Chiller IFB - Manhattan

December 11, 2015
Board of Education, USD 383 will receive bids until December 14, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. Local Time, at the
Board of Education Offices, at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and all bid prices read
aloud for Pre-Purchase of a chiller entitled “Manhattan High East Campus Chiller Pre-Purchase, Manhattan,
The project is briefly described as follows:
Project Work shall consist of one (1) electric driven magnetic style centrifugal chiller, size shall be as
described in the technical specifications.
Bids shall be electronically submitted to the Engineer by December 14, 2015 at 2:00 at which the Engineer
will print and seal in an envelope the bids to be opened at the Board of Education Offices.
Olsson Associates
301 S. 4th Street, Ste. 110
Manhattan, KS 66502
Mark A. Bachamp, P.E.
Cory Wilson, P.E.
A new bid package is posted on the USD 383 website.
Documents Attached:
The Board of Education reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive informalities in bids
Manhattan High East Campus
Chiller Upgrade
Issued for Bid
December 4, 2015
Invitation for Bids
Instructions to Bidders
Bid Form General Information
Bid Form Price
Magnetic Bearing Centrifugal Water Chiller
Instruction to Bidders 1 - 6
Bid Form 1
Bid Form 2 - 3
1 - 16
Project No. 015-3015
Olsson Associates
Table of Contents - 1
Manhattan High East Campus
Chiller Pre-Purchase
Issued for Bid
December 4, 2015
A. Proposals, to be entitled consideration, must be made in accordance with the instructions
specified herein.
B. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Provide proposals for one (1) electric driven magnetic style
centrifugal chillers, size shall be as described in the attached technical specifications. The
chiller will be installed in an existing chiller plant located at Manhattan High East Campus
Facility at 901 Poyntz Ave, Manhattan, KS 66502, under a separate contract.
The chiller system configuration shall be Primary Flow where the plant will initially be
Variable Primary – Constant Secondary Flow Configuration. However, chiller shall be
design for the plant could be converted to a Variable Primary Flow configuration in the
future. The chiller manufacturer shall provide all necessary engineering support for
setting up control sequences and operation.
As specified provide minimum and maximum flow requirements for the evaporator.
C. BID DOCUMENTS are enclosed with this document. Additional documents are available at
reproduction costs. Documents can be provided at no cost in electronic PDF format
D. SINGLE CONTRACT/PURCHASE ORDER will be awarded to the successful Contractor
based on economic factors outlined in these specifications. The contract will be awarded by
USD 383. The chillers will be installed by a mechanical contractor which will be determined
at a later time. All prices for freight F.O.B Manhattan, Kansas and final drop location for
chillers will be determined upon contractor selection.
A. Each Bidder shall submit and electronic submittal (hard delivered flash drive, email, or other)
or (4) hard copies of his "Proposal" on a Proposal Form furnished herein. All blank spaces
on the form shall be filled out fully, numbers shall be stated both in writing and figures, the
signature shall be in longhand and the completed form shall be without interlineation,
alteration or erasure.
B. The proposal shall not contain any recapitulation of the work to be done and no oral or
telephonic proposals or modifications will be considered.
C. The proposal shall be submitted in accordance with USD 383 instructions either included with
this document or provided as a separate document.
A. Each Bidder shall submit refrigerant guarantee in writing clearly stating that they will guarantee
that for the life of the refrigerant that they will provide refrigerant for the chiller at the fair market
value. USD 383 expects the life of these chillers to be 25 years. If for any reason refrigerant
cannot be provided for the chillers over the life cycle the chiller manufacturer shall replace the
chiller at their cost including all labor, material and installation costs.
A. Any addenda issued during the time for bidding shall be covered in the proposal and in closing
the contract they will become a part of it. The bidder shall also state the number of addenda
included in his proposal.
Project No. 015-3015
Olsson Associates
Instruction to Bidders
Instruction to Bidders - 1
Manhattan High East Campus
Chiller Pre-Purchase
Issued for Bid
December 4, 2015
A. Specifications, hereinafter called the "Contract Documents", have been supplied by USD 383
and are dated December 14, 2015 by 2:00 pm.
B. Contract Documents are the property of the Owner and must be returned or destroyed.
A. If any person contemplating submitting a bid for this Contract is in doubt as to the true meaning
of any part of the Contract Documents, he may submit to USD 383 a written request for an
interpretation thereof. The person submitting the request will be responsible for its prompt
delivery to USD 383. Any interpretation will be made only by addendum and if any such
interpretation is made, it will be duly issued or delivered to each person receiving a set of
Contract Documents. The USD 383 will not be responsible for oral, telegraphic, or telephonic
instructions or any other explanations or interpretations of the proposed documents.
A. Bidders shall inform themselves of the conditions under which the work is to be performed,
concerning the site of the work, the obstacles which may be encountered and all other relevant
matters concerning the work to be performed and no Bidder shall be allowed any extra
compensation for items on which he has failed to so inform himself prior to the bidding. The
successful Bidder must employ, as far as possible, such methods and means of carrying out
his work so as not to cause any interruption or interference with the work of the Owner or his
employees or of any other Contractor.
B. The Bidder shall base his bid only on the specifications of materials and equipment outlined
in the specifications. The Bidder shall submit with his bid any substitutions he may propose
for the Owner's consideration as outlined in the Proposal Form and Item 1.9 of Instructions to
C. The submission of a bid will be construed by the Owner to mean that the Bidder has made
such examination and agrees to fulfill all requirements of his contract in full accordance with
the specifications including all penalties and guarantees and that he is entirely familiar with
and thoroughly understands all such requirements.
D. The Owner does not obligate himself to accept the lowest or any other bid. The competency
and responsibility of bidders will be considered in making the awards. The Owner reserves
the right to waive any informalities in the Bids.
A. All Vendors bidding on this work shall be sure that they understand the specifications and
conditions thoroughly. They shall familiarize themselves with the conditions affecting the
proposed work, for each will be bound by all things appearing therein, whether under any
particular heading or not, that in any way effect his portion of the work, should the Contract
be awarded to him.
Project No. 015-3015
Olsson Associates
Instruction to Bidders
Instruction to Bidders - 2
Manhattan High East Campus
Chiller Pre-Purchase
Issued for Bid
December 4, 2015
A. The Bidder shall base his bid on furnishing materials and equipment as set forth in the
specifications. Bidders shall include for the Owner's consideration, all alternate proposals on
his Company's letterhead for any substitutions on equipment and materials and products of
manufacturers not listed in the specifications. The amounts to deduct from the Base Bid shall
be included for all substitutions. The Bidder understands and agrees that no further
opportunity will be granted him to submit any additional substitutions for consideration.
A. The Owner will review each proposal and the successful Vendor will be selected based on
economic factors set forth below, in no particular order:
The quality and adequacy of the technical proposal.
Operating and maintenance cost
Availability of reliable repair and maintenance services.
Special terms and conditions related to the installation, testing, start up, warranty
services and training services.
B. The Owner reserves the right to meet with the preferred bidder to mutually agree upon details
affecting these items prior to final selection and award of the contract. In addition the Owner
reserves the right to base supplier selection on the best combination of all of the above items.
