o 0 by v,;Mil J"-.-.;- JT- -- I"" " Jlt J ,1111, I", I i I .. I L U " ' i ' - '.?T ... . " u Juki' kJ - MAILS Frem San f ranencs: Sierra, Feb. 2a(. For Franciace: Ct Northern, Feb V f rm Vancouver: Makure. Marth 21 Far Vancouver: Makura. Marti) 2 Fx-staBulletin. Rat. 12, No. C71T Hawaiian Star. V!. XJCIV. Xa "75s g TERRITORY OF HAWAII, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY UPAGE8-IO.VOU- TU A 1917. -- H PRICE FIVE CENTS PAGES AND DANCES FESTIVAL SONGS OF JN HAPPY oex oex oex oex oex as Carnival Event Hawaii's Intermingling of Races Displayed in us ic, Costume and Folk-Ste- OF PUBLIC CHILDREN THOUSAND oex oex oex oex oex oex ?:.0 ... x3r-t,-- ps i 1 I. 4 - t s ! f y 1 1 - ?5i Tlt XhV.drni Cherv - and 'nsprrlng faatwrf Wie'day't Featlvaf on Lower rmab6u nJd,Vln f 1000 V:lMTOdVVn tmprtMive . . co;:DascuES?Fon onvfr.p' ttatcm; m r mcfmesa .'.vr - .' S. at ' G i ve n J.Awn'i:rnnnnT ' i .i .1 r ItaeJi hlatiirtc The hugt eharua la shown oot. J WilSOtl Dances abv fe- - Taktn ttanBullcti tograpbar. taff pho LLOYD GEORGE PROPOSES KUHIO ASKS FOR Bf iwtoPK::Bf by IIATIOILC'JI CONSUMPTION, SPEED.UR PROllOCl I Oil information! r4rl W)t1m) Aiitt4 Preu Srrlr by LONDON, England, Feb. 23. Facing a serious foe shortage and. the WASHINGTON, U. C. Ffth 22 NE thoRnd public school child- ptuVfteinQtrticticn, PrPBiHpnt WilitfYti u'lll nrahabl'Wrri be. That the lead.ng members of the threat of the German submarine campaign. England ia scanning mevec Japanese. Ko-- , part, dedfgf RanwndAifU rea of f0rY Congress is Joint aJanclJWttlght cotaiulUee oh appropriations In Concheck the effects ef the war an i alace the people of the Srttfen laiet gartt Cooke, aiiss Nancy LhinteU. Hit'- - er toAerrow to aaV 'for aufhorirt to gress wilt be. especially urged, by Dele- beyond teaat.. Cljlneae. Filipinos. any danger cf famine. iarj,trTague.vtncse 01 tairopean lanebert, W. H. MeJncckJtstana ittss' such means a he maV' detq. best gate Kuhto to- Mit Hawkil with the In the Heuee of common today, Ptmiar Llcye Geerge In a notable Congressional party, presumably next speech' outlined drastic meaaures for a national economy campaign.1- - He pect if. Election am! Recount nieflcatf extractions, and aH tfaa Nina, Ailams. to meet the emergency which. tHe . ;? Ihos-raccknown Teachers Aatiatina policy, of Germany' atrd the month, is" the inference gained from presented a pre-rax to cepc with- tb serious situation admittedly arising is - Necessary.. toj De(ermin2; rlJ tftLxtam 61 oontrlbntiag The'"f6lUwlng teachers Uav& assist- - 8Cgt)iecence in that policy of AuBtria, a wireless message gent by Delegate from a shortage cf shipping, a depletion of the food supplies, and the German their Fate-.fWater Bonds lpart to the anccets of the 1917 illd- Turkey and Bulgaria hare forced upon Kuhio to Speaker il. 1.. lfolstein of menace. -- -' . . protram (Pacific page of a two) oa .with Continued the house. raraiTal the United States. . 'f The premier advocated an increass in home feed prodHctte and a cur ' ' era bar lost .Bonds . fatrktic aongs aad music and some f J Doe da Cor It was Intimated here yesterday, the The message iJ as follows: imports. He outlined aleo a plan er speeding tailment of the ' a recount ia ox the novel. folk, danrea of the races Tor mater mariPaa t intimsUoa being corroborated by all "Miy approprianave present crops to to raising by guaranteeiog good pHcee for tAe emsnedittea in farmer 1 necessary ;U tfatamiae tt. isdications, represented. t the ChUdren a festival that tbe plans of the tion committee views oi legislature on over a period of years. He announced also that all owners of lend NEW YORK STOCK I prestaent wiu se una oeroce me That la th Ttivlt "Obtained this jB the Funakon'ColIeaje grounds this UemM. immedi-peodlng will Wireless me to cultivate it be forced Ynriiu morning witli aU of the official returns' afternoon. The exercises began at I UUAl bets of the cabinet at the regular cabi--1 ately vho e'ectoj president of the sen- The farmer is to be guaranteed a minimum wage of 25 thlilfhgi a week net meetinr this. Afternoon. At that ate and speaker of the houee." j v la but becauae of several tomUsJoPs on i.oo o'clock, Instead of the prevailing' returns of It to It shillings. Wedrea! oieeting the arrangements will be com Uus offVcial returns the exact Ocnres Grouped before tbe first buiWlng repueo, turmsuing National economy Is well outlined by the premier. Many luxuries are Hoi3tein nas Today, day. ijleted for calling a joint session of delegate with the requested informa- - to be stopped, whether produced at heme or imported from abroad. known on U after a recount. erected for a college preparatory. cvr Congress to be addressed by the Uon... Aocordlnt to Ua figures the rote school In the, Hawaiian Islands, with Alaska paper users are planning to cut their cenvumptlen' Already ihatf, that this "stands" I S89 for. the water bonds and the greensward cf the campus as a American Smelter . 72 loon president.wilt Itbe is expected "Kulo evldent'y intends to ask the making a saving of 440,000 tone. Savirrge are to be made stirt further! in . 112 the moet momentous leading ,'1154 asalnst.lhem.. and 1724 for the stage, they are rendering a program American Sugar Rfg session 11'a importations of ore and lumber, which now amount to t,00OjC0Q tent aims members of the appropriation . 12S'2 newer bendr and 1127 against them, similar to one which "Uncle Joe"- - Can-wit- h Asaariean. Tel. & Tel 125, in the hUtory of the nation. 4,300,000 tone each annually. says vijit Hawaii, the to committee a total vote of 25. On the last son declared wo years ago was" the AnaeeAde Copper , . . 7S Importation ma to apples, toes of The prohibited OrtrVjea and ie speaker. fruits '.'The extended invitations Cxure, ho werer. there ia some doubt most memorable thing he witnessed Atthiaen 1014 03,! are excepted from this order. This restriction tatobe Imposed and bananaa Congress munt to members of the as the total vote rfor the water boada, ma ifeard on his Tlalt to Hawaii. The . Baldwin Loco. 524 53H1 immediately. come irom the delegate, .' . and the Vt 77 7S' which was the arser, is 2034, which venerable statesman was so impressed FattiMftrt A Ohio Lloyd George declares that he expects to reduce the. demand Premier speakpresident and of the senate the rejected baKby 120 New would. indicate that. the ..130 the patriotic ardor, of the school tethlehem; Steel, for cargo space by several million tons, thus checking the dieaetreus-- , effect er of the house of tbe local legislature. 24 Zl lots numbered 301 while on the offi- - children on that occasion that he was Calif. Petroleum . . . . to shipping of the war. i who why know no to is liesires That i. 154 visibly moved to the point of tears. Canadian Pacific clal retnrna the Dumber is 135. 154H legislature of are." officers tile the Rejected Votes May Count The program for the exercises is C; M. A 8t P. (St Paul) SOft St : W To carry, the bonds must hare n 0 aa follows: Cole: FweJ 4 Iron 4?a S Philip Phile Crucible Steel j 65 Iter ce&f fflrBxatlfVote of the nuu-be- r Grand-Marc- h SAN FRANCISCO. Cal., Feb. 23 at voters oting. Sixty per cent Choree Mall,' Columbia Zi Erie Common 274 The body of Maier-enera- l Frederick Joseph Ho ok In son General electric of 225V la 2001, which is 121 more H5 1l32 suddenly died in San Funston, who project and Dance Children's Polka Grade I General Motors, New ., 113'4 111 than voted for the' water today interAntonio, here for arrived 277 more than for. the sewer project Choma PmAim of .Peace... 114 Great Northern Pfd. ... 1ir Pro-Germ- an )i ment tomorrow at In the Presidio. poOf the ,S0t rejects ballots It l 117 Arr. by H. V. Loomis Inter, Harv N. J 9 117', drixxllng a sombre, rain of tbe midst ATHENS, Greece. Feb. 23. King Coostantlae today at the eaae'tor alble yuLt 4hejullces may decide to Dance Snow-stor45 44'2 Kenoetott Copper the body was escorted by a military before the world in an interview granted to the Associated Preaa. Greece colom tbse Ul- Inelsde tt the-yeGrades III. IV and V Lehigh R. R. 75 73'a cortege to the city hall to lie in state upon It was the occasion of the celebration of the Greek New Tear.. and. ; rejected only because fchicUwere lota Chorus American Hymn...M. Keller New York Central ..... 95'i 94 (Aoelt4i Pru bf Federal Wirl) overnight Crowds tPkh heads bared correspondent aided in the cele bratioa of the royal family. Tbe king '; the And not t, cross in- - Dance Butterfly Dance the 34 Pennsylvania 549 i SAN FRANCISCO, CaL. Feb. .23. did silent honor to tbe soldier-her"'s expressed sorrow at the plight of his country. He said: . dickted the w ill 6f the roter. The num - j Young Women from Normal School Ray Cento) , .. 2tyt stuGeorge an Kraft, UeuL aviation passed procession through as the the la we all play. ask fair We "After all. have been scely tried toft wo.' her thus rejected may amount to KM. Chores LVormal School) Reading Common Bi3i streets, all traffic being halted. 9. dent of the army school, facea probyears. We don't pretend that we ha ve always been angel, under the, cea- Thl Is practically the onlr chance a, i (t) Xfarch of Our Nation. .A. Giebel Southern Pacific 94 94'4 it was learned toable stant irritation of tbe increasing control of the Allies of every Utile according o V. T. Cardan, dcity . (b) America the Beautiful 101 101 Studebakec has which de- day, if an investigation days In four fire the thing In our private lives. last the recity attorney, tt la doubtful It the . . M usic. A. S. Kendall Texaa Oil . 226 229 partment has received three false been ordered shows that he is guilty "England and France have especially alienated the adinlretioit, "ti arm- jetted ballots. . woukl be thrown out (c) The SUra and the Red. White Union Pacific .. .. 1S7H 138 alarms. "Someone is trying Kraft demeanor. of Lieut on pathr part devotion, which and the virtually of Greeks the amounted to .'. vote, and sot ccunted ia the total and Blue (Patriotic Song) U.S. SUel 1074 us a good time during the Carnival has asked General Bell to order an inf "74 . tridition. total ' number the Instances three In E, A. v Music, P. Newcomb Utafr 109 110 week." sayg Chief burston. "but If quiry. The charges against him are "They make us pay for their errors of policy. We fare pfjtaia; ftS - Words, P. H. Dodge wcting at the precinct was not tabu94 Western Union 934 we It we'll see who gets contained in a letter received from at them catch exposure and hunger because the At Ues made the mistake of assuming piat fovrth offlciala the the and o' lated, Dance Highland Fling 49 Weetinehouse . Diego San excitement." meet the the man. Venizelos. could deliver the people and the army. The Greek . their precinct of the .fourth district inelbced Madeline Cum mings-SmttMar Wheat 1.76.J4 1.79? now call him traitor. a . , t aheet with the official return t Chorus Ta Uke No a Like the ld. tUnauoted. now is eeUng f less us the United . "There in Greece than it Impossible to lllota. which makes officially. ..Arr. by Capt. H. Berber 'TAR BULLETIN SPECIAL now It of snd than less State, propaganda, hi there la obtain those figures Chorus ILLUSTRATED CARNIVAL SUGAR land." vill be (a) The Exile On these pohKa a'recotn Music. F. Shaw SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.. Feb. 20. FEATURE EDITION b) The Sea King's Bride...H. Leslie Sugar; eaked for and If then thj court "till degrees test 5 27 cents. LONDON, Eng, Feb. 13 The British steamer John afUee, tiro1 ftoi tot show that the .bonds hv lost the Spanish Dance Previous quotation, 5.05 cents. will issue a special illustratTomorrow. Saturday, the and the steamers Wathfield and Iarrcecould have been sunk; accprd. smacks aupreme coort may be called upon, for Luclle Aflague ' ' ed Carnival Edition, summing up Carnival Week. ing to Lloyd's agency, - , ;' . with the rejected ballots tnro-cut Chorus Aloha Oe The case of IL Isunoda versus RES PICTURES NEW both Issues carry. Comp. by H.'M. Queen Uliuokalani Toupg Sun Kow, an appeal tro.-- the All the events of this busy, piettiresoue week grouped In one ediPARISH France,. Feb. Korwedan steamer Doria x)f. Chorus circuit court's decision, is set tor a tion of the paper. Ape. ateamer British the the Saa Michel; tUorisuiaJP. Sand Italian aleamer The funeral of Henry Gorman or (a) Hawaii Ponoi hearing m the supreme court this afWRAPPED READY FOR MAILING FIVE CENTS r gone, to Adeline been have sunk the trar Kauai, who died Wednesday at the Words, King Kalakaua ternoon. Or loose in any numbers you may desire Five cents eaca. Post- - ' nit.. Queen's hospital following a week's Music. H. Berger $711,130.44 PENSIONS PAID' age will be three cents, domestic. , trtbuted amdag retired" employe ot Illness, win be held at 10 o'clock Sat(h Star Spangled Banner n Judge Whitney dispored of several office and; at the BY O. S. STEEL CO: the UuUed States, Steel Corporal 5oa These papers will be on sale at the urday morning from Williams' under- ! Words. & Arnold; Music, F. S. Key probate matters in circuit court thlr following places: Young Hotel, Mo ana Hotel, Pajwaa Junction, Heme eom paa tea, . The avertaking parlors. Burial is to be in i Committee In Charoe morning, including the appointing rf News Cart (Fort and King streets). PITTSBURO. Pa tThe sixth ana sal and rtbeJdUry age Xunaau cemetery. Word to that ef j The reneral committee in charge of the Hawaiian Trust Co. in the matter pension amounted f 2Lc5, a ORDER EARLY. Telephone 49 il Circulation Department. It's the report of the, United States Steel and l jCarneai.pensioii fect wua received yesterday from the the Children's Festival is as follows: of George Lincoln Sands with S70 TlwmlnhnHT--penknpaper you will particularly want to send away.- nK3BtV fund shows f aid " " " ' " deceased's family in California. if. W. Kinney, superintendent of bonds as ancillary administrator. IT a4tb'i"Aaimua" 0Xr' ISlf '.the'ttfit '1711,13033 !arj -- -- -- chairnidp JanjcCT - H-wa- te - sub-Mari- a )aa(lre . 'te at - v at . non-victu- al as-tendi- ! iltorpr meai-MAnM- tl 1 1 ! -- O t 'aa Os ; " SAN FIUUICISCO HONORS FUNSTOil ...... at . "Allies Make Us Pay For Their Errors," Declares King of'Grccb Army Officer Under -- Fire As . m s'1 Xrora-Tyee- -- - o ...... ....... I -- court-martia- l, I' - -- to-sho- pro-Germa- n . flying-school- 1 h fEx-tfJvlden- a. pro-Germa- n anti-Hellen- Ev ic I . Solo-Danc- e Star-Bulleli- n n . Star-Bulleti- '' - 1 i. v" " f -- tht4 WiiTvU -- 1 ' HOmULU ARTILLERY BAND GAYCOSTUHES II AT BAIL STAH BtJLLETlX, FBIDAT, FEBBUAHY MOTHER'S HEART DEPARTMENT OF 1917. CHILDREN DIVE BREAKS FOR BOY MARKETING ASKS TO PLAY TONIGHT 2. SONGS DANCES WE STORE EVERYTHING CITY TRANSFER COMPANY PHONE 1281 JAMES H. LOVE 1 While the croud wis not o lane at Two band concerts are on .the Car nival program for. today by military band, which are doing so much to add to the enjoyment of the festlvit! cf the week with their excellent music at all the events. The first band concert was given this morning at Bishop fcuuare by tne 25th Infantry band from H 10 II o'clock. The ert)nd one Is cheiiurd 'or this evening and will he given In the Capitol grounds, under the leadership of Frank Werekfr, director of the Artillery Brigade band. The program rendered will --be. as follows: 1 March. Music and Mirth Two letters, both addressed to "The might' hire been expected, those who American Consul, Hawaiian Islands," did attend the Carnival Mask Ball at hare bene delivered by the postofflce to Will Wayne, secretary of Governor the National Guard armory last night Plnkham. Th communications are .'were rewarded with th sight of some Asking an appropriation of $39.SV) Continued from pas 6ne from mainland residents seekinx the . odd and rich costumes and splendid address of relative thought to be Hv for the next biennial period, and of- ed in preparing the pupils and almost continuous dance mn-i- c for the Caring In the territory. fering several recommendations for nival choms: supplied by the Hawaiian, and ArtilA heartbroken mother, Mrs. Ada M the extension lery Brigade bands. and betterment of the Kaiulani Mia Goo. Mrs. Keller. Rose of 1214 Lafayette street, Elkhart, Tba number In costume was less t, Solomon. .Mrs. King, Miss work, report the territorial of the ili8sr Ind.. writes for the address of her than those who went as spectators, Knight. Mrs. runaway son, Olin Taylor Mc marketing division to the governor but who were allowed to dance from Kalihl-waenMrs. Miss Lai. Millan. "About New Tear's I received has been printed and distributed early In the evening on by reason of Barnes, Mrs. Gerard. a letter from him sent from Honolulu," among the legislators. the amount of space available. The Royal Miss Morris, Miss Heen. "Some times 1 think I she counter attraction of the Carnival cirMiss Taner, Mrs. Awana, Mrs Finke, part, In report the follows: shall go crazy. I worry o over him. cus and the Japanese lantern parade v. Mrs. Mrs. Spell man. Brown. me to kill hira would have almost Sales Increase Largely was probably responsible for the com . Barnhouse It Kauluwela Mrs. Nunes, Mis. Ser maybe feed the sharks on some far-of- f paratlvely small attendanceadded to 2 Overture, "Hungarian LustpleP "During the pas"M8 Eoaths the rao. Island." . big the fact that there had been a sales of the division were 1190,666.82; Kelcr Bela Central Grammar Miss' Davis, Mi6S B. Finkelstein of 74 East One Hun Carnival ball the night before and that ".mpassloned Dream.... ; an increase of $131,803.99 over the Whiteman; Miss Miss Kelly, says York, New Fifth and street. dred the Directors Ball Is to be given tofirst 18 months of the biennial period Miss Gustine, Miss Gault, .'. Laurendra he Hagens. vicinity. an this la "His uncle has night. b) liwzy Massy' Urombone 191M91S, the division was first Kaahumanu Miss Cowan. MIsa Ala-ncame is Morris Tisbofsky or' Ttek," put under when Of the costumes noticeable last smear) ....... the Hasupervision Jewell the Miss Hastie, Miss Astletord, Mrs. writes the nephew. "Enclosed you waii experiment' station. of night, besides the popular jama yama 1 Selection. -- Robin i lood".. ....... large Hampton, This I hope picture, which his find will ones, were these of clowns, a richly ..,,,, W ifsnd will be sufficient to reveal his Iden- increase in two years seems to in- kauoha. Mrs. Winter, Mr. Geo. Ke dressed Jockey, cowboys and cowgirls, 5 patrol, Kllauea" .... ... . Stewart tity.": dicate that the division is appreciated .. prisoners, a sultan, Egyptians, farmer 6 .March. The P. E. O. March". . . Cilinokalani Miss Clough. ' Mrs: Hawaii Is a United States territory, by the producers of the territory. The men and farmer maids. Orientals and . . Barnhouse in- Bryan. consignors gradually number of has npt seem know to but do writers the a number of others, Norman Mrs. Marshall, Miss Var-nethat fact, as every month letters ar- creased to about 400.: Miss Deems, Miss Ziegler, Miss Admission to the Carnival Directors The new o:ii.oraV or Maunakea rive addressed to the "American conBall, "the social event of the Carnl-va- l. MacDonald. Mr. Itoberts, Miss Otrem-ba- , sulate," of which there is none In the street, near Queen, which was providwill be granted by invitation Miss R. Saaw, Misa Everly, Mrs. ed for by the legislature of 1915, was islands.: only tonight, as It is given In honor completed in December of that year Wyatt. Miss Johnson, Mr. Meinecke, of the commanding general, of the Haand the division occupied it at once, Miss Pratt, Miss M. Shaw, Mrs. Man-lewaiian Department and the commandMrs. Gonsalves, Mrs. MacCaughey moving from the rented quarters on ant or the United States Naval Station Mrs. Otremba. and Queen Nuuanu anil streets. The fa Public at Pearl Harbor. Carnival supporters, Schools Represented cilities for handling. Island shipments workers and visiting notables to the following The are the public The Elks meet tonight-are now very good, except for dressed i urnlval and the . territory. Only schools which will represented in be space meats, but, at times the floor Visitors In Hawaii who would like those In evening dress will be admit Mystic Lodge, K. of P.. meets at in the salesroom U crowded. If the the folk dances, the teachers who : 30 tonight. ted. The music will be supplied by a little sight of Japan without continu amount of produce handled increases have assisted in training the dancers the 2.th Infantry, Band. ing to the Orient after the Carnival those who will dance: at the rate it has In the past year, and some of Folk The committee In - charge of the j will be arforded the opportunity to-Ladies who are donating cake for the present building will not be large Dances . ' Mask Ball was as follows. Royal School Mr. Cyril; night by a unique entertainment of- - the Inmates of the territorial prison enoug'i, .e8recHilj-.tSmith, cold storage a tt. Datls, chairman: Harry Lfered by the Moehizukl Club. .". , are requested by Mrs. I. A. Schariln to plant Is Instal'.cd.; Although the ap- principal. Macfarlane, Dr. A, C: Wall, Samuel A, Children's . Polka, .Little Japanese The club members have gone to an I leave the cakes at the office of the propriation made by the last legislaexpense oT several hundred dollars to 'Territorial Messenger Service tomor- - ture, Girls. Walker. George Ahlborn and aides. Teacher, Miss; Ada Lycett. Cosre a cover was small to intended ' The committee which has made the make their grounds on W aikikJ Beach row. i tumes, Miss Ah Ping. frigeration plant, ' th"; could not be . arrangements for the Directors Ball as nearly a little sli?e of Nippon as; AnMyra School Pohukaina Miss installed owing to t the high cost of gus, ' principaL ; is given below: ossible tonight for the edification of Army Consistory No. 1, A and "A. S. the building itself. Snowstorm dance, Guy IL' ButtolpV. chairman; Sher- Honolulu's guests and declare they It. of V. M of Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Japanese Girls. Branch hkg extended Invitations to the Scho-fiel- Opens Mainland apparent need wood M. Lowrey, Lawrence M. Judd will be glad if they make expenses. for a : Central Grammar Mrs. S. Overend. Due to the emd J lnrles A. Rogers. At 7:30 the show stars with Japan Barracks spring class of 1917 to mainland market for pineapples of principaL a mm ... ese acts and musical selections in a a dinner in the gold room of the AlexChildren's Polka, Miss Ethel Padgrowers, who could not get broad ' open-ai- r pavilion, lighted with ander Young Hotel on Saturday even- small OBJECTS TO PAYING gett, Miss Esther Padgett, Misa Soenough for them to cover the cost Kcores of colored bulbs and covered ing, February 24, at 8 o'clock. HUSBAND'S fOBACCO Miss Uno, dance and cosand rer of production, the division established BILL; GETS DIVORCE v ith awnings in case of rain. tumes. 1, July Francisco, Sah branch in Henry Gorman of Koloa,. Kauai, died a1917, Miss Mabel Lightfoot, Snowstorm Entertainments cf a decided Japan and the superintendent made a ' KANSAS CITY, Mo. When It came tinge will be featured throughout at the Queen's hospital Wednesday dance and costumes. far East as Chicago to look to paying her husband's barber and and guests will forget after a stroll after a week's illness. He was mana trip as Liliuokalani School Mr. T. H. Gib Hawaiian fresh the market for tobacco bills, Mrs. Edith Brockett, 612 around the grounds that they are In- ger or the Kauai Trading Co. .Ho into principal. , It was,' found that there son, pineapples. was born in Boston f4 years ago and were, good prospects of. selling large ' Mrs. Black, snowstorm dance and Woodland avenue. decided she could deed in the United States. ' , n " r , live more cheaply alone, she told rest quantities of frech,, pineapples on the costumes. After the Japanese play, which con-- was a popular nnd Judge Southern' in applying, for a tinues until about 9 o'clock, drinks dent here for the last 25 years. Mrs. Pearce, assistant Pacific coast- if they could be landed Kalihi-ka- i divorce from Louis E. Brockett Mr. John Kaaha, prinand lunches will be in evidence and the but condition, that good in there . cipaL' "I came Into my patrimony shortly another hall will thrown open for WIFE TURNS SLEUTH; '; ; ; not markets east of the Rockies could DONS OVERALLS AND Olney, Mrs. after' we were married in 1892," she' dancing, snowstorm with an excellent and growdance Thaole" local to profit be reached with a SHADOWS HUSBAND ers, bald, "and immediately my ' husband orchestra. " high, cost of freight and cbstuaies. to the due quit work and expected me to pay his Many who are going to the dlrec- Mrs. Mcpherson, snowstorm dance the presence of thf Florida and West t!'.!3. m well as meet the household tors ball at the armory plan to see i ATHENS. Ga. Will Franklin while Indian fruit, which costumes. and much sold could be j the "Japanese expenses. Night" at the " Mochi-- walking through town discovered that cheaper. Kauluwela Mrs. Creighton, S:hool ' ' v ,: ' he was being shadowed. He circled Demonstration? Agents Advised ' lira, Crockett testified her husband jtukl Club first principal. , through a number of streets but br r.t ter whenf she refused to allow (. .One of the prettiest;. pieces of the, about Mr a. Lewis, snowstorm dance, Chi demonstra-tioxrkthShe was f manj-- ; 'decorative effects fs? W 'tlg tie shadow pertfsted. r Becoming jwor Mrs.1 Yap? costumes; Miss hlu central bf! tier furitl ott ItiTJifterent islands nteso sh-ls- r cherry tree, made entirely by the rled, he went to police headquarters, whose business-It- - would be to visit the Frank, musician; Miss Julia Lee' and trtnted L'ie divorce. where a plain clothes man was' or producers' farms arid give advice as to Miss - Constance Change, children's members of the club. The Brocketts separated in 1914. dered whole to shadow the shadower. The surroundyard The and the crous'-- to grtfw. how to combat polka dance and costumes. ing hedges have been strung with hun- shadow was hove picked up attired what . Tenf three 'ipcrations are aeces-wr' Butterfly Dance '."; and pests, how to grade, pack ' t in ' overalls a cap It was the disease in the washing sr.d Ironing of a dreds of various colored lights. Normal School Four obis lent br a4 nd ship,' andT'to keep them posted on ' " wife of Franklin, .who tearfully ex : Japanese cellar. Bazaar. They Lucille Miss of 'the market Glajcow provl'es 'ts policemen with GIrard college, Philadelphia, recent- plained, that she suspected her bus the condition Aflague, Aflague, Miss Adeline Miss of amount of the record should keep a and.'ea when on duty at ly observed the 166th anniversary of band of paying attentions to other crops being planted, and where they Madeline Cummlng-Smith- , Miss Yoshi-m- l heated the birth of Stephen t Glrard, Its women and was attempting to secure will be marketed. They should also iilsht by the u.io of electrically Kusaki, MIsa Lucy Rapose, Miss first-han. evidence, v '..i signal boxes. plates in founder. locatcentrally keep on hand, at erte ed Place, shinning packages for such produce as is gruw'n in their districts. If such agents were provided for they could act for all fh government institutions, whether territorial of federal, working for tha best' interest of the small farmer in the territory.- . Hllo Needs Branch -Durinar the naet year it has been suggested by ditferent Individuals and organizations in lriW that k branch of the Jivlsioh be esUblished . there to act as a clearing house for produce raised in that section. It is prooaoie that .juch a branch would be of great assistance to both" the producers and consumers ot Hilo, rs well as to the rtiviAi.n :n HonoMu. The people in terested in the establishment of this j branch have been' advised to take thej Star-Bullet- in matter un direct with the legislature . and no allowance is made ior us maintenance In the apnYopr'.ations request ed-- by the division. Appropriations I by the legislature for the following items are considered nec?s.iary for thi best Interests of the ;work during the next biennial period "and are . respectfully recommended: Salaries, wages tn4 expenses. 24,000; additional casi revolving fund, $7500; ST 500 $39,600 IT NEEDS IN BIG FESTIVAL 1 r didn't even produce such delicious and wholesome bread as 7. lovs which will be delivered at your door wrapped and fresh if youtl ' ' 1.4-3-- 1 Lof-quis- ' PHONE . a .................. ..................... .V-Wa- lts, , a, y. SIGHT OF JAPAN y, iflsaiiioGsrxuj HADATl'AIKIKI i ;-- 1 M other s beet effort Cream b e a d lul, a U Mary Smith, Mtes Axnes Frendo, Miss Mibel Whittle, Miss Prisdlla Char-ma- j DAILY REMINDERS 1 liss Tniie Feiler, Miss Kdith :t Koki. Miss Helei Rowland. MLsa Mar-Ia- n Make some or today's want ads Muller and Mis.; Uly Lee. few of 8erve YOL by answering , Highland flLis MI$a Madeleine them. ; V'..;''.;.Cumming-Smitlt- . Wanted Two sior passengers to Spanish dance' Miss Lucille make un motor party around Island. Aflague. ' v. $4.00 .each. Lewis Garage, phone 2HI. v Hawaiian band Arranged all the Adv. music for the dances. For Distillel Water. Hire's Root Beer and all other Popular Drluk John Graham of Tuscola, I1U wears try the Con. Soda Water Works Co. a straw ha,t In winter, and goes bareAdV. ' f , footed from early spiins to Christ'!': mas. from wool scour, ngs Is being lhve.stl-sate- l. . .. Tho question of extracting potish n, : . . '' .: ;.