SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT BUS STOP ADA ASSESSMENT DRAFT REPORT January 30, 2015 Prepared For: Space Coast Area Transit 401 South Varr Ave. Cocoa, FL 32922 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 1 2.0 INVENTORY PROCESS .................................................................................. 2 2.1 Field Data Collection ......................................................................................... 2 2.2 Bus Stops ......................................................................................................... 2 2.3 Quality Control and Compilation of Master Database ........................................ 4 3.0 ADA REQUIREMENTS AND DATA COLLECTION .......................................... 5 3.1 General ADA Requirements .............................................................................. 5 3.2 Bus Stop Requirements .................................................................................... 7 3.3 Boarding and Alighting Areas ............................................................................ 7 Standards ........................................................................................................ 7 Data Analysis and Results............................................................................... 8 3.4 Bus Stop Signs ................................................................................................. 9 Standards ...................................................................................................... 10 Data Analysis and Results............................................................................. 12 3.5 Accessible Routes and Sidewalks ................................................................... 12 Standards ...................................................................................................... 12 Data Analysis and Results............................................................................. 13 3.6 Curb Ramps .................................................................................................... 14 Standards ...................................................................................................... 14 Data Analysis and Results............................................................................. 15 3.7 4.0 Obstructions .................................................................................................... 16 DEVELOPMENT OF IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ........................................ 18 Step 1: Identify Responsible Entity ............................................................... 18 Step 2: Identify Consolidated/Relocated Bus Stops ...................................... 20 Step 3: Prioritization of SCAT’s Improvement Responsibilities ...................... 30 4.1 Identify Quick Fix Improvements ..................................................................... 30 4.2 Identify Fund Leveraging Opportunities ........................................................... 36 4.3 Prioritization Process for Phased Implementation Plan ................................... 39 Accessibility................................................................................................... 40 Safety/Security .............................................................................................. 42 Operational Efficiency ................................................................................... 44 Bus Stop Activity ........................................................................................... 46 Nearby Trip Generators ................................................................................. 48 i BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Title VI Assessment Methodology ................................................................. 49 Title VI Assessment Results .......................................................................... 49 5.0 IMPLEMENTATION AND FINANCIAL PLAN .................................................. 52 5.1 Development of Improvement Costs ............................................................... 52 5.2 Development of the Implementation and Financial Plan .................................. 55 Individual Bus Stops ...................................................................................... 55 5.3 6.0 Funding Plan for Needed Improvements ......................................................... 57 NEXT STEPS ................................................................................................. 66 Bus Stop and Facilities Standards ................................................................. 66 Funding for Improvements............................................................................. 66 Analysis to Determine Jurisdictional Responsibility ....................................... 66 Advise Entities Responsible for Improvement Needs .................................... 66 Bus Stop Consolidation/Relocation................................................................ 66 SCAT Training ............................................................................................... 67 Database Maintenance Procedures............................................................... 67 Implementation Schedule for Quick Fix Improvements .................................. 67 Review Implementation and Financial Plan ................................................... 67 Update Inventory Database Regularly ........................................................... 67 Annual Review of Progress ........................................................................... 68 Regularly Report Progress of Implementation ............................................... 68 Regularly Update GIS Analysis ..................................................................... 68 Explore Future Applications for Inventory Information ................................... 68 Figures Figure 2-1 Data Collection Tools ..................................................................................... 3 Figure 3-1 General Bus Stop Accessibility Standards Diagram ....................................... 6 Figure 3-2 Landing Area Standards Diagram .................................................................. 8 Figure 3-3 Updated SCAT Bus Stop Sign, Schedule, and Route Number. .................... 11 Figure 3-4 Accessible Route Standards Diagram .......................................................... 13 Figure 3-5 Curb Ramp Accessibility Standards Diagram ............................................... 15 Figure 4-1 Prioritization Process Flow Chart ................................................................. 19 Figure 4-2 Brevard County Low Income Title VI Areas .................................................. 50 Figure 4-3 Brevard County Minority Population Title VI Areas ....................................... 51 ii BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Tables Table 3-1 Total Deficiencies for Boarding and Alighting Areas ........................................ 9 Table 3-2 Visual Character Height Standards................................................................ 10 Table 3-3 Total Deficiencies for Bus Stop Sign Placement and Visibility ....................... 12 Table 3-4 Total Deficiencies for Accessible Routes and Sidewalks ............................... 14 Table 3-5 Total Deficiencies for Curb Ramps ................................................................ 16 Table 3-6 Total Obstruction Deficiencies ....................................................................... 17 Table 4-1 Responsible Entity for Bus Stop Improvements ............................................. 20 Table 4-2 Bus Stops Recommended for Consolidation ................................................. 21 Table 4-3 Bus Stops Recommended for Relocation ...................................................... 22 Table 4-4 Bus Stops Recommended for Quick Fixes .................................................... 31 Table 4-5 Potential Piggy-Backed Bus Stops ................................................................ 37 Table 4-6 Distribution of Accessibility Scores ................................................................ 41 Table 4-7 Bus Stops with Highest Accessibility Score ................................................... 41 Table 4-8 Top 10 Bus Stops with Lowest Accessibility Score ........................................ 41 Table 4-9 Distribution of Safety/Security Scores............................................................ 43 Table 4-10 Top 10 Bus Stops with Highest Safety/Security Score ................................. 43 Table 4-11 Bottom 10 Bus Stops with Lowest Safety/Security Score ............................ 43 Table 4-12 Distribution of Operational Efficiency Scores ............................................... 45 Table 4-13 Top 10 Bus Stops with Highest Operational Efficiency Score ...................... 45 Table 4-14 Bottom 10 Bus Stops with Lowest Operational Efficiency Score .................. 45 Table 4-15 Distribution of Bus Stop Activity Scores ....................................................... 47 Table 4-16 Top 10 Bus Stops with Highest Ridership .................................................... 47 Table 4-17 Bottom 10 Bus Stops with Lowest Ridership ............................................... 47 Table 4-18 Stops Serving Major Trip Generators .......................................................... 48 Table 5-1 Cost Estimate ................................................................................................ 53 Table 5-2 Phased Implementation Plan for Bus Stop Improvements ............................. 58 iii BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Appendices Appendix A – Survey Questionnaire Appendix B – Training Manual Appendix C – Database Definitions Appendix D – Bus Stop Assessment Database Appendix E – Bus Stop Assessment Matrix Appendix F – Bus Stop Assessment Summary Tables iv BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY 1.0 INTRODUCTION Space Coast Area Transit (SCAT) is interested in improving the access to and from, the security at, and the operations at SCAT’s 852 stand-alone bus stops. This study includes a comprehensive inventory of the conditions at SCAT’s bus stops and facilities and identifies and helps prioritize improvements to address accessibility, security, operation, and passenger comfort issues. Information relating to the accessibility of each bus stop and facility has been collected. The purpose of this data is to improve SCAT’s staff’s understanding of accessibility issues pertaining to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. Specifically, how the ADA relates to bus stops and transit facilities, as well as to identify which bus stops and facilities are in compliance with the ADA and which are not. Not only does the placement of bus stops and facilities affect passenger amenities, but service speed and schedule adherence also can be adversely impacted by the implementation of too many stops. However, SCAT recognizes that it is important to have a balance between the potential need to eliminate underutilized stops and the community’s need for convenient access to nearby bus service. In an effort to ensure all of SCAT’s bus stops are compliant, safe, secure, and operationally efficient, all of SCAT’s bus stops were considered in this review. This document serves as a summary report outlining the development of the bus stop inventory and database, the prioritization of bus stop improvements, and the phasing plan to implement improvements based on anticipated funding available over the next five years. A separate appendix document has also been prepared, which includes a detailed summary of the results of the analysis. SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 1 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY 2.0 INVENTORY PROCESS This section describes the processes and methodologies used to develop the master inventory database, including field data collection, quality control, and compilation of the master database. In addition, this process also included the development of a new tablet based application in order to directly input raw data into a master database. The prioritized list of improvements and phased implementation plan developed as part of this project are the result of the data collection effort conducted during the inventory process. The data collected are used to record infrastructure, characteristics, and location of each bus stop, which can be utilized by SCAT and other entities to identify infrastructure improvement needs. 2.1 FIELD DATA COLLECTION TOA and SCAT staff were sent into the field to collect data using a tablet based questionnaire. The questions and answers used may be found in Appendix A at this end of this report. It should be noted that the data was collected November 2013 through February 2014 and supplemental data was collected in August 2014. 2.2 BUS STOPS The first step of the inventory process was to identify the list of the data items to be collected. This list was developed based primarily on the data required to determine the accessibility of a bus stop using the ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG). A comprehensive checklist of the data to be collected was prepared and developed into a software interface specifically designed and programmed for this study. The application developed allowed the surveyors to easily enter all the necessary data collected at each bus stop. The program also allowed the collected data to be exported to a database format for the analysis. This interface was accessed by the surveyors using Android tablets and smartphones. These devices all had wireless connectivity and GPS built into each of them. By utilizing the most up to date mobile technology, survey teams could determine the bus stops GPS coordinates, input data with prompted questions, and take photographs using a single tool. The following is a list of the primary equipment utilized by each survey team to conduct the inventory: Mobile Tablet or Smartphone Smart level Measuring wheel Compass Safety Vest SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 2 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Figure 2-1 illustrates the primary equipment utilized by the surveyor teams during the data collection process. Figure 2-1 Data Collection Tools Following development of the program interface and distribution of the necessary data collection tools, the inventory process began. The inventory process consisted of three stages: a field test, data collection training, and the bus stop inventory. Field Test – The purpose of the field test was to check the established data collection methodology on several bus stops in order to determine whether any adjustments were needed prior to training. Data Collection Training – The data collection training presented the data collection process to the surveyors, including step-by-step instructions, reminders and pointers for collecting data at each stop, as well as contact information for appropriate project team members. Pertinent information related to the data collection was compiled into a Data Collection Training Manual for surveyors to use as a reference during the inventory process. The data collection training included one day of in-class training for the surveyors and multiple days of field training, where the surveyors practiced accessing actual bus stops. Bus Stop Inventory – The inventory data collection was conducted by twoperson team at all stand-alone bus stops. A copy of the Data Collection Training Manual provided to each surveyor during the data collection training class can be found in Appendix B. In addition, a comprehensive list of the data collected as part of the inventory process can be found in Appendix C. SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 3 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY 2.3 QUALITY CONTROL DATABASE AND COMPILATION OF MASTER The initial data collection process was conducted over a period of four months. During this time, quality control (QC) measures were continuously conducted by the project team to ensure that all information collected was complete and accurate. As the database was compiled, all records were reviewed and corrected for missing or incorrect data by matching the record to its corresponding photographs. Corrected information in the database was marked to reveal patterns of incorrect information in the database. Data elements with significant errors were closely analyzed to determine the source of the error (e.g., mis-entries, programming errors). Elements such as presence of benches or shelters could be corrected by viewing the photographs, while elements that require measurement, such as slope or width, could only be determined in the field. The master database was finalized and prepared for analysis and is included in Appendix D and summarized in Appendix E. Following completion of the analysis, a digital version of the master database will also be transmitted to SCAT. It should be noted that SCAT intends to continuously maintain and update the inventory database to reflect ongoing changes made to the system’s bus stops. The initial analysis performed on the master database included the development of summary tables for each category of data collected during the inventory. Appendix F provides a series of tables summarizing the frequency and distribution of data for all of SCAT’s bus stops collected during the inventory, including any applicable comments noted by the surveyors. The remainder of this report summarizes the development of the Comprehensive Improvement Plan and associated data analysis. The purpose of this Plan is to identify and prioritize needed improvements and recommend a phasing program for implementing the needed improvements, based on anticipated funding. SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 4 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY 3.0 ADA REQUIREMENTS AND DATA COLLECTION An analysis of the collected data was undertaken to develop a comprehensive list of deficiencies present and the subsequent improvement needs. This section provides an overview of the general requirements pertaining to bus stops and facilities and then presents the findings of the inventory process as it relates to the specific improvement needs. 