C. The chiller manufacturer shall include as part of this proposal the cost to deliver the chiller to
a site to be determined in Manhattan, Kansas. The installing contractor will coordinate the
final delivery and will accept the equipment as if he ordered. Under this proposal include all
cost for shipping the chiller equipment F.O.B. Manhattan, Kansas.
D. Method of Payment:
USD 383 will issue the successful bidder a purchase order contract along with a notice
to proceed. All correspondence, submittals, etc. shall be transmitted through USD 383.
No payments will be made until the equipment is delivered to the job site and all of the
submittals have been approved with “No Exceptions Taken” at which time 90 percent of
the total amount due (less deposit if required) and invoiced to USD 383. The final 10
percent will be invoiced after the chiller has been started up and placed into service and
it has been determined that the chiller meets or exceeds the performance guarantees
set forth in the bid documents as determined by USD 383 and the Consulting Engineer.
If mandated by vendor, negotiate with owner for up to maximum 20% deposit of
submitted bid.
A. The following information shall be included in the bid package by the equipment supplier;
failure to include this information will invalidate the bid.
Firm fixed price to include factory start up and shipping as specified and required.
Written guaranteed delivery schedule from the manufacturing facility performing the final
assembly and check out of the equipment.
Four (4) full complete sets of the bid material and information (or electronic as described
Sufficient clear information indicating that the equipment furnished meets the
specification criteria, including a sequence of operation of the chiller controls and
Project No. 015-3015
Olsson Associates
Instruction to Bidders
Instruction to Bidders - 3
Manhattan High East Campus
Chiller Pre-Purchase
Issued for Bid
December 4, 2015
information listing the benefits of the product including pre submittals and installation
Name and location of the closest Authorized Factory Service Organization.
Maintenance procedures and frequency in months and average man hours for the
following items:
Inspection for Bearing.
Inspections for gear drive.
Filter replacement for oil or refrigerant.
Recommendations for oil and refrigerant testing.
Tube inspections and testing.
Machine overhauls based on past product history. This must be validatable.
Shaft alignment and seal inspections.
The information requested in the bid form shall be filled in completely for the chiller bid.
A. The proposed chillers shall be factory run tested under full load conditions to check vibration,
operational controls, and safety lockouts. Prior to final payment the manufacturer shall submit
five (5) copies of a certified test report to confirm the Proper operation of the machines. Field
performance tests will be conducted at the jobsite by the Owner’s representative and the
manufacturer’s representative to verify chiller performance after start up. All field performance
tests and procedures shall be in accordance with ARI Standard 550 as applicable under field
test conditions.
The Owner reserves the right to witness the factory test at his own expense.
B. The equipment will be accepted if the field test results meet the specified performance within
the tolerances of ARI 550-92. If the equipment fails to perform within allowable tolerances,
the manufacture will be allowed to make necessary revisions to his equipment and retest in
the field.
A. The manufacturer shall state in his bid the delivery time required for his equipment in total
weeks after approved drawings.
The term "approved drawings" refers to submittals which are either "No Exceptions
taken” or "Note Corrections" action. "No Exceptions Taken” action submittals are
submittals which are approved for production “Note Corrections" action submittals are
approved as noted for production. Equipment to be delivered to approved storage facility
within the Manhattan, Kansas area or to Jobsite as directed by the installing contractor.
A. Description of Requirements
The types of submittal requirements specified in this section include shop drawings,
installation instructions, operation and maintenance manuals, and factory test reports.
Submittals will be reviewed by the Owner and the Engineer.
B. Definitions
Work related submittals of this section are categorized for convenience as follows:
Project No. 015-3015
Olsson Associates
Shop Drawings: Include specially prepared technical data for this project, including
drawings, diagrams, performance curves, data sheets, schedules, templates,
patterns, reports, calculations, instructions, measurements, and similar information
Instruction to Bidders
Instruction to Bidders - 4
Manhattan High East Campus
Chiller Pre-Purchase
Issued for Bid
December 4, 2015
not in standard printed form for general application to a range of similar projects. This
also includes complete O&M manuals.
Test Reports: To include results of factory-run operational tests.
Specific Category Submittal Requirements
General: Except as otherwise indicated in individual work sections, comply with
requirements specified herein for each indicated category of submittal. Provide and
process intermediate submittals, where required between initial and final submittals,
similar to initial submittals.
Shop drawings: Provide newly prepared information on reproducible sheets with
graphic information at accurate scale, except as otherwise indicated, and with name
of preparer indicated (firm name). Show dimensions and note which ones are based
on field measurements. Identify materials and products in the work shown. Indicate
compliance with standards and special coordination requirements. Do not allow shop
drawing copies without appropriate final "Action" markings by Engineer to be used in
connection with the work.
Shop drawings shall be submitted to USD 383 and then approved by engineer.
Submittals shall be stamped by engineer and USD 383 indicated their approval prior
to sending to the Engineer for review.
Submittals: Do not submit product data or allow its use on the project until compliance
with requirements of contract documents has been confirmed by Engineer. Submittal
is for information and record, unless otherwise indicated. Initial submittal is final
submittal, unless returned promptly by Engineer and marked with an "Action" which
indicated an observed non-compliance.
Inspection and Test Reports: Classify each as test report whether report is uniquely
prepared for project or a standard publication of workmanship control testing at point
of production; process accordingly. Furnish test procedure, as well as results.
C. Installation Instructions
Installation instructions shall indicate the manufacturer's recommendations on the proper
handling, rigging, piping, wiring, and placing into service.
D. Maintenance/Operating Manuals
Furnish preliminary copy to Owner for approval.
Furnish all approved equipment submittals and factory authorized operation and
maintenance manuals indicating start-up procedures, lubrication procedures, and
required periodic maintenance in digital format on CD or portable hard drive.
E. Materials and Tools
Submit a suggested list of spare parts and tools with required quantities and cost for
spare parts, maintenance tools and devices, keys, and similar physical units, which the
manufacturer recommends the Owner have on hand.
F. General Distribution
Provide additional distribution of submittals (not to include in foregoing copy submittal
requirements) to subcontractors, suppliers, fabricators, installers, governing authorities,
and others as necessary for proper installation and performance of the work. Include
such additional copies in transmittal to Engineer where required to receive "Action"
marking before final distribution. Record distributions on transmittal forms.
G. Action on Submittals (based upon acceptance of contract award)
Based upon acceptance, noted as approved, or other, the bid amount acceptance is only
based upon the approved submittal by the engineer for purchase order or contact
amount. The engineer/owner has the right to move to next bidder if acceptance of
submittal is not to the satisfaction of engineer or meeting criteria of the RFP.
Project No. 015-3015
Olsson Associates
Instruction to Bidders
Instruction to Bidders - 5
Manhattan High East Campus
Chiller Pre-Purchase
Issued for Bid
December 4, 2015
Engineer's Action: Where action and return is required or requested, Engineer will review
each submittal, mark with "Action", and when possible, return with two weeks of receipt.
Where submittal must be held for coordination, Contractor will be so advised by Engineer
without delay.
Explanation of Engineer's Action:
This designation shall signify conformance
with the design concept of the Project.