- mmm . - ADVERTISE IN d . tVi " '. . , ; I -- , , ks 1 1 : . well-know- Rad their Ads. and proit - ; . : They striv to assist you rn '. your buying. c with them by Co-oper- at trsLdintf with, -- w "There-sho"uIdb4fount- 1 there by -- V. thos who ;' CARRT THE BEST. : ' ,; 1 ; ; '.'' -- V : X" -- ., " - d : For who dM ml will issue; tpniorrovv an elaborate and comprehensive nl.nf anil 1 fiTtlirttl- ! - back yard, ?0O. garage an . V f Total. S29.600."; Included in the request Is an item for a refrigerating plant amounting to $T500. The superintendent states iu his report that such a plant could be made to pay for itself in a short time. A garage to 'cost $600. is also requested.. ; ' I NE of the most interesting features in the printing situa tion is the type of firms and men who use Printing. Star-Bullet- in The list of Printing users shows an exceptional average as to substantial rating and strong position m affairs; Star-BuJIet- in The typical user is a successful man who thinks for himself, and who owes his place in the world to his habit of getting' the facts and nsinp his own His whole habit of life has taught him to judg-men- t. seek efficiency. ; r ; Phone 4911 we will see that your catalogue or fleets the beauty and good taste you would have it. : letter-hea- d re- - . PULLMAN SORTER HELD IN THEFT OF $25,003 JEWELRY NEW .YORK, ' .V, Y, Charged witii the theft of jewelry .valued at $2.",000 from Mrs. Francis ,K Stratham of this city oh a tral nbound from Key West to- - Washington. Frederick Saunders, 28 years old. a sleeping car porter, was arrested here. The jewelry had oeen intrusted by Frank Dillingham of Cincinnati, to the care of Mrs. Stratham. his secretary.. Saunders is alleged to have pawned $10,000 worth of the gems for 1200. CAVARIANS PROTEST SHORTAGE OF BEER MUNICH. Germany The further reduction of the beer production has caused much dissatisfaction, not only In Bavaria,' but through the southern German states. At a mass meeting held here recently, it was decided to send, a protest to the "food dictator" and to demand that the breweries be given the same quantity of barley as last year. It. A. Clark, dead at 75, in Ashtawas a double in aipearance of J. Wilkes Booth, assassin of Lin- bula, coln. . An edition specially printed to present and descriptively the salient features of Honolulu's big week of festivity. pic-torial- ly Wrapped and Ready for Mailing Postage 3c Cop ies 5c May be obtained at Pawaa Junction Store Home News Cart Hotel News Stand Young Hotel News Stand Honolulu J Star-Bullet- in Office HONOLULU Ssas&e and HOUSE Ifcse FBIDAV, FEBRUABY N, 2J3, ORDER OF BUSINESS NEXT MONDAY 2 y magistrate, before appointment, Minimum Wage of 40 Cents an each pass examinations for a license to ChillingworthV Measure Will Hour, and Odd Taxation practise in the district courts.. Be Given Early Hearing and " Bill Scnool Affects Board Measure Introduced ; Be Warmly Debated One of the tint educational bills of those committees will hold meetings so that other senators may attend If they so desire. ' t. Immediately alter adjournment the heads of these committees gathered to discus what pay shall be. given to committee clerks. The abatement bill has already been printed by the in the. report of the special committee from the Chamber of Commerce. It provides In brief that whoever ahall erect, establish. continue, maintain. ' use. own. occupy or lease any building or place for lewdness or prostitution shall.be guilty of a nuisance, the building declared a nuisance, and the building thereby enjoined. Senate Bills Today Five biUs were proposed to the sen ate, this morning, passing first read; ing. by title. Senate Bill 8 Providing for an electric light and power plant In Kapaa, Kauai; Coney. Senate Bill 9 Appropriating 150.000 for Waimea Kauai. Coney. river embankment, Senate Bill to Abatement of prostitution by injunclion. Cooke. Senate Bill 11 That the clerk of Maul county shall be appointed. Senate Bill 12 Repealing Act 113 of the Revised Laws: relating to the widening of cer tain streets, Correa. : session came from Representative laborers on public works will be the LeaL This provides' that the InsDect- it a Mil Intrrv ,,tiAnaflf 4 tnA ,. n.nr.or make frequent tour of all the .. I ?ft1nds om teachers as to their Oahu. E. Miles. sentatiTe William duties, and becomes a law. The bill provides a In writing. report to 'he department minimum wage cf 4ft centa an hour This bill further provides that no A for all laborers thus employed. teacher bill Introduced the first day provided service shall be dismissed from the without a trial on charges prefor m minimum wage of IZ a day. to sented the superintendent, and that 10 The house got down to work at teacher shall be dismissed "witho'clock this morning displaying even no more activity than on the first day. out good and Just caucc." ' One of the first measures Introduced Extends Court Terms Representative Andrews introduced provides for an appropriation of $100, bill providing that, in thejirst and a 000 for the erection of new buildings circuits, terms of court shall Ifoirth for a government hospital at Hilo. tinv, fixed by law for the Representative Kelekolio Introduced wi.iuuuis vi iuu next lenii. la mr the bill. It passed first reading. second, third and fifth district, it is Salary Raises Are Sought provided, the term shall be for 21 The first petition to the house came days, subject to an extension of not from guards, matrons and other em more 'Jian 12 days by the presiding ployes at the Insane Asylum urging . a I iiinncr proviaeO mat n 1nrrP.r .nnmnrlatlrtll for that n trul term Caset In.Mtntlnn mhlrh mill .rr-nt rail I lner 8h 5H- ,Ba. in thai Thar assert , acme I The following rinitnr-tall- - Senator Charles F. Chillingworth's prohibitioa measure, providing absolute prohibition for Hawaii, will be made the special order of business next Monday morning before the upper house it was decided by vote today. Senator R. W. Shingle rose to make the motion as soon as the bill had been read by title this morning. It is predicted that the discussion next Monday will be a lively one. George P. Cooke, senator from Maui, introduced the most important of the few bills that came in this morning when he presented the "abatement by Injunction act which is being back ed by the Chamber of Commerce. Cooke presented the bill for Judge W. h. Stanley, chxlrman of the special v a a committee on vice conditions, from the commerce body. The bill passed first reading by title. The morning session, which began bills were Introduced 10 o'clock, lasted slightly less than .' today: at ' an hour, the senate adjourning at r House BUI 28 i An. act fixing the minimum wage 10:43 to meet again at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Miles, Uiborcrs on PnoUc President Chillingwoxth asked that House An act exempting homesteads from it be made the rule that heads of com' mittees give notice of hours on which taxation. Lota. . House BUI 30 An act appropriating 18000 for the maintenance of the Hilo library, Ke-m m : m. of them have worked at'Ue asylum for years and that the wage scale has remained, the same. They add that the increased cost of living has, in omeceees, necessitated their seeking financial assistance, and that some of them have had to dispose of land to secure needed money. The resolu tion was referred to the finance com mittee. Kauai Road Provided Provisions for a 115,000 appropria- tion for the construction of a road through the Kalaheo, Kauai, homestead district, was Introduced by ' Representative Jerves. This is one f the first public. Improvement meas ures to come before the house. Tax Exemption Is Odd A rather humorous feature of the ' session this morning was the intro- ductlon of a Ull by Representative Mossman providing that all citizens of the territory having fly or more chil dren be exempt from the payment Tie bill passed of personal first reading with a laugh and scat- tcr3d applause. ' Repesentatlvo Kelekolio Introduced a bill providing that the salaries of Hawaii superv so: with the exception of the chairman and executive oizi cer, be fixed at 1300 a year. Payable in monthly instalments. Another bill m Jfrt, erection of Hilo. Navy for HOIJB CAUCUSES a government hospital, Kelekolio. V ' Houie Bill 32 An act relating to certificates of Ha waiian birth. Kelekolio. Representative E. K. Fernandez ot House BUI 33 d motion nlctnre and An act relating to the expenses of Jfamo ta3 a pet bill up his sleeve and, circuit courts. Kelekolio. like his principal hobby, it pertains House BUI 34 to the movies.- ' An act relating to the salaries of Fernandez in a few days intends to magistrates and - certain Kelekolio. House BUI 35 An act relating to Hawaii supervis ors. Kenkolio House Bill 36 An act relating to the appointment of district magistrates. - Tavares. House BUI 37 relating to an appropriation An act district introduce a bUl whereby the showing of motion pictures on Sunday will be regulated by territorial law, instead cf by the board of supervisors. Control of the Sunday movies now lies with the city dads, and Fernandez proposes to take this control out of their bands and place it on the statute booki. i believe Sunday movies nave orov ed a success." says Fernandez, "and 1 "encm ot on. J. It. Gomes.1 bjdiev, .hould be rep.la.od I ' . by territorial law." shall be appointed for each judicial proposes Mouse 38 Bin that, under law. Fernandez district by the arspreme court and An act appropriating $15,000 for athe same restrictions as how in nffect road throuah the Kalaheo. Kauai. I shall bn carried out: that la. the how- homesteads. Serves. r I Ing of 'educational flimsy clean drawa ' House BUI 3i land good comedy. An act relating to the appointment morning. The speaker was impressed of district magistrates. Jerves. with the appreciation his visitors (House BUI 40 An act relating to the establishment showed of the hospitality of Hawaii of a Hawaiian village at Waiakea, Ha waii. Lyman. One bill introduced today endeavors House Bill 41 secure IS000 for the maintenance of to opening and An to the facilitate act ; Waiakea,! the Hilo library during the next bien distribution of lands at nial pejipa.;; South Hilo. Lyman. "SVe liave the very latest 42 Bin House r: relating to the department of One bill today would raise the pay act An equipment for. the testing of certain district magistrates from public instruction. LeaL 100 to 125 a month. 43 House Bill of the eves and the grindAn act relating to the lengthening Employes of the insane asylum, who '.. ing of . lenses. . and extension of the terms of circuit have asked for a raise, have specified courts. Andrews. no basis of increase. fixed nouse Bin j An act regulating the hours of laboi Representative Coolie's bUl to ap ' in the territory. Kupihea. ' propriate BUI f 30,000 for the expenses of 45 House . An act fixing a minimum wage for the house for the session passed second reading today. It will be read laborers In the territory. Kupihea. for BUI the third time tomorrow. 48 Houae An act exempting all citizens hav ,. t House hm 19 provides that opium C4?-- ing more than five children from le . ' A and yen ahee be sold only by Qualisonal taxes, liossman. . V SECOND FLOOR fied physicians and surgeons, or per 4sons licensed to sell poisonous drugs J HOUSE f.OTfcS Young Building for medical purposes only. Collector of Customs Malcolm A. The senates on the request of Its Franklin visited the house today and committees, has requested the various conferred with Speaker Holstein. to. furnish It with a list departments " : r- " " employes and their salaries. of all All bills introduced in the house will! be translated Into Hawaiian by virtue Many of the members of the house pf a resolution passed recently. planned to attend the children's song on the Punahou campus this " Several bills on educational mat festival ; afternoon.'-:. tiers are expected within the next ffw clerks. StT'TSJZ k tat Your Eyes a v WALL &' :'Bt.o!iCTim: - - - ; t i - . .of:;' .v... 13 Saucepan ." ; . . . - This was the agreement reached this morning In a gathering of Maui men prior to the opening of the day's work. i Senator H. A. Baldwin was elected chairman of the Maui folk and Repre sentative John J. Walsh secretary. "It Is not pur Intention that shall, be bound to follow, these caucus decisions," said Senator Bald win after the .meeting. "We feel.' however, that there will be advantage in reaching some defi nite conclusion regarding bills affect ing our county before they come up for general discussion in the lcgisla-- 1 " ture. : -- .SENATE, NOTES .89 1.00 ....... ea. M & m 4 i m A . The Houae cf Housewarea; ' King St. near CetheL . er A committee, consisting ctf Souatora Cooke, Makekau and Desha will call upon senator A. castle, wuo is atui detained from, the sessions ly illness. u Shingle's blU, proposing an appro priation of $10,000 for the' visit of con gressmen to Hawaii, passed second reading,' , .; . acheco's resolution backing Presi dent Wilson in his action toward Cer- man ''ruthlesBness was referred to the 'judiciary committee. . The author wanted it settled definitely, and spoke fervently for a vote today. Three oth er senators him as was shown d by the vote taken. fav-orc- The report on city affairs by Mayor Lane was referred - to the printing committee. many 7cIfCT0 lies, in what lue eats and drinks.; If the food is right - nonrishes brain and muscle in the proper way-t- hen the chances for suc' cess increase. . While admitting he was wholly at INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL a loss as to what to do with the docuBOYS ENJOY CARNIVAL ment, the speaker referred the message to the seteral comAND BEHAVE THEMSELVES ' ' ', mittees of the house. Sixty-fivboys of the Walalee indus Thirty copies ot the Session Laws enjoyed the thrill of Hoschool trial or of 1913 and 1915 and 30 copies the nolulu's parade yesterday, but today Revised Laws of 1915 have been fur- they are being rounded up by Proba nished house members by the terri tion Officer Joseph Leal to be retorial secretary. enjoyed feUows The turned. little Representative' Cooke's ' bill provid- every minute of their day in town In ing $30,000 to defray the expenses of charge of instructors, and looked al Scouts in their drab ine house for the session passed uniforms and trim leggings, the only ond reading.' marked difference In dress being their head-gea-r of caps instead T of - hats. Kupi Representative A measure by ' of young fellows "ditched" the One legal hours-a eight. day;s hea rnsJcs uniform of the .school and went his wtrk tjarmighfut the territory. out to see the town In civilian 'dress. : John W. Heldt. president ot a large hut waa easily detected and brought metal works in San Francisco, accom- - hck into the fold. Otherwise the con- r&aied by Mrs. Heldt and their daagk- - duct In the city of the tiny creWas ter, visited Speaker Holstein : this Impeccable. for years lias been the ideal breakfast dish for lots of people. ' The Secret is Simple goy-ernojr'- 8, e ; : Co,, Ltd. Justice James U Coke has request a copy of all bills propose! to the upper house. The Justice stated that as an of the senate he still has 4 deep interest in that body. ed Grop sec-like-B- oy W.W. Dimond & Governor Pinkham's message, dtilv- ered to both houses on Saturday, ivas received in printed form ay the ente and filed this morning. i With one or two minor corrections, I Speaker Holstein has arranged to the minutes of the first session of the! have a group picture of the members house, on Wednesday were approve of the' house taken early next week. today. " ; Consisting of the following: 1 Cake Pan " 1 Pudding . Pan 1 Skimmer ".' 1 Pierced Ladle 1 Pie Plate 1 Measuring jCup 1 Cake Turner :' 1 Soup Ladle Dr. J. J. Dickey 6T Detroit. Mich., opened the senaU with prayer. ...... - J;..:... 8 Pea. Kitchen Set I ' i ue uvuat uas aojuurueu unui iv I again ? ciock tomorrow morning. The house gal;ery today was spectators. attor Several filled with The members of the Judiciary com neys attended tbe morning session." mittee are- meeting on the second in the minutes of Wednesday's scs floor of the Capitol this afternoon. sion it was sUted that, following the I RepresenUtlvefndrews is firman. readins of the governors message I the house resume business." The J ; A meeting pf the rules committee rpeaker thought this might infer that I pt the house was to be held this after-I noon at z:so o ciock. ueprcsentative the governors message was not "Dust a i' i t .11 is cnairman. amenamenu i warreu an ness asa oiierea . Qta. Saucepan and Cover $1X0 ea. QL Stew Pan.;: 5 M M 2 Cta. Double Caller. 2.75 $Y2 Qta. Tea Kettle' 130 2 Qta. Tea Pot Individual Jelly Moulds... IXOdz. Lipped 2J Qts. "Wear-Ever- " 3 1 1:30 p. in, Tomorrow ipy ; - - 1 With! these events the Carnival will close Maul legislators of both houses will on bills concerning that county; f Lot U 8p .171 caucus merry-go-roun- - IB. - . $100,000 1 Honolulu Harbor, House BUI 31 An act appropriating - TOMORROW . . A n, FERNANDEZ HAS 14-fo- ot tax. Star-Bulleti- F mm TT Y? PROHIBITION BILL IS SPECIAL BUSKS SPEEDS AHEAD STEADILY V TIT 1917.. HeSe3 :.?!k Geffl&is IDrnv; a So OIS WITH EHY AI STAB-BULLBTI- FOOD inade of choice wheat and barley, including the vital phosphates ( grown in the grain) provides true nutrition for body and brain, . : and it has a delicious taste. 'S; ,(jirajc-Nut- Swim tmng That wonderful Japanese Lantern Parade last night is the well- ; nigh universal topic of conversation in Honolulu today. This is. a good time to plan to see the PCarnivalVotherEvening of Fire., 5f In Honolulu harbor, at 8 p- - m. tomorrow, the Water Pageant will be held, closing the Carnival. With the pageant there will be a display of fireworks made especially for the Carnival by Messrs. Paine, whose name is sjoiony-mou- s with the best in pyrotechnics. Reserved Seats are $ , at i the Hawaiian News Co. Scores' of men haye planned and labored to make this pageant one to live in the memory. Across the harbor will move illuminated float upon float, and the still waters; will reflect the rosy glow of Japanese lanterns, the brilliant gleam of electric lights, soft tones of many colors, strung upon barge, mbtorboat, canoe and, not least, Japanese sampans. , Once again the Japanese will thrill and astound you with their genius for light and Three women's races will be held tomorrow afternoon. Dor-- , othy Burns of the Los Angeles Athletic Club, Pacific Coast champion, is entered for the the and the 220 yard. The first of these was postponed from yesterday. 50-yar- d, 1 00-ya- rd In the men's division the cracks 1 - x ,) ;'. Pains fireworks will be in un- ' v.- -. ; : ' usual variety: Bird of Paradise batteries, sunbursts, Star Spangled Banner, Field of the Cloth of Gold, P pyrotechnic gyroscopes, display of war signals as used on the battlefields of Europe, the Canopy of Glory, and many others, closing with a portrait of President Wilson in diamond ires. of the Isalnds and of the visitors from the mainland will race over two distances: 440 yards and 220 yards. Ross, McGillivray, Langer, Kruger, Lane and Kelii have entered, for the 220-yarTTie 440-yar- d has all these except Lane and Warriner; and David Kahana-mok- u in addition. The backstroke also has, attracted a fine list of entries. There will be diving by Aileen Allen, and service, relayr novice and ' junior races. d. Ke-awekan- , color. : 1 50-ya- rd ' . ; . .f Seats are on sale at the Hawaiian News Co.; $ ' each. 1 - unusual number of entries !orThe this year's races caused the two-dameet to be decided upon. In justice to the swimmers all the races could not have y been held in Each day's program is complete in itself; there is no repetition of races. Those who saw yesterday's races will find an entirely new program tomorrow. one-afternoo- n. . J Tlie place, nayy slip, fopt of Alakea street; the' time, p. m. ''--U- J : K, : A trial tells. There's a Reason" ahi The Carnival Ends Tomorrow Make the Most of the Day :30 . . ! HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- F12IDAV, FEBRUARY 23, 1917. N, at tarniya Feature Has Pleacad Yotf'Llost? Vrite Us The Answer FRIDAY. . . .vV.y.'.rKBKUARV 23, AX .UONOlt TO Tllir " , JAPANESE. ' .u-- VIOLATING TUHLIC SENTIMENT. . - THE O Dy Paid Pbbllclty . : . . d' - K fj One Han Has Said! VIf I could make friend Ui-b'sc- us Pan-Pacifi- c fluHv-conceive- .1 . ' ' , g Are Among the First to be Attracted; Star-Bulleti- 11)17. - .. What . feVfu'rc 'or 'tbe Carnirat hat pleased you most? Can you offer any cowtrocthe crlUctaio tcr improvement In tbe future? n herewith throw a open its columns to communications The roa .e on Carnlral subjects. It is particular jr desired that . tourist-TlsItor- a teggesttona and comment. ; r Ech ruccccdln Omiral ousht to be built cn the experiences o? the Out df all iroportion to the intrinsic value of the past t '; litm wood frees of Kapiolani Park is the public conPrimarily, the Carnival i fur the delight, the pleasure and the oenefit likes to know what has pleased the troversy over their destruction. - But the indigna of tourists... Hence the whob commiulty 'f Pageant, the Hawaiian Prgeant, tbe most, la it the tourists tion at the' manner In which thev' are being put to Taiauc of Honolulu honored George Waidifu'S' Show.. thp. Japanese Lantern Parade, tbe Dtoramxs, or any other ' fiiielrsingle nud feature?, ':;.,; V' , a , niirlir iu ' HI'" ilAC IS JucllIJfrU. ton Any critipeople know. of Honolulu and let the Write the rxiiutcxl lantern para do of a beaut r And inajpmudc, It may Ik; "that the trees hare to'coiuc down It cism will be taken In a kindly spirit Dont worry about that for safety of fairly I astonifhiug the thoupaudv of '.. Camlvar may I that they ruuxt be cai rifli-eVjtraflic '"public. and the convenience of iltn w It may? visitor. PAY FOR CLERKS Honylulu townsfolk knew what the Jajance ln; that their 1(ks will not greatly injure the Kapio DAVN TilOORE IS lani Park vistas. Iut it may not be. would do from previous Carnival experience eojinnunJtv itNelf in it NipiKinene outdid The public has a right to expect that the city engi- nizht the achieveincutM of gorgeous floats and .picturesque ncer'a office will exhaust cverj resource to save the STILL IN COURT Fl XEDIN HOUSE V costumes. . jtrees. It has also a right to expect that before they . ' s Eaxi(y.the mont fctrikiug feahire of this parade ai-- cut, pnblic seutimentt mbich wishes them I Moore-'- . -- With Speaker Ilolsteln i presiding. hearing Dawn of The the served, Everywhere be consulted, will American fully character. il patriotic Great Northern damage suit was con-- f (he chairmen of house committees the Hlais aud Stripes and (icorge Washington werej The summary manner in which these trees are tinned this morning in "federal court met for half an hour this . morning houorcft. '.Everywhere the red, white and blue float- - sentenced to execution is a violation of public sent and postponed until tomorrow' morn- -' ' and fixed the rates of pay for clerks developing, of cemmittees and several newly supreme. Aii 'American flag on the right led the jneut, and let it be remembered that public sent - lag with no sensationsalike are ant- - pointed house officers. Only about and defendant sun-flaleft, incut, Tapau ou of crjstaJIireil public with into ..the. the the gowns opinion, pro.sion, ious to finish taking evidence before cne or two committee clerks . have been appointed. It is expected that the Great Northern leaves. f dapaneHC nags ana coiors were suooruiuaicu io au.wonu. umciais arc iisscrvanis. JamevA-Townend, j all will liave been named by the first Mrs.J Martha unprecedented extent .V. Rath, Capt McDuffie and others were Those jingoists who can read a "yellow pcriP into by defendant's put on the stand the The following' salaries were fixed: 4PKACE WITHOUT atto evidently, ah effort, Clerk; Judiciary committee, $10 a in counsel Kuch ay eent a that 'of last' night arc few and far DAYuVXU-T- 4 CduDg-j! ' EDITOR PJLEY.H. ALLEN - 4 ;ot . nil the children of f the country, I would be Star-Bulleti- n d I-- O President of the United -- States.; ast IJHe Told the' Truth, and a truth that it-i- . - c " - - pre-wa- : ap-Plalnt-irf i- I : . ; t tribute the authorship of a certain day; clerk, finance committee, $7.50 a letter found on the Great Northern to- day; clerk, printing committee. $8 a POLES PLAN HONOR . Dawn Moore by comparison oi nana- day; clerk, public lands committee, $7 ' ':' GEN' KOSCIUSKO T0 . writings. la day; clerk, county committee, $7 a v ... y During the trial, when the plain-- , day; clerk, military committee, $7.50 tiffs attorneys were strenuously ob-'- a day; clerk, accounts and public little-knowMoore pendltures committee, $8 a day; clerk, e to introduction' girl's note book which they said was education committee, J7J50 : a day; not proper - evidence inasmuch as it clerk; agriculture committee, $70 a had been taken from her by the ship day; clerk, committee on Journal, $10 e detective without due process ot law, a ,jay; first assistant $ a day:. Vaughan olunUrily made the ond assistant. $6 a day; third stage in the ant stenographer and typist $7.50 a i r wHang-l;;Jpttgre! towards ieacefu!Ttud! permanent relation trial he wasJhatj : assert that the, day. .triotisau ? v','- f. absolutely no Assistant messenger, $5 ' a' day;; asships among nations has been made than elsewhere Great Northern had ; girl's baggage ; sistant Janitor, $4 a day. right to search the ; ' I in the world. ;' ; yjs. J THE gross' IDEALISTS ATTITUDE of her violation was a it that From 180.1 to 1870 "Argentina and Brazil were rights In which the constitution of the HIS ARRESTA MISTAKE H Argentina then United' Sttea protected her. TheJdealUts.are ncto be Judgod by their fokes-rca- n allied in a war with -- 'Paraguay POLICE AND RATA, SAYS of the aJternoon paper, who proceeds to divide enunciated the doctrine tliat v Vvictor'y has . no . NEXT MORNING FREE HIM 1:3 thft cpnunUalty, into those who nre against the '; , ' v tLartcr prcposcd by the chrrter convention, and are rights meaning thati militarj- victory .over van c ccono-jnicount enemy not accord a privilege" of therefore decent, and those who favor that charter In Jack Bates of the 4 th Cavalry Band d Jm therefore indeccnt. The Advertiser. ; rtnclp!f Is said to be' the innocent Victim of spoliation or of permanent seizure of territory. 2eaIousne8s on the part of the pothe This is, not a true Statement of the tarl'ujletlii's It; meant that- wir was nierel punitive and that lice in making arrests in the Watkiki ltitude,n6rts it a sfalcnicnt fair to those" wpiWtK 1 he punishiitetit inflicted upon an enemy by defeat beach section. - Rata was taken ta the ' .; i t, l police Biauuu ucruisiiL, U4iius i'ccu :;:ti-e- s of five.of the leading civic bodies of the city was sufficient punishment in Itself.. m . .!. J found on the Seaside- Hotel premises J: ytr? "jdeatists. e : no" 'right vto dictate iifish' and refers as whom t he. Advcriicr-j;liblyj the victor had time James u Ripparo, a Uncle Joe" Cannon, aged legisia-- , about the y-"'C. publicity1!' to, pressivc terms.: ..." "idealists'" have given "pitiless v tor, has not forgotten- Hawaii. . Thus ; Signal ' Corps man, was arrested by ior Kuhio' ltt a letter to uouniea rouceman ivinaent is not clear, of x)ur i! c ppliticatvtrrrp 'ho controlled the 1013 char-- r thattlreident Wilson's asserts. Delegate "..'. house 'Ing into beach cottages. - .'. ' H. Holsteinofthe U r couventjqii and to the results of their activities. 'imposed peace without viclory'V means- - just this, of representatives of the legislature j ' Rata declared that he had nothing sort' of imt; it , certainly includes it. His' words were as Speaker Holsteln thl9 morning " read to do with Rlppard and had Just' come The "idealists'' hax " .: U v ., to the hoase lmembersvthe following from Kapiolani paik; as innocently ; ; t' r l ; ..'' tvactionarv charten has been proposed in ; the I nd'. casually, as any Xarnlval specta- delegate '; i . letter " J i 1 V : , '"."; peace upon ictory would, mean , Josef, forced the .iorial 1 separate - tor. After explalLIng to the police handing 'you y xJ'Am terms imoosed TaiiniIsheL udob victors tha i tha t the 4thort Tlic KM?al & havf Only a peace. between'xiutl'cjuj lait;ifaly;a;aMl tKlTio It was mlsUke, it was an :! lof'torui of ihartrr.bcitig uldefaciirpted ;as. .... uie rery pnncip.e or wnicn'iseuaniy ana a common ; best modem method of municipargoverunieut, participation in a common ben efit" ; ff act appreciate:; The eaual;;: forfliat youV who upon ity founded,. nations' must of 1e. which It it the havtf long been the chief luna of ; :t they itro iiot trying, to force f such! a charter ; is to last must be an equality! of tr1gUr.th.giar&n- of the terrl-- , HOUSE COMMITTEES r.,..- -trepresentivta pi house :xjug!J.'