3.1 GENERAL ADA REQUIREMENTS Three primary guidance documents were utilized during this project to highlight specific design and infrastructure requirements related to accessibility: the ADAAG, the FDOT Accessing Transit Design Handbook for Florida Bus Passenger Facilities, and the FDOT Transit Facility Handbook. The general ADAAG/FDOT requirements for bus stops and transit facilities are as follows: The bus stop site must be chosen to provide the greatest degree of accessibility practicable. The boarding and alighting area must provide a firm, stable, slip resistant surface. The clear area of the boarding and alighting area must be equal to or no less than 60” parallel and 96” perpendicular to the curb or street/roadway edge and connected to the accessible route. A 6” raised curb is recommended at all bus stops to insure that the bus ramp is deployed with a compliant slope. The bus stop must have an accessible approach to the boarding and alighting pad and all amenities provided. The cross slope of the boarding and alighting pad (perpendicular to the curb) must be equal to or less than 2 percent. The running slope (parallel to the curb) of the boarding and alighting area should match the slope of roadway. The bus stop must be on or connect to an accessible route. Bus stop amenities must be connected to the accessible route, allow accessible maneuvering space, and be within 48” maximum reach range of all operating controls. If a shelter is provided, it must connect to the accessible route and allow a minimum space of 30” X 48” fully within the shelter. If a bench is included within a shelter, it must allow a minimum space of 30” X 48” resting/transfer space at one end of the bench. Figure 3-1 illustrates a number of these general accessibility requirements. SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 5 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Figure 3-1 General Bus Stop Accessibility Standards Diagram Many standards that would apply to bus stops located in dense urban environments are not necessarily applicable to bus stops located in suburban or rural locations, where curbs and sidewalks are not present. Currently, some of SCAT’s bus stops, especially those located in suburban or rural areas (as determined by census data and the appearance of the surrounding area as determined by the assessor), have no more than a bus stop sign staked in the grass. As previously mentioned, standards for these nonurban stops are significantly less, since SCAT will not be required to implement much infrastructure, such as sidewalks and curbs. In these cases, SCAT will only be required to install a raised boarding and alighting area, and not necessarily a sidewalk connecting the bus stop to the surrounding area. At locations where there is no expectation of a sidewalk, and the shoulder of the roadway may be considered the only usable pedestrian pathway, the boarding and alighting area will only be required to connect to the shoulder of the roadway to be considered compliant. SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 6 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY 3.2 BUS STOP REQUIREMENTS There are five major elements related to bus stops that primarily impact their accessibility and/or compliance with ADA requirements. These include: Boarding and alighting pads, Bus stop signs, Accessible routes and sidewalks, Curb ramps, and Obstructions. This section discusses the standards related to these elements and addresses the deficiencies that were noted throughout SCAT’s bus system. 3.3 BOARDING AND ALIGHTING AREAS Boarding and alighting areas (previously referred to as “landing” pads) are critical for the safe and accessible boarding and alighting of passengers onto buses. They are particularly critical for the safe and accessible operation of wheelchair lifts. Standards The minimum width and length of the paved boarding and alighting area, as well as surface qualities, are regulated by the ADAAG/FDOT. Many of the same standards for sidewalk surfaces apply to landing areas. The standards for boarding and alighting areas are as follows: The clear area of the boarding and alighting area must be no less than 60” parallel and 96” perpendicular to the curb or street/roadway edge and connected to the accessible route. The cross slope of the boarding and alighting area (perpendicular to the curb) must be equal to or less than 2 percent. The running slope (parallel to the curb) of the boarding and alighting area should match the slope of roadway. The boarding and alighting area must provide a firm, stable, slip resistant surface. Figure 3-2 illustrates some of these standards. SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 7 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Figure 3-2 Landing Area Standards Diagram Data Analysis and Results To determine the deficiencies at each stop, data was collected in the field relating to the boarding and alighting areas. The following data elements were collected: Whether there is a boarding and alighting area of any kind present at the bus stop. Whether the boarding and alighting area is equal to or greater than 5-foot by 8foot. Material of the boarding and alighting area. Whether the boarding and alighting area is free of defects such as cracks in the pavement. Whether the running-slope matches that of the road. Cross slope measurement. Running slope measurement. Whether there are any changes in elevation greater than 1/8”. Whether the stop is located in an urban/sub-urban/rural area. Whether there is a raised curb/landing area. SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 8 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Data collected for the boarding and alighting area at each bus stop were analyzed for each of these elements. The results are displayed in Table 3-1. Table 3-1 Total Deficiencies for Boarding and Alighting Areas Deficiency No boarding and alighting pad (1) present at stop Defect in boarding and alighting pad Cross slope is greater than 2% Running slope does not match the road Running slope is greater than 5%(2) Elevation changes greater than 1/4” No raised curb Total stops with problematic boarding and alighting areas(3) Total Stops 66 748 300 0 0 30 428 757 Note: A bus stop sign may have more than one of the deficiencies listed in this table. As such, this figure does not represent a sum of the deficiencies in this table. Also, note that these deficiencies are not listed in any particular order. One type of deficiency is not considered more severe than another. (1) The presence of a boarding and alighting area refers to a clear area in which a person in a wheelchair could potentially access a wheelchair lift or ramp, regardless of standardized dimensions, minimal slope, elevation changes, or connections to the surrounding area. Per the ADAAG, the material does not have to be concrete, but must be a firm and stable surface, such as packed dirt and not grass or gravel. (2) If the sidewalk or boarding and alighting area has a running slope that does not match that of the roadway and it has a slope that is greater than 5%, it would be considered a ramp and would therefore be non-compliant. (3) A problematic boarding and alighting area at a stop may have more than one of the deficiencies listed in this table. As such, this figure does not represent a sum of the deficiencies in this table. Rather, this number represents the number of stops with one or more deficiencies. As presented in Table 3-1, 66 bus stops have no boarding and alighting area either, designated or undesignated, 748 bus stops have a defect in the boarding and alighting area, 300 bus stops have a cross slope greater than 2%, 30 bus stops have a change in elevation of greater than ¼”, and 428 bus stops do not have a raised curb. Therefore, 757 bus stops, or approximately 89% of all stops, have some kind of boarding and alighting area deficiency. 3.4 BUS STOP SIGNS Bus stop signs are important because they identify the location of an active bus stop, but they also serve other important purposes. Bus stop signs are critical for showing passengers the correct area to board the bus and also serve as a guide to bus operators for positioning the bus. Bus stop signs must follow particular standards set by the ADAAG/FDOT for placement and visibility. SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 9 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Standards Bus stop signs providing route designations, bus numbers, destinations, and other access information must be designed for use by transit riders with vision impairments. The general ADAAG/FDOT standards for bus stop sign placement and visibility are as follows: The bottom of the sign should be at least 7 feet above ground level; however, it may be placed as low as 40 inches above ground level, and should not be located closer than 2 feet from the curb face. Placement of the sign is critical so that both passengers and drivers can identify and read the sign and so that the sign is not an obstruction to passing vehicles. Characters and the background of the sign should have a non-glare finish. This makes the sign clear and visible in bright sunlight or headlights. Minimum character height must be visible to the passenger and should comply with the ADAAG/FDOT standards are detailed on page 51 of the Accessing Transit Handbook and Table 3-2, shown below. Other signs sharing the mount location also should be properly mounted. Ideally for all bus stops, but required for bus stops that serve more than one route, the bus stop sign must also include the bus route number(s) that provide services to the stop. Table 3-2 Visual Character Height Standards Height to Finish Floor or Ground From Baseline of Character Horizontal Viewing Distance Less than 72 inches Minimum Character Height 5/8-inch 40 inches to less than or equal to 70 inches 72 inches and greater 5/8-inch, plus 1/8-inch per foot of viewing distance above 72 inches Less than 180 inches Greater than 70 inches to less than or equal to 120 180 inches and greater inches 2 inches 2 inches, plus 1/8-inch per foot of viewing distance above 180 inches Less than 21 feet 3 inches 21 feet and greater 3 inches, plus 1/8-inch per foot of viewing distance above 21 feet Greater than 120 inches SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 10 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Figure 3-3 Updated SCAT Bus Stop Sign, Schedule, and Route Number. As shown in Figure 3-3, the update SCAT bus stop sign meets the requirements, as specified in section 3.4. All bus stops that require updated or relocated signage, as discussed in the following chapter, will, at a minimum, now include a route number and schedule as well. SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 11 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Data Analysis and Results To determine the compliance of SCAT’s bus stop signs with the aforementioned standards, the following data elements were collected in the field: Whether there is a sign present at the bus stop. Whether the sign is the correct distance from the ground. Whether the sign follows the standards for proper visual character height and contrast. Whether the sign has an anti-glare surface. Whether signs that share the same location are properly mounted. Following the field data collection, the information for these data elements was analyzed to determine the number of SCAT bus stop signs with specific deficiencies. Table 3-3 shows the stops noted for each element of deficiency. Table 3-3 Total Deficiencies for Bus Stop Sign Placement and Visibility No sign at stop Sign not properly mounted Total Stops 9 1 SCAT sign not compliant 10 Deficiency In general, the typical sign design for SCAT meets the requirements of the ADAAG/FAC. There are 9 stops without a SCAT bus stop sign and 1 SCAT bus stops that have a bus stop sign that is not properly mounted. Therefore, 10 bus stops, or approximately 1% of all bus stops, have a SCAT bus stop sign deficiency or no SCAT bus stop sign present at the bus stop. However, it was noted that many stops that appear to server more than one route were missing the bus route numbers on the sign. 3.5 ACCESSIBLE ROUTES AND SIDEWALKS Accessible routes and sidewalks leading to and from the bus stop are critical for all passengers, particularly those with disabilities, to reach the boarding and alighting area at the stop and any trip generators surrounding the stop. Standards An accessible route must be a sufficiently wide, continuous, and unobstructed path enabling passengers to access the bus stop and surrounding activity centers. The following are the specific guidelines for accessible routes and sidewalks set by the ADAAG/FDOT: Must be 36” minimum wide continuous unobstructed path. Must have a 32” minimum width at doorways. SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 12 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Must have 60” X 60” passing spaces at 200’ intervals. Running slope (parallel to direction of travel) must be equal to or less than 5 percent (>5% = ramp). Cross slope (perpendicular to direction of travel) must be equal to or less than 2 percent. Surface must be firm, stable, and slip resistant (wet or dry). Changes in level between 1/4” and 1/2” must be beveled at 1:2 slope. Changes in level greater than 1/2” are not allowed or must be ramped. Gaps in gratings must be no greater than 1/2” wide and openings must be aligned perpendicular to travel. Figure 3-4 illustrates these accessible route standards. Figure 3-4 Accessible Route Standards Diagram Data Analysis and Results To determine the compliance of accessible routes and paths at SCAT bus stops, the following data were collected in the field: Whether a sidewalk is present at the stop. Whether the sidewalk at the bus stop is greater than or equal to 4 feet. Following the field data collection, the information for these data elements was analyzed to determine the number of SCAT bus stop accessible routes and sidewalk deficiencies. Table 3-4 shows the stops noted for each element of deficiency. SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 13 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Table 3-4 Total Deficiencies for Accessible Routes and Sidewalks Deficiency No sidewalk present (addition of sidewalk is recommended) No sidewalk present (shoulder of roadway acts as accessible path) Sidewalk less than 4 feet wide Total Stops 136 86 1 Sidewalk not compliant/not present 137 As shown in Table 3-4, there are 222 (136+86) stops that have no sidewalk present. It should be noted that in 86 of the locations that do not currently have a sidewalk, there is no reasonable expectation of a sidewalk and the shoulder of the roadway acts as the accessible path. In these cases, it is not necessary to construct a sidewalk. Therefore, 137 bus stops, or approximately 16% of all bus stops, do not have a compliant sidewalk present where one would be expected. 