This designation shall signify conformance
with the design concept of the Project, except
as noted by the Owner. The contractor may
proceed with procurement and/or fabrication
provided the notations are adhered too.
This designation shall signify substantial errors
or insufficient information so as to make a
conformance review impossible. Deficiencies
will be noted by the Owner and the Contractor
shall not proceed with procurement and/or
This designation shall signify non-conformance
with the Project design concept or contract
Project No. 015-3015
Olsson Associates
Instruction to Bidders
Instruction to Bidders - 6
Issued for Bid
December 4, 2015
Manhattan High East Campus
Chiller Upgrade
The_______________________________________________________(company) located at
___________________________________________________________________ agrees to
furnish the specified Chiller and accessories described in these specifications for the fixed sum.
Grand total for all work under Base Bid:
Alternate pricing for additional Warranty:
The Bidder is in receipt of addendum’s #______ through #______ to the contract as issued by
the Construction Manager.
Signing of the bid form shall be interpreted by the Owner that the Bidder agrees to all of the
terms and conditions set forth in the specifications titled MANHATTAN HIGH EAST CAMPUS
Name of Contact Engineer
Proposed By:
Phone No.
Project No. 015-3015
Olsson Associates
Bid Form - 1
Issued for Bid
December 4, 2015
Manhattan High East Campus
Chiller Upgrade
Should the Contractor wish to substitute any materials or products for those specified, he shall so state below,
naming the applicable paragraph of the specification, the proposed substitution and in the third column the
difference in the proposed price for such substitution, should it be accepted. Enter "None" when the price will
be unchanged. Indicate an increase with a "+" and furnish a note of explanation.
of Spec.
Proposed Substitution
Proposed Price
$ _____________
$ _____________
$ _____________
$ _____________
$ _____________
$ _____________
$ _____________
$ _____________
$ _____________
$ _____________
$ _____________
$ _____________
$ _____________
$ _____________
$ _____________
$ _____________
$ _____________
Project No. 015-3015
Olsson Associates
Bid Form - 2
Issued for Bid
December 4, 2015
Manhattan High East Campus
Chiller Upgrade
Please type or print plainly the following information:
Company Name
Telephone Number
Indicate whether individual, corporation or
If partnership, name members
If corporation, name State in which incorporated
and Title* of Individual authorized to sign
contracts for your company.
*If other than the President or Executive Vice President signs the contract, a certified copy of a resolution by the
Board of Directors showing such authority must be transmitted to us.
Project No. 015-3015
Olsson Associates
Bid Form - 3
State of Kansas
Department of Administration
DA-146a (Rev. 06-12)
This form contains mandatory contract provisions and must be attached to or incorporated in all copies of any contractual agreement. If it
is attached to the vendor/contractor's standard contract form, then that form must be altered to contain the following provision:
"The Provisions found in Contractual Provisions Attachment (Form DA-146a, Rev. 06-12), which is attached hereto, are hereby
incorporated in this contract and made a part thereof."
The parties agree that the following provisions are hereby incorporated into the contract to which it is attached and made a part thereof,
said contract being the _____ day of ____________________, 20_____.
Terms Herein Controlling Provisions: It is expressly agreed that the terms of each and every provision in this attachment shall prevail and
control over the terms of any other conflicting provision in any other document relating to and a part of the contract in which this attachment is
incorporated. Any terms that conflict or could be interpreted to conflict with this attachment are nullified.
Kansas Law and Venue: This contract shall be subject to, governed by, and construed according to the laws of the State of Kansas, and
jurisdiction and venue of any suit in connection with this contract shall reside only in courts located in the State of Kansas.
Termination Due To Lack Of Funding Appropriation: If, in the judgment of the Director of Accounts and Reports, Department of Administration,
sufficient funds are not appropriated to continue the function performed in this agreement and for the payment of the charges hereunder, State may
terminate this agreement at the end of its current fiscal year. State agrees to give written notice of termination to contractor at least 30 days prior to
the end of its current fiscal year, and shall give such notice for a greater period prior to the end of such fiscal year as may be provided in this
contract, except that such notice shall not be required prior to 90 days before the end of such fiscal year. Contractor shall have the right, at the end
of such fiscal year, to take possession of any equipment provided State under the contract. State will pay to the contractor all regular contractual
payments incurred through the end of such fiscal year, plus contractual charges incidental to the return of any such equipment. Upon termination
of the agreement by State, title to any such equipment shall revert to contractor at the end of the State's current fiscal year. The termination of the
contract pursuant to this paragraph shall not cause any penalty to be charged to the agency or the contractor.
Disclaimer Of Liability: No provision of this contract will be given effect that attempts to require the State of Kansas or its agencies to defend,
hold harmless, or indemnify any contractor or third party for any acts or omissions. The liability of the State of Kansas is defined under the Kansas
Tort Claims Act (K.S.A. 75-6101 et seq.).
Anti-Discrimination Clause: The contractor agrees: (a) to comply with the Kansas Act Against Discrimination (K.S.A. 44-1001 et seq.) and the
Kansas Age Discrimination in Employment Act (K.S.A. 44-1111 et seq.) and the applicable provisions of the Americans With Disabilities Act (42
U.S.C. 12101 et seq.) (ADA) and to not discriminate against any person because of race, religion, color, sex, disability, national origin or ancestry,
or age in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities; (b) to include in all solicitations or advertisements for
employees, the phrase "equal opportunity employer"; (c) to comply with the reporting requirements set out at K.S.A. 44-1031 and K.S.A. 44-1116;
(d) to include those provisions in every subcontract or purchase order so that they are binding upon such subcontractor or vendor; (e) that a failure
to comply with the reporting requirements of (c) above or if the contractor is found guilty of any violation of such acts by the Kansas Human Rights
Commission, such violation shall constitute a breach of contract and the contract may be cancelled, terminated or suspended, in whole or in part,
by the contracting state agency or the Kansas Department of Administration; (f) if it is determined that the contractor has violated applicable
provisions of ADA, such violation shall constitute a breach of contract and the contract may be cancelled, terminated or suspended, in whole or in
part, by the contracting state agency or the Kansas Department of Administration.
Contractor agrees to comply with all applicable state and federal anti-discrimination laws.
The provisions of this paragraph number 5 (with the exception of those provisions relating to the ADA) are not applicable to a contractor who
employs fewer than four employees during the term of such contract or whose contracts with the contracting State agency cumulatively total $5,000
or less during the fiscal year of such agency.
Acceptance Of Contract: This contract shall not be considered accepted, approved or otherwise effective until the statutorily required approvals
and certifications have been given.
Arbitration, Damages, Warranties: Notwithstanding any language to the contrary, no interpretation of this contract shall find that the State or its
agencies have agreed to binding arbitration, or the payment of damages or penalties. Further, the State of Kansas and its agencies do not agree to
pay attorney fees, costs, or late payment charges beyond those available under the Kansas Prompt Payment Act (K.S.A. 75-6403), and no
provision will be given effect that attempts to exclude, modify, disclaim or otherwise attempt to limit any damages available to the State of Kansas
or its agencies at law, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
Representative's Authority To Contract: By signing this contract, the representative of the contractor thereby represents that such person is duly
authorized by the contractor to execute this contract on behalf of the contractor and that the contractor agrees to be bound by the provisions
Responsibility For Taxes: The State of Kansas and its agencies shall not be responsible for, nor indemnify a contractor for, any federal, state or
local taxes which may be imposed or levied upon the subject matter of this contract.
