Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 242 (2006) 201 – 213 Snake Hill — reconstructing eastern Taconic foreland basin litho- and biofacies from a giant mélange block in eastern New York, USA Adam M. English a,⁎, Ed Landing b , Gordon C. Baird c a c Department of Geological Sciences, 274 Mendenhall Laboratory, The Ohio State University, 125 South Oval Mall, Columbus, OH 43210, United States b New York State Museum, Albany, NY 12230, United States Department of Geosciences, State University of New York College at Fredonia, Fredonia, NY 14063, United States Received 24 August 2005; received in revised form 13 April 2006; accepted 28 May 2006 Abstract Exotic lithofacies and faunas have long been known from Snake Hill, eastern New York, USA. The faunally diverse, sandstonedominated Upper Ordovician succession at Snake Hill sharply contrasts with surrounding tectonized sparsely fossiliferous distal shale. Re-examination of the Snake Hill section shows that it is a storm- and wave-dominated near-shore facies with a benthic fauna analogous to that of the younger Lorraine Group (Ashgillian) of central New York, and to that of the upper Martinsburg Group (upper Caradocian) of eastern Pennsylvania. Orthograptus ruedemanni Chron graptolites indicate that the Snake Hill succession is older than the surrounding tectonized, deep-water shale (Climacograptus spiniferous Chron). Snake Hill is best interpreted as a parautochthonous block in mélange originally deposited close to the shoreline of the emergent Taconic accretionary prism. Because the Snake Hill succession is sandstone-dominated, it is inappropriate to refer mudstone-dominated facies that underlie the western margin of the Taconic allochthon in the Hudson River valley region to the Snake Hill “Shale,” as has been done in the past. The thick (ca. 150 m), lithologically distinct succession at Snake Hill is therefore referred to as the “Snake Hill Formation.” The Snake Hill Formation is the only known example of proximal, near-shore facies deposited on the western side of the outer Taconic arc, and represents easternmost deposition in the Taconic foreland basin. The Snake Hill Formation is a unique occurrence, and thus is restricted to its type locality at Snake Hill, New York. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Snake Hill; Taconic; Late Ordovician; Biostratigraphy; Biofacies 1. Introduction Rudolf Ruedemann (1901, 1912, 1930) described benthic shelly faunas from a number of localities in the deformed Upper Ordovician flysch/shale belt of eastcentral New York (e.g., Bosworth and Vollmer, 1981; ⁎ Corresponding author. E-mail address: (A.M. English). 0031-0182/$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2006.05.014 Kidd et al., 1995). He compared the graptolite component of the fauna with that from the Magog Shale of southern Québec, and the shelly component with that from the lower Utica Shale (i.e., Canajoharie Formation) in the Mohawk Valley. The faunas were also considered to be coeval with middle Trenton Group limestones (middle Caradocian) in the Mohawk Valley of central New York (Fig. 1) and the Black River Valley of westcentral New York. These fossiliferous intervals were 202 A.M. English et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 242 (2006) 201–213 Fig. 1. Upper Ordovician stratigraphy (modified from Baird and Brett, 2002). Because of covered contacts, the ages of the upper and lower contacts of the Snake Hill Formation are uncertain. named the “Snake Hill Shale” (Ruedemann, 1912) after the most fossiliferous locality at Snake Hill, a small promontory on the east side of Saratoga Lake (Fig. 2) where nearly 100 species were reported (Ruedemann, 1912, Plates 3–9; 1930). Ruedemann (1912. p. 58) originally named the “Snake Hill Shale” for its middle Caradocian shelly fauna at Snake Hill and referred other localities in the Capital District, New York, to this unit based on the presence of comparable benthic faunas rather than on their lithologies. Because many of these shell-bearing localities are shaledominated, the designation “Snake Hill” came to be recognized as appropriate for Upper Ordovician dark shales on the western margin of the Taconic allochthon in the Hudson valley region of eastern New York. “Snake Hill” became a term that evoked the genesis of synorogenic siliciclastic rocks deposited during the Late Ordovician Taconic orogeny in easternmost New York, and was applied to deformed, parautochthonous, or autochthonous synorogenic siliciclastics west of the Taconic allochthon with little regard to lithology or fauna (e.g., Fowler, 1950; Flower, 1964; Fisher, 1977, 1984; Rowley and Kidd, 1981). Consequently, there have been many various and inconsistent references over the years to a Snake Hill “shale,” “flysch,” “Formation,” and “mélange.” For example: Fowler (1950), Flower (1964), and Fisher (1977, 1984) mapped Upper Ordovician shale-dominated siliciclastics as Snake Hill shale and flysch that was deposited after the cessation of Upper Ordovician carbonatedominated deposition in the Hudson River valley (i.e., Glen Falls Limestone; Fig. 1). Lehman et al. (1995) considered the “Snake Hill Formation” to be a unit of “temporally correlative and downslope-correlative siliciclastic turbidites.” Significant differences in lithology, biofacies, and age relations of so-called “Snake Hill” localities in eastern New York and those at the Snake Hill type locality have led some reports to question the utility of the term. Berry (1963) first questioned the regional use of “Snake Hill Shale” by noting that the designation was inconsistently applied to three very distinct lithofacies (sandstone, flysch, and conglomerate units) that appear near the leading edge of the Taconic overthrust belt. These included two allochthonous facies: 1) the Austin Glen Formation (Lower Caradocian turbidites and mudstones at the top of the Normanskill Group) and 2) undifferentiated, unfossiliferous Normanskill Group siliciclastics within the overthrust. In addition, “Snake Hill Shale” was applied to various localities in the parautochthonous tectonic mélange belt both under and west of the Taconic overthrust (e.g., Landing, 1988). Kidd et al. (1995) also questioned the use of “Snake Hill Shale,” and noted the sharp facies contrasts between the fossiliferous, sandstone-dominated succession at Snake Hill and the unfossiliferous, dark gray to black laminated shales often designated as “Snake Hill Shale” on geologic maps (e.g., Fisher et al., 1970). Kidd et al. (1995) recommended that “Snake Hill facies of the Austin Glen Formation” be applied in eastern New York to syntectonic siliciclastics with a diverse shelly fauna of the type seen at Snake Hill. The Snake Hill biota has long been an anomaly. It is the only known benthic fauna with abundant mollusks A.M. English et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 242 (2006) 201–213 203 Fig. 2. Locality map of Snake Hill, NY (NYSM Locality 3488). Map inset: Study area 1 — abandoned quarry on the east side of Snake Hill, equivalent to 35-m–55-m interval (La B into C), very fossiliferous shale below transition to quartz arenite. Study area 2 — shale outcrop of La A, with sparse graptolites. Study area 3 — abundant float material, easiest collecting due to weathering. Study area 4 — outcrop on top of the hill, equivalent to 0–5 m. Study area 5 — fossiliferous outcrops in heavily deformed, unmeasured sections. VFZ — Vischer Ferry Shale/Graywacke zone; MRZ — Mohawk River Central zone (VFZ, MRZ modified from Landing et al., 2003). in the Upper Ordovician synorogenic siliciclastic rocks of eastern New York. No investigation at Snake Hill has been undertaken to explain the geographic restriction of this fauna or document its stratigraphic distribution. Indeed, Ruedemann's (1912, 1930) collections through the Snake Hill succession are stored as a single “locality” in the New York State Museum Paleontology Collection (NYSM locality 3488). With exception of articulated edioasteroids preserved on sandstone bedding surfaces (Ruedemann, 1912; Bell, 1976), no evidence has been provided as to whether or not elements of the Snake Hill fauna are in situ or transported. At the onset of our work, we felt that the Snake Hill section would provide an unparalleled look at fossil-rich facies deposited proximal to the ongoing Taconian orogeny. In this report, the depositional environments and biofacies at Snake Hill are evaluated. In addition, the succession and biota at Snake Hill and other fossiliferous localities referred by Ruedemann (1912, 1930) in eastern New York as the “Snake Hill Shale” are related to the unfolding of the Taconic orogeny. 2. Geologic setting Snake Hill is a conspicuous peninsula on the east side of Saratoga Lake (Fig. 2). It is a low, fault-bounded promontory composed of vertical to steeply south-dipping, locally faulted and folded, medium- to dark-gray sandstones and interbedded shales (Fig. 3). It rises 110 m above a drift-mantled lowland developed on extremely fractured mélange shale with scaly cleavage in which bedding has been lost. This shale is best exposed just south of Snake Hill on the east shore of the lake. This shale is easily weathered, producing the low topography immediately surrounding Snake Hill. The bedrock to the north and west consists of strongly folded and faulted, sparsely fossiliferous black shales and thin sandstone turbidites, with a uniform dip of 50°E in the Saratoga Lake region (e.g., Fisher, 1984). Snake Hill has been mapped as the stratigraphically highest part of an erosion-isolated, western outlier of the Taconic allochthon. This outlier has been shown as ranging down into Lower Ordovician slates (Fisher et al., 1970; Fisher, 1984), which were originally deposited on 204 A.M. English et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 242 (2006) 201–213 Fig. 3. Snake Hill succession with corresponding insets (I–III). Explanation: 1 — Shale with scattered, (<10%) lenticular, medium-grained litharenite beds. 2 — 1:1 ratio of dark gray shale to medium to coarse-grained sublitharenite. 3 — 90% medium- to coarse-grained sublitharenite, 10% shale. 