
3.4.5 Duct Sealing
3.4.6 Testing
3.4.7 Multi-pair Cable
3.4.8 Shield Continuity
3.4.9 Cable Faults and Splicer Errors
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3.4.10 Pressure Testing
3.5.1 Base Civil Engineering Work Clearance Request
3.5.2 Multi-pair Telephone Cable
3.5.3 Splicing Splice Connectors Shield Bonding Connectors Outside Plant Multi-pair Cables Splicing Sequence
3.5.4 Marking Cable Tags
3.5.5 Buried Splice Closures
3.5.6 Encapsulant
3.5.7 Cut Cable Restorations
3.6.1 Copper Conductor Splices
3.6.2 Fiber Optic Splices
3.7.1 General
3.7.2 Procedure
3.7.3 Cable Protector Modules
3.7.4 Terminal Blocks
3.7.5 Common User Telephone & LAN/Data Outlets
3.7.6 Telephone Terminal Backboard (TTB)
3.7.7 Equipment Racks (Data Cabinets)
3.7.8 Rack Mounted Equipment
3.7.9 Concrete Pull-boxes and Manholes
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3.8.1 General
3.8.2 Telecommunications Main Ground Bus Bar
3.8.3 Manholes
3.8.4 Bonding Ribbon Clamps
3.9.1 Labeling
3.9.2 Marking Cable Tags
3.11.1 Pre-installation Inspection
3.11.2 In-progress Inspections
3.11.3 Final Inspection
3.11.4 Corrective Action and Verification Inspection
3.12.1 General
3.12.2 Procedure
3.12.3 Unshielded Twisted-Pair Tests
3.12.14 Copper Cable Tests
3.12.5 Category 6 Circuit Tests
3.12.6 Fiber Optic Cable Tests - Outside Plant
3.12.7 Fiber Optic Cable Tests - Facility Interior
3.12.8 Test Results
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The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. These publications
are referred to in the text by basic designation only.
Engineering Technical Letter (ETL) 02-12 (Jun 2002): Communications and Information System
Criteria for Air Force Facilities
38 EIG Handbook 33-01
(2005) Communications and Information
AETC First 400 Feet Standard Guidance at all AETC Bases (10 Mar 2006)
U.S. Air Force Technical Orders
Copper cable Placement
Cable Splicing
Outside Plant Testing
Standard Install Practice, Telephone, Outside Plant Install, Pole
Outside Plant Cable Maintenance and Repair
Telecommunications Engineering, Outside Plant, Telephone
31Z-10-37, 1-1-689-1-WA-1, 1-1-689-3-WA-1, 1-1-689-5-WA-1, 1-1-691-WA-1, 1-1-700-WA-1
Corrosion Prevention and Protection
General Testing Information and Safety Precautions
Standard Installation Practices
Anchoring Devices for CE Ground Equipment
Standard Installation Practices Cross Connections
Cabling for Fixed Ground Equipment
Comm Systems Grounding, Bonding and shielding
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Music Spring Quality
ASTM C338-93
(2008) Standard Test Method for Softening Point of Glass
ASTM E814-11a
Standard Test Method for Fire Tests of Penetration Fire Stop
Building Industry Consulting Service International (BICSI) Standards
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Telecommunications Distribution Methods Manual
8610 Hidden River Parkway
Tampa, FL 33637
Electronic Industries Alliance / Telecommunications Industries Association (EIA/TIA)
Repeated Impact Testing of Fiber Optic Cables and Cable
Compressive Loading Resistance of Fiber Optic Cables
Spectral Attenuation Measurement for Log Length, GradedIndex Optical Fibers
Pulse distortion Measurement of Multimode Glass Optical
Fiber Information Transmission Capacity
(1990) Attenuation by substation Measurement for Multimode
Graded Index Optical Fiber
Length Measurement of Optical Waveguide Fibers by Line-ofFlight
(2001; Addendum 2001) Commercial Building
Telecommunications Cabling Standard- Part 1: General
Requirements (ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.1)
(2002) Administration Standard for the Telecommunications
Infrastructure of Commercial Buildings
Commercial Building Standards for Telecommunications
Pathways and Spaces (ANSI/TIA/EIA-569-A-98)
Frequency Domain Measurement of Multimode Optical Fiber
Fiber Optic Cable Tensile Loading and Bending Test
Compound Flow (Drip) Test for Filled Fiber Optic Cable
Fluid Penetration Test for Fluid-Blocked Cable
American Standards Institute (ANSI)
Commercial Building Grounding (Earth) and Bonding
Requirements for Telecommunications
(1998) Detail Specification for 50-um Core Diameter/
125-um Cladding Diameter Class IA Graded Index Multimode
Optical Fibers
Output Far Field Radiation Pattern Measurement
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
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IEEE C62.41
(1991) Recommended Practice for Surge Voltages in LowVoltage AC Power Circuits
Insulated Cable Engineers Association (ICEA)
ICEA S-56-434-1983
(1991) Polyolefin Insulated Communications Cables for
Outdoor Use
ICEA S-83-596-2001
(2001) Fiber Optic Premises Distribution Cable
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
(2011) National Electrical Code
National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)
NEMA WC 63.1
(2005) Twisted Pair Premise Voice and Data Communications
(2001) Category 6 and Category 7 100 Ohm Shielded and
Unshielded Twisted Pairs
Rural Utilities Service (RUS)
Splicing Plastic-Insulated Cables
(1985) Shield Bonding Connectors – Bulletin 345-65
(1982) Gas Tube Surge Arresters - Bulletin 345-83
(1980) Electrical Protection by Use of Gas Tube Arrestors
RUS Bulletin 345-63 (PC-4)
(1976) Standard for Acceptance Tests and Measurements of
Telephone Plant
RUS Bulletin 1751F-644
(1998) Design and Construction of Underground cable
(Physical Plant)
RUS Bulletin 1753F-201
(1997) Standard for Acceptance Tests and Measurements of
Telephone Plant
RUS Bulletin 1753F-401 (PC-2)
(1995) Standard for Splicing Copper & Fiber Optic Cables
RUS Bulletin 1753F-401
(1995) Standard for Splicing Copper and Fiber Optic Cables
RUS Bulletin 1755I-100
(2009) List of Materials Acceptable for Use on Systems of
REA Telephone Borrowers
Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL)
UL 497
(1995) Protectors for Paired Conductor Communication
UL 1479
Fire Tests of Through-Penetration Firestops
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1.2.1 General
The communications distribution system shall consist of inside-plant horizontal and outside-plant cables
and connecting hardware to transport telephone and data (including LAN) signals between equipment in
dispersed buildings as well as equipment within a building.
1.2.2 Environmental Requirements
Equipment and cable to be utilized indoors shall be rated for continuous operation under ambient
environmental conditions of 0 to 50 degrees C dry bulb and 10 to 85 percent relative humidity, noncondensing. Equipment shall be rated for continuous operation under the ambient environmental
temperature, pressure, humidity, and vibration conditions specified or normally encountered for the
installed location.
1.2.4 Input Line Surge Protection
Inputs and outputs shall be protected against surges induced on wiring. Communications equipment
shall be protected against surges induced on any communications circuit. Cables and conductors (except
fiber optics which serve as communications circuits from consoles to field equipment and between field
equipment) shall have surge protection circuits installed at each end. Protection shall be furnished at
equipment, and additional triple electrode gas surge protectors rated for the application on each wire line
circuit shall be installed within 1 meter of the building cable entrance. Fuses shall not be used for surge
protection. The inputs and outputs shall be tested in both normal mode and common mode using the
following two waveforms:
a. A 10-microsecond rise time by 1000 microsecond pulse width waveform with a peak voltage of
1500 volts and a peak current of 60 amperes.
b. An 8-microsecond rise time by 20 microsecond pulse width waveform with a peak voltage of
1000 volts and a peak current of 500 amperes.
1.2.5 Power Line Surge Protection
Equipment connected to ac circuits shall be protected from power line surges. Equipment shall meet the
requirements of IEEE C62.41. Fuses shall not be used for surge protection.
1.3.1 Minimum Contractor Qualifications
All work under this section shall be performed by and all equipment shall be furnished and installed by a
BICSI Certified Telecommunications Contractor, hereafter referred to as the Contractor. With the
exception of furnishing and installing conduit, electrical boxes, and pull-wires, the Electrical Contractor
shall not do this work. The Contractor shall have the following qualifications in telecommunications
systems installation:
a. Supervisors and installers assigned to the installation of this system or any of its components shall
be Building Industry Consulting Services International (BICSI) Registered Cabling Installers, Technician
Level. Submit documentation of current BICSI certification for each of the key personnel.
b. All supervisors and installers assigned to the installation of this system or any of its components
shall have factory certification from each equipment manufacturer that they are qualified to install and test
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the provided products. General electrical trade staff (electricians) shall not be employed for the
installation of the communications distribution system cables, equipment, and associated hardware.
c. All installers assigned to the installation of this system or any of its components shall have a
minimum of 3 years experience in the installation of the specified copper wire, fiber optic cable and
NOTE: Each installer may be required to make an approved dummy splice of each type to be employed
in the execution of this contract in the presence of the Contracting Officer or representative. Splices shall
be in accordance with the cable manufacturer‟s instructions. The Contractor shall furnish all materials
needed for dummy splices, at no cost to the government.
1.3.2 Minimum Manufacturer Qualifications
The equipment and hardware provided under this contract will be new and the standard products of a
manufacturer with a minimum of 3 years experience in producing the types of systems and equipment
specified. Items of equipment shall essentially duplicate equipment that has been in satisfactory use at
least 2 years prior to bid opening.
Government approval is required for submittals with a “GA” designation; submittals having a “FIO”
designation are for information only. The following shall be submitted in accordance with Section entitled,
1.4.1 Pre-construction Drawings - Communications Distribution System (FIO)
Detail drawings including a complete list of equipment and material. Detail drawings shall contain
complete wiring and schematic diagrams and other details required demonstrating that the system has
been coordinated and will function properly as a system. Drawings shall include vertical riser diagrams,
equipment rack details, and elevation drawings of telecommunications closet walls, outlet faceplate
details for all outlet configurations, sizes and types of all cables, conduits, and cable trays. Drawings
shall show proposed layout and anchorage of equipment and associated items, and equipment
relationship to other parts of the work including clearance for maintenance and operation.
