International Journal on Power Engineering and Energy (IJPEE) ISSN Print (2314 – 7318) and Online (2314 – 730X) Vol. (7) – No. (1) January 2016 Electrical Power under Influence of the Solar Cell Thickness Nfally DIEME Laboratory of Semiconductors and Solar Energy, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Cheikh Anta DiopUniversity, Dakar, Senegal. Abstract-The aim of this work is to show the effects of solar cell thickness on the electrical parameters such as Short -circuit current density (Jsc) Open circuit photovoltage (Voc) and Power. This theoretical study of a parallel vertical junction silicon solar cell under a multi-spectral illumination in static regime has been done under impact of the thickness of this solar cell. Based on the diffusionrecombination equation, the expression of electrons, Jsc, Voc and power are then deduced. Keywords: Short -circuit current density (Jsc), Open circuit photovoltage (Voc) , Power, temperature. Figure (1): Parallel vertical junction solar cell I. INTRODUCTION The vertical junction solar cell is made by an alternative junction base -emitter-base-emitter. Both sides have the same thickness. [1] Each base and emitter is bordered by an aluminum collector as shown in the following figure1. The incident rays simultaneously touch the base, the junction and the emitter. The bases are interconnected by a connecting wire to define the positive electrode and the emitters are connected together to form the negative electrode. But for the rest of our study we assume that the following hypotheses are satisfied. • The illumination is uniform and is made with polychromatic light in steady state The contribution of the emitter and space charge region is neglected, so this analysis is only developed in the base region. • There is no electric field without space charge regions. The aim of this work is to show the effects of solar cell thickness on the electrical parameters such as Short circuit current density (Jsc) Open circuit photovoltage (Voc) and Power. Knowing the evolution of these quantities based on the thickness is a good indicator for us to comment on the impact on the performance of solar cells. II. ELECTRONS DENSITY Taking into account the generation, recombination and diffusion phenomena in the base, the equation, governing the variation of the electrons in static regime can be written as [1] ∂ 2 G n n(x) n(x) − = − 2 2 D ∂x L (1) D is the diffusion constant [2], [3] D = . K .T q (2) with q the elementary charge, k the Boltzmann constant and T the temperature. Gn= g(z)+gth is the carrier generation rate. g(z) is the carrier generation rate at the thickness z in the base and can be written as: Reference Number: JO-P-0071 619 International Journal on Power Engineering and Energy (IJPEE) ISSN Print (2314 – 7318) and Online (2314 – 730X) g ( z) = ∑ ai e−biz (3) ai and bi are obtained from the tabulated values of AM1.5 solar illumination spectrum and the dependence of the absorption coefficient of silicon with illumination wavelength. gth is the thermal generation rate. But in the absence of temperature gradient gth is uniformity compensated by the thermal recombination rate [4] It is given by: 2 (4) th i Vol. (7) – No. (1) January 2016 III. ELECTRICAL PARAMETERS Short-circuit current density: The photocurrent Jph is obtained from the following relation given that there is no drift current: J ph Eg ) 2 KT x0 = Isc lim Sf → ∞ Jph (12) The figure2 shows the impact of the solar cell thickness on the Short -circuit current density. with n i = An .T . exp( (11) Short -circuit current density is defined by [7] g = c.n 3 2 n( x) x qD (5) ni refers to the intrinsic concentration of minority carriers in the base, An is a specific constant of the material (An=3.87x1016 for silicon) Eg is the energy gap ; it is given by [ 4 ] : a.T 2 b+T (6) 1 C .N B (7) Eg = Eg 0 − (Eg0=1.170 eV; a=4.9 10-4 eV.K-2 ; b=655K for silicon) And = NB is the base doping concentration in impurity atoms and C is the proportionality coefficient. n(x), L, τ, and μ are respectively the excess minority carriers density, diffusion length, lifetime and mobility. The solution of equation (1) is: ai 2 −biz L2 x x Eg n(x) = Asinh( ) +Bcosh( ) +∑ L e + C.An.T3.exp( ) L L D D KT (8) Coefficients A and B are determined through the following boundary conditions [5], [6] Boundary conditions: • at the junction (x=0): ∂n ( x ) ∂x • = x=0 Sf D n (0) w x= 2 =0 Reference Number: JO-P-0071 Figure2 shows the profile of the Short -circuit current density (Isc) versus temperature for various values of the solar cell thickness. For higher temperature, the electrons flow through the junction increases so that the generated photocurrent also increases [8]: In this figure we note that Isc increases as operating temperature increase. Such increase of Isc is all the more important that the Thickness is low. Open circuit photovoltage: The photovoltage derives from the Boltzmann relation: (9) n (0) V ph = k .T ⋅ ln N B . 2 + 1 q ni (13) Open circuit photovoltage is defined by [7] in the middle of the base (x=W/2) : ∂n ( x) ∂x Figure (2): Short-circuit current density versus temperature (10) Voc = lim Sf → 0 Vph (14) The figure3 shows the impact of the solar cell thickness on the Open circuit photovoltage. 620 International Journal on Power Engineering and Energy (IJPEE) ISSN Print (2314 – 7318) and Online (2314 – 730X) Vol. (7) – No. (1) January 2016 Moreover high thickness increases rate imperfection of the junction. All these malfunctions are the reals causes of the decrease of photocurrent, photovoltage and power. IV. CONCLUSION A theoretical study of a vertical junction solar cell has been presented. Electrical parameters such as photocurrent density, photovoltage, have been determined and we showed the effects of solar cell. This study exhibit the fact that photocurrent density and photovoltage depend on solar cell thickness. We can estimate that high solar cell thickness decreases performance solar panels. This study can be confirmed by studying the diffusion capacitance under the influence of thickness. Figure (3): Open-circuit photovoltage versus temperature REFERENCES Figure3 shows that the open circuit voltage rapidly decreases as the temperature prevailing in the solar cell increases. With the increase of the temperature a lot of electrons through the junction to participate in the output current [8]. This decrease is all the more important than solar cell thickness is high 1 Ideal power: Figure4 below shows the evolution of the ideal power depending on the average temperature prevailing in the solar cell for various values of solar cell thickness. 3 2 4 5 6 7 Figure (4): Ideal power versus temperature Figure4 shows that power reaches maximum level with low temperature and decreases with increasing temperature. This decrease is all the more important than solar cell thickness is high, accordance with Isc and Voc Indeed High thickness retains heat for a long time and the solar cell considerably loses its ability to store charge carriers at the junction with increasing temperature [9]. Moreover the increase in thickness increases defects in structuring and traps center for photogenerated electrons. Reference Number: JO-P-0071 8 9 Nf. 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