C3 Scope of Work - Tshwane Rapid Transit

BID TRT 2013/001
Part C3: Scope of work
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................... 2
BACKGROUND INFORMATION ............................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
funding mechanism ............................................................................................. 7
socio economic development ............................................................................. 9
SCOPE OF WORKS ............................................................................................ 10
C3.5.1 MANUFACTURING, SUPPLY OF BUS FLEET for TRT ..................................... 12
PARTICIPATION PROGRAMME (NIPP) ........................................................................ 17
FLEET DELIVERY SCHEDULE .......................................................................... 18
18m Articulated Bus Fleet Specification .......................................................... 19
12m STANDARD BUS SPECIFICATION (EURO V AND CNG) .......................... 64
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Part C3: Scope of work
The TRT’s (“CoT”) Rapid Transit System/Project is currently underway.
The Project’s focus is the implementation of a Rapid Transit System along identified
corridors in the CoT, but within the context of a comprehensive Integrated Rapid Public
Transit Network (IRPTN). The Project planning process duration is estimated to be 3 years
but may be amended subject to implementation progress.
The Rapid Transit System is being planned for development over 4 phases i.e.:
Inception Phase: CBD-Hatfield; April 2014
Phase 1B: University Road Hatfield – Menlyn; August 2015
Phase 1C; CBD – Wonderboom (Rainbow Junction) inc Quality Bus Corridor (QBC)
along Rachel DeBeer and servicing Kopanong; March 2016 Phase 1D: Menlyn to
Mamelodi; June 2017
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Figure 1: Trunk Phasing
The Inception Phase of the Rapid Transit System will be launched in April 2014 with the
expected delivery of the initial bus fleet of approximately 30 buses required for that Phase in
the first quarter of 2014. The remainder of the bus fleet is to be delivered in accordance with
the detailed delivery schedule highlighted in Section C3.7.
As part of the planning process, Tshwane Rapid Transit (Pty) Ltd (“TRT”) shall facilitate the
procurement of approximately 174174 buses required for the Inception Phase, as well Phase
1B/C and Phase 1D of the Project.
As a result, TRT shall follow a competitive bidding process to appoint the required bus fleet
manufacturer. In order to fast track and streamline the appointment of a suitably qualified
bus manufacturer(s), this Call for Bids is put out in an open and transparent manner to afford
all Bidders an equal opportunity to contract with TRT for the supply of the required bus fleet.
TRT reserves the right to appoint more than one bus manufacturer for the
procurement of the bus fleet for the TRT System.
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The Project is aimed at the establishment of an Integrated Rapid Public Transit Network
(IRPTN) within the City of Tshwane with the first priority focus being on a Bus Rapid Transit
The “closed” system which incorporates off-board fare collection systems for enhanced
system operations and fare evasion mitigations will incorporate a range of supporting routes
and networks.
The TRT System, which will be one of many future low floor systems rolled out in South
Africa, has been developed over the last two year and comprises of:
Trunk Routes
Complementary Routes
Feeder Routes
Non-motorized Transport Routes
The development of the low floor trunk feeder system offers the TRT System greater
universal accessibility, greater operational flexibility, reduced infrastructure costs as well as
improved urban- transport and land use integration within the context of the City of Tshwane
spatial planning, land usage and urban fabric.
Figure 2: Feeder Trunk System
The trunk route network has been developed along two
primary corridors for implementation within the next 3
to 4 years:
TRT Line 1: Wonderboom (Rainbow Junction) to
Pretoria Station
TRT Line 2: Denneboom Station in Mamelodi to
Pretoria CBD.
The future expansion of the trunk route along Line 1 from Wonderboom to Kopanong is
subject to further investigation.
The Kopanong complementary service will in the interim be served via mixed traffic lane
along Doreen Avenue and a Quality Bus Corridor (QBC) along Rachel De Beer.
Figure 3: TRT Trunk Routes
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The Inception Phase1A is earmarked for launch in April 2014. It will consist of a dedicated
exclusive bus lane offering trunk line services with buses between the Tshwane CBD and
Hatfield with an associated feeder bus services also being provided.
implemented thereafter and will run trunk line
services to Hatfield as well as the extended
service from Kopanong Shoshanguve South
to Rainbow Junction via the Quality Bus
Corridor (QBC) along Rachel De Beer.
Figure4:Dora Scenario Infrastructure Phasing
The construction of Phase 1B and Phase 1C commences concurrently with the scheduled
phases earmarked for full operations in October 2016.
Phase 1D will then follow after this with extended trunk services from Menlyn to Mamelodi
(Denneboom Station) being introduced.
The refinement and development of the complementary and feeder networks is currently
The system is scheduled to operate at various frequencies for trunk, feeder and
complementary services with trunk services are scheduled to operate at 3-5min frequencies
during the peak periods and 10-15min periods during off peak periods
Complementary and Feeder services are scheduled for to operate on 8-15min frequencies
throughout the day.
Two station designs have been incorporated into the system i.e. Retro Tram and Memory
The Retro Tram Station will be utilized throughout the trunk network except in the Central
Business District (CBD) where the Memory Box Station will be utilized due to its heritage
sensitive design and nature of the CBD.
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Figure 5: Retro Tram Station
Figure 6: Memory Box Station
The system station design spacing varies between 800m-1000m depending on location
demand, land use, system operations as well as infrastructure design. The low floor system
design allows greater efficiency pertaining to the urban design space as well as system
operations and universal accessibility.
Most stations will be situated at the intersection providing increased safety and security for
passengers and pedestrians as well as operational efficiency of station operations and
All stations will be equipped with electronic ticketing systems (EMV) which allows for offboard fare collections as well as various Intelligent Transport System (ITS) infrastructure
providing important information to the passenger as well as being a key Safety and Security
Feature with CCTV cameras being deployed at all stations linked to the TRT Control Room
integrated with Tshwane Metro Police and Emergency Services.
The bus fleet required in terms of this bid will comprise of the following approximate
fleet mix:
18m Articulated Buses
12m Complementary/Feeder Buses
CNG Standard buses
Total First Order Fleet Size = 174
- 39
- 95
- 40
Manufacturers are also requested to provide information regarding the various
funding mechanisms options as outlined in Section 3.3 and their experience related to
the provision and arrangement of financing agreements.
For purposes of this bid it is thus required to appoint a suitably qualified bus manufacturer/s
for the manufacturing, supply, delivery and maintenance of approximate 174 buses required
for the Inception Phase as well as Phases 1B and Phase 1C of the Project.
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TRT shall acquire the bus fleet required in terms of this bid and conclude the following
contractual agreements with the Bus Manufacturer/s:
Bus fleet purchase agreements;
Maintenance contracts;
Driver training programme;
Warranty programmes;
Maintenance training programmes etc.
Key financial considerations will be taken into account when awarding this bid. The stated
objective of minimizing the combined acquisition and funding cost to the overall system, both
short and long term, should therefore be noted by the prospective bidders, as TRT will take
into account the best optimal funding proposal in respect of the buses.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the bid documents applicable to this
bid, including but not limited to clause 16.3 of the General Conditions of Contract, attached
to these bid documents as PART C1: AGREEMENTS AND CONTRACT DATA under
PORTION 2: CONTRACT, payment to the successful bidder will be effected upon delivery
and commissioning of the bus fleet with all compliance testing certification and after
conclusion of the funding arrangements.
Without intending to be prescriptive, the following funding options (alternatively a
combination of any of them) may be considered.
All funding options must be denominated in South African Rand:
In-house Financing;
Export Credit Agencies;
Debt Capital Markets;
Local banks;
International banks;
Development Finance Institutions.
Bidders are required to initiate discussions to the fullest extent possible with potential
providers of financing, including potential providers of financing in their country of
manufacture, in order to ultimately facilitate the funding options available to TRT.
To this end, bidders must indicate to what extent they have:
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Part C3: Scope of work
or might have access to any or all of the above funding options and provide full
details thereof; and/or
liaised with Export Credit Agencies (“ECA”) (of the country of origin of any imported
components of the buses that are the subject of this bid document) that might support
the provision of such buses through the granting of ECA loans and provide full details
of the outcome of such liaison, with special reference as to whether their buses would
in principle qualify for ECA funding, and if so, the extent of such qualification, having
due regard to the local content requirements contained in these bid documents;
previous experience and/or involvement with Service Providers to obtain funding in
the countries of manufacture.
The appointed Bidder/Manufacturer shall, when requested thereto by TRT and/or the
relevant ECA or other potential providers of financing, lend such assistance as may
be reasonably required to finalize the funding application relevant to the purchase of
the buses.
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Each manufacturer must take cognizance of the socio economic development responsibility
the appointed Bidder would have to undertake.
Each bidder as part of their submission must also provide detailed report outlining any of
their current Socio Economic Development Programmes they are undertaking or have
undertaken within CoT.
Each bidder is required to submit Socio Economic Development project proposal/s they will
embark on as part of this assignment.
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Part C3: Scope of work
The appointed bidder(s) will be required to perform services in accordance with the specific
Scope of Works (SOW) that has been developed.
The appointed Bidder(s) will be procured to provide the following services:
Development of prototype buses
The appointed Bus Manufacturer/s are to develop various prototype buses in consultation
with TRT incorporating various designs, look and feel as to allow TRT to approve final bus
designs before manufacturing and production commences. The buses are clearly to replicate
the final products in line with the bus specifications as well as the bus fleet branding. Only
upon approval of the prototype buses by TRT can the bus manufacturer commence with
Manufacture, supply and delivery of the bus fleet
The appointed bidder/Bus Manufacturer shall manufacture, supply and deliver 174 buses in
accordance with the following specifications:
South African National Department of Transport Bus Specifications,
TRT’s Bus Specifications outlined in this Scope of Works; and
The appropriate SABS Specifications:
Provided that where requirements of the vehicle specification exceed those of the SABS
Specifications, the more stringent will apply:
The appointed bidder/Bus Manufacturer/s shall deliver 174, homologated, licenced
commuter busses, with all their legal documentation in order. Vehicles shall be delivered
complete in all respects, including spare wheel or wheels and any standard on-board kit.
Vehicles delivered must include all ITS equipment to be installed by an independent service
provider approved by TRT.
Fleet Maintenance Contract for the Bus Fleet
The Bus Manufacturer/s will be required to provide full fleet maintenance management and
scheduled and non-scheduled maintenance for each and all supplied vehicles for a minimum
of three (3) years’ period per bus. The cost of all consumables and parts shall be included in
the Full Fleet Maintenance Plan unless explicitly excluded. The Bus Manufacturer/s will
however not be responsible for the cost of any repair work caused by damage or that falls
outside the vehicle warranty or agreed maintenance plan. The work required in terms of this
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item shall be undertaken at suitably equipped facilities secured by the Bus Manufacturer/s or
at the local TRT Depot Facility.
In addition to the regular servicing, the Full Fleet Maintenance Plan shall include a
comprehensive preventative maintenance programme, inclusive of daily vehicle checks at
the TRT Depot Facility, so as to ensure the on-going serviceability and longevity of the fleet.
Bus fleet maintenance shall be the responsibility of the Bus Manufacturer/s as well as TRT.
TRT will monitor all bus fleet maintenance programmes to ensure adherence to service level
agreements, contractual obligations as well as all relevant South African legislation.
Maintenance Training Programme
The Bus Manufacturer shall deliver a maintenance training programme, excluding trainee
salaries, for the duration of the Fleet Maintenance Contract set out above. This will enable
TRT to have a qualified skilled maintenance division to service its own fleet post the
Maintenance Contract Period. See Section C 3.5.2.
Workshop Design and Assessment Reports
The Bus Manufacturer may be requested to provide input in respect of the specifying,
procurement and or installation of specialist maintenance equipment for the depots. The Bus
Manufacturer will be required to inspect and report on the adequacy of the depots, from
which the specified fleet will operate, in respect of its suitability for full maintenance of the
vehicles. This includes for mechanical, electrical and coachwork maintenance. Two such
reports will be requested, one facilities oriented report shortly after the award of this contract
and a second report approximately two years later, shortly before the transfer of the
maintenance activities to TRT. This latter report will deal with, at least, infrastructure, tools
and equipment, spares and staffing issues.
A minimum 250 000km warranty shall be provided on the chassis, engine, transmission,
body, paintwork and other vehicle components. This will include for corrosion and fatigue
defects. Warranty is required on all non-consumable mechanical and electrical components.
Full Fleet Driver Training programme
The appointed Bus Manufacturer shall conduct full bus driver training programmes for TRT
in accordance with the South African Road Traffic Act Legislation and all other relevant
South African Traffic Legislation. The driver training programme will incorporate the identified
Affected Operators.
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The driver training programme will also culminate in the successful participants receiving a
certificate indicating proficiency in training others in the driving and operation of the supplied
vehicles. TRT will oversee the driver training programme.
The driver training programme will also incorporate the BRT driver training in accordance
with the Operational Plan of TRT.
First Aid Training is also to be incorporated into the driver training programme.
The ultimate aim of the programme is to ensure all drivers incorporated into TRT are fully
trained, qualified, competent drivers understanding both aspects of driving Low floor
articulated buses that are also competent drivers in a Rapid Transit System.
Maintenance Manuals and Tools
The Bus Manufacturer/s shall deliver, as new, all maintenance manuals, tools, software and
diagnostic equipment required to repair, service, and maintain the vehicles, in quantities
suited to the maintenance of a fleet of approximately 174 vehicles from dedicated sites
approved by the TRT. Delivery will take place approximately three months before the item is
required in terms of the fleet maintenance plan.
The appointed bidder will be required to manufacture, supply and deliver the full 174 bus
fleet in accordance with all specified bus specifications and the delivery schedule.
The fleet categories and approximate fleet size is specified in the bid document but not
limited to the number specified.
The fleet delivery schedule contained in Section C3.8 stipulates the delivery timelines that
the appointed bidder must to adhere to. Bidders are thus hereby requested to clearly state
whether they will be able to meet the fleet delivery schedule.
Failure to stipulate whether the Bidder is able to meet the fleet delivery schedule will
result in automatic disqualification and the bid will be qualified as non-compliant.
Various penalties are set in place in the contract data for late delivery of any tranche of the
bus fleet and non-compliance to all bus specifications and applicable South African
legislative requirements.
The estimated bus fleet will consist of the following:
18m Articulated Bus Fleet (EURO V)
: 39
12m Standard Bus Fleet (EURO V)
: 95
CNG 12m Standard Bus Fleet
: 40
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Part C3: Scope of work
The full fleet as delivered is to be tested and commissioned, with each unit (bus)
accompanied with its relevant certification e.g. Roadworthy Certification, SABS Certification,
and Licencing etc. as per South African Law.
TRT reserves the right to conduct independent testing and commissioning of the fleet by an
independent authorised entity at the cost of the appointed Bus Manufacturer, if required.
Buses will have to be stored by the appointed bus manufacturer until official delivery to TRT.
Payment will be scheduled upon delivery and commissioning of the bus fleet with all
compliance testing certification to TRT and after conclusion of the funding arrangements as
stated in Section C3.3 above, whichever occurs last.
Bus Manufacturers are to clearly state and provide details of their selected subcontractors/Bus Manufacturer/s e.g. Bodybuilders, Tyre Bus Manufacturer/s they
intend utilising during the manufacturing process.
Warranty Programmes
All Warranty Programmes are to clearly stipulate the extent of cover within their respective
Warranty Programmes.
The Warranty Programme is to cover the full 174 bus fleet for a minimum of 250 000km with
an option of extension at the discretion of TRT.
All parts shall be readily available within 24 hrs of notification by TRT to the appointed Bus
Manufacturer pertaining to any parts which are defective.
Warranty Programmes are expected to be mandatory with the procurement of the bus fleet
and is thus not allowed in the Pricing Schedule as a separate item.
Vehicle Maintenance Contract
TRT reserves the right to enter into a Vehicle Maintenance Contracts with any service
provider of its choice and is thus not bound to enter into any maintenance contracts with the
appointed Bus Manufacturer.
The Vehicle Maintenance Contract shall cover all routine maintenance of the bus fleet for a
period of three (3) years or otherwise stated in the Vehicle Maintenance Contract.
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Part C3: Scope of work
The bidder shall provide an operational outline of the vehicle maintenance process that will
be carried out clearly indicating the following aspects:
A detailed outline of the Vehicle Maintenance Contract the Bidder offers;
What facilities will be provided to execute the required vehicle maintenance and its
location within the Tshwane Metropole;
What equipment will be provided to execute the required vehicle maintenance;
Ratio of workshop staff to buses;
Methodology of Routine Maintenance;
Availability of spare parts and turnaround time for vehicle maintenance;
Outlined detailed communication strategy with TRT; and
Service providers detailed record keeping process and system.
The appointed Bidder shall provide comprehensive fleet maintenance for vehicles (entire
vehicle including chassis, engine and body work) for a period of three (3) years from date of
acceptance of the full fleet by TRT. The maintenance activities shall commence on a date to
be agreed through discussions between TRT and the appointed Bidder/Bus Manufacturer,
but are also anticipated to start upon or shortly after acceptance of delivery of the vehicle.
During the managed maintenance period, all major maintenance activities shall be carried
out at the dedicated depots facilities. Daily maintenance checks and repairs, such as light
bulb replacement will be carried out at the depot(s), and the appointed Bidder/Bus
Manufacturer is to make provision for at least one suitably qualified person to be available at
the dedicated depot to provide the necessary guidance and assistance from the
commencement of operations. This may form part of the maintenance training activities.
Thereafter, a suitably qualified person shall be on call for the duration of the Maintenance
Contract to provide any guidance or advice required by the depots staff on vehicle
maintenance matters within 3 hours of the request being made.
The appointed Bidder/Bus Manufacturer shall be responsible for any travel, accommodation,
and daily subsistence costs of its Maintenance Staff. The maintenance costs are to be fully
incorporated in the maintenance agreement.
The Vehicle Maintenance Contract shall be priced separately in the Pricing Schedule.
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The appointed Bidder/Bus Manufacturer shall, for the duration of the Vehicle Maintenance
Contract, provide maintenance and maintenance supervision training that will properly
prepare TRT to maintain its bus fleet. The training programme shall be such that those
meeting the specified entry criteria and successfully completing the programme are certified
by the appointed Bidder/Bus Manufacturer to undertake comprehensive maintenance, in
respect of their particular trade, of vehicles of the type supplied without voiding the
manufacturer’s warranty.
This will include mechanical and electrical work, as well as any other specialist skills
considered necessary. A skill will be deemed necessary if at any standard vehicle service,
the appointed Bidder/Bus Manufacturer would deploy that skill to ensure proper maintenance
of the vehicle. Training will include development of personnel with maintenance and
inventory management skills as appropriate to the support of the fleet.
Bidders should accommodate the maximum number of trainees possible to cover all
required skills across the entire bus maintenance value chain.
Trainee maintenance staff shall be provided by TRT and a training agreement between TRT
and the appointed Bidder/Bus Manufacturer will be required. The appointed Bidder/Bus
Manufacturer shall provide supervision of the maintenance trainees, noting that it is
envisaged that this training will take place mainly at the maintenance facility of TRT, but may
include activities at the TRT depots/workshops.