! TLey Vuspst ''also simple amendments to .tees exchahgedmust neither recognize nor imply,' a. ory of HawalU .will, enjoy ; reading . : ftpc AOOlWfitU ACCinrlCn I'flRV difference between big naUons and : small, between; WfSt w mm about the maa.who was ; j present charter, to niake It' moitj. workable, Ant 'those that are powerful and . thoee that are weak. ; for so many years- chief, lunar of the It is unbelievable that any man of average inl el Right must be based on the common strength, not upon Di txsitlon'i of the . first session's United and hope and pride in this city and its future the individual, strength, of the nations , upon "whose house of representatives of the batch .of house bills was made today -concert peace will depend.. V Vv, ' ' Holsteln as follows: :j mid the civic committbes ifiwrt vith' affair While Uncle Joe issuing old be?by Speaker B- - 2, to county committee; H,;B. H. . you all and char Though there , is doubt as to just wiiat President has not forgotten Ha wU i.id ajid then approve the iwlitlcs-Batnrate- d have to do to get' him' enthusiastic is 5. to county committee; H. U. 4, tto ' Wilson"ineant by the phlrase-fo- r, r proposed in the Andrcww. bill.? like most phrases td mention It You wlU remember that. county committee;, H. B. 6, to agri- h'lu h a charter would saddle the city for .unknown by. which.; doctrines and policies "are' labeled, it is he spent his '79th birthday, on Mauu" culture committee; H. B. 6, to Judi-- . clary committee; II. B. 7, to judiciary ;irs to come with a load of jKities fatal to eftici-c- y ambiguous wc think it is air to interpret it as .11. B. 8, to public lands - committee;. committee; IL B. 9, to iwlice commit, and ecbnouiy;- 'Poes Honolulu want to wear meaning exactly whut the government of Argentina SECOND READING OF ' tee ; H. B. 1 0, to county committee ; ' , at 8uaaie? Wc believe not. meant by "victory has no rights.' PrcsldentWil- - ' CHARTER MEASURE IN IL B. ,11, to county committee; Ft? B. HOUSE S DEFERRED 12, The Advertiser, dubbing others "idealists, ' pre sou' could rscarcely have inren ted to express the to finance committee; II. B. 14, to county committee; H. B. 13, to agri:iua.blj places itself in the "practical" class. As hope that the ar in' Europe would be inconclusi-c- , Representative Lorrfn Andrews . bill culture committee? H. B. 16. to Judi-ffar- y : to state cx-'tl- y h, it is the duty oMhe Adm-tie- r to both groups providing that the board of superviscommittee; H. B. 17, to county Andrews-XIurrar be authorized to make an appropri- committee. ors where .' charter the .why and for thai president of the TJnited States to ex. , . expenses . the of covering the ation for-r.rU. 18, country to committee;-HB. exactly how it is a istep press such a hope;, indeed, he utilize in , another 'an is'.u charter - convention',; passed - second B. 19, to hcalth'committee;.H.;B20. "short-ballotj xactly form of liy the part of his speech the phrase: ."The present war reading in se shortly , after , to jiealth committee; H. B. 21, to po- is not preferable. Generalities will not must first be ended," and attached directly thereto noon voaay auu ws reierrwi w uw lice committee ;r II. IT. 22, to agriculon county affairs. v ture committee; H.B. 22, to Judiciary . "VJ at i.s.ueeilcd is a statement just as specific, no expression of hope that It would end in an in- committee city cha relating to the committee; II.' B. 23, to municipal bill ' The v t as -- rinite, just as constructive as the statement conclusive way. ; - C '. ter, already passed first reading and committee; II. B. 26, to agrlculturo yj:' . , , do by the civic comuiittee. now in the hands of the printing com. committee; II. "B." 27, "to agriculture .' mittee, was not ready for second read- committee. The reK)t t of .this committee is stronj;, terse, By au inadvertence, the name of John Eflinger ing today when Its number was called. Against it we havo had so was omitted iu the rjrinted report of the civic com- Speaker Ilolsteln ' announced he unnothing "jokers" of the politicians aud mittee recommendations for a new charter. Mr. derstood that this bill will to referred AUTO REGISTRATION TO but the r to the Oahu delegation in the house. ' CLOSE FEBRUARY 28 defending them. ralities of tie ex-Jectl- of-tb- n . ( sec-Judg- assist-statcme- nt -- at-th- is o " : -- -- TILE JOE' HAS - . - r.- - .. ; AH.0 ryid - - . , g , ' all business men will do V with their well to bear in mind in connection 't: business. .. r :, ...Children are Readers. They arc attracted quidkly v 'bv thoughts that are new. Thej respond readilf to; ; .;; suggestion, If Children FoUow Paid Publiei t jC Paid Publicity. is Power.. J : i-- between. (From Daily Financial America.) y The doctrine of'peace. without victory as cnun- Uy far the greatest number, of thoe in line last night erc boys and' girls of the most impression- - ciated by President Wilson is riot without its able age. iney win neer iorgei xuai on luc nigui uuuiugj iu uisiory. anu it is inieresxing to note mat form of this doctrine was of (Jeofge Washington's birthday they honored the a vital but Fatherj of His Country on a scale that entirelyenunciated nearly half a century ago by one of the cclipHCS ''anything the Japanesc.of ITawaii do Jn major countries of South .4uerica, where, by the honor, io the Mikado. In" thej rising "generations of way. despite the geaieral belief that Latin 'America .7apantiB ancestry here isthc ho'of .Uneiicanpa'is'cirustantir rife. with wars, greater constructive s ' A , UHOOM 79, BRIDE 73,' . LOOK OVER JUDGES' ;. ' . s,-.- : - O . 1 ; LOS ANGELES, CaL dont car who sees me doing this here,' declar ed Alfred E. Price. 79, ;c,rulhna!a BUrFALO, X. Y. A series of summer outings a&d public entertainments Is being planned by the Federated Polish societies of, western New York in eemmemoration of the one hundredth anniversary jof the death of Ccn. Thaddeus Kosciusko, Polish. lead-e- r for the cause of the colonists' In the i urq tas ne. sveppea to. me jnamagp license bureau and told R. S. Ct'Ur pid") Sparks that he waated to get a licence to marry Rose. Ann Stafford, v j ' ?. v; 73, of Halsey, Ore. revoJution, v ' . "A report by the historical society Now,, young feller, said the eldc& just ' received by the federated socle-tic- s If groom-to-b- e to Sparks, "have you j' states that a number .'of Poles, got a county Judge hereto . ."j.. greater .than : ; commonly "There are 18 Judges of the aupreme believed, fought in the American ranks against court and six Justices cf Hhe.'peaee; t i Great : Britain and the - federation Is you can have your pick, aaid Sparta, V considering the matter of planning a Well. I swan." said the old mao. V. by the arm: tf ceJcbratlon on Sunday, October 14, taking bis hride-to-b-e tho eve of the anniversary. of Kosclua- - 'there's that many we'd better look ' v Av"-,'-- t v; kos death. v 'em overH; . . 1 -- : , LZ- - VJ - 1 . . - HE - v. op-Th- ' peep-Speake- -- '- fjme ter--7ollow- s: le-islat-ui-e. . - . tusjed :t p'e li-:h- '0 , r- -- ; ; N j - Valley ... - Lrh'.lffiX wVfji : ' , kit lots left in Marioti - ;0 HONOLULU REAL ESTATE "After the road i m pro vcmen ts a ro com pie ted iu . ., Maiioa Vallcjvit.is very probable' that Ihbrrj rill be ( uw jucijier opponuimy io ouy iois at onginai pnecs, .., v : : ' . J ;i;--ifat;ai- i. rr'uci ' ? THESE FINE VIEW LOTS arc all of wide frontage and good depth, - " - olv t1, nv Ttvnf noxr being payed. Gas, electricity, V nrn " :and. : 1 1 water are in the neighborhood. Prices are J still low, being; 7 - j ; ;i v vi '- . i J ' ' .V 1 . . : i r- - v- V $1650 per lot ; j . ; 4 0 Terms if desired.1 Phone 3477. Phone -- Fort CtJf:;. 3477 -- . In-volT- ". aHvaaaMBMHr'v'wMWMN-Mn- il a t -- - r- . itnpi-oveuien- t; r ,:, d; " gov-:.::ie- nt the-hou- liy- H. tSACUB, JBSC'T X, .. ncR-spajj- er '.'K-kir.'- -- , it v rocrumciit. . Ii LITTLE INTERVIEWS V ' Autolsts who are still carrying the ' red 1916 numbers on their cars are V. IU FARRINGTONt.The Cham- warned by Deputy Sheriff Asch that ber of Commerce : of Honolulu is al- the annual registration closes the end ways interesting. Of. the, ...12 men; of i February, and only a few days re-- .. t n nayuian oouyemra -:. j l'cl fKffinger signed the report as the representative of ; d inUhis connection it is surprising and it is the Ad Club and stood absolutely with the other to find the Advertiser on the side of tad committeemen in his attitude. r .tr2AV - 31 . ": di 2iriSS2, C3A&. O. ts'K-y.- i are headquarters for these beautiful mementoes of a- - I ! trip to Hawaii. Sou venir Brooches, C. Buttons, Scarf "j .Pips, Spoons, Forks, Napkin Bings, ''etc;.r,;. ?:".,,';f;'rfi ' r ttILaC ' mttT A TPTfmT t)V rir io rrili c u e TO I 51 An Oregon man says tb'athcnsr woujd jay better iu the winerlf they vrcre shod with some material that would keep their feet warm. I This may interest y Hen ay Clews, iNcw York banker: (before the men who buy footwear for the chickens, i but it's " break with Geraany);,;;i nothing in our young life. Detroit Free Press. The iVsiuess community has already settled dow fl , the i onclusioa. that peace, though within sight., The oieuiug of a course of iolice instruction at somewhat remote, and that the wearisome strug-rau!- t Harvard suggests that many parents who hitherto continue for months more, and ;iossibly have destined .their sons for the learned professions ::othcr! year, unless "Germany1 makes unexjected may hereafter raise them to be policemen.---rhiladel-pricc ions." 'Our security mafkets arc now. adjust r . Ledger..-- ' ,c. '; -new situation. Thc to strictly a themselves g ;ir industrials have parUally but not' entirely re Thotc new dimes arc lovely,, but it is a pity they ivcred from the reaction precipitated in December did not come along in the good old days, when a dime v oper'sg of peace negotiations. These shares are would buy ten cents- worth of anything.---Chicag- o iw being handled with caution by speculators and Daily Xews. : ..; y 1' . lM.vcslors alike, since it is recognized that the furore herein". was overdone, as was freely predicted in mj IT. S. Consul Frost at Quecnstown, Ireland, aprcvibu's advices. Another class of industrials, from but" was not dependent upon pears to be the right man in the right place when hich comes to quick action in investigating submarine var orders, has enjoyed more marked recovery. This it ; " stories. ',,.; '.' " -,- ''': some the of steel of For shares. true as cs'ially ' "seit is veil understood that peace will not mean -- ation of prosperity." On the contrary, what is : ll Congress is seriously considering what superby levying t ia itbnormal war orders will probably be largely fluities should be taxed, it might begin Philadelphia ' "t bv peace. orders, for reconstruction 'S work on the salaries of its own absentees.'' r'-y Ledger.! ''. realized ... that under the most cad it being fully Europe, will be unable for vcrable circumstances meet the4 demands to for We've had a "100 per cent candidate," a "50-50- '' re come oral years to bridges, cars, steamers, election, and now why not a 100 per cent president ildiu" citie raLilr62ls, rhiladelphia ICorth American, 1' EACE TOUECASTS. " - , Vv; -- ".-;;:-?f, hia ; -- X. ''" : ;l :- : -- - .'-- .:' named, by the nominating .committed I main for. drivers and. owners to get as officers and directors for the com- 1917 numbers at reduced rates. now costs only cne dojkr, ing year, nine only, were in attendance February 28 it.wiU be 5. meeting monthly after regular, but at the 'held Wednesday afternoon..; Isn't , that a Asch. 'says there are several old numrare exhibition I. Judged, by this, : the bers still outstanding. . Chamber of Commerce.- must ; be exLee . Sung' went, to the emergency pecting that the community business will be best .conducted , under a sys- hospital with a smashed ear and tem of absent treatment. Otherwise bruised shoulder when a team he was one. would naturally expect' that those driving1 on Bcretanla street Vcdnes selected to direct would at least have day, ran. away, throwing him to the a sufficient Interest to r drop around pavement and dashing Into a fence bef . and see. what. is golng on.tween Miller and Punchbowl streets. on Henry Yaterhou se Trust Co.. Ltd. s 1 - -- . - it . . ; .... ., -.- - ? , Well established v ' . , . -- Alewa Home A substantial gray 'stone house on a corner lot of 1.02 : acres. Three bedrooms, etc.V A superb and unobstructed I : ' view. : . .r amily Hotel. v.: -- ':' ; ' J ' l- C I - . - w .. - ..;.. - ' " i I - A ' k - v. .. t, . . . - Particulars at our office. Ltd. "v1'"-' -- m3 Henry Yaterhouse Trmt Co., Ltd. Real Estate Department V,.:; n , , .V Stangenwald Building Corner Fort and Merchant Streets ' -- V v : - -- ; ' ' - . HONOLULU STAK.BULLETINrlFnUUYTTJJRUVRY J i i EXHIBITION OP PAINTINGS i i smA I, '.ft. LaUkEA, 1 ALAKCA STREET o a i sd 13 m ed tart ' Each piece of silk, cacft piece of carved ivory, etc, etc., has been carefully elected as embodying ex-- : cepljonal fualiticsas to material, mann-facturc and beauty. ' ; ,1 llandarin Coats - U2Caus-;V',''- '- -i y.Toys ' V' ' ,' o Carved Ivories v.:.':'.;-Silks v . i Umbrellas : Lamps Curios ' ; : MURAKAMI, Phone 1375 -- ' t , "tl tt v lj : I ? ! People's Iie. i-T- ;" :' ,xW 0 K-- c 7 , - v RID nutmu ta0C mm Choice'-- It isn't necessary to , a wailk. j S i a . W e pt rfatf 11 o :( . 1324 w aav m t Fen-- 1 j rf.v A oU' Ta'iTefa in the world witii"'tiiO;croycittc--i)- gayest and, largest crowds ofthe year. The exceptionally good . cuisine, which the pbpujar. beath resort serves has been ' an attraction .for .hundreds. The Carnival spirit' has full sway, and a fter night has the- - Jollification-night- f been one ot the mala feature of the Carnival to many viUor4; and Jocal '' Information on subjects nt ' covering ;;;'7'':v;. t;:.v ,i ;v ;;;.;-- " - , CI Water has absolutely no injurious effect on this 0 vara. : ' beautiful fabric.' 66 inches wide, at Ha- out-of-pri- ::;V: : z i or cur-rewaiian in books may be obtained, - In many eolor&White, light .Blue, ' Bottle Green Eeseda Japan Blue, Navy, Midnight ; Blue, Maise, pink and Battleship Grav. AND EARLY HISTORY, MODERN MYTHOLOGY. VOYAGE AND TRAVEL VOLCANO, BOTANY NATURAL HISTORY and L THRUM'S HAWAIIAN f . - AN-NUA- - - 4 ' the recognized reference ' SAGHS' Handbook THRUM'S LIMITED. Stationera and Booksellers 1063 Fort Street ' , Hotel near Fort Sport Coats . Mandarin Coat Stockings, Etc - each at it only at this store, WOULD YOU KNOW' MORE OK HAWAII : Heinle's TavcrnJ ''on the will find i - fi that is ttvati'd It is tlio ' I . . I 1j liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinpiiiffiiiim i:,::v;:;vs.02ACK;':,: WalkikC" has proved the most, popu- ; lar place of amusemfot inH Honolulu during tbe .CaxntvaLJj "Last night as. KENNETH All all pxe loua . nights qt tpo 4ast' few, ' weekis Hemie's has. experienced the" Minutes .4 : t a, .. (Cravenetted finish) . Straet v No King ALEXANDER ?;! . ' -- ' , v ' !l'; ''" '':'y. "V" ' "'' "f ''.'j- 1 and army and nvy.r fol kvAdVi tow-- n . fcf your battery 'at any. time - '.. - You. dont want a slow reniedy wben your stomach ia bad or an' uncertain one or a harmful one your stomach Is too valuable; ou mustn't injure ft w!th drastic drugs. Papa's Ulapepsln Is noted for its speed in' giving relief; ita hsrmless-nessir'jt- s certaia: unninjrctipn, in regulitfng"s3clcw, sour; ''gassy rstomachi Its millions, of cures 1n indigestion dyspepsia gastritis and other stomach trouble has .made It famous the world Thxt and Auto Acccssoric Phont ; ' : .5 I 109-11- S " i . sons, IISe's mui Piape's Diapepsin" Ends " Stomach Distress in Five t tz from Grap3Grc:cf Tartar; -- Smodf 'S: Steinhaucer,; -- -- - Nettinq Proves Effactiye Netting has proved effective as a means of defense against submarines and no submarine has yet been' able to operate in a British or French harbor. Thousands of miles of heavy netting ere In use in Engllsn waters, and outside the German coast they have been stretched ' for the ; entanglement of ', . submarines. While the Germans assert that they ' device for cutting have' perfected nets which enables them to escape when their submarines are entangled, no undersea craft has yet been able to hack its vn'ay through the British har-- . bor defenses, and It is understood thatthey avoid encounters with nets wherever possible even if they are sometimes able to. extricate themselves. AND INDIGESTION battery service is the ;best , Willard wins in .: " "; coast 9- Hold an election to (deciide :; : what, kind ?.of ' storage ' h ' SUCH OF gases, 5 yyr 'lh:- e. U-bo- at, - 304 Hotel St. . -- s d SEE OUR FULL LINES OF Klcoaos monitor-'Ampbytrit- ) V I" enormous net over two' mileslong; w ill be lowered across the channels entering the harbor, stretching from Sandy -- Hook to Rockaway Point. .' Work on.thenet was oegnfl tdiay in the New York navy yard, on board the old In order to hasten the completion of the net orders have been given to send seamen front the receiving ship New Jersey to the AmpaytrHe. Tbe net probably will be made in sections soon as and lowered In the chinac-a; ?1 5 ; possible. U The net will .be used o&lyat nlgbt. In the daytime airplane torpedo boat destroyers and a tmosqjtito fleet wiit be relied upon to mtke.it impoftsible to Approach tbe for a hostile harbor undetected. andT the net will be lowered to-- permit vessels to pass through. It is understood that similar measures will bo taken to protect othee- - harbors a!o0g-th- e AtlanUc . ran-tacfc- "V which 1 an effort to give you authentic spefclincnsof J a pa n ' s fi n e s in, . ".NEW VORK; N. Feb. m. New York harbor ii to be swarded from Invasion by hcatile submarines by an Tlic firfl attempt known to the f pocket pkking In the Carnival crowds brought an Immediate arrcat and a quick ejectment from the territory of the perpetrator. i Wednesday nigut in Aala park .a st aa t cm ue cny - waier trans diuiman sndde&ly felt bU works department purse leaving bis pocket. He whirled quicklr. caught the pickpocket in the act and. called for the police. Jioliceman Henry Daniel, on duty In that vicinity, came quickly and took the stranger la tue poiico station. .After an investigation he as locked iup. loiter he got out on $250. cash .ball. j .". - ' This; morning Jn police court the man. w ho fcives his name as P. A. Kirk' j Patrick, beaded guilty: and promised to leave the territory on the sams (Niat in w hich .he came, the Great Nor ithern. if given a pupended sentence. This was cone. He claims to be a Los Aagelcs real estate agent There are three in his gang, 5ajs Capt. McDuffle of the detectives "and 'they all work together. Tfcelr scheme pickpocket method is the fcf surrounding their victim in a crod and bpldfng him from all sides until bis purse Is. snitched. Kirkpatrjck is an elderly, respectable looking person and under the name of David Richardson threatened the police for locking bim up. Later be admitted his right name. When Kifkpa trick won bis freedom ; with ""bail two detectives trailed bin for some distance. ' Suddenly ' the shadowed man took to his heels, run ning at full speed until be had lost y' himself m the Carnival crowd. The pickpocket threw the , purse away before ue was arrested but jt was fcund later in the grass. ; . The; markets ?ot,Nippon have been an(fr workmanship. ni PERMUTED TO GO i ti "1 1 . HEARING :etti::3 to mm ficiipocieis wmgt 23. 1917. i Aliu oUlrrUi Lt uy- uX4ixuu, ETC.; FREIGHT HAULERS AliD ;OEinniAL?SSPSr23 Sittings oy Appolrttwanta 4682 ;.-24 Beretanla.SL , " ., i SIXOUtOROOZEfJ'MENv. v lii . , i 1 . , I , , - STORIKO, PACKING 1 7 ... ' i - . - - ' ;f BE; SOLDIERS STATION - . :..'over.V.u ..v'v In the number of "tWe 4ad?" who-'gKeep this perfect stomach doctor n a bit' wrong at night4' your homekeep It. handy get a iargi t cem to f tail kW u p the SOt gait fifty-cen- t case from any drug store and Two days ago Jn a resume OP thft'iH then if anyone fchould eat something lice blotter Ight of ,1 5 wnO' haif 1ecn which ' doesn't agree with . them ; If brought In bytbe police to sober up tho-Jstfld- lers -- j what they eat lays like lead, ferments and sours and forma gas; causes head-- i ache," dizziness ' and nausea; 'eructa mber tion s of acid and und Igestrd as soon as Pane's Dlapen-al-n comer fn contact with Lhe stomach all suih distress vanishes. Its promptness, certainty and ease In overcoming the worst stomach disorders is a revelation' to those who try it Ad v. were Uncle Sam's "boys and last tslgbt slx.out of aa v0ii'ddze tranSjgre3o3 tame from the' array.1' !" Fleli S. Ttinbcrg of Batterj-A.'ttArtillery, arrested 'last' night on complaint of M." NIcIHlnltllro ays the' soldier Vent tOxol sfills ' place, Kukul street, near Nauanti, and set f're to the couch A)1lftht, the sheets and bedspread, ?f" Hr Quarnos complains to the So Frank ; Around the. island; $L75. Saturday. : lice he was ."beAten up.', by a .that Feb. 24 and Sunday. Feb. 25. Tickets gang of soldiers'in Asia park Tburt-da-y at Benson. Smith & Co., Fort street escaping. morning, soldiers the, Phono 1356, Adv. ? '; food-reme- cuc'cfths nest interesting: stores in towri.' t Our splendid llr v cf Oriental rccds' isrvrcrtE' while" to inspect.; ; V ' t - ;- ' "- - --- V j . , .. , Visit us today. Honolulu's largest Oriental Store. ; h w-a- s mat-treR- s, '.Their'. will, be a concert tonight at THINKS IT FINE FUN ; ITelnle's ; Tavern .by the combined BALLOONS: EXPLODE TO Uands of the Field Artillery Brigade. : MAY YET: BE ARRESTED The two bandmasters will jointly : Ul 1 ' .', - j 111 i " " ' shbbb - ) Lets rill'ts i dl-Tc- ct U 1 tU U- -s ;vv v Opp. Catholic. Church i the players. filled and graded. Price, $3000 apiece. . , Luncheons rvf- - have become an institution with busy men and women. Good! food, weUCcooked and served, in pleasant surroundings make thisa regular " ' moeting r piac for shoppers and hustling business people. ;. - ranr i ract " Quality' Inn Fort Street 1180-118- 4 v , UF lot 1 and 2 Nuuanu 0ii3v : L ' t aa U - S eye-withe- ; F; ; b:::n:nt Leidli.3 '' CIi&h-J&panes- Review MaTcaxina a Eutscrlptlcn Rate J1.00 per year . rP.-'O- . ; In the two years o" its existence the Panama-Califomi- a; International was vlf itid :by almost 4,300,-00- 0 I ' . ; 23,-000,0- square miles, if uniformly Campbell illock spread over Uiis globe, would make a Uc htti t Ctrtet,!l!cnolalitv crust 600 feet thick, V - ' -I Zlz ilU -- - SO ; . r ss The 'story goes that a policeman on duty nearby, came up and attempted "buffa-- ; to arrest tbe fellow but"w-a- s Joed" out of It by the 'belligerent attl-- i friends.' ' tude of the 'an a' Below are listed coninarative sellina: prices for ilanan & Son shoes in New York and Honolulu: & 0 Chocolates dancer marries cabaret. Ha1dn8, son Frank. of Robert C. Hasklnspresldent of the International Harvester company. Is perpared to face- parental wrath. A marriage license was recently issued to Frank Haskins and Josephine. F. Gordon, and today Miss Joy Gardner, cabaret dancer, whoso name off the stage is Josephine F. Gordon, is wearing a thin gold band on the third finger, f her left hand.. Last. November private detectives in the employ of young liaskln's mother Kansas City where Miss Sent to was dancing at a hotel cabaret and brought Haskins home. At that time r Miss Gardner was quoted as saying: million-aire'- s . "I am not trying to steal a son. The Haskins needn't worry about their son." But a few "weeks later she . was again dancing in Chicago, and Haskins was again, flutUd4gacpjind her place of employment, . . . CIIICAGO.-IU- . . Rawley's Pure" Ice .Cream j; ;:y7; 1 Hotel, near Fort St. . - r 'Or- - ?. " Black Vici High Laec . . . . . . . ; v.". ,V ; ; Tan Vici Jligb Tan Russia Oxford Ties '"Ti . . Tan EussiaHigh Lace . . . : Icc ..... t. .,.;i;-?- Phone 1522 TL .;i " . . . . . . . , . . . j :.s.1omQ;; "VVe will retain our present prices as early bought .stock lasts. r ' 4"s y 7O60 - lu.U'J j -- 1 j i 'A-'- . . i . . as' our. present . v limned iately uponreceii : of our uew iuvoics, tlie Newv '";,7...,:; : York prices will prevail X.'r v7;'c-;-S7-..,- -- . By, Crmjtalat4 7 Store -- lr Vmi-- e Ji ' j:- Fort Street, near King . ft X- I Vrs taflamed by exvoaur to Son, Dast and Win quickly relieved bj Mnrlaa Eye fUncoj. Kf Mianing-- , hist a Coofori. at your DruRlai'a 50c per some, i'or uooa oi xum or by mail, , art m-- j ft . V I -- - iruuanu, atove Hotel .. t l . ':" V" 7 ft . If ; ; vStorc-:';;;:':ric.:;;'r';- - MdUtVlfin same the New York - son;; of Harvester magnate ; ir' people.'" .;Lan l sow above the. sea level, ( , 'Afternoon Tea, 3 to 5 ;T;2' "'? The police are maalng a double investigation of a storjkiithat a. well known young Honolulan icnsaged lu tbe exciting pastime, ot, blowing up a little Carnival merchant's . whole sup--' ply of ballopna on tbe tsreets and that ' a policeman on the spot failed to arrest the miscreant and bring bim to , .. the station. . :, ,:,',-r,t ays"-'thelii tie felAn low's whole supply went tip like smoke as a sacrifice to the others whim and, that a bystander who stepped In'to leorn the reason for the little) boy's tears w as nearly assaulted by the one . near-prisoner-'s - Fountain ' Confections - - '" v:- Ftv .a " . ' ' nON'OI.TOU n IAT yum nc iwiim Mew hngmnc i i i in bcr utrong boxes, the T. K. liner Nipon Maru docked at Tier 7 at 8:45 this morning from San Francisco. She is leaving for Yokohama at, 5 o'clock this afternoon. The large amount of bullion aboard includes II. $0,181.39 In gold coin and , bars, $560,305.84 in silver bars and $5520.88 In other valuable precious ; ; ; v. metals.. Sizable Mail Brought Mali brought to Honolulu by the Nippon was 477 bags and ehe also of overcarried . landed 19 packages cargo. Passengers for this port were r, four; all ladles. Miss L. A. Clark, Mrs. J M. Danzieer, Miss Laura Griswold ' and Miss - M. E. L. Haven. They are going on to the Orient oh the Shinyo Maru, Two are from Los An-- . Eeles and two from Boston. ' Goodrich Manila Agent Among the through passengers Is C. Lacy7 Goodrich, who has many friends lii this port and was purser of the Tenyo Maru and other T. K; K. liners before becoming general passenger agent of the line at San Francisco 15 months ago. He Is on his way to Manila to open a general office of the Toyo Risen Kalsha. there. Heretofore the T, K. K.'s business In Manila and Shanghai Jnas.been handled by agencies similar to the local one, but the business has grown so that a separate office Is now needed. Accompanying Goodrich is T. N. Alexander, who will open the Shanghai office, now held by an agency In that city. Passengers Like Island Climate ; . Capt. Y. Mikl reported a rather rough voyage from San Francisco, ' with, heavy seas and rainy weather. in . . Scaring the islands Thursday the weather improved and this morning the sun shone brightly and passengers were delighted as they walked ashore. Through passengers on the Nippon are 44 first cabin, 22 second and 12H steerage. From this port the liner Is taking half a dozen cabin and about 100 steerage. cludes steel, cotton, sole leather, stearic acid, talc powder, roofing felt, fresh fruit, wine, coffee, machinery, cigarettes and 57 other varieties of general merchandise, BARKENTINE SIGHTED; MAY BE NITRATE BOAT . barkentine, whose identity could Lot be made out, but which is believed to be the American barkentine Thrasher, was sighted early this morning southeast of Diamond Head and some distance offshore. The Thrasher, Capt. Foley, is 60 days out today from Chilean nitrate ports. As no wind was stirring this trorning the vessel was making no progress toward port, although evidently headed this way. A . The bad storm at sea which carried away a lifeboat and cleaned off the poop deck of the Persia Maru was net the only bad luck befalling the old liner this voyage.'.' While she was at ' Manila fire of mysterious origin broke out, damaging some pf her cargo, me blaze was exunguisnea oy the fire department without much dif ficulty. , "'::;i f - - '. 'V---- ., ... v ' May Turn Hose On Yater front To request the city to use its fire engines and hose lines and flush the dirt and filth off Allen street tomorrow ho the crowd using the street. la going to and returning from the water laccnt tomorrow night can walk on n clean thoroughfare, ('apt. William H. Foster, the harbormaster, was. to call cn Mayor Lane some time today. "There has been a good Seal of justifiable criticism this week concerning the filthy condition of Allen street," said Captain Foster this morning. "and as it will be used tomorrow night by nearly everybody in Honolulu I intend to call on Mayor Lane today and ask him to loan us the fire engines and their crews to flush the accumulated filth away with streams of water. The street, although it Is the principal approach to our finest piers has not leen given a thorough clean ing for ho long that I cannot recall when it was done last. Yesterday the street was vile with filth and dust" Captain Foster will suggest to the major that the street be washed down tonight and a gang kept at work on it all day tomorrow. HYADES DELAYED; SHINYO IS LATE w." - , ? ".'-- i j .','. '...'.. i . " 828 Phone 4085 DEPARTED Per T, K. K.. str. Nippon Mara, left for Yokohama this afternoon: From Honolulu Miss A. Derrick, Miss N. Hayes, Miss Katherine Steelman, Miss J. Wimblea - Next mail for Japan, China, the Philippines and , India leaves at 5 o'clock this afternoon in the Nippon Maru. Mails close at 4 p. m. at the postoffice. Fort Street1 Stocks and Bondi IN CUBA SENDS Real Eitata The Cuban insurrection. local refin era say. Is partly responsible for an unexpected advance of 2o cents hundred pounds in the price of refined sugar, which becomes effective today on the Pacific Coast The rise. which is the first change in the mar ket since January 2, lifts the price to 17 a hundred pounds at wholesale and to $7.50 at retail. Sugar men said yesterday that there would probably be another 25 cent advance here in the near future, if not immediately, because the whole sale price had already ascended to $7.25 a hundred pounds in New York. The raw pitoduct has been selling at high prices' In New York because of labor troubles and a scarcity of ships, and fear that the Cuban revolution would hold back shipments was responsible for another sharp advance yesterday that was followed by the local market San Francisco Chronicle, Feb. 14. Star-Bulleti- n, ..... 290 32 Ewa Plantation Co. . Haiku 8ugar Co. ....... Hawn. Agr. Ca ........ Hawn. Com. & Sug. Co. . 49 Hawn. Sugar Co. ... Honokaa Sugar Co. ..... Honomu Sugar Co. . . . . Hntchinson Sugar Plant. Kahukn Plant. Co. .. .... Kekaha Sugar Co. ...... 205 Koloa Sugar Co. . . .. . McBryde. Sugar Co., Ltd. Oabu Sugar Co. ........ 29 14 V2 Olaa Sugar Co., Ltd. Onomea Sugar Co. '. Paauhau Sugar Plant Ca Pacific. Sugar Mill ...... Paia Plantation Co. ..... Pepeekeo Sngar Co. .... . Pioneer Mill Co. ... ..... nil' San Carlos Milling Co. .'. Waialua Agr. Co. ... .. . . 29 Yz Walluku Sugar Co. .... . 32 . . for qiuiaDlty'G caCie inoict 4k 1.' X Alexander, A Baldwin Feb. 28. 5 200 .11. 