3.6 CURB RAMPS Curb ramps provide a means of easily and safely accessing sidewalks from a crosswalk or other surface and should be provided wherever a curb is encountered along the path to transit services and facilities. These are particularly critical for those with disabilities requiring wheelchairs. Standards Particular standards limit the minimum width and maximum slope of the curb ramp to ensure accessibility. The following are the standards for curb ramps required by the ADAAG/FAC: The maximum ramp segment slope permitted is 1:12 (8.3%). The maximum cross slope permitted is 1:48 (2%). Curb ramps must have detectable warning material the full width of ramp and either the full length of ramp or 24” from back edge of curb. Curb ramps must have a 36” long landing at top of slope The ramped portion must be at least 36” wide. (Exception: Curb ramps that are part of an egress shall be not less than 44” wide.) Curb ramps must have detectable warnings in truncated domes with pattern and characteristics defined by regulations, including contrasting color. Detectable warnings are required at curb landings and along flush transitions at street crossings. Figure 3-5 illustrates a number of these standards. SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 14 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Figure 3-5 Curb Ramp Accessibility Standards Diagram Data Analysis and Results The compliance of curb ramps near SCAT bus stops was determined through an analysis and summary of data collected in the field. The following data elements were collected: Presence of curb ramps near the bus stop. Presence of detectable warnings on curb ramps. The condition of the detectable warnings, Whether the detectable warning is at least 24 inches from the throat of the ramp and extends the full width of the sidewalk, Whether the curb ramps are protected from being blocked by parked vehicles. Whether the transition of the curb ramp slope is flush and free of vertical change at top and bottom. Whether the slope of the curb ramp is 8.3 percent or less. Whether the surface of the ramped portion of the curb ramp is firm, stable, and slip resistant. The curb ramp data were analyzed for each element. The summary results are presented below. SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 15 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Table 3-5 Total Deficiencies for Curb Ramps Deficiency No curb ramps where sidewalk is present Without detectable warning strips Detectable warning strips in poor condition Detectable warning does not extend the full width of the sidewalk Detectable warning not 24” Without smooth transitions Slope greater than 8.3% Unstable surface Total stops with non-compliant curb ramps(1) Total Stops 18 336 8 22 8 23 18 5 392 Note: Many of these deficiencies are the responsibility of other agencies and not SCAT. However, SCAT should notify the appropriate agency of the identified deficiency. Doing so, would help these agencies in coming closer to ADA compliance and would improve the accessibility of SCAT’s bus stops. (1) A curb ramp at a stop may have more than one of the deficiencies listed in this table. As such, the total does not represent the sum of the deficiencies in the table. The data show that there is a significant deficiency regarding curb ramps for many of the bus stops in the SCAT system. There are 18 bus stops without curb ramps where a sidewalk is present and 336 curb ramps with no detectable warning strips present. There are a total of 392 bus stops, or approximately 46% of all bus stops, in the SCAT system have a deficient curb ramp or a sidewalk with no curb ramps. 3.7 OBSTRUCTIONS Care should always be taken when designing or improving bus stops to keep the accessible path free of obstructions. Infrastructure such as shelters, benches, trashcans, utility boxes, and leaning rails should be placed in a manner as to not interfere with the sidewalks or the boarding and alighting area. Not only can these obstructions prevent passengers from using the path, but they can also present a potential safety concern. To help clear SCAT’s existing accessible paths from obstructions, data were collected in the field on infrastructure such as benches, garbage cans, and newspaper racks to see whether they present an obstruction. Based on the data collected, the difficulty level of removing an obstruction could range from moving a bench out of the path to redesigning the accessible path around fixed infrastructure such as a utility pole. A summary of the obstruction deficiencies noted for SCAT’s bus stops are listed below. SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 16 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Table 3-6 Total Obstruction Deficiencies Deficiency Official Bench is inaccessible Official Bench is an obstruction 3rd Party Bench is inaccessible 3rd Party Bench is an obstruction Trash Can inaccessible Trash Can is an obstruction Bus schedule is inaccessible Total Stops obstructions/inaccessible amenities(1) Total Stops 15 7 102 19 15 4 349 428 (1) A stop may have more than one of the obstructions listed in this table. As such, the total does not represent the sum of the obstructions in the table. As shown in Table 3-6, there are 15 stops that have inaccessible official SCAT benches, 7 stops where the official SCAT bench is an obstruction, 102 stops where a 3rd party bench is inaccessible, 19 stops where a 3rd party bench is an obstruction, and 349 stops where the schedule is inaccessible. There are a total of 428 bus stops, or approximately 50% of all bus stops, that have an amenity that is either inaccessible or an obstruction. It should also be noted that SCAT does not condone the placement of 3rd party amenities and, in some cases, there removal is recommended. SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 17 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY 4.0 DEVELOPMENT OF IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM The improvement needs presented in Section Three were reviewed and organized into categories or groups based on how they should be addressed and/or who would be responsible for addressing them. The development of the improvement program considered several steps, including: Step 1: Identify the entity responsible for the improvement (SCAT or other). Step 2: Determine whether stops can be removed, consolidated, or relocated. Step 3: Prioritize improvements that are SCAT’s responsibility through: Determining improvements that should be addressed immediately (referred to as “quick fixes”); Determining whether funds can be leveraged from other entities’ projects to cover costs of the improvements; and Creating a phased implementation plan of prioritized bus stop improvements. Figure 4-1 illustrates the process used to develop the phased implementation plan. Step 1: Identify Responsible Entity The first step in developing the phased implementation plan was to determine which improvements are the responsibility of SCAT versus those improvements that are the responsibility of other entities. Although many of the identified potential bus stop improvements will need to be addressed by SCAT, it also is the case that a number of the recommended improvements may fall under the responsibility of other entities such as FDOT, Brevard County, Melbourne, Cocoa, Palm Bay, and/or other public and private entities. Based on the responsible entities identified for each type of improvement, which are presented in Table 4-1, those improvements identified to be the responsibility of an entity other than SCAT are removed from the list of improvements that are to be included in the phased implementation plan. These improvements will be considered separately, as SCAT will need to coordinate with these entities to specify the needed improvements and determine the best course of action to complete them in an appropriate timeframe. SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 18 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Figure 4-1 Prioritization Process Flow Chart SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 19 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Table 4-1 Responsible Entity for Bus Stop Improvements Description Replace Sign at Stop Refurbish Shelter Install Lighting for Shelter Install Other Lighting Sources Responsible Entity SCAT SCAT SCAT Entity or Jurisdiction Bus Stop is Located In SCAT SCAT New Boarding and Alighting Area Resurface Boarding and Alighting Area New Connecting Path New Sidewalk SCAT Entity or Jurisdiction Bus Stop is Located In Entity or Jurisdiction Bus Stop is Located In Entity or Jurisdiction Bus Stop is Located In Entity or Jurisdiction Bus Stop is Located In SCAT Resurface Sidewalk New Curb Ramp Resurface Curb Ramp Relocate Bus Stop As seen in Table 4-1, SCAT is not responsible for a number of infrastructure items that are primarily implemented and maintained by other jurisdictions. SCAT is responsible for only the infrastructure pertaining to its bus stop directly, such as bus stop signs, shelters, and boarding and alighting areas. Sidewalks and curb ramps are maintained by other jurisdictional entities. Although sidewalks are maintained by the jurisdictional entity where the bus stop is located, SCAT is responsible for the installation of a connecting path from the boarding and alighting area to the sidewalk if one is present. In some cases, where a sidewalk would be expected and the shoulder of the roadway cannot be used as the accessible path, SCAT will be responsible for the installation of a sidewalk from the boarding and alighting area to the nearest intersection. Step 2: Identify Consolidated/Relocated Bus Stops The second step in developing the phased implementation plan was to determine which SCAT bus stops have been identified for consolidation or elimination. With approximately 852 bus stops, it is possible that SCAT’s system has some stops that can be consolidated (i.e., the grouping of two or more stops into a single stop) or eliminated altogether. The decision to consolidate or eliminate stops can be based on such factors as the existing level of passenger activity, the spacing between bus stops, the placement/location of the bus stop, and/or the severity of needed improvements. For this effort, the possibility of consolidating stops considered three specific criteria: SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 20 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Distance – A minimum bus stop spacing distance of one-eighth mile was considered for urban bus stops and one-quarter mile for suburban and rural bus stops. Stops that are spaced more closely than this were reviewed to determine whether consolidation may be feasible without negatively impacting passenger walk access to SCAT service. Ridership – The number of passengers boarding and alighting at each stop was evaluated. Nearby Trip Generators – The number of nearby trip generators were used to determine whether consolidation is recommended for each bus stop. Bus Stop Conditions Priority Scoring – The stage of the prioritization process that considered bus stop conditions (i.e., accessibility, safety/security, operational efficiency) was used to help determine the timing of the bus stops being proposed for consolidation (i.e., immediate, near term, long term). Based on this analysis, as shown in the table below, one bus stop was recommended for initial consolidation. Table 4-2 Bus Stops Recommended for Consolidation # Bus Stop ID On Street 1 10833 EVANS RD Cross Street NASA BLVD Other bus stops met some of the above mentioned criteria for stop consolidation. However, relocating the bus stop, as described below, either away from another nearby stop or closer to an obvious trip generator was instead recommended. It should be noted that this effort also included identifying bus stops that SCAT may want to consider relocating, based on safety/security or operational efficiency issues identified during the inventory process. Scenarios warranting possible relocation include the following: Bus stop is located just over the crest of a hill; Bus stop is located just after the curve in the street; Bus stop is located near a railroad crossing or track; Waiting passengers are hidden from view of oncoming traffic; A stopped bus straddles the crosswalk or obstructs a curb ramp; Bus stop discharges passengers onto driveway apron; Bus stop discharges passengers onto roadway; Bus stops are spaced close together; and Bus stop is located away from trip generators. A total of 269 bus stops were identified as having safety/security or operational efficiency issues that warranted possible relocation of 20’ or more, a list of which is presented in Table 4-3. SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 21 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Table 4-3 Bus Stops Recommended for Relocation # 1 Bus Stop ID 10724 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 27959 10809 11461 11356 11360 29613 29652 On Street N COCOA BLVD 3154 SOUTH ST (NORTHSIDE) 5TH AVE AIRPORT BLVD APOLLO BLVD APOLLO BLVD AURORA RD AURORA RD 9 10 29604 12498 BABCOCK ST BABCOCK ST 11 12 13 14 15820 759353 12499 759339 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 11401 11324 10737 11262 11300 11288 11292 11287 BABCOCK ST BABCOCK ST BABCOCK ST BARTON BLVD BREVARD COLLEGE TITUSVILLE BULLDOG BLVD CLEARLAKE RD CLEARLAKE RD CLEARLAKE RD CLEARLAKE RD CLEARLAKE RD CLEARLAKE RD 23 10751 24 800014 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 15803 10998 11017 11424 11382 15813 11379 29622 COCOA COMMONS COMMUNITY COLLEGE PKWY COURTENAY PALMS APARTMENTS COURTENAY PKWY COURTENAY PKWY CULVER DR DAIRY RD DAIRY RD DIXIE HIGHWAY DIXIE HWY SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 22 Cross Street MCLEOD DR SPACE COAST ASSEMBLY OF GOD N PALM AVE NASA BLVD MELBOURNE PLAZA MELBOURNE PLAZA ALPHA DR AVOCADO COMMUNITY COLLEGE PKWY E AVENUE C E BREVARD AVE NORTHBOUND NIEMAN NIEMAN AVE CEDAR Location 180' North LOOP APOLLO BLVD BCC HIGHLAND CT HIGHLAND CT MICHIGAN AVE MICHIGAN AVE OTTERBEIN AVE PUBLIX 120' South 420' East 900' South 550' South 480' South 50' North 30' North 55' South 300' Southeast MOTEL 6 430' West COURTENAY PKWY COUNTRY CLUB APTS TENNESSEE AVE SENIOR CENTER EBER BLVD WHISPERING PINES INDIAN RIVER DR RIDGE RD 280' South 590' North 90' South 50' West 230' North 650' South 30' South 130' South 640' South 30' West 150' South 400' North 180' North 600' East 270' West 200' West 340' North 240' North 720' South 515' South 200' West BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY # 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Bus Stop ID 10854 10856 10912 10834 10846 13619 10851 11468 29606 On Street E EAU GALLIE BLVD E EAU GALLIE BLVD E EAU GALLIE BLVD E NEW HAVEN E NEW HAVEN E NEW HAVEN AVE E NEW HAVEN AVE EMERSON DR EMERSON DR Cross Street BELAIRE DR BOUGAINVILLEA TER BURN BLVD BRYAN ST TRINITY TOWER SOUTH MELBOURNE CT PINE ST AMERICANA ST FORREST ST 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 29605 759340 29550 11266 29541 29548 29542 11127 29549 29555 11274 11126 11132 11446 11385 15818 11418 11467 11234 11325 11327 27956 800003 11469 11465 15826 11482 EMERSON DR FISKE FISKE BLVD FISKE BLVD FISKE BLVD FISKE BLVD FISKE BLVD FISKE BLVD FISKE BLVD FISKE BLVD FISKE BLVD FLORIDA AVE FLORIDA AVE FLORIDA AVE FLORIDA AVE FLORIDA AVE GATEWAY DR GEORGE J KING BLVD GOVERNMENT CENTER HIBISCUS BLVD HIBISCUS BLVD HOPKINS AVE JOHN RODES RD JUPITER BLVD JUPITER BLVD LAKE ANDREW LAKE ANDREW BLVD HAWTHORNE LN ST ANDREWS DR BARTON BLVD BARTON BLVD N EYSTER BLVD EYSTER BLVD LOWES MARTIN RD MEDALLION DR PLUCKEBAUM RD ROY WALL BLVD BOUGAINVILLEA DR HARDEE LN NE SIDE ORANGE ST PERDUE ST ROCKLEDGE MALL PENN ST ATLANTIC AVE VIERA