The cost of the training programme inclusive of training materials shall be borne by the
appointed Bidder/Bus Manufacturer, but shall exclude the direct stipend/wage/salary or any
reimbursements payable to the trainees.
General tools and equipment required for this training programme, unless specific to the
appointed Bidder/Bus Manufacturer’s vehicle type, will be paid for by TRT. Any tools specific
to the appointed Bidder/ Bus Manufacturer’s vehicles, required for this training programme
shall be provided by the appointed Bidder/Bus Manufacturer.
The appointed Bidder/Bus Manufacturer shall submit a training programme as they deem
necessary for the on-going maintenance of the vehicle fleet after the conclusion of the
Vehicle Maintenance Contract.
This programme shall include the number of trainees, course content and duration as well
as a list of the personal tools and equipment required of trainees. To minimise trainee turnover related to proficiency, the Bidder/Bus Manufacturer is to set out the minimum
prerequisites for candidates for the required training. Entry Level Requirements for Trainees.
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The minimum requirements are to take account of the time available for training and the
complexity of the skills required for the supplied vehicles.
The Maintenance Training Programmes shall commence on a date to be agreed through
discussions between the TRT and the appointed Bidder/Bus Manufacture, but are
anticipated to start within three months of the delivery of the first vehicle.
Approximately 250 drivers are expected to require vehicle specific training over a period of
approximately twelve (12) months.
The driver training programme should also incorporate First Aid and Emergency Training.
Each Bidder is clearly to outline the detailed content of their respective Bus Driver Training
The Bus Driver Training Programme is to be a legally accredited South African programme.
Details of the programme are to be provided by the Bidder.
Each driver upon successful completion of the programme is to be awarded with the
respective Competency Certification.
Bus Driver Training Programmes are to have compulsory theoretical and practical sessions.
The Bus Driver Training Programme shall be priced separately in the Pricing
Some training may take place prior to the delivery of the first vehicles in which case the
appointed Bidder/Bus Manufacturer/s will be required to make available training vehicles, or
a simulator, that closely approximate the vehicles being purchased. Training must take place
in the TRT’s area of jurisdiction.
If the training vehicles are the appointed Bidder/Bus Manufacturer’s own vehicles, the
appointed Bidder/Bus Manufacturer shall be responsible for the security of the vehicles, as
well as any required insurance.
If the training vehicles are part of the final supply under this bid, then TRT will be
responsible for the security of the vehicles, as well as any required insurance.
All drivers accredited with successful completion of the driver training programme must be
competent in driving/operating both 18m and 12m bus fleet in accordance with the TRT
Operation Plan and must be competent operating the buses in a BRT environment and its
required high quality characteristics.
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The National Industrial Participation Programme (“NIPP”) was launched in 2007 by the
Department of Trade and Industry and uses Government procurement to leverage
investment, exports and technology development.
As part of this procurement process bidders will be obliged to partake in the NIPP and
participate in the South African economy, as per the stipulations of the Operating
Guidelines of the NIPP.
The mission of the NIPP is to leverage economic benefits and support the development of
South African Industry by effectively utilising the instrument of government procurement.
This mission is guided by the National Industrial Policy Framework (“NIPF”).
In terms of the NIPF, all government and State-Owned Enterprises (“SOE”) purchases or
lease contracts (goods, equipment or services) with an imported content equal to or
exceeding US$ 10 million (or equivalent thereof) are subject to an Industrial Participation
Single contract with multiple Bus Manufacturer/s of the same product or services, where the
total value of imported content, in total, equals to or exceeds the amounts stipulated above,
shall incur pro rata min 30% of total NIPP Obligation.
30% NIPP Obligation hereby refers to the sum-total of all commercial/industrial activity
(subject to DTI’s crediting criteria) must be equal or exceed 30% of the imported content.
Hence a minimum of 30% of the value of the buses should be added locally within the
Republic of South Africa.
The Department of Trade and Industry will be responsible for the evaluation and monitoring
compliance to the programme. The programme will run over a seven (7) year period upon
signing of the Main Purchase Agreement of the NIPP Agreement.
All bidders must familiarise themselves with the NIPP process, requirements and obligations.
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Part C3: Scope of work
Procurement of suitably qualified Bus Manufacturer/s
Mar 2013 – Jun
Conclusion of contractual arrangements between appointed Bidder/s Jun 2013and TRT
Finalisation of Funding Agreement
Jun 20132013
Fleet Manufacturing, homologation, testing, commissioning and Aug 2013
licencing of entire 174 bus fleet.
Driver Training Programme
The delivery schedule indicated below is an indicative delivery
schedule and thus could be subject to change. An estimated 174
buses are required for purposes of this bid. The first tranche of 30
buses will be utilised in the operationalization of the Inception Phase
in April 2014. The delivery of the various tranches of the bus fleet
required for this bid will be spread over the period as indicated below.
Jan 2014
Estimated Delivery Schedule: (Indicative)
First Tranche: 30
(consisting of 30x12m complementary/feeder buses)
Delivery schedule for the remaining fleet order to be confirmed with the
appointed manufacturer.
Jan - Mar 2014
CNG Bus fleet to be delivered with the final tranche of bus fleet and will
thus not form part of the first tranche of bus fleet for delivery in
January 2014.
NB: Payment will be made on delivery of the expected number of bus
units and as consistent with the estimated delivery schedule.
Operational Pilot Runs
Jan 2014 – Mar
Launch of Inception Phase of Phase 1A of TRT Operations
April 2014
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DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY NIPP ................................................... 20
GENERAL ........................................................................................................... 21
DIMENSIONS ..................................................................................................... 23
OPERATING REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................. 23
DIMENSIONS ..................................................................................................... 24
LAYOUT ............................................................................................................. 24
VEHICLE AND PASSENGER SAFETY SYSTEMS ....................................................... 27
SERVICE ACCESS ................................................................................................ 28
CHASSIS ............................................................................................................ 29
BODY ................................................................................................................ 42
PROVISIONS FOR PASSENGERS WITH DISABILITIES ............................................. 58
CORROSION PROTECTION .................................................................................. 59
SPARE PARTS..................................................................................................... 59
SERVICE AND TRAINING..................................................................................... 60
TESTING AND ACCEPTANCE ............................................................................... 61
OPERATIONAL LIFE ............................................................................................ 61
WARRANTY ....................................................................................................... 63
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Contract means the Bus Acquisition Contract in place between an appointed
Bidder/Bus Manufacturer/s and TRT, for the manufacturing, supply and delivery of
174 buses for the TRT Project;
Manufacturer means the bus chassis and or bus body manufacturer, provider, agent,
Bus Manufacturer/s, builder who is contracted by TRT to supply the buses;
Failure means any incident, malfunction, intermittent condition or failure of any
component or piece of equipment, in relation to a Bus for which the Manufacturer is
responsible, and which requires passengers, or if no passengers are on the Bus,
would require passengers to be transferred to another Bus to complete their
OEM Documentation means all instructions, manuals, training materials and other
documentation to be prepared by the Bus Manufacturer in accordance with the Bus
Acquisition Contract to enable TRT to operate and maintain the Buses;
TRT means TRT as the bus operating company.
NIPP means the Department of Trade and Industry National Industrial Participation
All buses shall meet the requirements of the Compulsory Specification for Motor
vehicles of Category M1/M2 as published in Government Gazette No. 27947 as per
Government Notice No. R855 dated 2 September 2005 (the Notice)), including:
The various SABS requirements highlighted in the Notice;
The National Road Traffic Act (Act No. 93 of 1996) and Regulations issued
Other Government Notices mentioned in the Notice; and
The Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011.
The procurement of the 174 buses will be undertaken within the framework of the
NIPP of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI);
This program requires that at least 30% of the value of the imported products for a
government related project (where the imported value exceeds US$10 m) must be
added locally in South Africa;
A period of seven (7) years is required to fulfil the obligations;
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The appointed manufacturer will be required to fulfil the NIPP requirements and will
hence be required to interact with the DTI on this matter;
The appointed manufacturer should therefore complete a Standard Bidding
Document 5 (SBD 5) together with the other required bidding documents on the
closing date and time.
Each Bus must comply with all relevant South African bus design requirements,
instructions issued by the South African National Department of Transport (“DoT”)
and TRT bid specification
Each Bus must comply with the relevant Universal Access Design Guidelines issued
by the Department of Transport incorporating all aids for the disabled, blind, deaf etc.
Each Bus must comply with all relevant South African and International Standards
Codes including lawful directions of all competent authorities relating to or otherwise
affecting the subject matter of the Contract;
SABS standards must be adhered to as a minimum standard in all respects. Where
requirements of the specification exceed those of the SABS or ECE standards, the
more stringent standards will apply;
Where there is a conflict between any part of this Bus Specification and the
requirements of any Clause, the more stringent requirements will take precedence;
‘Fully laden’ is defined as a full complement of driver, seated and standing
passengers at 65kg / passenger, plus a full load of fuel and with the Bus in ‘ready for
the road’ operating condition;
Each Bus must be designed to maximise passenger comfort. Particular attention
must be taken to minimise noise, vibration and harshness transmitted to passengers.
Factors such as road noise, mechanical noise and air conditioning noise must be
minimised to the specifications specified in the bus specifications.
Operational Life is referred to in Clause 18 below;
Buses must be stored by the manufacturer until delivered;
Buses must be delivered to an address in Pretoria to be determined and agreed to;
All technical specifications will be subject to an independent compliance and
verification process. Any corrections, updates or adjustments required as a result of
non-compliance will be for the account of the manufacturer.
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Part C3: Scope of work
The installation of an all Intelligent Transport System (ITS) and Automated Fare
Collection (AFC) equipment will be conducted by an independent service provider but
must be facilitated by the appointed Bidder/Manufacturer/s during manufacturing of
the fleet.
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Part C3: Scope of work
The Buses must meet the following minimum operating requirements:
Minimum Passenger Seats: 51 (final seating to standing ratio to be officially
confirmed and authorized by TRT)
Standing Capacity be based on 4 passengers per m2
Minimum number of wheelchair bays: 2 x mandatory wheelchair positions +
2 x dual purpose wheelchair and fold up seats allocations positions
2+2 seating arrangement must be provided with a minimum row pitch of 730
Traffic conditions: Frequent stopping in high density urban and suburban,
plus longer distance limited stop services on roads with up to 100 km/h
speed limits;
Minimum average speed 20 km/hour including stops;
Daily operating duration: 16 hours per day or up to 450 km per shift. Buses
must be capable of achieving this without the need to refuel;
Maximum road gradient: 20% (1 in 5) (see Clause 2.4);
Maximum road cross-fall: Up to 7% (average 2% to 5%);
Estimated service life: 15 years;
Average annual distance: 50,000 to 80,000 km/year over a 12 year period;
Highest shade temperature: 45 deg C.
Lowest temperature: -5 deg C.
Each Bus must be capable of accelerating, when fully laden, in accordance
with the following requirements:
0 to 60 km/hour ≤ 24.0 seconds
Acceleration and gear changing (both up and down changes) must be smooth
enough to prevent annoyance or discomfort to passengers;
Each fully laden Bus must be capable of stopping, being held on the park brake, and
re-starting without rolling back on sealed grades of not less than 25% (1 in 4), both
uphill and downhill when fully laden;
The Buses must meet the performance for operating on gradients as submitted by
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Part C3: Scope of work
The Buses must suffer no structural failures or other problems attributable to the
negotiation of roundabouts, speed bumps, slow points and other traffic calming
devices encountered in high density urban and suburban areas, plus longer distance
limited stop services on roads with up to 100 km/h speed limits.
Each Bus must conform to the following requirements, in fully seated form.
Requirement Dimension:
Maximum length (mm) 19,000
Minimum length (mm) 18,000
Maximum width (mm) excl. mirrors and side lamps 2,600
Maximum height (mm) 3,400
Wall to wall turning circle diameter (mm) ≤ 25,000
Minimum approach angle (deg.) fully laden 7.0
Minimum departure angle (deg.) fully laden 7.0
Aisle widths shall be a minimum (mm) of 620
The wheel chair isle width shall be a minimum of (mm) 850
The operational and docking floor height at median trunk stations shall be
340 (mm) to allow level boarding at all stations
The bus shall kneel to a floor height of 270 (mm) or less to allow universal
access boarding at feeder stops through the deployment of an automatic
level boarding bridge.
The internal ceiling height shall be a minimum of (mm) 1,900
Ground clearance should not be lower than (mm) 200.
The gross vehicle weight should shall not exceed 30,000 kg;
The front axle weight shall not carry more than 7,500 kg
The intermediate axle shall not carry more than 13,000 kg if it is the driving axle or
13,000 kg if it is not the driving axle;
The rear axle shall not carry more than 13,000 kg if it is the driving axle or 13,000 kg
if it is not the driving axle.
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Part C3: Scope of work
All doors, entrances, and exists shall comply with the requirements of the relevant
regulations of the National Road Traffic Act, 1996 (Act 93 of 1996)
Each Bus must be right hand drive with power steering
Each Bus must have 3 doors on the right hand side of the bus for median
boarding in enclosed stations.
Each Bus must have 2 doors on the left hand side of the bus. Front LHS
door for possible future curbside operations with rear LHS door utilised for
emergency only.
The doors must:
Be pneumatically operated or controlled by the driver automated system;
Be of a folding door type;
Have a minimum clear opening width of 1,100 mm;
Be capable of being used for entry and exit;
Have a minimum height of 2,000 mm;
Have driver operated automatic level boarding bridge system at the front
and middle RHS doors for ease and safety of boarding and alighting of
passengers at stations
Front and middle RHS doors of the 18m Articulated busses should be the same
spacing as that of the front and rear RHS doors spacing of the 12m Standard
The rear door must:
A driver operated or automated level boarding bridge system to allow for
wheel chair access between the curb and the bus;
Have a centreline to be place 1,925mm from the rear of the bus (± 200mm
depending on chassis dimensions);
An alternate centreline spacing for the rear door will not be considered;
Have a centreline to be placed 3,800 mm backwards from the middle door
centreline (± 200 mm depending on chassis dimensions);
have a minimum clear width of 1100 mm between the handrails; and
The middle door must:
A driver operated automatic level boarding bridge system to allow for
wheelchair access between the kerb and the bus
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Have a centreline to be placed 3,800mm from the centreline of the rear door
(± 200mm depending on chassis dimensions)
Have a centreline to be placed 5,715mm from the centreline of the front
door of the bus (± 200mm depending on chassis dimensions)
be located behind the turntable (articulated joint)
be capable of being used for entry and exit.
The front door must have:
A driver operated automatic boarding and alighting bridge system to allow
for wheelchair access between the kerb and the bus
a minimum clear width of 1,100 mm
a centreline to be 5,715 mm from the middle door centreline (± 200 mm
depending on the chassis dimension)
be capable of being used for entry and exit
Left hand (LH)doors must be provided:
A minimum of one access door to be provided on the left hand side of the
bus for future curbside operations;
A second rear door must be provided on the left hand side for emergency
exit only;
The front door must have a minimum clear opening of 1100 mm between
The doors are to be a sliding type;
LHS access door shall have a driver operated or automatic level boarding
bridge system for ease and safety of boarding and alighting of passengers
at non-trunk stops;
Doors must have a minimum clear opening of 650 mm;
The doors are to be positioned in the front and rear overhang.
Each door shall be fitted with a potential free signal contact to be wired to the onboard ITS system. The signal shall be closed when the door is in the fully open
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Part C3: Scope of work
Access passenger doors on both sides will be fitted with boarding bridges or ramps.
(The terms are used interchangeably and are to be read as including any mechanism
or device that achieves the desired objective.) These ramps shall provide a bridge
between the vehicle floor and the station or stop platform. The ramp shall be suitable
to accommodate foot and wheelchair traffic with edges tapered adequately to readily
allow traversal by the front wheels of a wheelchair. The bridge shall have a safe
working load of not less than 300 kilograms.
Maximum gradient on all level boarding bridges is 1: 12 and maximum threshold is
For the left side door, the use of an extruding CD ramp type bridging mechanism is
desired. This mechanism if preferred for both sides, but flap down ramps will be
considered for the right side door.
Irrespective of the form, the ramps shall be
retained completely within the main body of the vehicle when not deployed and shall
deploy rapidly prior to the opening of the vehicle passenger doors, retracting rapidly
after door closure. The release and pull mechanism as well as the edges of the ramp
shall not in any way project above the floor level when the ramp is accessible to
The deployment mechanism is to incorporate a failsafe arrangement that ensures
that in the event of a person or object being in the path of the ramp during
deployment, there will be no force other than the natural weight of the ramp applied
to whatever is in the way.
The left side ramp shall extend outwards for a length of approximately 500 mm. The
ramp length on the right hand side should not exceed 500 mm but not less than
350mm. The width of the ramps shall approximately match the free doorway width
(1100 mm). The ramps shall be bevelled at the far edge to facilitate a smooth entry
for wheelchairs, prams, and bicycles. When deployed, the ramp surface shall have a
slip-resistant texture.
The bottom side of a flip-down type boarding bridge shall be finished to match the
colour scheme of the outside of the vehicle body. The boarding bridge shall also be
protected at points of contact with the station platform by a rubberised or similar type
of material that reduces disfiguration and wear.
Passenger safety systems shall include:
Passenger restraint systems including safety belts shall be provided as per
SABS 1430, SABS 1080 and SABS 0168.
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Part C3: Scope of work
For articulated buses lap belt type restraints shall be provided
The vehicle shall be supplied with the safety requirements as per Government Notice
No. R855, including:
Warning triangles
Vehicle structure considerations (i.e. rollover protection)
Glass safety including the windscreen
Rear warning signs (chevron)
External lighting.
All components of the buses which may require servicing at intervals must be readily
accessible without the need to remove fixed panels, frame members or fittings.
All service related breakdown items must be located on the near side of the bus
body. Typically a left hand side, a right hand side and a rear engine door would be
required for exterior access to the engine area.
Floor hatches are to be designed in accordance with the Body Builder’s Instructions
supplied by the chassis manufacturer as a minimum requirement.
All exterior hatches and doors must be made from a durable and lightweight material
and be provided with gas struts or similar devices to keep the hatches or doors open
and positively closed. Doors that open vertically (i.e. the hinge line is horizontal) must
open to at least 150 degrees from the closed vertical position.
All fluids, including lubricating oils and windscreen washer water must be filled or
replenished from the exterior of each Bus. It must not be necessary to enter the
interior of the bus in order to fill or replenish any fluids, except for the automatic
transmission fluid.
With the exception of equipment that must be accessible in an emergency, all
hatches and doors to be provided with suitable locking devices. These are:
budget locks for exterior hatches and doors;
quarter turn fasteners for internal floor hatches; and
key lock compartment for CCTV and ITS equipment.
As an option, to prevent passenger access to chassis operating controls, security
fasteners may be considered, subject to approval by the TRT.
All service access locks to be identical and driver keys must be identical (but different
from the service keys).
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Part C3: Scope of work
As an option, key locks on exterior hatches may be considered, subject to approval
by TRT.
Each Bus must be designed to permit all mechanical and chassis-related
maintenance to be carried out from the exterior or from an under floor pit.
Buses may not necessarily be maintained with the aid of overhead jacking
Each Bus must be designed to enable the bus to be towed in the event of a
mechanical or electrical failure or accident.