10. Insurance: The State of Kansas and its agencies shall not be required to purchase any insurance against loss or damage to property or any other
subject matter relating to this contract, nor shall this contract require them to establish a "self-insurance" fund to protect against any such loss or
damage. Subject to the provisions of the Kansas Tort Claims Act (K.S.A. 75-6101 et seq.), the contractor shall bear the risk of any loss or damage
to any property in which the contractor holds title.
11. Information: No provision of this contract shall be construed as limiting the Legislative Division of Post Audit from having access to
information pursuant to K.S.A. 46-1101 et seq.
{L0026377.1 }
12. The Eleventh Amendment: "The Eleventh Amendment is an inherent and incumbent protection with the State of Kansas and need not be
reserved, but prudence requires the State to reiterate that nothing related to this contract shall be deemed a waiver of the Eleventh Amendment."
13. Campaign Contributions / Lobbying: Funds provided through a grant award or contract shall not be given or received in exchange for the
making of a campaign contribution. No part of the funds provided through this contract shall be used to influence or attempt to influence an officer
or employee of any State of Kansas agency or a member of the Legislature regarding any pending legislation or the awarding, extension,
continuation, renewal, amendment or modification of any government contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement.
{L0026377.1 }
Manhattan High East Campus
Chiller Upgrade
Issued for Bid
December 4, 2015
Water Chiller Package.
Variable Frequency Drive or Motor Starter
Electrical Disconnect
Controls and control panel.
Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute, ARI:
American National Standards Institute / American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning
Engineers, ANSI/ASHRAE:
Comply with applicable portions of NEMA standards pertaining to chiller motors and motor energy
management. (Power Factor)
Underwriters Laboratories, UL:
ANSI/ASHRAE 15: Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration.
National Electrical Manufacturers Association, NEMA:
ARI 550/590-2003: Performance Rating of Water-Chilling Packages Using the Vapor Compression
ARI 575: Method of Measuring Machinery Sound within Equipment Rooms.
Chiller electrical components listed and labeled by UL.
This Section includes packaged, water-cooled, electric-motor-driven, centrifugal water chillers with the
following features (pre-purchased by owner):
Variable-frequency controller.
Microprocessor-based controls complying with ASHRAE 135.
Heat-reclaim condensers.
Chiller shall produce a minimum capacity of 300 tons, cooling 720 gpm of WATER from 54 to 44°F when
supplied with 875 gpm of condenser water at 85°F. Power input shall not exceed 198 KW with an NPLV
of 0.33 or lower using ARI Standard 550/590 equations. The cooler shall be selected for 0.00010 fouling
factor and a maximum liquid pressure drop of 18.0 ft. Water side shall be designed for 150 psig working
pressure. The condenser shall be selected for 0.00025 fouling factor and maximum liquid pressure drop
of 18 ft. Water side shall be designed for 150 psig working pressure. Power shall be supplied to the
compressor motor at 480 volts – 3 phase - 60 Hertz and controls at 115 volts – 1-phase - 60 Hertz.
It is every intent of this specification to hold to the IPLV values of the basis of design chiller which allows
down to 60 deg. F entering condenser water. Load values shall be within +/- 5% of below:
Project No. 015-3015
Olsson Associates
236416 - Magnetic Bearing Centrifugal Water Chiller
Manhattan High East Campus
Chiller Upgrade
Project No. 015-3015
Olsson Associates
Issued for Bid
December 4, 2015
236416 - Magnetic Bearing Centrifugal Water Chiller
Manhattan High East Campus
Chiller Upgrade
Project No. 015-3015
Olsson Associates
Issued for Bid
December 4, 2015
236416 - Magnetic Bearing Centrifugal Water Chiller
Manhattan High East Campus
Chiller Upgrade
Project No. 015-3015
Olsson Associates
Issued for Bid
December 4, 2015
236416 - Magnetic Bearing Centrifugal Water Chiller
Manhattan High East Campus
Chiller Upgrade
Issued for Bid
December 4, 2015
Listing of chiller manufacturer below does not relieve the manufacturer from meeting these specifications
as specified hereinafter. Any exception to these specifications shall be clearly noted on the attached bid
form. Acceptable manufacturers include the following:
Multistack LLC– Mag Lev (Basis of Design)
McQuay International – Magnitude
Smardt – TR Series
Under the based bid provide the following:
The chiller manufacturer shall provide the Owner with a parts, labor and refrigerant warranty, and
service as described within section 1.9.
The manufacturer shall replace, at no cost, any equipment part that fails due to defective material
or workmanship during the warranty period. This covers all equipment provided, including but not
limited to chiller, chiller starter or variable frequency drive, controls and refrigerant.
The cost of reasonable technician travel and diagnostic time shall be included along with standard
hourly allowances. The warranty period shall begin at the date of substantial completion for the
chiller and after manufacturer on site start-up and USD 383 acceptance.
The manufacturer shall provide all recommended service required for the chiller per the
manufacturer’s service and installation manual. The Owner will provide water treatment for both
condenser and chilled water systems in accordance with the manufacturers written requirements.
Failure to provide water quality shall be the responsibility of the Owner.
Prior to shipment, the chiller automated controls test shall be executed to check for proper wiring
and ensure correct controls operation.
The chiller and VFD or Starter shall be factory wired and tested together to verify proper operation
prior to shipment.
Under Alternate Bid Number One provide the following:
Identical warranty as described above for base bid an alternate price proposal shall be provided for
an extending the warranty for parts and labor (bumper-to-bumper) for a total of 8 years from the date
of start-up and acceptance of the chiller.
Project No. 015-3015
Olsson Associates
236416 - Magnetic Bearing Centrifugal Water Chiller
Manhattan High East Campus
Chiller Upgrade
Issued for Bid
December 4, 2015
ARI Certification: Signed by manufacturer certifying compliance with requirements in ARI 550/590, "Water
Chilling Packages Using the Vapor Compression Cycle."
ASHRAE Certification: Signed by manufacturer certifying compliance with ASHRAE 23 for safety code for
mechanical refrigeration. Comply with ASHRAE Guideline 3 for refrigerant leaks, recovery, and handling
and storage requirements.
ASME Compliance: Fabricate and label water chiller heat exchangers to comply with ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code: Section VIII, Division 1.
Comply with NFPA 70.
Comply with UL 1995.
Coordinate shipping with the USD 383 and installing Contractor. At a minimum provide 72-hour notice
prior to shipping and provide notice during shipping process when chiller unit is 8-hours from delivery.
Drop location, rigging and unloading of chiller shall be coordinated with the Mechanical Contractor once
The entire equipment package shall be shipped in such a way that damage cannot occur.
components or assemblies shall be adequately boxed or crated.
Unpainted machined surfaces shall be protected with a suitable rust preventative
Exposed threaded pipe connections shall be protected with plastic caps or plugs
All openings shall be sealed with wood, metal or plastic enclosures to prevent entry of dirt or moisture
Crates and boxes shall be marked with purchase order number and item number
The refrigeration unit shall be leak tested, dehydrated, evacuated and charged with refrigerant. Unit may
be filled with a positive holding charge of refrigerant or dry nitrogen during shipping.