1.4.2 Post-construction Drawings (As-Built Drawings) - Communications Distribution System
As-built drawings for the installed outside plant wiring system infrastructure shall be submitted per
TIA/EIA-606-A. Drawings will be submitted to 802 CS in either AutoCAD or Bentley MicroStation formats.
The drawings shall show the location of all cable terminations and location and routing of all cable
terminations and location and routing of all backbone and horizontal cables. The identifier for each
termination and cable shall appear on the drawings. As-built drawings for the installed inside plant wiring
system infrastructure shall be submitted in Visio format. Copy of as-built drawings will be provided to 802
CS within 14 days after completion of installation.
1.4.3 Instructions - Manufacturer’s Recommendations (FIO)
Where installation procedures or any part thereof are required to be in accordance with the
recommendations of the manufacturer of the material being installed, printed or electronic copies of these
recommendations shall be provided prior to installation. Installation of the item will not be allowed to
proceed until the recommendations are received and approved.
1.4.4 Qualifications (GA)
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The qualifications of the Manufacturer, Contractor, and the Installer to support and perform the work
specified herein. This shall include proof of the minimum qualifications specified herein.
1.4.5 Reports - Copper Wire and Fiber Optic Cable Test Reports (GA)
Test Reports in booklet form with witness signatures verifying execution of tests. Reports shall show the
field tests performed to verify compliance with the specified performance criteria. Test reports shall
include record of the physical parameters verified during testing. Test reports shall be submitted to the
Base Communications Squadron within 14 days after completion of testing. The Contractor shall provide
all necessary personnel, equipment, instrumentation, and supplies required to properly test and document
the transmission media parameters of the voice and data transmission systems.
1.4.6 Certificates - Communications Distribution System (FIO)
Written certification that the premises distribution system complies with the TIA/EIA-568-B,
TIA/EIA-569-B and TIA/EIA-606-A standards.
1.4.7 Materials and Equipment (FIO)
Where materials or equipment are specified to conform, are constructed or tested to meet specific
requirements, certification that the items provided conforming to such requirements. Certification by a
nationally recognized testing laboratory that a representative sample has been tested to meet the
requirements, or a published catalog specification statement to the effect that the item meets the
referenced standard, will be acceptable as evidence that the item conforms. Compliance with these
requirements does not relieve the Contractor from compliance with other requirements of the
specifications. All existing telephone & LAN/Data outlets, data patch panels or other communications
equipment scheduled for demolition, shall be disposed of by the contractor. All demolished telephone
LAN/Data outlet locations shall be replaced with equipment specified by paragraph of this
specification. Under no circumstances will telephone & LAN/Data outlets be demolished without
1.4.8 Installers (GA)
The Contractor shall submit certification that all the installers are factory certified to install and test the
provided products. Supervisors and installers assigned to the installation of this system or any of its
components shall be Building Industry Consulting Services International (BICSI) Registered
Cabling Installers, Technician Level. Submit documentation of current BICSI certification for each of
the key personnel.
1.5.1 General
Material shall be delivered in unopened original containers plainly labeled with the manufacturer‟s name
and brand. Equipment placed in storage shall be stored with protection from the weather, humidity and
temperature variation, dirt and dust or other contaminants. Metallic materials exposed to the weather
shall be protected against corrosion.
1.5.2 Delivery and Storage of Outside Plant Cable
All cable shall be shipped on reels. The diameter of the drum shall be at least 13 times the diameter of
the cable. The reels shall be substantial and so constructed as to prevent damage during shipment and
handling. The outer end of the cable shall be securely fastened to the reel head to prevent the cable from
becoming loose in transit. The inner end of the cable shall project into a slot in the side of the reel, or into
housing on the inner slot of the drum, in such a manner and with sufficient length to make it available for
testing. The inner end shall be fastened to prevent the cable from becoming loose during installation.
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End seals shall be applied to each of the cables to prevent moisture from entering the cable. The reels
with cable shall be suitable for outside storage conditions when the temperature ranges from minus 40
degrees C to plus 65 degrees C, with relative humidity from zero to 100 percent.
All project material shall be delivered to the following address:
410 North Franklin Luke Drive
Bldg 1530, Gate 5, Bay 9 & 10, Door 11
San Antonio, TX 78226
Commercial off-the-shelf manuals shall be furnished for operation, installation, configuration, and
maintenance for all products provided as a part of the communications distribution system. Specification
sheets for all cable, connectors, and other equipment shall be provided.
1.7.1 Cables
A record of all installed cable shall be provided in hard copy format media using Windows based
computer cable management software per TIA/EIA-606-A. The cable records shall include the required
data fields for each cable and complete end-to-end circuit report for each complete circuit from the
assigned outlet to the entry facility per TIA/EIA-606-A.
1.7.2 Termination Hardware
A record of all installed patch panels and outlets shall be provided in hard copy format using Windows
based computer cable management software per TIA/EIA-606-A. The hardware records shall include
only the required data fields per TIA/EIA-606-A.
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2.1.1 Quality
Materials and equipment shall be the standard products of a manufacturer regularly engaged in the
manufacture of the products. They shall also be the manufacturer‟s latest standard design that has been
in satisfactory use for at least 2 years prior to installation. Materials and equipment shall conform to the
respective publications and other requirements specified below and to the applicable requirements of
NFPA 70.
2.1.2 Nameplates
Each major component of equipment shall have the manufacturer‟s name, address, type or style, model
and/or serial number, and catalog number on a plate firmly secured to the equipment.
2.1.3 Connectors, Patch Panels, Faceplates
All horizontal cabling will be terminated to Leviton brand or compatible connectors, patch panels, and
faceplates. 802 CS/SCOW will verify compatibility.
2.2.1 Cable Insulation
For each individual Category 6 cable, the insulation material used on each pair shall be the same in all
physical, electrical, and chemical respects. The use of Teflon insulated plenum-rated Category 6 cable is
acceptable for both plenum and non-plenum applications. If Teflon insulated plenum-rated cable is used
by the Contractor; it shall be type 4x0, where all four-pairs are Teflon insulated. Type 3x1 and 2x2 are
not acceptable.
2.2.2 Underground/Buried Cable
Underground/buried telephone cable smaller than 1800-pair, shall be type REA PE-89, #24 AWG solid
copper conductor, gel-filled cable. Larger pair count cable (i.e.: 1800-pair, 2400-pair, and 3600-pair) shall
be type REA PE-89, #26 AWG solid copper conductor, gel-filled cable. Gopher (armor) protection is
2.2.3 Building Entrance Cable
Building entrance cable shall be #24 AWG, solid copper conductor, type REA PE-89 gel-filled telephone
2.2.4 Inside Wiring (I/W) Telephone & LAN/Data Cables
Inside wiring cables shall be 4-pair (#24 AWG) solid tinned copper, PVC insulated, station-type gray
color, CMP rated, unshielded twisted-pairs, PVC jacket, Category 6 horizontal cable. I/W cable shall be
continuous from each outlet to the Category 6 patch panel indicated on the drawings. Splicing of
individual cables shall not be permitted. At each telephone & LAN/Data outlet, four-pair I/W cable shall
be terminated on the modular outlet assembly wired per T568-B wiring configuration. At the
communications room terminate the cable on CAT-6 common user patch panels and mark with the
appropriate outlet number.
2.2.5 Horizontal Cable
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Horizontal cable shall meet the requirements of TIA/EIA-568B for Category 6 horizontal cable. Cable
shall be label-verified. Cable jacket shall be factory marked at regular intervals indicating verifying
organization and performance level. Conductors shall be solid untinned copper #24 AWG. Cable shall
be rated CMP per NFPA 70.
2.2.6 Connecting Hardware
Connecting and cross-connecting hardware shall be the same category as the cable it serves. Hardware
shall be in accordance with TIA/EIA-568B. Telecommunications (Telephone & LAN/Data) Outlets
Quad outlets will be installed at each telephone & LAN/data location unless specified otherwise. Each
quad shall contain 2ea telephone outlets and 2ea LAN/data outlets. Telecommunications outlets shall be
Category 6, RJ45 8-pin voice and data modular outlet assemblies housed in a quad-hole, flush wallmount faceplate. All terminations shall be done according to T568-B wiring scheme as required by
TIA/EIA-568-B. Wall-mount telephone outlets (for wall-mounted telephone sets) shall be 8-pin modular
outlet assemblies (type RJ-45 modular wall-telephone jack) mounted in a simplex housing as indicated on
the drawings. Each modular outlet shall accept a 4-pair Category 6 cable (8-conductors) and each
modular outlet assembly shall be numbered for easy identification and location. All outlets will be wired
directly to the Common User Patch Panel located in the Telecommunications Room serving the floor that
the outlets are located on. Terminal Blocks
Terminal blocks shall be wall-mounted wire termination units consisting of insulation displacement
connectors mounted in plastic blocks, frames or housings. Blocks shall be type 110, which meet the
requirements of TIA/EIA-568-B for Category 6. Blocks shall be mounted on standoffs and shall include
cable management hardware. Insulation displacement connectors shall terminate 22 or 24 gauge solid
copper wire as a minimum and shall be connected in pairs so that the horizontal cable and cross-connect
blocks shall terminate all subscriber lines. The blocks shall be attached to the left side of the plywood
telephone terminal backboard in vertical rows.
The protector modules shall be of the three-electrode gas tube type. Protection modules shall be
classified as light, medium, heavy, or maximum duty depending on their performance in categories of
impulse life, maximum surge impulse and 60 Hz current carrying capacity as specified in REA TE & CM
823. The gas modules shall be fail-short and shall shunt high voltage to ground in less than 100
microseconds, shall have an external spark gap, and shall comply with UL 497.
Plywood backboards, ¾” thick (sized as specified) shall be provided and installed with the finished side
facing outward and painted with two-coats of fire retardant paint.