4 — Amalgamated, coarse-grained quartz arenite. 5 — Uni-directional cross-bedding. 6 — Ripple marks. 7 — Hummocky cross-stratification. 8 — Conglomerates (rounded clasts < 3 cm diameter). 9 — Flute casts. 10 — Ball-and-pillow structures. 11 — Herringbone cross-bedding. 12 — Significant shell concentrations (>50% shells in matrix). Corresponding insets: I — Example of La A showing a turbidite in shale interbedded with thin, lenticular sublitharenite beds. II — La B showing 1/1 ratio of lenticular sublitharenite and shale, higher shell concentrations. III — La C showing amalgamated quartz arenite with no shells. A.M. English et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 242 (2006) 201–213 the west Laurentian continental slope (e.g., Landing, 1988). However, there is no evidence of these Lower Ordovician slates, or evidence for significant tectonic displacement of the Snake Hill area in any other studies. Recent re-mapping of the Saratoga Lake region shows a NNE-trending belt of Upper Ordovician shales under the lake and an approximately coeval, thrusted mélange belt paralleling the east side of the lake (Kidd et al., 1995; Hayman and Kidd, 2002; Landing et al., 2003). These shales contain such Climactograptus spiniferus Chron graptolites as Dicranograptus nicholsoni Hopkinson, 1870; Orthograptus quadrimucronatus (Hall, 1865); and O. approximatus Nicholson, 1873, and are Middle Caradocian (Riva, 1974). The presence of Normalograptus mohawkensis (Ruedemann, 1912; text Fig. 4I) from the Snake Hill succession places this unit in the Orthograptus ruedemanni Chron (Fig. 1). One of these N. mohawkensis specimens was collected from the base of the measured section (Fig. 3, 0.0 m, 4I), the other was found in Ruedemann's bulk collections (NYSM loc. 3488). This biostratigraphic re-evaluation confirms Fisher's assertion (In: Ross et al., 1982, p. 44–48, sheet 3, column 91) that the type “Snake Hill Shale” is a package of early synorogenic siliciclastics deposited on the east New York platform. The unique lithology, and older age of the Snake Hill succession compared with the structurally underlying and surrounding shale, suggests that Snake Hill is a large block in mélange that lies at the base of, or within the parautochthonous mélange belt, on the east side of Saratoga Lake, well removed from the master thrust located ca. 10 km to the east. By zonal inference, the Snake Hill succession correlates westward (and basinward) mainly to the Dolgeville Formation, a rhythmic succession of tabular “ribbon” limestone beds and shale interbeds, which is exposed in the eastern and central Mohawk Valley region (Figs. 1 and 6). The Dolgeville, contrasting with near anoxic facies of the overlying and underlying Utica Shale, records more dysoxic conditions associated with a relative sea level drop timed with the O. ruedemanni Chron. 3. Lithofacies associations and depositional environments The base of the measured section is marked by the lowest shale occurrence at the north-west corner of Snake Hill (Fig. 3). Eighty three meters of section were measured. Above 83 m, large covered intervals and increasing deformation preclude accurate measurement of thickness. The total thickness of the Snake Hill section may actually be on the order of 150 m. 205 Synorogenic deposition of the Snake Hill succession during emergence and erosion of the Taconic accretionary prism is indicated by the presence of sand to pebblesized grains of metamorphosed rock (i.e., green slate) with white chert and fine-grained limestone. These lithologies were derived from units of the overthrust (i.e., Deep Kill and Mount Merino Formations; see Landing, 1988). Thin-section analysis of a debris flow deposits (at 1.5 m) showed grains of epidote and gneiss that indicate erosion and probable obduction of high-grade metamorphics and ophiolites in the Taconian orogen (e.g., Rowley and Kidd, 1981). 3.1. Lithofacies associations The Snake Hill succession is divisible into Lithofacies associations (La) A–C (Fig. 3). The succession coarsens upward from La A into La B and then to La C, ending with alternations of La B and La C (Fig. 3). Calcareous shelly fossils preserved primarily as molds and casts, bioturbation, and reworked mudstone clasts are pervasive in all three lithofacies associations. Episodically high-energy conditions are indicated by the alternation of coarse-grained sandstones and lensing debrites with shale beds (Fig. 3). These debrites with rounded mudstone clasts up to 3 cm in diameter were found at 1.5 m, 14.5 m, 27 m, and 46 m and represent times of highest energy. Lithofacies association A (Fig. 3, 0–14 m) is dominated by dark gray to black mudstone with a few lensing fine-grained, medium gray, sandstone turbidites. The sandstones contain traces of feldspar (<1%), and carbonate grains (<5%) with reworked sandstone and mudstone grains (20–30%) and are best classified as sublitharenite. This lithofacies association records lowenergy conditions that were periodically interrupted by high energy turbiditic events. Flute casts and oriented orthocones found at the base of one of the turbidites (at 1.5 m) show an apparent east–west current flow direction. However, a 90° fold rotation about strike must be accounted for when considering paleocurrent direction (see discussion). Uncompacted moldic specimens of sowerbyellid and dalmanellid brachiopods and nuculid bivalves are found throughout La A. There are also localized shell concentrations with larger and rarer taxa. The best example is found at study area 4 (Fig. 2), and is dominated by the bivalves Orthodesma? subcarinatum Ruedemann, 1912, and Solenomya? insperata Ruedemann, 1912. Bioturbation of the sandstones is low (i.e., ichnofabric index 2; see Droser and Bottjer, 1986), with only a few Teichichnus and Palaeophycus burrows found in the shale. 