Life Prediction of the GaInP/GaAs/Ge Triple-junction Solar Cells in Space Jieru Meng, Jing Feng*, Quan Sun, Zhengqiang Pan, Tianyu Liu College of Information System and Management National University of Defense Technology Changsha, Hunan, P.R. China, 410073. Abstract—GaAs solar cells are being used in the space industry due to their good properties. It is thus essential to investigate their life prediction for better use. We focused on the research of establishing an effective model to calculate the damping of the lifetime of the GaInP/GaAs/Ge triple-junction solar cells in the space. First of all, the interrelated telemetry parameters of the GaInP/GaAs/Ge 3J solar cells are obtained, then the output current is selected as the crucial performance parameter to analyze the degradation of cells, a mathematical model are established by analyzing the variation tendency of the telemetric current. Finally, the predicted lifetime of 3J solar cells was obtained. It provided a theoretical way to analyze 3J solar cells used on satellite, which is a necessary and basic work for the life prediction of other modern cells, single, double or triple junctions made of GaInP, GaAs and Ge materials in the space. Keywords: GaInP/GaAs/Ge 3J solar cells, current, life prediction. I. INTRODUCTION GaAs solar cells are being used widely in the space because of their good characteristic such as high quantum efficiency and good irradiation tolerance. As we all know, it can be considered the most abundant renewable source of energy available to guarantee space satellites’ better mission, especially the GaInP/GaAs/Ge triple-junction solar cells have become the mainstream at present, having very high conversion efficiency and also high radiation hardness. Therefore, appropriate lifetime prediction of the 3J solar cells is useful to guarantee that they can provide more stable and abundant source for satellites[1]. However, for the reason that the 3J solar cells are directly exposed to the harsh space environment, they have to withstand the alternate effects of the mutable temperatures, the corrosion from atomic oxygen, large amounts of radiations etc. As a result, their electrical performance degrades seriously. This causes a serious problem for the power supplies of satellites operating in space[2]-[[8]. So, it is important to predict the lifetime of the in space from some experimental results as accurately as possible. Then we can make decisions that how long the 3J solar cells can offer to the satellites and how to maintain the satellites. Presently, there are many published papers which have reported on different fields. Mostly, many scholars noted that the 3J solar cells for space use are required to have radiation hardness more often. Focusing on degradation behavior due to proton or electron irradiation, there are two representative lifetime prediction methods for space solar cells, the equivalent fluence method and the displacement damage dose method[9]. The first method was to determine the equivalent of 1 MeV electron fluence, which would cause the same damage to the cell as the specified space environment. The second method was to calculate the displacement damage dose for a given mission has been determined, on the basis of the energy dependence of the damage coefficients. Moreover, Summer et al.[10] had reviewed the degradation effect of low-energy protons in space orbits. In the meantime, Hu Jianmin[1] found that low-energy proton or electron radiation would result in more serious degradation of the solar cell than that of higher-energy proton (>200 keV) radiation. A fact that the degradation behavior of solar cells from proton irradiation is more serious than that from electrons was carried out by Wang R[11]. Furthermore, some temperature accelerated life tests have been conducted to evaluate the reliability of GaAs solar cells. For instance, Núñez N[12] extrapolated the evolution of the relative power at any temperature of solar cell operation by the value that was calculated for III–V terrestrial concentrator solar cells. Nevertheless, there is no report about a systematic model to describe the damping of the lifetime of the 3J solar cells as far as we investigated, so it is no use to do remaining life prediction of the 3J solar cells. On the one hand, the degradation happens in an extremely complicated environment, a lots of complex factors interacted with each other. On the other hand, which parameter choose to describe the tendency of the damping can not be determined solidly. This paper provides a theoretical way combined with the real situation the 3J solar cells suffered in the space. We obtained several telemetric parameters of the 3J solar cells in the space in section 2. Then we chose current, which can best illustrate the performance degradation of cells, as the key parameter to set up a useful model in section 3. Establishing a degradation model to calculate the lifetime when the 3J solar cells works for different years in section 4. Finally, the conclusion is given in the last section II. ACQUISITION AND PROCESSING OF EXPERIMENTAL DATA A. Experiment and original data acquisition Firstly, the 3J solar cells are installed on the satellite, and then we monitor the satellite’s on-orbit behaviors in order to get the relevant data of the solar cells for three years. we have already acquired the original experimental data for some different types, that are the telemetric parameters, such as the original output current and solar illumination angle cosine values. We obtain the three aspects data every day during three years, which is shown in Fig.1(a)-(b). 0.205 0.2 The original current (mA) 0.195 0.19 0.185 P represents the solar cell output power, V is the output voltage, V is the bus voltage, V D 1 is the By definition, 0.18 0.175 0.17 average potential drop of the electric cable and connector, 0.165 VD 2 is the average potential drop of isolation diode, and I is the output current. If the satellite’s bus voltage is unchanged, the attenuation of the solar cell output power is mainly reflected by the attenuation of the solar cell output current according to equation (2).That is, the larger is the solar cell output power, the higher is the photoelectric conversion efficiency. In a word, the output current can directly indicate the main performance of the 3J solar cells, it is thus determined as the degradation performance of the 3J solar cells in this paper. 