2.5.1 Outside Plant Fiber Optic Cable System Fiber Optic Cable
Reeled fiber optic cable shall be of continuous manufacture with no factory splices in the fiber. Compatible Components
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Materials used within a given cable shall be compatible with all other materials used in the same cable
when such materials come into intimate contact. All cable components used shall have no adverse affect
on optical transmission or on the mechanical integrity characteristics of the fiber placed in the cable. All
materials used shall be nontoxic, non-corrosive, and shall present no thermal hazard. The minimum
required material components applied to fiber optic cable construction are central core or sheath strength
member, color-coded optical fibers, inner jacket, pulling strength members, and outer jacket. Cable Cores
A central core member or sheath strength member shall be included to serve as a cable core foundation
to reduce strain on the fibers but not to serve as a pulling strength member. The materiel of the central
core member shall be nonmetallic. The sheath strength member may be either metallic or nonmetallic.
The metallic strength element shall be spring quality music type wire per ASTM A228. The nonmetallic
strength element shall be glass filament. Single-mode Optical Fiber
Single-mode optical fibers (strand count to be specified) shall be contained in the cable. The single-mode
fiber shall be step index optical glass. The core diameter, if an addressable parameter, shall be 8.5 plus
or minus 2 microns. If the core diameter is not addressed, then the mode field diameter shall be 10
microns plus or minus 1 micron. The cladding diameter shall be 125 microns plus or minus 5 microns.
The core-cladding offset shall be less than 1 micron. The minimum tensile strength of the fiber after
primary protective coating shall be greater than 344Mpa (50,000 psi). The softening point of the clad
material of the optical fiber shall be 1630 degrees C plus or minus 50 degrees C in compliance with
ASTM C338-93. Optical Fiber Coatings
The optical fiber shall be coated with a suitable material to preserve the intrinsic high tensile strength of
the glass fiber. The outside diameter of the coated optical fiber shall be 250 microns plus or minus 15
microns. The coating material shall be readily removable, mechanically or chemically, without damaging
the optical fibers when the removal is desired. Color-Coding
The primary protective coated fiber shall be color-coded for individual fiber identification. The maximum
outside diameter of color-code coated fiber shall be less than 300 microns. Fiber Protection
The color-coded fibers shall be surrounded with loose buffer tubes, channels or other innovative design,
or in a tight buffer construction, for protection from external mechanical and environmental influences.
The interior of the tube shall be filled with a suitable gel-filling compound to prevent water migration. The
loose tube buffering, channel or other innovative design, or tight buffer construction, shall be color-coded
for tube identification. The material of the buffering tube shall be PVC, Mylar, nylon, or a functionally
equivalent material. Tint Requirements
The color concentrates or tints used to color the optical fibers and the buffer tubes shall not be
susceptible to migration and chemical reaction with gel-filling compound. Buffer Tubes
The buffer tubes shall be located concentrically around the cable central core member and covered with a
black, low or medium density polyethylene inner jacket in accordance with ICEA S-56-434-1983.
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2/8/12 Filling Compound Requirements
The inner jacket interior and buffer cavity shall contain a gel-type-filling compound. The filling compound
shall be of suitable viscosity so that it shall protect the ingress of water and/or soluble chemicals and shall
not flow at the temperature of up to 65 degrees C. The gel-filling compound shall be colorless, electrically
non-conducting, inert gel-type, waterproof, nontoxic, with no thermal hazards, and compatible chemically
and mechanically with all cable components and associated splice hardware materials to which it may
make contact. The gel filling shall be removable, as required; using commercially available products
under field conditions. Tensile Strength
The cable shall contain a nonconductive central strength member as well as a layer of aramid type yarn
encircling the cable core. The strength member shall provide a maximum pulling load of 1335 Newtons. Outer Jacket
Black, low or medium density, high-molecular weight, polyethylene materials shall be applied
longitudinally over the entire inner jacket and sheathing strength member to form the cable outer jacket, in
accordance with ICEA S-56-434-1983. The outer jacket shall be smooth, concentric, non-nutrient to
fungus, and free from holes, splits, blisters, or other imperfections. The overall outside cable diameter
shall not exceed 3/4”. Fiber Differentiation
The individual optical fiber shall be easily and positively identified from the buffer tube color code and the
optical fiber primary coating color code. Cable Labeling
The outer jacket shall bear the manufacturer‟s name, year of manufacture, and length marker. The length
marking shall employ continuous four- or five-digit numbers in meters, such as:
Manufacturer‟s Name - Year
XXXX meter
The markings shall be repeated clearly and distinguishably on every meter on the cable outer jacket. The
marking ink shall be fully compatible with the jacket material, non-smearing, non-water soluble, abrasion
resistant, and durable enough to withstand field handling during placement and subsequent operations. Attenuation
The optical attenuation of each optical fiber in the reeled cable shall be no greater than 1.0 decibels/km
within a peak emissive region of 850 nm to 1300 nm for multimode fiber optic cable and 1310 nm to 1550
nm for singlemode fiber optic cable. The attenuation shall be measured on completed cable reel length,
and normalized linearly to 1 km. The measurement method shall be in accordance with TIA/EIA-455-46A
(FOTP-46) or TIA/EIA-455-53A (FOTP-53). Bandwidth
Each optic fiber within the cable (reeled) shall have its bandwidth measured between 3 decibels optical
power points, as compared to a reference signal, for a light source with a peak optical emissive region of
850 nm to 1300 nm for multimode fiber optic cable and 1310 nm to 1550 nm for singlemode fiber optic
cable. The effective system bandwidth of at least one GHz-km is required. The effective system
bandwidth multiplied by the cable length raised to the negative length-dependence factor (or gamma
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factor). Gamma shall be in the range of 0.85 to 0.9. The bandwidth measurement shall be in accordance
with EIA/TIA-455-30-B (FOTP-30) frequency domain or TIA/EIA-455-51A (FOTP 51) time domain. Numerical Aperture
The numerical aperture of each optical fiber shall be 0.2 plus or minus 0.02 within an optical emissive
region of 850 nm to 1300 nm for multimode fiber optic cable and 1310 nm to 1550 nm for singlemode
fiber optic cable. The method of numerical aperture measurement shall be in accordance with EIA/TIA
455-47B (FOTP-47). Bending Tolerance
The cable shall be able to withstand bending to a minimum radius of ten times the cable outer diameter
with no tensile load applied and twenty times the cable outer diameter with maximum tensile load applied
during installation, without damage to cable components or degradation of the optical fiber performance
at room temperature. Tensile Load Tolerance
The fiber optic cable shall withstand a pull force of at least 1780 Newtons, to be applied to the pulling
strength member during operation without incurring any damage or detriment to fiber optic cable and
optical performance. The tensile strength test shall be per EIA 455-33-A (FOTP-33). Cyclic Flexing Tolerance
The fiber optic cable shall withstand at least twenty bending cycles at minimum bend radius without
damage to the fiber optic cable components or degrading optical performance. The cyclic flexing test
shall be in accordance with EIA 455-65 (FOTP-65). Crush Resistance
The minimum crush resistance of the fiber optical cable shall be greater than 650 Newton/cm without
damage to cable components or degrading optical performance. The crush resistance test shall be in
accordance with TIA/EIA 455-41A (FOTP-41). Impact Resistance
The fiber optic cable shall be capable of withstanding twenty impacts, at a force of five Newtons-meters,
without damage to cable components, or degradation of optical performance. The impact resistance test
shall be in accordance with TIA/EIA 455-25B (FOTP-25). Gel Compound Temperature Tolerance
The optic cable shall be tested for the ability of the gel-filling compound in the interior of the inner jacket
and buffer to resist flow at the temperature range of minus 40 degrees C to 60 degrees C in accordance
with EIA/TIA-455-81B (FOTP-81). Fluid Penetration Test
The optic cable shall be capable of preventing the entry of axial migration of 62 kPa (9 psi) pressurized
water when subjected to fluid penetration testing in accordance with EIA/TIA-455-82-B (FOTP-82). Performance Requirements
The fiber optic cable shall comply with the mechanical performance requirements herein while used in
duct applications where the temperature varies minus 20 degrees C to plus 60 degrees C. Optical
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performance degradation shall be less than 5 percent of the optical performance requirements in the
temperature range of minus 20 degrees C to plus 60 degrees C. The fiber optic cable shall not be
damaged in storage where the temperature may vary from minus 40 degrees C to plus 65 degrees C. Defects and Imperfections
Fiber optic cables shall be free of material and manufacturing defects, and of dimensional non-uniformity
which would seriously impair the functionality of the cables. The fiber optic cables shall also be free from
surface imperfections and internal defects, which would prevent them from meeting the mechanical and
transmission requirements of this specification.
2.5.2 Backbone Fiber Optic Cable Multimode
Multimode fiber optic backbone cable (strand count to be specified) shall meet the requirements of
TIA/EIA-568-B, TIA/EIA-492AAAA-A and ICEA S-83-596-2001 for 50/125-micrometer multimode graded
index optical fiber cable. Numerical aperture for each fiber shall be a minimum of 0.275. Cable
construction shall be tight buffered type. Individual fibers shall be color-coded for identification. Cable
shall be imprinted with fiber count and aggregate length at regular intervals. Cable shall be rated OFNR
per NFPA 70.
2.5.3 Horizontal Distribution Fiber Optic Cable Multimode
Multimode fiber optic horizontal cable shall meet the requirements of TIA/EIA-568-B, TIA/EIA-492AAAAA, and ICEA S-83-596-2001 for 50/125-micrometer multimode graded index optical fiber cable.
Numerical aperture for each fiber shall be a minimum of 0.275. Cable construction shall be tight buffered
type, two strands. Individual fibers shall be color-coded for identification. Cable shall be imprinted with
fiber count, fiber type, and aggregate length at regular intervals of 40”. Cable shall be rated and marked
OFPN per NFPA 70.
2.5.4 Connecting Hardware Connectors
Connectors shall be SC-type with ceramic ferrule material with a maximum insertion loss of .5 decibels.
Connectors shall meet performance requirements of TIA/EIA-568-B. Connectors shall be field installable.