206 A.M. English et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 242 (2006) 201–213 A.M. English et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 242 (2006) 201–213 Lithofacies association B (Fig. 3, 14–46 m; 52–83 m) is composed of an approximate 1/1 ratio of dark grayblack shale to fine-grained, medium gray, sublitharenite. La B is highly fossiliferous, and has yielded the bulk of the reported Snake Hill fauna. Delicate skeletons of many taxa, including articulated trilobites (Fig. 4E) and edrioasteroids (Fig. 4T) are locally abundant. Most of the sandstones of La B are somewhat lenticular hummocky cross-stratified beds that range from 10 cm to 80 cm in maximum thickness. The hummocks tend to be incomplete with only the planar-bedded swales well preserved. The thicker hummocky cross-stratified sandstones at Snake Hill are amalgamated. Erosive contacts of the hummocky cross-stratified beds with underlying dark gray shales are rare, and fairweather wave ripples are infrequently developed on these hummocky cross-stratified beds. The prominent hummocky cross-stratified beds of La B record storm-dominated open-shelf environments in which the depositional rate of sand was at a minimum (e.g., Myrow and Hiscott, 1993). The intervening dark shale intervals record times of low energy. Small scale (< 2 cm high) wave-rippled surfaces on the hummocky cross-stratified beds are rare, and it is possible that the depositional depth was generally greater than that affected by fair-weather waves. Turbidites with rare complete Bouma Ta–e sequences are seen at 17 m and 18 m (Fig. 3). The coarsest beds in La B are mudstone pebble debrites with flattened clasts up to 3 cm in diameter. These debrites at 14.5 m and 27 m (Fig. 3) have uni-directionally (easterly) imbricated pebbles, and represent either grain flows or Ta-turbidites. Shelly fossils occur throughout the shale and sandstone with locally dense concentrations. The bioturbation in La B is moderate (ichnofabric index 3) in the lowest occurrence of this lithofacies (Fig. 3, 14–46 m); Teichichnus and Palaeophycus burrows are preserved in the shale and on the base of the sandstones. 207 The second occurrence of La B higher in the Snake Hill succession (Fig. 3, 52–83 m) is different. Although there is still the 1/1 ratio of shale to sublitharenite, the hummocky cross-stratified bedding is less lenticular, and the debrites are absent. In addition, the bioturbation is more strongly developed in the sandstones (ichnofabric index 4) with large (ca. 2.5 cm × 15 cm) Teichichnus burrows common in the shale. These burrows are best observed in the unmeasured southwest corner of Snake Hill (Fig. 2, study area 5). Palaeophycus traces are also common throughout this lithofacies association. Lithofacies association C (Fig. 3, 46–52 m) consists entirely of massive, coarse-grained, subrounded, light gray quartz arenite. The massive appearance of La C is produced by the amalgamation of planar-bedded units and trough cross-bedded dunes that locally show herringbone cross-bedding (Fig. 3). Individual cross beds reach a thickness of 0.5 m. Small (<2 cm), rounded mudstone clasts are common throughout this lithofacies association. There is a moderate level of bioturbation (ichnofabric index 3) locally in La C, which features Palaeophycus traces. Lithologically and structurally analogous quartz arenites elsewhere have been interpreted to represent a high-energy, tidally dominated sandwave field (e.g., Hiscott, 1982). Thus, La C is considered to represent a transition into the shallowest environments of the succession. As might be expected, shelly fossils are rare, a likely consequence of breakage, abrasion, and sorting in this high-energy facies. Only indeterminable broken shells of brachiopods were found. 