Ship water chillers from the factory fully charged with refrigerant or nitrogen.
Comply with the manufacturer’s instructions for rigging and transporting units. Leave protective covers in
place until installation.
A. As part of the base bid, vendor shall include all parts and labor for a period of one year (compressor and
all components), 5-year compressor parts and labor.
B. As part of bid alternate, extend the warranty another 3-years for compressor parts only (to 8 total
The manufacturer shall submit the price for furnishing and delivering the water chiller to the contractor’s
designated location / storage site (or as determined by owner if no contractor awarded prior to delivery) as
indicated in the Instruction to Bidders.
Provide a certified manufacturer’s representative to inspect installation and provide on-site factory start-up
of the equipment.
Manufacture and/or store, and coordinate delivery of equipment with installing contractor’s schedule
once awarded.
The manufacturer's representative shall inspect the equipment installation before start-up.
Project No. 015-3015
Olsson Associates
236416 - Magnetic Bearing Centrifugal Water Chiller
Manhattan High East Campus
Chiller Upgrade
Coordinate start-up with owner, installing contractor, engineer, and commissioning agent.
During the commissioning process, the chiller shall be loaded and unloaded at 100%, 75%, 50%,
and 15%.
Condenser water temperature inlet will vary based on ambient conditions and if possible shall
be as low as 60°F and as high as 85° F at all load conditions.
Primary flow shall be varied based on load and operating parameters as dictated by the chiller
manufacturer and the chiller cooling load.
The manufacturer shall certify that the equipment meets the performance specified herewith.
Furnish initial change of refrigerant for chiller.
Shipment shall be as described within section 1.7.
As specified under instruction to bidders the manufacturer shall provide a preliminary shop drawing of the
proposed chiller upon selection and prior to release of purchase order. Preliminary shop drawing shall
include the following:
Issued for Bid
December 4, 2015
Required factory and external piping and connections, valves, gauges, thermometers, sequence of
operation, required for complete system operation.
Space required for tube removal and service.
Performance and operating specifications.
Minimum and maximum flow requirements for evaporator and condenser.
Pressure drop – Flow curve for both the condenser and evaporator clearly identifying minimum and
maximum flow plotted on curve.
Provide complete wiring diagrams showing all field connections required for system operation.
Preliminary specifications shall provide weights and detailed installation requirements per the
manufacturers written instructions.
Once purchase order has been issued, provide the following submittal data:
Written installation manual.
Shop drawings, project data and samples furnished by the manufacturer shall illustrate materials,
equipment or workmanship, and establish standards by which the work will be judged. Submit in
accordance with Instructions to Bidders.
Submit verification of code certificate for safety relief valves and pressure vessels as
specified hereinafter.
Certify performance of chiller at full and minimum load values for capacity, power load and
chilled water leaving temperature and flow, condenser water leaving temperature and flow,
and fouling factors. Performance testing shall be conducted in accordance with ARI Standard
550-92 procedures and tolerances and be performed in an ARI certified test facility.
Include report of expected performance at part load conditions, for 90%, 80%, 70%, 60%,
50%, 40%, 30%, 20%, and 15% of the scheduled full load capacity, with condenser water
entering temperature decreasing 2-1/2°F per 10% decrease in capacity (minimum condenser
water inlet temperature shall be 60°F).
All projected machine performance shall be developed using an ARI certified selection
For certified and expected performance capacities, include the following:
Total heat rejection values, including effects of transmission for motor, purge of refrigerant
transfer system, and oil cooler.
Total power input requirements.
Evaporator and condenser water tube velocities in feet per second (maximum and minimum)
Project No. 015-3015
Olsson Associates
236416 - Magnetic Bearing Centrifugal Water Chiller
Manhattan High East Campus
Chiller Upgrade
Complete set of manufacturer's certified prints of water chiller assemblies, control panels, sections
and elevations, and unit isolation. Include the following:
Assembled unit dimensions.
Operating weight and load distribution.
Required clearances for maintenance and operation.
Size and location of piping and wiring connections.
Vibration Isolation Calculations and Details: Signed and sealed by a qualified professional engineer.
Design Calculations: Calculate requirements for selecting vibration isolators and seismic
restraints and for designing vibration isolation bases.
There are no seismic requirements.
Wiring Diagrams: Power, signal, and control wiring.
Operation and Maintenance Manuals
Submit manufacturer's catalog cuts, specifications, installation instructions, and dimensioned
drawings for each type of manufactured equipment specified within.
Include pressure drop curve or chart for the condenser and evaporator bundle. Identify minimum
and maximum flow points on curve.
Shop Drawings
Evaporator and condenser water tube area square feet.
Product Data
Issued for Bid
December 4, 2015
Prior to shipping of equipment, four (4) sets of complete operating, maintenance and instruction
manuals complete with recommended spare parts list shall be furnished to the Owner for review
and approval.
Sound Level Ratings
The manufacturer shall furnish sound pressure level ratings on the chiller in the 8 octave bands.
Field sound testing shall be accomplished in accordance with ARI Standard 575-87 "Methods for
Measuring Machinery Sound within Equipment Rooms". The reference for the measurement is
decibels, or dB (re .0002 dynes/cm2).
A. Provide and install as shown on the plans a factory assembled, charged, and run tested, water-cooled
packaged chiller.
B. Each unit shall include: Two (2) MagLev®, oil-free, magnetic bearing, and variable speed two stage
centrifugal compressor equipped with inlet guide vanes. Each compressor to utilize its own, stepper
controlled load balance valve. Solenoids for load balancing will not be accepted. Each compressor to utilize
its integrated variable speed drive in conjunction with the compressors inlet guide vanes and load balance
valve, to optimize the chillers part load efficiency.
C. Chiller shall have factory installed brazed plate refrigerant to refrigerant sub-cooler/economizer to maximize
chiller capacity and efficiency.
D. The chillers evaporator, condenser, and electronic expansion valves shall be common to all compressors.
The chiller shall operate with (1) one refrigerant circuit.
E. Chiller shall utilize R-134A refrigerant only.
F. Total chiller refrigerant charge not to exceed 598 lbs.
Project No. 015-3015
Olsson Associates
236416 - Magnetic Bearing Centrifugal Water Chiller
Manhattan High East Campus
Chiller Upgrade
Issued for Bid
December 4, 2015
A. Provide a complete factory assembled or knocked down water cooled, oil free centrifugal chiller equipped
with MagLev® compressors as specified herein.
B. Chiller to utilize two (2) TT400 compressors.
C. Each chiller shall be equipped with the following: One (1) flooded evaporator heat exchanger, one (1)
water cooled condenser heat exchanger, two (2) MagLev® Compressors (refer to section 2.03 B) with
integrated variable speed drive, soft start, magnetic bearings, and inlet guide vanes, one (1) or more
electronic expansion valves, one (1) liquid level refrigerant sensor monitoring condenser level, one (1) load
balance valve per compressor, one (1) master chiller control with necessary operating controls and system
D. Chiller Performance: Refer to performance schedule on the job specific drawings.
E. Unloading: When using a MagLev® TT-400 compressor, chiller shall be capable of unloading to 35 tons.
All unloaded capacity values are without the use of traditional hot gas bypass or load balance valves. Must
be capable of unloading from full flow conditions to minimum flow in one (1) minute.