Connectors shall utilize adhesive for fiber attachment to ferrule. Connectors shall terminate fiber sizes as
required for the service. Station cable faceplates shall be provided and shall be ivory in color, impact
resistant plastic double gang, with double-sided female SC coupler. Fiber Optic Patch Panels
Patch panels shall be a complete system of components by a single manufacturer, and shall provide
termination, splice storage, routing, radius limiting, cable fastening, storage, and cross-connection. Patch
panels shall be 19” wall/rack-mounted panels. Patch panels shall provide strain relief for cables. Panels
shall be provided with labeling space. Patch panel connectors and couplers shall be the same type and
configuration as used elsewhere in the system. Patch Cords
Patch cords shall be cable assemblies consisting of flexible optical fiber cable with connectors of the
same type as used elsewhere in the system. Optical fiber shall be the same type as used elsewhere in
the system. Patch cords shall be complete assemblies from manufacturer‟s standard product lines.
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Patch cords will be rated at the same or higher performance category as the cabling to which it connects
and must meet the requirements described in TIA/EIA-568-B.1.
2.5.5 Outside Plant Cable Splices, Connectors, Cable Assemblies, and Organizers Copper Cable Splices
Copper cable splices shall consist of a moisture resistant, two- or three-wire connector held rigidly in
place to assure maximum continuity. The correct connector size shall be used to accommodate the cable
gauge of the cable to be supplied. Connectors used shall be listed in RUS Bulletin 1755I-100. Splice Connectors
Splicing connectors will be PICABOND filled and suitable for the gauge of conductor being spliced. Splices
will be in fold-back configuration. Fiber Optic Cable Splices
Fiber optic cable splices shall consist of a fusion splice where two fibers are thermally fused together
forming a continuous fiber length. Pre-connectorized Single-Fiber Cable Assembly
Fiber cable connectors shall be the biconical type, field installable, self-aligning, and self-centering. The
connectors shall be terminated on a 10-foot length of single-fiber cable. The single-fiber cable shall
contain a buffered optical fiber of the same type and specification as that used in the multi-fiber cable. Fiber Optic Splice Organizer
The splice organizer shall be suitable for housing fiber optic fusion splices in a neat and orderly fashion.
The closure shall allow for a minimum of one meter of cable to be neatly stored without kinks or twists.
The splice organizer in the closure shall provide individual strain relief for each splice. The case shall be
suitable for reentry for future maintenance or modification, without damage to the cable or splices. All
required splice organizer hardware, such as splice trays, protective glass shelves, and shield bond
connectors shall be provided in the organizer kit.
2.6.1 Shield Connectors
Shield bonding connectors, bond bars, braids, ribbons, clamps, etc. shall be IAW RUS Bulletin 1753F-803
(PE-33). Shield connectors shall make a stable, low-impedance electrical connection between the shield
of the communications cable and a conductor such as a strap, bar, or wire. The connector shall be made
of tin-plated tempered brass. Cable shields shall be bonded and continuous throughout the cable length.
2.6.2 Grounding
Grounding hardware such as corrosion resistant wire, clamps, etc. necessary to properly bond/ground the
cable in maintenance holes shall be provided.
2.6 2 Grounding Braid
Grounding braid shall provide low electrical impedance connections for dependable shield bonding. The
braid shall be made from flat tin-plated copper.
2.6.3 Cable Warning Tape
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Cable warning tape shall be a minimum of 3” wide, orange in color, and suitable for buried applications.
The warning tape shall be continuously imprinted with the words “WARNING - COMMUNICATIONS
CABLE BELOW”, at not more than 48” intervals and shall be placed approximately 12” below finished
grade levels of such lines to permit easy location of the duct line.
2.6.4 Nylon Pull Rope
A ¼” nylon pull rope shall be installed in all empty duct runs & innerduct runs.
CLV patch panels shall consist of RJ-45 8-pin modular jacks (front of patch panel); with rear-installation
type 110 insulation displacement terminations. 4-pair Category 6 wire from CLV jack at workstation shall
terminate at the rear of patch panel. Size of patch panel shall reflect number of CLV drops on blueprint
(i.e. one port on patch panel to each individual telephone/data outlet on the faceplate, plus 15 percent for
future use). Mount CLV patch panels inside wall mounted lockable data cabinets 40”H X 24”W X 24”D
deep (unless specified differently). All wiring and components shall be TIA/EIA-568-B compliant, wired to
T568-B wiring configuration. Label patch panels IAW TIA/EIA-606-A
2.7.1 Voice Frequency (VF) Patch Panels
VF patch panels shall consist of RJ-45 8-pin modular jacks (front of patch panel); with rear-installation
type 110 insulation displacement terminations. Install 24AWG Tie Cable from the back of VF patch panels
to type 110 punch down blocks mounted on the telecommunications room plywood backboard. All 8 wires
of each RJ-45 jack shall be wired to the 110 type punch down block. The 110 type punch down block
shall be labeled to identify corresponding RJ-45 jacks in the patch panel. Provide patch panel density to
terminate number of telephone and other analog services identified in drawings plus 15 percent for
expansion. All wiring and components shall be TIA/EIA-568-B compliant, wired to T568-BA wiring
configuration. Label patch panels IAW TIA/EIA-606-A
Data cabinets shall be floor mounted enclosures with side panels, metal mesh lockable front & rear doors
with identical keys, and depth-adjustable front and rear mounting rails. Horizontal cable management
devices shall be integral to the cabinets. One 19” rack mounted power strip with 12 outlets with surge
protection, a ground bus bar with a #6 AWG ground cable connected to the master ground bus bar, and a
quad 120V, 20A outlet on 2ea dedicated circuit breakers terminated to NEMA 5-20 receptacles mounted
within the cabinet. Depending on network equipment to be installed, 802 CS may also require a 208V,
30A outlet on a dedicated circuit breaker terminated to NEMA receptacle and mounted within the cabinet
(specific NEMA receptacle type TBD dependent on equipment to be installed). Equipment racks shall
provide capability to mount equipment 19” wide. The equipment rack shall be 72”H x 24”W x 42”D.
Lockable data cabinets shall be Rittal, Blackbox or 802 CS approved equivalent.
Manholes will be type J-4, designed for telephone communications. Minimum dimensions of manholes
will be 10‟L x 6‟W x 7‟H (or as specified). Each manhole wall that is opposite a duct entrance will have
one pulling-in iron installed 6”-12” below the duct entrance level. LockDown-LockDry manhole locks will
be installed on all communications manhole covers.
2.10 Cable Racks and Cable Rack Supports
Communications industry standard cable racks, hooks and extensions shall be used to support cables in
maintenance holes. The cable hooks shall be secured using cable rack locking clips. All cables and splice
closures shall be supported using racking clips, cable racks, and cable hooks. If cable racks and supports
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do not exist on sections that require support, the contractor shall be required to provide and install
necessary hardware to support the cable.
Conduit will be bell-end type. Number and size will be specified. All ducts shall be placed a minimum of
30” below finished grade and encased in concrete. Conduits that are bore installed are not required to be
encased in concrete.
Communications closets will be minimum 8‟ X 10‟, climate controlled with dedicated electrical circuits
installed as specified. A minimum four each 4” conduits will be installed from the servicing
communications manhole/handhole to the room. Conduits will run into the room and terminate at the wall
centered under one of the TTBs.
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All materials and equipment shall be installed in accordance with recommendations of the manufacturer
to conform to the contract documents.
The Contractor shall become familiar with the details of the work, verify dimensions in the field, and
advise the Contracting Officer of any discrepancy before performing the work.
3.3.1 General
System components and associated items shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 70, manufacturer‟s
instructions, and as shown. Necessary interconnections, services, and adjustments required for a
complete and operable signal distribution system shall be provided. Components shall be labeled in
accordance with TIA/EIA-606-A. Penetrations in fire-rated construction shall be firestopped in
accordance with Section entitled, FIRESTOPPING. Wiring shall be installed in accordance with TIA/EIA568-B. Wiring, terminal blocks, and outlets shall be marked in accordance with TIA/EIA-606-A. Cables
shall not be installed in the same cable tray, utility pole compartment, or floor trench compartment with ac
power cables. Cables not installed in conduit or wireways shall be properly secured and neat in
3.3.2 Horizontal Distribution System Cable Laying Interior wiring shall be installed in raceways, cable trays, and boxes as specified and terminated
at station locations indicated. All cables between the same points shall be run over the same path. All cables and wiring shall be installed and terminated at all station locations as indicated on
project drawings. Wiring shall take the form of a “Universal Wiring Plan” where horizontal cables are
wired directly, home run fashion, from a distribution point to the appropriate modular jack plate, jack
assembly, or floor jack to support the use of single-line type sets and electronic sets. Each individual
cable run shall be continuous and uninterrupted and shall have no bridge taps, branches, splices or
connections at any point. Cables shall be installed in accordance with applicable fire codes, the manufacturer‟s
recommendations and the requirements listed below. There shall be no kinks, sharp bends or deformation in the installed cable. Any bends in the
cable shall meet the recommendations of the cable manufacturer. There shall be attachments, fastenings, and supports in conformance with the cable
manufacturer‟s recommendations for the type and size cable, as installed, and consistent with the
installed environment. All vertical cable runs in duct or on ladder shall be tied with plastic straps or lacing twine at the
top of the run and at least every 36” to prevent cable strain. Horizontal wiring shall not be bundled in
groups larger than 16 cables.
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2/8/12 A proper cable lubricant, approved by the Contracting Officer or representative, shall be applied
at the manufacturer‟s recommended rate during the installation of the cable assemblies into conduits. No
cable lubricant is to be utilized on cable assemblies installed in cable trays. The cable shall be installed in a manner to prevent crushing, stretching, abrasion, puncture, and
other mechanical damage. All cables and cross-connects shall be neatly strapped, dressed and adequately supported.
