ILLINOIS Valley Comm. College HPE 1004. FIRST AID –RESPONDING TO EMERGENCIES 2 credit hrs Instructor; Bonnie Petersen Contact Info; 815-223-5505 emg.993-1201 Office G208 IVCC campus/ by arrangement COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to provide opportunities to learn and practice the basic first aid skills necessary to become a citizen responder for many emergencies, including adult CPR with AED, choking, shock, neck-spinal injuries and others. Participants may earn Adult CPR with AED and First Aid Responding to Emergencies certificates from the American Red Cross by successfully completing the course; which has their test included. EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this course the student will be able to: You must assemble a First Aid Kit 1. Identify the most important action you can take in a life-threatening emergency. 2. Identify the major structures of the respiratory, circulatory, nervous, and musculoskeletal systems. 3. Explain why you should follow the emergency action steps/principles in any emergency. 4. Demonstrate how to do a primary and secondary survey. 5. Describe the purpose of and demonstrate rescue breathing for an adult. 6. Describe and demonstrate first aid care for a conscious and an unconscious victim with an obstructed airway. 7. Identify signals of a heart attack. 8. Describe the purpose of and demonstrate CPR for an adult. 9. Identify the necessity and importance of accessing an AED. 10. Describe and demonstrate how to control bleeding, and explain what care to give to minimize shock. 11. List the basic steps for burn care. 12. Describe the general care for musculoskeletal injuries. 13. Identify four general signals of sudden illness. 14. Identify the general principles of care for any poisoning emergency. 15. Describe three precautions you can take to prevent hear and cold related illnesses. 16. List four guidelines to follow when moving an injured person. REQIRED COURSE MATERIALS: American Red Cross First Aid-Responding to Emergencies, 4th Ed. (2007) The textbook is a very integral part of this course. Material in the text is frequently referred to and used in class, and students are responsible for all information within designated chapters for exams. Internet Access: Access and usage instructions will come from; COURSE POLICIES: Attendance/Participation: 1. Regular attendance and participation in class activities is crucial to successfully completing this course. 2. Each class period is counted as two (2) points for attendance. 3. Students must constructively participate in all classroom activities and discussions. Absences and Make-Up Policy: 1. Points missed due to not attending class cannot be made-up. 2. All assignments, quizzes and tests must be submitted prior to absence. 3. If prior arrangements are not possible: One quiz grade will be dropped, but there will be no make-up quizzes offered. One make-up comprehensive skills test will be offered at the end of the course. One make-up exam will be offered at the end of the course. Withdrawal Policy: 1. Students will be expected to initiate all withdrawals. 2. If you find that you are unable to continue this class, YOU must contact the instructor to complete the necessary paper work. 3. If you stop attending class, and don’t officially withdraw, you may receive an “F” at the end of the semester. Last Day for Withdrawal: 11/7 or 9/2010 4. The instructor reserves the right to withdraw students who are not making progress in the course. This will include students who are not in regular attendance at class meetings. ACADEMIC CONCERNS: If you are a student with a documented cognitive, physical or psychiatric disability you may be eligible for academic support services such as extended test time, texts on disc, note taking services, etc……If you are interested in learning if you can receive these academic support services, please contact either Tina Hardy ( or 224-0284) or Judy Mika ( or 224—0350) or stop by the Disability Services Office in B-204 at IVCC, Oglesby’s campus. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY/STUDENT CONDUCT: Any student caught cheating will receive a zero for the test or activity in question and maybe subject to the student code of conduct for further disciplinary action. IMPORTANT NOTES: Protection for participants from health risks 1. If you have certain health conditions; heart attack or other heart conditions, respiratory problems or other physical limitations, pregnant, you must obtain written permission from your doctor to practice CPR on a manikin or inform the instructor about your situation. 2. We will practice limiting the risk of disease transmission-face shields, mask, and gloves (allergic to latex) 3. We will practice limiting the risk of one participant injuring another when practicing with a partner. 