A towing coupling must be fitted at the front end, together with an air
coupling to release the spring brakes and charge the Bus’s air system.
A suitable jacking point must be provided adjacent to each wheel, and each
Bus must be designed to permit jacking without causing any structural or
other damage.
Provision must be made to support each axle of the Bus by means of axle
stands when any portion of the Bus is lifted.
Each Bus must be geared for maximum economy in normal operation.
Each Bus must be speed limited so that it will not exceed 65 km/hour.
Protection must be provided at the rear of the Bus for the engine, cooling
system and all other mechanical and electrical equipment in order to
minimise the effects of any rear end collision or under-run. Such protection
must include under body and rear end protection.
Engine or Motor
The Bus shall be powered by diesel and shall be designed to minimise oil
The engine shall use 50 ppm diesel;
The engine shall be rear mounted;
Each engine shall, as a minimum, meet the Euro V emissions standards at
delivery, with the Bus in full operating condition.
The emission standard specification is:
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Part C3: Scope of work
A factory fitted Particulate Matter Filter or catalytic converter is required
The engine shall have at least 6 cylinders, and have a turbocharger with
The engine minimum power shall be 180kW.
The engine torque shall not be less than 800 Nm
11.2.10. Manufacturers are required to provide benchmark fuel consumption
11.2.11. The maximum cabin noise level shall as follows:
11.2.12. 80dB maximum at 50 kph
Engine Compartment
The design of the engine compartment and the materials used within or
near to it must be such that high pressure hot water and steam cleaning
equipment using detergents will not cause damage nor affect the operation
of the Bus.
No flammable material, or material likely to become impregnated with fuel
or lubricants, must be used in or near to the engine compartment or within
induction or exhaust systems.
Accumulation and or retention of fuel, lubricants, vapours or gases in any
part of the engine compartment must be prevented by suitable layout of the
compartment and the provision of drainage orifices.
Insulating materials used in or near to the engine compartment must be
suitably protected against accidental damage or wear and tear. In particular,
any surface coatings and or coverings must be sufficiently robust so that
they will not tear or be damaged easily.
The engine compartment must be suitably sealed to prevent ingress of
fumes or gases into the passenger compartment.
The suppression of heat and noise from the engine compartment is
important. Temperatures in the bus should not exceed 28OC measured 100
mm in front of heat sources.
Engine Controls and Protection
Engine start and stop controls must be provided both in the driver’s cab and
at the rear of the Bus, adjacent to the engine.
Engine start and stop controls must be clearly labelled with the words
‘Engine Start’ and ‘Engine Stop’, in English, as appropriate.
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Part C3: Scope of work
Each engine stop control must require only a simple action and must be
effective immediately.
A control must be provided adjacent to the rear engine start and stop
controls to enable maintenance staff to isolate the start and stop controls in
the driver’s cab.
Warning lights and/or buzzers must be provided to alert the driver to:
low oil pressure
high coolant temperature
low coolant level
A Micro switch, proximity switch, or similar device, must be fitted to the rear
engine door, arranged so as to prevent the engine from being started from
the driver’s cab when the engine door is open. It must still be possible to
start the engine from the rear engine controls with the rear engine door
A fuel gauge must be fitted to the dash panel.
The engine management system shall be equipped with a CAN-FMS
interface in order to supply data to the ITS System.
Diesel Fuel Storage, Filling and Feed System
The minimum fuel tank capacity shall be 400 litres.
Each fuel tank must be adequately baffled against surge.
The fuel filler must be provided on the nearside or offside of the Bus, below
waist rail level and recessed inside the body line.
The fuel filler cap must be adequately secured so that it cannot become
The filler cap and spout must be arranged so that a straight cylinder of 70
mm diameter can be inserted for a distance of 200 mm.
The filler cap and spout must be arranged for use with a high speed
refuelling system nozzle which delivers fuel at a minimum rate of 65 litres /
minute. At this rate of fill, no “blow back” of fuel must be experienced at any
The filler neck must be fitted with an anti-siphon device
No part of the fuel feed system must be located in the driver’s cab or the
passenger compartment.
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All parts of the fuel system must be protected from damage caused by
contact with the ground or from flying debris, and from fatigue or wear
generated in normal service.
11.5.10. Any fuel leaking from the system must be able to flow away freely onto the
ground without coming into contact with the exhaust system or any other
hot surfaces, or on brakes wheels and tyres.
11.5.11. All pipes and connections must be located to facilitate visual inspection,
disconnection and re-connection without dismantling any covers, ducts or
similar components.
11.5.12. All fuel lines must be manufactured from steel or other suitable materials fit
for this purpose.
11.5.13. A protection plate must be fitted under the fuel tank to prevent damage to
the tank underside.
Cooling System
The Manufacturer must ensure that regardless of whether a Bus is
stationary or in motion, the cooling system is so rated that the Bus does not
overheat when in continuous operation under the conditions detailed in
Clause 2.1, with air conditioning on full power and the Bus fully laden to its
rated GVM.
The cooling system must incorporate a suitable drive system that will
require no adjustment between major services.
The radiator and fan drive must be located in such a way that they are
protected from accident damage in the event of a collision with another Bus,
stationary object or moving vehicle.
An external gauge or sight glass or similar device must be provide for
checking the level of the cooling water without the need to open a door or
Radiator air intake systems must be designed so as to minimise injection
and accumulation or blockage by debris and particles normally encountered
in operation. Preference is for the radiator to be mounted on the driver’s
side of the Bus.
Radiators and associated cooling equipment must be accessible, in order to
provide for external cleaning of both sides of the cores. This must include
easy separation of the radiator and any adjacent intercooler or other
equipment or structure without the loss of any engine coolant.
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The radiator must not require cleaning externally more frequently than once
every 30,000 kms with all coolant hoses being of the silicon type and pipes
to be made of stainless steel or other materials which will not deteriorate.
The operation of the transmission must be fully automatic. It must comprise
a torque converter in combination with a multi-ratio gearbox.
The transmission must incorporate an integral hydraulic retarder. In all
cases the operation of the retarder must be controlled by the release of the
accelerator pedal or the application of the brake pedal.
The transmission selector must be of the push button type located to the
right of the steering wheel. Separate buttons for forward movement, Neutral
and Reverse movement is required.
The transmission selector must be in neutral before the engine can be
It must not be possible to:
engage reverse gear while the Bus is moving forward; or
engage forward gear while the Bus is moving backwards.
The transmission must be controlled in such a way that it suffers no
damage if:
reverse gear is selected while the Bus is moving forward; or
forward gear is selected while the Bus is moving backwards.
An audible reversing alarm must be fitted, integrated with the on-board
management system (where fitted) and arranged to sound whenever
reverse gear is selected. An option of a verbal warning system when
reverse is selected should be made available.
The automatic transmission must be so controlled to prevent engine over
revving in the intermediate gears and gear selection is not possible unless
the engine is at idle.
The Bus must be fitted with power-assisted steering which permits manual
steering in the event of failure of the power-assistance.
The steering wheel must be separately adjustable for height and angle to
suit individual driver preference for drivers ranging in size from the 5th
percentile female to the 95th percentile male.
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Part C3: Scope of work
Air System
The design of the air system must be such that the air compressor is
provided only with clean and filtered air.
Compressed air from the compressor must pass through an oil and water
separating device fitted with automatic drainage before it enters the rest of
the system.
The front end coupling must be arranged so that, in addition to releasing the
spring brakes, it enables the Bus’s air system to be fully charged, allowing
operation of all pneumatically-operated equipment.
11.10. Braking System
11.10.1. The bus shall be fitted with a full EBS and ABS brake system;
11.10.2. The air system must be able to be fully charged from empty within 3
minutes at an engine speed of 1500 rpm.
11.10.3. All wheels must have disc brakes, and all brake pad clearances must
automatically adjust.
11.10.4. A means of visually determining brake pad wear at each wheel must be
provided. It must not be necessary to dismantle or remove any components
to ascertain brake pad wear.
11.10.5. Under normal operating conditions, there must be minimal brake noise from
the discs or pads during service or emergency braking.
11.10.6. A means of determining air pressure must be fitted in the driver’s instrument
panel, showing both brake circuit and brake cylinder pressure separately for
each axle.
11.10.7. A separate air reservoir must be provided which must be capable of
releasing the brakes in the event of a general loss of air pressure.
11.10.8. If the passenger door is opened and the Bus is stationary, the rear axle
brake must be activated and the engine throttle must be returned to idle and
the Bus must be incapable of moving.
11.10.9. The application of the rear axle brake to comply with the requirements of
clause 10.9.8 must produce a nominal retardation rate of 20%g (with a
tolerance of +/-5%g) to the Bus.
11.10.10. All disc pads must provide a minimum services life of 50,000 km when
used in normal operations before replacement is necessary.
11.10.11. The Bus must have disc brakes on all axles
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11.10.12. Brake pad wear limit indicators must be fitted.
11.11. Parking and Emergency brakes
A fail-safe parking brake must be fitted on each Bus.
The parking brake control must be located to the right of the steering
wheel and 1 within easy reach of the driver.
If the parking brake control is not in the applied position and the ‘engine
start’ key is turned off or the engine has stopped rotating an audible and
visual alarm must operate under all conditions. The alarm must continue
to sound until either the ignition is turned on or the parking brake is placed
in the applied position. The alarm must continue to sound if the battery
master switch is switched off.
An audible alarm must be activated whether the engine is running or
stopped, whenever the driver’s cabin door is open and/or the driver’s seat
belt is unbuckled and the park brake is not applied. This alarm must be
deactivated by the application of the park brake or the cabin door closed
or seat belt buckled.
To avoid bus runaways, with:
passenger door open;
the engine either running, or stopped; and
the Bus stationary;
the rear axle service brake must automatically apply and remain applied
until either the accelerator or brake is depressed.
A separate driver operated ‘Bus Stop’ brake must not be fitted.
11.12. Suspension
A full electronic self-levelling air suspension (ELC) system must be fitted
to each Bus.
The suspension system must permit:
‘kneeling’ at the front doorway;
A ‘suspension lift’ setting to raise the Bus over obstructions.
Each Bus must be prevented from moving with the suspension ‘kneeling’
and must be prevented from ‘kneeling’ while moving.
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Each Bus must be restricted to moving at a speed up to 30 km/h with the
suspension in the ‘lift’ condition. If the ‘lift’ setting is operated while the
Bus is moving at a speed greater than 30 km/h, it must not activate or
reactivate until the raise switch is operated.
The time to lower each Bus from the normal height to the ‘kneeling’ height
must not exceed seven seconds, and the time to raise the Bus from the
‘kneeling’ height to the normal height must not exceed seven seconds.
The time to raise the Bus from the normal height to the ‘lift’ height must
not exceed seven seconds, and the time to lower the Bus from the ‘lift’
height to the normal height must not exceed seven seconds.
Visual warnings must be provided to alert the driver that the Bus’
suspension is either in the ‘kneeling’ or the ‘lift’ condition.
11.13. Wheels and Tyres
All buses are to be fitted with low noise tyres
All wheels are to be fitted with steel rims.
Preferred tyre size is 315/80R 22.5. However, alternatives will be
considered. Tyres must be
available in South Africa
All wheels and tyres must be identical and interchangeable between all
wheel positions.
One full spare wheel per bus must be provided.
11.14. Instruments and Controls
A removable ‘engine start’ key must be fitted or some manufacturer
approved engine start system. All “Engine Start” keys and barrels
supplied must be identical, so that any key can start any Bus supplied.
Each bus must be incapable of being started and or driven without the
use of the ‘engine start’ key or some other manufacturer approved engine
start system.
All instruments and controls must be clearly identified by means of
pictograms and or signs written in the English language.
In the event of only pictograms being supplied for the identification of any
warning indicators, a suitable transparent sticker explaining in the English
language the meaning of the symbols must be provided and must be fitted
to the offside driver’s side window.
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Where an audible warning is provided (e.g. for Bus malfunction, turn
indicators, reverse gear, kneeling and lifting, wheelchair ramp operation,
etc.) it must be loud enough to attract the driver’s attention but not loud
enough to cause discomfort or annoyance to passengers and in any event
must be less than 85 dbA in cabin area.
As an option, notwithstanding the bus may be fitted with an electronic
odometer, a hub odometer may be considered, subject to approval by the
11.15. Exhaust System
The exhaust system must comprise a stainless steel exhaust pipe from
the manifold. Flexible pipe sections must also be used and be made of
stainless steel.
The exhaust system must be suitably shrouded to prevent accidental
contact with hot surfaces in areas where access is required to perform
regular servicing and maintenance.
The Manufacturer must ensure that engine air intake is complying with the
chassis manufacturer’s recommendation in relation to the required Euro V
emission standard. A water trap must be fitted and positioned so that air
cannot be heated by close proximity to the exhaust system.
The exhaust outlet must be as near as practical to the rear of the vehicle
and discharge rearwards or to the right of the bus either horizontally or no
more than 45 degrees downwards and must not extend beyond the
perimeter of the bus when viewed in plan view.
11.16. Articulation Joint
Any articulation joint must allow sufficient movement so as not to limit Bus
manoeuvrability. Turning angles left and right must be smooth and
sufficient to allow the Bus to operate in tight areas. The rise and fall of the
turntable at the front and rear due to speed humps, traffic calming devices
or routine operation must be smooth and designed to eliminate stressing
the material of the Bus.
The articulation joint must be designed to prevent jack-knifing.
The articulation system must incorporate controls to limit engine power at
extreme angles of articulation to prevent vehicle skidding and to ensure
that traction is maintained at all times.
The articulation joint body curtain must be easily removable and
replaceable without the use of specialist equipment.
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The articulation joint and control equipment must be easily accessible for
inspection, servicing and cleaning with maximum servicing intervals. The
configuration of the curtain and assembly must be designed to prevent
accumulation of rubbish in the curtain.
The articulation joint must incorporate a centralised lubrication system.
The centralised lubrication system will allow lubrication of all mounting
points in the articulation system via a central location.
The articulation joint must be designed to allow passengers to stand in
this area when the Bus is in motion. The interior of the articulation curtain
must be symmetrical, provide maximum headroom and be designed to
minimise potential for damage.
The articulation joint must allow the Bus to operate on any route. The floor
must be even with no gaps to eliminate any object or passenger
entrapment between components of the articulation joint.
All plumbing (hydraulic oil hoses, pipes, brackets and fittings) and
components in the articulation joint must be secured and positioned to
avoid wear, noise and dislodgement. Pinch points are not acceptable.
11.17. Electrical System
Each Bus must be provided with a 24 volt DC electrical system.
The battery capacity and alternator output must be sufficient that, with the
engine running continually at idle speed, the full output of the air
conditioning can be achieved and all interior and exterior lights, as well as
ITS and AFC equipment plus ancillary equipment can be on without
draining the battery.
The batteries must be mounted in a swing-out or pull out-crate for access
and maintenance. The crate and hatch must lock so as to avoid the crate
being left unsecured.
A double pole battery isolating switch must be provided adjacent to the
batteries to isolate power to the Bus if required.
A manually operated battery master switch, which may be combined with
the ‘engine start’ switch, must be provided on the driver’s instrument
An Oldham Crompton bus booster socket (part number 6.008.25) or
similar interchangeable connector must be fitted but for safety reasons,
not on the offside of the bus.
The main electrical box must be installed inside the Bus.
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The electrical system must be designed such that sensitive electrical
equipment such as radios, destination equipment, interior lighting and
ticketing equipment are electrically isolated during engine cranking to
avoid voltage spikes. Separate circuit breakers shall be installed for CCTV
equipment, Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) equipment, Vehicle Location
Unit (VLU) with Mobile Data Terminal (MDT) and Passenger Information
All electrical equipment must conform to the requirements of relevant
South African Standard SABS.
11.17.10. The Manufacturer shall wire and install a radio and PA system with 8
speakers. The PA system shall interface with the VLU. The driver
microphone shall not have a physical on/off switch. When the PA system
is used it shall automatically mute the radio system.
11.17.11. Although the majority of the ITS equipment shall be installed by another
contractor, the manufacturer/s shall provide suitable mounting locations
and brackets where required.
11.17.12. List of ITS equipment to be installed follows: VLU and MDT, this can be 2 separate units or one combined
unit [by others]. GPS [by others] GPRS communications [by others] Wi-Fi to download/upload data from/to bus [by others] Driver microphone with no physical on/off switch [by bus
contractor] Driver speaker of high quality and acoustic properties [by bus
contractor] Nine IP cameras with Network Video Recorder (NVR) [by
others] Driver CCTV display. This display shall be configured to
show the door cameras and reverse camera. The NVR shall
interface with the gearbox in order to show the reverse
camera full screen when the reverse gear is engaged. [by
others] Driver duress/panic button [by others]
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Part C3: Scope of work Two overhead next stop passenger information displays [by
others] Traffic signal priority equipment [by others]
11.17.13. The following signals shall be made available to interface with the ITS
system Ignition on signal Door signals Odometer signal Driver duress signal Gearbox reverse signal Signal from PA system Destination display signal
11.17.14. The above shall be pre-wired to a terminal block to be installed in the ITS
11.17.15. There is no requirement for the Manufacturer to provide voice radios for
the buses. However, the manufacturer is to provide and install a speaker
and boom microphone in a safe and secure location within the driver’s
cab that the driver can operate hands free. The radio equipment to be
connected to this speaker and boom microphone is to be provided by
another supplier. The driver microphone shall not have a physical on/off
11.17.16. The Manufacturer shall wire and install a PA system with 8 speakers. The
PA system shall interface with the VLU.. When the PA system is used it
shall automatically mute the radio system.
11.17.17. Multiplexing – the bus body and chassis must incorporate a multiplex
wiring system. Such a system may control all major chassis and body
functions such as lighting, air conditioning, safety systems, door systems,
public information systems. The system includes an on board
management system with driver graphical interface.
11.17.18. On-bus technology equipment shall be provided as part of a separate
communications, vehicle tracking, CCTV monitoring of buses, bus priority
and potentially passenger counting, vehicle telematics and information to
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11.17.19. The Manufacturer shall work with the chosen Bus Manufacturer/s of onbus technology equipment to agree appropriate, secure mounting
locations for equipment. The Manufacturer shall ensure that equipment is
connected to the electrical system. This equipment shall be installed prior
to buses entering service and at a location convenient to all parties
11.17.20. The Manufacturer shall provide an appropriate location to mount a bus
tracking / vehicle location unit device. This device shall need to be
connected to the battery electrical system so that data can be
downloaded and uploaded from the device when the bus is parked
overnight and the ignition is not on. It is likely that this device will need to
be connected to the odometer and the Manufacturer shall work with the
chosen Bus Manufacturer/s to facilitate this.
11.17.21. The Manufacturer shall work with the chosen Bus Manufacturer(s) to
install GPS and communications antennas as required on the bus. It is
likely that these antennas will need to be mounted externally. The
mounting of external antennas must not exceed the maximum height
requirements for the bus, to avoid the issue of coming into contact with
the roof of stations.
11.17.22. As the fare system will be closed, no on-board ticketing system is
required. However, there may be a future requirement for on-board
smartcard validators. The Manufacturer shall propose suitable mounting
points near each door and ensure that electrical junction points are
installed to accommodate the future installation of these validators.