Provide cable clamps, strain relief devices, and ties as required to maintain the professional appearance
of the installation and as recommended by the manufacturer. Where required, strain relief devices and
ties shall be classified low smoke and low fume for use in air pleonasm in accordance with NFPA 70. In no case shall any cable be attached to any conduit, pipe, associated supporting clamp or
bracket, or false (suspended) ceiling system. No less than 12” of slack material shall be left in each horizontal cable at each outlet and no less
than 10” at the telecommunications closet, to facilitate maintenance. Cables shall be installed in the conduits and cable trays provided and as indicated on the
drawings. Cable shall not be installed outside of these wireways, including, but not limited to, freely
suspended without support, on decks or walking surfaces, on suspended ceiling grid work, or on the work
of other trades which are not specifically designated as wireways. Horizontal cables shall not be installed in the same cable tray, utility pole compartment, or floor
trench compartment with ac power cables. Within the telecommunications closets, the cable shall be supported at all times by cable trays
and cable ladders, down to the telecommunications/equipment racks or backboard as indicated on the
drawings. Within the telecommunications rack or on the backboard, cable shall be supported by cable
management rings and panels. Cables shall be installed loosely within horizontal cable trays and conduits. Cables shall not be
taped, laced or strapped to each other or bundled in groups larger than 16 cables. Cable shall enter and leave the cable trays in a manner that conforms to the manufacturer‟s
recommendations and the drawings. Backbone and horizontal cable shall be properly terminated and tagged at both ends to provide
permanent station identification.
3.3.3 Telecommunications (Telephone & LAN/Data) Outlets Faceplates
As a minimum, quad outlet faceplates shall be installed and labeled with permanent type labeling IAW
paragraph 3.7.1. Outlet Placement
Telecommunications (Telephone & LAN/Data) outlets shall be installed in the approximate positions
indicated on the drawings. All outlets shall be mounted 18” plus or minus 2” above the finished floor
(AFF) or 6” plus or minus 2” for counter tops. All wall telephone outlets shall be mounted 54” plus or
minus 2” AFF for standard telephones, and 34” AFF for handicap access telephones. Wall Outlets
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2/8/12 Unless specified otherwise, quad outlets shall be installed and flush-mounted on the wall. Each
outlet shall be steel duplex ac power type box fastened in the wall, without assistance from the cover.
Steel conduit (a minimum of 1”) shall extend from the distribution system directly to the outlet. The quad outlets shall be installed as follows: Two blue connectors in the top left and top right
positions and two white connectors in the bottom left and right positions. The connectors will be
terminated to the T568-B standard. Floor-mounted Telecommunications Outlets
The outlet box shall be cast in place in the concrete slab, and shall connect to the under floor duct
system. All outlets shall be connected individually to the under floor duct. Floor-mounted Access Boxes
The access box shall be cast in place in the concrete slab and shall connect to the distribution system
with knockouts that accept standard 2” conduit box connectors. All access boxes shall be connected to
individual conduits, home run to the telecommunications/LAN room. Floor-mounted access boxes used
with systems furniture shall connect to the systems furniture communications track using ¾” (minimum)
flex conduit(s) from the access box. The flex conduit shall be covered with non-metallic, non-conductive
insulation and shall not be allowed to contact (electrically) any other distribution systems. Where
required, flex conduit insulation shall be classified low smoke and low flame in accordance with NFPA 70.
All box connector threads shall be covered by plastic bushings with the enclosure. Flex conduit runs shall
be limited to one meter (approx. 40”). Flex conduit shall have electrical continuity to the access box. Unshielded Twisted-pair Cable (UTP)
Unshielded twisted-pairs shall have a minimum of 6” of slack cable loosely coiled into the
telecommunications outlet boxes. Minimum manufacturers bend radius for each type of cable shall not
be exceeded. Each pair shall be terminated on appropriate outlets, terminal blocks or patch panels. No
cable shall be unterminated or contain unterminated elements. Pairs shall remain twisted together to
within the proper distance from the termination as specified in EIA TSB 40-A. Conductors shall not be
damaged when removing insulation. Wire insulation shall not be damaged when removing outer jacket. Fiber Optic Cable
Each fiber strand shall have connectors installed. The pull strength between the connector and the
attached fiber shall be not less than 11.3 kg. The mated pair loss, without rotational optimization, shall
not exceed 1.0 decibels. Fiber optic connectors shall be installed per TIA/EIA-568-B. Pull-Cords
Pull-cords shall be installed in all conduits serving telecommunications outlets, which do not initially have
copper or fiber optic cables installed.
3.3.4 Terminal Blocks
Terminal blocks shall be mounted in orderly rows and columns. Adequate vertical and horizontal wire
routing areas shall be provided between groups of blocks. Industry standard wire routing guides shall be
3.3.5 Communications Raceways/Cable Trays Communications Raceways
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Communications raceways shall be installed as specified. Raceways shall allow sufficient space for
cables to be installed without compromising the cable manufacturer's recommended minimum bending
radii. Raceway fill shall not exceed 40 percent. Raceways indicated shall be installed in accordance with
the previous requirements for conduit and tubing and with the additional requirements that no length of
run shall exceed 50‟ for ¾” sizes, and 100‟ for 1” or larger sizes, and shall not contain more than two 90degree bends or the equivalent. Additional pull or junction boxes shall be installed to comply with these
limitations whether or not indicated. Inside radii of bends in conduits of ¾” size shall not be less than 41/2” and 2” size or larger shall not be less than ten times the nominal diameter. Cable Trays
Cable trays shall form a wireway system, and shall be of nominal 6” depth and 12” or 18” wide, unless
larger dimensions are required to maintain a maximum 50 percent cross sectional area cable fill. All
cable trays outside of the communications rooms shall be ladder type and installed above the acoustical
ceiling, and inside the communications rooms shall be ladder type and installed at 6” above equipment
racks, and wall plywood backboards. Cable trays shall be constructed of aluminum, copper-free
aluminum or zinc-coated steel. Trays shall include dimension and direction-transition fittings, splice and
end plates, cable dropout chute fittings, conduit-end tray fasteners and miscellaneous hardware all
provided by the cable tray manufacturer. Edges, fittings and hardware shall be finished free from burrs
and sharp edges. Conduits terminated at cable trays shall be provided with insulated throat bushings.
Cable tray transition fittings shall have not less than the load-carrying ability of straight tray sections and
shall have the manufacturer‟s minimum standard radius. Radius of bends shall be 12”. Routing of cable
trays shall be parallel or perpendicular to walls and ceilings and shall not be run diagonally across rooms.
Cable trays shall penetrate fire rated walls and partitions in accordance with Article 300 of NFPA 70. Fire
stop any cable tray penetrations through fire walls to meet fire resistance ratings required in ASTM E81411a or UL 1479. Ground cable tray with a #6 AWG ground cable & connect to the ground bus bar in each
Comm room. Support
The cable tray shall be supported using the manufacturers' recommended support brackets, threaded
rods and associated hardware. The cross strap shall not be used to support the overhead cable tray.
Vertical structures such as cabinets, relay racks, frames and bays, attached to the floor for panelmounted equipment, may be used for supporting associated cable ladder runs. The installation of all
cable trays, ducts, and ladders shall conform to industry standards. Grounding
The cable pathway system shall be grounded to the facility ground at intervals not to exceed 75‟. This
grounding may be accomplished through the mounting hardware or by separate wire (minimum #6 AWG). Wall Transitions
The Contractor shall seal holes in walls around signal ducts and conduits equivalent to that of the wall.
Duct covers shall be spliced on each side of the wall (with joint shields) to allow a non-removable section
of cover within the wall. Any reductions required at firewalls shall provide multiple runs through the wall
totaling at least as many square inches of area as the duct or conduit running to the wall. Firestopping
It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to perform all sealing, filling, or firestopping through
bulkhead fittings with materials and practices in compliance with applicable codes, regulations and
3.3.6 Conduit Duct Below Slab-on-grade or in the Ground
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All cables below slab-on-grade shall be protected by a conduit system. No conduit system shall be
installed horizontally within concrete slab-on-grade. For slab-on-grade construction, horizontal runs of
rigid plastic, rigid steel or electrical metal tubing (EMT) shall be installed below the floor slab. Conduit
passing vertically through slabs-on-grade shall be rigid steel or EMT. Rigid steel or EMT conduits
installed below slab-on-grade or in the earth shall be field-wrapped with 0.010 inch thick pipe-wrapping
plastic tape applied with a 50 percent overlay, or shall have a factory-applied polyvinyl chloride, plastic
resin, or epoxy coating system. Duct and Fittings, Non-metallic Type for Installation Underground
Wall thickness and fittings shall be suitable for the application. Ducts shall be single, round-bore types.
Ducts shall be of the same material when used for applications requiring the same type of wall thickness. Plastic Duct
NEMA TC 6 thick-wall type DB. Conduit fittings shall conform to the applicable NEMA standards, except
that where NEMA standards for conduit fittings do not exist for the type of plastic installed, fittings shall be
as recommended by the conduit manufacturer.
3.3.7 Duct Lines
Duct lines shall be non-encased direct-burial, thick-wall type (Schedule 40) for duct lines between
manholes, handholes, pullboxes and building entry or as shown on the drawings. Where ducts are
installed under roadways, parking lots or asphalt areas they will be encased in concrete. Never allow
more than one bend between manholes. Ducts should enter manhole perpendicular to manhole wall.
Ducts shall enter manholes as near as possible equidistant floor and roof. Duct Installation
Numbers and sizes (4” duct typical) of ducts shall be installed as indicated. Duct lines shall be laid with a
minimum slope of 4” per 100‟. Depending on the contour of the finished grade, the high-point may be at a
terminal, a manhole, a handhole, pullbox, or between manholes, pullboxes or handholes. Ducts shall be
provided with end-bells whenever duct lines terminate in manholes, pull boxes or handholes. When
power and comm ducts cross each other, every effort will be made to cross at right angles while
maintaining a minimum separation of 3” of concrete or 12” of earth between the power and comm ducts.