F. Loading: Chiller shall be able to stage compressors without drastically unloading compressors on-line or
creating check valve chatter on staged compressors. Total pressure ratio shall not be decreased below 2.4
pressure ratio as observed at the suction and discharge flanges of each individual compressor when
staging lag compressors.
G. Acoustics: Sound data shall be measured in accordance with AHRI 575 Standard. Unit sound performance
data shall be measured at the highest level recorded at all load points. Unit sound performance shall not
exceed the scheduled level.
H. Electrical: Chiller shall feature single-point power connection not utilizing adjoining power cabinets as pull
I. Minimum Operating Conditions: Lowest evaporator saturated suction temperature shall not be below 34ᵒF.
Lowest leaving chilled water temperature shall not be below 38ᵒF. Lowest entering condenser water
temperature shall not drop below 55ᵒF. A differential of 12ᵒF between the leaving chilled water temperature
and entering condenser water temperature is required to ensure chiller can maintain minimum lift
J. Chiller overall footprint must not exceed (by 6” in any direction): 77-3/16” Tall, 37-1/4” Wide, 143-5/16”
A. Compressors
Chiller to have two MagLev®, magnetic bearing, oil-free, two-stage, hermetical centrifugal
compressors. Each compressor to contain integrated variable speed drive with soft start and movable
inlet guide vane assembly.
Each compressor to be microprocessor controlled. Each compressor to be networked to master
controller via Ether CAT connection with a refresh rate of 50 microseconds and the microprocessor
of each compressor to control the variable speed drive and inlet guide vanes on each compressor to
maximize unit efficiency.
Each compressor shall be capable of coming to a controlled safe stop in the event of a power outage.
Unit shall be capable of auto restart in the event of a power outage, once power has been restored.
All compressors are required to be mechanically and electrically isolated to facilitate proper
maintenance, service, and or removal. Compressors must be serviceable without removing any
refrigerant from the evaporator and/or condenser while the other compressors are operating and
making chilled water.
Each compressor shall be equipped with a minimum anti-recycle time of 5 minutes if power electronics
are too warm before being allowed to restart.
Project No. 015-3015
Olsson Associates
236416 - Magnetic Bearing Centrifugal Water Chiller
Manhattan High East Campus
Chiller Upgrade
Issued for Bid
December 4, 2015
Minimum restart time of a compressor, without a UPS, from power down till drive line is rotating shall
not exceed 3 minutes.
B. Refrigerant, Evaporator and Condenser
All heat exchangers to be built in accordance to Section VIII of the ASME code and carry a
manufacturer’s name plate certifying ASME compliance.
The evaporator is to be of shell and tube construction. Evaporator to be constructed of a single shell.
Evaporator to be of flooded type with refrigerant surrounding the tubes and water passing through the
tubes. Tubes to be enhanced and rifled. Minimum tube velocity of two (2) feet per second required.
Design to not exceed a maximum tube velocity of nine (9) feet per second. Internal intermediate tube
supports, liquid eliminator baffle plate, pressure relief vent, water drains and vents required. Pressure
relief to be spring loaded self-seating type in accordance to ASHRAE 15 standard. Evaporator to be
pressure tested at a test pressure of 1.1 times the operating pressure however no less than 100 PSIG.
Evaporator, water boxes, suction piping, and any other component subject to condensate shall be
insulated with a UL recognized ¾ inch closed cell insulation. All joints and seems to be sealed so a
vapor barrier is created. Factory mounted & wired thermal dispersion switch required for flow safety.
Evaporator shall be able to hold entire unit charge as required for machine service. Evaporator cable
of forty five (45) percent rate of change per minute on water side and maintain stable operation without
dropping compressors offline.
The condenser to be of shell and tube construction. Condenser head and tube sheet to be factory
EPOXY coated. Condenser to be constructed of a single shell. Condenser to be water cooled type
with refrigerant surrounding the tubes and water passing through the tubes. Tubes to be enhanced
and rifled. Minimum tube velocity of two (2) feet per second required. Design to not exceed a
maximum tube velocity of nine (9) feet per second. Internal intermediate tube supports, pressure relief
tree with isolation valves, water drain and vents required. Pressure relief tree to be equipped with
isolation/transfer valve to prevent the loss of refrigerant when relief is removed for testing and or
replacement. Rupture disks are not acceptable. Condenser to be pressure tested at a test pressure
of 1.1 times the operating pressure however no less than 100 PSIG. Factory mounted & wired thermal
dispersion switch required for flow safety. Condenser shall be able to hold entire unit charge as
required for machine service. Condenser shall be cable of forty five (45) percent rate of change per
minute on water side and maintain stable operation without dropping compressors offline.
Heat Exchangers to feature enhanced and rifled individual tubes. Tubes shall be individually
replaceable. Tubes shall be mechanically rolled into steel tube sheets and sealed with Loctite® or
equivalent sealant. Tubes shall be supported by intermediate tube supports at a maximum spacing of
18” apart. Waterside to be designed to a minimum of 150 psig, 300 psig or 450 psig, whichever is
specified. Heat exchangers to be equipped with marine boxes with drain and vent reports. Piping
connections to be either mechanical grooved connection.
Refrigerant Control: Chiller to feature a minimum of one (1) electronic expansion valves with a step
count of 480 steps to full open and a fully closed transit time of less than ten (10) seconds to prevent
refrigerant migration. Additional valves to be added as chiller capacity dictates. Fixed orifices and
float controls are not acceptable. The electronic expansion valve to operate from minimum chiller
capacity to the full load of the chiller’s capacity. A high side refrigerant level sensor, with sight glass
is to be used to provide feedback to the expansion valves for proper control. This ensures that a
proper liquid seal is always present on the compressors power electronics. A refrigerant sight glass
is required on the main liquid line feeding the electronic expansion valves. Isolation valves required
to isolate charge in either the condenser or evaporator.
C. Prime Mover:
The prime mover shall be of sufficient size to effectively meet the compressor horsepower
requirements. Prime mover shall be a one or more liquid refrigerant cooled, hermetically sealed,
permanent magnet synchronous motor. Motor shall be controlled by variable speed drive. Motor shall
utilize soft start capabilities with an inrush current no greater than two (2) amps. Motor shall have
internal thermal overload protection devices embedded in the winding of each phase of the motor.
D. Variable Speed Drive:
Project No. 015-3015
Olsson Associates
236416 - Magnetic Bearing Centrifugal Water Chiller
Manhattan High East Campus
Chiller Upgrade
Issued for Bid
December 4, 2015
The chiller shall be equipped with multiple variable speed drives unless one compressor is used.
Please refer to section 2.03 B for compressor requirements. The variable speed drive to utilize
Insulated Gate Bi-Polar Transistors. Variable speed drive to create its own simulated AC voltage for
the motor connected to it. Acceptable applied voltages are: 400 Volt 50 hertz, 460 Volt 60 hertz, and
575 volt 60 hertz. 575 volt applicable to TT-300 and TT-400 only.