BROADBAND DR NORMAN DR COURT ST SILVER HERON ELDRON BLVD SE EMERSON DR THE AVENUE WAL-MART VIERA SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 23 Location 75' West 620' West 160' West 300' West 50' East 30' East 180' West 30' North 200' North 180' Southwest 160' North 50' South 70' North 155' South 400' North 650' South 120' North 240' North 150' North 50' North 50' North 70' South 40' South 130' West 40' South 280' South 440' West 130' West 250' South 25' East 90' South 250' North 380' North 440' West 200' South 70' South BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY # 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 Bus Stop ID 759338 11459 11458 10972 11070 29651 29599 29607 29611 29600 15814 11391 10991 11394 27952 29630 29628 29650 29625 29624 29631 11210 10762 10849 29535 29561 29528 29567 On Street LAKE ANDREW DRIVE LAKE WASHINGTON RD LAKE WASHINGTON RD LIPSCOMB ST LIPSCOMB ST MALABAR RD MALABAR RD MALABAR RD MALABAR RD MALABAR RD MINTON RD MINTON RD MINTON RD MINTON RD MINTON RD MURRELL RD MURRELL RD MURRELL RD MURRELL RD MURRELL RD MURRELL RD N ATLANTIC AVE N ATLANTIC AVE N BABCOCK ST N COCOA BLVD N COCOA BLVD N COCOA BLVD N COCOA BLVD 97 10725 N COCOA BLVD 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 29564 29563 29525 29566 11224 29562 29590 N COCOA BLVD N COCOA BLVD N COCOA BLVD N COCOA BLVD N COCOA BLVD N COCOA BLVD N COCOA BLVD SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 Cross Street WALMART CROTON RD RUSTIC WY JUANITA CIR POST OFFICE EMERSON DR HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS INTERCHANGE SQUARE MIMA VILLANUEVA CALVARY CHAPEL EBER BLVD HENRY AVE HENRY AVE LOWES BAYHILL DR CLUBHOUSE DR EYSTER BLVD GUS HIPP BLVD LEVITT PKWY OLD GLORY BLVD CLEVELAND AVE W OSCEOLA LN ELTON ST E SIDE BEAU GESTE RD BEDFORD PL CAMP RD CAMP RD CANAVERAL GROVES BLVD COCOA COMMERCIAL CENTER CROSS RD FAY BLVD MELALUECA RD MICHIGAN AVE ROUNDTREE DR WELLS FARGO BANK 24 Location 555' South 230' West 350' East 380' North 770' South 270' West 710' East 280' East 60' East 1500' West 105' North 55' South 120' North 150' South 470' North 680' South 25' North 100' North 30' North 125' South 175' South 325' South 110' North 100' North 150' North 70' North 110' North 40' South 150' North 300' South 80' South 100' North 70' North 70' North 140' South 20' North BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY # 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 Bus Stop ID 29591 11006 10997 11295 11160 11158 11143 11145 10895 10799 11148 11368 10803 10814 11156 10806 10872 11151 11155 11157 10805 10844 10815 10817 10781 11405 20594 10828 29615 29619 29618 10890 10925 10880 10990 10992 10933 On Street N COCOA BLVD N COURTENAY PKWY N COURTENAY PKWY N FISKE BLVD N HIGHWAY A1A N HIGHWAY A1A N HIGHWAY A1A N HIGHWAY A1A N HIGHWAY A1A N HIGHWAY A1A N HIGHWAY A1A N HIGHWAY A1A N HIGHWAY A1A N HIGHWAY A1A N HIGHWAY A1A N HIGHWAY A1A N HIGHWAY A1A N HIGHWAY A1A N HIGHWAY A1A N HIGHWAY A1A N HIGHWAY A1A N JOHN RODES BLVD N MIRAMAR AVE N MIRAMAR AVE N ORLANDO AVE N US 1 HWY N WASHINGTON AVE N WICKHAM RD N WICKHAM RD N WICKHAM RD N WICKHAM RD N WICKHAM RD N WICKHAM RD N WICKHAM RD N WICKHAM RD N WICKHAM RD N WICKHAM RD SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 Cross Street WELLS FARGO BANK CROCKETT BLVD DIANA BLVD W HIGHLAND DR BEACHSIDE APTS BERKELEY ST CASSIA BLVD CASSIA BLVD CORAL WY E CROWN PLAZA DESOTO PKWY DOUBLETREE HOTEL GOLDEN BEACH BLVD HOWARD FUTCH PARK OCEAN BLVD PALM SPRINGS BLVD PARADISE BLVD PARK AVE PATRICK DR PATRICK DR PINE TREE DR THE MEADOWS BLUEBERRY MUFFIN GROSSE POINT AVE N 4TH ST SR 46 / WALGREENS JESS PARRISH CT CASSEBELLAS PL CHECKERS CVS GRAND MEADOWS BLVD MCDONALDS MELBOURNE VILLAGE NEW YORK AVE ORANGE MANOR DR PINE HILL DR PLAZA WY 25 Location 70' South 170' North 340' North 40' North 170' North 300' South 215' South 220' North 380' North 200' North 150' South 200' South 50' South 70' South 150' North 120' South 50' North 150' North 200' North 210' South 100' South 140' South 30' South 190' North 90' South 180' North 60' South 100' South 310' South 115' North 145' South 195' North 450' North 150' South 145' North 175' South 800' South BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY # 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 Bus Stop ID 10926 15824 10867 10980 10840 10861 29614 11355 759354 759357 On Street N WICKHAM RD N WICKHAM RD N WICKHAM RD N WICKHAM RD N WICKHAM RD N WICKHAM RD N WICKHAM RD NASA BLVD NASA BLVD NASA BLVD Cross Street POST COMMONS ST ANDREWS BLVD SUN / GREEN CONDOS WICKHAM GREEN WICKHAM VILLAGE APTS WUESTOFF HOSPITAL WUESTOFF HOSPITAL EDDIE ALLEN RD HARRIS BLVD HARRIS BLVD 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 11483 11486 759355 11361 759427 11119 16392 NASA BLVD NASA BLVD NASA BLVD NASA BLVD NASA BLVD NE EMERSON DR NE EMERSON DR MCDONALDS MCDONALDS PORTER PREMIER WOODY BURKE BLVD WOODY BURKE RD BELLEVUE ST COCONUT ST 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 11102 11104 11091 11116 11353 11037 11082 11063 11194 11071 11046 11092 NE EMERSON DR NE EMERSON DR NE EMERSON DR NE EMERSON DR NE GLENDALE AVE NE MALABAR RD NE MALABAR RD NE PALM BAY RD NE PALM BAY RD NE PALM BAY RD NE PALM BAY RD NE S BABCOCK ST 171 172 173 174 175 176 10931 11040 11093 27954 11086 11088 NIEMAN AVE NW EMERSON DR NW EMERSON DR NW EMERSON DR NW EMERSON DR NW EMERSON DR FAIRHAVEN ST HURST RD PENDLETON AVE PEPPER ST NW FAIRLIGHT ST CASSIA AVE SHOPPES OF PALM BAY APPLEBEE'S CRACKER BARREL DAIRY RD STACK BLVD PIRATE LN MELBOURNE COURT HOUSE GLENCOVE AVE GLENDALE AVE ISLAND DR NW JUPITER BLVD LAMPLIGHTER DR SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 26 Location 70' South 100' North 20' South 85' South 150' North 550' South 630' South 285' West 160' East 380' East 130' Northwest 900' West 30' East 270' East 290' East 50' South 370' North 100' Southwest 100' West 350' West 250' South 210' North 600' West 200' East 20' East 240' East 610' West 160' East 330' North 90' South 100' West 30' West 200' West 60' East 20' West BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY # 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 Bus Stop ID 11101 11094 11100 11042 11053 11039 11043 11055 11096 11080 11079 29632 29602 12424 11069 10956 10919 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 11227 11381 11027 11218 11445 11032 10797 10831 10952 On Street NW GLENDALE AVE NW GLENDALE AVE NW GLENDALE AVE NW JUPITER BLVD NW MALABAR RD NW MALABAR RD NW MALABAR RD NW MALABAR RD NW PACE DR NW PACE DR NW PACE DR ONE SENIOR PLACE PALM BAY HOSPITAL PALM BAY RD PALM BAY RD PARKWAY DR PARKWAY DR PARRISH MEDICAL CENTER PORT MALABAR BLVD RICHLAND AVE RIDGEWOOD AVE ROCKLEDGE AVE S ATLANTIC AVE S ATLANTIC AVE S BABCOCK ST S BABCOCK ST 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 11060 11090 10974 29557 10953 11181 10770 10793 S BABCOCK ST S BABCOCK ST S BABCOCK ST S COCOA BLVD S HICKORY ST S HOPKINS AVE S ORLANDO AVE S ORLANDO AVE 211 11015 S SYKES CREEK PKWY SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 27 Cross Street HEARTWELLVILLE ST JACOBIN ST PACE AVE AMERICANA BLVD JUPITER BLVD MADALYN LANDING MAYWOOD AVE WARE AVE CEREUS AVE HELM AVE JUPITER BLVD SPYGLASS OFFICE PARK MEDIPLEX PKWY ROBERT J CONLAN NE TROUTMAN BLVD SHADY DELL LN STEWART RD Location 35' South 240' North 200' West 140' North 240' West 100' East 70' West 80' West 420' West 70' West 50' East 2300' East 315' West 615' West 200' West 400' East 40' West ENTRANCE TROUTMAN BLVD MANOR HOUSE MONROE AVE SEMINOLE DR PAFB MAIN GATE S 1ST ST FEE AVE FLORIDA MARKETPLACE LAS PALMAS SHOPPING CENTER PORT MALABAR BLVD SOUTHGATE BLVD SR 520 E STAWBRIDGE AVE SYCAMORE ST E CIRCLE AVE S 8TH ST E MERRITT ISLAND CSWY 30' Northwest 160' East 90' West 30' North 165' West 180' North 50' North 90' North 300' North 450' South 350' South 20' South 90' South 175' West 125' North 50' North 150' North 80' North BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY # 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 Bus Stop ID 11170 29577 11178 11302 15811 29583 759332 759331 11364 11359 11054 11108 11177 16394 11440 11490 11439 On Street S WASHINGTON AVE S WASHINGTON AVE S WASHINGTON AVE S WASHINGTON AVE S WASHINGTON AVE S WASHINGTON AVE SARNO SARNO RD SARNO RD SARNO RD SE EMERSON DR SE JUPITER BLVD SINGLETON AVE SR 50 SR 520 SR 520 SR 520 229 230 11004 11031 SR 520 SR 520 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 11019 11496 27961 11269 11022 11280 10743 11009 27962 11257 10964 11057 11470 11122 29585 759345 11243 SR 520 SR 520 SR 520 SR 520 SR 520 SR 520 SR 520 SR 520 SR 520 SR 524 STEWART RD TREELAND BLVD UNIVERSITY BLVD US- 1 US- 1 US- 1 US- 1 SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 Cross Street 6700 BUILDING 6700 BUILDING N TERRIER TRAIL N TERRIER TRAIL SOUTH ST SYCAMORE ST IROQUOIS AVE CROTON RD PRESIDENTIAL ST SERVICE PLAZA LIGHT LN AZALEA AVE TROPIC ST SISSON RD AURORA RD BURNETT RD GRACE AVE JIMMY VICKERS CAR DEALER KAWANIS ISLAND KAWANIS ISLAND SOUTH SIDE LAKE VIEW BLVD MERRITT SQUARE MALL N BANANA RIVER DR N TROPICAL TRAIL NEWFOUND HARBOR DR RIDGEWAY AVE S COURTENAY PKWY SYKES CREEK PKWY POST OFFICE PALMWOOD DR SAN FILIPPO SE LIPSCOMB ST BOARDWALK CONDOS MASTERSON ST NARVAEZ RIVEREDGE DR 28 Location 20' North 50' North 660' South 540' South 125' North 120' North 140' East 150' West 320' East 250' East 50' North 70' West 150' North 150' East 360' East 330' West 460' West 600' East 270' East 20' West 900' West 350' East 130' East 100' East 200' West 230' East 275' West 90' East 730' West 180' South 750' South 540' West 150' North 150' North 90' North 110' South BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY # 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 Bus Stop ID 29576 29641 11477 10878 10836 11436 10979 10920 US- 1 VIERA BLVD VIERA HIGH SCHOOL W EAU GALLIE BLVD W EAU GALLIE BLVD W HIBISCUS BLVD W HIBISCUS BLVD W NASA BLVD 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 29610 10937 11195 11264 10917 11314 10853 10873 759344 W NASA BLVD W NEW HAVEN AVE W NEW HAVEN AVE WAL - MART WAL-MART WASHINGTON AVE WAVERLY PL WICKHAM RD WICKHAM RD 265 266 267 268 269 29657 759343 11475 11485 11476 WICKHAM RD WICKHAM RD WICKHAM RD WICKHAM RD WICKHAM RD On Street SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 Cross Street ROCKET RD INDEPENDENCE AVE VIERA HIGH SCHOOL CROTON RD MAGNOLIA LAKES BROADBAND DR SAN PAULO CT GRUMMAN LN SOCIAL SECURITY OFFICE S COUNTRY CLUB RD WINDOVER SQUARE WALMART WICKHAM RD SR-50 NEW HAVEN AVE AURORA RD CVS INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICES LONGLEAF TARGET TROPIC DR WAL-MART VIERA 29 Location 90' North 20' East 75' South 100' East 350' West 510' West 340' East 25' North 700' West 1240' East 145' East 150' North 160' South 150' North 20' North 380' North 150' East 100' North 150' North 140' West 20' South 140' East BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Step 3: Prioritization of SCAT’s Improvement Responsibilities The third step in developing the phased implementation plan was to prioritize SCAT’s bus stop improvement responsibilities. This was accomplished using additional process steps. First, “quick fix” bus stop improvements were ascertained by defining identified issues that could be quickly and easily addressed by at relatively low cost. Second, bus stops were identified that could possibly be improved in conjunction with planned transportation projects. Lastly, a five-year phased implementation plan was created to help guide SCAT in addressing the more significant improvements at the remaining bus stops. 4.1 IDENTIFY QUICK FIX IMPROVEMENTS The first step in prioritizing SCAT’s improvement responsibilities was to determine which improvements are “quick fixes” and can be made in the near-term. This includes stops with comparatively minor issues that can be addressed with minimal effort and/or cost. These types of issues would represent an opportunity for a “quick fix” that falls under the responsibility of SCAT and that can be addressed right away without a significant budgetary impact. For purposes of this analysis, a quick fix improvement consists of the following: The addition, replacement, or modification of the bus stop sign is required, or The cost estimate is less than or equal to $2000 per stop, or Other minor or partial improvements, such as an obstruction or accessibility issue caused by an official or 3rd party bench or trash can. Keep in mind that the modification or removal of 3rd party amenities is not SCAT’s responsibility. However, having non-compliant amenities/infrastructure associated with SCAT’s bus stops could cause issues, and as such it is recommended that they be remediated. Also, as previously mentioned, bus stops that serve more than one route are required to display, on the bus stop sign, the bus routes that serve that particular stop. While this particular attribute was not assessed for all bus stops, in locations where bus route identification signs are missing, they should be (re)mounted. A list of those bus stops that have improvements considered to be quick fixes is presented in Table 4-4. It should be noted that this list was generated for those bus stops meeting the quick fix criteria needing the quick fix improvement listed above, regardless of whether other (non-quick fix) improvements also are needed at the bus stop. It should also be noted that “quick fix” does not mean full compliance when the work is complete; it is just addressing an immediate issue or deficiency. SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 30 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Table 4-4 Bus Stops Recommended for Quick Fixes # Bus Stop ID Rank 1 2 3 10731 11011 27945 19 20 28 4 27960 60 5 11220 77 6 7 8 9 10 11272 11018 11278 11059 29553 82 108 112 115 121 11 12 13 14 15 15803 29557 27948 11138 29551 131 133 141 145 150 16 10829 153 17 18 11140 11268 154 156 19 11213 168 20 21 22 23 24 10965 15808 20586 10747 11225 169 169 177 180 180 25 11293 183 26 27 28 29 11023 11128 11261 11288 189 190 191 207 Intersection TRANSIT CENTER COCOA & VARR AVE SR520 & S GROVE ST S SIDE SOUTH ST & S PARK AVE MERRITT SQUARE MALL & SR 520 HARRISON STREET & JC PENNEYS N ATLANTIC AVE & E CENTRAL BLVD SR 520 & N BANANA RIVER DR DIXON BLVD & WESTMINSTER S BABCOCK ST & FASHION BUG FISKE BLVD & CHURCH ST COURTENAY PALMS APARTMENTS & COURTENAY PKWY S COCOA BLVD & SR 520 GARDEN ST & HOLIDAY LN FISKE BLVD & ST ANDREWS DR FISKE BLVD & NICKLAUS DR S HICKORY ST & E FEE AVE FISKE BLVD & BOUGANVILLEA DR FISKE BLVD & GENEVIEVE AVE ROSALIND AVE E SIDE & WASHINGTON WALMART MELBOURNE & WALMART TARGET & AT TARGET S HOPKINS AVE & OLEANDER PL SR 520 & PINEAPPLE AVE US- 1 & BAY TOWERS SR 520 & SUNSET CAFE E MERRITT ISLAND CSWY & PUBLIX FISKE BLVD & PINEDALE RD CLEARLAKE RD & MELROSE ST CLEARLAKE RD & MICHIGAN AVE SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 31 Item(s) Relocate Bench, Relocate Trash Can Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Trash Can Relocate Bench Relocate Trash Can Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Trash Can Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench, Relocate Trash Can Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Trash Can New Sign New Sign Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench, Relocate Trash Can New Sign Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY # Bus Stop ID Rank 30 31 32 33 34 20594 11316 20587 29623 29589 208 209 212 212 216 35 11230 220 36 11003 228 37 38 11252 29555 242 245 39 40 27961 11174 247 248 41 11222 267 42 43 11019 10947 268 274 44 45 46 11248 759337 11443 276 278 285 47 48 11206 29550 291 291 49 11302 303 50 51 52 10733 11207 11185 310 324 326 53 10958 332 54 11287 337 55 29518 355 56 15804 370 57 11133 374 Intersection N WASHINGTON AVE & JESS PARRISH CT GLEN CHEEK DR & RUSTYS S HOPKINS AVE & LA PALOMA LN MURRELL RD & EYSTER BLVD GARDEN ST & U-HAUL GARDEN AVE & GARDEN PARK APT N COURTENAY PKWY & CENTRE OF MERRITT PUBLIX SR 520 & BELT RD FISKE BLVD & PLUCKEBAUM RD SR 520 & MERRITT SQUARE MALL WAL-MART & WAL-MART STADIUM PARKWAY & SPACE COAST STADIUM SR 520 & KAWANIS ISLAND SOUTH SIDE N WICKHAM RD & MCDONALDS PARK AVENUE & MAIN STREET WICKHAM RD & INTERLACHEN ROSA L JONES DR & FISKE BLVD N ATLANTIC AVE & MANGO MANOR DR E SIDE FISKE BLVD & BARTON BLVD S WASHINGTON AVE & N TERRIER TRAIL ROSA L JONES BLVD & PAW PAW ST SR 520 & SUNSET CAFE S WASHINGTON AVE & LEE CT LAKE