4. Paleontology and paleoecology The brachiopod genera Sowerbyella Jones, 1946 (Fig. 4H), and Dalmanella Hall and Clarke, 1892 (Fig. 4A), constitute the bulk of the brachiopod fauna throughout the Snake Hill succession. The remains of these dominant brachopods occur in a 4/5 ratio, and allow Fig. 4. Representative Snake Hill Formation taxa. Study area numbers refer to Fig. 2: (A) Steinkerns of the brachiopod Dalmanella testudinaria (Dalman, 1828), ventral valve left, dorsal valves right, NYSM 17228, 17229, and 17230, respectively, study area 5, ×2.4. (B) Nuculid bivalve Clidophorus ventricosus, NYSM 17237, study area 5, ×2.4. (C) Dalmanella testudinaria, NYSM 17233, study area 1, ×1.4. (D) Steinkern of the brachiopod Rhynchotrema, NYSM 17250, study area 5, ×1.3. (E) Trilobite Cryptolithus tesselatus, NYSM 17246, study area 1, ×2.0. (F) Plate of the “cystoid” Carabocrinus cf. radiatus superimposed on a trilobite fragment possibly belonging to Isotelus, NYSM 17248, study area 3, ×1.2. (G) Mold of Flexicalymene pygidium, NYSM 17230, study area 3, ×3.0. (H) Brachiopod Sowerbyella mold, NYSM 17231, study area 3, ×1.5. (I) Graptolite Normalograptus mohawkensis, NYSM 17259, study area 2, ×9.5. (J) Bivalve Saffordia ulrichi, NYSM 17252, study area 4, ×1.0. (K) Bivalve C. ventricosus, NYSM 17238, study area 1, ×1.8. (L) problematic Rafinesquinid brachiopod., NYSM 17232, study area 4, ×1.0. (M) Orthoceras hudsonicum, NYSM 17257, study area 1, ×1.4. (N) Heteroconch bivalve Lyrodesma schucherti, NYSM 17253, study area 4, ×2.2. (O) Nuculid bivalve Ctenodonta subcuneata, NYSM 17235, study area 4, ×1.3. (P) Modiomorphid bivalves Solenomya? insperata (left, NYSM 17254) and Whiteavesia cumingsi (right, NYSM 17255), study area 4, ×1.6. (Q) Mold of the bryozoan Batostoma, NYSM 17258, study area 3, ×1.6. (R) Solenomya? insperata, NYSM 17241, study area 4, ×1.6. (S) Modiomorphid bivalve Orthodesma? subcarinatum, NYSM 17236, study area 4, ×2.0. (T) Latex cast of the edrioasteroid Edrioaster saratogensis, NYSM 17251, study area 3, ×2.4. (U) Large byssate bivalve Ambonychia, NYSM 17240, study area 5, ×0.9. (V) Conularid Conularia trentonensis, NYSM 17256, ×1.2. (W) Mold of articulate crinoid Cincinnaticrinus varibrachialus, NYSM 17252, study area 3, ×1.3. (X) Brachiopod Trematis ventral valve, NYSM 17254, study area 5, ×0.6. (Y) Mold of the cyclonemid gastropod Cyclonema cushingi, NYSM 17243, study area 3, ×1.3. (Z) Orthocone Walcottina, NYSM 17244, study area 5, ×1.4. 208 A.M. English et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 242 (2006) 201–213 comparisons with approximately coeval and younger brachiopod biofacies that appeared during the Late Ordovician Taconian orogeny in this part of northeastern Laurentia. The presence of abundant Sowerbyella with rarer Rafinesquinids (Fig. 4L) represent the reappearance, in eastern New York, of a brachiopod biofacies also characteristic of carbonate platform and upper slope deposits of the Trenton Group in central New York (e.g., Cisne and Rabe, 1978). The parautochthonous Snake Hill sandstone–shale sequence and Trenton Group shelf succession to the west are separated by ca. 100 km of coeval dysoxic to anoxic black mudstone of the Lower Utica Shale (i.e., Canajoharie Shale). Similarly, the dominance of Sowerbyella and Dalmanella characterizes the Dalmanella–Sowerbyella Community of Bretsky (1970) from the younger (Ashgillian) Lorraine Group located further west in central New York. This community is also described from the Upper Caradocian Martinsburg Group of eastern Pennsylvania (Bretsky et al., 1969). Other rare brachiopod taxa were collected at Snake Hill. These include single specimens of Rhynchotrema Hall, 1860 (Fig. 4D); Lingula sp. (Ruedemann, 1912, Plate 4, Fig. 1); Trematis Sharp, 1848 (Fig. 4X); and a large problematic rafinesquinid (Fig. 4L). This study yielded a very diverse bivalve fauna consisting of the following taxa: Ambonychia Hall, 1847 (Fig. 4U); Clidophorus ventricosus Ruedemann, 1912 (Fig. 4B, K); Ctenodonta levata Ruedemann, 1912 (see Ruedemann, 1912, Plate 6, Fig. 1); C. subcuneata Ruedemann, 1912 (Fig. 4O); Lyrodesma schucherti Ruedemann, 1912 (Fig. 4N); Orthodesma? subcarinatum (Fig. 4S); Saffordia ulrichi Ruedemann, 1912 (Fig. 4J); Solenomya? insperata (Fig. 4R, P); and Whiteavesia cumingsi Ruedemann, 1912 (Fig. 4P). These assignments were made on a provisional basis to allow comparisons with other eastern New York sections also last described by Ruedemann (e.g., Green Island, discussed below; Ruedemann, 1912, 1930). The bulk of the Snake Hill bivalve assemblage is composed of the nuculids C. ventricosus and Ctenodonta, and the siphonate/siphon-bearing heteroconch L. schucherti. The rest of the Snake Hill bivalves are represented only by single specimens or by localized concentrations. The Snake Hill bivalve assemblage is comparable to the Nuculites–Colpomya Community of Bretsky (1970) from the Upper Pulaski Formation of the Lorraine Group in central and western New York. Although Colpomya Ulrich, 1894 (a nuculid) has not been found at Snake Hill, both communities are noted for their abundance of nuculids, and are considered analogous. This nuculid-rich community overlaps elements of the Dalmanella–Sowerbyella and Ambonychia–Modiolopsis Communities also described by Bretsky (1970, Fig. 15), which he considered characteristic of near-shore environments. The small cap-shaped monoplacophoran Archinacella orbiculata (Hall, 1847) (see Ruedemann, 1912, Plate 7, Figs. 1–6) is also fairly common at Snake Hill and in the Lorraine Group (Bretsky, 1970). Unlike much of the Lorraine Group, large epifaunal