11.17.23. The Manufacturer shall provide mounting locations for at least nine CCTV
cameras. The first location will allow CCTV Camera Coverage of the
driver and passengers entering by the front door. The second location will
allow coverage of passengers entering and exiting by the middle door.
The third camera will allow coverage of passengers entering and exiting
by the rear door. The fourth location will allow CCTV camera coverage of
the entire interior of the front of the bus (in front of the articulation joint).
The fifth location will allow CCTV camera coverage of the entire interior of
the rear of the bus (behind the articulation joint). The sixth location will
allow a view of the front of the bus (for potential use for bus lane
enforcement). The seventh camera location will provide a view of the rear
of the vehicle (for reversing). Additional camera locations shall be
proposed by the manufacturer
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11.17.24. The Manufacturer shall provide a suitable mounting location for CCTV
recording (network video recorder) equipment, so that CCTV images can
be recorded during journeys and downloaded at the depot. The
Manufacturer shall provide a mounting location for two overhead next stop
passenger information displays. The first display location will be visible to
all passengers located in the front part of the bus (in front of the
articulation joint). The second display location will be visible to all
passengers in the rear of the bus (behind the articulation joint).
The Manufacturer must provide evidence that recognised design and
evaluation techniques have been used in the design of the body frame.
The materials used in the frame such as: 3CR12; 304 stainless steel;
galvanised steel or 6000 series aluminium alloy, must be detailed.
Two skids must be fitted at the front corners of each Bus, and two skids
must be fitted at the rear corners of each Bus. Each skid must be securely
attached to the chassis or under-frame of each Bus.
Suitable protection must be provided below the wheel chair ramp to
protect the ramp and passenger door area from impact damage.
Suitable precautions must be taken to minimise the effects of any collision
on the driver, steering and braking controls.
Suitable precautions must be taken to minimise the effects of any collision
on passengers, particularly including side impacts in the low floor section.
Suitable protection must be provided for the rear end units (engine,
transmission, radiator etc.) to minimise damage in the event of a rear end
The bodies must be constructed so as to allow, as far as possible for
repair and maintenance by using quickly replaced ‘off the shelf’ parts and
All internal components and trim with any fixings exposed to the interior of
the Bus must be fixed using tamper-proof components which are not
readily removable without special tools. Acceptable fixings include such
items as Allen head screws, and screws with special head designs.
Normal slotted screw fixings are not to be permitted.
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Interior panels must be durable and lightweight and be bonded or
mounted with threaded screws or suitable methods to ensure panels do
not work loose or rattle. Self-tapping screws are not acceptable.
The Manufacturer must ensure that the top corners of the body crosssection are curved rather than having sharp corners, and otherwise
designed so as to minimise the damage caused by collision with
overhanging branches, canopies, signs etc.
The cant panel areas must be capable of being readily repaired or
replaced without disturbing the roof centre or adjoining roof sections.
The Bus body should be designed to maximise potential advertising
space for the TRT. Specific areas considered suitable for advertising
include the rear panels, side panels below the window line, rear engine
door, the cant panel area above the passenger windows, and passenger
windows themselves. These areas must be free from any unnecessary
indentations and protrusions.
The Manufacturer will supply and fit both internal and external decals. The
decals must be applied by the Manufacturer in accordance with South
African Legislation including the Passenger Transport Act & Regulation
and Disability Discrimination Act 1992.
Customer specific sign writing is to be provided.
As an option, an unobtrusive Rubbish bin inside the bus near the entry
door may be considered subject to approval by the TRT.
The exterior surfaces of each Bus must be free of protrusions likely to
cause injury to pedestrians or Bus occupants.
The Manufacturer must ensure that fluids will not penetrate the structure
or panelling or the interior of the body whether due to weather or
operating conditions, the use of bus washes or other cleaning methods, or
by any other means.
Exterior panels including roof panels must be durable and lightweight
either fibreglass, aluminium or other suitable materials and must be fully
segregated below floor / seat rail and only partially segregated above floor
/ seat rail. All exterior panels must be easily replaceable without disturbing
any adjacent panels or window(s).
As an option, stainless steel side lining trims may be
considered, subject to approval by TRT.
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As an option, heavy duty rub rails may be considered,
subject to approval by TRT.
Guttering must not be joined over any doorway.
The front and rear corner panels must be made up as sub-assemblies
and must be easily replaceable without disturbing any adjacent sections.
The front and rear bumpers must be made from a material which is
durable and lightweight, in three sections and each section must be easily
replaceable without disturbing any adjacent sections.
Each Bus must be painted using an appropriate automotive paint process
in up to 4 colours to meet the required livery (specified separately). The
Manufacturer must ensure that all preparation and painting is carried out
in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s written instructions and
As an option, a more sophisticated paint arrangement than
that described in the above item may be considered, subject
to approval by TRT.
Where possible the layout of the colour scheme and the provision of joints
between parts must permit replaceable panels to be painted in only one
colour to assist in the provision of spare parts.
On all Buses a stainless steel panel, at least 120 mm in width must be
provided below the fuel filler aperture, extending to the bottom edge of the
body side panelling.
The roof panels shall be designed to prevent water intrusion for the
service life of the bus.
The bus must be fitted front and rear with heavy duty mud flaps.
As an option, rubber wheel arch mouldings may be
considered, subject to approval by the TRT.
As an option, lift-up wheel arch panels may be considered,
subject to approval by the TRT.
As an option, spray arrestors may be considered, subject to
approval by the TRT.
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Floor, Steps and Floor Edges
The floor must be covered in an appropriate, durable, lightweight non-slip
flooring material, and all joints must be welded and or fully sealed to
prevent water ingress. The front entry area to the point no further forward
than the rearmost point in the entry door must be covered in a contrasting
colour and tone. A contrasting colour and tone must also be used in the
rear door opening area.
The disabled access areas must be highlighted by contrasting coloured
Each front entry floor area must have one set of 70 mm yellow ‘No
Standing Area’ lettering inlaid. Painted lettering is not permitted.
The floor structure and flooring material must be impervious to moisture
penetration. The floor structure will be warranted for 10 years and the
floor covering (vinyl) will be warranted for 5 years.
The floor profile must be designed to eliminate pooling of water when the
Bus is parked on a level surface.
The floor covering must continue up the sides of the Bus as far as the
underside of the body side seat rails.
Sharp corners, both horizontal and vertical, must be avoided.
All step and platform edges must be fitted with contrasting edging
mounted in an aluminium step edge strip.
Passenger Door
Doors will be fitted with locks unless specifically requested to be omitted.
The front and rear right hand doors must be two-leaf inward opening, with
full depth glazing.
All doors should have crush protection devices (leading & possibly trailing
edge sensors, depending on design) which ensures the safety of
passengers. Should the edge sensor be activated then the door should
reverse, and a warning sounded.
All windows shall comply with SABS 1911.
All side windows including the emergency exits must be made from
toughened grey coloured glass with 70% light transmission, except that
the glass covering any external destination indicator or display must be
separate from the other windows and must not be tinted.
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As an option, extra-dark, tinted windows may be considered,
subject to approval by TRT.
Two emergency exit windows must be fitted with fixed grey coloured
toughened glass, with 70% light transmission. The rear window shall be
the main emergency exit window with the manufacturer to specify the
demarcated as such.
All side windows, rear windows and door glass excluding the emergency
exit windows, must be fitted with a replaceable internal film. The film must
be clear and must be easily replaceable. The film must be designed to
protect the window glass from scratching and vandalism, must provide the
window glass with additional impact protection and reduce the heat
transfer into the driver and passenger compartments. The film must
ensure that the glass remains intact in the event of glass breakage, whilst
not inhibiting emergency access.
Side passenger windows may be bonded, rubbered in or
combinations of those systems.
As an option, and notwithstanding 12.5.5, driver lockable
hopper windows may be considered, subject to approval by
the TRT.
For bonded passenger windows, the windows must be able to be
replaced without the need to reinstate corrosion protective coating on the
bus body frame.
The minimum number of ‘Break Glass’ hammers must be provided ,
together with suitable markings, for use as emergency exits.
Break Glass’ hammers must be retained with high tensile heavy duty
wiring and must activate an audible and visible alarm when removed from
their mounting. For emergency use, a spare loose hammer is to be
provided in the driver’s cab.
The windscreen preferably is to be a one-piece laminated glass screen,
XIR type or equivalent with a heat film. Alternatives of split screen, and
rubbered in mounting are acceptable.
Where fitted, the rear window must be one piece flat toughened glass.
A nearside front corner ‘peep screen’ must be provided between the
windscreen and the front doors, dimensioned so as to provide vision of a
one metre high person standing immediately adjacent to the window.
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Glazed modesty panels must be provided at the rear of the front doorway.
They must be arranged so as to prevent passengers from trapping their
fingers in the doors.
As an option, stainless steel kick panels on the lower section of the
modesty panel may be considered subject to approval by the TRT.
The manufacturer shall warrant all glazing and bonding for a minimum
period of 5 years.
The driver’s side window is to comprise twin sliding panels fitted with an
impact film or be of laminated glass.
As an option, a single sliding and single fixed panel may be
considered, subject to approval by the TRT.
As an option, a porthole style window may be considered,
subject to approval by the TRT.
Windscreen Wipers and Washer
Large ‘fold over’ windscreen wipers must be fitted, and they must
incorporate variable intermittent, normal and fast speeds.
Windscreen washers must be mounted on the windscreen wipers so that
they move across the screen with the wipers, with a minimum holding
container capacity of five litres.
The wiper motor and linkages must be easily accessible for inspection
and maintenance.
Body Insulation
The body sides and roof of each Bus must be fitted with suitable thermal
The thermal insulation must be incapable of absorbing moisture.
The underside of the floor behind the rear axle must be fitted with suitable
heat insulation, noise absorption and noise insulation material.
Handrails, Stanchions and Bell Pushes
The handrails and stanchions must conform to the Universal access
requirements. Particular attention is to be paid to ensuring passengers
can safely find handrails in the accessible area and in the vicinity of the
driver’s cabin and door areas.
All handrails and stanchions must be manufactured from painted stainless
steel, with matching clamps and fixings.
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As an option, coloured handrails in any suitable material may
be considered, subject to approval by the TRT.
Longitudinal overhead handrails must be fitted on both sides of the
passengers. The hanging straps must be securely fixed longitudinally.
Longitudinal handrails must be fitted to the interior body sides between
any pairs of facing seats.
Suitable transverse handrails must be provided on each bulkhead or
screen ahead of any forward facing seats.
Hanging straps, referred to in clause 8.8.3, must be installed in each Bus
in accordance with standing capacity. Seat mounted grips must be aisle
side mounted. The hanging straps mounted to the longitudinal hand rails
must equate to a minimum of 65% of the total standing capacity.
Palm-type bell pushes must be fitted to all stanchions adjacent to seats.
Operation of any bell push must activate a bus Stopping Sign, which has
an audible and visual warning for the driver, mounted at the front of the
Bus, to illuminate until the door is opened.
As an option, a second bus Stopping Sign may be
considered, subject to approval by the TRT.
The nearside and offside bell push circuits must be completely separated
in the event of failure.
A palm type button (with Universal Access markings) within reach of a
person in the wheelchair position. This button should activate a slightly
different tone, and warning light in the driver’s compartment, so the driver
is aware that a person in that position potentially needs assistance.
The seats and frames must comply with SABS 1564 and seats adjacent
to the centre isle must incorporate a facility for standing passengers to
hold onto;
Wheelchair position has to comply with all SABS regulations in terms of
seatbelts, rear vertical (ironing board), cushions etc.
Specified comfort type seats or similar must be provided;
The seat material and colour is still to be advised by the TRT to go with
the overall paint finish and vehicle branding;
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The seat material and cover are to be upholstered in a heavy duty
material that can be cleaned
The seat backs and interior fittings must be graffiti resistant.
Preferential seats for the elderly, infirm etc. are to be located in the 1st
two rows in front of bus are to be provided.
Except for folding seats in the wheelchair area and seats in the rear deck
area, seats must be cantilevered from the sides. In addition to the
cantilevered support, under seat support can be provided for at the outer
(isle side) seats. Floor mounted seats with vertical leg are permitted in the
low floor areas.
Seats must be roll top type seats with a vandal-resistant frames and
backs. Full size cushions and squabs must be provided and must be
easily removable for repair and replacement.
As an option, modular seating may be considered, subject to
approval by the TRT.
Continuous seat rails must be incorporated in the body sides.
A moulded padded grab rail or suitable alternative must be fitted to the top
of each seat back (except for the rearmost row of seats).
All passenger seats must be trimmed in PVC vinyl or wool over foam
upholstery, or acceptable alternative.
The driver’s seat must be high quality suspension type seat, trimmed in
wool upholstery, or acceptable alternative.
Particular attention must be paid to ensuring high levels of comfort for
seated passengers, including seat padding and adequate knee and leg
room. A minimum seat pitch of 750 mm is required
All folding seats, when deployed, must meet the same mounting, strength
and impact requirements as the fixed seats.
All folding seats must be able to be deployed in both the raised and
lowered positions, and where possible an armrest must divide each
seating position when the seats are deployed in the lowered position.
The rear row of seats must be hinged or similar to allow for ready
replacement of cushions and seat shells and for cleaning behind the
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Provision should be made for “priority seating” for passengers with
disabilities. These should be carefully selected, in an accessible position,
and potentially having slightly more space (for guide dogs, etc.)
Two front wheel arch rests are to be fitted.
12.10. Luggage Capacity
A luggage rack must be provided.
The design of the rack must prevent small items from rolling out. The aisle
face of the rack is to be open to allow large items to be easily lifted out.
Where luggage could come into contact with any window(s), suitable
protection bars must be fixed to the body side to prevent damage to the
Any luggage rack bars located adjacent to passenger seating positions
must be fitted with suitable padding.
Luggage areas are to be provided as per Clause 8.10.1 as well as in
additional areas. These additional areas must be nominated in any design
proposals issued for the TRT’s review.
12.11. Rear Vision Mirrors
The nearside exterior rear facing mirrors conforming to SABS
specification SV 1054-1981 must be a heated electrically adjusted convex
mirror mounted forward of the entrance doors and visible through the
swept area of the windscreen, in accordance with current standard. In the
event of an impact, all components must be separately replaceable and
the mirror head must be mounted independently from the mounting
bracket. Shear bolts are to be used to mount the mirror brackets to
minimise damage to the frame in the case of an accident. The lower edge
of the mirror must be no less than 2.1 metres from the ground with the
Bus standing on level ground and at normal height.
The offside exterior rear facing mirror must be a heated electronicallyadjusted flat mirror, visible through the driver’s side window.
External mirrors must be mounted on ‘knock-back’ arms that will move
backwards in the event of impact.
External mirror brackets must be mounted onto the body so as to
minimise the possibility of the bracket detaching from the body.
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Interior mirrors must be in accordance with the specified standards and
must comprise a large centre-mounted convex mirror at the top of the
A convex header mounted mirror must be provided on the near side to
provide the driver with a view of the wheel chair area and the area behind
the driver’s cabin.
It must not be necessary to move or adjust any interior mirrors to open
any interior service doors or hatches (e.g. for destination or door
equipment servicing).
All mirror mountings must be designed to minimise vibration to the mirror
12.12. Interior Lighting
The interior lighting may be fluorescent or LED and covered by diffusers.
The layout must include lighting in each body bay, including the rearmost
bay. In addition, with the exception of the front doorway, the layout must
include an additional light mounted over the doorway (i.e. there must be
two lights in each door bay), which must be illuminated whenever the
interior lighting is switched on.
No more than two screws or other similar fastenings must be needed to
be removed to replace a lighting element.
A separate driver’s cab light must be fitted, illuminating the cab and the
cash tray. This light must be activated whenever the front doors are open,
and must also be operable at all other times by means of a separate
switch. This light must not be fluorescent.
A document reading light must be provided in the drivers’ cabin area and
must be independently switched at all times.
Interior lighting must be so designed as to minimise reflections on the
front windscreen and side windows adjacent to the driver. Two lights must
be provided in the engine compartment.
12.13. Exterior Lighting
Exterior lighting at the front must comprise two headlights, two park (or
side lights), two front marker lights, two side turn indicators and two
School Bus Flashing Lights, in accordance with specified requirements.
All exterior registration plate, marker, indicator, school, stop and tail lights
must be of the LED type.
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Exterior lighting at the rear must comprise two stop lights, two tail lights,
two marker lights, two side turn indicators, two reversing lights and two
School Bus Flashing Lights. An additional high mounted stop, tail and side
turn light must be fitted at each side of the rear window, wired so as to
operate in conjunction with the other rear lights.
Exterior lighting and reflectors at the sides must be in accordance with
specified requirements. Notwithstanding, a side turn and marker light
must be located as close as possible to each wheel arch to assist the
driver when turning.
A fully waterproof external light must be provided adjacent to the entrance
doorway, arranged so as to clearly illuminate the lowest door step edge,
and also the kerb, pavement or road surface for at least 500 mm beyond
the step edge and for at least the full width of the doorway. The light may
be LED or other suitable form but must only illuminate when the
respective doors are opened and the interior lights are on, and must be
extinguished when the respective doors are closed.
12.14. Driver Compartment
The driver’s cab must incorporate:
A swivel based, spring suspension/air adjustable, driver’s seat, including a
head rest and adjustable lumbar support, suitable for drivers ranging from
the 5th percentile female to the 95th percentile male up to 150kg.
As an option, in the above item, mechanical lumbar
adjustment may be considered subject to approval by the
As an option, in the above item, a non-swivelling, mechanical
suspension, mechanical lumbar adjusting seat may be
considered subject to approval by the TRT.
An adjustable blind mounted ahead of the driver to cover
three quarters of the screen width. An optional electric blind
may be considered.
An adjustable blind mounted to the right of the driver.
A driver’s coat hook and broom clip.
A personal driver’s locker and sufficient lockable space to
house service equipment accessible by operational staff.
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An SABS approved fire extinguisher (approximately 4.5 kg
capaTRT) of the stored pressure dry powder type to be
provided and located in a readily available position in the
drivers compartment.
As an option, other fire suppression devices may be
considered, subject to approval by the TRT.
A document holder capable of holding laminated A4 size
documents. An inclined foot rest for the driver’s left foot incorporating the
emergency radio alarm switch and a 2nd switch in a
convenient location. As an option, a third switch may be provided, subject to
approval by the TRT. As an option, the emergency alarm may incorporate bus
horn and headlight flashing functions, subject to approval by
the TRT. A cup holder arranged so as to minimise the risk of
accidental spillage of any fluids over the driver, passengers
or equipment.
The dash console must give fingertip control of all switches and controls.
The driver’s dash is to be designed to be incorporated in a dash riser
which has removable panels fitted as required to provide access to
A driver’s cab door must be fitted and must not rattle when closed.
12.15. Heating and Ventilation
Each Bus must be fitted with a fully automatic ‘heat-cool’ air conditioning
system. The system must be designed to maximise passenger and driver
As an option, multiple air-conditioning units and compressors
may be provided.
As an option, alternative low maintenance compressor
options may be provided, subject to approval by the TRT.
