ASI Donor Management (Donman) Technical Support Frequently

 ASI Donor Management (Donman) Technical Support Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) What has changed?
The main change you will notice is that in the first instance, you will need to log your Tech Support request via our
website rather than telephoning us.
How do I request Donman Technical Support?
If you have a technical question related to Donman, submit a request to Technical Support through the ASI online
Support Community.
1. Go to the ASI Customer Home Page at
2. Click on ‘Customer Login’ in the upper right of the page
3. Log in using your ASI user name and password
4. Place your mouse, or hover, over ‘Support’ in the top horizontal menu, and select ‘Tech Support’ from
the drop down menu.
5. Select ‘Request Support’ from the ‘Tech Support’ vertical menu on the left OR from the middle of the
main page select ‘Submit Support Request’.
6. Fill out the ‘Request Support’ form completely.
7. Click the ‘Submit’ button.
You will be issued a case number, otherwise known as an SMR (Software Maintenance Request) number. You will
also be given a time frame within which you will receive a response.
Your request is immediately submitted to Technical Support and accessed by a Technical Support Analyst. The
Analyst will respond to your request via email. To respond back to the Analyst, click the link provided in the email
response you receive. You will be taken to the Support Status page of the Support Community where you can update
your case.
Who has access to Technical Support?
Tech Support is available to any staff member of an organisation that is up to date with their Maintenance Contract.
If you are unsure whether you are up to date or would like to discuss bringing your Maintenance Contract up to date,
please contact us on +61 3 9869 7509 or email
What is the web address to request Technical Support?
Where do I go to get a username and password?
Follow these steps:
1. Go to the Customer Home Page of ASI’s website at
2. Click on the ‘Customer Login’ link located in the upper right of the page.
3. Click on the option ‘register with us now’ under the ‘New Users’ heading OR click on ‘Request an Account’
in the left navigation bar.
4. Fill out the ‘Access Request Form’ completely and in the ‘Comments’ section insert the phrase ‘DONMAN
Customer Contact’
5. Click the ‘Submit’ button.
Your request will be processed within one business day. You will be issued with a username and password to
access the ASI customer website.
What is an SMR?
SMR stands for Software Maintenance Request. Like a case number, you will be provided with a unique SMR number
when you log your technical support request. This will allow you to easily track your individual requests. Please quote
this number if you need to phone Tech Support to follow up on a request.
Can any staff member at my organisation access Technical Support?
Yes – as many staff as necessary can access tech support. Staff should follow the instructions above to request a
username and password.
ASI Donor Management Division
Level 22, 459 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000
ph: +61 3 9869 7500
fax: +61 3 9629 5919
FAQs Version 1.0
Can my colleagues log requests using my username and password?
We recommend each staff member likely to access Tech Support should request their own username and password.
Email updates on your SMR will only be sent to the address associated with the username.
Can I call Technical Support and talk to someone?
Yes but you must always log your request via the website first. When you call be sure to quote your SMR number. We
recommend that the person who submitted the case be the caller to ensure there is consistency in following through
with the case.
Once I log my request when will someone get back to me?
You can expect an initial response to a submitted SMR within one hour if it is submitted during normal business hours.
You can check the status or update your request online by following these instructions:
1. Log in to the Customer Home Page at
2. Place your mouse, or hover, over ‘Support’ in the top horizontal menu, and select ‘Tech Support’ from the
drop down menu.
3. Select ‘Check Support Status’ from the ‘Tech Support’ vertical menu on the left OR select ‘Check the
Status of Support Requests’ from the middle of the main page.
4. Enter your search criteria.
5. Click the ‘Search’ button.
Alternatively you may telephone Tech Support and quote your SMR number to receive an update on your case.
ASI prioritises all calls as follows:
System Down. All resources applied. Immediate initial response, with same to next-day targeted resolution for
most issues.
Inability to Perform a Critical Business Process. All scheduled resources applied. Immediate to ten-minute
initial response, with same to next day targeted resolution for most issues.
General how-to questions and techniques, installation questions and minor product bugs. All scheduled
resources applied. Immediate to two-hour targeted initial response.
Can I attach screen shots or send files when I log my request?
Yes. You can send SMR-related attachments, screen shots, and/or zip files to Technical Support by following these
1. On the ‘My Support Status’ page, click the envelope (Yellow) next to the relative case number in the list
OR on the ‘Support status for case xxxxx…’ page scroll down to ‘Additional Response:’ at the bottom of
the page, and click the envelope.
2. A new email message is opened, and the ‘To…’ and ‘Subject:’ fields are automatically populated.
3. Add the necessary information in the body of the email.
4. Send the email.
Your email will be sent to ASI Technical Support, and when received, the assigned Analyst notified.
Who will be handling my support request?