bivalves are scarce at Snake Hill. The only example is Ambonychia (Fig. 4U), known from two specimens collected over the course of several years. Crinoid columnals and long stem fragments (up to 20 cm) are common throughout the section. Several articulated specimens of Cincinnaticrinus varibrachialus Warn and Strimple, 1977 (Fig. 4W), were found near the base of the section (Fig. 2, study area 3). Very rare, disarticulated plates of the rhombiferan Carabocrinus cf. radiatus Billings, 1857 (Fig. 4F) were found in float near the base of the section. A small, planar sandstone block likely derived from turbiditic bedding in La A was found with eleven moldic specimens of the edrioasteroid Edrioaster saratogensis Ruedemann, 1912 (Fig. 4T) at study area 3 (Fig. 2). Unfortunately, the substrate to which the edrioasteroids were attached is not preserved. Because there are no shell molds under these edrioasteroids or shells of sufficiently large size to have served as attachment sites elsewhere in the sublitharenite bed, these edrioasteroids are presumed to have been attached to a submarine firm ground. Orthocone cephalopods are present but rare. A large, 15-cm long specimen of Orthoceras cf. amplicameratum Ruedemann, 1912 (see Ruedemann, 1912, Pl. 8, Fig. 11), is preserved in the base of the first massive turbidite at 2 m (Fig. 3). Single specimens of the smaller orthocones Walcottoceras Ulrich and Foerste, 1936 (Fig. 4Z), and Orthoceras hudsonicum Ruedemann, 1912 (Fig. 4M), were found at 35 m and 42 m, respectively. The two archaeogastropods described by Ruedemann (1912) as Cyclonema cushingi Ruedemann, 1912 (Fig. 4Y) and C. montrealense (Ruedemann, 1912, Pl. 7, Fig. 7) were found in this study. C. cushingi is quite large, up to 5 cm across, and certainly belongs to the genus Cyclonema as it has the same type of heavy turbiniform shell. Cyclonema montrealense, however, does not have the turbiniform shell characteristic of cyclonemid gastropods, which makes its assignment to Cyclonema questionable. It is typically much smaller and more conical than C. cushingi. C. cushingi has only been found in float debris near the base of the section; C. montrealense is fairly common throughout the section. Conspicuously absent from the Snake Hill section is a significant trilobite fauna. The only identified species A.M. English et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 242 (2006) 201–213 is Cryptolithus tesselatus Green, 1832 (Fig. 4E), which is found sporadically throughout the section. Specimens of C. tesselatus are almost always found as disarticulated fragments, but articulated specimens do occur (Fig. 3, Fig. 4E). The only other trilobite species are represented by a few disarticulated and broken fragments tentatively assigned to Isotelus DeKay, 1824 (Fig. 4F), and Flexicalymene Shirley, 1936 (Fig. 4G). Cryptolithus is a common trilobite in many muddy, Late Ordovician siliciclastic environments, including the Lorraine Group (Bretsky, 1970) and the Martinsburg Group (e.g., Wright et al., 1977). The unimportance of trilobites and the great diversity of mollusks at Snake Hill further suggest that this was a near-shore setting as offshore trilobite-dominated paleocommunities appear to be replaced shoreward by mollusk and brachiopodrich communities in the Paleozoic (Westrop et al., 1995; Westrop and Adrain, 1998). Bryozoan and coral material is very rare. The only bryozoan specimen recovered is attributed to the genus Batostoma Ulrich, 1882 (Fig. 4Q). This specimen was collected from float debris near the base of the section (Fig. 2, study area 3). A single rugosan coral was found in the same study area. 5. Comparative sections The New York State Museum Paleontological Collection houses large bulk samples collected by Rudolf Ruedemann (1930) that include similar shelly faunas from 209 a number of localities around the Capital District of eastern New York. These include the “Delaware and Hudson (Railroad) Shop” in Watervliet (NYSM locality 3865), localities in Waterford (NYSM locality 2650), and Green Island (NYSM locality 2651). In addition, there are a number of very small collections from other localities on the Hudson River in the Waterford and Green Island areas (Fig. 5) that were apparently made from float debris. Of the three major localities listed above, only the Green Island locality was located (Fig. 5). The graptolites Amplexograptus Elles and Wood, 1901–1918; Neurograptus Elles and Wood, 1901–1918; O. ruedemanni Gurley, 1896; and Rectograptus amplexicaulis (Hall, 1847) place Green Island in the O. ruedemanni Chron, and show a correlation with Snake Hill. The Green Island locality is an 8 m section of moderately folded, poorly fossiliferous, unbioturbated black shale with millimeterscale, fine-grained sand laminae. The bedrock dips 50°E. All of the brachiopod and bivalve fossils are small and often broken. They were all collected from 5-cm to 15cm thick, normally graded, medium-grained sandy turbidites. The depositional setting is considered to be dysoxic–anoxic because the shale is pyritiferous and barren of any trace fossils. Thus, the shelly fossils are undoubtedly transported, and derived from more oxygenated habitats to the east. The transported shelly fauna of Green Island contains many of the same taxa (e.g., sowerbyellids, dalmanellids, nuculids, and Archinacella) as Snake Hill, and was likely derived from the same biofacies. Ruedemann's Fig. 5. Green Island locality (NYSM locality 2651), on river bank 200 meters west of abandoned railroad bridge. Watervliet (NYSM locality 3865) and Cohoes (NYSM locality 2650) localities are inferred from Ruedemann (1930). 