When in the cooling mode, the system must be capable of cooling the Bus
interior to 22 degrees C under fully laden conditions at all times.
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The temperature requirements of Clause 8.15.2 must be capable of
subsequent adjustment by the Manufacturer should service experience
require it.
Relative humidity inside the Bus must normally be around 50% but must
not exceed 70% at any time.
When in the heating mode, the system must be capable of maintaining an
interior temperature of at least 22 degrees C once the engine is warmed
up under fully laden conditions at all times when the outside temperature
is 2 degrees C or above.
The system must incorporate a minimum of 10% fresh air at all times.
Driver’s controls must be limited to an ‘on-off’ switch, and temperature
adjustment control only, the system must be fully automatic in operation
and may incorporate a temperature display adjacent to this switch.
The ventilation system must provide an even distribution of controlled air
throughout the passenger area and provide the driver with sufficient
airflow so as to maintain comfort levels.
The controlled air supply to the driver’s cabin shall also be provided with a
boost fan to allow the driver to control air-conditioned air flow rates
independent of the main ventilation fans, if required.
12.15.10. A fault light must be incorporated to illuminate whenever there is a fault in
the system. A comprehensive warning light panel, which also includes an
indication of when the compressor is operating, must be provided in a
locked area of the Bus (e.g. inside the recirculating grille), accessible to
maintenance staff.
12.15.11. The air conditioning system should be integrated with a multiplexed on
board computer arranged to allow for subsequent re-programming of
operating parameters. As an option, a separate data logger for the air-conditioning
may be considered, subject to approval by the TRT. If fitted,
the system may record its performance (including, but not
limited to, interior and exterior temperatures) and faults over
a minimum period of one week, and be capable of
downloading this information to a recording device.
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12.15.12. The ventilation fans must be electronically controlled so as to maintain
passenger comfort. In heat mode the fans must only operate when the
engine is at operating temperature and sufficient heat is available to heat
the passenger compartment if required.
12.15.13. In the event of failure of the air conditioning equipment, the ventilation
fans must continue to operate to ensure continued ventilation of the
interior of the Bus.
12.15.14. The system is to incorporate an air distribution system that uses fixed
grilles or slots in the passenger area. No air must flow directly onto
passengers’ heads. Three individual adjustable vents must be provided
for the driver, designed so that small objects (rubbish) cannot be pushed
into the vents. As an option, variable vents for the air-conditioning in the
passenger area may be considered, subject to approval by
the TRT.
12.15.15. The system must be designed to provide demisting of the windscreen and
all side windows.
12.15.16. The system must be inhibited so that, even if the control switch is in the
‘on position, the compressor and fans must not start until thirty seconds
after the engine is started. This is to avoid the engine being started on
12.15.17. All air must be filtered, and filters must be easily removable for cleaning.
12.15.18. Condensate must not precipitate or collect on any interior surface of the
12.15.19. All roof mounted air conditioning equipment and or pods must be sealed
so that no water, from weather conditions, bus washes or any other cause
penetrates the interior of the Bus or contracts any structural members or
internal panel surfaces or voids.
12.15.20. A separate heating, windscreen demisting and driver’s ventilation system
must be provided at the front of each Bus, using fresh air. To reduce the
ingress of traffic fumes, the fresh air must be drawn into the demisting
system from the exterior of the bus. This system must also demist the
front nearside ‘peep screen’ and the front leaf of the front door and must
heat the driver’s cabin and driver’s feet area. Temperature control must
be provided for the driver by means of a rotating switch. (A cable operated
‘push-pull’ valve is not acceptable). The system must incorporate a twospeed fan.
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Part C3: Scope of work
12.15.21. The Manufacturer must design the air conditioning system functions to
operate in the conditions as outlined in this document.
12.15.22. The air conditioning system will not be operational when the alternator is
not charging. A warning light will activate when the air conditioning system
in not working.
12.16. Roof Hatches and Vents
The Buses must be fitted with two manually operated, non-transparent,
lift-up roof hatches.
As an option, deletion of roof hatches may be considered,
subject to approval by the TRT.
As an option, one roof hatch may be considered, subject to
approval by the TRT.
As an option, three roof hatches may be considered, subject
to approval the TRT.
The roof hatches where fitted must be capable of use as emergency exits,
in accordance with the specified requirements, and for provision of
emergency ventilation.
The handles of the roof hatches must be operable by adult passengers in
an emergency.
The Manufacturer must ensure that each roof hatch and its components is
sealed so that no water, from weather conditions, bus washes or any
other cause, is able to penetrate the interior of the Bus or contact any
structural members or internal panel surfaces or voids.
12.17. Destination Equipment
Buses must be fitted with yellow on black electronic dot matrix destination
indicators or LED yellow type indicators, fitted to the front, nearside and
The front unit must be composed of a 96 or 98 x 16 matrix of 14 or 15 mm
diameter pixels or equivalent technology, and must be capable of
displaying three large route number digits and one large or two small lines
of text. The text must be shown as part screen or full screen or a mixture
of both. The text must also scroll with variable timing.
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The side unit must be composed of a 96 or 98 x 16 matrix of 9 or 10 mm
diameter pixels or equivalent technology, and must be capable of
displaying three large route number digits and one large or two small lines
of text.
The rear unit must be composed of a 24 or 28 x 16 matrix of 14 or 15 mm
diameter pixels or equivalent technology and must be capable of
displaying three large route numbers and an alpha character.
Each destination unit must be legible from angles up to 150 deg in all
Destination displays shall interface with the ITS system in order to be
configured by an external source.
The destination equipment controller must be capable of storing at least
2000 separate displays and must be updated by means of a smart card or
USB connection.
White LED’s must be used to illuminate the destination dot matrix displays
and must be easily accessible. LED type indicators must be self
Special attention must be given to providing good access to the
destination units for maintenance and repair. Each unit must be hinged
and able to swing back by 90 degrees when released without the need to
remove any other equipment.
12.17.10. All destination equipment must conform to the Universal Access
Standards for Accessible Public Transport.
12.17.11. The programming software must be GUI based and must enable easy
programming. The software must emulate on screen what will be seen on
the bus destination signs.
12.17.12. The destination control panel inside each Bus must mimic in real time on
the screen what is displayed in the destination sign.
12.17.13. The warranty period for all destination sign components must be for a
minimum period of ten years.
12.17.14. Destination displays shall interface with the ITS system in order to be
configured by an external source.
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Part C3: Scope of work
12.18. Security Video Camera
A suitable housing must be mounted for a set of video cameras for on
board monitoring of.
Each Bus must comply with the Universal Access Accessible Public Transport
Disability standards relating to passengers with disabilities as issued by the
South African National Department of Transport.
Each Bus must have access for wheelchairs through the front/middle doorways and
the preferred layout is for a flat floor, other than where wheel arches intrude, from the
front entrance through to the rear pillar of the centre door if fitted.
As an option, ramping of the floor in the vicinity of the centre door may be
considered, subject to approval by the TRT.
Each bus must have two dual purpose wheelchair space at the middle and front
doors which are fitted with deployable seats and wheelchair support (ironing board)
in order to maximise seating Capacity when wheelchairs are not being carried.
Total number of dedicated wheelchair space will be 2 with 2 dual purpose wheelchair
There needs to be sufficient space (850mm) clear from the doorway to the
wheelchair positions.
Each Bus must be fitted with a driver automated level boarding bridge and must be
fitted with an electronic warning system which activates when the bridge is deployed.
An electronic voice system has to be installed for door operations providing clear
audible notification when bus doors are opened and closed.
The level boarding bridge must be manufactured from suitable materials so as to
minimise weight and maximise durability. The level board bridge must be designed to
ensure easy access and usage for the operator and with minimal operator effort
Where the level boarding bridge is fitted, illuminated amber ‘Ramp Out’ sign must be
mounted over the doorway equipped with a wheelchair ramp. This sign must be
illuminated only when the level boarding bridge is fully extended and the doors are
13.10. The boarding bridge must be interconnected into each Bus’ door safety systems. The
safety interlocks must be activated when the level boarding bridge is in use and the
front doors must not be able to be closed with the level boarding bridge deployed.
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13.11. The opening and closing of doors should not be allowed to be activated without the
deployment of the boarding bridge first.
13.12. The boarding bridge must be designed to minimise any lip intrusion at either end of
the ramp.
13.13. The two required dual purpose wheelchair spaces will include an “ironing board”
backrest per area or seat belts and retaining straps for forward facing wheelchair
All materials used in the construction of each Bus must be suitably protected from
structural corrosion so as to allow each Bus to operate for a minimum of 15 years
with no repairs to any corroded structural member.
Corrosion is defined as the electrolytic and or chemical degradation of any
component which affects the structural integrity, safety or the economic Bus life.
The vehicle must be designed to prevent electrolytic corrosion between dissimilar
metals used in the construction of each Bus so as to allow each Bus to operate for 15
years with no major repairs to any corroded structural member.
Suitable drainage and ventilation systems must be provided to prevent accumulation
or retention of fluids within the Bus structure or panelling.
All closed steel section members, other than stainless steel, must be injected with a
suitable corrosion inhibitor.
All coatings, corrosion inhibiting compounds, sealants and adhesives must be used
in strict accordance with manufacturers’ written instructions or specifications. All
coatings and associated materials must be of such a generic nature that they do not
represent undue risk to operator’s health when used in accordance with
manufacturer’s procedures.
The chassis and underside of the body, and all associated equipment, must be
designed to resist damage and corrosion caused by the use of high pressure water
cleaning and steam equipment, using detergents.
The entire chassis, body and associated equipment must be sufficiently corrosion
resistant to withstand regular automated washing using recycled washing water.
Chassis and body spare parts must be generally available ex-stock within 24 hours to
any site in the TRT’s operating area.
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Part C3: Scope of work
The Manufacturer must provide copies of its catalogue of spare parts. The catalogue
must include parts description and part number. Any updates to the catalogue must
be made available to operators.
The manufacturer must provide full details of all items included and excluded within
their respective Maintenance and Warranty programmes.
The manufacturer shall clearly state the duration of the maintenance programmes
with a minimum duration of 3 years.
The manufacturer must provide full details and curricula of their driver training
The Manufacturer must provide suitable and sufficient service and repair capabilities
within the TRT’s operating area. Such capabilities must be provided for both the
chassis and the body and will be available from the date of delivery of the first Bus.
During the warranty periods, the Manufacturer must provide sufficient staff and
facilities to enable, as a minimum, an inspection of any service problem affecting
either the chassis or the body in a timely manner of any service problem becoming
Full service, maintenance and workshop information, and spare parts lists, must be
provided by the Manufacturer before the first Bus is delivered (to the operator). All
information, manuals and drawings must be written in the English language.
The Manufacturer must also provide the bus operator with all OEM documentation,
which includes but is not limited to all instructions, manuals, service, maintenance
and repair bulletins, information instructions or similar, training materials and other
documentation to be prepared by the Manufacturer to enable the operator to operate
and maintain the Buses in accordance with the manufacturers’ guidelines. These
documents must be provided in a manner that is auditable and understood by both
the operator and manufacturer.
The Manufacturer will provide (with their bid submission) an Operational Outline of
how the vehicle maintenance will be carried out which must cover the following
Facilities to be provided;
Ratio of workshop staff to busses;
Methodology of routine maintenance;
Spare parts availability;
Maintenance record keeping systems;
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Communication structures/systems with Client as well as Operator;
The TRT may test, examine, measure or take such other action as is necessary to
determine whether the Bus/es are in accordance with this document and any other
mutually agreed documentation considered and agreed as appropriate between the
bus operator and the manufacturer, which will include on road performance testing as
part of the acceptance process.
As a condition precedent to Acceptance for each Bus:
A letter outlining the compliance (and non-compliance) to this document must be
issued by the Manufacturer.
The Manufacturer must provide the TRT:
a weighbridge ticket;
a set of signed pre-delivery checklists (covering, as a
minimum, the requirements for the chassis, transmission,
conditioning and destination equipment
described in the Technical Specification); and
a set of wheel alignment figures for each Bus.
All safety systems for each Bus, including but not limited to the door
safety system must be fully commissioned and certified by the
Manufacturer as complying with the requirements of the Technical
Each Bus must be fuelled to at least 25% of its full rated capacity.
The Manufacturer acknowledges that:
It will take all reasonable steps in the design of the Buses and their
production processes so as to provide a Bus designed to withstand the
dynamic and operational loads imposed on it during normal operations for
a service life of 20 years commencing from the relevant Date of
Acceptance and on the basis that the Buses travel an average of 80,000
kilometres per year for 20 years and provided the Buses are serviced and
maintained in accordance with the OEM Documentation;
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Each chassis frame is designed to withstand the dynamic and operational
loads imposed on it during normal operations for twenty (20) years
commencing from the relevant Date of Acceptance, provided that
maintenance has been carried out generally in accordance with the OEM
The destination equipment is designed to remain operational and fit for its
intended purpose in accordance with the requirements of the Contract of
Sale for a minimum period of ten (10) years for replacement parts from
the Date of Acceptance of the relevant Bus;
The body frame will not fail due to corrosion and will remain operational
and fit for its intended purpose in accordance with the requirements of the
Contract of Sale for a minimum period of ten (10) years from the Date of
Acceptance of the relevant Bus;
The body frame will not fail due to structural deficiencies or problems and
will remain operational and fit for its intended purpose in accordance with
the requirements of the Contract of Sale for a minimum period of fifteen
(15) years from the Date of Acceptance of the relevant Bus; and
Spare parts will be available for all Goods for a period of not less than
fifteen (15) years from the Date of Acceptance of the last bus to achieve
Acceptance. Where advances in technology (particularly regarding, but
not limited to, electrical and electronic equipment) make provision of
identical spare parts impractical, the Manufacturer guarantees that
replacement non-identical spare parts will be interchangeable and will not
degrade the performance or life of the Buses.
Where used in this clause a "failure" means any incident, malfunction,
intermittent condition or failure of any component or piece of equipment,
in relation to a Bus for which the Manufacturer is responsible, and which
requires passengers, or if no passengers are on the Bus, would require
passengers to be transferred to another Bus to complete their journeys.
For the avoidance of doubt, and without limiting the above paragraph, a
failure does not include failures in relation to a Bus resulting from
deliberate abuse, mishandling, improper storage, accidental damage or
failure or malfunction of additional equipment not provided by the
Manufacturer such as radio and automatic fare collection equipment
(unless caused by the Manufacturer).
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The vehicle warranty (all components) will be as per the manufacturer’s standard
warranty terms and conditions and as laid out in their warranty manual/policy.
The vehicle warranty shall stipulate all inclusions and exclusions and shall be
submitted with their respective bid.
The warranty period shall be for a minimum of 250 000km.
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Table of Contents
DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY NIPP ................................................... 65
GENERAL ........................................................................................................... 66
OPERATING REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................. 67
DIMENSIONS ..................................................................................................... 68
LAYOUT ............................................................................................................. 68
SERVICE ACCESS ................................................................................................ 70
CHASSIS ............................................................................................................ 71
BODY ................................................................................................................ 83
PROVISIONS FOR PASSENGERS WITH DISABILITIES ............................................. 98
CORROSION PROTECTION ................................................................................ 100
SPARE PARTS................................................................................................... 100
SERVICE AND TRAINING................................................................................... 100
TESTING AND ACCEPTANCE ............................................................................. 101
OPERATIONAL LIFE .......................................................................................... 102
WARRANTY ..................................................................................................... 103
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Part C3: Scope of work
Contract means the Bus Acquisition Contract in place between an appointed
Bidder/Bus Manufacturer/s and TRT, for the manufacturing, supply and delivery of
174 buses for the TRT Project;
Manufacturer means the bus chassis and or bus body manufacturer, provider, agent,
Bus Manufacturer/s, builder who is contracted by the TRT to supply the buses;
Failure means any incident, malfunction, intermittent condition or failure of any
component or piece of equipment, in relation to a Bus for which the Manufacturer is
responsible, and which requires passengers, or if no passengers are on the Bus,
would require passengers to be transferred to another Bus to complete their
OEM Documentation all instructions, manuals, training materials and other
documentation to be prepared by the Manufacturer in accordance with the Contracts
of Sale to enable the operator to operate and maintain the Buses;
NIPP means the Department of Trade and Industry National Industrial Participation
Program; and
All buses shall meet the requirements of the Compulsory Specification for Motor
vehicles of Category M1/M2 as published in Government Gazette No. 27947 as per
Government Notice No. R855 dated 2 September 2005 (the Notice), including the:
The various SABS requirements highlighted in the Notice;
The National Road Traffic Act (Act No. 93 of 1996) and Regulations issued
Other Government Notices mentioned in the Notice; and
The Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011.
The procurement of the 174 buses will be undertaken within the framework of the
NIPP of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).
This program requires that at least 30% of the value of the imported products for a
government related project (where the imported value exceeds US$10 m) must be
added locally in South Africa.
A period of 7 years is required to fulfil the obligations.
The appointed manufacturer will be required to fulfil the NIPP requirements and will
hence be required to interact with the DTI on this matter;
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Part C3: Scope of work
The appointed manufacturer should therefore complete a Standard Bidding
Document 5 (SBD 5) together with the other required bidding documents on the
closing date and time.
Each Bus must comply with all relevant South African bus design requirements,
instructions issued by the South African National Department of Transport (DoT)
Each Bus must comply with the relevant Universal Access Design Guidelines issued
by the Department of Transport incorporating all aids for the disabled, blind, deaf etc.
Each Bus must comply with all relevant South African and International Standards
Codes including lawful directions of all competent authorities relating to or otherwise
affecting the subject matter of the Contract;
SABS standards must be adhered to as a minimum standard in all respects. Where
requirements of the specification exceed those of the SABS or ECE standards, the
more stringent standards will apply;
Where there is a conflict between any part of this Bus Specification and the
requirements of any Clause, the more stringent requirements will take precedence;
‘Fully laden’ is defined as a full complement of driver, seated and standing
passengers at 65kg / passenger, plus a full load of fuel and with the Bus in ‘ready for
the road’ operating condition;
Each Bus must be designed to maximise passenger comfort. Particular attention
must be taken to minimise noise, vibration and harshness transmitted to passengers.
Factors such as road noise, mechanical noise and air conditioning noise must be
minimised to the specifications specified in the bus specifications.
Operational Life is referred to in Clause 18 hereunder;
Buses must be stored by the manufacturer until delivered;
Buses must be delivered to an address within the jurisdiction of the TRT to be
determined and agreed to with the TRT;
All technical specifications will be subject to an independent compliance and
verification process by the TRT. Any corrections, updates or adjustments required as
a result of non-compliance will be for the account of the manufacturer.
The installation of an all Intelligent Transport System (ITS) and Automated Fare
Collection (AFC) equipment will be conducted by an independent service provider but
must be facilitated by the appointed Bidder/Manufacturer/s during manufacturing of
the fleet.
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Part C3: Scope of work
The Buses must meet the following minimum operating requirements:
Passenger Combined Seated:
30 – 40
Standing Capacity:
30 – 40
Wheelchair bays:
1x Dual Purpose
Traffic conditions: Frequent stopping in high density urban and suburban, plus longer
distance limited stop services on roads with up to 65 km/h speed limits.