5 ;v;la An experienced saleswoman wanted for waist department Apply Jeffs' Fashion Co Inc, Fort and Bereta-ni-a 6717 3t street I I I I I ' I . II T fill II V Viee-Pretldt- nt ..... .Treasurer GEO. R. CARTER... ..Director C H. COOKE. . ..... . . Director J. R. GALT, ...... . ... Director Savings Dept. D. G, For 39 Batik o! 20 230 , ' and Mlixhint, Alexander: Honolulu, 29 1474 Baldwin Llmlttd Fort Street, hear Qtieei Transacts a; general Banking Business. Invites your account and guar aatees safe and efficient service. Exchange, Letters of Credit and Travelers' Checks Issued ai principal points. 20 38 15 30 35 Commission Merchants and Insurance Agents' .'. : ' ' ' Agtnta for Hawaiian Commercial ft Sugar. . Company. Cable Transfers . Haiku Sugar Company. Company. " Haul Agricultural Company. nawailaa Sugar Company. Kahukn Plantation Company. McBryde Sugar Company. . ! PalaPlaniatloa 8 4 Vour Honey should b SAVED We Pay 4 Per Cent Interest BISHOP &CO. 2 41 O Fliers Sugar h . 'f:: 132 Railroad Compaaj. ' Kauai Railway Company. Kauai Fruit ft Ind Co Ltd. Honolua Hanch. ' 21 Ihoiirailce i B. Electricity, gas, screen la all houtes. house; garage; - $33. Life, Accident Compensation house; garage; $30. ; SURETY BONDS Stores with basement, Maunaxea PHONE 4915 Fir; 94 street, near waterfront; J. F. MORGAN CO., LTD. Made Kaahumanu 8L 842 Information Furnished and Loan - $27.50. J. H. SCHNACIC STOCK BROKERS Tolephono 3833 v Merchant Street Star Building 95 c FOR RENT F. DILLINGHAM CO, LTD. Pfiono 1572 : 79 P. H. BURNETTE Phona 1841 Merchant SL NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner of Deeds California and New York Draws: Wills, Deeds, Mortgages and all Legal Documents. ; ; THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK, LIMITED. , subscribed .yen 48,000,000 Capital paid up..... yen 20,000,000 yea 20,800,000 Reserve fund'.. Capita! a, 100 A WOK I, Local Uanastr Phono No. 3SSS Campboll Block MININQ AND ' OIL SECURITIES OFFERS INVESTOR 22 TO . 80 PER ANNUM E.C. PETERS -- 210 McCandless Bids.' ' ; Honolulu, T. H.. Stocks, Bonds, Securities, Loans Negotiated, Trust Estates ; . ' 98 degrees Litest sugar quotation: lest. 5.27 cents, or 8105.40 per tort, Managed. POULTRY 5,27cts New York v 8n ' PRODUCE HEATS The National City Company r o WOITEL E. A. HAET Hawn. Pines, C. & S.. 49.25. o BanK of nava ii, Ltd. ..... . , . . Director MAY,. .. . . ..... .Auditor Territorial Marketing Divis'n Francisco Maunakea near Quten INVESTMENT BONDS H, A. BRUCE Phona 1849 200 Bank of Hawaii Eidg. TeL 1818 Y, TAKAKUWA &C0. ' : Money to Loan Members Honolulu Stock and Bond .Exchange Fort nd Merchant Streets HOME INSURANCE COMPANY OF Telephone 12C8 Limited ; CRABS," packsd In Sanitary Cans, wood lined. ,N,uuanu 8L, Naar King 8t NAMCO PROTECTIVE AGENCY OF HAWAII W E. Miles, Mgr. Rooms 5 and 8, Elite Bldg. Hotel SL opp. Bishop SL Phone 1411. 6 gold-plate- ::::': . For sale at leading markets and grocers CuIgliS A. G ARTLEY. . . E. A. R. ROSS . HAWAII, LIMITED 818 Fort Street Telephone 8525 SAXON' AUTO PLANT FOR SALE. DESTROYED BY FIRE CHOP SUI Micii Fire of undeDETROIT. , S3 North. King 8treet high and Cornet Holton (Betyveen Maunakea and Smith) low pitch, with case. 1513 Makiki termined origin, almost destroyed the CorporSaxon plant Car Motor of the 6717-Call and see our brand new CHOP Ct street ate natDeaufait avenue and Waterloo SUI HOUSE Everything Neat r Bargain 26 ft power and sail fishing street. causing a loss estimated at and Clean Co." 5200.000 and throwing 2000 men out of boat Apply The Ever-Read- y Tabtea may be reserved by phone. ; : 6717 6t work. Only a dozen men were at work . No. 1713 Tel. 3636. when the .blaze started and on ont ' , FOR RENT. was injured., '.'.v. "i I Don't say you can't save, but start an account now with our and Secretary nt 49V4 Henry Watcrhouse Trust Ca Ltd. HELP WANTEQ. I Vice-Preside- 10.37; 35 41.37; Olaa, 15; 45 McBryde. .................. R. A. COOK E Between Boards: Sales: 200 McBryde, 10.25; 50, 30. 105. 15 Ewa, 32; 20 It C. L a, 49; 100 H. C. & S..' 49.25; 5 Hawn. Pines, 41. Session Sales: - 5, 15 McBryde. 10.25; Waialua, 20.25: and Manager nt R. IVERS "v Hsnalol LarMf Co, March 1. Katlhikai Land Co, March t. McBryde Sugar Co, March 2. Kauai Railway Co, March 2. . Kauai Electric Co, March 2. Kauai Fruit V Land Co, March 2. Co, Sugar Plantation Paauhau March 3: Waialua Agricultural Co, adjourned meeting, March 3,; i nnm Vice-Preside- ...... ... Sugar 'Fx G. H. ROBERTSON. - m Young man think this over! Are you ready with financial aid as well as brains to grasp the big chance when it comes!, List of Officers and Directors: E. F. B I S H 0 P ........ Pre s! d tnt MISCELLANEOUS ........ Hundreds of young men. have gone upward to success simply because they were ready when opportunity presented itself. They were ready with money - to back up their ability. . ; FORT ST, HONOLULU, T. H. SUGAR Endau Development Co.. 1st Issue Asses 60 pc Pd 2nd Issue Asses7 pc. Pd Haiku Fruit & Pack, Pfd, Haiku Fruit & Pack, Com W'2 Hawaii Con. Ry. 7 pc. A. . Hawaii Con. Ry. 6 pc. B. . Hawaii Con. Ky. Com. Hawaiian Elec. Co. , . . . . 41 Hawn. Pineapple Co. 'Hon. Brew. & Malt Co.. Honolulu Gas Co., Ltd. . . 125 Hon. TL T. & L. Co . . . . . . Inter-Islan- d Steam Nav. . 4 20 M utual Tel. Co. ANNUAL MEETINGS Oahu Railway & Land Co. OF STOCKHOLDERS Pah an g Rubber Ca Selama-Dinding- s Plan. Pd Annual meeting of stockholders and Selama-Dinding- s 63 Pd. dates have been announced by .the foJ Tanjong Olak Rubber Co. lowing Hawaiian corporations as fol BONDS- - : ; v- lows: Beach Walk Imp. Dist. . Honolulu R. T. Con Fb. 21. Hamakua Ditch Co. 6s... American Sugar Co' Feb. 26. Hawaii Con. Ry. 5 pc. . . . 93 Keloa 9uflar Ce Feb. 27. Hawaiian Irr. Co. 6s. . . . Paa Aflr. Co Fb. 27, Haw. Ter. 4 pc Refund. Kahuku Plantation Co Feb. 27. Haw. Ter, 4 Pub. Imps, East MatH Irrigation Co., Fob. 27. Haw. Ter. Pub, top, Kahului Railroad Co Fob. 27. ..... series 1912-191-3 Kllauea Sngar Co., Feb. 27. Hawn. TerVl, 3U pc. . . . . . . . ; Homo Insurance Co, Feb, 27. Honokaa Sug. Co, 6 pc. Hawaiian Electric Co Feb. 27. Honolulu Gas Co., Ltd, 6s 105 Klpahutu Sugar, Co., Fob. 28. Hon. R. T. it L. Co., 6 pc. .... . Llhue, Plantation Co, Feb. 28. Kauai Ry. Co. 6s ....... 100 Waiahl Electric Co, Feb. 28. Manoa Imp. Dist 5! pc. 100 Makes Sugar Co. Feb. 28. . McBryd Sugar Cx, 5s Kapaa Uand Co, Feb, 28. Matnal Tel. 5s ... . ...... 116 ; Olohena Land Co, Feb, 28. Oahu Ry. & U Co, 5 pc. . 1Q6 Mooaa Land Co- - Feb. 28. Oahn Sng. Co. 6 pc...... 110 Mutual Tel. Co, Feb. 28. Olaa Sugar Co. 6 pc... .. ..... Pacific Cuano & Fert. Co. Feb. 28. Pacific Guano & Fer. Co . 100 Alexander. A Baldwin, Feb. 2& Pacfflc Sugar Mill Co. 6s. 109 Hawaiian Sugar Co, Feb. 28. San. Carlos Milling Co... 99 Tfiarift SUGAR FACTORS COMMISSION MERCHANTS SHIPPING AND INSURANCE AGENTS Bid. Asked MERCANTILE SCO. (LIMITED) Friday. Feb. 23. ; ! C. GHEVER Honolulu Stock Exchange Alexander & Baldwin C. Brewer & Co. Next mall from San Francisco, 553 bags, will arrive in the Oceanic liner Sierra Monday morning. O r - HARBOR NOTES Insnranw 1 Safe Deposit Vaults Authorized by law to act as Trustees, Executors, Administrators and Guardians SUGAR PR CE UP First copie of the Pacific Mail's complete schedule to contain sailings of-- ' the; Colombia, third of the line's three new transpacific liners to be placed on the run. arrived in the last mail from San Francisco and were given out today by the local agency. H. Hackfeld & Co.'s shipping department. The schedule is No. 3. As previously "announced by the the Colombia will leave San Francisco March 10, arriving here and leaving March 18, reaching Yokohama April 1. Returning the Colombia will steam from Hongkong April 25 and Yokohama May 4, arriving at Honolulu again May 16 and leaving the same day for San Francisco. With the three boats on the run th Pacific Mail will give Honolulu a steamer from Sah Francisco and the Orient every four weeks. The Colombia arr'es from the coast March 18. the Venezuela April 15, the Ecuador May 13, the Colombia June 10 and the Venezuela. July 8. Asthe three boaU are of foreign build they cannot bring passengers here from San Francisco or carry them to tha coast, but they will bring mail, which will help Honolulu materially. The schooner Caroline sailed from Grays Harbor for Honolulu Thursday, That she is meeting head winds and the Merchants Exchange reports. generally bad weather and that it is doubtful if she will be off port in Next mail; for San Francisco will time to receive pratique and enter leave at 10 o'clock Sunday morning tomorrow evenlne is stated in a radio In the Hill liner Groat Northern. Mails rpceiTed by Castle & Cooke today close at 8:30 a. m. at the postoffice. from tho Matson freighter Hyades. A wireless two days ago said she ex The T. K. K. intermediate liner Perpected to arrive tomorrow morning. sia Maru resumed her voyage for San If the Hyades, which has a heavy Francisco at 4 o'clockThursday aftercargo aboard for Honolulu, Port Allen noon. She took no mall as the Great and Kaanapali, does not reach port Norwthern will get It all. before sundown Saturday she will not enter until Sunday morning. The Matson steamer Manoa left at 5 Shinyo One Day Late o'clock Thursday afternoon for Kahu-lu- i Because of bad weather encounter via Hilo. She will return at noon ed on the voyage up to the coast the Monday arid leave, for San Francisco T. K. K. turbiner Shinyo Maru left from Pier 10 at noon Tuesday. San Francisco for Honolulu and the Orient Thursday afternoon, one day FORGER CONFESSES ACT FOR late, according to marconlgram ad 'MOTHER? r5 JAILED FOR YEAR vices received, from San Francisco uy ; MILWAukEF) Wis'.lt will be a Castle & Cooke's shipping department this morning. She is scheduled to ar year now nefOTo Evan S. Marlin of rive here Tuesday morning, but be- Los Angeles can see his sick mother. cause she left the coast 24 hours late When notified of h fa mother's illness may not arrive until Wednesday morn Marlin-Jorge-d a check to get to her. ing. No wireless was received from He signed the name of former Sheriff ' the liner today. rranRe, was cangnt and sentenced to 12 months in the workhouse. PASSENGERS Deferred Messages at Reduced Hates i HAWAIIAN T.RUST CO., Ltd. ! " Use Federal Wireless Service Mainland " INSURRECTION SCHEDULE HERE -- : eiB8uirainiee: Co PACIFIC MAIL S Cargo Is Varied Cargo for the Orient in the Nippon's 1 old la 2025 freight list tons. It in- -- GEictle Cooke, LM. General Agents i BE RlliiWlUIHLW treas-tir- e oP TT AViiiyilLlUl tWiMPPOnil 'Carry $2.IC',808.o: worth, or FIJIP.AT; FKBRUABT 23, 1917. STAR-ntXUrnj- T. on LMn 1 UNFURNISHED HOUSE. Two .bedroom cottage, mosquito proof. -- Applr 1522 'Artesian street Phone ' 6717 3t 2617. J. Vivlchaves. LOST. SOLE DISTRIBUTORS, TERRITORY OF HAWAII number please return to or Fcucer Station. Automohfle. 2008. Star-Bulleti- .... V ; n Finder office 6T17 6t i mm PACIFIC ENGINEERING III "llHtViMOin'l)l ( I I k ) A J " PJ " - , ' ' " GIVES VQU TODAY'S NEWS TODAY 8TAR-BULLETI- N COMPANY, 1 1 - LIMITED Consulting, Designing and Corv . structlng Engineers Bridges, Buildings, Concrete Stroc tures, Steel Structures, Sanitary Systems, Reports and Estimates oa ITJjJ-- 1 ects. Phono 1045. i;, csssaa , ,, GIVES YQU TODAY'S NEWS TODAY j STAR-BULLETI- N . r HONOLULU STATl C L in in 1 pi -1- L DULLCmV PUIDAT, FEP.FirAHV seven: 22, 1017. 73 l v vMJ li LI - V LZ1 The Most Wonderful Picture Ever Shown in Honolulu u SEE IT-- IT WILL MAKE A REAL AMERICAN - " v H.G.BEST ; . University Club : Until February 24 ! ; IF CONSTIPATED One of the attractions of Carnival Week. " Wh en Cross, Feverish and Sick vv Give "California Syrup Children love this "fruit laxative." and nothing, else cleanses the tender Btomach liver and bowels so nicely. - A ehikl simply will not stop playing to empty tue bowels, and the result Is, they become tightly clogged with waste, liver gets sluggiah, stomach sours, then your little ono becomes cross, half-siclfeverish, don't eat, sleep or act. naturally, breath is bad, system full of cold, has sore throat, stomach-ach- e or : diarrhoea. ; Listen, Mother! See if tongue is coated, then give .a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a few nours all the constipated waste, sour bile and undigested food passes out of the system, and you have a. well, playful child t, WE ANNOUNCE ANOTHER EXCURSION AT THE INCLUSIVE RATE OF 'Hi: '; . again.-- TO ' " 3 DEMAND FOR WAR PREPAREDNESS striking portrayal of what might happen to this country should, an enemy nation, finding America unprepared, bombard its shores with a g aerogreat fleet, send planes over New York City and finally invade that great city, is shown In "The Battle Cry of Peace," from . the book by J. Stuart Blackton, now being shown at the Bijou theater. "The Battle Cry of Peace" sounds a call to arms against war. It is a publicity medium for the "preparedness" movement and is pitiless in its criticism of the "pacifist" and the advo-vatof "peace at 'ahy price." While some of the scene bf carnage, destruction and violation of homes may appear exaggerated to the average layman, the producers have made it a point to explain in letters large enougli for every oije to read, that such scenes dally are being enacted in A bomb-droppin- es battle-s- Europe.' carred ,," ., . , . - BECOMES COATED ; RING UP PHONE 3937 AND ORDER YOUR TICKETS EARLY. EVERY PERSON IN HONOLULU SHOULD SEE THIS GREAT LESSON IN PREPAREDNESS. THE PICTURE STARTS AT 8 O'CLOCK ' PRICES-- 20 to 75c BATTLE CRY OF PEACE IS SILENT CHILD'S TONGUE Exhibition of Paintings 0 U u v4s& any Beyond Description one who saw it last night ... J i At 7:48 o'clock At 7:40 o'clock DANIEL, FROHMAN PRESENTS feature of the picture are the sentiments expressed in a lecture by Hudson Maxim, Inventor of the. rapid-fir- e gun, regarding the necessity of the United States to prepare for war. The plot of the story concerns an American family living in New York when that city, is bombarded and finally invaded by a hostile force. A number of scenes depicting the destruction of New York and Washington are well executed. The picture is concluded by a. series in which George of Washington, Abraham ' Lincoln, Gen. Grant and Gen. Lee appear before Columbia. On the .whole "The Battle Cry of Peace" is well worth seeing: It drives home a lesson that every loyal American should know. . It. is an appeal for a bigger and a better .navy and a bigger and better standing army. It is a plea for the protection of defenseless mothers and sisters, wives and loved ones. A The Daughter Qf Mac - A Story of a Scotch Lassie Who Could Fight Her Own Battles. A Combination of Laughs, Thrills and Pathos. semi-tableau- x '3rd Big Chapter of . "TheShieldingShadow" "Up-to-the-r.lina- te? "Pathe Yeeldy" Best Pictures, Best Music, Best People, Always at the V"" , v v LIBERTY . Prices 10, 20, 30 Cents. Boxes, 50 Cents. Phone 5060 Jv Reliexsr;SeMous Case of. Chronic Constipation ' . THERE :VWILL BE -- NO J3HILDREIUa LIATLNE Millions f mothers give "California Syrup of Figs" because it is perfectly harmless; children, love it, and it never fails to act on the stomach, liver M. and bowels. Dr. Caldwell's; Syrup Pepsin botAsk your druggist for a . ; RETURN TUESDAY, 7 A.M. Corrects Condition That , tle of : "California Syrup of Figs, which has full directions for babies, Seemed Hopeless children of, all aces and for grownups plainly printed on the bottle. BeAfter suffering' Cfionr chronic consti ware of counterfeits sold here. Get pation-unti- l she, was 40: run down she the genuine, made by "California Fig was 'any kind of work. unable Syrup Company Refuse any other Miss H. A. to do 209 v v: c Adams St., Day: Frees, '; : :! ''..-aqv. ; Reservations and Tickets Kind wun contempt , v ton, Ohio, obtained, a bottle of Dr. LONDON, Eng.It has been discov- Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin and used it she ered recently that tin and copper have with such gratifying result that writIer-IslcndStea- m continued the and treatment has smuggled been from Holland to Germany as spare anchors and screws for ten to Dr. Caldwell 'that 'her condi1 .: and that she ;;v.r .' ; tugs. To look! like iron they were tion Isto again normal, Queen Street Phon8;'d341 recommend "Syrup Pepsin to tarred. As ; every tug is allowed to wants everyone who suffers with ,; constipa have a spare anchor the trick often tion. - : succeeded.,..'-Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a combination of simple laxative herb with pepsin.: Gentle.in its action and free from griping 0 Other pain or discomfort. It contains no opiate or narV.TMTTMT cotic drug, and, while acting readily on the most stubborn cases of inac- be sure you get Dr. Caldwell's Syrup tive bowels, is absolutely safe for tha Pepsin. See that a facsimile of Dr. 800 O'CLOCK SHARP tiniest babe, so that it; is the Ideal, Caldwell's signature and his portrait family laxative and should be kept on appear on the yellow carton in'whlcU : r- r "i L'l rr-I K I t 1 r -- '"i , .... 1 i t? every household fpr use, when j the bottle is packed. A trial bottle, In hand 1 i ... rI IV I t Yl ' I I MM ' 1 i II ' neeaea. : free of charge, can be obtained by Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin costs writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 455 only fifty cents a bottle and is sold in Washington St.. Montlcello. Illinois, or drug stores everywhere. To avoid by , calling at Benson, Smith & Co, imitations and ineffective substitutes wholesale distributors. Honolulu. . t TODAY OWING TO OTHER ATTRACTIONS JN THE CITY M r:! (f Leave Honolulu, Saturday 3 P. 50-ce- nt Stop- p ver Privileges G ran ted : At 2: 15 o'clock At 7:43 o'clock' Wit -- FOX PRESENTS . Navigation Co. Ltd. .y ! MTiM . - II ' IN TT.ns. I 1 . I k- II b A story of a dramatic story of political intrigue a I willing to do anything in order to further her selfish ..';.':' "':" .:, ,.. ambition. : 'J.' Maurice Costello Ethel Grand In in "THE PHANTCTM IMAGE" 6th Episode of THE CRIMSON STAIN Follow the. Fearless Costello in his quest of the Demon Crimsan Stain A TONIGHT TC? - . self-sacrifici- wife who hus-band- ; tf- - s 7rUT7pTr,TT0 A 6S .;V:-'H:;r ' r KALICI '; HAWAII' TOPIC AL NEWS NO. 105. f Play Ball in Honolulu. "One of the many items Showing the AIK. Americans vs. Honolulu Champions, The Chinese Baseball Team. r K , : Prices, 10, 20, 30 Cents. . . BRITISHER SUNK IN WAR ZONE; JflANY MISSING COULD NOT AVOID STRIKING CHUB, IS ; , VNOTT Fdrl WlrelMi) (AMoeiated Pr br .LONDON, Eng., Feb. 23. The Britsteamer Jchn Mills has been sunk, Deeply regretting the accident ish according to the announcement here which has laid up Sgt 11. Chub of the night. Four members of her last 23th Infantry with a broken leg, J. E. by the explosion badly injured crew, Nottingham does not "see hoiw he could destroyed torpedo the. vesthat of the have avoided the accident. Chub anJ explosion, by killed two the and sel ether soldiers were, he says, attempt- have been landed. The remainder of ing to cross 'the street, hot a corner, . . . ri . f i' says t it. missing, uie k.euui ine crew is ,' where a driver does News but in Agency, . mid-block- r F not expect to meet pedestrians, and 'he did not see them when passing a ONTANA HOUSE PASSES truck until he was right upon Chub. LAW FOR LAROR He denies that fie was speeding, but considers it fortunate that he struck The Montana Clrib a glancing blow Uh a wheeL H ELENA, yi ont. representatives has passed of rather than to have caught him full house eight-hou- r establishing law, labor an' on. in which event the accident might day for all public emhave been fatal, he thinks. The only the eight-hou-r ployes all employes of mines, for and criticism he ncs to nake is that Chub saw mills, smelters, mills, cuarts and those with him were attempting - other factories,; The andworks to cross the strcetat another point bill now goes to the senate.. . than a corner. He says that E. who was in the car with him, i will corroborate what he. Nottingham, has said In regard to the accident. Nottingham is assistant staff representative for .the Argonaut and is an experienced driver, having been licensed is a driver for the past eight Program beginning at 1:30 p. m. until T ill vcars. Evening (two shows) 6:30 and 8:30 - ' ICE i STUPENDOUS ; - : .ir:- '"'"..: - .'"-- --- .;:" - . : - ;;':- Lat-time- r. MOWAkDfjilCKMAMrl li THOS.H.NCt'S U CIVILIZATION rj WITH ORCHESTRAL MUSIC COMPbSE D ESPECIALLY FOR ' CIVILIZATION ' This' entertainment excels anjrthing; of the kind ever given in Honolulu A rare treat which you cannot afford to miss , Last ExhihiUon Saturoy Night Matinee Saturday. ; - V :: PRICES: V: T ."' .'. ; v - . ' '. ;' - .. . -- Evcaing, Reserved 50c, 75c, $1.00 s Gallery, not Reserved,' 25c. Matinee, Reserved, 25c, 50c, 75o Gallery, not Reserved, 15c. , Seats on Sale at Hawaii Film Supply, Masonic Building.4 ' Phone 2873 - - . Oresalfiied Eyelids, . ' ; . , . rZ lurcioowiVUMina ani qockly relieved by MBTbHfc VSaW. Jf NoSmarting. just Eye Comfort. - At ourDruggiitiOcperBottls. Marine Cyt lalvein ube 2Sc ForBsefc si beEyeFreeatk i)ruggiit orBariscEtfiriciiCi.cC)iC?4 PROGRAM FOR TODAY EVENING "PEG O' THE RING (fourth episode big American drama) Universal. FORE STERLING IN INCE-KAYBEE-TRIANG- ? -- THE HUNT TRIANGLE KEYSTONE KOMEDY SPECIAL AND "SELIG-TRIBUNE- " (illustrated news) Selig. "THE SPIRIT AWAKENED" (drama) Eiograph. -SOME FIXER" (comedy) Nestor. v . ; : PHONE 2295 REACHES Hustace-Pec- h Cf Co.,,Ud. ROCK AND SAND FOR CONCRETE. WORK. I FIREWOOD AND COAL ' . P. Cv COX 212 93 QUEEN STREET ALL KINDS '. ) -- Cough STOCK PRICES Whooping m'MC ClA a TIHU HONOLULU STAli IIUIXCTINV CITY ENOIWEER'S IOU.IU Til) UPVAHD OIIDEIIS A (Impl. hi su4 jHfcrtltl liwuW.. I t mop rOT Htait for t.:. lit Vafr" MMllf.f V--- Jx llltt Wi I tJ'i,r t f t ncy ss to fort lit at the Hotsion sccurit listed reD cf the xebauxe tlI morning ri llow ins a holiday. The volume of hunt- - Sliffttlf up ard ITWilWliY "X IKI-LUT- . 11)17. !jl STOP CUTTING OF TREES tt-nd- j uji ii u during shout k it has hf-eSupervisor Hatch Sheds New averages. day Wlow Carnival. reent hh : 23 h tMeB Uard were and nt cfclMr-Light on Ibtatnakt and Much-,Neeci. the tension .. Mfllryde, after selling fit 104, rose Kapiolant Park Incident , . . i ..... i . . u . I - .a ' ftttf an clibth, Hawaiian Commercial rote 4 la tb tobi We are the ONLY TRANSFER COMPANY in Honolulu CHECKINQ a quarter from 49 and Pineapples : Orders from - the city engineer ; to, U. ' YOUR BAGGAGE AT YOUR HOME OR HOTEL DIRECT TO SA1I to thrr Other ralea the Spalding Construction Company to d were Ewa 32. Walalua SOU nd Olaa stop cutting the Kapfolanl Park FRANCISCO. Immediate attention given io phoned orders. AUTO is; ;a..v.rJ: trees, temporarily at least, and ' TRUCK SERVICE. rnlisted securities were a shade a etatement and questions by SuperVtCmlci C. lower in some Instances. Mineral Pro- visor Hatch, which pat entirely new g incident, ; ducts was unchanged at 85 cents, as phases on the was Mountain King at 23 cents, today. developments were Important was 43 cents and Mademanager of W. T. Spalding, v J. BELSER, Manager ra 29 and 28 cents. There were no theWhen Spalding ConstrncUon Company, Engels Copper, rales of Oil. nor f You Should was , een this morning by Judge C5-71 the former heing quoted 7 and So. Queen St.; V Baggagemen M " who asked him not to cut the Hatch, Service First anJ the latler at 13.30 and 13.45. had Spalding said he. Ironwood tres, received orders from the city guiy at and county engineer not to cut uw GOVERNMENT LOOKS v trees and had no Intention of destroyx AFTER DEPENDENTS ing .them.; ti v.- .;' mors of the papers said to have been the wolves olive in wooden devices all Judge Hatch, la a letter to the OF DROWNED SAILORS In his' possession,' but the mat - have failed. One animal which had found HELD points out that a strip of jter was' not brought to my notice of-- its foot raugt.t in a steel : trap bit u I'ark has been Included in leg in two ani escaped. ... riCially.'' .... ' Territorial Secretary Wade Warren KaplolanI the Improvement ordinance Illegally, Thayer Speaker has handed to II. : he asks directly whether the presBecause-.a copy of a letter from the and situation GERMANS OFFER TO TEACH WOLVES RECALL TO BUFFALO has been brought about ent I secretary navy of relating BOYS HOW TO SHOOT the to II. part of the Everybody Likes It. PEOPLE OLD FRONTIER DAYS by inadvertence . on the It, 114, session of IS 15, petitiontng county attorney's office or by deliberHOBOKEN, N. J. Men of German Congress to enact legislation for the It Is An Economical :'. ':;;v-.intent.' ate p'rpv : ;7; BUFFALO. X. Y. Reminding od blood com posing jt he Hoboken dependent relief of of the survfrnrs Food. The German stowaway aboard the residents of frontier days, wolves for His letter is as follows: Schuetten; Corps have takeu Take Tablespoonful of Salts if Sheridan, crew of the submarine F-lost in -- fcditor of whom mention war made the past several weeks have tried to steps to make their loyalty to tbe ; ' Your Honolulu To Delivered hay.,. Is , It in the when the trans- pick acquaintance with he ' people "Dear Sir: 'ihe matter of the iron-woo- d Back Hurts or Bladder Bothand their skill as State The letter from the secretary of port was here early in :the month. Is around Egleston's Gully, on the '.east United Door Reody; to Serve. near the entrance to Kaplotrees Acid Uric Immediately effective for Forms marksmen Meat ers; . the navy, originally addressed to the lanI Park Is of great public Interest ai being, held In San Francisco for in- bank of Lake Keuka. Hunger has the defense of the country, by asking secretary of th4 interior, follows ; vestigation and on suspicion of being tamed them sufficiently so that they the board oi education to permit them this moment The situation; as 1 Phcnes 15i2-4G7- 6 We are a nation of meat eaters and "I beg to acknowledge the receipt nndereuna tt, ls as follows: spy. An account of his arrival and prowl about the back doors of Keuka to ' teach tne 1S0i boys of public a cays our blood is filled with uric add, Of a copy of resolution adopted by the -Is contained in the. San Lake d wellings nightly;' A few . of school cadet ccrps how to shoot. The detention extends A strip of Kapiolani Park n c authority, HONOLULU who warns a legislature of tbt territory of Hawaii Chronicle of February 14, them have been shot; Efforts to trap boys were organized some time ago. Francisco Island Makee In of front to us to be constantly on guard against petitioning Congress to enact legisla- to the north :. says:. .' .: p ":". which us call which road, let ' side the tion ?or the relief of dependent survi?-or- s Cunha road, for identification; the kidney trouble. DAIHYLlErrS Investigation begun was An to last kidneys free utmost do their The of the crew of the submarine 1M. highway is wholly oa the sea side of the blood of this Irritating acid, but night by secret .service operatives survivors of the erew tbe trees. ; The railroad track is lo- become weak ... from Ihe overwork; Into the identity and past actions of AESQCIATIOn of. "Dependent tho IH already have been paid by cated not on the highway, but In the they et sluggish; the eliminatlve tis- George Kief a German who arrived ! this department, under death' bene- park, area; this is the case to the ter- sues clog and thus the waste is re- here yesterday on the United States ' I :.. I I ficiary law covering such cases six minus neir Mr. Parker s place. This tained In the blood to poison the en- transport-Sherida- n from Manila as a ' ' months' pay of the deceased' officer or location was not obtained through any tire - system, r stowaway. Kief t was taken off the t' man upon whom the beneficiary was authority, from the superintendent of When your kidneys ache and ; feel transport shortly after the .vessel ardependent, and the pension laws un- public works.V It was a grant from like lumps of lead, and you have rived in the harbor and is held in dedoubtedly - will operate to give pen- the park commissioners, and paid for stinging pains iu the back or the Urine tention at Angel island. : r sions to dependent relatives under the In part by lighting obligations under-- , is cloudy, full of sediment or the Incriminating, papers, whicli, it Is ''. customary procedure." V For Sunday dinner, taken by the railroad company. ; bladder is .irritahle",; obliging t you to alleged, show that Kieftjs ax German . "Wben tlie ordinance for the creaseek Mclief- - during the night; when spy and disbursing agent, were found you vail nd nothing: you have , evereiheaiaches, nervous in i a trunk which he ; smuggled under Improvement district the of tion An order for two tons of a Chicago re- and' dizzy' spells, , ileeplessness,; acid aboard the transport at Manila when being avenue is Kalakaua which Poultry food wasj placed , by.; a Bernicer than r::' y- j:i ; built was dratted, this atrip of the stomach or rheuttAtlam in bad weath- he stowed away. muda' dealer after" an interview with " get your pharmacist road', v and er, MingJed about lying from "Cunha park betwen With Soldiers Cons ur. Carl R. at Hamilton, k -- Menagerie drive"; (adopting Mr; Cas- four ounces of Jad Salts; take a Dressed in the imiform of a United tle's useful term), was included in ' the tablespoonful in a glass of water be- States ' private, Kieft boarded the ordinance. The attention, of the su- fore breakfast each morning and In a Sheridan at Manila and mingled with ' troops' quarters. pervisors was not called .to the fact. few days your kidneys will act fine. the soldiers ' In The measure could not hive passed If This famous vsalts is made from tbe His presence was not discovered until d it. had been. Only the legislature can acid cf grapes afid lemon Juice, several days after, the vessel left pott, with IHhiar and has' been used when the soldiers aboard were orauthorize a surrender of any - portion to flush and stimulate dered to" muster and it was found of ffce park.". It would simply. Aave for generations " "superclogged kidneys,0 breach:, the to neutralise 1 , the for trust a of been one too taany. Kieft ': acids In' urine "sV it' is no. longer a that there' was v;cr!:c:i so. done knowingly have cr.d to . visors IIcr.2 TC',7n:2 to. 7 acknowledged that purchased source of Irritation, thus ending urin- the uniform and he hadwas points for consideration are: a Ger-- i he "The that ary Qisorders i ;i .: It hardly, seems possible that there is a woman in this i months eld; fat and x--. "yx'-i-.man.