An Analyst will be assigned to your request. Their name will appear on your SMR once assigned. Tech Support is
staffed by Paul Xerxen, Shari Porter, Garry Lincoln and Murray Neill.
What hours is Technical Support open?
Technical Support Analysts are available to assist you Monday through Friday from 9 am to 5 pm AEST/AEDT. We are
closed on public holidays in Victoria, Australia and National holidays in Australia. Online resources are available 24
hours a day.
Have you reduced the staff in Technical Support?
No, we have not reduced the number of staff supporting Donman customers.
Can you connect to my computer remotely?
Yes, we can use Webex to access your computer remotely.
My company is not up to date on our Maintenance Contract – can I access Technical Support?
Tech Support is an exclusive benefit provided to Donman customers that are up to date on their maintenance contract.
If you would like to discuss bringing your contract up to date and accessing Tech Support, please contact Val Turner
on or call +61 3 9869 7500.
ASI Donor Management Division
Level 22, 459 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000
ph: +61 3 9869 7500
fax: +61 3 9629 5919
FAQs Version 1.0
What is the Support Community?
ASI Technical Support maintains an online community with technical documentation, articles, and updates. Through
this online community Donman users can also access product releases, sample reports, and database maintenance
scripts and utilities. The ASI Technical Support Community is also utilised by ASI’s iMIS, Progress & Caspian
What is the Knowledgebase?
The knowledgebase will allow Donman users to search the entire library of online resources including discussions,
previously resolved technical issues, and other product and technical information. Please note that the
Knowledgebase is coming soon.
What is a Request for Enhancement?
Product defects or enhancements can be reported and documented by Donman users. Defects are prioritised and a
note on its priority is sent to the call initiator. High-priority items are scheduled for future maintenance releases;
however we cannot guarantee that a particular defect will be addressed in the next release.
Requests for Enhancements and lower priority defects are reviewed on a periodic basis. Prior to work on each release,
all open defects and enhancements are reviewed and prioritised based on potential benefits. Not all reviewed program
changes can be chosen for inclusion.
Will it take longer to get back to me?
No, in fact we anticipate this new system will ensure a more timely and efficient response to your requests.
What information do I have to fill in?
1. The version of Donman you are using
2. The environment you are working in
3. The module to which your request relates
4. The area???
5. A title for your request
6. Description – any details you know about your issue that may help the Analyst in assisting you.
What if I don’t know all the information requested in the form?
That’s ok. If you don’t know all the details, just fill in as best you know – and the more detail the better. This
information will assist our Analysts in addressing your request most effectively.
My request is very urgent what do I do?
Log your request via the website and note your SMR number. Once you have done this you can either check the
status or update your request online by following these instructions:
1. Log in to the Customer Home Page at
2. Place your mouse, or hover, over ‘Support’ in the top horizontal menu, and select ‘Tech Support’ from the
drop down menu.
3. Select ‘Check Support Status’ from the ‘Tech Support’ vertical menu on the left OR select ‘Check the Status of
Support Requests’ from the middle of the main page.
4. Enter your search criteria.
5. Click the ‘Search’ button.
You will be taken to the results of your search. Click on the case number you want to review. Review the question
submitted and all related correspondence, and/or post additional comments or information to the SMR.
Alternatively you may telephone Tech Support and quote your SMR number to discuss your case.
I need to update my request, how do I do this?
To update an SMR from the ‘My Support Status’ page, do the following:
1. Select the case you want to update by clicking on the reference number.
2. On the ‘Support status for case xxxxx…’ page, scroll down to the ‘Additional Response:’ field at the bottom of
the page.
3. Enter your update.
4. Click the ‘Submit’ button.
Your update will be immediately posted to the SMR’s history in Technical Support’s system, and the assigned Analyst
ASI Donor Management Division
Level 22, 459 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000
ph: +61 3 9869 7500
fax: +61 3 9629 5919
FAQs Version 1.0
Why have you changed the process for accessing Tech Support?
This new process will improve our ability to service your technical support needs. It will ensure Analysts can
appropriately prioritise calls. There will also be a detailed history of support requests that will benefit both you and
other members of the Donman community who may encounter a similar problem. Where appropriate, the resolution to
your SMR will be available to view by the community via the searchable Knowledgebase.
Where can I go for further information about Donor Management Technical Support?
You may call Technical Support for one of the following:
 To discuss an existing case, or SMR, with an Analyst
 To ask questions about services available through Technical Support
 To learn how to submit an SMR online
 To get assistance with your ASI website access issues
Please provide your name, organisation and SMR number when contacting us.
Phone: +613 9869 7500 or 0800 230 122 (from NZ)
ASI Donor Management Division
Level 22, 459 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000
ph: +61 3 9869 7500
fax: +61 3 9629 5919
FAQs Version 1.0