Duct line markers shall be provided as indicated at the ends of long duct line stub-outs or for other ducts
whose locations are indeterminate because of duct curvature or terminations at completely below-grade
structures. In lieu of markers, a cable warning tape shall be used. The cable warning tape shall be a
minimum of 3” wide, orange in color, and suitable for buried applications. The warning tape shall be
continuously imprinted with the words “WARNING - COMMUNICATIONS CABLE BELOW” at no more
than 48” intervals and shall be placed approximately 12” below finished grade levels of such lines to
permit easy location of the duct line. A ¼” nylon pull rope shall be installed in all empty duct runs. All
ducts will be sealed with duct sealant in accordance with specification paragraph Duct Treatment
Ducts shall be kept clean of concrete, dirt, or foreign substances during construction. Field cuts requiring
tapers shall be made with proper tools and match factory tapers. After a duct line is completed, a
standard flexible mandrel shall be used for cleaning followed by a brush with stiff bristles. Mandrels shall
be at least 12” long and have diameters ¼” less than the inside diameter of the duct being cleaned. Duct Storage
Ducts shall be stored to avoid warping and deterioration with ends sufficiently capped to prevent entry of
water or solid substances. Ducts shall be thoroughly cleaned before being installed. Plastic ducts shall
be stored on a flat surface and protected from the direct rays of the sun.
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2/8/12 Installation of Couplings
Joints in each type of duct shall be made in accordance with the manufacturer‟s recommendations for the
particular type of duct and coupling selected. In the absence of specific recommendations, all various
types of duct couplings shall be made watertight as specified. Plastic Duct Joints
Duct joints shall be made by brushing plastic solvent cement on insides of plastic coupling fittings and on
outsides of duct ends. Each duct and fitting shall be slipped together with a quick one-quarter-turn twist
to set the joint tightly. Duct Sealant
After cable as been placed, each lateral duct at the building, each entrance and exit duct in each
manhole, and each riser and pedestal location shall be sealed. Compounds for sealing ducts and conduit
shall have putty-like consistency, workable with the hands at temperatures as low as 35 degrees F., and
shall not harden materially when exposed to the air. Compounds shall readily caulk or adhere to clean
surfaces of plastic or metallic raceways, cable shields, jackets, covers, or insulation. Compounds shall
form a seal without dissolving, noticeably changing characteristics, or removing any of the ingredients.
Compounds shall have no injuries effect upon the skin of workers.
3.3.8 Building Entry Conduit
Conduits for underground telephone cable shall be installed as indicated and as shown on the drawings.
3.3.9 Telephone Cable
All telephone cable shall have the number of insulated twisted-pairs as indicated or as shown on the
drawings. All telephone cables shall be installed in raceways unless otherwise indicated on the drawings. Guaranteed Pairs
All pairs in each cable shall be usable. All conductors for incoming and tie-cables shall be usable, except
those identified as defective by the manufacturer. Splicing
Splicing shall be in accordance with REA PC-2. All pairs shall be spliced. All outside cable splices shall
be watertight. Cable shields shall be bonded together at all cable splices with bonding harnesses to
maintain sheath continuity. Splices shall be grounded to the manhole grounding system in accordance
with paragraph 3.6.1. Underground Cable
Underground cable installation shall be accomplished in accordance with the requirements set forth in
RUS Bulletin 1751F-644. When installing cable in existing conduit, the following applies: the Contractor
may use existing conduit or innerduct only when at least one additional vacant conduit is available. Any
conduit or innerduct used will be identified to the base Communications Squadron prior to use. If
installation will utilize the last vacant conduit additional conduit will be installed per para For
cable installed in ducts and conduit, a cable feeder guide shall be used between the cable reel and the
face of the duct and conduit, to protect the cable and guide it into the duct and conduit as it is payed off
the reel. As the cable is payed off the reel, it shall be inspected for jacket defects. Precautions shall be
taken during installation to prevent the cable from being kinked or crushed. A pulling eye shall be
attached to the cable and used to pull the cable through the duct and conduit system. Cable shall be
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hand-fed and guided through each manhole. As the cable is payed off the reel into the cable-feeder
guide, it shall be sufficiently lubricated with a type of lubricant recommended by the cable manufacturer.
Where the cable is pulled through a manhole, additional lubricant shall be applied at all intermediate
manholes. Dynamometers or load-tension instruments shall be used to ensure that the pulling line
tension does not exceed the installation tension value specified by the cable manufacturer. The
mechanical stress placed upon a cable during installation shall not be such that the cable is twisted or
stretched. Cables shall be handled and placed in such a manner as to avoid kinks and other shield
deformities. Cable kinked or flattened shall not be installed. Lead sleeves or duct splices shall not be
permitted. Cable racks and hooks shall be installed in manholes to support installed cables. Outdoor Cable Installation
All outdoor connections shall be weatherproof through the use of weather boots or other approved
methods. All filled cable splice points in underground facilities shall be encapsulated using re-enterable
type splice cases and encapsulant compound. All air core cable splice points shall be sealed in an
airtight pressure type splice case and shall be tested with 15 PSI back pressure to insure there are no
leaks. Innerduct
Install Maxcell or equivalent Inner Duct. Install three (3) each three (3) cell, 1.25” O.D. inner duct (one w/
tracer wire), in one of the new ducts. Tracer wire will be connected throughout the entire length of the
mesh installation. Only one cable shall be installed in a given innerduct. Existing and new unoccupied
innerducts shall be trimmed leaving 50 mm exposed. Surge Protection
All cable and conductors that serve as communication lines through off-premise lines shall have surge
protection installed at each end which meets the requirements of REA PE-80.
3.3.10 Manholes
Minimum dimensions of manholes will be 10‟ long x 6‟ wide x 7‟ high (or as specified). Manholes will be
installed with long wall parallel to duct back coming from C.O. If a bonding ribbon does not exist,
contractor shall provide and install one (1) each 10‟ x 3/4” diameter ground rod, bonding ribbon and all
associated hardware. Contractor Use of Government Manholes
The Contractor shall pump maintenance holes when required. Following installation the Contractor shall
ensure the maintenance holes are clean and free of materials and debris, if caused by the installation. Restoration of Manholes
The Contractor shall be responsible for site restoration. Restoration at each location shall be to the original
Note: 802CS Cable Maintenance will identify to the Contractor those maintenance holes, if any, that are
permit required and coordinate with Base Safety Office for procedures to be followed by Contractor
personnel when working in the maintenance holes.
3.4.1 Bending Radius
Bending radius shall conform to EIA/TIA & BICSI standards under load and no-load conditions.
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3.4.2 Electrical Protection
The contractor shall provide electrical protection IAW T.O. 31W3-10-13 paragraphs 10-3 through 10-11, as
applicable, and ANSI-J-STD-607-A.
3.4.3 Underground Splice Closures
Splice cases used at Lackland will be Preformed Line Products (PLP) stainless steel splice case with
filling flange. Splices shall be sealed with stainless steel closures of a size adequate for the size and type
(foldback) of splice to be enclosed. (12.5 x 28”, 9.5”x 28”, 6.5”x 28 or 4”x 28”)
3.4.4 Encapsulant
Lackland does not use encapsulant within the splice cases. Splices cases will require to be flash tested and
have a minimum of 7 to 9 psi of back pressure. Splice Cases must hold pressure for 24 hours.
3.4.5 Duct Sealing
After installing cable in a duct entering a maintenance hole or a building, seal around cable with a
universal duct plug or removable putty sealant (duxseal). Duxseal is authorized for base use and has
MSDS on file with 802CES.
3.4.6 Testing
The Contractor shall furnish all test equipment and personnel required to conduct testing. During any
testing phase, the Government reserves the right to perform any of the Contractor performed inspections
and tests to assure results conform to prescribed requirements. The Contractor shall record all
inspections and tests as they are accomplished and make all test sheets/results available for 802CS/SCX
representative review as tests are completed. The Contractor shall notify the 802CS/SCX
representatives at least three working days prior to any testing and shall make available to them all
testing standards and criteria used to accomplish testing. All copper cable testing will be IAW RUS
Bulletin 1753F-201.
3.4.7 Multi-pair Cable
Prior to splicing activities at any particular splice location, test pairs to be affected by splicing activities for
cable faults (grounds, shorts, crosses, and opens) and splicer errors (splits, reverses, and transpositions).
Document these readings and furnish copies to 802CS/SCX representatives.
3.4.8 Shield Continuity
After splicing activities at any particular splice location, test shall be made to ensure that shield is
electrically continuous across the splice.
3.4.9 Cable Faults and Splicer Errors
Test cable in accordance with T.O. 31w3-10 series. Any cable faults or splicing errors detected, if caused
by the installation, shall be corrected in the splice in which they were made.
3.4.10 Pressure Testing
Stainless Steel splice cases shall be flash tested in accordance with manufacturer‟s instructions. After
flash testing, the splices cases will require having a minimum of 7 to 9 psi of back pressure and must hold
this pressure for 24 hours.
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3.5.1 Base Civil Engineering Work Clearance Requests
The contractor shall obtain a Base Civil Engineering Work Clearance Request, AF Form 103, prior to any
trenching or digging. The contractor shall obtain an approved Base Civil Engineering Work Request, AF
Form 332, prior to any facility, maintenance hole or hand-hole modification. The contractor shall trench,
excavate, confined space entry, confined space atmospheric testing/forced air ventilation, and mark and
barricade open trenches IAW OSHA standards, and local procedures
3.5.2 Multi-pair Telephone Cable
Cable to be installed shall be RUS Specification PE-89. Gopher (armor) protection is required.
3.5.3 Splicing Splice Connectors
Splicing connectors will be filled PICABOND suitable for the gauge of conductor being spliced. Splices will
be fold-back configuration. Shield Bonding Connectors
Shield bonding connectors, bond bars, braids, ribbons, clamps, etc. shall be IAW RUS Bulletin 1753F-803
(PE-33). Cable shields shall be bonded and continuous throughout the cable length. Outside Plant Multi-pair Cables
Multi-pair cables shall be spliced IAW 31W3-10-13 and RUS Bulletin 1753F-401, using PICABOND
connectors in the butt configuration (where 2 conductors enter the same side of the PICABOND) and the
fold-back method. Use connectors appropriate for the gauge of conductor being spliced. All cable pairs
within a cable shall be properly spliced. Binder group integrity shall be adhered to at all times. Applicable
color codes shall be followed IAW RUS Bulletin 1753F-401. All Multi-pair splices shall be enclosed in a
sealed closure. The contractor shall ensure no splice is left unattended unless it has been sealed to
prevent the entrance of moisture. The Contractor and the designated government Quality Assurance
representative shall inspect all splices prior to sealing the closure. If, for any reason, moisture
contaminates a splice, all affected connectors shall be replaced and the entire splice retested. Splicing Sequence
Sequence is at the discretion of the Contractor with 802CS Cable Maintenance approval. However, a
pre-test will be accomplished on the existing cable prior to splicing. A post-test shall be conducted and
documented on all affected pairs once splicing is completed.