- j "(1.) How to correct the mistake; - JadandFa-'t-b'adder ; caninexpensive is and having due regard to the rights of the not injure; told the officer that he ' was country who'continues to suffer without giving Lydia E, ' a delightful effe outKieft cf cnc:l!:ut Haver.-Kccontractor and of the. assessed prop veacent lithia-waie-makes of funds and wished to get to San r drink, and nobody v riiiMitMua vciicuiuic vauiuuuuu tx uuu tu.u dii uic tyr . owners...,-crty Flanclsco. was searched and 1672 .::rr He can a by taking: make mistake a little t .alive., until yea U C ; dence .".that is continually being published, proving bevond : "(2.) Was the above situation occasionaliy to keep the kidneys clean was found secreted In his clothes. large Shortly 7;-rM' a steamer inadvertmere through afterwards brought about r -':' V rrrand old medicine has, relieved contradiction" that v crdir.' and active. AdvJ trunk and a suit- - case belonging to ence In the county ' attorney's office . omen more; suffering am than any other medicine in Kfe.'t were found hidden in a secluded (which we hope), or was it deliberateI place. ly done? This latter, inquiry perhaps the world. . L vj has only historical interest. L v w Is Searched His Trunk ; C 1 After SCTen Month's Illness r ,Mrs. Kieso I ; The trunk was . searched and, ac"Respectfully, ' Lc thch to Lull up crJ cording toTonc of the army officers i F. M. HATCH." u? Aurora, 111. tfFor seven lonsmonths I suffered (lMmni traveling on the Sheridan as a; pasAnother expression of sentiment - W.f dressed urc?7 it vrlU do t3 mucb Is from a female trouble, "with severe pain3 in mr back ; from James to senger, comes papers showing the disclosed that and sides until I became so "weak I could hardly f;r ycu, but in:!:! cn CCOTTa Steiner, resident of the improvement t v. . Kieft was in the employ of 'the Gerwalk from chair to chair, and got so nervous I ; district JJe says: :v man government Receipts for money would jump at the slightest noise, I rzs entirely ; "I am an old, resident of 'TWaikiki to Germans in the Philippines raid unfit to do my house work, I was giving up hope of orders filled and love the place' dearly.. To the Serve In your own, far-of- f home the! and papers showing he had received ma to try ' ever being weU, when my sister imtropic-flavoreKalakaua avenue frontage tax money from the German, government, distinctive, sweets of Cbmpound. careVegetable promptly and Lydia E; xJinkhams I took provement fund I'm contributing HawaiL You can get them in an ' together with othor evidence showing rr:!3 to woman r healthy am a today six bottles and I - 12300, In my opinion, and for. the 'Aloha" package, ecntalning the , fot-- that he was a German agent, were dis-. fully. E- : rlr.T v homework.evsrv wish mv ,r mm I safety of the enormous traffic on' that owning, "made . i covered, according to the "officer. Pinkham'a VecUbla E. try Lvdia woman would avenue, I believe the few iron wood . 1 jar Red Gtiava Jelly.--1 Col. John T. Knight, general JCbmnound. and find out for herself fcOTr good trees at the bridge breakwater should jar Gold Guava Jelly. superintendent of the transport: ser-,. : ' cM be done away with altogether. These . 1 jar Mango Chutney. A. Kixso, 690 North Ayr, Aurora, Mes. is." Karl it vice, said last night: . easily could rare not and few trees are ; Vl jar Poha Jam. . "I was notified officially that Kieft I V Could Hardly Get Off Her Bed. : v be spared as there : are many more ' 1 Jar Poha Jelly.' f was aboard, and as he was an alien v CSncinnatL Ohio. "I want you to know tb.8 good lydia E. Pink- close by In the park. Besides, it 1 jar papala' and Pineapple .Manna-lade. the immigration authorities have toVegetable Compound has done for me. I was in sr:h bad hamfs up open outlook beautiful a would jurisdiction and he was sent to Angel female troubles that I could hardly get oft my bed- - L' from wards Manoa and Palolo valleys and health army tug.- - I heard .ru-2 pounds Old Kona Coffee. ' on island the " the mountains.' ,., had been doctoring for a long time and my mother EziSSl want yon MAtH 1 box CandletFlPineapples. n gets rmiM to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. So I did, and it Meanwhile the ; . DANC5INO CLASSES Entire package costs, only $3. opinion from verbal, expiessions of has certainly made me'a well woman. I am able to do my house work HENRY MAY & CO., LTD., ' Learn the latest New York dances numerous citizens who say that while and am so happy as I never expected to go around the way I do aain, Fort St. Phone 1271,Adv. . from MADAME LESTER, Honolulu's the park trees may have to be cut and I want others to' know what Lydia'E. Pinkham's. Vegstabla leading teacher: Tuesday evening, tbey feel that the city engineer should Compound has done for me.w Mrs. Josra Cofnxs, 1SG3 Harrisca Ave .' Club; Friday evening. Punahou Class; a " spend more time in trying to avoid . Tairmount, Cincinnati, Ohio. Saturday morning, Children's Class. ; ne the destruction. Iledi-ciwrite to Lydia E. Plnknan Fancy and stage dancing, private lesbremen If you want special advice " -,1s informed that "c ; , The opened, Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter Trill be sons by appointment Phone 1162, VO. 7 sayst while Rapid Transit officials Bay they in confidence goy. 3675, Roma Or and answered by a woman and held The F.Hall. read f TxtvrtvtT ' do- not wish , to go counter to puhliQ ''-'. ' '" 1' ..'. rAuociated Pre-Tsentiment in cutting down the trees, Feni Wireless) M r.j curs at the same time the Rapid Transit 'COPENHAGEN, Denmark, Feb.' 23. engineer fully upholds the viewof The German t merchant submarine City Engineer Collins that the trees Bremen was not captured on its first i must be cut - One city official points trip to the United States but " was; the Rapid Transit's sunk in a terrllic storm ' in the Atbut that attitnde is that .the trees should be lantic ocean, wrll on her way to; America, according to reliable :infor- mation' that has been in the hands of tbe Associated- -' Press for many . E 2 Is months. - The Berlin office of the As- - j sociated Press v as "In ; possession of ; V.- this InformaUG'nvfoY'.come time butit' was, able to transmit it this, city only yesterdayt : j The same advices fetate that the merchint subctarfne Dr.utschland. sis- -' to see the beautiful display of of the Bremen, is now engaged j in supplying the war divers that are! carrying on Gcrmany'e campaign of! New arrivals that enchant with ruthless submarine warfare. ' . It-ireported that at least six sis ; their grace and beauty. ter ships of the Deutschland and Bre-- , submer-siblemea, large Whit Delhi Calf 94 n. Lace Boots of cooperating are work this in and many skilfully carved Ivories, Oriental and Bengal Tiger with Louia Covered Heel and mu-- j - supplies transporting food, and '.$10.00 ' ' ' .i. Whit Soles . j-- " Rugs, Hand 'Made Laces, Manila Hats and many, other Nov--in the. Atlantic nitlons to the Lace Oark Brown Kid Welt ln. thai re condcefng the unrestricted j y"' " ' elties and Curios, at the CooU with Leather Lou! Heel 10.00 warfare against shipping passing' to and froin. England, j France and Bel Havana Brown Calf High Lac , . through the ftarred zone." gium 840 . Boots with Lsather Louis Heel A new munitions factory in Canada s of White Opera and . has a waiting list of ,700 women' whoJ Reignskin and White Wash- '' are anxious to; work," ; 'r' ...... $340 to able Kid 'Argentina and Brazil are experi menting in . the manufacture of dyes from .utlve w wds snd ether sources wifi s apparently good prospects of Blaisdell Building 1150 Fort Street t"rt fc4 Willi fag nesi n lit trratbluc 4i; ::': 113 u Li ldL" - ed a-- JU u;J O U L u lJ iron-woo- ylng Co., Ltd. Honolulu ConGtmction & tree-cuttin- m J; I Serve PHC)NE 4981 y ! Star-Bulleti- n, GEfflll tXSys H , , FOR : INVESTIGATION k - lade-pende- I .- 4, . sur-Buliet- ': :" Star-Bulleti- n v . well-know- -- o Tlo t fX) CSV i: : . I I nPfi t- ! . ; 1 - op . For, Forlyyeaira; Lydia EPWihamV ReKovcd Vegetable Compound the Sufferinjja of yiomrai:- ill I v - conf-bine- rHi br:! c'lcr . s p e): " T - -- SKIS 'ALOHA' ' - . - v. S hra!. Ww- Star-Bulleti- n . ; asld d in i . 1 I " . , , ' ; " Star-Bulleti- lit j deutschland not captive: sunk! report sjorm; Star-Bulleti- n '' - in-effe- ' k- -. " i . in-stri- ' y ct 1(0) - 1wow i Jil 0 bu, "; ter-shi- p p. PJina Silks &n& EmbroMe?ie s carso-carryin- ........... g 3, -- ts -- Art-Pump- $0 LCantJilracLorers' . Shcs Store 31 OIC m lhzn Vour Eyes ficcd Care Try Murine Eye Remedy Last nt' Folltewwi la a nort of liumanitr and kiodli- urns applied (o small act and etetjdajr Talne. I d!-cotx- Ah rt, Huccrs3 is not a matter of luck, but a matter of intelligent direction of one's powers.' HONOLULU, TERRITORY- - OF HAWAII, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1917. NINE SctiooUGirls of Honolulu in Patriotic Children's Festival Todny hi liV M I 1 n ni f?" GUARDSMAN WEDS GIRL HE MET AT MEXICAN BORDER hMB 1 AURORA; III. A romance of the Mexican border had another elupter In the office of Justice Kaiser at Geneva hen Harvey, Davenport of Au tcra; sergeant of Company P. 3d married Sjis Mary rerrasps. IS years old. a Spanlsh-Amerlciittrl of San Antonio. SL Davenport met hU , bride when ahe visited .the camp cf the 2d Regiment -- eji-me- o V.;;:, iv ..... . : n Japnnccs Lantern Parads Spectacular Feature of Entire .Carnival, With Floats of Bewildering Beauty and Remark-- r able Einich Stars and Stripes Take Precedence Over Siiri- - Rag of Dai Nippon LTost Award of' Prizes " ' ', " '""' w a ''" ; ax': ' 6: ti r apv"A I: i : t 4 il -- i rf10 alon i ; '" " i. - :. ' n' .1. . ' y s ; ' , , ; -- - !i f i - ' :)' i 1 '' ' 1 y 1 ' . n rrrivA T I. v Streaniinx lanes of Oriental lights , There- do caestlon but that: the like living aad tnorfnf rlrer of titrj youthful tinker ajaye) the rocal f-I llstenen. Ur poured throUih tie atreeU of "to't. naco a their llonolulo Itit nteti from Athletic! TCherrjr MArch- - was the entry of J4nese sewepaper. rark to the Palace, aqcr, when ! the the entry thousand of Japanese marcbed ln th( a. wa an "iioha-sectiolantern parade plrea ly the Nippon- - t anahir Jat aneae .newapaper. ihe eae a their part of the Carnlral ceie-- ; Hawaii Ehlopa Doth tad inany march- - j o wwea carried vut In spirit' bratlon and In commemoration of the and desicn. annlver-fcarI one hundred and eighty-fift- h "Ubeny BellT. waa a float of excel of the tint Trt&litxit of the na-tst cfcncfpflno, nowlns two lare 14 VI" Although the marchers were aona bee' dectrated with cherry bloaaoma wjwer .tramaiea oy can-th-e of Nippon or aona of aona of Nippon. paBMd ton the.atreeta iL ''.A Illuminated apectacle wa decldedly diniacUre ss patriotic parade.' lbJ?1 rao Joyoualy forth aa of old of liberty. ' ven thouKh u kreat charm waa Ita witli ,(! WaaWagteii, ta Float Finf : Mzzare beauty." ACierlcin" colon 'of Geervt Crossing the ,,fcasningtn Ceore proftuewere used led. White and blue ly tbronxfcout the parade on lanterns,' Dfawaie. the rtry of the Punchbowl lu costume and la float decoratloot ?J AUiaJ eteet dlatilcta. waa;car-- ' maaer. with Only once was the national emblem ".: 'of 'Japan conaplcuoualy displayed and wftHhmiton snd hia crew malting ;Th 'ik t th their way thruuih real ice, as shown .post. 1hls float wai awarded ( head of the marctlng column where c A1""1" by tbe ward eom j two color tearera !ie ly aide carried ' , . I nulte I the and atarry of America banner the v of marching men nctber Llaxlnj sun of Japan. uy oresnea in w japaoene j vutdoca All Other V In execution and'Ia concepUon the frock coat and.hlxh hat, beneath which the Japaeae kimona Aa he nlrht iara:e was f&r aupertor to the decided limit, the touwalked wlm many that have been given", in the f UU.a 1 aeejaredv "Ttere goes a Japa-iffor- t. Japanese. No rist bynothe Honoluluand In. Japanese n'fe .ri,ariii exrene i wuinUuM npn- of the city aeemed ; ftave teen fPirea to mate me 1 LT" .Tr Kai Mai , CattieaMp . greatiwu parade one rich ia beauty, and i arv -To j i ' la citnllris. pearea ifaj-staJ- : ,exmat luwau d Itrouthoct with an ,ej. iet best, on account . dlltnce cf 'trncicv-- '.that' waa scarce- of of wealth detail. Great Jta; funa military ly aead to the r.s.srlflctnt' .the;Nor- the enjoyment atu.ck out from turret wireless poles parade cf tte inrn: "vLtft link '.mal- aahoet nirls who appear ' In of" the: rlVer of;i:its waV enhance dtefctehtd uj U the air with their green connecting wi. red and; 'the "Butterfly Dance,"; Left' to 4 because It was carried through wk . cf port Ktarboard; light to and flowed ccsrsJs'pLiav rlehb--Lucille- - Aflafltte, ax.J precision a cf the colored light sur 4 Agnes Frendo, Adeline Aflaciie. f t'.is cr a. t treauwr vn tl :3 vtere no tlrtsc- .n;r 1 nr-'- s cf ;v ". "'. "J.t'C a Kucakaand CeftterCTWe-ain- t zza!z! tzl nteMH ; e i tic; w" i; inaldt of t:.c ,0 nu 1 - ' ' xo.A " fj - ;;;!'(: v avweAmerantt aes-caiues- ntp ficat-.watfyr- f y - 1 fboye-rtSwme.- ef r f - . V MI uwrw.,..,,.'"; 5rc5rfrT?, 1 O&V j -- -5 Miry r It v ; j ta ' wtf- c - tl.;t' aUUe,',- stt v!.I... . f.ciu ; . . : ita t tLits rivtJ . ar.i'ti:: '. t . 15. tf ,tl j r 1 t i - . - La tws.rd- 2 ccmr.i cr ia pur.iv Js.r-- n atiiutic r a . were .t . . cf h tw M v l. u mimm j ft rtw' 5t-'- v nr a.. a ww All thrss are fm4.V 4 tnitni Lucas. --awi t.1. tie-Ameri- ca cfthe Unfted tl.ted. as rtil fliers -- laerUamong whom - . r ir - viiiv ' - 3 i t; -- . ' "' - C- -' 1 ji 'i'' A " i LiiJiiiiiiiij Uiwekaiani schoel, KimukJ. The .thi w - Ih'LJr- - Elate navy.jrr 4. nwsterin DaiKd la oe?of busier;-whcwas Msty. tn.strument a bifl ftufeatf the festlvsk;-'- ; Talica tie cuiiaanorn..-,a toxe chanced V r; reviewi-.'...;! ucra vras censtact i Corgecvs Trelie j floatCar' frifr.cfj which to as t arr-:--f-"t o f t c r vera t In t, CHEAP FILIPINO FARM ; tLe r was the tltt, the best that were (Just at 'good. They were or Le :r:.t iU: .'J.i. dfJons trolley car. floats, entered by the ; LABOR AS SOLUTION OF stani:z2'r:;cit:::y c a. U--i i: iiidual the and; seventl divisions. Both second tastes cf t- - e vt:l j. rs.HIGH COST OF LIVING In spite of their real beautiful, wwe : Lalr.Ia cf CIJ J;,"i One Istic of them carried appearanca,' 1 as a dalalo of the legend, V'aia, Only," and both rCafniral (AMMlt4rfTea t7 rderal Wlrlei) More light ' upon the resolutions , d r..-L.-::the and led' old jarta. approprme naa. aigns reaoing. Aaia passed by the German American AlliT-reviewing, ttand t t irade to :; t --Aala Park-Can.and ho&s nn the aeainsf ance tbrf Jlnlflr on the mainland which caused so wiu. - " ; r " ... r . I here he left tte ,ll-- e to dire tt the i t r apCongress proposal much discussion here is given: '; by President's that Koveresta cf l e- r.srchbg cohinia Palama' dlstcidi entered one' of thd propriate 1100,000 for the conduct cf papers received this week. mainland by I C;egiven 3 tmais tfni to ttrilliig-- . toarchini' sections: It an Investigation In the increased ost t:cst" referred td in the Assoresolution The parage d!TUI;3 of d ."' the t the was, of the- Stars," in of living Joseph Hartlgan, conimU-slone- r. was passed, not, despatch ciated Press fev;;;;? II Kakhaa, which all the bin stars of Old Glory in tc;.. measures, weights 'r threw separate and of branches of the alii- the v.. "; fctaff a: ' were carried byv marchers dressed In a possible bombshell into tbe already meeting ance, but at a of delegates of old," red andwhlt... ... .;;- ;.'; ..o'a.nlshf ' ;,- Whether reso- proposed when, In tense 'situation, Philadelphia. he held in 2 c c2 x rc '.2 vrcrsn tour v r A btg colorer! fish float waa. anoth-t- d a formal' ststement yosterda the imintlona similar" to those 'passed here ;' V.',c!i t3tcd cpon 1st vr.;n :rtr.l thtry of the Kalihi section, as was portation- of cheap Filipino labor for ' ' were considered Is not told. ' ' '..la-:- r view, a ,t I"to rs a Japanese tea house the a Coat of also problas a solution the tbe for Philadelphia farms Tjnder date line the a' J:;-r.2 tenraat .will ciiry cf I! I treaty; Jar-ae- se raalds'at em" of cheapening fcd 'and "bringing with three 1 New. York Telegram, say s1 ' ';. f Lrins her tie was. catered by it within, the easy reach of the xliy, , This last Indorsing, of action .Resolutions the v rcrT..3 . czly cl"c YTaikik. Japanese. ; An aeroplane was r w&s r.:t '' '. .' President WHson' in severing diplo--matcf a the float entry ; of the Ena toad cr.ee is tv ;t 5l3 v.r.3 C'-lli- S Hartlgan his declared statement In relations with "Germany ' and ' ' l.r.:- -t end .V.t.A represent' i:urc;-.--- i v lt is not. necessary to 10 "away Japanese.-- . ? v believes the ; proposal to he that Cr'.-z' pledging loyalty to the United States, . .:.PP from your own back door here- - in the ed cze cf f v npon Impose: an embargo products all Lacking Is J Humsf Net by ' tha .German Ar.er-- ; adopted were was ' .( .' TtU islands to find something beautiful to 1 save will one far A foodstuffs fuel fall was and humorous fioat labeled lean National 'Alliance at a rieelia; thsrei ly t.'.:rs t to caw . and paint,"; says H. C. Best, whose f pic,r ..' $: y:y, '.' i. continued in, session here until t: ; t;r cf the marshal ,Hallowe,en'.. on which, was shown a abort of meeting the problem of trans now on exhibition . at are the tures Honolulu, harbor improve- that or- the portation,: That on Calif great not! over is grianicg which he the declare pumpkin Information Further and head early' today. . It was decided 'also to so, Intended may every tcca one ments are 84 per cent completed and "Nearly It t:: J.:va great ftcblem that confronts the nia oil lands controversy is contained University Club. see regiments of German Americias ' form pictures but to r'-- y tc.:S,t3 Itrshal Vada, which, there strode a ferocious Jfblack the the hss at a cost of 74 per cent of the Orig: San who comes in to - so much as : the' Question : of in a" despatch nationprinted foreground the in of the In Host cat the Lis some favorite view which they urge inal estimate of cost Is asserted in a in case of hostilities, and to turn over ,'.; a.l to then the stranse getting the land to produce all that it Francisco Chronicle as .follows: fccuad c: his cc..r..it-- s la Japanese, were the 'skeletons of Hallowe'en me to go. and paint One tells me to report upon river and harbor Improve- to the American Red Cross fluids that ; V It was entered , by the is capable of doing: . WASHINGTON, D, Feb. 12. a as the most lzierc:iiag part of .the go to Kauai, another to the . Volcano, ments in the District of Hawaii, re- the Alliance lias been collecting for Japanese. CooJcJag School.". He trges that one methyl of retting Secretary Lane's recent letter to Sen- another ; ; says Windward Oahu, and I ceived from the government printing German war relief. the in is hand situation tbe creation -' colorsenate meeting; One prettily ca Mayers, was the was which of a The the conducted ator of the last floats chairman: t:;h.2i the tztrCsl rave given up counting the number ' It was prepared by MaJ. R. R. behind closed doors, was attended Xafzatry decorated one from which cams the of a national board of food control, public lands committee, urging that of times I am asked when I am going office. by i:.h Lerrcrs trd-- then i of Engineers of. .Corps Raymond the shall have powers of regulating Congress at this session pass tbe min- to paint the view from the PalL" ' ' twenty-eigh- t delegates tc-- i, from states,' j.. z a L.t'y nirch. It was stralas '.of Japanese ! music. This which f 1916. Is dated October labor conditions, and the distri- eral lands leasing bill, which conhastily called by Dr. Charles J. Hex V Though the exhibit of ' Best's pic- and na Cri;:.".'l t ":t ":zV but. the was followed by hundreds ttaarch-e- r farm departreport war to the his by products In the railroads. of amer, the president' The alliance is night, the Saturday for carrylag .Japanese lanterns and bution of is relief will amendment close he tures t reenters Civ t i. . t to doff their tains the The great need at present according California oil operators ousted from planning to remain several months In Lment MaJ. Raymond says that the en said to have a membership of h-;. to the cc.ra czl to cheer the by, others in automobiles, : ' ta to Mr. Hartlgan is farm labor and he their claims in the naval reserves by the islands and portray with his brush trance to the harbor has been credgea , the cc'.crcd nucic'.aas, t3 they had la . .. Infantry band to addition la :5th the ' urges that steps be taken Jor the ' the required depth 'of. 35 feet and ' ;r 't. xacrnlrT the Taft withdrawal order, has arous- many of the beauty spots which lie ato width music for the. parade was also fur' of 400 feet. To complete the Filipino which of labor 'Is ed the opposition of that group of further afleM. He has done a number "V ty H. nished by,tieUh Cavalry band, both cheap, for use upon the farm of the to be dredged WOMAN'S SUFFRAGE project there hurdreda :Vc'.z izz the t:.d.wfre senators headed by Huating of Wis- of small canvases of Waikiki views, 11 acres near remains Ligations adding much to I the country.'; vv or?a -, quarantine : ; wharf the e , ; consin, who oppose the measure. some literally from his own doorstep, atd gaiety of the evening.' .The bandsmen GETS RECOGfllTIO'i wr.i rr.irs-tlsht.'.cf pnd harcompleted when inner so the 3 cf the Jtranese were repeatedly .cLeeied - along the GERMANS DISBAND REPRISAL then the ttuJ:-tHusting today gave out the following and is enthusiastic over picture pos- bor will have an area of 112 acres. In ; Ilirhi tchocl Lzi ths Jipcaese Central eitire parade route.- ;: flMOcUt4 PrM by r4eral Wlrl sibilities here. ; statement: v v; .,' ;';;'t ''''; : CAMPS FOR THE FRENCH wide popular ap- addition to the entrance of 400 feet . INDIANAPOUS, Ind, Feb. 22. The . a Ini'vliuts. The 1 Iris ta .white. dreses Best's work has ' amendment against: fight the ;. v .'.;'. The and 3100 feet In length. To Indisna woman suffrage ' ,n ?. . , :.;..; . carried Arericia Hrra and the boya Awards forXxeattenct is In- in width bill has tesa up every minute, for 1 peal to the love of beauty whichsanity kept will be expenditures commit ty were to the end of the last passed by Awards msde the tal PARIS, foreign' France The office 'lights. people and his fctazdirc!3 on which burned oil herent in the the lower house of the ; so vicious measure is that year the $1,258,393.90, of were think as tee follows: ; fiscal has been advised by the Spanish ampicclarity his perception of make and At a veerd of ccr.n:aad they formed Float In rrsviotij-- . measure The was : V law. become ','. tt Parad bassador in Berlin that the German we , cannot allow it to enjoyable to vihlch 356,547.35 was for maintenance. ly adopted by the. senate and now.aes understandable and tures ia deutle marelizg eclians-beforway will feel us Delthat of Those who expected that available funds will .Flnt Washington crossing the government has broken up reprisal the man on the street.' Over half the It is the revlewiaiMtaud and gave three aware, fourth' district. Punchbowl and camps at Halle, Cuestrfn and Beekaw. make every effort to block Jts being canvases which have been on display be sufficient to complete the project to Governor Goodrich for apprevi!. . rousing tanraia, " The bill, gives Women of the st-- ta . , and maintain it to June lt, 1918; Many French officers had ' been . In- called up. We feel that it would be have been sold, v -, The text tectlcn wasv the' Young Alapal street. the to. vot-fo- r; ' practically all to us extreme for per com "Dattleahip Second cent Hawaii, sixth terned in these camps . in retaliation dangerous In the The Hilo project Ilea's Edhist .Association, beariag district. city, county the counand state of fiCili : $863,841.81. when the time . plete cost a King has and at streets, action and Hotel for alleged ill treatment given' Ger- take xis its. baacer a huge, illuminated and IN except gevernor PROBE ENDS LEAK the and the secretary stream. , A man officers held prisoner In France. try is threatened with war. That would vihirllag ciierry tree, the conception ; ' state: of ' ' ', ''NAPKINS. vy reserves," Thlrd-- ;( a) Trolley car, seventh disimperil the na 'a GENERAL WHITEWASH CHARGE- :FOR vtelag fcl'owed cut. by all tbe marchers !(b) Including, trict, streets; tlonal colors. members of miha and River Vfa a torn. The entry of the DECIDED IN DRESDEN AU3USTA,'Mei, : Feb. Suffra 9 ''" ;; tjnraiMnl S lA.McUtd Ap'cto Club, next in liae, was almost a Georg-- j Washington and the cherry the Hawaii Shinjo sUfi. V Ptm BUY INTERESTS '1; 1 advocates Jiave-wotheir Spe:ial prize were awarded - the BRITISH WASHINGTON, D. elrikiag. Costumed as were the parad-er- tree, tifth district, Kukui street and Feb. 23. DRESDEN, Germany fight hotel The to question have of : wozzez'n the -STEAMERS Japanese Urper JAPANESE Nuuanu tlreet Central Institute and the in red. while and blue and carryThe leak" probe is ended, and the and restaurant . proprietors ; of. I this suffrage submitted 'to' a vcte cf tha Three carp, ninth dis- Japanese High SchooL . . : :5 ' ing lighted branches of .the - cherry - Fourth-r-(a- ) officiate of the administration are. to city at a meeting people of the state, and Govera'r have to decided ' tree, two by two, ' the if appearance trict, Kalihi; (b) trolley car, second Credit Due'These .i mat-tein be vindicated of all blame the charge 2.12 cents, extra for the use MiUIken has announced that he will : The house rules committee yesdistrict, Maklkl; (c) Uberty Bell, Success of the parade is due to the Wash Feb. SEATTLE. " was. paradoxically, both beautiful and , '; sign the measure to that effect, wh';"i ' third district, Kakaako; (d) Japanese following committeemen snd their as- interests have, purchased 17 steam- terday, after some discussion, voted of nspkms. rotesQue. It was explained that business has has been, passed unanimously ty tl3 - Welti::! CecUcn Remarkible : ; house, tenth district, Waikiki. sistants who organized the march- ships now being built at Kobe, Japan, unanimously to report that none of the become so bad on account Of the high house and the senate of the stai? . . ers in. the different, divisions of. Hone according to officers of the steamer charges made by Thomas W. Lawson It was the hicliiiii section of several Associations in Line , r prices. . food . . . ' ls'ature. . . (umyesT. M. A First Karakasa Chicago Mara, which arrived here P. huadred achcci children which started Boston have been substantiated, of" ' ; v T. Takakuwa, Japanese director of terday. It 1 understood that the pur-- and that the officials "Implicated' in the argumeats amcr.g the tourists and brella); 3D0 school the Carnival; K-- Wada, marshal-in-- 1 Second MollliU district, brought forth TAGORE, HINDU POET. TRIES CHIROPRACTIC. chasers of the ships f intend. : using the'alleged leak are not smirched In cf seldom-use-d t adjectives.' LTarchiag like trained sol- children In American colors. chief off tbe parade; .K. Skibayama, them In a new service to be inaugu- the least. ; The final report on the Word comes from Chiropractors on the mainland, that In different Third (a) Toto Club, IUblscus: (b) secretary of the committee; .Y. Tazaka rated between Puget Sound and ports whofe affair Is ; expected to be made 'cities. visited by the famous ' lecturer. Chiropractors were consulted, aad diers, the children swung by the re--. ' vlgwirg stand with perfect line and NIppa Jiji, stafl dressed ; as flower and M. Nlshlgaya. , ' of China and Japan. The tonnage of tomorrow. No recommendations will he declares himself well pleased with results. ; women "Stars ; step. (c) Palama district, the . .. perfect The judges were as follows: After the. customary the vessels reported taken over by. the be included, but 'it Is understood that The thinking people: patronize Chiropractors. Do you ever thi.-.-k lit ' banial3,' they sua; a Japanese song. of the' Flagi (d sixth district. King Art'auf R. Gnrrey. J. Morton Riggs, British company totals '.13S.600.- tons. the report will contain, some severe - -- r yourself?. ' .. ; ..i.. , . , ' In which the !rls' section responded and Hotel streets, AValklki of Nuuanu D.- Howard Hitchcock. Arthur K. Ota-w- The purchase price of the l?new criticism on the practise of "short Bell- C. MIGHTON, ..1 W.C VZiniCK, D. C. f: D.,C . by v the boys, stream;'., Japanese In costume of na- to the refrain and Eleve Consul Fujll. steamers la reported to be $33,000,000. lng - on the stock market. 20t-Boston" Bid- - (Over May's) , 424 Berctaaia Ct. ed the rr::c the rarcJa P . uM 'tire out ,t!. r . ISCCOlJljiOF; - tffi o-s- ! 0 1 flta m.-- ? cc-t-c- - zcl rark-Palace- l, ti - 1 - . t. l- the-"Parad- - e ';-b- y -Ha - . i ';;-'- SENATORS - FIGIiT, VEEIl WILL E'D HARBOR PROJECT -- J -- ; Its c-- LiEASURETOAID c. thct.s poor-ert,.--v.A- DEit EXHIBIT OF ART KEPT! ELL . ;:. lc - . zt-usl- -- 'Js ITS ESTIMATE l , isa ad-ciir- '-- -- . 1 co-t--- .-. -- - ." - . 1 , . 3,000,-000.;.- :.-- . .5 ' r--- fr. . .". .' : . ;- Ji.-c-cs- a . iy'i' ; : J- - - lej-islatur- e. e -- . -- . i"- Is-4- nn . . : jll lser .: rral . a ; '40-yca-r: r. ish - -- - . -- rin: . - . " . . 