term paper instructions phase four

CMPT 109
1. Once you have searched the Internet using the outline of phase two, and you have found the
corresponding sites, you will create a database in Microsoft Access 2002 called Term Paper.
In that database, you will several tables. Start by creating the following tables first:
Field Name
Data Type
Field Size
Search String
• Search String should be the primary key.(It corresponds to the keyword(s) string for the
• The table will be saved as Outline
Field Name
Data Type
Field Size
Search String
Search Engine
Date Found
Short Date
• URL should be the primary key.
The table will be saved as Search
Field Name
Data Type
Field Size
URL link
CARS Score
• URL should be the primary key.
The table will be saved as Site
3. Establish a one-to-many relationship between Search String from the Outline table and
Search String from the Search table. Enforce Referential Integrity. (Click and drag the
Search String field from the Outline table to the Search table, to establish the proper
4. Establish a one-to-one relationship between URL from the Search table and URL from the
Site table. Enforce Referential Integrity (Note that the order of the tables on the relationship is
important, so you must click and drag the URL from Search to the URL from Site).
5. Start recording the information obtained from Phase Three into these three tables. You should
only use the information regarding the 2 top sites for each subtopic and search engine. Enter
the data in the Outline table first. Here is an example:
6. Next open the subdatasheet for the Outline table and start entering data for the Search table. In
order to open the subdatasheet for the Outline table, you should open the table, go to the Insert
menu, and click on the subdatasheet, and click on the expand indicator (+), to the left of each
row (notice that now you see the fields of the Search table).
You will only need to type data for URL, Search Engine and Date Found.
For the URL field, ALL your URL addresses should start with http://
The content of the URL Link field should have the same data as the content of the URL
field. Instead of having to type an URL address twice, do the following:
i. Highlight the URL Address from the URL field
ii. Right-Click and select Copy
iii. Go to the URL Link field, right-click and select Paste
7. Now, open the subdatasheet for the Search table and start entering data for the Site table
(notice that now you see the fields of the Site table):
You will only need to type data for Title, and Site Cars Score.
You need to create two more tables with the following specifications:
Field Name
Data Type
Field Size
Bibliographic Code
• Bibliographic Code should be the primary key.
• The table will be saved as Summary
Field Name
Data Type
Field Size
Bibliographic Code
Summary Keyword
• This table DOES NOT has a primary key.
• The table will be saved as Summary Keyword
• When you get a dialog box asking you “Do you want to create a primary key?” Click No.
9. Establish a one-to-many relationship between Bibliographic Code from the Summary table
and Bibliographic Code from the Summary Keyword table.
10. You must go to Internet and visit each site from your Site table. From the information of each
site, you will extract a summary that must be included in the Summary table. You may use up
to the three summaries fields, to write down your summary of the site. Remember that the
Summary table has five fields:
a. Bibliographic Code: it may follow the citation format of the appropriate style manual
(e.g. APA, MLA) or you can use your own codes.
b. Summary1: contains part of the summary of the site. Make sure that whatever data you
type in that field does not exceed 255 characters. If you type more than 255, the
additional characters will not be saved. If you need more words, fill in the summary2,
and the summary3. This will give you a summary of up to 150 words.
URL: is the URL address of the site. You can get this information from the Site table.
You can get this information from the Search table, by copying and pasting it
(recommended) or by retyping it (not recommended).
Make sure that you finish entering data in the Summary table before you proceed with the
next step.
11. After you finish entering the data for the Summary table, you need to select the most
significant words in your Summary# fields of the Summary table and enter them into the
Summary Keyword table.
a. A summary keyword must match if possible a Search String from the Outline table.
b. You must extract at least 3 summary keywords for each record of the Summary table.
c. For example if your Summary table has 20 records (from your top 20 sites), then you
will end up with 60 summary keywords.
12. Next, open the s u b datasheet for the Summary table and start entering data for the Summary
Keyword table (notice that now you see the fields of the Summary Keyword table).
• You will only need to type data for Summary Keyword.
13. Once all data has been entered into the Summary Keyword table, you must create a
relationship between Search String from the Outline table and Summary Keyword from the
Summary Keyword table. DO NOT Enforce Referential Integrity for this relationship.
Through this relationship, you will discover new associations between sites that you may have
not been aware before. This technique is known as Data Mining.
14. Create a Query called Knowledge Discovery and include these tables: Outline, Summary
Keyword and Summary.
You must drag the following fields to this query in the following order:
a. Bibliographic Code from the Summary Keyword table.
b. Summary Keyword from the Summary Keyword table.
c. Sub-Topic from the Outline table.
d. Summary# from the Summary table. (# stands for 1, 2 and 3)
e. URL from the Summary table.
