Buckle Up! Complying with the Cadillac Tax Sunday May 22, 2016 | 3:50pm – 4:40pm | 1 CPE Kelly Neal, Assistant Finance Director, City of Edmond, OK Kate Grangard, Chief Financial & Operating Officer, Gehring Group Francine Ramaglia, Assistant City Manager, City of Delray Beach, Florida Buckle Up! Complying with the Cadillac Tax 2016 GFOA CONFERENCE Presented by: Kate Grangard, CPA, CFO Francine Ramaglia, CPA, AICP, ICMA-­‐CM, Assistant City Manager City of Delray Beach, Florida May 22, 2016 This document is subject to copyright and may not be transmitted or reproduced without express written permission from Gehring Group. The Cadillac Tax Cadillac Tax – Sec-on 4980I 3 This document is subject to copyright and may not be transmitted or reproduced without express written permission from Gehring Group. Cadillac Tax Considera-ons • The ACA was passed in March 2010 with goals to: – Expand coverage – Comprehensive Coverage – Increase Transparency – Control Costs • The Cadillac Tax is the final scheduled major provision of the ACA to be implemented. • The Cadillac Tax is the media dubbed name for the Excise Tax on High Cost Employer Sponsored Health Coverage 4 This document is subject to copyright and may not be transmitted or reproduced without express written permission from Gehring Group. Cadillac Tax Considera-ons • Intent of the Cadillac Tax: – Discourage low cost sharing to individuals so overuse is discouraged – MiJgate the tax disadvantage of those who have no employer sponsored coverage – MiJgate the perceived disproporJonate tax benefit for high earners 5 This document is subject to copyright and may not be transmitted or reproduced without express written permission from Gehring Group. Cadillac Tax – Sec-on 4980I No-ce 2015-­‐16 – Internal Revenue Service No-ce 2015-­‐52 – Internal Revenue Service Excise Tax on High Cost Employer-­‐Sponsored Health Coverage Delayed Un-l: 2020 6 This document is subject to copyright and may not be transmitted or reproduced without express written permission from Gehring Group. ? Cadillac Tax – Sec-on 4980I Ques-on 1 According to United Benefit Advisors, how did the 2014 cost of government employer healthcare plans compare to the average citizen’s plan? A. They were comparable in cost B. They cost 8% more C. They cost 14% more D. They cost 17.5% more 7 This document is subject to copyright and may not be transmitted or reproduced without express written permission from Gehring Group. Cadillac Tax – Sec-on 4980I Tax Rate = 40 % of “Excess Benefit” = Applicable Coverage less: Cost of Coverage Threshold 8 This document is subject to copyright and may not be transmitted or reproduced without express written permission from Gehring Group. Cadillac Tax – Applicable Coverage APPLICABLE COVERAGE INCLUDES: Group medical coverage, eligible to be tax free under Section106 regardless if pre or post tax or who pays – employer or employee. 9 This document is subject to copyright and may not be transmitted or reproduced without express written permission from Gehring Group. Cadillac Tax – Applicable Coverage COBRA APPLICABLE PREMIUM Valuation Methods • Actuarial basis method • Past cost method Once elected, required for five years. (Comments requested) 10 This document is subject to copyright and may not be transmitted or reproduced without express written permission from Gehring Group. Cadillac Tax – Applicable Coverage ACTUARIAL BASIS METHOD COBRA