1 -- . ; ' . tn . - a 5 ' . .,-- v. "FATHERS' COUNCIL" HELPS BRING CLOSER Our tuition does not merely teach :vr;:;.pANCE:-:vV:-::v- . steps. It develop dancing ability and . HOME AND SCHOOL Indlvlduanty. Ferrate phont 344. .: By Asttcuu Ptm1 V K N DKNVEi:. ; Colo What is gaid to be Moana Hotel. ' 4 the first orgauizatioa of it kind a f"athr' CotiDcil, has ben formed ISLAIfD CURIO COMPANY here and now Is taking an active part In the ork of bringing the home and Curios, Stamps, th school closer together. The rea son for the formation of the body, an CoinsPort Cards. The most officer of it stated, was that the wom compute' and attractlre Curio Store. en, w ho larReiy have managed the 170 Hotel Street , '; , Honolulu Parent-TeacherAssociation and the Mothers Congress bad reached the s I1..' stase whre ielt the ad rice nd attention "of the fathers,' equally pres' . BROWNIE ; , ent, with those of jlhe mothers in the 'CimlHi Kodakav photographic' nozne; kbonid ins' turned to the school, pj all Kinds. whee liny say the: fathers have an interest a!o. Honolulu Photo Supply Co organization i The is to. be made up 1059 Fort . or One Tepresentative father" from each school in the JDenver district y. here there Is an organization of the Parent-Teacher- s Association. Nearly i Clear, Chemically Pure ."0 such schools have accredited rep ..'V: resentatives to the Fathers' Council and organization has been perfected Delivered Quickly by with the election of officers. OAHU ICE CO.; Phone 1128 A legislative committee to operate along the lines of the legislative committees of industrial associations, will be named to scrutinize and report on w. COZY GLOW . bills affecting education before the ' , legislature. Colorado cool, Electric Radiators for ' of ; The association, one its officers damp weather. : declared; will rbring the business anili Hawaiian Eectric Co., Ltd. ty of the fathers .to' the school prob lem." It was stated clso that vocadi tional .education 'would be a major suhje:t In. the- organisation's consider ation, if present theories of leading ALLIS-CALIIEES v members were carried out. P MflMin s tl jSu-ppH- 1 St lr Mr - ICE. - H . ; iull; iiachinery . . 5,000,000 CORNS-: LIFTED RIGHT OFFi : HONOLULU IRbMW'KS. CO. Phone 1203 t;;0 i 'fa, ,:. "You 'can cet '. and style at the regal shoe store it- Fcrt'and Hotel Streets . - '. PRICEOFSUGAR New York House Explains Drop Face of Germany's Sub-- ; 1 manning Threat :'; : in CSpecial Correspondence Cxaraflcow- Rionda Company. 112 Wan Street.) ' NEW YORK. N. Feb. 2. The market has 'been firm, but quiet, throughout the week, with little change in values. The ominous political situation w hich suddenly developed out of the recent German diplomatic note regarding their future tuv restricted use of submarines, was responsible for the appearance of hesitancy in the raw sugar market, owing to its possible effect upon - ocean freights. However, the limited quantify of Cuba's offering at 3.8T5 cent, c.'f. (4.83 cents) was easily absorbed, the total nales reported thereat amounting to nearly 16,000 tons,' and principally for February shipment. Additional small parcels subsequently put forward at same baBls failed to Interest, buyers hating since with drawn. Values of Porto Rlcos mean while have suffered some decline, for while at the close of last week offerings were made, at 5)2 cents c. i f. New York without finding buyers, ru mors were current yesterday that busi ness had been done in Philadelphia at the much lower level of 4.64 cents - c. 1. r. " ' a t ( J- "J; CORRECT CLOTHES let W. W. Ahara make them - j. - . Klnj'CtA't'etween f Fort and Bethel tory. Correct ZUvraTs day Jt's the only coni remedy to- on the nevr principle, WHY RHEUMATISM COMES shriveling iit he corn, but WITH COLD WEATHER off--s- that acts hot 'niy'of loose of loosening the comr that you can lift it right off with your fingere. Put 2 drops, of "Gets-It- " on that corn or callus ton Ight. That's all. ,The corn is doomed sure as sunrise.. No pain, or trouble, or soreness. You do away once and for all with g bandages, :" what-notirresponsible salves and Try It get surprised and lose a corn. 'Gels-l- f is sold everywhere,' 25c a bottle, or sent on receipt of price by E. Lawrence & Co., Chicago, 11L Sold In Honolulu and recomme'hded as the world's best corn remedy by llollistcr Drug Company and Benson, -- Clothes for Men ; ' ' At THE CLARION . f - o; 4 Fcr any meal Heat, Fish Delicatessen s. Metropolitan Meat Market , Phcns . 3445 .!' Finest Interior Lining , Smith & Co. C0I1P0 - Ifc'ard for anyhuilding, Lirrnns Adv. ; ; - AMERICAN FIGHTERS PRAISED BY FRENCMAN ltd. cooke, & toe-eatin- toe-bundli- (Asaeiat4 Pro P4raJ Wirlss) I NEW YORK. N. Feb. t3.Tbe is the marine garden at Haleiwa. Clearly and comfortably seen from the glass bottom boat 'Santa Catalina," at Haleiwa Hotel Everyone enthusiastic who sees it Also bathing, boating, golf and tennis.. : OAHU'S FAVORITE BESORT : policy of some portions of the United States against Japan and the Japanese people is a policy fraugiit with danger to both Japan .and the United States, declared Toyokichi Iyenaga last night,' speaking at the dinner held under the auspices of the World's Court League. Mr. Iyenaga s address dealt with the relations let tween Japan and the United States and was jtnost frank in pointing out the danger that existed of the friendly relations of the two nations becoming ; disrupted. The speaker declared that there Is a real danger of the Japanese people getting; beyond the control of their government and forcing a break If certain of the states of the Union persisted in "enacting legislation that is considered in Japan as Insulting to that nation. State legislatures bringlegising up and passing lation are trifling with explosives, hd i '" said. currently reported that at "Jt is least one state Is today contemplating the enactment of a law similar to the cne which not so long ago strained the relations between your country and mine," said the speaker. lf this treatment of the Japanese be repeated, I fear that the time will come when the rulers of Japan will not be able to restrain the people of ' ' Japan. . "It should be borne in mind In America that the people of Japan .are becoming more and more democratic and that the power of the people is Increasing daily." ' . ' That the World's Court League may be able, to bring influence to bear that will eradicate the root of all the trouble between Japan and the United States is the' sincere wish of the speaker, lie said, in conclusion. pin-pricki- Y ;;.;";: If ycuyant HG - II . SHOE COIJFORT ' POLICY FRAUGHT WITH DANGER, SAYS JAPANESE SPEAKER Existing uncertainty as to the future has caused a general desire in all lines of business to proceed slowly. Try 2 Drops c Magic "Gsts-lt.- " Freights continue scare and the cost high, quotations being at present1 45 beThere's a wonderful1 difference 55 cents per 160 pounds cents tween getting rid of a corn now and from and "and north south sides ol Cuba, " the way they used to try to get rid respectively..; ... '. ; . , of it only four or five years age. AtLabor at conditions various the 'Gets-l- f hishas revolutionized com lantic port refineries are still dis turbed, although - It is reported that settle these are In a fair way toward ment; The combination ' ' of factors ebove mentioned has served to induce a spirit of caution among ouyers ana. Sellers alike, in consequence of which business In sugar is temporarily re. stricted within narrow' limits.' Receipts for the week of foreign sugars at New Orleans - were 46,000 bags Cubas. ,". .' ' ; ' :'' " A iairly Bteady, though moderate demand for refined sugar has been experienced during the past week at the unchanged list basis of 6.75 cents; less 2 per cent.' 'Labor troubles continue at several refineries, but as yet these Tef--iJr0tJ! Trop are understood to have had no serious effect upon general'conditlons. nightoi- r- kdies' Kid BOOTS compar. tctiyely loy; priced just now. Manufacturers' Shoe Co. Ltd. 1051 Fort St. FRIDAY, FEBRUAHY 23, 1917. N, POSSIBLE RAISE tty : STAB-BULLETI- PIN-FRICKI- Hawaiian -- HONOLULU , ; :iwa hotel- : V TOURISTS the . i' will be Iny motto as Mayor of Honolnlu. " - BACK-ACHrKlOfiE- JAPAN Beautiful Entertainment of Oriental Splendor; CHERRY DANCEI, v SONGS, MUSIC,; ETC. Friday, Feb. 23 rd Mochizuki Club Wcw Edition 7 ; Honolulu Leading Chinese Curio Store 1152 Nuuanu St., near Panahi St. Do you have good 0 with Chicks? Waikild . r PARIS, Chic, Exclusive, Distinctive r ii odes 1 ; ; at "the shop" of L'.ISS POWER, Boston Bldg. lu. u X il.'i a l i ... i in Llillincry Ia. u. by Fedfi'il Wirrtesi) Prt France, Feb... 23. M. ' Bes-nar- d. under secretary' of foreign affairs, addressed a large gathering of American residents in Paris at a dinner, last night in honor of- - Washing' : ton's Birthday. r" He complimented the valor" of the American citizens who have .volunteered for service in the French, fighting forces and paid tribute to the deeds: of Americans in all . branches of the 'army of the republic. He piaised particularly the aid given by Americans through Red Cross work both at field hospitals and In relief ' ;:.';' V , ; work.. , "France Is not worn out,", declared M. Besnard. "The nation Is ready to go through to the end of this war, to an end that is victory." has just arrived. "Hawaii, Past Petalo ma Elecirfc . For', '!- - ;t VICTROLAS . visit . lc:D.rort St. ,w - : , I IIUSIO CO. Phone 2321 EEr.GSTROI.1 ;:'.;."PjTcn2 Fire , v- r ;.- - - - Extinguishers Acetvlene Uaht A Aaehcy Co' Lfl. are proven by Wm. E. Castle, Jr., and . i . now for sale, at $1.65 per - volume.-- ' liafclu-s.an'- 'betr'esults d v " ; ;' -- ; ( e F? Ca won iia o Phone 4121 Queen and Alakea Streets New, Popular 1 j J FICTION''' d Adv. v: LIESSENGERh- AND .l g J-J- LAUNDRYvi' 1' - No Need To Rub! CO T--T OR stiff sore muscles apply bloan s JUniment to the pain Or ache, it aafckhi nenclraiti and soothes scvtthoai rubbing. yv' Diamonds Watches r Jewelry ! Pay-""--'men- ta t ' CO.-- WASHINGTON. D. C Feb. 23 The annual army apnidpriation bill carrj--lna total budget of $250,000,000 was passed by tiie house yesterday without ". roll call. , An attempt to add an amendment adoinin;;- - universal ' military training was defeated xm a point of order. Amen? the Itrsest Items of new equipment prorided for In the bill are authorizations of $S,O00.000 for aviation corps, Jl 1,000,000 fof eqnipment and stores of the reserve corps and J3.50i.oOO for automatic machine guns for the army and for national guard - The measure carries "Afncncrn i ; : H T - '. v Rheumatiim, gout, lumbago, neuralgia, tpraias and bruUea are quickly relieved by iti uie. Cleaner sad more promptly effective than nutty piasters r ointments, it does not stain the akin or clog the pores. ' The family medicine cheat in thouianda of homes has a place for Sloaa's LioimeaU ,' i At all drugiitti. 2Sc 50c. and $1.00. ' resiro'nts. Under, the terms of the bill $3,000,-00- 0 of the sum appropriated for ma;uns, wh'c ordinarily would not chine 1 n rs become a vallabV before July I, can be nsed I nr mediately. . x,SoM,n Easy ... 1:1" C Cravats Handkerchiefs Shirts" Stylish- - ra '" whether it be for b u si he sso r ev eni n g w e a r is always assured you to a high degree of perfection at Mclnerny. Ve are students of men's clothes nee d s; a n d can as s ur e you of thoroughiy and completely satisfying your many dress wants. g CO - J9 BILL PASSES HOUSE . ' 3 ARMY APPROPRIATION Hotel St. Hats . ' n 600jOOO mored motor cars. $430,000 for for ar- anti-ai- r ?5uns for the army and $2,500,000 for arms, ordnance and other expenses of civilian mUltaiy" training camps. craft C3 Recent arrivals in Men's Haberdashery and clothing accessories are now on display, and we would be pleased to have you inspect one of . ;V . the best" showings we have ever made. ' 1 C3 e. The brooders bring the chicks ta early maturity 'm large numbers,' sturdy and in best condition. Come , : ;';". '.: in and see them. tart Bis .yery-whei-- i A Hawaiian Hews Co.v ltd. ' Young Hotel Bldg. br highest Knobby e, 0 and Present" - : 1 "Luck ' ' really is a matter of judgment. Don't rely upon the hen or an incuhator of doubtful efficiency. Y tism. Every one has recognized the difference In the appearance of their f KEW YORK, Ni Y. Fire, starting water as soon as it gets cold; tliere Is tor tne Becona time within seven the Royal Cocoa often a copious sediment, of "brick-dust.- '; hours, destroyed " Manufacturing plant in Jersey City. :y ;:;';;.;;v':-'Is damage It estimated will exceed the Several causes may. lead up to an ac--. $500,600;". : n cumulation of uric acid in the system, which,' in turn, cause rheumatism or gout, or creaky Joins, swollen fingers, or painful joints. For one reason the skin does not throw off the uric acid, by profuse sweating, as in the hot weather, and the kidneys are unable to take care of the double burden. Another reason is that people do not drink as much water In cold weather as in summer, which helps to flush the kidneys. Again, they eat more meat In cold weather, and some peo-- j pie are so susceptible that they soon develop rheumatism after eating meat At all such times persons should drink copiously of hot water, say, a pint morning and night, and take Ahurie (double strength) three or four times a day. This Anuric comes in tablet form and can be had at almost any drug store. It dissolves the uric acid in the system, and carries it outward." 1 would advise everyone to take Anuric' occasionally, and continue for three or four weeks, and in that way avoid rheumatism,' gout and many of the painful disordcro due to uric acid In tho system. Make yourself healthy and strong by open-ai- r exercise and diet Then cleanse the liver by occasionally stimulating Its action with a pleasant laxative composed of the .May-appldried juice of aloe, and root of jalap, sugar-coateand' long sold by all druggists as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. if FONG INN CO. ' we are inclined nowadays to "go it too hard;" to overwork, '.worry, ; eat and drink too much and to neglect! our, exercise, rest and .sleep. This fills the blood v with v uric ' acid. The kidneys weaken "and,' then it's a. siege of b a c kacfife, dlwy, : ne r ro ii a ' epells, rheumatic- -' p a in s and distressing urinary" d iior ders. Don't' wait for worse trouble! Strengthen: the kidneys. ' Use Doan's EackacheKidney P.llls. What they have done for so many thousands of sufferers "they should do for you. When '."'Vour Back fs Ume-R- e. member tne Name."- DOAN'S PILLS. Sold by all druggists lat 50c a ' box X six boxes 12.50), or I mailed on receipt of price by the Hwllster Drug Co or Benson, Smith & Co agents for the Hawafian "'r'- ' h Islands. at : , pin-pricki- 5 Old Chinese Curios and Embroideries ''Service and Efficiency1 anti-Japane- se O! wonderful collection' of ':; are wanted to visit . AMot-iate- - " (By Valentine Mott Pierce, M. O.) A close connection exists between these two cold weather and 'rheumatism. Prof. Alex. Haig of London has the most followers in the medical profession in the belief that the presence $500,000 COCOA PLANT in the System of uric acid, or its'salts : DESTROYED BY FIRE in excess, is the real cause of rheuma- - t twin-engin- e, : I MdWRWf Fort and Merchant Streets 3 HONOLULU STAR-BULUrri- VFMDAVFmlRUAKY 23, 1917. X, fUUULOJ u uu i' ."oSlillOT lLr ffiifs ems i;i si'cra keet ., . . r ' '., - - .r. .;':.,;;: ,: ' ;.. :.7 ,; ' .:!. - 'V;;- VMa u MUJU .! : 1 Line in Opening Xnof -- widely-separate- . - o v: oily-arme- d 75-yar- ." - d -.v- , "... vv j.A yHoas Jed tue way fpr. the first 200 yards and waa Jeadin; -.. .'.'''.V : v-.- ( : it-w-as i ; Langcr by one 'flcEth at. jbe; SOOard.marl, v: s . but thea the Los A njeies champion sUrted uctlon and soO passed the Portland natator. i At cmr.in ; tie d mark' Kmicr, who was seven - lengths lehind, began to go 'fcJIcrtlcr and gradually cut down th3 disHnte, and ; at the 7C mark i fSieJ Ltt big swlamer. Jhen rstub ly'VKruKer started after Langer, and 'vtoM a gTeat ttttle for-firflace but, the Los Angeles champion, had ' a esf and .although Stubby1 as gaining, he could not . catcii the c CalivTTiJanEoss was swimming off the course much of the time after the $ mark was reached. The Ume was 11:39,, which is nearly ten sec tti s.ower. man nis wrmer recora. Lane Wins E5Yard.Race ; afctlce Lane, the . . sensational upset the depe yesterday when record cr 100 yards in young iwlcinicr of Falaxna Settle-rse- he set a new ' event Jlurphy led from captured the first honors in the swtia yesterday when , be the start and finished ahead of. Pingry Jlci&htd ahead of John Kelll of the Of Te Russy by about two lengths. 4;ra;zz:i tiuo oy incDcn. uine was Walkor of De.liussy was a close third.. wi ok f fha m mrA fill The former record was held by Pingry tf V H KU th a AWVM MV feVtU the water ahea4 of both Kelil and at 1.05. ;. Murphy negotiated the disTerry McGllllmy of the Illinois Ath tance' In. 1.03 .. i:,.',, vrr'.;-- - i:.' leticClcb, cae of. the visiting cham captured Konowaloff the i MItrie pions. Uslrg the. etfqog stroke which day hiTsr given tira cany honors, he led honors In the second race of the a of he ahead finished when .fast Kelii rat, the' mark by two ' field - of swimmers" in , the? yards, v. MtGillivray was "third. KeiM Etarted a ipert which carried event The little Russian got off, well end JedMatsuguma by one fsrd at the him even with Lane at the mark and the two h&Utors then made finish." Kenneth Auld was ia better condition ; in this race and t finished ... .. V .L . 11ea1a.ni Bv.11u.nicr oql.cj uD.imuim close behind Matsuguma. The time margin josslt!e Early In the race it wis 2? i seconds. wis seta thst the rice vould be a Futlef Wine Dlvina Event the two" Honolulu boys, and Mc- Exhibiting his usual good form It K. enntray vas out of. it at the Iiller 'Hoalani, won the spring board event handsomely, but Jack, HJorth, .The race "was caeV'Sf tte'closest that Healanl, who was second, was only a liss eve tcca tea la. IZsnolultt behlnd.V William A. Cot few. Lane wEs'ivca & hand aj he came trell was third. This event brought " tck.to tie flotf" The.uae was zi cctds," which ., is one second over 4! VISITOR SHOWS HIS ' tic reccrd tell by Eh:9 Kahanamoku, C?r Carry "Off Honors ; SPEED IN 100, YARDS r "rotary &K-yir- rtv-mutln- g st rv 2W-rir- d . ct the-servi- XO-yar- d - -f! two-baeg- . . -- 4-- 5. ". 35-ya- rd 50-yar- 45-yar- d d 1 4-- -- 5 ' That Hawaii wilf have some great feminine swimmers In the future is the belief cf Miss Ruth Stacker, . swimming Instructor at Paiama. She has trained a number of mermaids for the meet tomorrow" and 10 of them.v will compete in, the special race for g iris under 15 years of age. The uppe r picture shows the group of 'young ' girl coached by Mlse Stacker. They ,.re, left to rightRebecca Haakeo, Agnes Atld, Rose ' Robero, Thelma Kenn, Edith Kenn, Elsie AHId, Cecilia Winchester, Lydia Kane, Bella Silv a and Mertie Ludington. The lower group shows three of the swimmers w ho vill met Mi&s Dorothy Burnf In the" ladies' race tomorrow afternoon. They are, from left to right Rose So ares, Josephine Hopkins, and Cecilia Canario. Miss Canario Is entered from As ircdicted. Uttle llltrie v a'off, a young Russian, cirri ed off swim The U the d tr.f 1. UtCe r.usf laa was well tack until the '. . -- Kono- - .. - i the-thir- yard i:ac, Vciiad S. 0 - ; :..rul".!rr, t-J- at tie t C5-ya- rd I.e.? ; urt:d ar.i crcssedl t:a line one thc'l cf 'Matsuguma, who ws ':rf 4 (iskoritted f ;r:, - t a t : :!.ri3 to tie Japanese boy, TLi3 race was exciting ar.i tie time, which was h Attn c.vts Cxh:i:tlan s :" 1 t 1 t t- -e race, cj-- " 'C;,. ::r W. . z ? miss Ai;;a cf Lc3 Armeies, cham-.cr;!r'-- 5 :' . hand-- i hir-j!acr- . : ;;'::'.' ' I'r-rt,.:- f f f & Cal., Feb. f Joe Stecher of Nebraska f f 22. won Santell'bf San Fran- f Ciscofrom Adwrestling bout at the in the f Dreamland rink this afternoon in f 4wo straight fills. The first fall f gained when Stecher threw 4 f was Santell to the mat with a body 4 scissors and double f The time tor the first fall was 38 minutes and 17 seconds. The f second fall was made In 17 min- - f utes and 54 seconds by a double f . f : , 4 f D ? I - - RACE, BOYS UNDER IS YEARS D 'V : First, Mitrle Konowaloff, Paiama Settlement Club; second, Shigi Matsu-gumthird, JW, Subotlne, both Paiama. Time, 46 5 seconds Later the judges'gave Subotirie second and Mataucma third place, on a technicality. a; 3-- , DIVING EXHIBITION, MRS. t AILEEN ALLEN OF LOS ANGELES i wrist-lock.- " ' SERVICE RACE First, Arthur Pingry, Fort De Russy; second, Roy' Murphy, U. Alert; third, Dennis' O'BHenU. S. S. Alert. Time, 282-- seconds " . S. S. 5 NOVICE RACE 100-YAR- D . BREAST STROKE First, George Kesrweamahl ("Tough Biir), Hui Natu; second, Pau Paiama; third, Richard Carter, Paiama. Time 3 minutes, 12 5 seconds. 200-YAR- D Kea--loh- a, 4-- ;?;''v,:., '.V-'-- FAVORITES FOR ' - "' y i;. ::: '. - ::v.;:.'.:: 75-yar- CROSSCOUNTRY d n, &y-ya- ra 2-- 5 last year at lie CarnlvaU . Capt -- Tcpla Is confident that the relay swimmers of De Hussy, with. Pingry In t htpe, will win from the U. S. S. Alert d Hzwanan Takes Novice Race Jciii Pua captured the honors in novice race, beatJag out the icn-yarJcia I'cikcltahl by a narrow raargin n .a fst race. Pred V'etlesea came - - d j Perry McGilllvray of Chicago focth applause from: the crowded i trcie closed the distance between stands. ; '' "1 ! . A f hMW t a n1 V P '1 .111111 era lvQ ft.N ttHT. L: Springboard Dive , w as 1;C2 hlch equals the record In the diving event Hobert Fuller naie by Il&y Vodc&ou5 and Clar retaineif his honors as .champion by ";.-Tct:' 'tr.ee Hurley. ' . ' winning first place from Jack Hjorth, c:.r Gets In UmeU.ht, : ' the youngster, who; promises to be a : Tou-- a CiH" cr George Keaweamahi star in the near future. IHorth was (wt!ciever yen wish to use), retained heartily cheered, but the reast-atrok- e work of Fuller was a feature. Cottretl i: .tll!e ,as. ctanpion yesterday made a number of beautiful dives and Honolulu r? lTzer cf w ica ha flalshed ahead of. Pua Kea-l:i- a was given third place.- ty two Icahs ia the event was postThe ladies race. "Toush Eiir. led all the way poned, nntfl Saturday. ' : 4 -! Swimming century line. and. The relay race for enlisted men tie length gained last in the one was waa hy the Fort De Russy team. f.rrr., ; Pachard Carter was third. U. S. S Alert team second.' v ; f :;.; ,tlxe was 3.12 . . V. C. C. Alert an Seta Record There are" 3294 playgrounds in Murphy of Alert the .'Kpt rsptii")' American cities. . ''- . m- V 2-- 5, - -- all-arou- nd 200-yar- d u -'s. 4-- 5. FOR BOYS . y 1 ;- - -'-- ' -- - 440-ysr- d - - - - 220-yar- ' De 50-vir- d ' . Matsuguma,-paiama- ; r 50-yar- d :- :::i- : " i::.: ,- - Time 55 1-- 5 . minutes 39 seconds. , Race for Ladies Postpon ed until Saturday. 11 50-Yar- d; s ' . 0 ,J 7 -- ' RELAY, 60cf YARDS, MEN OF, THE U. S. SERVICE First, Fort De Russy team', second, U. 3. S, Alert team. SIX-MA- N . . .. . , WSEtlDUltlE NEW YORK, N. Y. Albert , E. Smith, president of a large motion TOL COAST MEETS picture producing company, told members of a legislative investigating com mittee here that a film star he tried to engage demanded a salary of a f V . mllllcn dollars. ; Lloyd Conkllng. president She didn't get it did sher asked f the Paiama Settlement Swim-ofa member of the committee. f ming Club, said after the meet "Not from me, replied Smith. yesterday. Tofts college has a seven fraternity The witness , declared that "unless "Wo are figuring on sending a bowling league among Us students, a kind 'providence reduces the salaries swimming team to San Francisco who find the game of knocking down of some stars, the producers will have think the work of our boys V I and V go the tenpins good recreation. Only a few - today o out of business.-we are justified. If shows t they are getting, Springfield Y. M. C. A. and Chicago ft.tars are worth-whagoes, . he win , be Lane Clarence '' .;. '. : 'I .. T. M. C. A. basketball and football he added. -'' sent by the club and we will not teams may meet annually In the cage ask v for ' outside .subscriptions. - , Worcester is hopeful. of securing f We feel we and on the, gridiron.' . are strong enough to Johnny Dundee, the clever New this year's annual Now England in- f travel alone.? .". " . 3 tercollegiate track and field championYork lightweight boxer, earned " V ? t. in 2 boxing contests during IP 1 6, ship games, f nm iil :0IONG TOIUOCO SPRINGBOARD. DIVING CONTEST First Robert K. Fuller, Healanl Club, second. Jack Hjorth, Healanl; third, W. A. Cottrell, Hui Nalu. MOVIE STAR ASKS $1,000,000 SALARY, DOESN'T GET IT 'k ; i "l - JUST fill o pipe vritn , drawin the ccol, that's so fraiantnrd ' rich that ; ; - : u sin to describe a tasUl Ice ; . ' . -- n '- -.' - f ..' -- . $30.-(M- ttt - 4-4- - - 4-- D , Time, 4-4- - - seconds. v; ' :i ' . . i . RACE Lsnger, Ludy . First Los Angeles v Athletic Club; second, - Harold Kruger, Healanl CJubr third, Norman Ross, Olympic Club, San Francisco. 880-YAR- - 4-4- - ' " , RACE, OPEN Illinois Athletic Club; second, Clarence Lane, 100-YAR- D 4-4- - Paiama; second, Shigi First, Perry McGlllivray, Paiama; third, John Kelii, Healanl Club. cross-countr- As. pre i la the scrrjee Wzzry ca;turea .tr.e from llurphy and rscc. wiazir small margin. Pingry O'Crlea by seconds, .finished the race ia 2$ which Vas svlowcrthan his time made - J -'. - Tomorrow afternoon the athletes of Mills. Kamehameha and McKinley will begin the long y course, grind over the 'which has been selected. " Last year Mills captured the. run, with a number of the star distance men finishing well up. This year Mills should make a good showing and a hot race between tbe Kam and the Mills team is expected. McKinley has not been in training for this run long and is hardly expected to show much, although Bush and some of the other entries have, made good time. The runners will go over the course today,-antbe run which Will be held over, the hills of the Colleeof Hawaii, Is scheduled to begin at 3:30. All entries have been requested to appear at Cooke Field this afternoon to go over the course." dope It would As a Uttle pre-rae- a be well to watch Chun Lee Puck, the little Mills runner. He has been mak tng good time in the past Kam will have' a number of good" runners out this year and is counting on giving Mills a - great battle .over the entire distance. '':':r i : v'.,'" , "V.";'-- ;;"''; '. cross-countr- .::z Star-Bulleti- , First, Mitrie Konowaloff, third, Kenneth Auld, Paiama. 4-.- '. - SERVICE RACE ..-First, Roy Murphy, U. S. S. Alert ; , second, Arthur; Pingry, ;Fort Russy; third, Cv A. Walker, De Russy. Time, 1 minute 3 5 seconds. . 100-YAR- D . 4-- at tils time announced 7L '& cir.r:3 ia pcriiicns la the race, civir- - Cuictiae second place' ca a technicality. ever i:atcu-u- a rctwica races tie fire engine was Ct,;;l c;ca TO tnui ma ou irua iue " tour: 2, as H graiuiuy uoaiea ia. Tr.'i Eccctsitstcd a alight delay la . tie Ewir.mcrs to the stand. ; t , First, John Pua unattached; second, John Moikoikahl," .'. unattached; r-'i third, Fred Vetlesen, Paiama. - Time, 1 minute, 22-seconds,' equaling novice record here. '" ica. ! 440-yar- 50-YARD which gained tzi c.l'T ;r a rc;ui:iica as Ce. foremost Iz A The Los trlizt cii:t!tira rf tv. Trr rstone Com 2 : ' l: RACE :v First, Clarence Lane, Paiama Clup; second. John Kelii, healanl;. third, "Perry McGlHivray,' Illinois Athletic Club. Time, 24 seconds, one second behind Duke Kahanamoku's record. i b - riLSlDW called lu :avo fsveral difficult :'.'zr, wims 5 'The ituts. 13 various ts tie -- 1 c'lvtrcf America, gave tf -- - I- wrist-lock- : - hy .Fdral.,WireleM) - of was enly ce-fiftcycler .the tine made by tni Ah Kia Yee last year. r?rc Pm -- tut ine jaczes awaraeu f. WmvM e, " . SAN FRANCISCO, r to - lliitelliown ;V and ilatsvnamark d . 7i-yar- 2 J ...... . - d -- nr d . ' . - be-I'src- 40-yar- the greensward and talking about the lein. . ThM retired the side aa-- the morning parade, the afternoon swim, l.U'rfcketa did not get another lun unthe fifth, v hen Stoorc bit, across ite prospective lamb chop harvest and j til second with one down. Ksgiu laid the siie of the Brandenberg gate. buht and waaf cut,' OTklcn to Stumpr. , passing. It might be remarked, in v Error by Pinal II. 3 Of none 0, the was to score tbe thrt Right here occurred; a play that runs cf the Infantrymen being eamed. a sreat ball came and gave the colored - lads a gift score. At that, the soldierg were more deserving of a Piartll allowed himself to be sucke-- l victory than the l' coast leaguers be- - J In on Fagln'a bnnt that OTrlen whs cauf;e they could bit the ball. Man-- 1 ab'c to handle easily and when Stompf ajrer Mct'redlew appeared to be well ' get ready Mo cfttca Xlooro tryln-- ; to two bags on the out; third baso 8tsfied with the result of. the game, take unguarded. was Iloilochcr was unahlo larg as he eipettrd a defeat of much er proportions. - Keen followers i of to beat Moore's' runninf start to tho to baseball know .tfrat it Is next to im- - bag. nd PtnellU in noss'b'e to expect a ball club to carry back up, hit a soft soot and toolr a Its fading sealegs on to a ball field Brodie, The ball, whkh SDpeared to pitching be a good throw, went Into theleft and win against v such as was shown bv the brunette who field bleachers and Moore trotted C -.