WASHINGTON RD & GOLF ISLE DR CLEARLAKE RD & OTTERBEIN AVE S WASHINGTON AVE & KNOX MCRAE DR SOUTH COURTENAY PKWY & TJ MAXX FLORIDA AVE & ROCKLEDGE AVE SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 32 Item(s) Relocate Bench New Sign Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench New Sign Relocate Bench, Relocate Trash Can Relocate Bench Relocate Bench New Sign Relocate Trash Can Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench, Relocate Trash Can Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Trash Can Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench, Relocate Trash Can Relocate Bench, Relocate Trash Can Relocate Bench New Sign Relocate Bench BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY # 58 59 Bus Stop ID 11440 11012 Rank 374 389 60 61 62 63 11173 759340 29523 29585 394 404 424 441 64 15818 446 65 11172 449 66 11178 452 67 68 29516 29549 457 458 69 11004 460 70 11233 467 71 72 10738 11269 468 469 73 11223 470 74 10889 487 75 29554 496 76 11015 497 77 78 11008 29626 501 505 79 80 81 11126 29524 29528 507 509 511 82 83 11280 29547 519 527 84 85 10869 11224 528 536 Intersection SR 520 & AURORA RD SR 520 & MILFORD POINT WHISPERING HILL MHP & ENTRANCE FISKE & ST ANDREWS DR N COCOA BLVD & PALM ST US- 1 & MASTERSON ST FLORIDA AVE & ROCKLEDGE MALL S WASHINGTON AVE & DELESPINE AVE S WASHINGTON AVE & N TERRIER TRAIL S WASHINGTON AVE & COURT ST FISKE BLVD & MEDALLION DR SR 520 & JIMMY VICKERS CAR DEALER N COCOA BLVD & SPACE COAST FLEA MARKET ROSA L JONES BLVD & FISKE BLVD SR 520 & N BANANA RIVER DR S WASHINGTON AVE & PARKER DR STEWART RD & SAN JUAN CIR CLE FISKE BLVD & BOUGANVILLEA DR S SYKES CREEK PKWY & E MERRITT ISLAND CSWY N COURTENAY PKWY & MCDONALDS MURRELL RD & BARNES BLVD FLORIDA AVE & BOUGAINVILLEA DR N COCOA BLVD & ELKCAM BLVD N COCOA BLVD & CAMP RD SR 520 & NEWFOUND HARBOR DR FISKE BLVD & LOWES LAKE WASHINGTON RD & BOGEY LANE N COCOA BLVD & MICHIGAN AVE SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 33 Item(s) Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench, Relocate Trash Can Relocate Bench BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY # Bus Stop ID Rank 86 10901 539 87 88 10914 29649 542 551 89 20596 553 90 91 92 93 94 11006 10956 29624 11257 11286 559 560 565 570 573 95 96 97 98 11167 11285 11031 10909 591 602 609 617 99 100 11493 11492 617 620 101 10997 629 102 103 104 29569 11021 11254 631 634 639 105 29579 641 106 11175 642 107 108 109 11184 10723 29525 642 644 651 110 111 10918 11156 656 672 112 29583 675 113 114 115 29571 29650 11243 699 703 707 Intersection WICKHAM RD & BRUNSWICK HARBOR LANES NASA BLVD & BABCOCK ST MURRELL RD & HAVERTY CT N WASHINGTON AVE & BUFFALO RD N COURTENAY PKWY & CROCKETT BLVD PARKWAY DR & SHADY DELL LN MURRELL RD & LEVITT PKWY SR 524 & POST OFFICE SR 524 & POST OFFICE S WASHINGTON AVE & MIRACLE CITY MALL N COCOA BLVD & MCLEOD DR SR 520 & KAWANIS ISLAND EVANS RD & COMMERCE DR MAPLEWOOD BLVD & SR 520 SAMS CLUB & N COURTENAY PKWY & DIANA BLVD N COCOA BLVD & RIVERSIDE APTS SR 520 & S BANANA RIVER DR N FISKE BLVD & SCHOOL ST S WASHINGTON AVE & PRITCHARD ST S WASHINGTON AVE & RIVEREDGE DR N COCOA BLVD & PORT ST JOHN PLAZA N COCOA BLVD & FAIRMONT DR N COCOA BLVD & FAY BLVD PINEAPPLE AVE & ASCENSION MANOR N HIGHWAY A1A & OCEAN BLVD S WASHINGTON AVE & SYCAMORE ST N COCOA BLVD & COTTRELL AVE MURRELL RD & EYSTER BLVD US- 1 & RIVEREDGE DR SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 34 Item(s) Relocate Bench Relocate Bench, Relocate Trash Can Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Trash Can Relocate Bench, Relocate Trash Can New Sign Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench, Relocate Trash Can Relocate Bench Relocate Bench BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY # 116 Bus Stop ID 11235 Rank 708 117 118 119 29526 10726 11490 737 738 740 120 121 11226 10719 742 744 122 10730 750 123 11205 761 124 10998 766 125 126 127 128 129 10915 11158 11070 10737 11127 768 770 780 782 800 130 131 132 133 134 135 11265 11496 11305 10721 10724 11424 801 802 803 805 808 818 136 137 138 139 29535 11314 11274 29542 824 827 836 849 Intersection US- 1 & BOARDWALK CONDOS N COCOA BLVD & BROADWAY BLVD N COCOA BLVD & BELMONT AVE SR 520 & BURNETT RD US- 1 & 500 BUILDING AT DRIVEWAY N COCOA BLVD & DIXON BLVD N COCOA BLVD & CANAVERAL GROVES BLVD CAROLINE ST N SIDE & ROSALIND AVE COURTENAY PKWY & COUNTRY CLUB APTS PINEAPPLE AVE & ASCENSION MANOR N HIGHWAY A1A & BERKELEY ST LIPSCOMB ST & POST OFFICE CLEARLAKE RD & BCC FISKE BLVD & MARTIN RD CAROLINE ST & CANAVERAL BLVD SR 520 & LAKE VIEW BLVD DIXON BLVD & PINEDA ST N COCOA BLVD & DIXON BLVD N COCOA BLVD & MCLEOD DR CULVER DR & SENIOR CENTER N COCOA BLVD & BEAU GESTE RD WASHINGTON AVE & SR-50 FISKE BLVD & ROY WALL BLVD FISKE BLVD & LOWES SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 35 Item(s) Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench New Sign, Relocate Bench, Relocate Trash Can Relocate Bench Relocate Bench New Sign Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench Relocate Bench BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY 4.2 IDENTIFY FUND LEVERAGING OPPORTUNITIES The second step in addressing the SCAT’s improvement responsibilities was to determine which bus stop improvements can be completed in conjunction with various types of planned transportation projects, including roadway widening, and transportation enhancements being implemented by FDOT, Brevard County, and/or various municipalities. It should be noted that if a road is being altered, which would include repaving, than all ADA issues associated with the bus stops, sidewalks, curb ramps, pedestrian signals, and pedestrian crossings adjoining the improved roadway must be rectified by the agency completing the roadway improvements. It was found that in the FDOT’s 5 year work program, dated 12/23/2014, projects 435424-1, 435429-1, 435430-1, 434972-1, 434971-1, 432412-1, 434816-1, 434741-1, 237592-2, 432437-1, 428876-1, 424887-1, 430666-1, 237650-2, 430658-1, 413761-1, 431139-1, 432443-1, 434417-2, 423630-2, 430667-1, 430667-2, 430668-1, 430657-1, and 428753-1 occurs on sections of road that currently contains bus stops. Table 4-5 presents a list of the bus stops whose improvements may be able to be “piggy backed” with those transportation projects. While it is believed that some cost efficiencies would result, it is not known at this time the amount that the SCAT could potentially save by completing the bus stop improvements concurrent with planned transportation projects. Therefore, no attempt has been made in this study to estimate the amount that may be saved. For those bus stop improvements that may be completed in conjunction with projects in Florida Department of Transportation’s (FDOT) Five Year Work Program for FY 2015-2019, the bus stops are noted in the phased implementation plan as possibly tying into the projects. The phasing takes into account the year the majority of project funding will be made available. Therefore, SCAT’s bus stop improvement cost for each of the potentially leveraged stops in the phased implementation plan is tied to the year that the transportation improvement is planned to occur over the next five years. SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 36 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Table 4-5 Potential Piggy-Backed Bus Stops Item Number 237592-2 237650-2 423630-2 424887-1 428876-1 430658-1 430668-1 431139-1 Bus Stop ID 10719,10721,10723,10724,11 224,11275,11285,29534,2953 5,29536,29537,29538,29539,2 9558,29560,29561,29562,295 90,29591 Location SR 5 (US 1) FROM N OF PINE STREET TO N OF CIDCO ROAD SR 507 (BABCOCK ST) FROM MELBOURNE AVE TO FEE AVE 10831,10941,10966,10983 10753,10754,10755,10756,10 757,10759,10761,10764,1076 5,10768,10769,10771,10772,1 0773,10774,10776,10777,107 82,10783,10789,10790,10794, 10796,10797 SR A1A FROM 16TH STREET TO WAKULLA LANE SR 5 US 1 FROM N OF OYSTER PLACE TO N OF BONEVENTURE DR ) 29643,29644 10725,10726,10727,10730,10 750,11122,11169,11184,1122 8,11233,11235,29521,29522,2 9523,29524,29525,29526,295 27,29528,29529,29530,29531, 29532,29533,29563,29564,29 565,29566,29567,29568,2956 9,29570,29571,29572,29573,2 9574,29575,29576 10910,10914,10948,10984,11 355,11473,759347 SR 5 US 1 FROM N OF CIDCO RD TO N OF GOLDEN KNIGHTS BLVD 11014,11017,15803 11002,11004,11009,11012,11 013,11018,11019,11021,1102 4,11026,11031,11269,11280,2 7960,27961,27962 434816-1 759348 434971-1 11245 434972-1 10715,11206,11272 SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 Year of Construction 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 SR 508 FROM EDDIE ALLEN RD TO SR 5 (US1) 2015 SR3 (COURTNEY PKWY) FROM SR 520 TO SKYLARK AVENUE 2015 SR 520 FROM ERIK COURT TO BANANA RIVER BR#700208 2015 SR 5 (US 1) AT SARNO RD PEACHTREE STREET FROM BLAKE STREET TO PINEDA STREET NORTH ATLANTIC AVE STREETSCAPE / FROM A1A TO NORTH CITY LIMITS 37 2015 2015 2015 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Item Number 428753-1 430666-1 430667-1 430667-2 Bus Stop ID 10799,10800,10801,10802,10 803,10804,10805,10806,1080 7,10810,10811,10812,10814,1 0815,10816,10817,10818,108 72,10895,11142,11143,11144, 11145,11146,11147,11148,11 151,11152,11153,11154,1115 5,11156,11157,11158,11159,1 1160,11161,15807,15819 Location SRA1A (ATLANTIC AVE) FROM N OF SR500 US 192 TO S OF SR 404 SR 500 (US 192) BABCOCK ST TO BEGINNING OF THE MELBOURNE CAUSEWAY 10834,10845,10847,10851,10 951,10953,10976 10754,10755,10758,10760,10 764,10773,10776,10778,1078 0,10783,10788,10789,10790,1 0794,10796,10797,20585 10752,10763,10770,10775,10 779,10781,10787,10791,1079 2,10793,10795,11014,11017,1 5803 SR A1A S OF SHERRY LEE LANE TO NORTH OF SUNFLOWER ST SR A1A SB ONE WAY PAIR TO ATLANTIC AVE 432412-1 11229 434741-1 29643 SR 406 W OF SINGLETON AVE TO E OF SINGLETON AVE SR 5 (US 1) FROM N OF OTTER CREEK LN TO N OF OYSTER PLACE 435424-1 11446 FLORIDA AVENUE FROM KING STREET TO ROSA L JONES 435429-1 10822,10829,10894,10954,10 959,11321,11323 430657-1 HICKORY STREET FROM NEW HAVEN AVENUE TO NASA BLVD SR5 (US1) FROM LAW ST TO POST RD 10883,29585,29586,29587 432437-1 11170,11175,11243,29520,29 577,29578,10822 432443-1 11439,11485,11489,11490,11 494,11495,11496 434417-2 11207,11246,11252,11293 435430-1 11181,11221,11431,11466,16 395,20584,20585,20586,2058 7,20588,27956,27957 413761-1 29602,29611 SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 SR 5 (US1) E OF GOLDEN KNIGHTS TO W OF SR50(OLD CHENEY HWY) SR 520 FROM TUCKER LANE TO AURORA ROAD SR 520 FROM WEST OF BANANA RIVER BRIDGE TO SR A1A HOPKINS STREET FROM SR 50 TO US 1 SR 514 FROM WEBER RD TO COREY ROAD 38 Year of Construction 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2019 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY 4.3 PRIORITIZATION PROCESS FOR PHASED IMPLEMENTATION PLAN SCAT’s limited financial and staff resources prevent all of the required bus stop improvements from being implemented at one time. Therefore, a prioritization process was created with the intention to rate the conditions at each stop and assess needs to determine which improvements should be implemented first. This third and final step in addressing SCAT’s improvement responsibilities involved ranking the remaining bus stop improvements with a two-step process: Step 1: Rate the accessibility, safety/security, and operational efficiency conditions of each bus stop. Step 2: Assess the potential benefit to be derived by the improvements by reviewing bus stop activity and trip generator activity factors (i.e., community facilities). Step 1: Rate Conditions at the Bus Stops The initial assessment of the remaining bus stop improvement needs focused on issues with the bus stops related to three major characteristics: accessibility, safety/security, and operational efficiency. To conduct this analysis, three steps were followed to guide the prioritization of bus stops related to these three major characteristics. As part of the inventory process, information on multiple data elements was collected to support the evaluation of the accessibility, safety/security, and operational efficiency of each bus stop. This information was utilized to determine a score for each bus stop, as summarized in Appendix E, and whether the overall condition assessment of each characteristic falls into one of three rating ranges: high, medium, or low. These ratings account for the fact that there are two factors that could drive the scores: the relative number of deficiencies present at the stop and the relative nature of those deficiencies (i.e., how critical they are compared to the deficiencies in other elements). Given these two factors, the meaning of each ratings range is as follows: High – Either the stop has no deficiencies or very few less-critical deficiencies. Medium – Either the stop has very few critical deficiencies or a greater number of less-critical deficiencies. Low – Either the stop has many critical deficiencies, a combination of critical and less-critical deficiencies, or all of its elements are deficient to some degree. SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 39 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Accessibility This category addresses how accessible and available the bus stop is to the passenger. It determines how easy or difficult the bus stop is to navigate by assessing obstructions within the accessible path or sidewalks, presence of infrastructure such as curb ramps or bus stop signs, and the compliance of that infrastructure. An overall accessibility score was developed for each bus stop using the following elements related to accessibility: bus stop location; presence of a controlled pedestrian crossing; presence of a curb and compliant curb ramp; ability to maneuver a wheelchair through shelter; bench obstruction; presence and compliance of a sidewalk; presence and compliance of landing area; and presence and compliance of the bus stop sign. Each of the above elements were assessed for their level of accessibility. An element was given a positive score if it was accessible and a zero or negative score based upon its level non-compliance. As noted previously, this information was utilized to determine whether the accessibility score calculated for each SCAT bus stop falls into one of three ratings ranges: high, medium, and low. Table 4-6 presents the distribution of the accessibility scores developed for SCAT’s bus stops. Table 4-7 presents a list of the 10 bus stops with the highest accessibility scores. While Table 4-8 presents a list of the 10 bus stops with the lowest accessibility scores, signifying those stops with the greatest preponderance of accessibility issues. Note that the top and bottom ten stops listed below is just a sample. In some cases, the score was tied with other stops. SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 40 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Table 4-6 Distribution of Accessibility Scores Ratings Range # of Bus Stops Distribution Very Low (<=0) 304 36% Low (>0 & <=5) 344 40% Medium (>5 & <=10) 158 19% High (>10 & <=15) 41 5% Very High (>15) 5 1% Total 852 100% Table 4-7 Bus Stops with Highest Accessibility Score # 1 2 3 4 5 Bus Stop ID 11416 10825 11266 29656 10877 6 7 8 9 10 11279 11281 10993 11259 27960 Intersection HAMMOCK LANDING & NORFOLK PKWY MELBOURNE AIRPORT & AIRPORT FISKE BLVD & BARTON BLVD N EVANS & MALL N WICKHAM RD & COLLEGEWOOD DR BCC COCOA & EASTERN FLORIDA STATE COLLEGE SHEPARD PARK & PIZZA HUT BCC MELBOURNE BUILDING 5 & WICKAM RD GEORGE J KING BLVD & MARLIN ST MERRITT SQUARE MALL & SR 520 Accessibility Score 16 16 16 16 16 Rank 8 12 21 45 48 15 14 14 14 14 80 22 27 57 60 Accessibility Score -6 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 Rank 805 850 839 808 784 776 773 772 743 605 Table 4-8 Top 10 Bus Stops with Lowest Accessibility Score # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Bus Stop ID 10721 10852 10979 10724 10936 10873 10988 11160 10815 11355 Intersection N COCOA BLVD & DIXON BLVD N WICKHAM RD & LAKE WASHINGTON RD W HIBISCUS BLVD & SAN PAULO CT N COCOA BLVD & MCLEOD DR N WICKHAM RD & SUMMER BROOK ST WICKHAM RD & AURORA RD COUNTRY CLUB RD & EDGEWOOD DR N HIGHWAY A1A & BEACHSIDE APTS N MIRAMAR AVE & BLUEBERRY MUFFIN NASA BLVD & EDDIE ALLEN RD SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 41 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Safety/Security Similar to the accessibility score, an