0.16 0.155 0 200 400 600 Time (d) 800 1000 1200 Fig. 1(a) The original current The solar illumination angle cosine value 1 0.95 0.9 0.85 The output power of solar cell is the most important property itself. Moreover, the output current is an essential indicator to measure the solar cell power. This is because the formula of the solar cell output power is[13][14]: P I V (2) V V VD1 VD 2 0 50 100 150 200 Time( d) 250 300 350 IV. DEGRADATION MODEL 400 Fig. 1(b) The solar illumination angle cosine values B. Data pre-processing and the result When the satellites make missions in the space, it is evident that the 3J solar cells can convert the solar energy into the useful power to make sure the normal tasks. However, during the process, the relationship between the current and the solar incidence angle can be implied by the following formula: (1) I max I / cos I max is the current of vertical incidence angle, I is the original output current, and cos is the solar illumination angle cosine value. Given that, the everyday current of vertical incidence angle of the 3J solar cells is calculated throughout a time period of three years. Then the original current data after above pre-processing is shown in Fig. 2. A. Modeling Procedure It is confirmed that solar radiation energy is most important factors of which influence the lifetime of solar cells[11]. It is also reported that the solar radiation intensity varies annually which is subordinated to a cosine function or so, as seen in Fig. 3[15][16]. So a hypothesis should be made that solar radiation intensity can be expressed as follows: 2 (3) S S 0 c cos( t) T In which the aspection of the solar radiation intensity is consistent with cosine function. Here, the solar radiation constant( S 0 ), namely Galileo data, is1353 W/m2 35 30 25 20 The everyday current of vertical incidence angle (mA) 0.2 15 0.195 10 5 0.19 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0.185 Fig.3 Variations of the solar radiation intensity 0.18 0.175 0 200 400 600 Time ( d) 800 1000 1200 Fig. 2. The everyday current of vertical incidence angle of the 3J solar cells during three years. III. DEGRADATION FEATURE DETERMINATION A very important procedure of degradation modeling is to determine the degradation feature. Here, the reasons why we choose the output current as degradation feature will be discussed below. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that the degradation of the 3J solar cells can be accounted by the attenuation of the current of vertical incidence angle, which is mostly dependent on the solar radiation intensity. Liu Zhen[17] calculated the total output current of solar array through numerical statistic and mathematical analysis , which looks approximately as a linear relationship. Based on this, the model we proceed to compute the degradation model of the current of vertical incidence angle is therefore as follows: D(t ) I max (a b t ) ( In this expression, (a rate of the current, S S0 S ) S0 (4) b t ) represents the attenuation means the influence coefficient of the solar radiation intensity, and I max is the current of vertical incidence angle, i.e., N (0, ) Taking the formula (3) into (4), the parameters in this expression are as follows: t is the time in orbit, a,b ,c are 2 model parameters, a 0 means the original current of vertical incidence angle when t 0 ; b 0 means the attenuation rate of the current one day; c, all stand for the periodic diversification of the solar radiation intensity. B. Parameter Estimation In order to enhance the precision evaluation result, we should estimate the parameters of the model according to the measure data, i.e., the current value of vertical incidence angle calculated. By definition: RSS n (D(ti ) (a b t ) i 1 S 2 ) S0 n i Point estimation 0.1937 -2.91e-6 32.3 The current 0 0.1983 1 0.1972 2 0.1961 3 0.1950 4 0.1940 5 0.1929 8 0.1896 The calculating data in Table 2 indicate that the decline rate of the current of vertical incidence angle is similar every year, which is 0.5% for one year. If the current threshold is given, a judgment and computation can be done to predict the lifetime of the 3J solar cells. However, for the sake of the regular mission of satellite, there must be abundant energy provided by the solar cells, so in a general situation, the output current is obliged to a secure extent. Once beyond, the 3J solar cells are definite to be renewed to maintain the normal work. So the degradation model can be used to predict the cells' remaining useful lifetime. 2 V. CONCLUSION 1 (5) After minimizing RSS, we can obtain the evaluated parameters. Accordingly, the parameter estimates for each of the models appear in Table 1, and the experimental data used for the validation of the models are described in Fig. 4. The picture shows the original points (blue solid line, the proposed curve to fit the original points (red solid line ) and the predicted current data for the next three years(black solid line ). TABLE I: THE RESULT OF PARAMETER ESTIMATION Parameter a c b Time on-orbit -0.06966 0.2 0.198 0.196 The proposed method of describing the damping of the 3J solar cells’ output current plays a key role for researching on its life prediction. The key performance parameter which we choose to build the model is based on effective theories. Considering the complex space environment comprehensively and three years of the telemetry data from the real satellite make the results more accurate. Therefore we can monitor and maintain the solar cells in order to make sure that they provide abundant power for satellites in the space. Moreover, it served as a guide for us to do research of other GeAs solar cells, whose performance degradation can be depicted by the decay of the output current. In spite of these, future research should analyze more factors influencing the solar cells respectively, only by this can we create a model which is much more comprehensive and can applied to all kinds of solar cells. 0.194 Current (mA) 0.192 ACKNOWLEDGMENT 0.19 0.188 This work is supported by the Chinese National Science Foundation grant 61273041 and 71271212. 0.186 0.184 0.182 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Time(d) Fig. 4 The fit by the power function REFERENCES [1] C Results Analysis Based on experimental parameters, we calculated the current [2] value of vertical incidence angle when the GaInP/GaAs/Ge 3J [3] solar cells work after different years by the model which is [4] given in Table 2. TABLE II: THE PREDICTED RESULTS OF THE CURRENT VALUE OF VERTICAL INCIDENCE ANGLE [5] H Zhao, Y Wu, J Xiao, S He. 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