- . , hurled for the soldier club. Except, for home, i K:nagjr, McCrcdie mad.a proiest Lefty Sch ue? n, none of the Beavers has fondled the old apple since last to Umpire - Joy on the ground that October end none was able to tyne up Mcore fthculd bo held at third, but tho the ball until thn final stages Of the boss of tbe diamond held that Inas-Wllie (pronounced hisi rnxtch as Moore wt already ,on tho batt!e, when like wily) ; broke Rogan's record; f way to third when the relay stsrted, Mtless innings. This was followed hi he was entitled to that baso and sn to additional one, under, the, ground rule. the ninth by Williams - . Pinch Hittsrs Jiv Action lodgment bn found the la left that .. - . .. . ' In thA Beavera'.half of the eflh'th. i . man irmge in me ieu neia oieacner ; Mansger Mack pulled a little regular section. stuff by sending in a pair of - jlnch Rogan- Featured for O'Brien and Schatzlein. lihitters Rogan's pitching whs the feature of persons the of Marine Jfarflhall-anthe game and this colored .lad showed throwing the Beavers that from a walk but Fisher was .thrown standpoint he is the equal of some of with a Rogan. by At this stage Dennle out the crack pitchers. they have faced In Wllle, jxp crossed the whole Infantry the past on the Chicago Colored Clant perfect bunt along a. by laying Infield teams . In California, training camps. beating, It out baseline and Rogan is 'a peculiar - bird In the' box. himself.-That:wa- s extending without Sometimes he winds .up and, somefirst hit forUSe visitors. '!oUoch-e- r, times he doesn't He just lets fire the was aiso,klIled off at first 6y;Hb-ga- n with the ball ' He showed a corking the; pitcher mde It an vca and curve and sizzling fast ball. i a wise Welfer, on break the day manager like old Rube Foster bad of whose consisted record charge of him Vand taught ; him a strikeouts., Wolfer ' had a, fine uO and change of pace and a' cross-firt t, In rurely would csff e, as big s (Continued oo page. ,121. tV baseball as colored' predecessors like Foster him self; Lindsay, Gatewood 4- and Williams. r ' " . tn HonoRogan seems to be an Idol v ; Vt- DAY BIG. TOMORROW will doubtless Beavers lulu and t the ' .,V; V.::, hear more "of him during the next Saturday will be a. big Iay ia three weeks. They will, show him sports. The swimmers will com- prebatting the more t strenKth after pete on the harbor, and the Port-; f sent week's series is' over. n i ':-:::land baseball team ' will clash s ''., Portsider Worked 4Young Scbatzletn? the only left-- L with the Wrecking Crew at Ath- f immediately Ictlc Park after the bander' enrolled by McCredie, made an have hung ap their, rce- - f impressive , showing during his Seven ords.. The big features of the innings of toil. He has a good hook swimming meet will be the 229- and a fairly fast ball, with good cond yard swim and the trol for a southpaw. He showed bet "f event - In these races Norman f ter pitching than any ether Beaver f Ito38. the Olympic Club swim- - 4f pitcher can be expected to show short 4-- mer, is expected to make good of two weeks of practise. ' Schats has showing against the local boys, 4 been pitching during, the winter 4-- . while Langer is certain to be a around Los Angeles, but had done no event ' 4 favorite In the work for three weeks previous to yesJohn Kelii and Harold Kruger terday's contest anjLbis control was 4 are banking oh doing something 4 noticeable. His strikeout record shows 4- and it would not. be. at all 8u 4 four of the military men turned back 4- prising If the Healanl swimmer to the bench, but this is Incomparable 4- set a new, mark in the 4d to the whiff work of Roean. who swim. Despite the poor showing downed 13 of McCredle's brave lads. made by Ross in the 830, .they Tbe colored lads gave the fans a 4- will have to watch him in the huge howl of delight in tbe second In furlong swim. . The, girls'' races 4 ning, when Johnson hit past Rodgers 4- - wlll.be held tomorrow,' the first gwim. and stole. Gollah took one on the leg event being the and this, was followed by a ground run will be-- 4" The cross-countr-y ball from Crafton s hat to Schatzlein. 4- gfn at 3:30 and the baseball ex- who headed Johnson at third. Haw 4- - hibitlon la slated for 4; o'clock. 4kins" scratched a hit to Plnelll and the 4-- On Sunday the Beavers will meet , 4bags were loaded. This looked like 4- tbe Chinese team. 4 a pretty tight situation for a young - ' . fSO-yar- ;.- Beavcr-vili- e Vin OutAVhcn Garnc--Vreck- cra A. CRONIN,. By ROBERT ;.' ; i,.Kelii and UcCtllivray injast time. : . v in the century swimi McOilllvrar took flie' lead at the SOvard mark '..and at the txurk was leading, followed by Harc-i- Kruger. Lane was Kelt! and Mine bejan to gain at the j. third and Kcjif fourth. mark, Mcainirray,. using the American crawl, led the way to the float finish- iuc.xhcad. of the Honolulu, boys by a'xmt one yard. Lane and Kelii touched i mo uoai almost at toe fame ume, wa raiama swimmer Just beating the :-,--: , f ealaal man oat by the narrowest margin. vV. .Ltidy Xanger of the Los Angeles Athletic Club once more carried off d race when h defeated Harold Kruger of the Hea- V'the benors In. an WaUjtod Kcrman Ross, Olympic Club, San Francisco, in the half-mil- e event ... wblcb. wa(one of the feature events of the day. 1 he great showing made i4V'; Kruscr who surprised even his admirers, was one of ihc features of the rd i .sttir like Sthatzicin to face, but he veteran and. got through like Umo Journal.) (Spoitinn Editor, Portland ! A hit would htvj You can't hit 'cm when you can't out of it nicely. pee cm; therefore the Portland Dev.; meant a muple of .runs,' but Monro vers, lost their first game of the llono elei.ted to rbqueeito Colia'a home,-Hlulu training camp season yesterday was successful. ,but it developed kter d to an soldier person with l that his sacrifice was to b5 converted the Celtic cognomen Of Rogan antj into a ' double r play, . Craften beias eight ether colored athletes, whose i caught at tne piaie oy aiurapi vn tuo d IW-yar- d W-ya- y y.-- v VVobblesrecke Infiel Honolulu tad Perry aicGillivray cf Chicago two part of the United states same roost athletes from yi ha red honors In the major sprint events yesterday afternoon on the first . s . dar'of .tbe JSn Carnival Tournament V The events were staged before a crowd estimated at COOflL people. Honolulu scared honors with Illinois in, the SO end events. Clar-tcliC-e Lane lire J up to his promises when he wen the shorter distance from Clarence . . ' , Rogan Pitches Masterful Ball, Holdipg Beaver Team to Trvo Hits Walter McCrcdie Senis Young Southpaw to Finng Crowd Estimated at 5000 Sees Harbor Competition Diving Exhibitions Are Feature of Afternoon Service Contests ? Call Forth Keen Rivalry ; y yk YouhM ; IAOTTJIIJ AKD ; : H t:t t diamonds. 1 , ':'. ( HONOLULU TWELVE STAB-BULLETI- FIUPAY, FEBRUARY 23,191; N, Doctdir Tells Hoii) To Strengthen Eyesight SO per cent In One XVcak's Tirii&fa SiMlEICl SELECTIONS Sl'Il TO FOIli.l IH i 't TOOK 50-YAR- A RACE D ; j selections run true to form yesterday afternoon at the awimmta meet, nd out of the eleven race ataged eight selections for finished ahead of the field. In two of the first made by the finished second by a small martin. This made selection races the other doping of the races equals that of last year when eight firsts were named '' v out of the list. In seven of the events the first three men to finish were the same as in the list The only upsets came in those named by the the century swims, the 100 yard service, novice and open events. All of the other events ran true to form. on Wednesday and Thursday The list as published in the .; . and the winners were as follows: " HOW FINISHED. THEY RACE ? . Star-Bulleti- n Star-BalleU- n ." '.- - : : L v'' V'.:.",;- - Star-Bulleti- n Star-Bulleti- - STAR-BULLETI- SELECTIONS. Kelil, McGiUivray. Lane, 50 60' Yards (Service) Pingry, Murphy, Lane, Kelil, McGiUivray. Murphy, Pingry, Walker. Konowaloff, Matsuguma, Subotlne. Fuller, Hjorth, Cottrell. Langer, Kruger, Rosa. Pua, Vetleten, Moikoikahl. Kealoha. Relay De Rusty, Alerts. De Rusty, Alerts. ' eeven innings; chance to distinguish himself, but the Kopan party packed too many guns. ' rinelll's foozle allowed Smith a We to start tho eighth, off the handsome blonde, Kenneth Penner, late of the "Cleveland Americans. Penner cut Jooae with a few fast ones but did not put ahy stuff on the ball. It will be tea days at least before he tries to tise a curve, and 'in the meantime he will try to get by on a slow ball mixed in with a fast one, working the corners and teasing the batters into hitting at bad balls. This Is a favorite trick of the wore experienced pitch- ; ers in the tprln?? training season. . Smith was followed by Swlnton, who bunted to Penner and was cut off at first,... Up 'came Keeker Rogan, whose flealike antics in the box both era a pitcher. At one time Rogan is Inside the angle lines to catch the curves and at another time he Is in the back end of the box to take the He got a corking double to , fast tnes. cc-t- cr elf .Fenser, and Smith galloped Johnsoi; hit to Hoi acrns.the locher and Rogan was run down by Holly and PinellL HoIIocher, by the bye. had the best fielding average of any r 'icrt step In the United States being above the .960 mark. last Gcllah also grounded , to Holly and Johnson was forced at second, for the last out of the game. . e. ...... 4 0 0 0 S O 4 0 4 0 4 2 ....... Williams, c. .Etur.rf, lb riaelii, Sb 0 : 2 0 1 0 0 .1... ...... 29 100 2 24 13 0 . 0 2 V 2 - 25th Infantry ' AB R BH PO A E "', .......... - Cnilth, ss. - Swlutc5n, c. f. p G a C c. .. rtgin. Sb 3 1 0 1 3 1 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 .7 4 O 113 3 3 3 2 .. Crafton, f Hawkins, lb J!ocre, Sb . ...... ..-,..- tL sortments. -. . ....... 11 2 . '.- Hotel near Nuuanii A.K o is ow m . took for This Sign on a Ki r ft r. ur I 100 Pure Your Doahr'o Window thirst-quenc- Health-Divin- e: v. h- C i evervda v drink for everyone ! Mm h II III ' t I . li t unand pure is Armour's Grape Juice diluted -- pressed from choicest, hand-pickConcords. If you prefer it diluted, TryTk$ot liuStockktlBM you add the water yourself as much or ' " itAI Sacm as little as you vant Unfermented, un' Pakirt lum Somo sweetened and clarified.QniiU OkrtiriM (NatMBl itmtt Look for the Oyrl Label? If your; own fri - NEW YORK, N. Y. It took the silent grief of John M. Little, Englishman, ta hrlng keenly home to the officials aid clerks of the Anchor line 6f flees the-Ioof the steamship California. Modestly", almost diffidently. Little, a spare, sllgut man, asked for news of his wife and four children, steerage passengers: The latest cable, he was told, reported his wife and one child missing the others had baby," j been saved. "But the wife and Clarence Lane of Honolulu he pleaded. I "Can't you give me a word of JhopeT? No one dared reply. V No. 4 d Race .., .welled; from Little's eyes. The Tears ; Harold Kruger anLJobn KeliL Heaactivity- - stopped and 'heads bustling, : : : lanL'i ... Straightening , himself were bowed.' George Keaweamahl and David Ka an effort, Little squared his with f" hanamoku, Hui Nalu. away, the tears walked and shoulders Norman Ros9, Olympic Club, San streaming face. Not a down his still Franclsca was as of the word work said the Ludy Langer, Los Angeles Athletic was busy office resumed. " . Club. ' i C. E, Warriner,' unattached. Forty-on- e f figures inake up the in rV V No." 6 Backstrok ternational ice skating code. " Harold .'Kruger, H,ealani. Lukela KaupJko tnd Richard ' Hui Nalu. Albert Y. Kahu, Albert B. Carter and Clarence K. Lane, Palama Set- A ss -- - dealer caonot, supply you, 'phone us his name. . Ai0wriM ;.:.r.. FtW ARMO Uri . . . CO M PANY " v H . o Q o o 1 12 1 0 O u o o 1 . 150-Ya- Stock carried at Qneen and Alakea Streets, Honolulu. ra . o Hoi-stei- ' ... tlement ' , Norman Ross, Olympic Club. ; ; No. a High Dive ; -- R. K. Fuller and' Jack Hjorth, - ; Hea-lan- i. ,.::5 v ; . . VWIUIam A! . . - f . ' - . Six-Ma- V Hol-Unge- V 3' , " ''' In- - ment o . . - :'.' ''.-- Nalu. Mic'aael ; ;f V. .; Sub-itine- Luke Wai, John , Pua Kealoha, Albert V. Perry McGIllIvray, Illinois Athletic Kaha, Fred Vet leson Anson Derego, Lewis, M. Subotlne, Walker 1001001 6 Korman Ros3, Olympic, Club, San Alfred 2 10 110 1 Ea?e Vetlesen, Geor;e Maile, Richard L. Summary: 'TwentyHwo 'at bat, two Francisco. Carter, Albert B. Cirter. Sam Guerr Clnu. ' - ! "V . . " , ' Ka-iilcanu- , . " Wts-.'.t.'.- O I I v- e, Ludy Langer, Los Angeles Athletic ' 00 12a V , ; wf , .. . - . . , NO, KIIIT - . - A- ( tZ ? Pocket Kiiir rfll ule an ti s traoo'Jx tad ae enouxh to cb; enoub! to work ia hickory. f i t jvtz and Lui -. vlv , . AiaR." i TV-uc1 .i-- . .1 i ura insiders ciect .u BUlfTMI ore-uu U iwva folly, and devote 'mucJi titc&tioa pocket mm , ; Up-m- - ; . :"e r - - v to . 'v ksirea made ly tpeculUu and rigid tesu prove their CJtxet Pf tclore tier trt tDoved to leav the Cutorr as r to the - A Vhmerr TO 1? I ak for fTT Il'TIZ ktnifA An J trill raa bob of tlio nuul cluaeea. It it ore' to bo penect. aervieeoblo, dvrable. This trsdetnark protect job .agaisst diuppoistmeat. Order your aezX.kaifb ky the' unoCr.pnZTadaea that it keara the tradeaMrk. ' , , Llil 51 a j v . I SO UE (The official souvenir of the Hawaii Cojmmission) The most beautif ul and comprehensive publication of Industrial and v 'Picturesque Hawaii. Send one home. ; ;v For sale at the office of ' 1 saLe dy; FOR v : bov a ksifn . - W? : V PocIlcIInifca: if 9? One of the .many beautiful colored views contained in the av j - f 1 . . fries trarrtae.M;. , i k SU -- .Phcn3 4121 ; 110 - Jo m ; - - :o o E&ttcd for Schatzleln in eighth - ' - .v Yi' ..... . Score by Innings ' Tortland 0 0 0 0 6 Q Q 0 .I Base hits .....0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 1 th InfMitry ...0 , o ed k 0 0 Si 6 27 w mm 220-Yar- .ToUls1':.v."..I..-.',2- as- : 0D0 10 TI Silva,-'TheIm- a Cottrei;, Hui Nalu. Mrs. Aileen Alien, Los Angeles Ath.' letic Club.v y- ' : n Relay Race, 75 Yards No. 10 r, Victor Kahn, Robert Boyd. W. V. A. France, William Rowat Harold Kruger. John Kelil, John. Kealoha,' Jr., Ah Kim Yee, Frank Cunha, Shefldan P. '. Winsor, George C. Hawkins, Albert Butzke, Karry J. Even S S.- Alert . son. R. K. Fuller and Jack Hjorth, Hea No. 23100 Yards for Juniors John Kealoha, Jr., Ah Kim Yee and lani. Sheridan P. Winsor, IlealanL - Wiliiam KanakanuL Robert MacB. vRoy Murphy, U. S. S. Alert. Y , purrU, Luk-- a Kaulpko, - Cleghorn Michael Subutfne, Palama Settle- Boyd; jeorge Xeaweanlahi, David Ka: ment '':;. ;'; hanamoku, Rlchaid Holstein. Allen C. d v No. 3 Race Wilcox, Isaac Keliipio, Francis Brown, Harold Kruger and John Kelil, Hea-lanl- i Kim Val, Melvin Holt, Curtis W. Hus-tac- :..R. Leightoa Hind, J. Kaniau , t Clarence Iw Lane, Palama Settle- Evan3 and James E. Maklnney, Hui ' ' : 0 ,0 - S : . 0 2, '...; ........ .Jcusco, stripe pongee, stripe 'silk ,and stripe crepe in large 440-Yar- : 0 l 8'2 5 : Pua Kealoha, Fred Vetlesen, Anson Derego, Alfred Lewis, George Maile, Sam Guerrero, George Lum and Joseph Wright, Palama Settlement. ' H. W. Busse, U. S. S. Alert . No. 1220 Yards, Novice v Sheridan, P. Winsor. and. Albert ., ; Butzke, Healani. John Kua, Jr John Moikoikahl 'and ; George Moikoikahl, unattached. ; Wr.Iker, Rusty.., A. Carbls De ; Fort Isaac Keliiplo and Francis Brown, ; .. ;:..-'.- .. Hui Nalu. :, Pua Kealoha, Albert V. Kaehu, Fred Vetlesen, Anson Derego, 'Alfred Lewis and Sam Guerrero, J?alama Settlement. No. 22220 Yards, Limited, to Men in the United States Arrny and Navy ; Arthur W. Pinsry, James C Nielsen, Elmer T. Jo!m3, Howard M. Goetz, William II. Henley and Carbls A. Walker, Tort De Russy. Charles Wandrey, Com pany. il, 1st Infantry. , ' " , v.v James Buchanan, Jr Company ' D, Engineers, Fort Shaftef. Roy Murphy, Dennis A. O'Brien, U. 1. 0 ,0'Drlen, e. .s. ...... 2 0 0 5 2 0 0 0 2 Schatxleia, p. 0 0 0 0 0 MeteUIU c. 0 0 0 0 0 Fisher 0 0 0- 0 I Tcrner, p. Ic, in rlirgc stock of Japanese Habutai silk, pongee crepe, , . De Rusty Club.' rs . CROWDS WE6P WITH BRITON FOR FAMILY LOST AT SEA - , 0 ' 0 .,' . r Z . ' ' :. Walker. HaxiHelnze,' Elmer T. Johns and James Pl'Aylln, Fort 6 '14'. 1 0 ' Carbls- A, Naltu" i: 0 1 1 0 0 .' - : x, ' 4-- ' -- y-- Totals PJiXNT. W : . Entries as announced, but changes, in the program make It probable that the order as given here may not b4 held to. However, the entries will ' " ' stands . v 'No. 17 50 Yards, Novice T. Tanigawa, John Kua. Jr, John Mofkoikahl and George Moikoikahl, i unattached. ' Sheridan P. Winsor,, Rl K. Fuller, :V.:. : ' Healani. : Robert MacB. Purvis, Allen C Wil-coR. Lelghton Hind, J. Kaniau j. Evans and James E. Maklnney, Hui 4 f.. ........ ' ...''; . THE ENTRIES '" .V Portland"'-A AB DIIPO It i i i hits Rogan, two-bas- e - - ' A - Williams; sacrifice hits, Moore, Fagln, Swlnton; stolen bases, Johnson, Wilie, Wolfer. Smith; double play, Schatzleln to Stnmpf to O'Brien: bit by pitcher, Goliah; bases on balls, off Ron gai 3, off Schatzleln 2; struck out, by Rogan IS, by Schatzleln 4; umpires, Barney Joy at plate, Henry Chilling worth on bases; time of game, 1 hour and 47 minutes. ,; " . 1 4. (Continued from Page 11.) . rero, George Lim, Clarence K.- Lane, Ken Matsuguma, Shigi Matsuguma, Clarence Hurley, Joseph Wright, Kum Hong Lum, Mltrie Konawoloff, Matsu Matsuguma and Kenneth Auld, Palama Settlement,. No. 12100 Yards, Ladiea Josehplne Hopkins, unattached. V ;MJs8 Dorothy G. Burns, Los Angeles Athletic Club. . . . . No. 13 22D Yards, Ladies Josephine Hopkins Unattached. Miss Dorothy G. Burns, Los Angeles : - ; Athletic Club. , , . No.' 1450 Yaraa, Girla Under 15 Yeara ; . Cecelia Winchester, Elsie Auld, Re becca Hashed, Rose Robero, Lydla Kane,1 Agnes F. Auld Edith Kenn, Kenn and Mertle Bella Ludington,.Hui Au KaL Palama. : runs and five hits off Schatzleln In PORTLAND TEAM MAKES GOOD SHOWING WITH THE WRECKING CREW Hc'.Iochcr, Vclfer, L d. Rrcrs,. 2b Phone 4330 : . McGiUivray; Lane, Kelil. ..-- r. Fort Street - ' Tough Bill, Kealoha, Kahanamoku. Yards (Boyi) Konowaloff, gurna, Subotine. ,. 100 Yards Lane, Kelil, McGiUivray. Oivlng Fuller, Hjorth. Cottrel I. 880 Yards Langer, Ross, Kelil. Kaehu, Vetleten, 100 Yards (Novice) AVUIe, 117:; THE CHEERY n Walker.1' . t Matsuguma, Subotlne. Konowaloff, Konowaloff, Matau- - 50 - ' Pingry, Murphy, O'Brien. 75, Yards (Boys) fluma, Subotlne. '200 Yards (Breast . Stroke) Tough eill, Kealoha, Carter. 100 Yards (Service) Pingry, Murphy, V '. ' ' -- 0tSrtn. ,v ..." N V, Yards - ; f n OIL Free Prescription You Can Have many descriptions msy be wonder fully benefited by following the simFilled and Use at Home. ple rules. Here is the prescription: Go to any active drug store and get a PHILADELPHIA, Pa. Do you wear bottle of Optona tablets. Drop one glasses? Are you a victim of eye- Optona tablet in a fourth of a glass strain or other eye weaknesses? If or water and allow to dissolve. With so. you will be glad to know that ac- this liquid bathe the eyes two to four cording to Dr. Lewis there is real times daily. You should notice your hope for you. Many whose eyes were eyes clear up perceptibly right from failing say they have had their eyes the start and inflammation will quickrestored through the principle ot thls ly disappear. If your eyes are botherwonderful free prescription. One man ing you, even a little, take steps to says, after trying it: "I was almost save them now before it is too late. blind; could 'not see to read at alL Many hopelessly blind ' might have Now 1 can read anything without any been saved if they had cared for their glasses and my eyes do not water eyes In time. any more, jit night they would pain Note: Another prominent Physician dreadfully; now" they feel fine all the to whom the above article was subtime. It was like a miracle to me." mitted, said: "Optona is a very reA lady who used it says: "The atmos- markable remedy. " Its constituent inphere seemed hazy with or without gredients ar well known to. eminent glasses, but After using this prescrip- eye specialists and widely prescribed tion for fifteen days everything seems by, them. , The manufacturers guarclear, I can-everead the finevprint antee it to strengthen eyesight SO per without glasses It Is believed that cent in one week's time In many inthousands who .wear glasses- can now stances or refund the money. It can discard them in a reasonable time and be obtained from any good druggist multitudes - more will i be able to and Is one. of the very few preparastrengthen their eyes so as to be tions I feel should be kept on hand (or spared the - trouble and expense of regular use In almost every family." -- r. Adv.;-ever getting glasses. Eye troubles of BOY WHO HAWAIIAN EVENTS THURSDAY - ": Ml TRUE T7 ji tttit, Rm Yk, " " i rhOtMpUa, - i ' . TtM KiMMfU. Ko. '.v.' feu CRf . v WieWtt. rSSIIT. v . HONOLULU 1 STAR-BU- O 25 Merchant Street . Tl7 c FRIDAY, FEBRUARY .... may fool Jeff but you can't kid a woodpecker: y V,;V,I HONOLULU mmmmmtmmm STAR-BULLETI- 2. N, and MUTT Mrk ru. pC Tr JEFF-Y- ou bfL : & - - , - - ii - Tlie tWj.T tuAAil-l- l THAT - - v. - ri T - n m . t&fiCt A,rt YtatAfc - ' 1 vsA4 TO ' - A i you rx 'iL-0 int. ty a a t r seeD. vouve got a By Bud Fishr: - - eves OLXL ' lio VCN i coryruM. fc. ;AV . i. i V: . .Tim: 1017. . I I - , (.A-T- t CACAr y pick. oth) ,1 r5. I ...... . . ' HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- DAILY AND SEMI-WEEKL- FOR RENT FOR SALE N FURNISHED REAL ESTATE Y BUSINESS GUIDE BUSINESS GUIDE BOATMAKER HAT CLEANER HOUSES LOST Lady's long black coat BUSINESS PERSONALS ENGINEER HYDRAULIC E. Harada. Phone 5162. Watanabe, bats cleaned, Hotel&Rlver Jas. T. Taylor, 511 Stangenwald bldg, Desirable houses in various parts of Boatmaker, - . k 6599 3m V consulting civil & hydraulic engineer 446 3m the city, furnished and unfurnished, - 6275-t- f ' s, 335, 330, 340 and at 315, 318. 320, 325. AND RESTAURANTS CAFES JEWELERS 'r up to 3J2." a month. See list in our DENTISTS office. Trent Trust Co., Ltd.; Fort The Manhattan Cafe Meals at all T. MOTOSIIIGE, 247 N. King st, opp. street, between King and Merchant hours; known for quality and serAala Park. Watches and Jewels; DR. C P. DOWSON Office hours: 9 you : should eat vice; there. repairing. 6645 tf to 12 a. m 1 to 5 p. m.; evenings, furnew New house, all , 6314 tf 7 to 9 p. m.; Sundays, 9 to 12 a. to. nlturc-- ; 325.dO per month. Inquire No. 5 McCorrlston Bldg. 568t! 6714 tf Boston Cafe Coolest place In town. 1733 Young street JUNK Open day After the show rfjp in. Furnished cottage in Cottage Grove. CHIROPODIST and sight BIJoi t teater. Hotel st. Junk bought and sold. Phone 4366. 6708 1087 tf Phone v 6339 it 6407 6m DR. DANTEL W. RYAN, graduate FURNISHED ROOMS. Surgeon Chiropodist The only saniColumbia Lunch Rooms; quick service v KOA FURNITURE. tary, modern, office In the and cleanliness our motto; open day Nicely furnished double and single scientifically All Island. trouble foot I. Takano, 544 South. Kins street, kor. and night Hotel st, opp. Bethel. bedrooms right on beach closer to Store. l carpenter shop. Koa bowls made to ' treated, at Mclnerny's Shoe 5518 tf car line; private family; all conve- No adrertlsements of liquors or cer- On easy terms, J450O. Nice big house 6708 lm : ': 6686-;3- m 849, avenue, lot; and Sixth Kaimukl order. ' 6715 3t New tain proprietary medicines will be acniences. Phone 7669. , Orleans Ca!e Substantial meals; Inquire H. Knaack, phone 3582. cepted. ' ' DR. ; CATHERINE SHUMACHIR: Alakea st,' cor. Merchant MOTORCYCLES, ETC. moderate. '. mosquito-proo6711 tf Nicely v ', furnished, f ' In replying to adrerasements adBldg., 164 4, S. Hotel St, room Elite 5589 tf rooms, by week or month, between dress your replies exactly as stated in 5536; hours 9 to 5. Phone Bicycles, King. Komeya, & Punchbowl s LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY: two car lines. Apply 1038 Alapal. . 6650-lthe advertisement. ' - 'i CLEANING AND DYEING . f 176 tf 6607 5m It you are a telephone subscriber, Cows, horses, mules and electric Royal Clothes Cleaning Shop. teL 3149. we will v motors. Apply M. K." Young ;rhone your, advertisement:: MAS3AGE SPANISH TEACHER. Dairy, Light housekeeping roms; high eleva- -' t i 6213 tf charse 1L ' ' 1998. Uon; opposite close In. Moiliili Phone Moiliili. baseball K. Hashimoto massage and electro- - Spanish lessons by experienced teach OUR PHONE 13 4911 , , "6488 tf irround. Entrance on King street B. C. Renovatory; clothes cleaned, A . er. neering. Nuuanu st, opp. Williams' Privately or in classes. Phone ' ' . Telephone 7475. 6716 lm dyed and repaired. Phone 4148. . :: 1785. phone 1113." undertaking office, 6708 lm WANTED Light housekeeping and single rooms. " :. ' 6104 tf ' TV: 64C0 3m Ganzel Place, 112 Vineyard, cr. Fort Pedigreed White Bull Terrier, 1 ' OSTEOPATHIC Roofs to RepairTVi guarantee to; 6434-- tt years old. Inquire between 8 and 5 Steam cleaning. Alakea st, nr. Gas Co. MONEY LOANED Lou Rogers or ; step all leaks. ' See , p. m. B. S.' Nott, phone 1203. 623 tf Dr. P. H. Pennock. osteopathic physi Fred HaTiland. ' We lead; others ' FURNISHED APARTMENTS. Money watcnes on diamonds, 6700tf loaned cian. Romagoy Hotel, phone 3675. . follow. Eureka Paint Co., 816 So. - Federal CUT FLOWERS AND PLANTS: : legal Jewelry rates.' ". .v. and Tor im at ' apartments,' ' Kfnr SL Phone 209. four AUTOMOBILES. ' ' Loan Offlee, 95 N. King it- - ; rooms ach.; Phone 2783. 6715 6t Coconut plints for sale, Samoan Va1 v: 6365 tf Office-boy- , PALMISTRY one who can use typewriter Dodge Touring Car In riety. Apply a. D. Minis, Libue, excellent condiRENT. FOR .::r . preferred. Good chance for advance;v 6277 tf KauaL tion, run about S000 miles. Phone MERCHANT TAILOR MME. CLEO. ScienUHc Palmist will ment in person, editor's of-- . 4966, Lieut Spencer, Fort Shatter. Sample room, 36x30; above City Hardbe ( at Aala Park during Carnival 6709 if fice, T. Kuniklyo, 1111 Fort; phone 1635. H. Y. Sang, tailor, 1131 Union. .; 6691 tf ' week. ware. " Inquire City Hardware Co. Don't fall to see her as she ' v;. : 6298 tf v:':: .' v ' ' 6454 6m , 6627-tAR- gives f AALA. PARK advice. Preserving Co Peerless also Paint ' for quick sale, 1916 , . CADE. , Pitch and Gravel Roof Specialists, Cheap ' 3029. Harada, fresh ' cut flowers; tel. ' PRINTING Chevrolet auto,- A-l- , condition. Ad-- , '.'. 6659 tt still at the old stand, 65 Queen st, V HOTELS 6121 sy tf "A: Box 560, r phone 438L tf ; dress We do not boast of low price's which , . 6715 tf J ' THE PU2RPOINT. 5147. Kimurafiowersr CORPORATION NOTICES ' Fort Phone st usually coincide with poor quality; -' Bright young man for general office "'6684 ., the, ; On Beach at WaikikL" tf ! put life, but we "know how to ELECTION OF OFFICERS. work, must be accurate. Apply P. 1912 Packard Roaaster, In good condl-tio- Furnished bungalows ' and rooms; ex go into printed matter, liusLle and 1700. . i Address : 6. K El 6716 Box opp.'. King 6t ViUa. 0. Toyoshiba,' Vlda st, bathing splendid meals; cellent and and that is what talks loudest' and - " ': office. . , , , 6608 tf ' 6411 . WAILUKU SUGAR COMPANY. 3m boating; 1000-fopromenade. pier; n longest Honolulu " SITUATION WANTED. Deautlful marine and mountain Printing Department, 125 Merchant AUTO ACCESSORIES CLOTHING Notice is hereby given hat at the terms reasonable. Mrs. John view; ;"'.:-:-':.;:-- '-' street American chauffeur with six years' meeting of shareholders of the annual 6202-t- f CusRidy. 2S79 Tel. Touring Ford 1914 Car, model, with Pay for your clothing as comvenient experience would like permanent poSugar Company, held at the Wailuku extras, costing 3108 consisting of open a charge account with The PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. ' private family; good, resition ith Agents, C. Brewer & Comoffice of its AUCTION BULLETIN t Bosch magneto,( starter, gas savers 504 tt Model Clothiers, Fort st liable man; salary 25 per week. pany (Limited), in Honolulu, upon Stangen-walCOS d FLOYD O. PERKINS. and electric headlights. Price and Address Cox 552, office. February 21st, 1917. the following Offibuilding. Telephone 2907'! PAINT AND- PAPERH ANGING ' other Information address P. O. Box We have in the rooms some new parts '; 6710 tt V were elected to cers and Directors very 1912 for Automobiles of ; make, ' C678 tf 220.- City. 6714 tf . V ' year, viz:: ensuing serve - S. Shlrakl, 1202 Nunanu; Tel. 4137. the for , repairers, chiefly fine for carburetRe liable Portuguese young man wishes ' Painting . . . ; ; .'. C, 'paperhanglng. Cooke.1. All nd H. President AH bicycle of rf.': makes auto ors and i connections. and tires DRINKS SOFT position permanent as chauffeur with work guaranteed; ; Bids submitted E. F., Bishop.. ,, '...Vice-Presiden- t' '."Where are you storing the furni-- ; private family or truck driver. Ten j and tnbes; auto accessories; also k5328 tf Our sodas will make . your business G. H Robertson ..... . .Treasurer vulcaniitng, retreading, rebeadlng, ture you discarded when you put in free. years' rperience. Will do own re--j tele-:-u Secretary grow. Richard Ivera Water Soda Hon. etc. Wks; Vulcanizing & in; "that walCo Taisho Mary William Ltd.; suite . Star-Bui... pairing. Address Box 556, CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS ; 6442 .Director' ....... Paul . phone 180 3022. Muhiendorf f In the basement to rot with lyr Merehant.nut? Alakea Ews' fet; Joiln. 6713 6t , K ' A: ; . . '. ...Director w phone' 2197. ; 6582 Cm s I damp? : Ring op ."one six one two" K. Nomura, Duildet and contractor; ' American lady wishes iosition in den-tiit- a A. Gartley .Director , SHIRTMAKER3 and we will find yon a customer glad ! - excavating, grading;, paving, team- MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE ; ,11. Glass , put give as "music ofrice; use It saleslady; to .................Auditor to and further a! crushed; ing, concrete, rock, sand. YAMATOYA i ' Shirts and pajamas r All of the above, with the exception ; teacher., or clerk; reliable, accu fair price.. . ': 125 N; Beretania,. phones 2690-718. ..1305 Fort st, opp. of the Auditor, constitute the Board of en-"order." twin, newly Indian to made overhauled and , Dressers, Chiffoniers. Chairs, Refrate tud sood "penman.'-.'- Box 531.1 :r 6568 6442-6If r1 Kukui st. phone 2331. ; nmeled;mn only 5500 miles; new r!gemtors.w Iron Bedsteads and Directors. 