overall safety/security score was developed for each bus stop using seven elements related to safety/security. This category rates how safe or secure the passenger is when accessing the stop or standing at the stop while waiting for the bus. This involves such issues as location of the bus stop and whether the passengers/pedestrians would be visible to oncoming traffic or potential hazards at the bus stop such as steep swales or guide wires. The following elements were used to develop the safety/security score: bus stop location; presence of a controlled pedestrian crossing; presence of detectible warnings on the curb ramp; presence of marked crosswalk(s); landing area in a safe location; presence of lighting; and presence of other potential safety or security hazards. Each of the above elements were assessed for their level of safety and security. An element was given a positive score if it was safe/secure and a zero or negative score based upon its lack of safety/security. This information was utilized to determine whether the safety/security score calculated for each SCAT bus stop falls into one of three ratings ranges: high, medium, and low. Table 4-9 presents the distribution of the safety/security scores developed for SCAT’s bus stops. Table 4-10 presents a list of the 10 bus stops with the highest safety/security scores, while Table 4-11 presents a list of the 10 bus stops with the lowest safety/security scores, signifying those stops with the greatest preponderance of Safety/security issues. Note that the top and bottom ten stops listed below is just a sample. In some cases, the score was tied with other stops. SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 42 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Table 4-9 Distribution of Safety/Security Scores Ratings Range # of Bus Stops Distribution Very Low (<=2) 218 26% Low (>2 & <=4) 133 16% Medium (>4 & <=6) 259 30% High (>6 & <=8) 139 16% Very High (>8) 103 12% Total 852 100% Table 4-10 Top 10 Bus Stops with Highest Safety/Security Score # 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bus Stop ID 10798 11198 10839 11416 10825 11027 7 8 9 10 10845 11011 11266 11281 Intersection N ATLANTIC AVE & CANAVERAL PLAZA BLVD NE PALM BAY RD & PORT MALABAR RD N HARBOR CITY BLVD & BALLARD DR HAMMOCK LANDING & NORFOLK PKWY MELBOURNE AIRPORT & AIRPORT RICHLAND AVE & MANOR HOUSE E STRAWBRIDGE AVE & TRINITY TOWERS WEST SR520 & S GROVE ST S SIDE FISKE BLVD & BARTON BLVD N SHEPARD PARK & PIZZA HUT Safety Score 9 9 9 9 9 9 Rank 1 1 5 8 12 17 9 9 9 9 18 20 21 22 Safety Score -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 Rank 744 848 824 808 805 802 785 759 741 644 Table 4-11 Bottom 10 Bus Stops with Lowest Safety/Security Score # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Bus Stop ID 10719 29521 29535 10724 10721 11496 29533 15828 11275 10723 Intersection N COCOA BLVD & DIXON BLVD US- 1 & ROCKET RD N COCOA BLVD & BEAU GESTE RD N COCOA BLVD & MCLEOD DR N COCOA BLVD & DIXON BLVD SR 520 & LAKE VIEW BLVD N COCOA BLVD & CROSS RD NE EMERSON DR & NESBIT ST N COCOA BLVD & HIGH POINT DR N COCOA BLVD & FAIRMONT DR SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 43 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Operational Efficiency An overall operational efficiency score was developed for each bus stop. This category rates each bus stop by its effectiveness to facilitate timely and efficient operation of the transit system. The following five elements related to operational efficiency were used to develop the score: Bus location when stopped (e.g., right-turn lane, curb lane, parking lane, etc.); bus stop relation to nearest intersection (e.g., near side, far side mid-block, etc.) presence of controlled pedestrian crossing; potential hazards; and presence and compliance of a sign at the bus stop. Each of the above elements were assessed for their level of operational efficiency. An element was given a positive score if it was determined to be operationally efficient accessible and a zero or negative score based upon its level non-operational efficiency. This information was utilized to determine whether the operational efficiency score calculated for each SCAT bus stop falls into one of three ratings ranges: high, medium, and low. Table 4-12 presents the distribution of the operational efficiency scores developed for SCAT’s bus stops. Table 4-13 presents a list of the 10 bus stops with the highest operational efficiency scores, while Table 4-14 presents a list of the 10 bus stops with the lowest operational efficiency scores, signifying those stops with the greatest preponderance of operational efficiency issues. Note that the top and bottom ten stops listed below is just a sample. In some cases, the score was tied with other stops. SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 44 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Table 4-12 Distribution of Operational Efficiency Scores Ratings Range Very Low (<=1) Low (>1 & <=2) Medium (>2 & <=3) High (>3 & <=4) Very High (>4) Total # of Bus Stops 71 255 219 152 155 852 Distribution 8% 30% 26% 18% 18% 100% Table 4-13 Top 10 Bus Stops with Highest Operational Efficiency Score # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Bus Stop ID 10798 11198 10839 11005 10845 10731 11011 10785 10822 11043 Intersection N ATLANTIC AVE & CANAVERAL PLAZA BLVD NE PALM BAY RD & PORT MALABAR RD N HARBOR CITY BLVD & BALLARD DR SR 520 & N GROVE ST E STRAWBRIDGE AVE & TRINITY TOWERS WEST TRANSIT CENTER COCOA & VARR AVE SR520 & S GROVE ST S SIDE N ATLANTIC AVE & ST LUCIE LN S HICKORY ST & E FEE AVE / MELBOURNE LIBRARY NW MALABAR RD & MAYWOOD AVE Operation Score 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Rank 1 1 5 6 18 19 20 24 32 36 Operation Score -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Rank 765 370 169 741 620 248 228 189 169 8 Table 4-14 Bottom 10 Bus Stops with Lowest Operational Efficiency Score # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Bus Stop ID 800014 15804 15808 11275 11492 11174 11003 11023 10965 11041 Intersection COMMUNITY COLLEGE PKWY & MOTEL 6 SOUTH COURTENAY PKWY & TJ MAXX TARGET & AT TARGET N COCOA BLVD & HIGH POINT DR SAMS CLUB WAL-MART & WAL-MART N COURTENAY PKWY & MERRITT PUBLIX E MERRITT ISLAND CSWY & PUBLIX WALMART MELBOURNE & WALMART BCC PALM BAY & BCC SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 45 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Step 2: Assess Factors Related to the Need for Improvements The second step in the process was assessing factors that relate to the need for the improvement – where would the most benefits be derived. Passenger boarding and alighting at the stop in conjunction with the adjacent destinations are used to make this determination. Bus Stop Activity Bus stop activity was assessed for the majority of the stops using a partial manual ridecheck. Bus stop activity is typically defined as the total number of passengers boarding and alighting at a single stop over the course of an average weekday. However, since the ridecheck for each route did not always encompass an entire day’s worth of data, the ridership data was normalized. Bus stop activity data criterion is important in helping establish the relative “necessity” of each stop because of the level of patron use. The higher the usage of the stop, the more pertinent are the deficiencies. Table 4-15 presents the distribution of the ridership at SCAT’s bus stops. Table 4-16 presents a list of the 10 bus stops with the highest ridership, while Table 4-17 presents a list of the 10 bus stops with the lowest ridership. The average normalized ridership was calculated based on multiple manual ridership data counts. Although, in some cases, the average daily ridership reported is zero, throughout the year riders may have boarded and alighted at that particular stop, just not when the manual counts were performed. Also note that the top and bottom ten stops listed below are just a sample. In some cases, the ridership values were tied with other stops. SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 46 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Table 4-15 Distribution of Bus Stop Activity Scores Ratings Range Very Low (<=0) Low (>0 & <=1) Medium (>1 & <=2) High (>2 & <=3) Very High (>3) Total # of Bus Stops 351 174 248 38 41 852 Distribution 41% 20% 29% 4% 5% 100% Table 4-16 Top 10 Bus Stops with Highest Ridership # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Bus Stop ID 29662 11418 10731 11283 15811 11043 11236 10919 11027 10825 Intersection CROTON & QUAIL RIDGE GATEWAY DR & PENN ST TRANSIT CENTER COCOA & VARR AVE POLK AVE & CAPE CANAVERAL LIBRARY S WASHINGTON AVE & SOUTH ST NW MALABAR RD & MAYWOOD AVE ASTRONAUT BLVD & RESIDENCE INN PARKWAY DR & STEWART RD RICHLAND AVE & MANOR HOUSE MELBOURNE AIRPORT & AIRPORT Ridership 113 93 60 60 31 24 15 14 14 12 Rank 56 33 19 16 15 36 13 89 17 12 Ridership 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rank 405 405 663 669 695 738 0 0 0 750 752 792 0 805 Table 4-17 Bottom 10 Bus Stops with Lowest Ridership # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 Bus Stop ID 10757 10771 10773 10714 10763 10726 10730 10758 10770 Intersection N ATLANTIC AVE & COCOA ISLES BLVD N ATLANTIC AVE & HOLIDAY LN S ATLANTIC AVE & S 16TH ST N ATLANTIC AVE & HOLMAN AVE S ORLANDO AVE & SUMMER ST N COCOA BLVD & BELMONT AVE N COCOA BLVD & CANAVERAL GROVES BLVD S ATLANTIC AVE & E 28TH ST S ORLANDO AVE & E CIRCLE AVE 10721 N COCOA BLVD & DIXON BLVD SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 47 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Nearby Trip Generators During the inventory process to collect SCAT bus stop information, the surveyors also assessed and recorded information on various key trip generators (e.g., schools, offices, shopping centers, social service agencies, etc.) that were located near each bus stop. This information was taken into consideration when analyzing the stops, since some of these generators are typically more closely related to transit use. This criterion is also important in establishing the relative “necessity” of a particular stop. Stops that serve nearby transit generators are critical despite the level of ridership because the trips are critical. The more trip generators around the stop, the more pertinent the deficiencies. Table 4-18 list 25 bus stops that serve important trip generators that were noted during the inventory process. Table 4-18 Stops Serving Major Trip Generators Bus Stop ID 10726 Intersection Trip Generator TRANSIT CENTER COCOA & VARR AVE Medical/Rehab, Office/Commercial, Retail Office/Commercial, Residential, Transit Station/Bus Transfer 10760 S ATLANTIC AVE & FERN ST Government, Residential 10825 MELBOURNE AIRPORT & AIRPORT Transit Station/Bus Transfer, airport 10861 N. WICKHAM RD. & WUESTOFF HOSPITAL Medical/Rehab, Office/Commercial, Retail 10864 PARKWAY DR & CROTON BLVD Government, Residential 10865 PARKWAY DR & CROTON RD Government, Residential 10877 N WICKHAM RD & COLLEGEWOOD DR School/Day Care 10882 N. WICKHAM RD & BUSH DR Medical/Rehab, Office/Commercial, Retail 10971 LIPSCOMB ST & POPLAR LN Church, Government, Residential 10972 LIPSCOMB ST & JUANITA CIR Government, Residential 10993 BCC MELBOURNE BUILDING 5 & WICKAM RD School/Day Care 11008 N COURTENAY PKWY & MCDONALDS Medical/Rehab, Office/Commercial, Retail 11019 SR 520 & KAWANIS ISLAND SOUTH SIDE Government 11026 SR 520 & PLUMOSA ST Medical/Rehab, Office/Commercial, Retail 11034 PALM BAY WEST SHOPPING CENTER & MINTON Medical/Rehab, Office/Commercial, Retail 11041 BCC PALM BAY & BCC School/Day Care 11058 TREELAND BLVD & CHERSO CT. Office/Commercial, School/Day Care 11090 S BABCOCK ST & PORT MALABAR BLVD Medical/Rehab, Office/Commercial, Retail 11121 S ATLANTIC AVE & PAFB MAIN GATE S SIDE Government, Residential 11131 FISKE BLVD & NICKLAUS DR. Government, Residential 11157 N HIGHWAY A1A & PATRICK DR Government, Residential 11188 N WICKHAM RD & MURREL RD Medical/Rehab, Office/Commercial, Retail 11221 NORTH BREVARD LIBRARY & S HOPKINS AVE Government 11247 N BREVARD AVE & COCOA BEACH LIBRARY Government, Residential 10731 N COCOA BLVD & BELMONT AVE SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 48 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY All of the previous factors were reviewed and an implementation program was prepared to prioritize the improvements. This implementation program was then reviewed to determine compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. As a federally funded transit system, SCAT must ensure that the services and programs are in compliance with Title VI requirements, as described below: “No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participating in, or denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. The grantee must ensure that federally supported transit services and related benefits are distributed in an equitable manner.” (Source: FTA Triennial Review Workbook, FY 2008) To review Title VI compliance, a GIS-based analysis of SCAT’s service area was completed to assess the comparative nature and distribution of the proposed bus stop improvements, consolidations, and deletions with regard to both minority and nonminority portions of the service area. Title VI Assessment Methodology The 2000-2011 American Community Survey estimates were used to identify the average low-income and minority populations within SCAT’s service area. The service area average was then used to evaluate all block groups within the county. Then the block groups below the industry standard of $20,000 for poverty level income and the above average minority population were selected. Figure 4-2 and Figure 4-3 illustrates the GIS analysis conducted and resulting Title VI areas within Brevard County. Title VI Assessment Results An analysis, using ArcGIS, was conducted to determine the Title VI block groups in SCAT’s service area. Based on this analysis, 55 percent of the total bus stops are located in Title VI low income areas and 36 percent of the total bus stops are located in Title VI minority areas. Overall, 68 percent of the bus stops are located within a Title VI area. The implementation plan calls for improvements to be made to 99 percent all bus stops. 