4. We will be aware the risk that the skills practice could cause injury or sudden illness. GRADE SCALE: Instructor reserves the right to make a subjective evaluation of a student to determine borderline final grades. Total Points/%= GRADE American Red Cross Cert. Requirements Class Attendance 100% = Adult CPR w/ AED Skills 80% ( = CPR w/AED Written Exam Quizzes (5x10pts @) First Aid Written Exam First Aid Skills Test First Aid Kit Final Exam (cumulative) TOTAL PTS. 60 pts. 20 pts. 40 pts. 50 pts. 30 pts. 20 pts. 40 pts. 80 pts. 340 pts. (100-90%) (89-80%) (79-70%) (69-60%) ( 59- 0%) A= 340-305 B= 304-271 C= 270-237 D= 236-203 F= 202-or lower You can be ready for most emergencies if you have the following items in your First Aid Kit. (this is part of your grade) First Aid Kit should contain the following items from page 12-13 in participants’ book. In addition to this, please place a flashlight and important up to date information such as emergency telephone numbers (family members, friends or neighbors), local emergency number if not 9-1-1, medical information on yourself and main passengers (epilepsy, diabetes, heart disease or allergies) IN ORDER TO RECEIVE RED CROSS CERTIFICATIONS, the following must be met: Written exams: 1. If a written exam is failed on the first attempt, a second exam will be administered. 2. If the second exam is failed, it will be impossible to receive certification from this course. If two attempts are taken on a test, the first score will be used to determine the final grade for the course. 3. You cannot receive the First Aid or CPR certification if you have six (6) or more absences. This is the established policy of the Red Cross and CANNOT be changed by the instructor. Skill Tests: 1. Students must participate in all skills practice sessions and tests to receive credit for their grade and for certification. 2. Students must be checked-off as proficient for each skill by instructor. Be sure you see me do this at that time. Community CPR with AED (Adult): Expires in (1) one year 1. Must participate in all skills practice sessions and tests. 2. Must pass the American Red Cross 40 question multi-choice exam with 80% ( 32pts) or better. First Aid-Responding to Emergencies: Expires in (3) three years 1. Must have CPR certification. 2. Must participate in all skills practice sessions and tests. 3. Must pass the American Red Cross 30 question multiple-choice exam with 80% ( 24pts) or better. The instructor may alter/adjust the syllabus as needed with notification to students. Therefore, regular attendance is imperative to stay informed of schedule changes. Speed to cover ch. will depend on class, so we could be ahead /behind by one –two dates DAYS: TOPICS: CHAPTERS COVERED: ***** If a quiz is given please be prepared by reading ahead; I may give quiz at the beginning of the classes or the end. You will only have 10-15 minutes to complete th 8/18 Introduction RD th 1 23 -25 If Not You…Who? th 2 30 Responding to an Emergency 3 Before Giving Care QUIZ #1 Ch. 1-3 *****CHAPTERS (QUIZ #1- 10 PTS possible - IN CLASS) th (off) 4 9/1--6 Body Systems th th 5 8 -13 Checking the Victim QUIZ #2 SCENARIOs *****CHAPTERS (QUIZ #2- 10 PTS possible - IN CLASS th th 15 -20 nd th 22 –27 th th 29 -10/4 th th (off) 6 -11 th 13 th th 18 -20 th th 25 27 st rd- 11/1 -3 thth 8 10 th 15 - th nd 18 -22 th(off) 24 th 29 -12/1 – th 6 -8 th 13 th 15 th st Breathing Emergencies Cardiac Emergencies and Unconscious Choking *****CHAPTERS (QUIZ #3- 10 PTS possible - IN CLASS) (if time CPR skill practice/review) If more practice is needed will practice next class day Possible practice and then skill grade May divide class into two groups to observe and grade AMERICAN RED CROSS- -ADULT CPR W/ AED - SKILLS TEST (20PTS) AMERICAN RED CROSS -BEFORE GIVING CARE, ADULT CPR W/ AED – WRITTEN EXAM (40 PTS) Bleeding Shock Soft Tissue Injuries First Aid Skills Practice *****CHAPTERS (QUIZ #4- 10 PTS possible - IN CLASS) Musculoskeletal Injuries Injuries to the Extremities Injuries to the Head, Neck and Back Injuries to the Chest, Abdomen and Pelvic First Aid Skills Practice *****CHAPTERS (QUIZ #5- 10 PTS possible - IN CLASS) Sudden Illnesses Poisoning Bites and Stings Substance Misuse and Abuse Heat and Cold Related Emergencies *****CHAPTERS (QUIZ # 6- 10 PTS-possible- IN CLASS) Reaching and Moving Victims in Water People with Special Needs FINAL SKILL - FIRST AID AMERICAN RED CROSS—FIRST AID WRITTEN EXAM (30 PTS) 6 7 QUIZ #3 Ch. 1-7 PRACTICE/REVIEW AM. RED CROSS CPR SKILL TEST AM. RED CROSS CPR EXAM 8 9 10 PRACTICE/REVIEW QUIZ #4 Ch. 8-10 11 12 13 14 PRACTICE/REVIEW QUIZ #5 Ch. 11-14 15 16 17 18 19 QUIZ #6 Ch. 15-19 20 21 AM. RED CROSS SKILL AM. RED CROSS FA EXAM CH. 8-21 Class final IF needed -FINAL SKILL TESTS-FIRST AID CH. 1-21 CHAPTERS (CLASS FINAL – 80 pts possible) st th DATES TO KNOW; also may look in schedule booklet- Last day refund Aug 31 , Labor day off Sept 6 , Fall Break off Oct 11th , th th th th Enrichment Day off 12 , Withdrawal date is Nov 9 , Veterans’ Day off Nov 11, Thanksgiving vac. Nov 24 -26 th th Exams Evenings Dec. 1,7,9,13 Exams Days Dec. 13 -16 May have 2 days to play with due to our speed on covering items