Minimum average speed 25-30 km/hour including stops:
Daily operating duration: 18 hours per day or up to 450 km per shift. Buses must be
capable of achieving this without the need to refuel.
Maximum road gradient: 18% (1 in 4) (see Clause 2.4).
Maximum road cross-fall: Up to 7% (average 2% to 5%).
Estimated service life: 25 years.
Average annual distance: 80,000 km/year for twelve years.
Highest shade temperature: 45 deg C.
Lowest temperature: -5 deg C.
Each Bus must be capable of accelerating, when fully laden, in accordance with the
following requirements:
0 to 60 km/hour 24.0 seconds
Acceleration and gear changing (both up and down changes) must be smooth
enough to prevent annoyance or discomfort to passengers.
Each fully laden Bus must be capable of stopping, being held on the park brake, and
re-starting without rolling back on sealed grades of not less than 18% (1 in 4), both
uphill and downhill when fully laden.
The Buses must meet the performance for operating on gradients as submitted in the
The Buses must suffer no structural failures or other problems attributable to the
negotiation of roundabouts, speed bumps, slow points and other traffic calming
devices encountered in high density urban and suburban areas, plus longer distance
limited stop services on roads with up to 65 km/h speed limits.
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Part C3: Scope of work
Each bus must conform to the following requirements, in fully seated form,
Requirement Dimension:
Maximum length (mm) 12,000
Maximum width (mm) excl. mirrors and side lamps 2,500
Maximum height (mm) 3,400
Wall to wall turning circle diameter (mm) 20,000
Minimum approach angle (deg.) fully laden 7.0
Minimum departure angle (deg.) fully laden 7.0
The floor height at median stations shall be 340 (mm)
The bus shall kneel to a floor height of 270 (mm) or less to allow universal
access boarding at feeder stops through the deployment of a driver
operated or automatic level boarding bridge.
The front axle shall carry not more than 7,700 kg;
The driving axle shall carry not more than 12,000 kg (dual tyres);
All specification shall comply with the National Road Traffic Act Regulations, 1996
(Act 93 of 1996) and all subsequent amendments made to the National Road Traffic
All doors, entrances, and exists shall comply with the requirements of the relevant
regulations of the National Road Traffic Act, 1996 (Act 93 of 1996):
Each Bus must be right hand drive with power steering;
Each Bus must have 2 doors on the right hand side of the bus for median
boarding in enclosed stations and 1 door on left for curbsidecurbside
boarding at feeder stops;
Doors shall be equipped with seals so as not to allow water, dust or air to
flow through the forward rear, or top of the door when closed. The edge of
the door shall have a rubber weather strip.
Each door shall be fitted with a potential free signal contact to be wired to
the on-board ITS system. The signal shall be closed when the door is in the
fully open position.
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Part C3: Scope of work
The right hand side (RHS) doors must:
Be pneumatically operated by the driver or by an automated system
Be of a folding door type
Have a minimum clear opening width of 1,100 mm between rails
Front RHS door to be located in front of front wheels
Rear RHS door to be located behind rear wheels
RHS door spacing between front doors and the rear door must be the same
distance apart 18m articulated bus RHS middle and front doors of 5 175mm
Be capable of being used for entry and exit
Have a minimum height of 2,000 mm
Have driver operated or automatic level boarding bridge system at the front
and rear RHS doors for ease and safety of boarding and alighting of
passengers at stations
Left hand (LH) door must be provided:
A minimum of one door is to be provided on the front left hand side of the
bus for curbsidecurbside operations;
These doors must have a minimum clear opening of 1100 mm between
The doors are to be a sliding type;
LHS Door shall have automatic or pneumatically driver operated level
boarding bridge system for ease and safety of boarding and alighting of
passengers at feeder stops;
Passenger doors on both sides will be fitted with boarding bridges or ramps. (The
terms are used interchangeably and are to be read as including any mechanism or
device that achieves the desired objective.) These ramps shall provide a bridge
between the vehicle floor and the station or stop platform. The ramp shall be suitable
to accommodate foot and wheelchair traffic with edges tapered adequately to readily
allow traversal by the front wheels of a wheelchair. The bridge shall have a safe
working load of not less than 300 kilograms.
Maximum gradient on all level boarding bridges is 1: 12 and maximum threshold is
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Part C3: Scope of work
For the left side door, the use of an extruding CD type bridging mechanism is found
desirable. This mechanism if preferred for both sides, but flap down ramps will be
considered for the right side door.
Irrespective of the form, the ramps shall be
retained completely within the main body of the vehicle when not deployed and shall
deploy rapidly prior to the opening of the vehicle passenger doors, retracting rapidly
after door closure. The release and pull mechanism as well as the edges of the ramp
shall not in any way project above the floor level when the ramp is accessible to
The deployment mechanism is to incorporate a failsafe arrangement that ensures
that in the event of a person or object being in the path of the ramp during
deployment, there will be no force other than the natural weight of the ramp applied
to whatever is in the way.
The left side ramp shall extend outwards for a length of approximately 500 mm. The
ramp length on the right hand side should not exceed 500 mm but not less than
350mm. The width of the ramps shall approximately match the free doorway width
(1100 mm). The ramps shall be bevelled at the far edge to facilitate a smooth entry
for wheelchairs, prams, and bicycles. When deployed, the ramp surface shall have a
slip-resistant texture.
The bottom side of a flip-down type boarding bridge shall be finished to match the
colour scheme of the outside of the vehicle body. The boarding bridge shall also be
protected at points of contact with the station platform by a rubberised or similar type
of material that reduces disfiguration and wear.
All components of the buses which may require servicing at intervals of 120 000 km
or less must be readily accessible without the need to remove fixed panels, frame
members or fittings.
All service related breakdown items must be located on the near side of the bus
body. Typically a left hand side, a right hand side and a rear engine door would be
required for exterior access to the engine area.
Floor hatches are to be designed in accordance with the Body Builder’s Instructions
supplied by the chassis manufacturer as a minimum requirement.
All exterior hatches and doors must be made from a durable and lightweight material
and be provided with gas struts or similar devices to keep the hatches or doors open
and positively closed. Doors that open vertically (i.e. the hinge line is horizontal) must
open to at least 150 degrees from the closed vertical position.
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Part C3: Scope of work
All fluids, including lubricating oils and windscreen washer water must be filled or
replenished from the exterior of each Bus. It must not be necessary to enter the
interior of the bus in order to fill or replenish any fluids, except for the automatic
transmission fluid.
With the exception of equipment that must be accessible in an emergency, all
hatches and doors to be provided with suitable locking devices. These are:
budget locks for exterior hatches and doors;
quarter turn fasteners for internal floor hatches; and
key lock compartment for CCTV and ITS equipment
As an option, to prevent passenger access to chassis operating controls, security
fasteners may be considered, subject to approval by the TRT.
All service access locks to be identical and driver keys must be identical (but different
from the service keys).
As an option, key locks on exterior hatches may be considered, subject to approval
by the TRT.
Each Bus must be designed to permit all mechanical and chassis-related
maintenance to be carried out from the exterior or from an under floor pit.
Buses may not necessarily be maintained with the aid of overhead jacking
Each Bus must be designed for towing.
A towing coupling must be fitted at the front end, together with an air
coupling to release the spring brakes and charge the Bus’s air system.
A suitable jacking point must be provided adjacent to each wheel, and each
Bus must be designed to permit jacking without causing any structural or
other damage.
Provision must be made to support each axle of the Bus by means of axle
stands when any portion of the Bus is lifted.
Each Bus must be geared for maximum economy in normal operation.
Each Bus must be speed limited so that it will not exceed 65 km/hour.
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Part C3: Scope of work
Protection must be provided at the rear of the Bus for the engine, cooling
system and all other mechanical and electrical equipment in order to
minimise the effects of any rear end collision or under-run. Such protection
must include under body and rear end protection.
Engine or Motor
The Bus shall be powered by diesel or Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and
shall be designed to minimise oil changes.
Each engine shall, as a minimum, meet the Euro V emissions standards at
delivery, with the Bus in full operating condition.
The engine shall have at least 6 cylinders, and have a turbocharger with
The engine minimum net power shall be 180kW as per ISO 1585
The engine torque shall not be less than 800 Nm as per ISO 1585
Engine Compartment
The design of the engine compartment and the materials used within or
near to it must be such that high pressure hot water and steam cleaning
equipment using detergents will not cause damage nor affect the operation
of the Bus.
No flammable material, or material likely to become impregnated with fuel
or lubricants, must be used in or near to the engine compartment or within
induction or exhaust systems.
Accumulation and or retention of fuel, lubricants, vapours or gases in any
part of the engine compartment must be prevented by suitable layout of the
compartment and the provision of drainage orifices.
Insulating materials used in or near to the engine compartment must be
suitably protected against accidental damage or wear and tear. In particular,
any surface coatings and or coverings must be sufficiently robust so that
they will not tear or be damaged easily.
The engine compartment must be suitably sealed to prevent ingress of
fumes or gases into the passenger compartment.
Engine Controls and Protection
Engine start and stop controls must be provided both in the driver’s cab and
at the rear of the Bus, adjacent to the engine.
Engine start and stop controls must be clearly labelled with the words
‘Engine Start’ and ‘Engine Stop’, in English, as appropriate.
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Part C3: Scope of work
Each engine stop control must require only a simple action and must be
effective immediately.
A control must be provided adjacent to the rear engine start and stop
controls to enable maintenance staff to isolate the start and stop controls in
the driver’s cab.
Warning lights and/or buzzers must be provided to alert the driver to:
low oil pressure;
high coolant temperature;
low coolant level.
A Micro switch, proximity switch, or similar device, must be fitted to the rear
engine door, arranged so as to prevent the engine from being started from
the driver’s cab when the engine door is open. It must still be possible to
start the engine from the rear engine controls with the rear engine door
A fuel gauge must be fitted to the dash panel. The engine management
system shall be equipped with a CAN-FMS interface in order to supply data
to the ITS system.
Diesel Fuel Storage, Filling and Feed System
The minimum fuel tank capacity shall be 400 litres.
Each fuel tank must be adequately baffled against surge.
The fuel filler must be provided on the nearside or offside of the Bus, below
waist rail level and recessed inside the body line.
The fuel filler cap must be adequately secured so that it cannot become
The filler cap and spout must be arranged so that a straight cylinder of
70mm diameter can be inserted for a distance of 200 mm.
The filler cap and spout must be arranged for use with a high speed
refuelling system nozzle which delivers fuel at a minimum rate of 65 litres /
minute. At this rate of fill, no “blow back” of fuel must be experienced at any
No part of the fuel feed system must be located in the driver’s cab or the
passenger compartment.
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All parts of the fuel system must be protected from damage caused by
contact with the ground or from flying debris, and from fatigue or wear
generated in normal service.
Any fuel leaking from the system must be able to flow away freely onto the
ground without coming into contact with the exhaust system or any other
hot surfaces, or on brakes wheels and tyres.
10.5.10. All pipes and connections must be located to facilitate visual inspection,
disconnection and re-connection without dismantling any covers, ducts or
similar components.
10.5.11. All fuel lines must be manufactured from steel or other suitable materials fit
for this purpose.
10.5.12. A protection plate must be fitted under the fuel tank to prevent damage to
the tank underside.
Cooling System
The Manufacturer must ensure that regardless of whether a Bus is
stationary or in motion, the cooling system is so rated that the Bus does not
overheat when in continuous operation under the conditions detailed in
Clause 2.1, with air conditioning on full power and the Bus fully laden to its
rated GVM.
The cooling system must incorporate a suitable drive system that will
require no adjustment between major services.
The radiator and fan drive must be located in such a way that they are
protected from accident damage in the event of a collision with another Bus,
stationary object or moving vehicle.
An external gauge or sight glass or similar device must be provide for
checking the level of the cooling water without the need to open a door or
Radiator air intake systems must be designed so as to minimise injection
and accumulation or blockage by debris and particles normally encountered
in operation. Preference is for the radiator to be mounted on the driver’s
side of the Bus.
Radiators and associated cooling equipment must be accessible, in order to
provide for external cleaning of both sides of the cores. This must include
easy separation of the radiator and any adjacent intercooler or other
equipment or structure without the loss of any engine coolant.
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The radiator must not require cleaning externally more frequently than once
every 30,000 kms with all coolant hoses being of the silicon type and pipes
to be made of stainless steel or other materials which will not deteriorate.
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The operation of the transmission must be fully automatic. It must comprise
a torque converter in combination with a multi-ratio gearbox.
The transmission must incorporate an integral hydraulic retarder. In all
cases the operation of the retarder must be controlled by the release of the
accelerator pedal or the application of the brake pedal.
The transmission selector must be of the push button type located to the
right of the steering wheel. Separate buttons for forward movement, Neutral
and Reverse movement is required.
The transmission selector must be in neutral before the engine can be
It must not be possible to:
engage reverse gear while the Bus is moving forward; or
engage forward gear while the Bus is moving backwards.
The transmission must be controlled in such a way that it suffers no
damage if:
reverse gear is selected while the Bus is moving forward; or
forward gear is selected while the Bus is moving backwards.
An audible reversing alarm must be fitted, integrated with the on-board
management system (where fitted) and arranged to sound whenever
reverse gear is selected. An option of a verbal warning system when
reverse is selected should be made available.
The automatic transmission must be so controlled to prevent engine over
revving in the intermediate gears and gear selection is not possible unless
the engine is at idle.
The Bus must be fitted with power-assisted steering which permits manual
steering in the event of failure of the power-assistance.
The steering wheel must be separately adjustable for height and angle to
suit individual driver preference for drivers ranging in size from the 5th
percentile female to the 95th percentile male
Air System
The design of the air system must be such that the air compressor is
provided only with clean and filtered air.
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Compressed air from the compressor must pass through an oil and water
separating device fitted with automatic drainage before it enters the rest of
the system.
The front end coupling must be arranged so that, in addition to releasing the
spring brakes, it enables the Bus’s air system to be fully charged, allowing
operation of all pneumatically-operated equipment.
10.10. Braking System
10.10.1. The air system must be able to be fully charged from empty within three
minutes at an engine speed of 1500 rpm.
10.10.2. All wheels must have disc brakes, and all brake pad clearances must
automatically adjust.
10.10.3. A means of visually determining brake pad wear at each wheel must be
provided. It must not be necessary to dismantle or remove any components
to ascertain brake pad wear.
10.10.4. Under normal operating conditions, there must be minimal brake noise from
the discs or pads during service or emergency braking.
10.10.5. A means of determining air pressure must be fitted in the driver’s instrument
panel, showing both brake circuit and brake cylinder pressure separately for
each axle.
10.10.6. A separate air reservoir must be provided which must be capable of
releasing the brakes in the event of a general loss of air pressure.
10.10.7. If the passenger door is opened and the Bus is stationary, the rear axle
brake must be activated and the engine throttle must be returned to idle and
the Bus must be incapable of moving.
10.10.8. The application of the rear axle brake to comply with the requirements of
clause must produce a nominal retardation rate of 20%g (with a tolerance of
+/-5%g) to the Bus.
10.10.9. Each Bus must be fitted with electronic Anti-Lock Braking (ABS) on all
10.10.10. All disc pads must provide a minimum services life of 50,000 km when
used in normal operations before replacement is necessary.
10.10.11. The Bus must have disc brakes on all axles
10.10.12. Brake pad wear limit indicators must be fitted.
10.11. Parking and Emergency brakes
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10.11.1. A fail-safe parking brake must be fitted on each Bus.
10.11.2. The parking brake control must be located to the right of the steering wheel
and 1 within easy reach of the driver.
10.11.3. If the parking brake control is not in the applied position and the ‘engine
start’ key is turned off or the engine has stopped rotating an audible and
visual alarm must operate under all conditions. The alarm must continue to
sound until either the ignition is turned on or the parking brake is placed in
the applied position. The alarm must continue to sound if the battery master
switch is switched off.
10.11.4. An audible alarm must be activated whether the engine is running or
stopped, whenever the driver’s cabin door is open and/or the driver’s seat
belt is unbuckled and the park brake is not applied. This alarm must be
deactivated by the application of the park brake or the cabin door closed or
seat belt buckled.
10.11.5. To avoid bus runaways, with:
a passenger door open;
the engine either running, or stopped;
the Bus stationary; and
the rear axle service brake must automatically apply and
remain applied until either the accelerator or brake is
10.11.6. A separate driver operated ‘Bus Stop’ brake must not be fitted.
10.12. Suspension
10.12.1. A self-levelling air suspension system must be fitted to each Bus.
10.12.2. The suspension system must permit:
‘kneeling’ at the front doorway;
A ‘suspension lift’ setting to raise the Bus over obstructions.
10.12.3. Each Bus must be prevented from moving with the suspension ‘kneeling’
and must be prevented from ‘kneeling’ while moving.
10.12.4. Each Bus must be restricted to moving at a speed up to 30 km/h with the
suspension in the ‘lift’ condition. If the ‘lift’ setting is operated while the Bus
is moving at a speed greater than 30 km/h, it must not activate or reactivate
until the raise switch is operated.
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10.12.5. The time to lower each Bus from the normal height to the ‘kneeling’ height
must not exceed eight seconds, and the time to raise the Bus from the
‘kneeling’ height to the normal height must not exceed eight seconds.
10.12.6. The time to raise the Bus from the normal height to the ‘lift’ height must not
exceed eight seconds, and the time to lower the Bus from the ‘lift’ height to
the normal height must not exceed eight seconds.
10.12.7. Visual warnings must be provided to alert the driver that the Bus’
suspension is either in the ‘kneeling’ or the ‘lift’ condition.
10.13. Wheels and Tyres
10.13.1. All wheels are to be fitted with steel rims.
10.13.2. Preferred tyre size is 315/80R 22.5. However, alternatives will be
10.13.3. All wheels and tyres must be identical and interchangeable between all
wheel positions.
10.14. Instruments and Controls
10.14.1. A removable ‘engine start’ key must be fitted or some manufacturer
approved engine start system. All “Engine Start” keys and barrels supplied
must be identical, so that any key can start any Bus supplied.
10.14.2. Each bus must be incapable of being started and or driven without the use
of the ‘engine start’ key or some other manufacturer approved engine start
10.14.3. All instruments and controls must be clearly identified by means of
pictograms and or signs written in the English language.
10.14.4. In the event of only pictograms being supplied for the identification of any
warning indicators, a suitable transparent sticker explaining in the English
language the meaning of the symbols must be provided and must be fitted
to the offside driver’s side window.
10.14.5. Where an audible warning is provided (e.g. for Bus malfunction, turn
indicators, reverse gear, kneeling and lifting, wheelchair ramp operation,
etc.) it must be loud enough to attract the driver’s attention but not loud
enough to cause discomfort or annoyance to passengers and in any event
must be less than 85 dbA in cabin area.
As an option, notwithstanding the bus may be fitted with an
electronic odometer, a hub odometer may be considered,
subject to approval by the TRT.
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10.15. Exhaust System
10.15.1. The exhaust system must comprise a stainless steel exhaust pipe from the
manifold. Flexible pipe sections must also be used and be made of
stainless steel.
10.15.2. The exhaust system must be suitably shrouded to prevent accidental
contact with hot surfaces in areas where access is required to perform
regular servicing and maintenance.