Variable Speed drive in conjunction with the compressors inlet guide vanes will be controlled via
compressor microprocessor to optimally match the lift and load requirements.
Each compressor circuit is required to have a line reactor and circuit breaker.
E. Chiller Controls
The unit shall have an industrial grade CPU with an Intel-based processor. As an option, Chiller
FlexSysTM Controller shall be designed to have fail to run control mode and be called out specifically
in the chiller’s features. All chiller and compressor I/O to be controlled via Etherbus with an update
rate of 50 microseconds. Controller to have 15 inch TFT touch screen interface that can be
disconnected and chillers still runs properly. Controller to provide each compressor with a unique
demand signal, insuring that each compressor operates at the optimal point at all times. Controller
must utilize Danfoss specific Modbus information allowing for real-time compressor mapping.
Controller to use natural progression control algorithms which properly define the compressors
operating range to optimize loading, unloading, and control of multiple MagLev compressors. User
shall operate chiller via HMI located on touch screen or remote web connection. All system
parameters, compressor status, alarms, and faults, trend graphing, fault logging, bas communication
window, manuals, wiring diagrams, log book, and control set points shall be viewable. Shall be able
to fully commission and adjust all components on the chiller, including the compressors without an
auxiliary computer or software.
The chiller controller shall include the necessary I/O for proper chiller operation including:
a. Hardware
Dedicated EXV Output for each liquid
level EXV of Economizer Valve
Condenser Water In and Out
Chiller LP Safety input
Liquid Line Temperature(s)
Chiller HP Safety input
Chilled Water Safety input
Dedicated RS-485 communication to
each compressor (no daisy chaining)
Condenser Water Safety input
Dedicated RS-232 communication to
each compressor
E-Stop input
Chilled Water Reset input
Load Limit input
Windows-based industrial PC
featuring Intel Processor for
maximum reliability and performance.
Tower Setpoint output
Chiller kW output
Chiller Amps output
Condenser Water Bypass Valve
Chiller Run Contact output
Chiller Fault output
Solid State hard drive for maximum
reliability and redundancy. Hard drive
features no moving parts to ensure
nothing mechanically fails. With dualhard drives there is no need to
partition a single drive. One drive
handles the operating system while
the other handles all data acquisition
to ensure no data is corrupted.
Compressor Lockout Fault Status
DC Powered to ensure maximum
resistance to EMI and RFI noise
Dedicated Compressor Enable output
(no relay or paralleled signal)
Built in 2-port Ethernet Switch for
easy integration to BAS interface and
web control feature.
Dedicated Economizer Enable output
(no relay or paralleled signal)
Features industrial-style battery backup in the event of a power outage
Chilled Water In and Out
Project No. 015-3015
Olsson Associates
236416 - Magnetic Bearing Centrifugal Water Chiller
Manhattan High East Campus
Chiller Upgrade
Integrated 5 second UPS to avoid
data to write to drives before power
shut off
I/O has LED Indicators for all inputs
and outputs to ease the
troubleshooting process.
On board USB drives to support
external peripheral devices including,
keyboard, mouse, and printer
I/O can be directly connected to
without the use of terminal blocks.
15 “TFT Display featuring 1024 X 768
All wiring utilizes spring capture
technology to prevent loose
connections or wires from falling out.
All hardware, including I/O is CE and
UL Certified
I/O features modular design to
simplify troubleshooting and or
replacement if required.
Dedicated Ethernet communication at
a communication rate of 50
microseconds to all compressors and
Optional auxiliary device expansion
hub for control of pumps, towers, etc
Most advanced trend graphing
available on the market. Chiller
control must be capable of logging
200 data points in every five (5)
seconds intervals. Data can be
analyzed with zoom feature. Data
stored on separate 32 GB drive.
Trend graph images can be
exported. Trend graphs can be
exported to csv files as well.
Advanced Fault Logging featuring
calendar capability for ease of use.
Data can be recalled up to two (2)
years. Data can be sorted by alarm
type, time stamp, or compressor
Color coded data. Green data
means good, yellow means alarm,
red means fault or off
Controller logs when user makes
any type of change
Controller is loaded with all
manuals, wiring diagrams, and
supporting data which can be
recalled via touch screen
Controller has onboard
maintenance log to store system
Controller offers real time capacity
and efficiency data
b. Software
Can control one (1) to five (5)
compressors on single or multiple
refrigerant circuits
Control System can control up to
six (6) exv’s with proper hardware
and network all exv’s to the control
Only control system on the market
with the capability of controlling
different size compressors for
maximum efficiency and turn down
HMI interface allows the user the
following options: definable points
list, tag names, and functions
without special software. With this
feature, end user can scale an all
inputs and outputs, change what
controls it, change the functionality,
the name of it etc.
Control system can trend graph up
to two (2) years of data, without
overwriting or decreasing data
acquisition time
Chiller controller has the Danfoss
Turbocor Compressor Software on
board. This allows for no laptops for
a service tech in additional to
advanced remote troubleshooting.
Control System features easy to
use web interface. This allows the
user to do anything remotely that
could be done in front of the chiller
Issued for Bid
December 4, 2015
BAS Interfaces include:
Modbus RTU standard
Modbus TCP/IP standard
BAC Net IP (optional)
BAC Net TCP/IP (optional)
BACNET MSTP (optional)
Lonworks (optional)
BAS interface dashboard shown on HMI. This allows the user to view what data is being
written to the BAS system. Also shows if there is an error, last com, and how many times the
data was sent or received.
Project No. 015-3015
Olsson Associates
236416 - Magnetic Bearing Centrifugal Water Chiller
Manhattan High East Campus
Chiller Upgrade
Issued for Bid
December 4, 2015
Control system uses proprietary natural progression control algorithms to perform accurate
energy balance on all systems for maximum system performance.
Control System features an optimum start function to ensure initial lift is always made. This
prevents nuisance check valve flutter and compressor faults.
General: The chiller shall be controlled by a stand-alone microprocessor based control center.
The chiller control panel shall provide control of chiller operation and monitoring of chiller sensors,
actuators, relays and switches.
Control panel: The control panel shall include a color liquid crystal display (LCD) surrounded by
“soft” keys which are redefined based on the screen displayed at that time. The screen shall
detail all.
a. Smart Freeze Point Protection shall run the chiller at 36 °F leaving chilled water temperature,
and not have nuisance trips on low water temperature. The sophisticated program and sensor
shall monitor the chiller water temperature to prevent freeze up.
b. The panel shall display countdown timer messages or other graphic messaging so the
operator knows when functions are starting and stopping. Every programmable point shall
have a pop-up screen with the allowable ranges, so that the chiller cannot be programmed to
operate outside of its design limits.
The text displayed within the system status and system details field shall be displayed as a color
coded message to indicate severity
Safety shutdowns enunciated through the display and the status bar, and consist of system
status, system details, day, time, cause of shutdown, and type of restart required. System shall
maintain a historical log of events to ease troubleshooting.
Cycling shutdowns enunciated through the display and the status bar, and consists of system
status, system details, day, time, cause of shutdown, and type of restart required.