4UB ouice , im , II.Akagl, 1218 Nuuanu shiTtmaker. ; st; tires; speedometer, horn, etc.; guar-A. R. E. general ROSSt Crockery are in steady demand at CITY CONSTRUCTION CO, : 6307-t- f : i u : Kxpert - bookkeeper can devote four V anteed perfect condition and little Acting Secretary, Wailnku Sugnr Co, contractors; 1308 Fort t nr. Kukul. pood prices. Send . them along to ' worn; bargain. See Morgan, cora-- 1 hours daily, on small set' of books. m 6452-r Phone 449a. Honolulu, February 31, 1917. ,f Honolulu Auction Rooms. S J. G. Yamatoya, shirts, 1146 Nuuanu st i ; ' ; . ; Terms reasonable. Address P OJ posing room,' ; : Feb. 21, 22. 23. ... . 6715 Bailey. . :. . 6451-3V;' M. Fujita," contractor . and bulkier, Box 50. ' 6700 lm t painter, paper hanger. Phone 5002. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. MISCELLANEOUS IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION " SODA WATER ; i , 6300-l- y HELP WANTED. ; , ... ; i: ... Pianola, used only six months; owner OF MICHAEL SHKODAREWICH ONOMEA SUGAR COMPANY. ' FOR. A CHANGE OF NAME. ready-toExperienced saleslady fori H. Monzea, i huikler and contractor. The best comes from the Hon. Soda , has taken best of care, cost new, you " That's Wks. Water kind the ' ; wear depe The Popular Price Dress 662 3520. Have over 350 worth of well- st Phone 5227.' i ' Beretania want Telephone 3022. r 442 lyr Notice 13 hereby given that at the Decree of Change of Name.'. V Store,"1021 Nunann street near King. 6602 6m selected rolls. Will' sell at a bar-annual meeting of shareholders of ; C715 3t v ; gain ; cash only on delivery. For full Onomea Sugar. Company, held at the CONTRACTORS-r-GENERAL In consideration of the Petition of TEA HOUSES details commuaicate with owner. Ap office of its Agents, C. Brewer it Com- LMPLOYMENT ; OFFICES ply at No. 5, Little Village, Beretania MICHAEL' SHKODAREWICH of the HAWAII Building Co., building, paint-lng,- v pany (Limited), Honolulu, upon Feb Ikesu, best Jspantso dinners. T. W. ; . , - . 6701 tf City and County of Honolulu, Terri street" masonry, ruary 1322 Fort st, 21st 1917, the following Officers etc 3212. prop. Y. Nakanishl, 34 Beretanla at, near Telephone Oda, 6183 tf tory of Hawaii, for a decree changing near Kuknf. Phone 1 l&r. and Directors were elected to' serve Nuuanu. Phone 4jll,.:30 a., m. to 3550 Pianola Piano, SS note, mahogany his name to MICHAEL S. ClARK, 66l6-- 7m v. , j for the ensuing year, viz: 4! p. m. v Residence phone, 7096; case, nsed 1 year, price 3. 375, perfect and there appearing to. be good rea WOOD AND COAL ' ' Bishop F. E. ' " ...........President ' t246 tf " sons for granting the said Petition: condition. Box 539. U. Yamamato, 83 S. Kukui ft., phone H. Cooke. . ... . - ' 669S Now, Therefore, by virtue of the au i 4430; general contractor: building. Tanaba Co Pauahi, nr. River . it- - teL Aloha Employment Office. TeL 4889; P. Welch... 2nd A whole2657; charcoal, firewood and 6354 tf h- V Alapal sU opp Rapid Transit office. Small. cottage; "must be moved. Call thority in me by law vested and me ' G. H. 297-tRobertson .Treasurer . f sale and reUIL hereunto enabling, I, LUCIUS E. AH kinds of help furnished, Jas. Grelg.... Assistant Treasurer 3036 before 9 a. m. or after PINKHAM, Governor of the Territory K. Segawa, contractor; 604 Beretania. phone v ' v BY AUTHORITY. Secretary v ; 6101 it , : E. A R. Ross.... .. ; p. m. i 6713 6t of Hawaii, do hereby order and decree .; - ; 607fr tf . . IL Goar Director St name the SHKODAOFFICE OF THE BOARD OF 314.00 per cord, that Firewood . . ..... . .. delivered R. .... Director Gait. at ENGRAVING J. i ' be and hereby is changed to female. G. Hiraoka, 1210 Emma st, v HEALTH. will, buy old kiawe trees. : Phone REWICH R. Ivers .A ...Director copy MICHAEL CLARK, S. phone, 1420. and 054 tf a that Honolulu, Hawaii, Feb. 21, 1917. Calling and business cards, monoi 3178. 6693 lm .V. . .Auditor Robinson.. T. R. of this decree be published for at least grams, wedding invitations and anthe- excepnamed, with above The MISCELLANEOUS nouncements, stationery, etc.;' corFine potted plants, terns and palms. four consecutive weeks in the HonoTENDERS FOR PURCHASE OF the of Second tion the lulu a newspaper pub. Printing rect styles. HIDES. Junction. Auditor, and the Assistant Treasurer Dealers to increase their business by ; E. Masakl, Pawaa lished in the City and County of Ho- ' Denartment"12: MerhaTrt k1 . 6633 lm :'i ." constitute the Board of Directors. selling soda from the Hon. Soda nolulu, Territory of Hawaii. ' V Sealed tenders, Indorsed "Tenders v.;, One mission dining room set Phone Dated, at Honolulu this 18th' day" of .E..'A' R. ROSS. . Water Wks phone 3022.; FURNITURE purHides." for for of the Purchase 'v442 ly Secretary, Ononiea Sugar Company. 2247. or 2337 L. Manoa road. 6668 tf January, A V. 1917. Honolulu. February 21, 1917. . , Fujikawa, cor. King South sts, let chase of hides telonglng to the Board (Sgd.) LUCIUS E. PINKHAM, of Health, for the period of six months, , An order was issued by the Public Home at a bargain. Phone 7509. 67J5 Feb. 21, 22. 23. r ; Governor of Hawaii. ; 1623; rugs, mirrors, etc, reasonable. from January 1st 1917, to June 30th, : . ' ' Brooklyn Rapid ; to rebuild Transit 6713 its 6316 tf ' lm I hereby certify that the above is a : 'ANNUAL MEETING.- I. .v .;;..;-- . tracks on Nostracd avenue between 1917. will be received at the office of copy true and changcorrect of decree d Flatbrush avenue and Eastern Park- Rubber stock. Tel. 1842. ; 6713 tf ing the name of Michael Shkodarewich New and furniture bought the Board of Health until 12 o'clock AMERICAN-HAWAIIAPAPER CO, way, Brook.yn. : ; and mild. Phone 3098. 12S1 Fort st noon, Tuesday, March 6th, 1917. " ' to Michael SL Clark. f per 3827. Orchids Jeff's. LIMITED.; price Phone must at be for the Tenders 6453 6m incorporation of were Articles filed " (Sgd.) WADE WARREN THAYER, 6436 Km pound for hides delivered on the wharf at Albany of Bonbrlght & Co, Inc Secretary of Hawaii. Bercta-ni- a at Honolulu, on weights approved hy S63 SaikL. Bamboo furniture; The Annual Meeting of the Stockof New York, with a capital stock of '.. 6693 Jan. 26, Feb, 2, 9. 16, 23. . FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE C078 tf an agent of the Board of . Health- st. holders of American-Hawaiia- n - ; ,' Paper 3500.000. Payments required in U. S. Gold Co," LULi will be held at 12 o'clock Second-bancameras, and lenses FRUITS ANO PRODUCE ; Coin immediately after delivery. : . noon, on Tuesday, February 27, 1917. bought sold or exchanged.. Koda-grap- h .The Board will not bind itself to ac--i at the office of the company, Fort and Shop, Hotel and Union sts. HEINIE'S Nosaa Sbokai, watermelons, Aala lane. cept , Queen Streets, Honolulu, T. II." ? ; , the highest or antbld. v' 6307-t- f ''V- r European Plan Hotel v J. ash?jan ; THE BOARD OF HEALTH, ; '"' ' . CIGARS ' By .'. I President" of its ... ;; Secrttary. Exports of cotton from the Fire destroyed the 2d Regiment iort t "On the Beach at Waikiki" " J. S; B. PRATT, M. IV Dated, Honolulu. T. H, Febnwry 21, armory of the New York V National . Galveston for the month of December FIT2PATRICK BROS. Phone 4986 6715 Feb. 21, 22, 22, 24,- - 26r 27, 28, Guard at Troy, N. Y., at a loss of 3300,--. amounted to $29j,472, valued at ; '; t ; '. 715 Feb. 21, 23 25. Mar. 1,2, 3, 4.' . '" ; .'. I '.: .. ... '.. . HOMESTEADS OR FARM LANDS. Terms of Subscription: Oregon tt ' California Railroad Co. 75 cents per month, , Daily Grant landH." Title to same revested 8 per year, U cents pet copy. In United States by fcet of Congress 2 per June 1, 1 Hi G. Two million dated ..year....'-,,v '' , three hundred thousand acres to be opened ror Homesteads anM sale. .'. AdTertlslng Rates: : Timber and agricultural lands. Con Classified and Business Announce-'men- ts taining some of best lands left in per word per each inserI cent United States. Nowt ia the opportion, up to one week. ; tune time. Large sectional map Estimate aix words per line. showing lands and description of Per line, one week......,..;30 cents soil, climate, rainfall, elevations, Per line, two weeks. ...... ...40 cent Per line, one month...... '...70 cents , etc. ' Postpaid one dollar. GrantLands Locating Co., Box 610, PortPer line, six months.. CO cents ea. mo. 6714 Zm land, Oregon. upon application. Other rates ,. Star-Bulleti- n Eetnl-Weekl- y Star-Bulleti- a, """ :. Bleach Palace grounds during miliar;' n 1 ade. Return to Star-Bulleti- 67163t " tire with rim and tube, turn to H. R. Ringo, Castle C CT'. Ud. Reward. 23x2 M n, . - ? r , , two-bedroo- m BY AUTHORITY ; NOTICE. PAYMENT OF WATER RAT: In accordance with Ordinal r as amended by Ordinance : and 102 of the City and County 65 up-to-da- te ; ;, ! nolulu, all persons holding war. vileges'under meter rates are 1 notified that the water, rates f March, 1917. Upon failure to pay such watsr withln thirty day's thereafter : m . - . : 1 III . ' : , 1 : ; ' - -- Twe-awfarniafce- !?' : 1 due and payable on the FIRST ; -. i: period ending February 23th, : nal charge of 10 per cent :; -. . added..; All privileges nponf which rr' main unpaid after April 1st, 131 :, be shut off forthwith. Rates are' payable at the c:. the Honolulu Water WTorks. Ka; Building, Honolulu, Hawaii. ''-H. E. MURRAV ' General Manager, Honolulu Y.V Sewer Department 6710 Feb. 15, 17. 19, 21, 23, : . ' 1 ;': Mar. U - . Star-Bulleti-n. v ;"" ' - - . ;. Star-Bulleti- : - ? n, SUr-Bulleti- n - ; ot Star-Bulleti- Fellowlnj Is the pcx.:?." : 3 table for February. It Ij : if sudden arrr-ar- e t ehanjt made for unexpected rr z ) UNITED 8TATES f.TAIL CTA SUaraere to arrive from February 25 Sierra . . .1 .. . ; i ' San Fra 1 i.;.;... MaUonla 27 27 22 Fr. Can 8hlnyo Maru.. . ...San Frr ,.i,.;;.........Yck: China - Star-Bulleti- '' Steamers to depart n - - , - . : " y - Mott-Smith- ; r- - .. ............. 8. . - m .'-- -- J TABLE F0H U.Z ? . ti;;e posTOFRCE , : -- - -- . . f tor-Feb- ruary . 25 25 27 27 28 Gt ; Northern . . . ; . .San Fra Sierra C, San Fr: Manoa..... Shlnyo Maru Har China. . . . . . ... .San Frz t TRANSPORT S2RVIC2 -- ...;.... ........i Thomas, due March 6 from Mas:: ' NagasakL Sherman at San Frandsco. Sheridan, at San Francisco. Dix, at Seattle. Logan, steamed Feb. 15 for Guar K- Manila. Star-Bulleti- n; : , . . .. v. - : ' --- .' S One hundred and fifty ari3ic families of Spanish descent ar; to govern Chile. 5 .HIDDEN PDZ' , : : , , - ; ': Star-Bulleti- 4 .. ' a n. tf " - " ... .Vice-Preside- nt Vice-Preside-nt T " J .......... - Vice-Preside-nt Star-Bulleti- Wm n, Star-Bullet- in ' ' - j.- n ,;.: 2nd-han- r N i : . - . d Adelina Palti TAVERN - " : ; 331,-2C2.49- " - s , . 1 bi:atn , , Fini aa&tfcer rcet l ' rplh r cf a tui: 8. . , ' FOR l.OXCl.NU TWS. - iK W W fc 1 I sr. f V vc:vl-:!tors (V Mv not hO te Timpl f n by 7MS.) m Urtztn Fin HN KMt MONDAY 'V ' . ' ' WEDNESDAY Hawaiian Lodge No. 21. Special, second degree, 5 p. m.' THURSOAY ' fttf Nsw iteei and concrete strue-tn- r. 3 SO rooms, 250 connecting bathroom i. Homelike comfort rather than unnecesaarily expensive luxury. - In center of theatre, cafe and retail districts. On car line transferring all orer city. , rase municipal car-li- ne direct a door Hotor Boa xaeeta trains rt steamers, I Jahl Chapter No. 2. O. E. S; : Mated. 7:30 p. in - ; , TUESDAY iiib fettl to fee Uuto ANNUAL MEETING- m Am SATURDAY fn ' fCHOFICLO LCOGE WEDNESDAY CATURDAY ' . . '. v tNCXCf LLCD TUNA FISHIHe CO0O AUTO ROADS . ; - r wlrt for rcMmikm Wrtu ' . (" ;:J Grand Pcilo'Vi; Hall : V MAtii cUm bnlel la lf.U tUf . M with r.-;.:- - TTalluXv. ery room.. WCEKLY CALENDAR ;;;V. . ": Vj : 3.-7:- n. p. PLEASANTOM HOTEL '' Lodge" No; Initiation of candidates. i:-r:-r- 30 LUXURIOUS AND r COMFORTABLE ' STRICTLY FIRST-LA-SS eo CATHS tCD ROOMS " I Exceic'cr liit? No. i, 7:30 p. n. Regular orisr cf business ......... ......i.Apr. S ............vMar. It Ventura ... .......... . Apr. 24 Sonoma '..............Apr. t C. BREWER & CO.;LTD. .. General Accnta 1 PRICE M.50 The von Hamm-Yeun- . Ltd., Co g FRAITE C00ZIB3 Tel. 2162 Bishop and Queen. Direct Scrvicfi Between San Frcnclsco and Honolulu. ffor Hirp Autos S. S. Matsonla ........Feb. 27 & S. Lurlfne . .; .Mar. 6 S. S. WHhelmlna;..V.i .Mar. 13 S. S. Manoa ...1. .....Mar. 20 ..... KING A NUUANU AUTO STAND Phone 4-2-4- -2 ad-6urn- A P E R MEAT MARKET GROCERY V Steamers of, the above company will call at and leave y Honolulu on or about the dates mentioned below: Phone 3451 . For the Orient C. Q. YEE HOP d CO. S. S. S. S. mthesneY COFFEE CO. COFFEE ROASTERS By-La- - -' -- .. ;. ,. For San Francisco :z S. 8hlnyo Maru......Feb. S. Persia Ma ru.. Mar. S. Korea Marv . T. .. .Mar. S. Siberia Maru ....Apr. 27 - s M ru . V', , ..Mar. S S. 8. KVr ' ., ; S,' Sv Siberia Maru. .,. .Mar. IS sC S. Tcnyo Mani.v.'l,,Mar. 27 Q. S. Nippcn Marti. ....Apr. 10, .! -. 12 29 9 CASTLE & COOKE, Ltd., Agcntt Hbnclulu Dealers In Old Kona Coffee :" ; Honolulu. Merchant SL '. . : lit ; 6710 TilLTiSSAY :'.::z HcteUh lodge No. 1, 7; CD : Kt.:!::r .business x ' l AvLuxurUuS . .ren Ion.. Mar. 13 . . . Mar. 2t S- - .' .: " . - Lurllne. . .. . S. S, WUhelmina... S. CASTLE & COOKE; Ltd., AcenU, Honolulu P 7 FOR ALL PURPOSES Paper Bags, Cups, Plates, Napkins and Towels, Etc AMHAW. PAPER CO' Ltd. ; ' Phone 1410 - J. Ashman Beaven, Mgr. Fcr San Francirco S.' 8. Manoa . . ;",J. . . .... Feb. 27 S..S. MaUonla ......Mar. 7 From San" Francisco v v.' ; " ., ZDN.TDAY Feb. 21 Sierra Ventura 8lerr 1 MONDAY ................. ...............Mar. IS u, a : one wailukc, Bty f1.ri4 Tba lill' Sonoma Fcr Sjdbsy ; Repairing -- e TO SA1I FHA1ICISC0 For San Tranciico; . Notice is hereby giren' that the annual meeting of the .Stockholders of McBryde Sugar Company, .Limited, will be held at the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce. Kauikeolanl Building. . King Street,- - Honolulu. T, IL; cn FriR. HEMENWAY. '; day, the 2nd day of March,-1917- . Secretary.. at 10 15," 1917. o'clock, a. no. t Honolulu. T. IL. February - 6710 l3t ' The . stock books of the Company . will be closed for transfers from FebANNUAL MEETING. ruary 21st to March 2nL 1917, both ioclusire. s dates ' KAUAI RAILWAY COMPANY.. JOHN GUILD, Secretary. '. Notice is hereby giren that the anHonolulu; T. IU February 15, 1917. nual meeting ' of the ..Stockholders of : 6710 13t : V- Kauai Railway Company will be held at the office of the Company. Stan- ADJOURNED ANNUAL. MEETING. genwald Building, Honolulu. T. H- - on Friday, the 2nd day of March, 1817; at 2 WAISLLIA AGRICULTURAL COM. ' ' v' : PANY, LIMITED. . o'clock p. m. j ' - JOHN GUILD. ;: is hereby giren, that an Notice ' y'.iSecretary. v- annual meeting of the shareIIonoluIu. T. H February J5, 1917, holders of the Waialua Agricultural ' (Company, Limited, will be held at the 6710131 ' office of Caatle A Cooke, Limited, at ANNUAL MEETING. the corner of Fort - and y Merchant Streets, in the City and County of HoKAUAI ELECTRIC COMPANY, nolulu, Territory of Hawaii, on Satur-,: LIMITED. day, March 3, 1917, at 10 o'clock a, mi, for the purpose of considering an in' Notice is hereby giren that the an- crease In the capital stock of the Comnual, meeting of the Stockholders of pany and proposed amendments to the Kauai Electric Company, Limited, will of the Company, and such be held at the office of the Company. other business as may be brought be Stangenwald Building, Honolulu, T. H., fore said meeting. .; on Friday, the 2nd day of March, 1917, ; T. IL PETRIE, '. v at 3 o'clock p. zn. Secretary, Waialua ; Agricultural Com-:- ; : . ; r;: JOHN GUILD, pany, Limited. - ' , " . ; ; -. Secretary. Honolulu, Hawaii, February 16. 1917. , 6711 Honolulu, T. IL. February 15, 1917. ' - "TMC VALLEY ISLAVO' to rWt Th ViUr Inlwuft Dost and MoxniriMttt HALKAXALA. th UrrMt rrtloct Toieana In th world and the IAO-. VALLKT aud ;iu faanua ".Needlr, ANNUAL MEETING. McBftYDE SUGAR COMPANY, LIMITED. v ' Notice is hereby glren that the an nual meet ins of the Stockholders of Kauai Fruit & Land Company. Limited, will be held at the office of the Company, 8tangenwald Building, T.m on Friday, the 2nd day of March. 1917, at 3:30 o'clock p. m. . v. ' LAND COMPANY, KAUAI FRUIT LIMITED. XlUl Stvrt r mcU H Whaa IU4 tfdjmrt-- . Cbl e44rM "TrwfS" 4 B O (Mi ' ;i '. days 5Vj . Ho-nolnl- FRIDAY - ':- . . ANNUAL MEETING. Notice Is hereby siren that the anNotice Is hereby glren that the annual meeting; of the Stockholders of Kahulul Railroad Company will be held nual meeting of, the Stockholders of at the principal branch office of the East Maul Irrigation. Company. LimCompany, Stansenwald Building. Ho- ited, will be held at the office of the nolulu. T. H-- . on Tnesday. the 27th day Company, Stangenwald Building, Hoof reiroary, 1917, at 2:30 o'clock p. m. nolulu. T. IL, on Tuesday, the 27th day of February, 1917. at 2 o'clock C. H. HEMENWAY, "" '.. i V p. m. Secretary. JOHN GUILD. Honoluln. T. IL. February 15, 1S17. ' v.v Secretary. 710 lOt " Honolu!tt."T7lL. February 15. 1917. ANNUAL MEETING. 6710 lOt .V I rj rt 11X3 CORPORATION NOTICES ..LIMITED. atjStreet,fraucisco Ualea Mt ., CORPORATION NOTICES ' KAHULUI RAILROAD COMPANY. EAST MAUI IRRIGATION COMPANY, LJU A amind mutt be In been l ' '. Hprns Hotel' ' ? . THE HAWAIIAN HONOLULU' RAPID TRANSIT AND , LAND COMPANY. - ; , LCCTRIC CO, '.?...v, LIMITED. :-- isif.,:;'.:-:;- "V-"- CANADIAN-AUSTRALASIA- ' .. ANNUAL MEETING. ANNUAL MEETING. , 1CJ tfxklkl Ct, Phone 3375 ', 13t SUVA'S T0GGEEY Regular Sailings to BRITISH C0LUHBIA FIJI, 1TITV7 - ' ZEALAITD and AUSTRALIA. v : For Further 'particulars apply to V.'.. whoi you want best .quality in men's clothes. King St. - ? ; K 'Notice la hereby given? that the anNotice Is hereby giren that the an nual meeting of the shareholders of cuAl meeting of, the shareholders of The Hawaiian Electric Co; Ltd, win the Honolulu Rapid. Transit and Land be held at the office of the Company, Company will be held at the office of Klnr Street, Honolulu, T. H.. : ROYAL MAIL LINE N . GenerArAfjcntW THEO. H. DAVIES'fi CO; LTD -- ALIIOLANI V" CsbcTbsa KoteL 222') WIxlae Road ' - Cataalt, HoaoJultt.. . Oa the v ' Car Line. Geia wholesome itrroundlngs; cccl tsd ccnfartalle rooms; home ttr-pr-; ztre. Jlztei reascacle. Phone 71CL WILL C K1NG, UgT. - ',' rc! -- . 1917.;' w-- ' larlteJ'to at CVV.'.y ... , ' ' '' ' T REASON ACLE PRICES ANNUAL MEETING. FIi2 7o n !:! 2F r. Ii Ilinsry HAWAIIAN 'SUGAR COMPANY. M :.r; alliakcs s i: ::. c;r. nuust Cater CTirr f"'.-- : rr ::. ; :i. iiCx 3L 1017 I j -- 7.3, Prex. ma re ir 5 cri 13. 15, SPECIAL SALE. Crass Linen and Pongee Waist -' y. Patterns YEE CHAN A CO. Comer Klna and Cethel Street , - -- -- 2 ri Uii - .:;n,-rrt.'.- . C? P. . - , :o, c. c. a. k r : . -i t- tod f :- . -; A. Y. YZZ, O. D ." v-- . : - - C t . .r: r :: T' -j ?- ! - zrl:in- Link rhsne :. c ..... . : r:-'.l.- ::i ' ' f. - , Pr; .' : : . .' is 1C21 , Centra ;tar i::r.:!t!a, T. :") tr.i l',Z7 -- H. V i n C ' " ' ' L.UVU.1L : - accurate transmission of messa;:s to ships at sea, to other k!anca or to South Sea Utanda.' :.; Fhcne 1574... .. v , Capld, ' C.-TlCt- t '' -- . rc i ur.NiTLT.z , r- - jl,. : - ' . Get all the light you are paying for by using Edison Ilarda Lasip3. ' .;-- ni07 At the annual meeting of the stock holders of The Wslmea Sugar Mill Company, held at the office of the Company, Hackfeldi Building, Hono lulu, T. H., on. Wednesday, February 21st, 1917, at 11 o'clock a. nL, the fol lowing officers, directors and auditor were elected to serve for the ensuing Fort Street ' nt .u .. - r .;:HA.LL J MMNERNY SHOE STORE ; ; Fort, above King st,' p -- ; 6712 Feb.5 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26.- - t- : r .v.-,- 6716 23, 24. Feb.-2- 2, ,. Ist? s WILLS-FA-R -. n, us j tr. a. . i.' : ,- ... . PurityCross ru r Arrive Honolulu from Wahlawa and LeUehua 3:15 a. 1:52 p. tx, 3:59 p. m., 7:13 p. el ' The Haleiwa Limited, a two-htu- r train (only first-clas- s tickets hcscreU leave Honolulu every Susday at I; 35 a. m. for Haleiwa Hotel j returrx arrives in Honolulu at 10:19 p. ta. The Limited stops only at Pearl City, .' ; Ewa Mill and Waianae. Dally, : fExcept Suaiajr. tSaafiax .. , :. only. R. DENISON, ,. v Wr C tUITHV SuperintendsnL "a.- - O. P. Ad ' a, a Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell O. Johnson of ; ; : Feb. " 19 20 :; ''. . - . . " 14.-:- ' plates In signal boxes. AND MOON. High Low High Tide Tide HL of Tide Large Tide Small Large HENRY MAY A Co Dat-e- J. CASHMAN Makiki street were ' presented -j a with baby girt on February . Glasgow provides its policemen warm food and tea rwhen on duty ..at night by the use of electrically heated ' 1701 - Creamed Chicken a la King, at TENT8 AND AWNINGS . ; Luau Tents and Canopies for Rent ; Thirty Year Experience : ; Fort SL, near Allen, upstair Phone 14S7 . " - - D. ta:le oahu rail7AYxTi:.:e y. ''.': 72 3. . Tuesday.',; ' .; IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE IN . NEWPAPERS, . Manila Shinyo Maru, 5 ' p. m, Tues-daAnywhere at Any Time. CaU u ; MMMesSMamMKW .. : ". ; .. ; write ; Maurice Snyder of Troy, N. Y., was THE DAKE ADVERTISING AGENCY. drowned when he lost control "of a 24 Sansome Street San Francisco motor iceboat on which he was riding snd the machine ran into open water. Something newl TIDES, SUN Vice-Preside- nt PCu'GBoGCiiGG ' . Limited. Phone cuthe CO & CO , HAITAirS BEST 0H0E3 . M..1 Claudine, !. otiTWAliD " r ' '' Kauai Kinau. Maul, L--I strs. and; Waianae, Waialua, Kahuka For Lanai-MikahMolokal, LI. str. Way 9: 15 a, rx, 3;2 p.EL. Stations .' i Monday Feb.. 28.--"City, Ewa HiU ari Vay For Pearl San Francisco Sierra, Ocesnic str; Stations 3:15 a. f7: 3 9 a. p. 2:15 3:23 p. nU 11:30 a. VESSELS TO DEPART 5:15 p. J9:35 p. ct fll:15 p. n. For Wahlawa and Leilcica eil:C3' '. Saturday, Feb. 24. r . v m 2:40 p. el; ;5iC0 p. a.' nv.Vf JIIlo Manna Kea. n. in... Sunday, Feb. 25. For LeIIehua 6:00 av San Francisco Great Northern, ' v"'- . . f. Hill str. Monday, Feb,' 29 Arrive Honolulu ' erota Kaholn, Sydney Sierra, Oceanic str, " Waialua i .and. WaJanae!S:33. a. n) . Maui Claudine, I.L str. p. m. 6:30 I.-4 Kauai Maui, L str. Arrive Honolulu from Ew 1IC1 and Pearl City f7: 45 a. el, S:35 a, MAIL8 U:C2 a. eL, n:2S p. el, .4:21 p. : , .'f Malls are ' due from the following' 5:30 p. m 7:2S p. tx : points as follows: San Francisco Sierra, Monday a. m. Vancouver Makura, March 21. Manila Thomas, March 6. . Yokohama , China, Wednesday or Thursday. :. Sydney Maknra,' March 2 Malls will deDart for the following I points as followa : San Francisco Great Northern, 10 a. m. Sunday; mails close i : 30 a. m. Vancouver Makara, March 2. Sydney Sierra. Monday, 5 p. m. V .; , Yokohama Shinyo Maru, ' 5 p. td., Thayer Piano Co., Ltd. -- Vice-Preside- nt - 3 4 s - v'-- . any pcint 1 ' Cr.,. ' Klrj CWTcL.ISII'v -- " T' G 1 and K C T s ICreservations T Also r HONOLULU MUSIC CO. Ltd. . ;: 4 . PIANOS 1 COM-- - . v-.- Ud.-.A::- n F R 6 str. I.-- L ala, . cmni noon V ;. Commission llcrchanti V .HOITOLULU r :.' Jl ' . OF OFFICERS. : '' :'.;v. Limited ; .Vice-Preside- L vALDHOfJ, FRED l . V ' Apply to V; ,ne.t-"pstar- s I. Maui H.HACKFELD&C0. A . Secretary. ''. Honolulu T. IL. Feb. 21. 1917. : ; ' 6715 Feb 21; 22. 23. year: Rates, ' Reservations l' Ky is , : ; , f ADf. .i - T - ;. : I . ' DAYS TO NEW YffSK : Ukelike, L-- str. Sunday, Feb. 25. Kauai - . 'rf'Ji v v- VESSELS TO ARRIVE : Hlo Mauna Kea, MATTHEW- M. GRAHAM, " XtHtri Amvs at vS DAY3vT0 ;v J p. n. CHICAGO xut. ' f1'7 Tartt U MOVEMENTS Of MAIL STEAMERS 0TJITcT5uiLDniG s. THE WAIMEA SUdARf MILL ' ' .: PANY. .vi ts tn ami Hotel sad Bethel 8treeU " ELECTION irv-- - Only Four Nights Co., Ltd. The Water-housUnderwood f Typewriters. s. H. P. Faye . .U ...'..President J Geo. Rodlek I' J V". .Treasurer IL Schultze Secretary J. F. C. Hagens . ANNUAL MEETING. , The above with Mr. Geo, R. Ewart, the Board - of Direc ALEXANDER A BALDWIN, LIMITED Jr, to constitute ' . tors: an hereby given -Notice Is that the CZVEL0PIN3 . .. .V; . .. . .Auditor nual meetins: of the Stockholders of A. Haneberg F.IINTUia ' ENLAROING ; J. F. C. HAGENS, Alexander & , Baldwin. Limited, has ,'5 , . Cut In the City '( Secretary. been regularly called and will be held , 24. 23, 22, 6716 Feb. Honolulu Picture Framing A 01 place at the office ena principal .: ;', SLT?ly CO, business of the Company, Stangenwald ELECTION OF .OFFICERS. Buildings Honolulu. T .IL, on Wednes1917, day, the 28th day. of February, COMPANY, LTD. at S o'clock: a. m. r KEKAHA SUGAR ' : V .. JOHN GUILD. At (he annual meeting of the stock " : . ; - Secretary-- " , of; Kekaha Sugar Company, holders February 15, 1917. Hopolulu, T, held at the office of the Com Umlted, ... 6710 lit. -. pany, Hackfeld Building, Honolulu, T. ' IL, on Wednesday, February 21st, ANNUAL MEETING. f:. KekauUke. Nr. Queea. ntooe S333 1917. at 10 o'clock a. the following elected to were and auditor directors HAWAII, OF CO. HOME INSURANCE serve for the ensuing- - year: ; V.; '-. ' v. i .limited.;. : Geo. N. WUcox, H. Schultze, H. P. Paints, Plumbing Supplies, Building Notice Is hereby given that the an- Faye, Geo. Rodlek, P. R. Isenberg, A. Materials. Prices low. Houses built nual meeting ofthe shareholders of S. Wilcox, J. F. C. Hagens, directors; on : instalment plan. Choice House the Home Insurance Company of Ha- A Haneberg. auditor. : V At a subsequent : meeting- of these sale; Lets for 7 waii. Limited wlU he held at the ofthe following officers were directors CITY MILL COMPANY, LTD Street, Company, 8l Fort fice xf the Telephone 247S. . P. O. Box S51 near; Queen Street, of the City and appointed to serve for the year: V. Gea N. Wilcox. . . . ..President County of Honolulu, Territory of Ha1917, IL P. Faye., ..1st at 27th, waii, Tndayr February, P. R Isenbei. 2nd -' 4 o'clockp. nv- - " . . . .Treasurer Geo. Rodlek . . . . ' ':: NORMAN WATKINS.' . Hagens. ... . Secretary C. F. J. Secretary, Home Insurance Co. of ;. v VF, J. Limited, Hawaii. C ILAGENS. "' Secretary. . Honolulu, Hawaii, Feb. 12th, 1917. . Blue Ribbon to F.V Mm' e v-- . . - - (Sgd.) P.rtail HAWAIIAN ORUG CO. ti- C-Scot- - Navel Oransres ... . JCotice.is hereby given that the an nual : meeting of the Stockholders of Kahuku Plantation Company will be held at- the office of the Company, Stangenwald Building, Honolulu, T. H on Tuesday, the 27th day of February, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m.v . The transfer books of the Company will be closed from February 20th to February 27th, 1917, both dates In, clusive.. JOHN GUILD, : , : ... : ..--Secretary.. Honoluln, T. TLi Febrnary 15, 1917. 6710 lOt - ; v.. :, r-- i It ANNUAL MEETING. . ...T.lwT'' C. LTcrclmt, v Chpcolatpj t . KAHUKU PLANTATION COMPANY. 1'; cener Tcii .. ct;:j- IYJij c. r. At near Fcrt dz:y, r v-5" - ' r.ItortSoa. gtMa9 D Gruenhsgen' ' .... ( JH. CULM AN CO, LTD. Fort and Hotel Streets r,; DFFICERS1 h.-?-c?- :v--?-.;- cniin. iXt . EXPERT WATCH AN D JEWELRY' REPAIRING. - J . '' tr-tA- d Notice is hereby giren that the an nual meeting of , the Stockholders., of Hawaiian Sugar Company will beheld at the office of the Company, Stangen wald Building,. Honolulu, T. H on Wednesday, the 2Sth day of February, 1917, at 10:30 o'clock a, m. . ' The transfer books of the Company will be closed from February 21st to February 28th, 1917, both dates '' ' ' .' v; . ,s JOHN GUILD, . ; ;: ... Secretary. Honolulu, Ti ll.; February 15, 1917. r . - - :C710 lit' a cf p. :. ! ?r, 'V.; i .5 " : At the Annual Meeting'of the Share-- ; Steam Navi-- , holders of the Inter-Islangation Company,-Lt- d held at the Of--, Company Honolulu, T. II fice of the this date, pie following Directors and' Auditor were elected to serve for the ensuing years George N. Wilcox, Albert S. Wilcox, John IL Dowsett, William O. Smith. Clarence H. Cooke, John W. Waldron, v;James A. Kennedy. : The ' Audit Company j of " Hawaii, Auditors. ' J v ?:"At a subsequent ineeting of the Directors, the Tollowitfg ' Officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: , James A. Kennedy: . .'1 President Dowsett. i.lst Vlce-PreJohn ,; Norman E. G edge i; 2nd Vlce-Pre. .Treasurer Oliver Matthew M. Graham. .'..Secretary . t v-.-- : . Nuuanu 8L nr King SL i.foXxt-- : Floating Palace'pf the Pacifi s ' "S,Gr2Gir:or::::ra,r ". . STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LTD.: - SFOPvT MATS : e i INTER-ISLAN- v ' " ' V-- Fort Street . 5 f February-17.- " ELECTION OK DIRECTORS AND -- ff , ' i: 1 ' ,1029 : : Dated HoribIutn.?T. : " r ' a. m. -- im.Ww WOUEirS APPAREL Tuesday, February 27th, at 9 o'clock ofel ci ; 223-22- 7 the 8, N. Castle Estate, Limited. 09 Stangenwald Building, in the City and 1 f 2. 1, County of Honolulu, Territory of' Hawaii, on Monday, the. 26th day of Feb-ruary, 4.8 7, at 9 . o'clock a, nt" td : tf I whlQhtlme and place the special meeti ing or laid iharc&olders held January G cl 2113 EI Co 261S17, has also been adjourned; at .17::: c'ciccX ' meeting, in addition to the usual which f.'it-.rs'- i Own Acuxrlurn." Clzz ',: '.V. I Tf":ry.-' business, win be submitted for . "..ap v. ; Cst.tcm Csata provalof. the shareholders the form Ci!fy p::r.;tr auts service leave . v W. W mortgage or trust deed prepared in Aeser-it:;rof .j Company t a. m. " : j la tlt!r kaU Itrvk:!! Tours pursuance of the resolutions' adopted Company, prions llZ Tcurs Aifl c - IV: z Ct, tear meeting. : special said at 112. ctue cur t:::: r?f3. r..t,"cTcry FTliay ALFRED L. CASTLE; v , W ', Secretary, Honolulu Rapid Transit and cor ar ; Land Company ' lrc'.l::s :,:r. . . -- : - ......... ......... '' 24 23 FT. P.M. 2:15 2.0 2:20 2:57 i 3:37 21 22 23 A3I. : ......... t ......... 4:14 4:50 p.m. 2,0 y :20 - 1.9 1.7 1.4 4:07 4:54 5:42 a.m. P.M. 7:53 8:50 Low ' Tld Sman A3f. : 9:23 9:53 ua. .'"p.m. 9:43 10:23 10:52 10:39 11:21 11:37 11:49 -- Soa Rise Set 6:27 6:26 6:01 6:02 ' , ; and Btzx ; - .... Mooa BUt , - Cet ' Rises 4:45 5:35 . 6:25 6:24 6:02 6:02 6:24' 6:02 6:03 6:23 p.'m. " a.m. V:33 1.3 5:19 0:40 6:22 1.4 7:29 5:52 12:19 New Moon Feb. 21 at 7:38 a! m. - Sets 7:24 8:26 9:27- ; 6:04 .. - 10:28 . - ; 0