10.15.3. The Manufacturer must ensure that engine air intake is complying with the
chassis manufacturer’s recommendation in relation to the required Euro V
emission standard. A water trap must be fitted and positioned so that air
cannot be heated by close proximity to the exhaust system.
10.15.4. The exhaust outlet must be as near as practical to the rear of the vehicle
and discharge rearwards or to the right of the bus either horizontally or no
more than 45 degrees downwards and must not extend beyond the
perimeter of the bus when viewed in plan view.
Each Bus must be provided with a 24 volt DC electrical system.
The battery capacity and alternator output must be sufficient that, with the engine
running continually at idle speed, the full output of the air conditioning can be
achieved and all interior and exterior lights, as well as ITS and AFC plus ancillary
equipment can be on without draining the battery.
The batteries must be mounted in a swing-out or pull out-crate for access and
maintenance. The crate and hatch must lock so as to avoid the crate being left
A double pole battery isolating switch must be provided adjacent to the batteries to
isolate power to the Bus if required.
A manually operated battery master switch, which may be combined with the ‘engine
start’ switch, must be provided on the driver’s instrument panel.
An Oldham Crompton bus booster socket (part number 6.008.25) or similar
interchangeable connector must be fitted but for safety reasons, not on the offside of
the bus.
The main electrical box must be installed inside the Bus.
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The electrical system must be designed such that sensitive electrical equipment such
as radios, destination equipment, interior lighting and ticketing equipment are
electrically isolated during engine cranking to avoid voltage spikes. Separate circuit
breakers shall be installed for CCTV, AFC, VLU with MDT and PID’s
All electrical equipment must conform to the requirements of relevant South African
Standard SABS.
11.10. The Manufacturer shall wire and install a radio and PA system with 8 speakers. The
PA system shall interface with the VLU. The driver microphone shall not have a
physical on/off switch. When the PA system is used it shall automatically mute the
radio system.
11.11. Although the majority of the ITS equipment shall be installed by another contractor,
the manufacturer/s shall provide suitable mounting locations and brackets where
11.12. List of ITS equipment to be installed follows:11.12.1. VLU and MDT, this can be 2 separate units or one combined unit [by
11.12.2. GPS [by others]
11.12.3. GPRS communications [by others]
11.12.4. Wi-Fi to download/upload data from/to bus [by others]
11.12.5. Driver microphone with no physical on/off switch [by bus contractor]
11.12.6. Driver speaker of high quality and acoustic properties [by bus contractor]
11.12.7. 8 or 9 IP cameras with NVR [by others] (7 IP cameras for feeder buses)
11.12.8. Driver CCTV display. This display shall be configured to show the door
cameras and reverse camera. The NVR shall interface with the gearbox in
order to show the reverse camera full screen when the reverse gear is
engaged. [by others]
11.12.9. Driver duress/panick button [by others]
11.12.10. 2 Overhead next stop PID’s [by others]
11.12.11. Traffic signal priority [by others]
11.13. The following signals shall be made available to interface with the ITS system
11.13.1. Ignition on signal
11.13.2. Door signals
11.13.3. Odometer signal
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11.13.4. Driver duress signal
11.13.5. Gearbox reverse signal
11.13.6. Signal from PA system
11.13.7. Destination display signal
11.14. The above shall be pre-wired to a terminal block to be installed in the ITS
11.15. Multiplexing – the bus body and chassis must incorporate a multiplex wiring system.
Such a system may control all major chassis and body functions such as lighting, air
conditioning, safety systems, door systems, public information systems. The system
includes an on board management system with driver graphical interface.
11.16. On-bus technology equipment shall be provided as part of a separate contract. Onbus technology equipment shall provide driver communications, vehicle tracking,
CCTV monitoring of buses, bus priority and potentially passenger counting, vehicle
telematics and information to passengers.
11.17. The Manufacturer shall work with the chosen Bus Manufacturer/s(s) of on-bus
technology equipment to agree appropriate, secure mounting locations for
equipment. The Manufacturer shall ensure that equipment is connected to the
electrical system. This equipment shall be installed prior to buses entering service
and at a location convenient to all parties involved.
11.18. The Manufacturer shall provide an appropriate location to mount a bus tracking /
automatic vehicle location device. This device shall need to be connected to the
battery electrical system so that data can be downloaded and uploaded from the
device when the bus is parked overnight and the ignition is not on. It is likely that this
device will need to be connected to the odometer and the Manufacturer shall work
with the chosen Bus Manufacturer/s to facilitate this.
11.19. The Manufacturer shall work with the chosen Bus Manufacturer/s(s) to install GPS
and communications antennas as required on the bus. It is likely that these antennas
will need to be mounted externally.
11.20. There is no requirement for the Manufacturer to provide voice radios for the buses.
However, the manufacturer is to provide and install a speaker and boom microphone
in a safe and secure location within the driver’s cab that the driver can operate hands
free. The radio equipment to be connected to this speak and boom microphone is to
be provided by another Bus Manufacturer/s.
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11.21. As the fare system will be closed, no on-board ticketing system is required. However,
there may be a future requirement for on-board smartcard validators. The
Manufacturer shall propose suitable mounting points near each door and ensure that
electrical junction points are installed to accommodate the future installation of these
11.22. The Manufacturer shall provide mounting locations for at least five CCTV cameras.
The first location will allow CCTV Camera Coverage of the driver and passengers
entering by the front door. The second location will allow coverage of passengers
entering and exiting by the middle door. The third camera will allow coverage of
passengers entering and exiting by the rear door. The fourth location will allow CCTV
camera coverage of the entire interior of the front of the bus (in front of the
articulation joint). The fifth location will allow CCTV camera coverage of the entire
interior of the rear of the bus (behind the articulation joint).
11.23. The Manufacturer shall provide a suitable mounting location for CCTV recording
equipment, so that CCTV images can be recorded during journeys and downloaded
at the depot. The Manufacturer shall provide a mounting location for two overhead
next stop passenger information displays. The first display location will be visible to
all passengers located in the front part of the bus The second display location will be
visible to all passengers in the rear of the bus
The Manufacturer must provide evidence that recognised design and
evaluation techniques have been used in the design of the body frame. The
materials used in the frame such as: 3CR12; 304 stainless steel; galvanised
steel or 6000 series aluminium alloy, must be detailed.
Two skids must be fitted at the front corners of each Bus, and two skids
must be fitted at the rear corners of each Bus. Each skid must be securely
attached to the chassis or under-frame of each Bus.
Suitable protection must be provided allowing for level boarding via
boarding bridge at all stations
Suitable precautions must be taken to minimise the effects of any collision
on the driver, steering and braking controls.
Suitable precautions must be taken to minimise the effects of any collision
on passengers, particularly including side impacts in the low floor section.
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Suitable protection must be provided for the rear end units (engine,
transmission, radiator etc.) to minimise damage in the event of a rear end
The bodies must be constructed so as to allow, as far as possible for repair
and maintenance by using quickly replaced ‘off the shelf’ parts and subassemblies.
All internal components and trim with any fixings exposed to the interior of
the Bus must be fixed using tamper-proof components which are not readily
removable without special tools. Acceptable fixings include such items as
Allen head screws, and screws with special head designs. Normal slotted
screw fixings are not to be permitted.
Interior panels must be durable and lightweight and be bonded or mounted
with threaded screws or suitable methods to ensure panels do not work
loose or rattle. Self-tapping screws are not acceptable.
12.1.10. The Manufacturer must ensure that the top corners of the body crosssection are curved rather than having sharp corners, and otherwise
designed so as to minimise the damage caused by collision with
overhanging branches, canopies, signs etc.
12.1.11. The cant panel areas must be capable of being readily repaired or replaced
without disturbing the roof centre or adjoining roof sections.
12.1.12. The Bus body should be designed to maximise potential advertising space
for the TRT. Specific areas considered suitable for advertising include the
rear panels, side panels below the window line, rear engine door, the cant
panel area above the passenger windows, and passenger windows
themselves. These areas must be free from any unnecessary indentations
and protrusions.
12.1.13. The Manufacturer will supply and fit both internal and external decals. The
decals must be applied by the Manufacturer in accordance with South
African Legislation including the Passenger Transport Act & Regulation and
Disability Discrimination Act 1992.
As an option, an unobtrusive Rubbish bin inside the bus near
the entry door may be considered subject to approval by the
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The exterior surfaces of each Bus must be free of protrusions likely to
cause injury to pedestrians or Bus occupants.
The Manufacturer must ensure that fluids will not penetrate the structure or
panelling or the interior of the body whether due to weather or operating
conditions, the use of bus washes or other cleaning methods, or by any
other means.
Exterior panels including roof panels must be durable and lightweight either
fibreglass, aluminium or other suitable materials and must be fully
segregated below floor / seat rail and only partially segregated above floor /
seat rail. All exterior panels must be easily replaceable without disturbing
any adjacent panels or window(s).
As an option, stainless steel side lining trims may be
considered, subject to approval by TRT.
As an option, heavy duty rub rails may be considered,
subject to approval by the TRT.
Guttering must not be joined over any doorway.
The front and rear corner panels must be made up as sub-assemblies and
must be easily replaceable without disturbing any adjacent sections.
The front and rear bumpers must be made from a material which is durable
and lightweight, in three sections and each section must be easily
replaceable without disturbing any adjacent sections.
Each Bus must be painted using an appropriate automotive paint process in
up to 4 colours to meet the required livery (specified separately). The
Manufacturer must ensure that all preparation and painting, is carried out in
strict accordance with the TRT’s written instructions and specifications.
As an option, a more sophisticated paint arrangement than
that described in the above item may be considered, subject
to approval by the TRT.
Where possible the layout of the colour scheme and the provision of joints
between parts must permit replaceable panels to be painted in only one
colour to assist in the provision of spare parts.
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On all Buses a stainless steel panel, at least 120 mm in width must be
provided below the fuel filler aperture, extending to the bottom edge of the
body side panelling.
12.2.10. The roof panels shall be designed to prevent water intrusion for the service
life of the bus.
12.2.11. The bus must be fitted front and rear with heavy duty mud flaps.
As an option, rubber wheel arch mouldings may be
considered, subject to approval by the TRT.
As an option, lift-up wheel arch panels may be considered,
subject to approval by the TRT.
As an option, spray arrestors may be considered, subject to
approval by the TRT.
Floor, Steps and Floor Edges
The floor must be covered in an appropriate, durable, lightweight and nonslip flooring material and all joints must be welded and or fully sealed to
prevent water ingress. The front entry area to the point no further forward
than the rearmost point in the entry door must be covered in a contrasting
colour. A contrasting colour must also be used in the rear door opening
The disabled access areas must be highlighted by contrasting blue coloured
Each front entry floor area must have one set of 70 mm yellow ‘No Standing
Area’ lettering inlaid. Painted lettering is not permitted.
The floor structure and flooring material must be impervious to moisture
penetration. The floor structure will be warranted for 10 years and the floor
covering (vinyl) will be warranted for 5 years.
The floor profile must be designed to eliminate pooling of water when the
Bus is parked on a level surface.
The floor covering must continue up the sides of the Bus as far as the
underside of the body side seat rails.
Sharp corners, both horizontal and vertical, must be avoided.
All step and platform edges must be fitted with contrasting edging mounted
in an aluminium step edge strip.
Passenger Door
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Doors will be fitted with locks unless specifically requested to be omitted.
The front and rear doors must be two-leaf inward opening, with full depth
All doors should have crush protection devices (leading & possibly trailing
edge sensors, depending on design) which ensures the safety of
passengers. Should the edge sensor be activated then the door should
reverse, and a warning sounded.
All side windows including the emergency exits must be made from
toughened grey coloured glass with 70% light transmission, except that the
glass covering any external destination indicator or display must be
separate from the other windows and must not be tinted.
As an option, extra-dark, tinted windows may be considered,
subject to approval by the TRT.
Two emergency exit windows must be fitted with fixed grey coloured
toughened glass, with 48% light transmission. The rear window shall be the
main emergency exit window with the manufacturer to specify the second
window location with both emergency windows clearly demarcated as such.
All side windows, rear windows and door glass excluding the emergency
exit windows, must be fitted with a replaceable internal film. The film must
be clear and must be easily replaceable. The film must be designed to
protect the window glass from scratching and vandalism, must provide the
window glass with additional impact protection and reduce the heat transfer
into the driver and passenger compartments. The film must ensure that the
glass remains intact in the event of glass breakage, whilst not inhibiting
emergency access.
Side passenger windows may be bonded, rubbered in or combinations of
those systems.
As an option, and notwithstanding 8.15.15, driver lockable hopper windows
may be considered, subject to approval by the TRT.
For bonded passenger windows, the windows must be able to be replaced
without the need to reinstate corrosion protective coating on the bus body
The minimum number of ‘Break Glass’ hammers must be provided to
comply with ??, together with suitable markings, for use as emergency
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‘Break Glass’ hammers must be retained with high tensile heavy duty wiring
and must activate an audible and visible alarm when removed from their
mounting. For emergency use, a spare loose hammer is to be provided in
the driver’s cab.
The windscreen preferably is to be a one-piece laminated glass screen, XIR
type or equivalent with a heat film. Alternatives of split screen, and rubbered
in mounting are acceptable.
12.5.10. Where fitted, the rear window must be one piece flat toughened glass.
12.5.11. A nearside front corner ‘peep screen’ must be provided between the
windscreen and the front doors, dimensioned so as to provide vision of a
one metre high person standing immediately adjacent to the window.
12.5.12. Glazed modesty panels must be provided at the rear of the front doorway.
They must be arranged so as to prevent passengers from trapping their
fingers in the doors.
As an option, stainless steel kick panels on the lower section
of the modesty panel may be considered subject to approval
by the TRT.
12.5.13. The manufacturer shall warrant all glazing and bonding for a minimum
period of 5 years.
12.5.14. The driver’s side window is to comprise twin sliding panels fitted with an
impact film or be of laminated glass.
As an option, a single sliding and single fixed panel may be
considered, subject to approval by the TRT.
As an option, a porthole style window may be considered,
subject to approval by the TRT.
Windscreen Wipers and Washer
Large ‘fold over’ windscreen wipers must be fitted, and they must
incorporate variable intermittent, normal and fast speeds.
Windscreen washers must be mounted on the windscreen wipers so that
they move across the screen with the wipers, with a minimum holding
container Capacityof five litres.
The wiper motor and linkages must be easily accessible for inspection and
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Body Insulation
The body sides and roof of each Bus must be fitted with suitable thermal
The thermal insulation must be incapable of absorbing moisture.
The underside of the floor behind the rear axle must be fitted with suitable
heat insulation, noise absorption and noise insulation material.
Handrails, Stanchions and Bell Pushes
The handrails and stanchions must conform to the Universal access
requirements. Particular attention is to be paid to ensuring passengers can
safely find handrails in the accessible area and in the vicinity of the driver’s
cabin and door areas.
All handrails and stanchions must be manufactured from powder coated
stainless steel, with matching clamps and fixings. The hand rails should
provide sufficient tonal contrast with the background against which they are
viewed. As a safety feature, this degree of contrast should be 70%.
As an option, coloured handrails in any suitable material may
be considered, subject to approval by the TRT .
Longitudinal overhead handrails must be fitted on both sides of the
gangway, with moulded individual hanging straps for standing passengers.
The hanging straps must be securely fixed longitudinally.
Longitudinal handrails must be fitted to the interior body sides between any
pairs of facing seats. Handrails are required either side of the doors to
assist with boarding and exiting the vehicle
Suitable transverse handrails must be provided on each bulkhead or screen
ahead of any forward facing seats.
Hanging straps, referred to in clause 8.8.3, must be installed in each Bus in
accordance with standing capaTRT. Seat mounted grips must be aisle side
mounted. The hanging straps mounted to the longitudinal hand rails must
equate to a minimum of 65% of the total standing capaTRT.
Palm-type bell pushes must be fitted to all stanchions adjacent to seats.
Operation of any bell push must activate a bus Stopping Sign, which has an
audible and visual warning for the driver, mounted at the front of the Bus, to
illuminate until the door is opened.
As an option, a second bus Stopping Sign may be
considered, subject to approval by the TRT.
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A palm type button (with Universal Access markings) within reach of a
person in the wheelchair position. This button should activate a slightly
different tone, and warning light in the driver’s compartment, so the driver is
aware that a person in that position potentially needs assistance.
12.8.10. The nearside and offside bell push circuits must be completely separated in
the event of failure.
Except for folding seats in the wheelchair area and seats in the rear deck
area, seats must be cantilevered from the sides. In addition to the
cantilevered support, under seat support can be provided for at the outer
(isle side) seats. Floor mounted seats with vertical leg are permitted in the
low floor areas.
Seats must be roll top type seats with a vandal-resistant frames and backs.
Full size cushions and squabs must be provided and must be easily
removable for repair and replacement.
As an option, modular seating may be considered, subject to
approval by the TRT.
As an option, stainless steel backs for nominated or all rows
may be considered, subject to approval by the TRT.
Continuous seat rails must be incorporated in the body sides.
A moulded padded grab rail or suitable alternative must be fitted to the top
of each seat back (except for the rearmost row of seats).
All passenger seats must be trimmed in PVC vinyl or wool over foam
upholstery, or acceptable alternative.
The driver’s seat must be trimmed in wool upholstery, or acceptable
Particular attention must be paid to ensuring high levels of comfort for
seated passengers, including seat padding and adequate knee and leg
All folding seats, when deployed, must meet the same mounting, strength
and impact requirements as the fixed seats.
All folding seats must be able to be deployed in both the raised and lowered
positions, and where possible an armrest must divide each seating position
when the seats are deployed in the lowered position.
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12.9.10. The rear row of seats must be hinged or similar to allow for ready
replacement of cushions and seat shells and for cleaning behind the seats.
12.9.11. Provision should be made for “priority seating” for passengers with
disabilities. These should be carefully selected, in an accessible position,
and potentially having slightly more space (for guide dogs, etc.)
12.9.12. Two front wheel arch rests are to be fitted.
12.10. Luggage capacity
12.10.1. A luggage rack must be provided.
12.10.2. The design of the rack must prevent small items from rolling out. The aisle
face of the rack is to be open to allow large items to be easily lifted out.
12.10.3. Where luggage could come into contact with any window(s), suitable
protection bars must be fixed to the body side to prevent damage to the
12.10.4. Any luggage rack bars located adjacent to passenger seating positions
must be fitted with suitable padding.
12.10.5. Luggage areas are to be provided as per Clause 8.10.1 as well as in
additional areas. These additional areas must be nominated in any design
proposals issued for the TRT’s review.
12.11. Rear Vision Mirrors
12.11.1. The nearside exterior rear facing mirror must be a heated electrically
adjusted convex mirror mounted forward of the entrance doors and visible
through the swept area of the windscreen, in accordance with current
standard. In the event of an impact, all components must be separately
replaceable and the mirror head must be mounted independently from the
mounting bracket. Shear bolts are to be used to mount the mirror brackets
to minimise damage to the frame in the case of an accident. The lower edge
of the mirror must be no less than 2.1 metres from the ground with the Bus
standing on level ground and at normal height.
12.11.2. The offside exterior rear facing mirror must be a heated electronicallyadjusted flat mirror, visible through the driver’s side window.