APPLICABLE PREMIUM Estimate of actual plan cost (not minimum, not maximum exposure) Accreditation of individual: 1) Making actuarial assumptions 2) Determining COBRA applicable rate 11 This document is subject to copyright and may not be transmitted or reproduced without express written permission from Gehring Group. Cadillac Tax – Applicable Coverage PAST COST METHOD COBRA APPLICABLE PREMIUM • 12 month measurement period • Ending not more than 13 months prior to determination period • Applied consistently Proposed Costs Include: Proposed Cost Does Not Include: 1) Claims – accrual or cash 1) Reserves 2) Stop loss premium 2) Stop loss reimbursements 3) AdministraJve expenses 3) Premium subject to excise tax 4) Reasonable overhead of employer (salary, rent, supplies, uJliJes) 12 This document is subject to copyright and may not be transmitted or reproduced without express written permission from Gehring Group. Cadillac Tax – Applicable Coverage DISAGGREGATION & AGGREGATION Defining “Similarly Situated” • Mandatory Disaggrega-on 1) 2) • By benefit health plan Self only / other than self only Permissive Aggrega-on Employee + Any = Other than Self (comments requested) • Permissive Disaggrega-on (comments requested) 1) CollecJve Bargaining 3) Specific Job Categories 2) Geographic LocaJon 4) Number of Individuals covered 13 This document is subject to copyright and may not be transmitted or reproduced without express written permission from Gehring Group. Cadillac Tax – Applicable Coverage APPLICABLE COVERAGE INCLUDES: Actuarial Value of HRA Employee and Employer FSA Employer HSA & MSA Employee Pre-Tax HSA Clinics Specified Disease - Critical Illness, Cancer Retiree Coverage 14 This document is subject to copyright and may not be transmitted or reproduced without express written permission from Gehring Group. Cadillac Tax – Applicable Coverage APPLICABLE COVERAGE EXCLUDES: Vision, Dental Excluded If Under Separate Policy, Certificate, Contract Of Insurance Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Comment requested – if self-insured Comment requested – EAP exclusion 15 This document is subject to copyright and may not be transmitted or reproduced without express written permission from Gehring Group. Cadillac Tax – Applicable Coverage ? Ques-on 2 How many exams must be passed to qualify for the Associate of the Society of Actuaries designation? A. 1 B. 3 C. 5 D. 7 h`p://h`ps://clas-­‐math.uncc.edu/actuarial/to-­‐be-­‐an-­‐actuary/ 16 This document is subject to copyright and may not be transmitted or reproduced without express written permission from Gehring Group. Cadillac Tax – Applicable Dollar Limit COST OF COVERAGE THRESHOLD Self-­‐Only Other Than Self-­‐Only Standard $10,200 $27,500 Qualified ReJree (55+) or Plan Majority High Risk $11,850 $30,950 Adjusted: 2018 Health Cost Adjustment Percentage 2019 Forward -­‐ COLI Adjustment Age & Gender Adjustment 17 This document is subject to copyright and may not be transmitted or reproduced without express written permission from Gehring Group. Cadillac Tax – Applicable Dollar Limit HIGH RISK EMPLOYEES Police, firefighters, EMS & first responders, longshoreman, individuals in construction, mining, agriculture, forestry and fishing industries, linemen/telecommunications, retirees of these professions with 20≥ years employed in industry. 