Boiler and Pressure Vessels Safety Guidelines for the design registration and manufacturing requirements for boilers, pressure vessels, pressure piping and related components made outside of Manitoba jurisdiction, or outside Canada, or outside United States The ASME code and the CSA – B51 standard are two important safety codes and standards used for the design and manufacturing quality evaluations of boilers and pressure vessels, and their related components. They are intended to set a minimum standard of safety requirements as expressed in Manitoba Act and Regulations respecting safety of Boilers, pressure vessel, and pressure piping. The Act and regulations require compliance with both of these codes. Variances in special cases may be allowed for items which are verified to be safe following a panel review and research by the Branch as follows. It is required that the manufacturers located outside of Manitoba, Canada or the United States who do not have ASME certifications, but intend to manufacture, build, and sell boilers and pressure vessels to clients in Manitoba jurisdiction must provide three items (written in English language, including the drawings, and the code calculations etc) to the satisfaction of the provincial authority having jurisdiction: 1) A complete proof of the equivalency of the code that they have used in lieu of the ASME code for the design phase of the component or unit, and 2) Proof that the company’s current quality assurance program is equivalent to the recognized quality assurance program outlined in the ASME code (Mandatory Appendix 10, Quality Control System, Section VIII, v. 1) or equivalent to the popular ISO 9000 international quality system standard; and 3) Proof that the manufacturing facility has been inspected by an Authorized Inspector of a third party organization, agency or consulting or insurance company who is accredited by ASME. (A) Proving the equivalency with the ASME code It is incumbent upon the qualified design engineer (a registered P.Eng.) to provide a proof of the equivalency of the code (s) that their client have used compared to the ASME code with respect to the following points as a minimum: 1. Materials of construction used: (ASTM vs. non-ASTM; ASME Section II-A) 2. Design calculation control: meaning (per ASME Section VIII), whether: (a) calculations that have been performed and provided for all applicable loadings including any lugs, nozzles, and so forth; (b) the design engineer (a P.Eng.) has signed off the calculations with any revisions etc, and given respective dates; (c) where applicable, requirements of the impact testing has been indicated with MDMT markings clarified and exemption criteria statement and declaration made; (d) code edition equivalency has been verified and checked out; (e) strength and material thickness calculations have been carried out per formulae allowing minimum required thicknesses of shell and head materials, including for all joints, reinforcements, nozzles, pipes, fittings, manholes etc that are similar to ASME established rules and guidelines; (f) the calculations for maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) consider all factors required in ASME codes; (g) a factor of safety notations have been made; (h) load calculations with respect to external, internal, winds, and seismic factors are adequate; (i) corrosion allowances have been made correctly and taken into consideration; 3. Weld joints details including weld map with weld sizes and the welder’s qualification criteria – whether these have been noted being identical or similar in requirements to those of the ASME, Section IX; 4. Extent of the NDT evaluation and requirements; 5. Heat treatment details – holding time and temperature details, if any required; 6. Hydrostatic or pneumatic testing pressure – whether limits and holding test methods are similar to ASME code; 7. Flange ratings; 8. Identification of any Code Cases or Mandatory Appendixes – if intended to be applied (or applicable) to the design in question; 9. Report of any physical or non-destructive tests (per ASME Section V) conducted for the purpose of establishing the design criteria, working pressure or the design thicknesses, or weld quality or any part thereof; and 10. Reinforcement calculations where required by the ASME have been carried out in the similar manner and details provided in the calculations data. (B) Proving the equivalency of the quality program The following requirements must be fulfilled prior to shipment of the pressure equipment or machinery into the Province of Manitoba 1. In general, the boilers or pressure vessels manufactured outside Canada or the United States are required to have their quality program accredited by ASME or province of Manitoba. 2. Inspections during the fabrication must be performed by Manitoba Labour department Authorized Inspectors or by a third party inspection allowed by inspectors of an third party ASME accredited organizations. 3. The manufacturers shall have a quality program accredited by ASME or Manitoba department of Labour or by a third party auditor qualified to the registrations of the international standards, ISO 9000. The provisions of the ASME code for quality program or those identical of the ISO 9000 quality system will be used as the basis of evaluation and acceptance. 4. The manufacturers of the boilers and pressure vessels destined for Manitoba may not commence the work until their quality program has been approved by the department of Labour and a CRN number has been issued to that product. 5. The authorized inspector will conduct inspections of the manufacturing facility as required by the ASME code and will countersign the Manufacturer’s data report. As mentioned before, third party inspections will be allowed by inspectors of the third party accredited organizations. 6. The actual inspection of the facility may include but is not limited to any or al of the followings: (i) Initial material inspection, (ii) Review of the welding procedure and welders qualifications, (iii)Examination of radiographs and other non-destructive examination records, (iv) Witnessing hydrostatic tests, (v) Final inspection, (vi) Adherence to approved quality program check lists as per the company’s quality program manual (C) Fees are charged for design reviews and inspections as per the schedules of fees prescribed in the Manitoba Regulations, MR-108/87R.