67 percent of the bus stops needing improvements are identified as being located in Title VI areas. Based on this review, it was concluded that the implementation program is in compliance with Title VI requirements. SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 49 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Note: $20,000 is an industry standard for poverty level income for three person households, as reported by the US Department of Health and Human Services. Figure 4-2 Brevard County Low Income Title VI Areas SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 50 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Note: 16.4% is obtained from the sum of the county’s minority population divided by the county’s total population. Figure 4-3 Brevard County Minority Population Title VI Areas SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 51 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY 5.0 IMPLEMENTATION AND FINANCIAL PLAN In the previous sections, the improvements that are required to improve accessibility conditions at bus stops and facilities were identified, and the entities responsible for undertaking the improvements were listed. The next step in the process is the development of an Implementation and Financial Plan for SCAT’s required improvements. This was undertaken through the following efforts: 5.1 preparing cost estimates for the required improvements; identifying funding that is available for the improvements; and reviewing the specific improvements in more detail and categorizing them into two separate groups. These include: o quick fix improvements; and o improvements that require more time, effort, and/or funding. DEVELOPMENT OF IMPROVEMENT COSTS In order to develop the Implementation and Financial Plan, unit costs for each type of improvement were developed. These unit costs were based on recent experiences with other transit agencies and, when available, standard industry costs when local data was not available. It is important to note that the unit costs include across-the-board assumptions that will need to be reviewed prior to the actual improvement being completed. Table 5-1 includes the unit costs for each type of improvement that were used to estimate the improvement costs. In addition, this table includes the total number of bus stops needing each type of improvement, as well as the total cost by improvement type. Note that the costs included in the table below are planning level estimates, once the projects progress through design, the actual construction opinions of cost will become more refined. While the overall project costs for mobilization, maintenance of traffic, signed and sealed plans, and clearing and grubbing may seem high, SCAT does not have the funding to go out and make all of these improvements at one time, which would offer the most economy of scale. Therefore, cost estimates are reflective of multiple smaller phases that will be more conducive to the funding available. SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 52 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Table 5-1 Cost Estimate Improvement Relocate Bus Stop1 New Boarding & Alighting Area2 Partial Boarding & Alighting Area2 New Sidewalk/Connecting Path2 Add/Replace/Move Bus Sign At Stop Add Detectable Warnings3 Resurface B&A2 Resurface Curb Ramp2 Raised Curb2 Remove Cement Add a curb ramp Minor Crosswalk Striping Crosswalk Infrastructure Other Improvements $450 $1,200 $30 $22 $450 $275 $33 $1,500 $250 $15 $450 $6 variou s Cost each each @ 40 sf per sf linear ft @ 5’ wide each each per sf each each @ 5' long per sf each linear foot Number of Instance s 283 513 546 277 357 511 328 35 444 119 199 137 21 4 $1,000 $3,000 $1,500 $1,500 Mobilization Maintenance of Traffic Signed & Sealed Plans Clearing & Grubbing Sub-Total Estimate Design Survey Inspection each each each each 20% 10% 15% 20,520 3,912 6,922 8,130 2,220 4,760 4,932 Approximat e Cost $127,400 $ 615,600 $117,300 $152,300 $160,700 $140,500 $268,300 $52,500 $111,000 $71,400 $89,600 $29,600 $25,200 $41,100 $857,000 $63,000 $31,500 $1,140,000 $ 4,094,000 $ 818,800 $ 409,400 $ 614,100 $5,936,300 Total Cost Estimates5 SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 857 21 21 760 Approximate Amount Recommended (sq/lf) 53 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY (1) While the total estimated cost for the majority of the bus stop improvements listed in the appendix contains mobilization, maintenance of traffic, signed and sealed plans, and clearing and grubbing costs, those costs are listed separately in this table. (2) The dimensions for all new pavement, such as boarding and alighting areas and connecting paths, were measured. As such, the “Amount Recommended” column is the sum of these dimensions. (3) At some intersections, more than one detectable warning is needed to be added or replaced. As such, the number of instances does not represent the total number of bus stops. (4) The “Other” category includes miscellaneous estimated costs that do not occur with much frequency. (5) The costs included are planning level estimates, once the projects progress through design, the actual construction cost will become more refined. In addition, right-of-way costs were not included in these estimates. SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 54 BUS STOP & FACILITY AC Again, it should be noted that the estimates are intended to reflect the order-ofmagnitude costs for SCAT’s overall bus stop improvement needs over the timeframe of the plan; for specific projects nearing implementation, it will be necessary for SCAT to conduct a more detailed cost assessment. One bus stops was recommended for consolidation and 269 bus stops were found to have potential safety/security or operational efficiency issues, such as the stops being located in front of a driveway, over the crest of a hill, where the passengers are not in view of oncoming traffic, etc. Relocation of the identified bus stops would provide many benefits, including correcting the potential safety hazards to passengers and/or increasing the overall operational efficiency of the bus stop. The effort to determine which stops should be changed (e.g., removed, consolidated, or relocated) will require a focused effort by SCAT staff. SCAT staff will need to review each of the bus stops recommended for both consolidation and/or relocation in more detail following completion of this study to determine if it is appropriate to consolidate or relocate the bus stop, or instead make improvements to the stop at its current location. Any combination of consolidation, relocating, and improving the stops identified for consolidation and/or relocation will result in adjustments to the cost estimates, depending on whether the cost of needed improvements is less than or greater than the cost of relocating the bus stop. 5.2 DEVELOPMENT OF THE IMPLEMENTATION AND FINANCIAL PLAN Individual Bus Stops Following the development of the Improvement Plan in Section Four, the Implementation and Financial Plan was developed to identify when the improvements should occur, based on the relative priority of the improvements and anticipated level of funding that would be available for SCAT to address the improvements. The Implementation and Financial Plan includes all improvements that are SCAT’s responsibility as well as some improvements that may end up being the responsibility of other entities. SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 55 BUS STOP & FACILITY AC Due to the nature of the quick fix improvements, it is assumed that the majority of the quick fix improvements identified in the previous table will be completed within the confines of the five-year plan, listed in the following section. As previously mentioned in Section Four, it would be ideal if SCAT could take advantage of “piggy backing” needed bus stop improvements with planned roadway projects. Under ideal circumstances, this would permit SCAT to benefit either because the project directly addresses some or all of the needed stop improvements, or the project allows SCAT to reduce its improvement costs due to the concurrent construction activities. It is not known at this time the amount of implementation costs that could potentially be saved by completing the bus stop improvements concurrent with planned transportation projects. Therefore, potential cost savings through fund leveraging are not included in the Implementation and Financial Plan at this time. In the future, should the desire and ability to estimate the amount of costs that could be reduced through fund leveraging, the cost of the improvements for those impacted stops may be adjusted. To develop the plan, the prioritized list of bus stop improvements determined to be SCAT’s responsibility were incorporated into the Implementation and Financial Plan based on the amount of anticipated funding available each year for the improvements. It should be stressed that the Implementation and Financial Plan will serve as a general guide for the planning of bus stop and facility improvements and that several factors will influence the timing for implementation of specific improvements and the overall cost of the program, including: Opportunities for partnering with other jurisdictions or organizations on implementing improvements. Specific site conditions at individual stops, including landscaping, utilities, drainage, which can have a significant impact on the type of improvements required and the associated cost. Contracting opportunities, including awarding a unit-price contract for the implementation of improvements at multiple locations. Additional opportunities to relocate or consolidate individual bus stops. On an annual basis, the list of needed improvements will be reviewed against the funding that is available that year to develop a specific work program. As previously mentioned, this will involve development of more detailed cost estimates based on a review of site conditions at individual stops. SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 56 BUS STOP & FACILITY AC 5.3 FUNDING PLAN FOR NEEDED IMPROVEMENTS Improvements to SCAT’s bus stops and shelters are financed through several funding sources, which include: FTA, FHWA, FDOT, and local funding A total of $150,000 is projected to be available annually from all sources over the next five-year period. It should be stressed that this figure is an estimate of future revenues that could be available for this program. Many factors will affect the actual revenues received by SCAT, including future reauthorization of the federal transportation funding program, collections by local taxing authorities for the impact fees from developers, and future allocations of the competitive funding from other agencies. To prepare a funding plan, costs for all the various improvements were calculated and then compared to the amount of funding projected to be available over the next five years. This comparison is shown below: Program Expenses: Total program1 Anticipated Annual Revenue: $5,936,300 $150,000 (1) Note that the costs are planning level estimates, once the projects progress through design, the actual construction cost will become more refined. Table 5-2 presents the recommended phased implementation plan for the first five years of study improvements. It should be noted that the costs are estimates of probable cost, with the ultimate costs dependent upon how the work is undertaken, site conditions at individual stops, material and labor prices in future years, and potential right-of-way costs. The number of stops that are consolidated or relocated will also be an important variable, as well as amount of work that will be the responsibility of other entities. It should be noted that other ongoing efforts will accelerate the implementation of the improvements, including: Road improvement projects undertaken by local jurisdictions and FDOT. Projects undertaken by developers through land use and concurrency agreements in the County and various cities. Due to the anticipated level of funding currently available for bus stop improvements and due to the quick-fix improvement list, the stops recommended for improvement each SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 57 BUS STOP & FACILITY AC year of the program are not necessarily the highest ranking stops on the priority list. However, as the improvement program progresses, high ranking stops that were not initially improved as part of this grant are included in future years. Note that the implementation plan shown below does not take into account the partial quick-fix improvements or the piggy-back projects. Table 5-2 Phased Implementation Plan for Bus Stop Improvements ID Rank 10798 1 11198 1 11025 3 11403 4 10839 5 11005 6 11013 7 11041 8 11416 8 11240 10 11016 11 Estimated Cost1: Total Cost $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Year n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Item No improvements currently necessary. No improvements currently necessary. No improvements currently necessary. No improvements currently necessary. No improvements currently necessary. No improvements currently necessary. No improvements currently necessary. No improvements currently necessary. No improvements currently necessary. No improvements currently necessary. No improvements currently necessary. $0 Total Cost ID Rank 11011 20 $1,800 10785 24 $1,800 10993 27 $1,800 11014 34 $1,800 29608 37 $1,800 20597 41 $1,800 11259 57 $1,800 11083 64 $1,800 11187 78 $1,800 Year 2015 / 2016 2015 / 2016 2015 / 2016 2015 / 2016 2015 / 2016 2015 / 2016 2015 / 2016 2015 / 2016 2015 / 2016 SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 Item Bench not accessible Detectable Warnings Detectable Warnings Detectable Warnings Detectable Warnings Detectable Warnings Detectable Warnings Detectable Warnings Detectable Warnings 58 BUS STOP & FACILITY AC Total Cost ID Rank 27943 78 $1,800 20592 94 $1,800 10939 109 $1,800 10833 271 $1,900 10965 169 $2,100 15808 169 $2,100 11003 228 $2,100 11174 248 $2,100 15804 370 $2,100 11023 189 $2,500 27960 60 $2,800 11272 82 $4,300 11018 108 $8,100 15803 131 $4,900 10829 153 $2,800 27961 247 $7,600 11019 268 $7,600 11206 291 $7,600 11012 389 $8,400 29523 424 $5,800 10731 19 $9,100 27945 11220 28 77 $4,300 $5,800 Year 2015 / 2016 2015 / 2016 2015 / 2016 2015 / 2016 2015 / 2016 2015 / 2016 2015 / 2016 2015 / 2016 2015 / 2016 2015 / 2016 2015 / 2016 2015 / 2016 2015 / 2016 2015 / 2016 2015 / 2016 2015 / 2016 2015 / 2016 2015 / 2016 2015 / 2016 2015 / 2016 2015 / 2016 2015 / 2016 2015 / SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 Item Detectable Warnings Detectable Warnings Detectable Warnings Boarding and alighting area not compliant Sign not compliant Sign not compliant Sign not compliant Sign not compliant Sign not compliant Sign not compliant, Detectable Warnings Trashcan not compliant, Schedule not accessible, Detectable Warnings Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Trashcan not compliant, Schedule not accessible Bench obstruction, Bench not accessible, Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible, Detectable Warnings, No Raised Curb Bench not accessible Bench obstruction, Bench not accessible, Trashcan not compliant, Schedule not accessible Bench obstruction, Bench not accessible, Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible Bench obstruction, Bench not accessible, Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible, Detectable Warnings, No Raised Curb Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Trashcan not compliant, Schedule not accessible, No Raised Curb Bench not accessible, Schedule not accessible, Detectable Warnings, No Raised Curb Bench not accessible, Boarding and alighting area not compliant, No Raised Curb Bench not accessible, Shelter not compliant, Trashcan not compliant, Schedule not accessible, Detectable Warnings Bench not accessible, Boarding and alighting area not compliant Bench not accessible, Boarding and alighting area not compliant 59 BUS STOP & FACILITY AC Total Cost ID Rank 11278 112 $2,900 11059 115 $4,600 29553 121 $5,400 29557 133 $5,700 27948 141 $4,700 11138 145 $5,400 29551 150 Estimated Cost1: $5,700 Year 2016 2015 / 2016 2015 / 2016 2015 / 2016 2015 / 2016 2015 / 2016 2015 / 2016 2015 / 2016 Item Schedule not accessible, Detectable Warnings Trashcan not compliant, Schedule not accessible Bench obstruction, Bench not accessible, Boarding and alighting area not compliant Bench not accessible, Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible Bench not accessible, Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Detectable Warnings Bench obstruction, Bench not accessible, Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible Bench not accessible, Boarding and alighting area not compliant $150,000 ID 11140 Rank 154 Total Cost $4,100 Year 2017 11268 156 $4,500 2017 11213 168 $7,600 2017 20586 177 $4,900 2017 10747 11225 180 180 $5,100 $5,100 2017 2017 11293 183 $6,000 2017 11128 11261 11288 20594 11316 190 191 207 208 209 $4,500 $4,600 $6,700 $8,900 $4,700 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 20587 29623 212 212 $4,900 $4,900 2017 2017 29589 216 $5,400 2017 11230 220 $5,700 2017 SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 Item Bench not accessible, Boarding and alighting area not compliant Bench not accessible, Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Trashcan not compliant, Detectable Warnings, No Raised Curb Bench not accessible, Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Detectable Warnings Bench not accessible, Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible, Detectable Warnings Bench not accessible, Boarding and alighting area not compliant Bench not accessible, Trashcan not compliant, Schedule not accessible Bench not accessible, Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible Bench not accessible, Boarding and alighting area not compliant Bench not accessible, Boarding and alighting area not compliant Bench not accessible, Boarding and alighting area not compliant Sign not compliant, Detectable Warnings Bench not accessible, Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Detectable Warnings Bench not accessible, Boarding and alighting area not compliant Bench not accessible, Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Detectable Warnings Bench not accessible, Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Detectable Warnings 60 BUS STOP & FACILITY AC Total Cost ID Rank Year 11252 242 $6,400 2017 29555 