12.11.3. External mirrors must be mounted on ‘knock-back’ arms that will move
backwards in the event of impact.
12.11.4. External mirror brackets must be mounted onto the body so as to minimise
the possibility of the bracket detaching from the body.
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12.11.5. Interior mirrors must be in accordance with the specified standards and
must comprise a large centre-mounted convex mirror at the top of the
12.11.6. A convex header mounted mirror must be provided on the near side to
provide the driver with a view of the wheel chair area and the area behind
the driver’s cabin.
12.11.7. It must not be necessary to move or adjust any interior mirrors to open any
interior service doors or hatches (e.g. for destination or door equipment
12.11.8. All mirror mountings must be designed to minimise vibration to the mirror
12.12. Interior Lighting
12.12.1. The interior lighting may be fluorescent or LED and covered by diffusers.
12.12.2. The layout must include lighting in each body bay, including the rearmost
bay. In addition, with the exception of the front doorway, the layout must
include an additional light mounted over the doorway (i.e. there must be two
lights in each door bay), which must be illuminated whenever the interior
lighting is switched on.
12.12.3. No more than two screws or other similar fastenings must be needed to be
removed to replace a lighting element.
12.12.4. A separate driver’s cab light must be fitted, illuminating the cab and the
cash tray. This light must be activated whenever the front doors are open,
and must also be operable at all other times by means of a separate switch.
This light must not be fluorescent.
12.12.5. A document reading light must be provided in the drivers’ cabin area and
must be independently switched at all times.
12.12.6. Interior lighting must be so designed as to minimise reflections on the front
windscreen and side windows adjacent to the driver.
12.12.7. Two lights must be provided in the engine compartment.
12.13. Exterior Lighting
12.13.1. Exterior lighting at the front must comprise two headlights, two park (or side
lights), two front marker lights, two side turn indicators and two School Bus
Flashing Lights, in accordance with the specified requirements.
12.13.2. All exterior registration plate, marker, indicator, school, stop and tail lights
must be of the LED type.
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12.13.3. Exterior lighting at the rear must comprise two stop lights, two tail lights, two
marker lights, two side turn indicators, two reversing lights and two School
Bus Flashing Lights. An additional high mounted stop, tail and side turn light
must be fitted at each side of the rear window, wired so as to operate in
conjunction with the other rear lights.
12.13.4. Exterior lighting and reflectors at the sides must be in accordance with the
specified requirements. Notwithstanding, a side turn and marker light must
be located as close as possible to each wheel arch to assist the driver when
12.13.5. A fully waterproof external light must be provided adjacent to the entrance
doorway, arranged so as to clearly illuminate the lowest door step edge,
and also the kerb, pavement or road surface for at least 500 mm beyond
the step edge and for at least the full width of the doorway. The light may be
LED or other suitable form but must only illuminate when the respective
doors are opened and the interior lights are on, and must be extinguished
when the respective doors are closed.
12.14. Driver Compartment
The driver’s cab must incorporate:
A swivel based, spring suspension/air adjustable, driver’s seat, including a
head rest and adjustable lumbar support, suitable for drivers ranging from
the 5th percentile female to the 95th percentile male up to 150kg.
As an option, in the above item, mechanical lumbar adjustment may be
considered subject to approval by the TRT.
As an option, in the above item, a non-swivelling, mechanical suspension,
mechanical lumbar adjusting seat may be considered subject to approval
by the TRT.
An adjustable blind mounted ahead of the driver to cover three quarters of
the screen width. An optional electric blind may be considered.
An adjustable blind mounted to the right of the driver.
A driver’s coat hook and broom clip.
A personal driver’s locker and sufficient lockable space to house service
equipment accessible by operational staff.
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A fire extinguisher to be selected and located in compliance with the
specified standards. The minimum requirement is for a 2A:20B fire
extinguisher fitted with a hose, located in a position as to be readily
available. As an option, other fire suppression devices may be
considered, subject to approval by the TRT.
12.14.10. A document holder capable of holding laminated A4 size documents.
12.14.11. An inclined foot rest for the driver’s left foot incorporating the emergency
radio alarm switch and a 2nd switch in a convenient location. As an
option, a third switch may be provided, subject to approval by the TRT.
12.14.12. As an option, the emergency alarm may incorporate bus horn and
headlight flashing functions, subject to approval by the TRT.
12.14.13. A cup holder arranged so as to minimise the risk of accidental spillage of
any fluids over the driver, passengers or equipment.
12.14.14. The dash console must give fingertip control of all switches and controls.
12.14.15. The driver’s dash is to be designed to be incorporated in a dash riser
which has removable panels fitted as required to provide access to
12.14.16. A driver’s cab door must be fitted and must not rattle when closed.
12.15. Heating and Ventilation
Each Bus must be fitted with a fully automatic ‘heat-cool’ air conditioning
system. The system must be designed to maximise passenger and driver
compressors may be provided, subject to approval by the
As an option, alternative low maintenance compressor
options may be provided, subject to approval by the TRT.
As an option, supplementary saloon heaters may be
considered, subject to approval by the TRT.
When in the cooling mode, the system must be capable of cooling the Bus
interior to 22 degrees C under fully laden conditions at all times.
requirements must
adjustment by the Manufacturer should service experience require it.
Relative humidity inside the Bus must normally be around 50% but must
not exceed 70% at any time.
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When in the heating mode, the system must be capable of maintaining an
interior temperature of at least 22 degrees C once the engine is warmed
up under fully laden conditions at all times when the outside temperature
is 2 degrees C or above.
The system must incorporate a minimum of 10% fresh air at all times.
Driver’s controls must be limited to an ‘on-off’ switch, and temperature
adjustment control only, the system must be fully automatic in operation
and may incorporate a temperature display adjacent to this switch.
The ventilation system must provide an even distribution of controlled air
throughout the passenger area and provide the driver with sufficient
airflow so as to maintain comfort levels.
The controlled air supply to the driver’s cabin shall also be provided with a
boost fan to allow the driver to control air-conditioned air flow rates
independent of the main ventilation fans, if required.
12.15.10. A fault light must be incorporated to illuminate whenever there is a fault in
the system. A comprehensive warning light panel, which also includes an
indication of when the compressor is operating, must be provided in a
locked area of the Bus (e.g. inside the recirculating grille), accessible to
maintenance staff.
12.15.11. The air conditioning system should be integrated with a multiplexed on
board computer arranged to allow for subsequent re-programming of
operating parameters.
12.15.12. As an option, a separate data logger for the air-conditioning may be
considered, subject to approval by the TRT. If fitted, the system may
record its performance (including, but not limited to, interior and exterior
temperatures) and faults over a minimum period of one week, and be
capable of downloading this information to a recording device.
12.15.13. The ventilation fans must be electronically controlled so as to maintain
passenger comfort. In heat mode the fans must only operate when the
engine is at operating temperature and sufficient heat is available to heat
the passenger compartment if required.
12.15.14. In the event of failure of the air conditioning equipment, the ventilation
fans must continue to operate to ensure continued ventilation of the
interior of the Bus.
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12.15.15. The system is to incorporate an air distribution system that uses fixed
grilles or slots in the passenger area. No air must flow directly onto
passengers’ heads. Three individual adjustable vents must be provided
for the driver, designed so that small objects (rubbish) cannot be pushed
into the vents.
As an option, variable vents for the air-conditioning in the
passenger area may be considered, subject to approval
by the TRT.
12.15.16. The system must be designed to provide demisting of the windscreen and
all side windows.
12.15.17. The system must be inhibited so that, even if the control switch is in the
‘on position, the compressor and fans must not start until thirty seconds
after the engine is started. This is to avoid the engine being started on
12.15.18. All air must be filtered, and filters must be easily removable for cleaning.
12.15.19. Condensate must not precipitate or collect on any interior surface of the
12.15.20. ll roof mounted air conditioning equipment and or pods must be sealed so
that no water, from weather conditions, bus washes or any other cause
penetrates the interior of the Bus or contracts any structural members or
internal panel surfaces or voids.
12.15.21. A separate heating, windscreen demisting and driver’s ventilation system
must be provided at the front of each Bus, using fresh air. To reduce the
ingress of traffic fumes, the fresh air must be drawn into the demisting
system from the exterior of the bus. This system must also demist the
front nearside ‘peep screen’ and the front leaf of the front door and must
heat the driver’s cabin and driver’s feet area. Temperature control must
be provided for the driver by means of a rotating switch. (A cable operated
‘push-pull’ valve is not acceptable). The system must incorporate a twospeed fan.
12.15.22. The Manufacturer must design the air conditioning system functions to
operate in the conditions as outlined in this document.
12.15.23. The air conditioning system will not be operational when the alternator is
not charging. A warning light will activate when the air conditioning system
in not working.
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12.16. Roof Hatches and Vents
The Buses must be fitted with two manually operated, non-transparent,
lift-up roof hatches.
As an option, deletion of roof hatches may be
considered, subject to approval by the TRT.
As an option, one roof hatch may be considered, subject
to approval by the TRT.
As an option, three roof hatches may be considered,
subject to approval the TRT.
The roof hatches where fitted must be capable of use as emergency exits,
in accordance with the specified requirements, and for provision of
emergency ventilation.
The handles of the roof hatches must be operable by adult passengers in
an emergency. Including passengers with disabilities, thus the operating
mechanisms must be easy to use, and the hatch must allow a person with
a disability to exit through it.
The Manufacturer must ensure that each roof hatch and its components is
sealed so that no water, from weather conditions, bus washes or any
other cause, is able to penetrate the interior of the Bus or contact any
structural members or internal panel surfaces or voids.
12.17. Destination Equipment
Buses must be fitted with yellow on black electronic dot matrix destination
indicators or LED yellow type indicators, fitted to the front, nearside and
The front unit must be composed of a 96 or 98 x 16 matrix of 14 or 15 mm
diameter pixels or equivalent technology, and must be capable of
displaying three large route number digits and one large or two small lines
of text. The text must be shown as part screen or full screen or a mixture
of both. The text must also scroll with variable timing.
The side unit must be composed of a 96 or 98 x 16 matrix of 9 or 10 mm
diameter pixels or equivalent technology, and must be capable of
displaying three large route number digits and one large or two small lines
of text.
The rear unit must be composed of a 24 or 28 x 16 matrix of 14 or 15 mm
diameter pixels or equivalent technology and must be capable of
displaying three large route numbers and an alpha character.
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Each destination unit must be legible from angles up to 150 deg in all
The destination equipment controller must be capable of storing at least
2000 separate displays and must be updated by means of a smart card or
USB connection.
White LED’s must be used to illuminate the destination dot matrix displays
and must be easily accessible. LED type indicators must be selfilluminated.
Special attention must be given to providing good access to the
destination units for maintenance and repair. Each unit must be hinged
and able to swing back by 90 degrees when released without the need to
remove any other equipment.
All destination equipment must conform to the Universal Access
Standards for Accessible Public Transport.
12.17.10. The programming software must be GUI based and must enable easy
programming. The software must emulate on screen what will be seen on
the bus destination signs.
12.17.11. The destination control panel inside each Bus must mimic in real time on
the screen what is displayed in the destination sign.
12.17.12. The warranty period for all destination sign components must be for a
minimum period of ten years.
12.17.13. Destination displays shall interface with the ITS system in order to be
configured by an external source.
12.18. Security Video Camera
A suitable housing must be mounted for a set of video cameras for on
board monitoring of.
Each Bus must comply with the Universal Access Accessible Public Transport
Disability standards relating to passengers with disabilities as issued by the
South African National Department of Transport.
Each Bus must have access for wheelchairs through the front/middle doorways and
the preferred layout is for a flat floor, other than where wheel arches intrude, from the
front entrance through to the rear pillar of the centre door if fitted.
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As an option, ramping of the floor in the vicinity of the centre door may be
considered, subject to approval by the TRT.
Each bus must have (single) dual purpose a dedicated wheelchair space at the front
doors with deployable seatting and wheelchair support (ironing board) in order to
maximise seating capacity when wheelchairs are not being carried.
2 single dual purpose wheelchair space allocation for the 12m standard buses will be
required on all 12m buses.
There needs to be sufficient space (850mm) clear from the doorway to the
wheelchair positions.
Each Bus must be fitted with a driver automated level boarding bridge and must be
fitted with an electronic warning system which activates when the bridge is deployed.
An electronic voice system has to be installed for door operations providing clear
audible notification when bus doors are opened and closed.
The level boarding bridge must be manufactured from suitable materials so as to
minimise weight and maximise durability. The level board bridge must be designed to
ensure easy access and usage for the operator and with minimal operator effort
Where the level boarding bridge is fitted, illuminated amber ‘Ramp Out’ sign must be
mounted over the doorway equipped with a wheelchair ramp. This sign must be
illuminated only when the level boarding bridge is fully extended and the doors are
13.10. The boarding bridge must be interconnected into each Bus’ door safety systems. The
safety interlocks must be activated when the level boarding bridge is in use and the
front doors must not be able to be closed with the level boarding bridge deployed.
13.11. The opening and closing of doors should not be allowed to be activated without the
deployment of the boarding bridge first.
13.12. The boarding bridge must be designed to minimise any lip intrusion at either end of
the ramp.
13.13. The single wheelchair space will include an “ironing board” backrest per area or seat
betls and retaining straps for forward spacing wheelchair spaces.
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All materials used in the construction of each Bus must be suitably protected from
structural corrosion so as to allow each Bus to operate for a minimum of 15 years
with no repairs to any corroded structural member.
Corrosion is defined as the electrolytic and or chemical degradation of any
component which affects the structural integrity, safety or the economic Bus life.
The vehicle must be designed to prevent electrolytic corrosion between dissimilar
metals used in the construction of each Bus so as to allow each Bus to operate for 15
years with no major repairs to any corroded structural member.
Suitable drainage and ventilation systems must be provided to prevent accumulation
or retention of fluids within the Bus structure or panelling.
All closed steel section members, other than stainless steel, must be injected with a
suitable corrosion inhibitor.
All coatings, corrosion inhibiting compounds, sealants and adhesives must be used
in strict accordance with manufacturers’ written instructions or specifications. All
coatings and associated materials must be of such a generic nature that they do not
represent undue risk to operator’s health when used in accordance with
manufacturer’s procedures.
The chassis and underside of the body, and all associated equipment, must be
designed to resist damage and corrosion caused by the use of high pressure water
cleaning and steam equipment, using detergents.
The entire chassis, body and associated equipment must be sufficiently corrosion
resistant to withstand regular automated washing using recycled washing water.
Chassis and body spare parts must be generally available ex-stock within 24 hours to
any site within the TRT’s operating area.
The Manufacturer must provide copies of its catalogue of spare parts. The catalogue
must include parts description and part number. Any updates to the catalogue must
be made available to operators.
The Manufacturer must provide suitable and sufficient service and repair capabilities
within the TRT’s operating area. Such capabilities must be provided for both the
chassis and the body and will be available from the date of delivery of the first Bus.
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During the warranty periods, the Manufacturer must provide sufficient staff and
facilities to enable, as a minimum, an inspection of any service problem affecting
either the chassis or the body in a timely manner of any service problem becoming
Full service, maintenance and workshop information, and spare parts lists, must be
provided by the Manufacturer before the first Bus is delivered (to the operator). All
information, manuals and drawings must be written in the English language.
The Manufacturer must also provide the bus operator with all OEM documentation,
which includes but is not limited to all instructions, manuals, service, maintenance
and repair bulletins, information instructions or similar, training materials and other
documentation to be prepared by the Manufacturer to enable the operator to operate
and maintain the Buses in accordance with the manufacturers guidelines. These
documents must be provided in a manner that is auditable and understood by both
the operator and manufacturer.
The TRT may test, examine, measure or take such other action as is necessary to
determine whether the Bus/es are in accordance with this document and any other
mutually agreed documentation considered and agreed as appropriate between the
bus operator and the manufacturer, which will include on road performance testing as
part of the acceptance process.
As a condition precedent to Acceptance for each Bus:
A letter outlining the compliance (and non-compliance) to this document must be
issued by the Manufacturer.
The Manufacturer must provide the TRT with:
a weighbridge ticket;
a set of signed pre-delivery checklists (covering, as a minimum, the
requirements for the chassis, transmission, body, air conditioning and
destination equipment as described in the Technical Specification); and
a set of wheel alignment figures for each Bus.
All safety systems for each Bus, including but not limited to the door safety system
must be fully commissioned and certified by the Manufacturer as complying with the
requirements of the Technical Specification;
Each Bus must be fuelled to at least 25% of its full rated capacity.
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The Manufacturer acknowledges that:
It will take all reasonable steps in the design of the Buses and their
production processes so as to provide a Bus designed to withstand the
dynamic and operational loads imposed on it during normal operations for
a service life of 20 years commencing from the relevant Date of
Acceptance and on the basis that the Buses travel an average of 60,000
kilometres per year for 20 years and provided the Buses are serviced and
maintained in accordance with the OEM Documentation;
Each chassis frame is designed to withstand the dynamic and operational
loads imposed on it during normal operations for twenty (20) years
commencing from the relevant Date of Acceptance, provided that
maintenance has been carried out generally in accordance with the OEM
The destination equipment is designed to remain operational and fit for its
intended purpose in accordance with the requirements of the Contract of
Sale for a minimum period of ten (10) years for replacement parts from
the Date of Acceptance of the relevant Bus;
The body frame will not fail due to corrosion and will remain operational
and fit for its intended purpose in accordance with the requirements of the
Contract of Sale for a minimum period of ten (15) years from the Date of
Acceptance of the relevant Bus;
The body frame will not fail due to structural deficiencies or problems and
will remain operational and fit for its intended purpose in accordance with
the requirements of the Contract of Sale for a minimum period of fifteen
(15) years from the Date of Acceptance of the relevant Bus; and
Spare parts will be available for all Goods for a period of not less than
fifteen (15) years from the Date of Acceptance of the last bus to achieve
Acceptance. Where advances in technology (particularly regarding, but
not limited to, electrical and electronic equipment) make provision of
identical spare parts impractical, the Manufacturer guarantees that
replacement non-identical spare parts will be interchangeable and will not
degrade the performance or life of the Buses.
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Part C3: Scope of work
Where used in this clause a "failure" means any incident, malfunction,
intermittent condition or failure of any component or piece of equipment,
in relation to a Bus for which the Manufacturer is responsible, and which
requires passengers, or if no passengers are on the Bus, would require
passengers to be transferred to another Bus to complete their journeys.
For the avoidance of doubt, and without limiting the above paragraph, a
failure does not include failures in relation to a Bus resulting from
deliberate abuse, mishandling, improper storage, accidental damage or
failure or malfunction of additional equipment not provided by the
Manufacturer such as radio and automatic fare collection equipment
(unless caused by the Manufacturer).
The vehicle warranty (all components) will be as per the manufacturer’s
standard warranty terms and conditions and as laid out in their warranty
The vehicle warranty shall stipulate all inclusions and exclusions and shall
be submitted with their respective bid.
The warranty period shall be for a minimum of 250 000km.
The undersigned, who warrants that he / she is duly authorised to do so on behalf of the enterprise, confirms that the
contents of this schedule are within my personal knowledge and are to the best of my belief both true and correct.
Person Authorized to sign Bid:
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