210 A.M. English et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 242 (2006) 201–213 NYSM collections from the other Capital District localities contain many of the same taxa as well. While searching for Ruedemann’s Watervliet and Cohoes localities, the exposed bedrock was examined. It consists of unfossiliferous, laminated black shale deposited in strongly dysoxic to anoxic conditions. Because the Watervliet and Cohoes fossils are also poorly preserved with no evidence of bioturbaion, and there is no evidence of proximal lithofacies of the type seen at Snake Hill (e.g., no sandstone-dominated intervals analogous to Snake Hill), it is assumed that the faunas of these localities are allochthonous as well, and that these deposits are analogous to Green Island. 6. Discussion A window into the easternmost Taconic foreland basin depositional environments and biofacies is supplied by a number of isolated and stratigraphically short Upper Ordovician sections in east-central New York. As might be expected, erosion of the emergent Taconic orogen should have led to filling of the foreland basin that developed with subduction and loading of the east margin of Laurentia during collision with the Taconic arc (e.g., Vollmer and Bosworth, 1984). As in the arc-continental collision model presented by Rowley and Kidd (1981, Fig. 4) for development of the Taconic foreland basin, the Snake Hill Formation preserves a slice of the shallow basin margin immediately adjacent to the Taconic orogen, a record that has otherwise been lost through subduction and erosion. The Snake Hill Formation consists of proximal sandstone-dominated facies with a diverse, in situ epibenthic fauna dominated by brachiopods and mollusks with poorly represented trilobites, and a significant ichnofauna (ichnofabric index 2–4). A depositional history featuring aggradational and progradational intervals resulted in a lithofacies succession that shoaled-up from outer shelf shale-dominated deposits (La A) through massively-bedded quartz arenite tidally-influenced deposits (La C), followed by deepening back to near-shore amalgamated dark shale and hummocky cross-stratified sublitharenites with a diverse shelly fauna. The rapid disappearance of the Snake Hill Formation to the west and occurrences of debrites and prolific tool marks in the studied section indicate that the Snake Hill Formation records a narrow shelf margin that grades rapidly downslope into deeper basinal facies (i.e., Dolgeville Formation and possibly some underlying, bounding strata of the Utica shale; Figs. 1 and 6). This succession is now demonstrated by graptolites to be older than the underlying dark grey to black graptoliferous shales of the Saratoga Lake lowlands and surrounded by intensely fractured shales. Thus, Snake Hill is herein interpreted as a giant block in mélange bounded by shear zones or faults. Snake Hill is best referred to as parautochthonous because it is clearly not a part of the Lower Cambrian– Lower Ordovician slate-dominated Taconic allochthon. The Upper Ordovician siliciclastics adjacent to the master thrust have long been regarded as a province distinct from the Taconic allochthon, that has only been displaced a few kilometers relative to the 10s of kilometers of the allochthon (e.g., Fisher, 1977, 1984; Rowley and Kidd, 1981; Landing et al., 2003). The displacement of this parautochthonous province has been attributed to the overriding westward movement of the allochthon above it (e.g., Rowley and Kidd, 1981; see Fig. 6). The Snake Hill Formation is distinct from the other units with a Snake Hill-type fauna, such as Green Island and a number of Ruedemann's (1912, 1930) other localities. Unlike Snake Hill, the other Ruedemann localities record comparatively downslope, shale-dominated, minimally oxic to dysoxic facies in which the shelly fauna appears to be allochthonous with no ichnofauna. Green Island and other Capital District localities characterized by brachiopods and bivalves known from Snake Hill thus serve to bridge the sandstone-dominated lithofacies at Snake Hill with coeval deeper-water deposits of the Dolgeville Formation laid down further west in the Mohawk Valley (Figs. 1 and 6). Because the Green Island-type facies is shale-dominated with a near-absence of sandstone, these deposits should not be included in the Snake Hill Formation. Proximal deposits within the Lorraine are similar to shallower facies of the Snake Hill Formation. Both units represent proximal siliciclastic deposition