245 $7,100 2017 11222 267 $7,300 2017 10947 274 $4,700 2017 11248 75933 7 276 $5,000 2017 278 $5,100 2017 11443 285 $6,600 2017 29550 291 $7,600 2017 11302 303 $5,100 2017 10733 310 $5,500 2017 11207 324 Estimated Cost1: $3,200 2017 Item Bench not accessible, Trashcan not compliant, Schedule not accessible, Detectable Warnings Bench not accessible, Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Detectable Warnings Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Trashcan not compliant, No Raised Curb Bench not accessible, Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible, Detectable Warnings Bench not accessible, Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Trashcan not compliant, Detectable Warnings Bench not accessible, Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible, Detectable Warnings Bench not accessible, Boarding and alighting area not compliant, No Raised Curb Bench not accessible, Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Detectable Warnings Bench obstruction, Bench not accessible, Boarding and alighting area not compliant Bench not accessible, Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible, Detectable Warnings Bench obstruction, Schedule not accessible, Detectable Warnings $151,200 ID 10825 Rank 12 Total Cost $3,600 Year 2018 11236 13 $3,300 2018 10902 15811 14 15 $5,200 $7,400 2018 2018 11283 11027 10845 11266 11281 16 17 18 21 22 $4,300 $7,900 $4,900 $5,300 $3,300 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 10754 11328 23 25 $6,900 $4,300 2018 2018 11153 10784 26 29 $7,000 $2,400 2018 2018 SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 Item Misc Improvements Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible, No Raised Curb Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible Boarding and alighting area not compliant Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible, Detectable Warnings, No Raised Curb Boarding and alighting area not compliant, No Raised Curb Misc Improvements Detectable Warnings Schedule not accessible Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible Boarding and alighting area not compliant Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible, Detectable Warnings, No Raised Curb Schedule not accessible 61 BUS STOP & FACILITY AC ID 11249 10742 10822 11418 10978 Rank 30 31 32 33 35 Total Cost $2,100 $2,200 $2,500 $7,400 $2,800 11043 10987 36 38 $10,000 $2,500 2018 2018 10787 39 $4,000 2018 11047 11241 75935 0 10749 11002 11163 29656 10877 29617 10950 11239 11045 11020 10729 10893 40 42 $4,900 $2,100 2018 2018 42 44 45 45 45 48 48 50 50 52 53 54 55 $2,100 $2,400 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $2,800 $2,800 $2,100 $2,100 $2,500 $2,600 $5,000 $5,500 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 29662 56 Estimated Cost1: $6,800 2018 Misc Improvements Schedule not accessible Schedule not accessible, Detectable Warnings Schedule not accessible, Detectable Warnings Schedule not accessible Schedule not accessible Schedule not accessible Schedule not accessible Misc Improvements Schedule not accessible, No Raised Curb Boarding and alighting area not compliant Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Detectable Warnings Detectable Warnings Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible, Detectable Warnings, No Raised Curb Year 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 Item Schedule not accessible Boarding and alighting area not compliant Schedule not accessible, Detectable Warnings Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Detectable Warnings Schedule not accessible, Detectable Warnings Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible, No Raised Curb Schedule not accessible, Detectable Warnings Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible, Detectable Warnings Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible Schedule not accessible $150,500 ID 11024 75934 7 Rank 58 Total Cost $2,500 Year 2019 Item Schedule not accessible, Detectable Warnings 58 $2,500 2019 11414 11082 29609 10906 60 62 62 65 $2,800 $4,900 $4,900 $2,100 2019 2019 2019 2019 Schedule not accessible, Detectable Warnings Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible Misc Improvements Misc Improvements Misc Improvements SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 62 BUS STOP & FACILITY AC Total Cost ID Rank Year 10720 66 $5,100 2019 11251 10847 67 68 $8,000 $4,600 2019 2019 10903 69 $4,900 2019 11036 11415 70 71 $7,000 $2,200 2019 2019 11026 11229 72 73 $4,400 $4,700 2019 2019 11464 29594 11183 11279 11457 10743 11071 10722 11382 73 73 76 80 80 83 83 85 86 $4,700 $4,700 $4,800 $2,100 $2,100 $4,900 $4,900 $5,000 $5,600 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 11190 11417 87 88 $7,600 $7,900 2019 2019 10919 10981 89 90 $9,300 $2,100 2019 2019 10894 91 $4,900 2019 11092 92 10830 93 11219 95 11113 96 Estimated Cost1: $6,000 $7,700 $2,100 $2,400 2019 2019 2019 2019 Item Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible, Detectable Warnings Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible, No Raised Curb Boarding and alighting area not compliant Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible, Detectable Warnings Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible, Detectable Warnings, No Raised Curb Misc Improvements Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible, Detectable Warnings Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Detectable Warnings Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible, Detectable Warnings Detectable Warnings Misc Improvements Schedule not accessible Schedule not accessible Misc Improvements Misc Improvements Boarding and alighting area not compliant Boarding and alighting area not compliant Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Detectable Warnings, No Raised Curb Misc Improvements Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible, Detectable Warnings, No Raised Curb Schedule not accessible Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible, Detectable Warnings Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible, Detectable Warnings Boarding and alighting area not compliant, No Raised Curb Schedule not accessible Misc Improvements $149,400 SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 63 BUS STOP & FACILITY AC Total Cost ID Rank Year 10746 97 $2,800 2020 10968 11034 11035 29596 11292 98 98 98 101 102 $4,300 $4,300 $4,300 $4,700 $5,600 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 11405 10994 11234 102 104 105 $5,600 $6,600 $7,200 2020 2020 2020 10959 10837 16393 10948 106 107 110 111 $7,600 $8,000 $2,100 $2,500 2020 2020 2020 2020 11215 10713 113 114 $4,300 $4,500 2020 2020 10970 116 $4,700 2020 11197 117 $4,800 2020 11166 29599 118 118 $4,900 $4,900 2020 2020 27953 120 $5,200 2020 11086 11022 122 123 $6,000 $6,400 2020 2020 10744 124 $7,100 2020 11271 10910 125 126 $2,500 $3,200 2020 2020 11033 11046 127 128 $3,300 $4,700 2020 2020 11137 11438 29548 128 128 132 $4,700 $4,700 $5,400 2020 2020 2020 SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 Item Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible, Detectable Warnings Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible Boarding and alighting area not compliant Boarding and alighting area not compliant Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Detectable Warnings Boarding and alighting area not compliant Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Detectable Warnings Schedule not accessible, No Raised Curb Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Detectable Warnings, No Raised Curb Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Detectable Warnings Misc Improvements Detectable Warnings Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Detectable Warnings Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible, Detectable Warnings Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible, Detectable Warnings Boarding and alighting area not compliant Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible, Detectable Warnings Boarding and alighting area not compliant Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible, Detectable Warnings Detectable Warnings Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible Boarding and alighting area not compliant Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Detectable Warnings Boarding and alighting area not compliant 64 BUS STOP & FACILITY AC ID Rank 759348 137 29655 138 Estimated Cost1: Total Cost $2,100 $2,200 Year 2020 2020 Item Boarding and alighting area not compliant, Schedule not accessible Boarding and alighting area not compliant $151,200 (1) Note that the costs are planning level estimates, once the projects progress through design, the actual construction cost will become more refined. Right-of-way costs are not included. It should be noted that the phased implementation plan is just a guide. The number of bus stops improved each year and the specific locations chosen for improvement may vary due to such factors as the actual costs of the improvement or potential right-of-way issues. As such, the improvements will need to be reviewed and a work program developed specifying the improvements that will be undertaken on an annual basis. The improvements would be undertaken through task orders. It is envisioned that the effort could focus on implementation of improvements along specific corridors, which would enable improvements to be implemented more quickly. The phased implementation plan, in coordination with the bus stop assessment database, identifies the type of improvements proposed to be undertaken for each of the first five years of the plan. The phased implementation plan and assessment database should be used to in developing a specific action program for implementing the improvements on an annual basis. It should be stressed that this plan is presented as an overall guide to the implementation of improvements. SCAT staff will need to review the needed improvements and the available funding on an annual basis to develop the annual improvement program. SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 65 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY 6.0 NEXT STEPS The following is a summary of next steps for SCAT to consider to ensure that the major goals of the Bus Stop and Facility Accessibility Study are achieved and maintained over time. Bus Stop and Facilities Standards SCAT shall use the Accessing Transit Design Handbook for Florida Bus Passenger Facilities, Version III, 2013 concerning the concepts of accessibility, safety/security, and operational efficiency to guide the design of new bus stops and facilities, as well as improvements to existing bus stops and facilities. Funding for Improvements SCAT shall seek additional funding for bus stop improvements. Analysis to Determine Jurisdictional Responsibility SCAT shall conduct an analysis to determine the specific improvements that fall within the responsibility of each respective jurisdiction (County, Cities, and FDOT). Based on the results of the analysis, SCAT shall formally advise each jurisdiction of the specific improvement needs that are within their responsibility. Advise Entities Responsible for Improvement Needs SCAT shall advise each entity of the list of needed improvements that fall within their responsibility. SCAT shall review and update standards as necessary (as ADAAG/FAC requirements change, etc.). SCAT shall continue to coordinate with FDOT and local jurisdictions on the development and implementation of strategies to implement accessibility improvements. Bus Stop Consolidation/Relocation SCAT shall review the initial list of bus stops recommended for consolidation and confirm the final list of stops to be removed. SCAT shall provide the list of consolidated bus stops to SCAT maintenance staff to flag each bus stop identified for consolidation, which shall provide notice to the riders utilizing the stop(s) identified for consolidation. SCAT shall determine additional public outreach efforts, as appropriate, based on the number and scale of the bus stops recommended for consolidation. SCAT shall conduct bus stop consolidation reviews to correspond with the service change route mark-ups that occur multiple times throughout the year. SCAT shall conduct a comprehensive review of additional stops that can be eliminated, relocated, or consolidated, using the spacing standards as well as ridership and bus stop inventory data. SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 66 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY SCAT staff shall continue to identify consolidation opportunities as part of roadway improvement reviews requested by other agencies, including FDOT, Brevard County, and various cities. SCAT staff shall review the list of bus stops identified for relocation and determine whether the bus stops should be relocated or improvements made to correct any accessibility, safety/security, or operational efficiency issues, if feasible. SCAT Training SCAT shall review and discuss the standards for bus stops and facilities on an ongoing basis to ensure that staff has an understanding of accessibility issues, requirements, and procedures. SCAT shall review and discuss the procedures and responsibilities for implementing new stops and updating the inventory on an ongoing basis. Database Maintenance Procedures SCAT shall finalize the procedures and staff responsibilities for keeping the inventory up-to-date and ensuring that all new bus stops implemented are in compliance with SCAT’s adopted standards. SCAT shall, in the future, utilize the updated inventory to enable Customer Service, Service Planning, and Scheduling staff to access information on each stop, including photographs, list of available amenities, conditions at bus stop, and list of planned improvements. Implementation Schedule for Quick Fix Improvements It is recommended that SCAT develop a schedule for their Maintenance staff to complete the “quick fix” improvements. Review Implementation and Financial Plan SCAT staff shall be provided the specific phasing plan for use in updating the Implementation and Financial Plan on an annual basis, including developing a specific action program for implementing the improvements. SCAT shall pursue mechanisms for increasing the efficiency with which improvements identified in the Implementation and Financial Plan are completed (i.e., pursuing unit price contracts, etc.). SCAT shall conduct high-level coordination between the TPO, FDOT, and local jurisdictions to ensure that necessary improvements are addressed. Update Inventory Database Regularly SCAT shall update the inventory on a regular basis to reflect any revisions to routes and bus stops undertaken since completion of the initial inventory, including any stops that are removed or relocated to address bus stop consolidation and/or relocation issues. SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 67 BUS STOP & FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Annual Review of Progress SCAT shall review the progress of addressing improvements identified in the Implementation and Financial Plan on an annual basis. SCAT shall coordinate with local jurisdictions, FDOT, and stakeholder groups on strategies for implementing improvements. SCAT shall update the following year’s work program to reflect the new list of needed improvements. Regularly Report Progress of Implementation SCAT shall regularly report the progress of implementing improvements to SCAT’s ADA Coordinator. SCAT shall continue to coordinate with local jurisdictions, the development community, and stakeholder groups to advise them of the established standards and discuss strategies for implementing improvements. Regularly Update GIS Analysis SCAT shall provide updated GIS information and the results of GIS analyses conducted for SCAT bus stops to local jurisdictions and FDOT. Explore Future Applications for Inventory Information SCAT shall explore future applications for making information from the inventory available to the public, including a list of amenities, conditions, and photographs for each bus stop, potentially tied to a system map and/or individual route maps and available via the Internet. SCAT shall explore the feasibility of providing inventory information to the public via Google Transit. SPACE COAST AREA TRANSIT | January 2015 68