15. Use the Knowledge Discovery query created above to do the Data Mining following these
a. Open the Outline table. This will show you a list of all the records that you have in this
b. Click next to any of the values under Search String. Go to the Insert Menu, Select
c. Click the Queries tab.
d. Click Knowledge Discovery.
e. In the list arrow Link Master Fields, select Search String.
f. In the list arrow Link Child Fields, select Summary Keyword.
g. Click OK.
After following these steps, you could see your keywords (and subtopics) associated with other
sites that you originally thought there were. Note that the associations that you could get depend
upon many factors. In some cases you will not obtain any associations at all. This is a consequence
of the fact that data mining is not easy.
Let’s assume Phase Three is complete and you finished entering data in all of your tables.
In your Outline table, you have the following:
The Search String Boot Viruses is associated with the URL
1. http://www.tufts.edu/tccs/support/Dc-cillin.shtml.
2. http://antivirus.about.com/cs/tutorials/a/bsvirus.htm
The Search String Computer Virus Prevention is associated with the URL
1. http://www.mcafee.com/antivirus/products.htmi
2. http://www.nai.com/antivirus/products.html.
In your Summary table, you have the following:
• Entry VI005 is http://www.tufts.edu/tccs/support/pc-cillin.shtml.
• Entry VI002 is http://antivirus.about.com/cs/tutorials/a/bsvirus.htin.
• Entry VI007 is http://www.mcafee.com/antivirus/-products.html.
• Entry VI008 is http://www.nai.coin/antivirus/products.html. _
You have the following summary keywords already in the database:
Entry VI005 has Boot Viruses, Virus Patterns and Computer Virus Removal.
Entry VI002 has Infection Phase, Attack Phase and Boot Viruses.
Entry VI007 has Computer Virus Prevention, Computer Virus Removal and McAfee
Entry VI008 has Computer Virus Prevention, Computer Virus Removal and Norton
After you perform the steps for Data Mining (Knowledge Discovery), you will obtain the
following result:
• Notice that now we discovered that there is one more site associated with Boot Viruses,
entry VI003. And for Computer Virus Prevention we discovered that entries VI003 and
Vi006 also have information related to this subtopic. Of course, there may be some cases in
which you may not discover new associations.
Submit the following to my digital drop box in Blackboard:
a. Your Term Paper database created with Microsoft Access.
b. A term paper of approximately 2000 words. The actual writing of the paper consists of a
review of the summaries from the Term Paper database in accordance with the paper’s outline
(See below). You must also take into account for the paper the associations discovered during
the data mining process (from the relationship between Outline table and Summary
Keyword table). You can also compliment your summaries with additional information from
any of your selected sites and books.
NOTE: This submission WILL BE GRADED. Submit on time! No submissions will be
accepted after the due date.
17. Due date for Phase Four Submission:
a. For CMPT 109-07…………April 24
b. For CMPT 109-38…………April 24
Term Paper Guidelines
1. If you need to include a quote, then use quotation marks, if not, paraphrase. Do NOT copy
original text and type it as your own. Plagiarism will be penalized with an automatic 0 (F).
2. The term paper must be written in Microsoft Word. To determine how many words your term
paper has, go to the Tools menu and select Word Count. Your term paper must follow the
following format conventions:
The top, bottom, left and right margins should be set to 1 inch (1”).
Font type: Times New Roman
Font size: 12
The alignment should be set to Justify for the contents’ pages and the
Bibliography only.
The spacing should be set to 1.5 for the contents’ pages and the Bibliography
The cover page must be centered from top to bottom (use the Page Setup
Everything must be boldfaced.
The first line should be Times New Roman, font size 18.
Except for the Topic name, from the second line on you will use Times New
Roman, font size 14.
The Topic name will use Arial, font size 14.
The full name of all the members of your group must be aligned to the right.
Everything else must be centered (from left to right).
Line spacing must be set to double.
All the margins are 1 inch (1”).
All the text here should be capitalized (UPPERCASE).
Leave a blank line between items.
Make sure that the professor’s name is spelled correctly; use the proper letters.
3. Submit the following files with Term Paper:
A cover page, see Sample Cover Page.
New file of your outline with the “Search Strings (a.k.a. keywords) (same specifications
from Phase Two). Remember to include the name of the search engines that you used.
File with the Term Paper itself
File with a Bibliography, which will contain the top 20 or more sites (submitted in Phase
Two and Phase Three). If printed it would come out according to the specifications given
in Phase Two. If you used books to complement your sources, include their information as
well. Book information should include:
Author name: last name, first name. If there is more than three, then type the first
one and type et al.
Book Name: Capitalized and in bold.
Editorial: Name of Editorial or Publisher
Edition (ex. First Edition)
Wyatt, Allen; 1001 WORD 2000 TIPS, Delmar Publishers, 1999.
NOTE: If you were to print the sample cover page, it may not appear to be centered from top
to bottom. You should make sure that it will be that way when I print it.