3.5.4 Marking Cable Tags
All tags shall be permanently labeled and corrosion resistant. Install cable tags in all maintenance holes,
terminals and BD pedestal at all affected locations. If there is a splice in the maintenance hole, install a
tag on each side of the splice. Information on the tag shall identify cable by size, type, cable number and
count. New cables and all affected existing cables shall be tagged / retagged at each terminal location
and in each maintenance hole.
M01, 1-900
3.5.5 Buried Splice Closures
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Splice cases used at Lackland will be Preformed Line Products (PLP) stainless steel splice case with
filling flange. Splices shall be sealed with stainless steel closures of a size adequate for the size and type
(fold back) of splice to be enclosed (i.e.: 12.5 x 28”, 9.5”x 28”, 6.5”x 28 or 4”x 28”). All buried splices will
be encapsulated with appropriate re-enterable compound.
3.5.6 Encapsulant
Lackland does use encapsulant within the splice cases. Splices cases will be encapsulated with reenterable compound. Re-enterable compound will be compatible with communications type cable.
3.5.7 Cut Cable Restorations
If determined cable was cut do to contractor error, critical circuits must be restored within 8 hours. All
other circuits must be restored with 24 hours (at least temporary restoration).
3.6.1 Copper Conductor Splices
Copper conductor cable splicing shall be accomplished in accordance with RUS Bulletin 1753F-401 (PC2).
3.6.2 Fiber Optic Splices
All fiber optic splicing will be fusion spliced. Fiber optic splicing shall be in accordance with the
manufacturer‟s recommendation and shall exhibit an insertion loss not greater than 0.2 decibels for fusion
3.7.1 General
Cables and conductors shall sweep into termination areas; cables and conductors shall not bend at right
angles. Manufacturer‟s minimum bending radius shall not be exceeded. When there is multiple system
type drops to individual workstations, relative position for each system shall be maintained on each
system termination block or patch panel.
3.7.2 Procedure
All inside wiring telephone cables shall be numbered; terminated at the telephone/data jack assemblies
end, terminal block end, and tagged at both ends to provide permanent identification. Termination of
inside-wire at the telephone terminal backboard shall be made on type 110 terminal blocks. Inside wiring
cables not installed in raceways/conduits shall be properly secured using cable tie wraps. Terminations
shall be done in accordance with TIA/EIA-568-B. All equipment shall be Category 6 rated.
3.7.3 Cable Protector Modules
Cable protector modules shall be mounted directly (5‟ at center AFF) & positioned on the left half of the
backboard. The assemblies mounted on each vertical frame shall be connected with a #6 AWG copper
conductor to provide a low resistance path to the building ground. Note: Protector modules will be
furnished as part of the project. Consult drawings or contract for further direction.
3.7.4 Terminal Blocks
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Type 110 terminal blocks shall be provided at the telephone terminal backboard to terminate and crossconnect all analog copper lines. Separate 110 terminal blocks shall be used to terminate the Voice
Frequency (VF) patch panel located in the equipment cabinet/rack. Terminal blocks shall be stenciled to
indicate telephone/outlet assembly numbers using black marking on designation strips (provided in 110
type hardware backboard kits). Use sequential numbering that doesn‟t exist on new or existing blocks.
The telephone/patch panel outlets/assemblies will be stenciled on the faceplate with the same number as
its location number on the terminal blocks. All equipment shall be Category 6 rated. Note: Crossconnections at telephone terminal backboard from cable protector modules (if installed) to 110 blocks
sized to terminate the entire cable will be accomplished by the contractor. Cross connects from the cable
entrance 110 blocks to the VF patch panel 110 blocks will be accomplished by the contractor. Consult
drawings or contract for further direction.
3.7.5 Common User Telephone & LAN/Data Outlets
Termination at each respective telephone & LAN/Data outlet assembly shall be made on 8-pin modular
jack assemblies mounted on a quad 4-hole outlet faceplate (unless otherwise indicated on the drawings).
Common User outlets will be labeled on the faceplate IAW 38 EIG Handbook 33-01/TIA/EIA-606-A. The
completed installation shall meet TIA/EIA-568-B industry standard for “Flush-mounted terminals and
connectors.” All equipment shall be Category 6 rated.
3.7.6 Telephone Terminal Backboard (TTB) Backboard Placement
The Contractor shall provide and install at least 2 TTB‟s per BICSI standards. The backboards shall be
mounted to the wall at all corners with minimum 3/8” hardware, and shall be constructed of ¾” ACX
plywood with finished side facing outward, with two coatings on both sides of fire retardant paint. The left
half of the TTB shall be used for mounting the telephone feeder cable protection units. The right half of
the TTB will be used for mounting and terminating of I/W telephone cables, terminal blocks, & patch
panels. Backboard Configuration
A 4-plex dedicated 120 VAC; 20-amp circuit will be installed directly under each backboard, running the
circuit in conduit (under the false floor where such exists). Both vertical and horizontal cable
management rings and panels shall be installed on the backboard as indicated on the drawings. Terminal Blocks
Terminal blocks shall be mounted in orderly rows and columns. Adequate vertical and horizontal wire
routing areas shall be provided between groups of blocks. Industry standard wire routing guides shall be
3.7.7 Equipment Racks (Data Cabinets) Rack Placement
Exact rack placement will be specified by the Communications Squadron. Racks shall be leveled and
bolted to the true floor at all corners with minimum 3/8” hardware and to any adjacent racks. Racks must
be positioned to allow a minimum 36” of clearance in front and behind the racks. Racks must be placed
to allow complete opening of other fixed area enclosure doors or covers. Rack Configuration
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A dual outlet dedicated 120 VAC; 20-amp circuit will be mounted in each rack, running the circuit in
conduit (under the false floor where such exists). Both vertical and horizontal cable management rings
and panels shall be installed in the racks as indicated on the drawings. Copper Patch Panels
Category 6 copper patch panels shall be mounted in equipment racks with sufficient modular jacks to
accommodate the installed cable plant plus fifteen percent (15%) spares. Cable guides shall be provided
above, below and between each panel. Fiber Optic Patch Panels
Fiber optic patch panels shall be mounted in equipment racks with sufficient ports to accommodate the
installed cable plant plus fifteen percent (15%) spares. A slack loop of 36” of fiber shall be provided
within each panel. The outer jacket of each cable entering a patch panel shall be secured to the panel to
prevent movement of the fibers within the panel, using clamps or brackets specifically manufactured for
that purpose.
3.7.8 Rack Mounted Equipment
Equipment to be rack mounted shall be securely fastened to racks by means of the manufacturer‟s
recommended fasteners.
3.7.9 Concrete Pull-boxes and Manholes
Concrete pull-boxes and manholes shall consist of pre-cast reinforced concrete boxes, extensions,
bases, and covers. A minimum of 3” to 6” of sand or rock suitable as a base material shall be placed in
the bottom of the excavation prior to the setting of the vault. The base material shall be compacted and
graded level at the proper elevation to receive the manhole in relative position to the conduit grade.
Concrete reinforcing shall be that which is regularly used in the standard product of the manufacturer.
Each manhole shall be equipped with a standard ladder of hot-dipped galvanized steel construction nonslip rungs. One end of the ladder shall be formed into hooks to engage the handhole step. Pull-box and
manhole tops shall be flush with sidewalks or curbs and placed ½” above surrounding grades when
remote from curbed roadways or sidewalks. Install two cable support brackets on each sidewall of
handhole and three support brackets on each sidewall of manhole. Each cable support bracket shall
have a minimum of two 7” cable steps installed. Finish conduit flush with interior walls and grout around
conduits. Bell-ends shall be required on the end of each conduit and finish grout applied. Install bellends flush with wall of pull-box/manhole. Covers for pull-boxes and manholes shall be able to withstand
traffic load bearing applications. Covers shall be marked “TELEPHONE.” Each pull-box/manhole shall
be equipped with one copper ground-rod pounded into sump area of pull-box/manhole. Leave groundrod exposed 6” above base of sump. Sump shall be broken and all loose concrete removed from pullbox/manhole. Size of pull-boxes/manholes shall be as shown on the drawings. Minimum size of pull-box:
4‟W X 4‟L X 4‟D. Minimum size of manhole: 5‟W X 10‟L X 7‟D.
3.8.1 General
Signal distribution system ground shall be installed in the telecommunications entrance facility and in
each telecommunications closet in accordance with ANSI-J-STD-607-A. NOTE: Except where
specifically indicated otherwise, all exposed non-current carrying metallic parts of telephone & LAN/Data
equipment, cable shields, and terminals shall be grounded. Equipment racks (i.e. LAN/Data cabinets)
shall also be connected to the respective Comm room ground bus bar.
3.8.2 Telecommunications Main Ground Bus Bar (TMGB)
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Install a 10”L X 4”W X 1/4”T ground bus bar with 1/4” DIA. attachment holes at the base of TTB, left side,
6” below top of each TTB in each Comm room.. Use wall mounting brackets with insulators. Install a #4
AWG ground cable from master Bldg ground & terminate to the ground bus bar. Apply No-Ox grease to
the ground terminal lugs installed.
3.8.3 Terminals
Install a #6 AWG solid copper conducting ground-cable from the telephone cable protector/s and data
cabinets to and terminate these cables (using terminal lugs), onto the ground bus bar in the respective
Comm room. Install a ground tag at point of connection to the cable protectors. Provide No-OX grease
to terminal lugs used.
