2 ?.197-d. J,,. u,,.J,, ", 6cked;bv.u r;.s]re iiqidi, nd'29lhrsts,1 14 fromt'within hurled bv,'a i,lqni:lie hospttaliiea Heading,.lhg' ritnsrel !!g.Rev. A..Hi Vath.r; Francis iir Xa Catholic "..Church. r i Gqeen'sts.i'.,u16 llhg r E.. i Sw..e_n soril''lIpas.tqr mountiUnited: Chu;ch,p25!hTar 'ii 'munity;havej r problenr n; oitli ;the,circrttaflf liiil,i;iil r. doiit 'fbil 'Th,ls,'{ttt made ltself ous' ofteh not durlng'1,91" veloped,Mr 8Op'Ulocktof tNfTa? fit'f;,Hl}$'d;#llli ii*{lf'*.iHft$i{ rhi standeis Otherc Ii" Racial lrictto lmld..Tulv '1.*L., i:wastlhtr roupl€ stay'off ther see .that, our-chll. :n.ggers\6lse s1sl .jso{rif Wllliam; "rbS [t-a 15o41" tp;p1d q[9 was i UU rn Foirmount Ay. Ayee 1 Citi es. Pl n, tflroffirfl^tlpr{. l BV erurrlE S.-rREEMAtrf rhe community's knowl{ q f {without $ f:l rro'. than r00 p.,,on,' ou..| rflowed the meetins " t.llt'lt :hl 3i,i,'?1,0',illll -"1:l-[.];"ii.;;.;'"fi* thu prog..rr;i :gmrnenuet'.Metho?ist a,n:$,l rrlJ"rt' e,ii.'iti'ooor, where itl i25th and Biown sts.. las i$!$;s{;i;;; i;; U4#l;i.'',n;i,#, wis approvedq it{Hlmt b*inkl""r""'YlY-t--'--"''' standing " I four-deep aioundl ;rpany ptlre room for the two-hour'meet-l jiftg, were objecting to a proj-l iqct repently' proposed, by"thel fl$odel Cities Prbgram. l I I JWe '' are , not l a ..Dart of . the l il{odel Cities program and havel irhade it clear that we are not.,'l isirid Mrs. Harriet Gaige, preii-l tdent of the Fairmount Parents,l ,Businessmen and Neighbors As-l l(pciation. r : '" i{lans Listed ' i'lA I I review; of thE uodel Citiesl llrogram for the Fairmount av. I lo€ction was released. It listed:l i i-e ptay area for 28th, Brown.l is}. and Pennsylvania av. I I tr-Use of 26th; 27th ancl Taneyl ists., west side and Parrish tol ilrown sts, as a possible site I lfpr a community house. I i {-The proposed site for thel | ffirfrrlunt Av.!enter ll,lr{"::1"*,,'*li:g"t{ i2po.' r"ii.oui'i.".i:""o"ir"ri "'^'* | i1':3'"l,l[,?:i:',,':,'if (Fr:i .'jlJ"Xl';llh.n"tTe_a-sundov Il,::-i:1.l'*:i3f*ilj;;,:l*I Ioi liehtinn. I ;'f#1,* Icated ff'*s.i.fiI at 5 P.M. tomorrow' will be operated ii-provioing of[-streer parkingl t-I|.-,_.".I:L ;..,,1* :i$; ffi iJ"&?-i,Pd:T1.ffi'Ji?i,:r;ll igl",ll :,1 I cluoe 'r,uwalu Dl'Aturr' l inry':"r'l'rtffiit'll,:t#Bfili*:$ffiffi: . , ,l dent of the Frifds ifederal f[rnds.' f[rnds.1 ""1'-'' " :' - ;i -- ljil:f ii':hT'8 tolmake :- :l| I Mrs.l I fj!' wel f iPoeRle wl.ro. need . . this,"moneyf 9l United Fu;d. ;iil#lir;,fi:;rda,..: "in.'' $ii;u{'fi:;'nit [{ ;t-""""' fi ; ; r"',,""""i f.Y. -alea fBd been a part Dr. Merrill /onover, associate di;;"6;-;i-U{tHealtir and Welthe boundaryl fare Couny'il; Capt. Thomas of_ iModel Cifies. Program, .but_ ioarge. sald, I cu,pqqF. fwe do not:feel lnown ol liorth. Ltbortte*-(y. W. w.) His: loric Coates stf 700 north, b.e' brn 1873. [t honored atf old Quaker fam: descendld frgnr . Thomas wh{ came trere from England a$ut 1680. William ily Coates, Coatesl pemetery near 3d and Brown sti. in 1746; hence the name. Another nrember of the famlly was Samuel Coates (U48-1830)'l for 41 years a manager'of ,the Pennsylvania Hospital :-. i [ol irtschool on arsite alreadv se-l ll€qted as a recreation center;i Les the .we.should,r' ttheVfobject