associated with westward Taconian foreland basin progradation. These lithologic similarities include identical color and texture of sandstone, and identical moldic preservation of shelly fossils; relationships that are inherent to units representing comparable depositional environments. As discussed above, the Snake Hill fauna is comparable to the Nuculites–Colpomya Community of Bretsky (1970). In both regions, this faunal assemblage contains an abundance of nuculid bivalves, dalmanellid and sowerbyellid brachiopods, sparse trilobites and graptolites, a dearth of large epifaunal bivalves (i.e., Ambonychia, Modiolopsis), and presence of the monoplacophoran Archinacella. It is important to note that this easternmost record of in situ shelly faunas at Snake Hill demonstrates an early occurrence of mollusk-rich communities. These communities tracked and moved westward with the filling of the A.M. English et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 242 (2006) 201–213 211 Fig. 6. Genesis of Snake Hill section. A — Deposition of coarse, neritic (mid- to inner shelf) succession [units La (A)–La (C)] in a syntectonic progradational setting west of the advancing Taconic allochthon; (G) Green Island-type facies; (T) Trenton shelf. B — Incorporation of Snake Hill Formation as a fault-bounded slice into the tectonic mélange below the overriding, westward-advancing allochthon. Intense shearing of subjacent progradational deposits during movement of the allochthon has displaced the Snake Hill succession west of its original site of deposition, and rendered it parautochthonous. Taconic foreland basin to be found in the younger Late Ordovician Lorraine Group of central and western New York State. The Martinsburg Group (Upper Caradocian) of Pennsylvania also contains many analogous taxa (see Wright et al., 1977, Table 1) that lived in similar proximal depositional sites adjacent to the emergent Taconic orogen. Flute casts, tool marks, uni-directional ripples, and oriented fossils show an apparent east–west current flow direction in La A, and an apparent alternation between north–south and east–west currents in La B. However, the enigmatic ESE orientation of the fold axis at the northwest corner of Snake Hill suggests that the section had been rotated as fold axes in this region should roughly parallel the strike of the NNE-trending Taconic master thrust (“Emmons Line”) as well as that of subsidiary faults to the west of it. Progressive change in the orientation of regional fold axes in eastern New York has been documented by Bosworth and Vollmer (1981), and Vollmer and Bosworth (1984). These note that early fold axes west of the allochthon trend NNE. However, later fold axes adjacent to the Taconic allochthon have an ESE orientation. Therefore, a 90° clockwise rotation about strike of the section must be accounted for in future studies involving paleocurrents. 7. Conclusions The Snake Hill Formation, which displays proximal neritic facies of the early Late Ordovician (O. ruedemanni Chron= middle Caradocian) within the parautochthonous structural belt west of the Taconic Allochthon, records the earliest known and easternmost shallow shelf facies of the Taconic synorogenic progradational succession in New York State. This succession is preserved below the now- 212 A.M. English et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 242 (2006) 201–213 eroded master thrust of the Taconic allochthon as a giant parautochthonous block in mélange adjacent to the master thrust in the Hudson valley (Fig. 6). The heterolithic sequence at Snake Hill is best regarded as the type section of a unit designated “Snake Hill Formation,” rather than Snake Hill “shale”, “flysch,” or “mélange.” The Snake Hill lithofacies were deposited in the Taconic foreland basin and cannot be considered a “facies” of the allochthonous Austin Glen Formation (fide Kidd et al., 1995). Application of the designation “Snake Hill Formation” at other localities in the Taconic foreland basin will continue to remain problematical. Intense tectonic deformation, limited exposures in eastern New York, the longstanding “Taconic problem” [by which older black shale–sandstone intervals within the allochthon are regularly confused with similar younger autochthonous and parautochthonous lithologies under and immediately west of the master thrust; e.g., Rickard and Fisher, 1973], and the rapid westward, downslope transition of proximal sandstones into more distal basin slope facies that intergrade into basinal deposits (Dolgeville Formation and topmost lower Utica Shale succession), all make recognition of the Snake Hill formation difficult outside of its type section. Acknowledgments We thank C.E. Mitchell of the State University of New York at Buffalo for identifying the Snake Hill and Green Island graptolites. L. Van Aller Hernick, T. Beblowski, R. Barber, and J.B. Skiba of the New York State Museum and N. Prechel and A. Domst of the State University of New York at Fredonia assisted with photo preparation. F. 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