3.8.3 Manholes
A ¾” DIA, 10‟ copper clad steel ground rod will be driven to a depth so that 6” of the ground rod remains
above the finished manhole floor. Resistance to ground of 10-ohm or less is desired. A soft-tinned
copper, 3/8”W X 1/16” thick bonding ribbon shall be used to ground all splices to the manhole ground
system. Bonding ribbon shall be attached to the manhole walls on 18” centers with bonding ribbon
3.8.4 Bonding Ribbon Clamps
Bonding ribbon clamps shall be attached to walls of the manhole using ¼” X 1” hammer-drive anchors.
3.9.1 Labeling Cable Labeling
All cables shall be labeled in accordance with TIA/EIA-606-A within 6” of the connection with wrap-around
adhesive write-on strips that seal the writing behind clear tape. The Contractor shall label all cables at
each end with a unique identifier. All cables shall be labeled at each connection with their functions, local
connection point, and remote connection point. Labels shall be permanent and readable from 12”.
Labels shall not be removable by normal cable movement, nor shall they be easily removed by hand. Wall Plate Labeling
All wall plates shall be labeled such that the numbering scheme is left-to-right starting at drawing North on
the floor plan and continuing in a clockwise direction.
The top position of the quad outlet wall plate shall be marked with the following information:
Patch Panel:
STR or PTR where distant end of cable terminates
Rack # where distant end of cable terminates
Patch panel # where distant end of cable terminates
Port # at the patch panel where distant end of cable terminates
The bottom position of the quad outlet wall plate shall be marked with the following information:
Wall plate # in the room
Room # where installed Patch Panel Labeling
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All patch panels shall be labeled with corresponding jacks and wall plate numbers where distant end of
cable terminates. Terminal labeling
All outside plant cable terminals shall be labeled with terminal #, cable #, and cable count.
3.9.2. Marking Cable Tags
All tags shall be permanently labeled and corrosion resistant. Install cable tags in all maintenance holes,
terminals and BD pedestals at all affected locations. For splices in the maintenance hole, install a tag on
each side of the splice. Information on the tag shall identify cable by size, type, cable number and count.
New cables and all affected existing cables shall be tagged/retagged at each terminal location and in
each maintenance hole.
Fiber tags
Bxxx (ITN bldg)-171S (end bldg), 1-12
Copper Tags
x01, 1-100
x = L (LAFB), M (LTA), K (Kelly)
All cable television wiring installations for Lackland AFB facilities must meet the service provider‟s
specifications. The installation must be accomplished by a contractor who is authorized and certified by
the service provider. The service provider is:
Time Warner Cable Business Services
1900 Blue Crest Lane
San Antonio, TX 78247
Contact the 802d Communications Squadron for current Time Warner Cable POC information.
Quality Assurance shall be provided through the performance of pre-installation, in-progress, and final
3.11.1 Pre-installation Inspection
The Contractor shall inspect all equipment and materials to be utilized in this project. All items shall be
verified for compliance with the requirements of this document, the installation, and other referenced
standards. This inspection shall also include determination of site preparation, availability of installation
materials, status of Government-furnished equipment (GFE), Contractor-furnished equipment (CFE), local
purchase request (LPR) items, as well as leased equipment and transmission facilities (as applicable).
The Contracting Officer or representative will participate in and witness the pre-installation inspection.
3.11.2 In-progress Inspections
The Contractor shall perform in-progress inspections, which shall include visual inspections of equipment
condition, wiring, splicing, fiber-optic cabling, mounting and placement of equipment, miscellaneous
hardware and adherence to safety procedures. The Contracting Officer or representative will also
perform in-progress inspections as required and verify that the Contractor in-progress inspections are
performed in order to assure compliance with the specified installation criteria.
3.11.3 Final Inspection
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The Contractor shall conduct a final inspection that encompasses all phases of the installed project. This
inspection shall be conducted to verify that all phases of the contract have been completed according to
the contract requirements and proper installation practices have been followed. This inspection shall
include a review of the „red-lined‟ drawings, if applicable. The Contracting Officer or representative will
participate in and witness the final inspection.
3.11.4 Corrective Action and Verification Inspection
The Contractor shall correct any areas of noncompliance with requirements that are revealed by
inspections. Following correction, a re-examination of previous noncompliance areas will be conducted at
the discretion of the Contracting Officer or representative.
3.12.1 General
Materials and documentation to be furnished under this specification are subject to inspections and tests.
All components shall be terminated prior to testing. Equipment and systems will not be accepted until the
required inspections and tests have been made, demonstrating that the signal distribution system
conforms to the specified requirements, and that the required equipment, systems, and documentation
have been provided in writing.
3.12.2 Procedure
The Contractor shall provide all necessary personnel, equipment, instrumentation, and supplies required
to properly test and document the transmission media parameters of the voice and data transmission
systems. The Contractor shall also notify the Base Communications Squadron 21 days before the
acceptance tests are to be conducted. NOTE: The Government shall retest to verify Contractor‟s final
test results. Specific tests shall include:
3.12.3 Unshielded Twisted-Pair Tests
All metallic cable pairs shall be tested for proper identification and continuity. All opens, shorts, crosses,
grounds, and reversals shall be corrected. Correct color-coding and termination of each pair shall be
verified in the communications closet and at the outlet. Horizontal wiring shall be tested from and
including the termination device in the communications closet to and including the modular jack in each
room. Backbone wiring shall be tested end-to-end, including termination devices, from terminal block to
terminal block, in the respective communications closets. These tests shall be completed and all errors
corrected before any other tests are performed.
3.12.4 Copper Cable Tests
Cable tests shall be performed with all cables in place. Testing shall be performed in accordance with
RUS Bulletin 345-63, (PC-4) for Shield Continuity, Conductor Insulation Resistance, and DC Loop
Resistance Measurements and TIA/EIA-568-B for attenuation, capacitance, and near-end crosstalk. All
defective pairs, except those identified as defective by the manufacturer, in accordance with the
applicable cable specifications, shall be made good by the Contractor. Cable test results shall be
documented and provided to the Communications Squadron.
3.12.5 Category 6 Circuit Tests
All Category 6 circuits shall be tested to confirm that each circuit transmits data at the industry standard
rated capacity (250 MHz for Category 6 data transmission).
3.12.6 Fiber Optic Cable Tests - Outside Plant
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Connectors shall be visually inspected for scratches, pits or chips and shall be reterminated if any of
these conditions exist. The following optical tests shall be performed: Optical Time Domain Reflectometer
(OTDR) Test, and Attenuation Test. These tests shall be performed on the completed end-to-end spans
which include the near-end pre-connectorized single-fiber cable assembly, outside plant as specified, and
the far-end pre-connectorized single-fiber cable assembly. The following acceptance tests shall be
performed for each fiber in the completed cable length. Single-mode fibers do not require Bandwidth
Test. Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) Test
The OTDR test shall be used to determine the adequacy of the cable installations. The OTDR tests will
show any irregularities, such as discontinuities, micro-bending, improper splices, for the cable span under
test. Hardcopy fiber signature records shall be obtained from the OTDR for each fiber in each span and
shall be included in the test results. The OTDR test shall be measured in both directions. A reference
length of fiber, 1-km minimum, used as the delay line, shall be placed before the new end-connector and
after the far-end patch panel connectors for inspection of connector signature. Attenuation Test
End-to-end attenuation measurements shall be made on all fibers, in both directions, using an 850
nanometer light source at one end and the optical power meter on the other end. These tests will be
used to verify that the cable system attenuation requirements are met. The measurement method shall
be in accordance with EIA/TIA-455-53A (FOTP-53).
3.12.7 Fiber Optic Cable Tests - Facility Interior Contractor’s Field Test
The Contractor shall verify the complete operation of the data transmission system in conjunction with
field testing associated with systems supported by the fiber optic data transmission system as specified
prior to formal acceptance testing. Field tests shall include a flux density test. These tests shall be
performed on each link and repeated from the opposite end of each link. Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) Tests
OTDR tests shall be performed using the fiber optic test procedures of TIA/EIA-455-59-A (FOTP-59) and
TIA/EIA-455-60-A (FOTP-60). An OTDR test shall be performed on all fibers of the fiber optic cable on
the reel prior to installation. The OTDR shall be calibrated to show anomalies of 0.2 decibels as a
minimum. Photographs of the traces shall be furnished to the Government. An OTDR test shall be
performed on all fibers of the fiber optic cable after it is installed. The OTDR shall be calibrated to show
anomalies of 0.2 decibels as a minimum. If the OTDR test results show anomalies greater than one
decibel, the fiber optic cable segment is unacceptable to the Government. The unsatisfactory segments
of cable shall be replaced with a new segment of cable. The new segment of cable shall then be tested
to demonstrate acceptability. Photographs of the traces shall be furnished to the Government for each
link. Power Attenuation Test
Power attenuation test shall be performed at the light wavelength of the transmitter to be used on the
circuit being tested. The flux shall be measured at the fiber optic receiver end and shall be compared to
the flux injected at the transmitter end. There shall be a jumper added at each end of the circuit under
test so that end connector loss shall be validated. Rotational optimization of the connectors will not be
permitted. If the circuit loss exceeds the calculated circuit loss by more than 2 decibels, the circuit is
unsatisfactory and shall be examined to determine the problem. The Government shall be notified of the
problem and what procedures the Contractor proposes to eliminate the problem. The Contractor shall
prepare and submit a report documenting the results of the test.
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2/8/12 Gain Margin Test
The Contractor shall test and verify that each circuit has a gain margin that exceeds the circuit loss by at
least 6 decibels.
3.12.8 Test Results
Written test results and as-built drawings shall be provided to the Base Communications Squadron within
14 days after completion of tests. This applies to all fiber optic cable and copper wire installations.
All work shall be carefully laid out in advance where cutting, chasing, or drilling of floors, walls, partitions,
ceilings or other surfaces as necessary for the proper installation, support, or anchorage of the conduit or
raceway. This work shall be carefully done, and any damage to building, piping, or equipment shall be
repaired by skilled craftsmen of the trades involved at no additional cost to the Government.
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