18 This document is subject to copyright and may not be transmitted or reproduced without express written permission from Gehring Group. Cadillac Tax – Applicable Dollar Limit ? Ques-on 3 According to United Benefit Advisors, how did the 2014 employee contributions in government employer healthcare plans compare to the average citizen’s employer plan? A. They were 20% less B. They were 40% less C. The employee contributions were comparable D. They were 10% more h`p://www.realclearmarkets.com/arJcles/2015/05/12/obamacares_cadillac_tax_will_soon_hit_many_ciJes_and_states_101663.html 19 This document is subject to copyright and may not be transmitted or reproduced without express written permission from Gehring Group. Cadillac Tax – Repor-ng & Payment TAX PAYING RESPONSIBILITY 20 If Fully Insured = Issuer (Carrier) If HSA/Archer MSA = Employer If any other applicable coverage = Plan Sponsor Employer calcula-on and repor-ng responsibility -­‐ provide to liable paying en-ty. This document is subject to copyright and may not be transmitted or reproduced without express written permission from Gehring Group. Cadillac Tax – Case Study Florida City -­‐ 310 Employees NAME: TITLE: General Employee REED MOORE General Employee HEALTH COVERAGE TIER FAMILY Deductible: N one in-­‐ network HEALTH PLAN OVERVIEW Coinsurance: 0%/30% PLAN YEAR STARTS: JAN 1 PCP: $ 10 OV Copay FULLY-­‐INSURED/CIGNA Rx: 10 gen/30 pref/50 non-­‐ pref HEALTH CONT. -­‐ EMPLOYER: $21,829.44 HEALTH CONT. -­‐ EMPLOYEE: $4,800.00 TOTAL ANNUAL HEALTH INS. 21 $26,629.44 HRA EMPLOYER FUNDING $1,065.00 MEDICAL FSA DEDUCTION $300.00 CLINIC SERVICES $600.00 AFLAC -­‐ CANCER $637.44 APPLICABLE COVERAGE This document is subject to copyright and may not be transmitted or reproduced without express written permission from Gehring Group. $29,231.88 Cadillac Tax – Case Study Monthly Calcula-on – Applicable Coverage COVERAGE JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOTAL 2,219.12 FI PREM 2,219.12 2,219.12 2,219.12 2,219.12 2,219.12 2,219.12 2,219.12 2,219.12 2,219.12 2,219.12 2,219.12 2,219.12 26,629.44 HRA 88.75 88.75 88.75 88.75 88.75 88.75 88.75 88.75 88.75 88.75 88.75 88.75 1,065.00 FSA 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 300.00 CLINIC 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 600.00 AFLAC 53.12 53.12 53.12 53.12 53.12 53.12 53.12 53.12 53.12 53.12 53.12 53.12 637.44 APPL COV 2,435.99 2,435.99 2,435.99 2,435.99 2,435.99 2,435.99 2,435.99 2,435.99 2,435.99 2,435.99 2,435.99 2,435.99 29,231.88 22 This document is subject to copyright and may not be transmitted or reproduced without express written permission from Gehring Group. Calcula-ng Excess Benefit & Payment Due APPLICABLE COVERAGE $29,231.88 2,435.99 2,435.99 2,435.99 2,435.99 2,435.99 2,435.99 Single $10,200.00 Family $27,500.00 2,291.67 2,291.67 2,291.67 2,291.67 2,291.67 2,291.67 $1,731.88 144.32 144.32 144.32 144.32 144.32 144.32 EXCESS BENEFIT EXCISE TAX WHO REPORTS? WHO PAYS? TOTAL EXCISE TAX PAID ESTIM ADDL TAX @ 35% TOTAL ER COST FOR EE 23 EMPLOYEE COUNT 40% JAN 57.73 FEB 57.73 MAR 57.73 APR 57.73 MAY 57.73 JUN 57.73 EMPLOYER-­‐FORM 720 CARRIER -­‐ GROUP HEALTH 52.59 52.59 52.59 52.59 52.59 52.59 TPA -­‐ FSA 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 EMPLOYER -­‐ HRA 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 CLINIC ADMIN 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 AFLAC 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 $692.75 57.73 57.73 57.73 57.73 57.73 57.73 ALL