Provide security access to prevent unauthorized change of setpoints, to allow local or remote
control of the chiller, and to allow manual operation of the vanes and oil pump.
Access shall be through ID and password recognition.
The operating program stored in non-volatile memory (EPROM) to eliminate reprogramming
the chiller due to AC power failure or battery discharge. Programmed setpoints shall be retained
in memory for a minimum of 72-hours with power removed from the system.
A fused connection through a transformer in the compressor motor starter to provide individual
over-current protected power for all controls.
Provide a numbered terminal strip for all required field interlock wiring.
An RS-232 port to output all system operating data, shutdown / cycling message, and a record
of the last 10 cycling or safety shutdowns to a field-supplied laptop or printer. Data logs to a
printer at a set programmable
14. Provide the following hardwired terminal points for monitoring from the owner’s DDC system:
a. Remote chiller start and stop contacts
b. Remote leaving chiller liquid temperature adjust (4-20mA)
c. Remote current limit setpoint adjust (4-20mA)
d. Remote ready to start contacts
e. Safety shutdown contacts
Cycling shutdown contacts
g. Run contacts
Running Load Amps RLA (4-20mA)
Suction pressure (4-20mA)
Condensing pressure (4-20mA)
Surge Protection
Project No. 015-3015
Olsson Associates
236416 - Magnetic Bearing Centrifugal Water Chiller
Manhattan High East Campus
Chiller Upgrade
Issued for Bid
December 4, 2015
When the controller detects a unit operating in surge, a head relief request relay shall
energize to signal the cooling tower controls to turn on additional pumps or fans to
decrease the temperature of the condenser supply water. If the surge condition is not
corrected within 15 minutes, the controller shall shut down the chiller.
Demand Limiting
The chiller control panel shall limit the maximum amperage drawn by the compressor
motor by monitoring all three phases of supply power. The inlet guide vanes shall
modulate in response to the maximum amperage drawn by any one of the three phases.
On multiple compressor units, demand limiting may be accomplished by cycling
Demand limiter shall permit continuous manual control of power demand at all operation
points from 40 to 100 percent of full load power, regardless of the load present on the
Current demand with manual control switch and capacity indicator to limit electrical
current to the machine to reduce demand charges for less than full load requirements.
15. Safeties
a. The chiller control panel shall monitor and store in memory such safeties as motor starting
and running, time between compressor/motor starts, high condenser refrigerant pressure, low
evaporator refrigerant temperature, evaporator and condenser water flows, low oil pressure,
high oil temperature, and proper operation of unit controls and sensors.
b. Motor Bearing Temperature Trip-Out
c. The chiller control panel shall incorporate motor protection to protect the motor throughout the
starting and running cycles from the adverse effects of:
Phase loss
Phase unbalance
Phase reversal
Distribution fault
Voltage differences of +- 5%
d. Auto restart after correction of distribution fault shall be provided.
Start/Stop Sequence
Anti-recycle timer shall be provided to ensure a 30 minute interval between successive
compressor motor starts.
Timer shall provide operation of oil pump during pre-lube and post-lube cycles.
16. Miscellaneous
a. Multiple compressor units shall be provided with override feature to activate or deactivate
compressors manually.
17. Evaporator Limit Control and Freeze Protection
a. The chiller control panel shall provide evaporator freeze protection and low limit control. This
control shall be used to avoid low evaporative refrigerant temperature trip-outs during critical
periods of chiller operation. This control shall take progressively more aggressive load limiting
action in response to the severity of the rate of change and the actual value of the evaporator
refrigerant temperature. The operating status shall be automatically displayed at the front
panel whenever this control mode is in effect.
18. Condenser Limit Control
a. The chiller control panel shall provide condenser limit control to include a pressure transducer
and interconnecting piping and wiring. This control shall be used to avoid high condenser
refrigerant pressure trip-outs during critical periods of chiller operation. The control shall take
progressively more aggressive load limiting action in response to the severity of the rate of
change and actual value of the condenser refrigerant pressure. The operating status shall be
automatically displayed at the front panel whenever this control mode is in effect.
Project No. 015-3015
Olsson Associates
236416 - Magnetic Bearing Centrifugal Water Chiller
Manhattan High East Campus
Chiller Upgrade
Issued for Bid
December 4, 2015
19. The chiller control center shall interface and communicate directly to the building automation
system without the use of additional hardware and/or software. The means for interconnecting
all chiller alarms with the building automation system shall be through a single point connection
using BACNET over IP protocol.
a. Provide address map for integration of all monitoring and control points.
b. Manufacturer shall provide support as needed for the integration of the chiller control system
using the BACNET protocol.
20. Protection (the following shall be supplied):
a. Under-Voltage
b. Over Voltage
c. Phase Loss
d. Phase Reversal
e. Ground Fault
Phase Unbalance Protection
g. Single Cycle Voltage Loss Protection
Programmable auto re-start after loss of power
Motor Overload Protection (NEMA Class 10)
Motor Over Temperature Protection
21. VFD Testing:
a. VFD shall be factory mounted, wired and tested on the chiller prior to shipment.
22. Provide UL listed ground fault protection.
Refrigerant heat exchanger economizer
B. 1.5” Factory provided/installed elastomeric insulation
C. Hinged barrel plates for easy removal
D. BACnet Integration card for software integration of chiller internal points
E. Chamfered concrete housekeeping pad
All major equipment items shall have a permanent stainless steel nameplate. Nameplates shall
include the applicable items in the following list:
Project No. 015-3015
Olsson Associates
Manufacturer's size and type
Serial number
Design capacity
Design pressure
Design speed
Design temperature
Hydrostatic test pressure, psig
Hinged Barrel Plates
Motor horsepower and RPM
236416 - Magnetic Bearing Centrifugal Water Chiller
Manhattan High East Campus
Chiller Upgrade
Issued for Bid
December 4, 2015
The manufacturer's representative shall inspect the equipment installation before start up. Once
commissioned, the manufacturer shall certify that the equipment meets the performance specified
Provide testing in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders.
Manufacturer shall furnish certification of hydrostatic test at 1-1/2 times design pressure for the
compressor casing, condenser, cooler, and pressure vessels. The owner reserves the right to witness
these tests.
Assembled unit shall be free of leaks when tested with a sensitivity leak detector and pressure tested
as specified in ANSI B9.1 Safety Code.
Acceptance tests shall be conducted AFTER installation by purchaser to verify the design cooling
capacity, the part load capability, and noise level of the system.
During operational tests, the unit shall be closely monitored to assure freedom from motor overloads,
misalignment, or any other malfunctioning of the equipment.
Manufacturer shall supply a factory-trained representative to supervise testing, commissioning,
dehydration, charging of machine and start-up.
Manufacturer's bid shall include two additional 4-hour days for instructions on operation and
maintenance to Owner.
A start-up log shall be furnished by the manufacturer to document the chiller’s start-up date, operating
temperature and pressure, water flow rates and current voltage readings. Record all test data for all
load conditions tested during the commissioning and start-up process.
Reference Instruction to Bidders for other start-up requirements
Project No. 015-3015
Olsson Associates
236416 - Magnetic Bearing Centrifugal Water Chiller