TAXABLE ENTITIES 19.47 19.47 19.47 19.47 19.47 19.47 $926.38 77.20 77.20 77.20 77.20 77.20 77.20 310 This document is subject to copyright and may not be transmitted or reproduced without express written permission from Gehring Group. APPLICABLE COVERAGE $29,231.88 2,435.99 2,435.99 2,435.99 2,435.99 2,435.99 2,435.99 29,231.88 Single $10,200.00 Family $27,500.00 2,291.67 2,291.67 2,291.67 2,291.67 2,291.67 2,291.67 27,500.00 $1,731.88 144.32 144.32 144.32 144.32 144.32 144.32 1,731.88 EXCESS BENEFIT EXCISE TAX WHO REPORTS? WHO PAYS? TOTAL EXCISE TAX PAID ESTIM ADDL TAX @ 35% TOTAL ER COST FOR EE EMPLOYEE COUNT 40% JUL 57.73 AUG 57.73 SEP 57.73 OCT 57.73 NOV 57.73 DEC TOTAL 57.73 692.75 EMPLOYER-­‐FORM 720 CARRIER -­‐ GROUP HEALTH 52.59 52.59 52.59 52.59 52.59 52.59 631.08 TPA -­‐ FSA 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 7.11 EMPLOYER -­‐ HRA 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 25.24 CLINIC ADMIN 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 14.22 AFLAC 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 15.11 $692.75 57.73 57.73 57.73 57.73 57.73 57.73 692.75 ALL TAXABLE ENTITIES 19.47 19.47 19.47 19.47 19.47 19.47 233.63 $926.38 77.20 77.20 77.20 77.20 77.20 77.20 926.38 310 TOTAL EXPOSURE IF ALL SAME ELECTION & COVERAGE 24 This document is subject to copyright and may not be transmitted or reproduced without express written permission from Gehring Group. 310 $ 287,178.29 G N I D N THE FU M U R D N CONU Source: https://www.cbo.gov/sites/default/files/cbofiles/attachments/49973-UpdatedBudgetProjections.pdf 25 This document is subject to copyright and may not be transmitted or reproduced without express written permission from Gehring Group. Cadillac Tax – Poli-cal Talk THE CANDIDATES PLAN Preserve & Fix It! Repeal & Replace! Universal Health Care! 26 This document is subject to copyright and may not be transmitted or reproduced without express written permission from Gehring Group. THE PRESIDENTS LATEST PLAN • Preserve Cadillac Tax • Delay unJl 2020 costs $17.7 Billion • Raise threshold in higher health care states – gold level if higher than Cadillac Tax Threshold 27 This document is subject to copyright and may not be transmitted or reproduced without express written permission from Gehring Group. Cadillac Tax – Poli-cal Talk THE PRESIDENTS LATEST PLAN Concerns: • Group insurance priced on experience • Priced on Networks and Census Info 28 This document is subject to copyright and may not be transmitted or reproduced without express written permission from Gehring Group. ENTITY TYPE & SIZE NAME: TITLE: HEALTH COVERAGE TIER QUICK HEALTH PLAN OVERVIEW FLORIDA CITY PBLIC S AFETY ENTITY 310 EMPLOYEES 3600 EMPLOYEES REED MOORE HOWIE DUNE General Employee Public Safety Employee FAMILY FAMILY FLORIDA CITY FLORIDA CITY 440 EMPLOYEES 800 EMPLOYEES APRIL SHOWERS SUMMER VACATION General Employee General Employee FAMILY FAMILY P LAN YEAR S TARTS: P LAN YEAR S TARTS: PLAN YEAR S TARTS: PLAN Y EAR S TARTS: JANUARY 1 JANUARY 1 APRIL 1 JULY 1 FULLY-­‐INSURED/CIGNA FULLY-­‐INSURED/CIGNA FULLY-­‐INSURED/CIGNA SELF-­‐INSURED / CIGNA Deductible: N one in-­‐network Coinsurance: 0%/30% PCP: $10 OV Copay Rx: 10 gen/30 pref/50 non-­‐pref Deductible: N one in-­‐network Coinsurance: 0%/30% PCP: $20 OV Copay Rx: 10 gen/30 pref/60 non-­‐pref Deductible: N one in-­‐network Coinsurance: 20%/40% PCP: $25 OV Copay Rx: 15 gen/30 pref/60 non-­‐pref Deductible: $1500/$3000 Coins: 10%/40% PCP Visit: 10% after Ded. Rx: 30% gen/40% pref/50% non-­‐ pref, after annual ded. HEALTH CONT. -­‐ EMPLOYER: HEALTH CONT. -­‐ EMPLOYEE: TOTAL ANNUAL HEALTH INS. HRA EMPLOYER FUNDING MEDICAL FSA DEDUCTION CLINIC SERVICES AFLAC -­‐ CANCER $21,829.44 $4,800.00 $26,629.44 $1,065.00 $300.00 $600.00 $637.44 $26,716.92 $11,386.50 $8,433.60 APPLICABLE COVERAGE $29,231.88 Threshold Single Family EXCESS BENEFIT EXCISE TAX REPOTED ON: CARRIER -­‐ GROUP HEALTH TPA -­‐ FSA EMPLOYER -­‐ HRA CLINIC ADMIN AFLAC TOTAL EXCISE TAX PAID ESTIM ADDL TAX @ 35% TOTAL ER COST FOR EE EMPLOYEE COUNT 29 $2,919.96 $17,627.94 $12,890.15 $29,636.88 $29,014.44 $21,323.75 $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 $1,800.00 $1,700.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 $1,296.00 $880.00 General Employee $10,200.00 $27,500.00 $1,731.88 40% EMPLOYER-­‐FORM 720 $631.08 $7.11 $25.24 $14.22 $15.11 $692.75 233.63 $33,816.88 Public Safety Employee $11,850.00 $30,950.00 $2,866.88 40% EMPLOYER-­‐FORM 720 $1,005.01 $5.09 $0.00 $4.24 $2.49 $1,146.75 $401.36 $748.66 $31,463.10 General Employee $10,200.00 $27,500.00 $4,300.22 40% EMPLOYER-­‐FORM 720 $1,569.40 $91.95 $0.00 $0.00 $58.73 $1,720.09 $602.03 $23,619.75 General Employee $10,200.00 $27,500.00 $0.00 40% EMPLOYER-­‐FORM 720 0 0 0 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 $926.38 310 $1,548.11 3600 $2,322.12 440 $0.00 800 This document is subject to copyright and may not be transmitted or reproduced without express written permission from Gehring Group. Cadillac Tax – Poli-cal Talk THE REPUBLICAN PLAN 4 Person Task Force seeking ACA AlternaJve for ConvenJon on July 18 OpJons include: • PaJent CARE Act – 2/15 • Bill by House Budget Commi`ee Chairman Rep Price • Bill by Republican Study Commi`ee – Rep Flores • Taxing Benefits & Give Credit • Taxing a Percent of Benefits/Giving a Cap 30 This document is subject to copyright and may not be transmitted or reproduced without express written permission from Gehring Group. Cadillac Tax Considera-ons • Poten-al Effects of the Cadillac Tax: – Costly treatment for chronic and sickly who need coverage most – Inability to structure plans to best treat needs of the populaJon – Employee absenteeism and producJvity may decrease – InequiJes in penalty assessments to employers 31 This document is subject to copyright and may not be transmitted or reproduced without express written permission from Gehring Group. Cadillac Tax Considera-ons • Poten-al Effects of Current Proposed IRS Guidance: – Complex and Jme consuming calculaJon – PotenJal discriminaJon against hiring older and chronically ill employees – Discourages consumerism (Consumer Driven Health) – Inequity in higher allowance for mulJemployer plans – Creates potenJal burden for public sector enJJes by encouraging carve out of public safety personnel 32 This document is subject to copyright and may not be transmitted or reproduced without express written permission from Gehring Group. Cadillac Tax – Sec-on 4980I Ques-ons See Kate at BenTek Booth in Exhibit area: • Cadillac Tax • PCORI Form 720 • TransiJonal Reinsurance Fee • ESRP & Measurement • Form 1094/1095 ReporJng & Resources kate.grangard@gehringgroup.com cindy.thompson@gehringgroup.com Gehring Group 561-­‐626-­‐6797 33 This document is subject to copyright and may not be transmitted or reproduced without express written permission from Gehring Group.