to.the constructionl Aruqrers t av. about it,.butl quurErtL9 vr the !!re audience Jqtul saidl [:l ][-embers.,pf '-{ A came the ilT;#,,llli,1'Siill 3l' :"if us believe "113??iX,.'',,,, Itryrng .don. oris{dent of the new cen_l part pf a depressed sluml ter.'andhrank Marzolf, direqtor [^qre larea-we ftare not," .fiu_:1tl| aqelcV operations of the lqesperately should. have i958 r+r -:': PrcJr- Neighborflil: g,i:: [;ff:Jil"i':l: l;:,X,:'l',1L.ry I',iT'l;' il';' li:bnstruction of a communityl site wnere where there.arel lqou.se l4ou5e on a slte ;npwil private homes, and off- I lstreet,: parki4g that would re-l ,{uire destruction of other pri-l ', rVatehonres,,': . 1 I i ln emphaSizing that the Fatr.l [mount av..area is not a part of I lModel Cities, Mrs. Gaige said ['fthey have no rlght,.to clme in [qnd tell us wh4t,w!.are going itb do. fframmed Down,Thrgats' Il"tt.te people here want to build itip the':community-we are. not [q slum community and'we will lget a r€creation center from the' lCitY of Philadelphia." p The Rev. John Swens6n,,pas[tor of Emmanuel Church, iaid neighborllhe -residents of the ,,have Ihings l$ood should not fgrammed down :their throats," f'{nd that the only interpretation . I , qte Edicf, Police Keep tid on t,.l;, ';; ,I: f ; , .':: By cHNRLEs.MoNrcoMEqxildn a.z+rriun ,'-':---_l'._ rn-iln basis rp]r i.rr,rli#.r],"r,';.";;. {or at teasti{homes, tast ins::1, ""i"o*iup,morrrrcomn4*fl$r';. . , ^',?J;ill1i"iift;ffi 'r..1;::, ri;{:ilTqx,ri":'#:l'Jj"1Jn,T;i::;i,"j,m*ji*:r,:H:$},1 ":Li:::.:.11, ,on" ,r,i ".1rr, i ;i;T't""-.,;ir.:: ilriir?;"i'il::l i::*.li iHiJ; r**J''fiwffiFffi.iffiIi,1#T:fii1i*.1.'ii,r{n*ff di"r;'f,'ffi;'*"fijitr:,1ffir raciai,'vi,.iiur; *t"pffildl$ffiqi,{ff;:r "Ee1i,gqk;; where Mavor'rite wnere iipeaerat, and-ffi lnspectir' Robert:Hoi,y*oql H"ltv*"{i"'li. "r.;i"bJii;;, ..ana-2etfi1 Paul Skalisky,- 18,' of Stanleyj Near DickinSon; Jameg trre two 'borhoods ou'rooqs Mavor' Tate ;iFederal. McKean M"xeun .. nltective- rnspectir' Robert' Detective. st. neai rasker raskbri.,- ;,r I vesterday proclaimedl ';i:*;',""1 $'?::: T:j'JT5^..:t'""n91'., a ti*ii ,{iti; ard-'u'u'3.1'r"i'rlrldi#l'lJ ---: :i :::lfr : 6a emerleicy;; 1[,ri;iri ,"d+,l,T,1ll.n!l:.-:-:: ' . Thirteen per'sohs, lt r.:,,,fi.iyrx:'i whiib'li' Fatrmount wy', th j,icalmer iV. in il. L.ni.ut Fi"y-. iurty, rz,;ot .+d Newkirk st..,near I and two black,'were arreste{i'jof the two ruy''rriiiil.,;'l;iil; ii.ft.n, ;r:t-, i?1r61, ii;";il.l.ur,."js,, Police commissioner rrarlt'l;saia there wjl! reii:iaults-oi '-iu'riia io-li ryr,it.,oilorrie{s! near Dicktnson. r Ii f "uguizo- uii#"lJ* ,r;r''fffi"lfitrltlliii""iir.:*,lfitrff:J*l,*i*.ii{:ttlll;li,*f',thlli 'i,tl.ff]:,:lrfl ';':ii,iil#T_:-q:llnili,lli irit::!i ,fiirfl;*1 fll,.,,,it* i!ffi;,'idtfi;_fq;kii ' ,;g':' u'r'"'* F-''-,i'r,,iilii'"i'Ji"-; iil;U1'e!xfirl[,i!njQ'ii$;f[timn,",#ni:rh'sulml,:f;*#l*f prti.q'1Ta-n.-i..it".s-i,'.i!l'p9ti6:Ji;;^iiomi ed po'ice ana o't"tiuffi?ifi.T';:i*.f"#t perents:rig,lcd.se or beer., Miuer saidirhev ii':3 i 1 r t?Jn'ih'**litliltiq#iii:j'*,'lr',H "",#nj[,1T,0--c1lltlt-"^gt::F #:::J##r-il'r'[.j,FJ,ii piii..:'.'i,'-^, iii,il,, tf ffi;",llii*Htfr,gtt l1;ln'*igui;,t-.+r:il,E;ifiiiT;6;rniosiiv ;.itii-iiirrir'il.r:T^y:'i:.-,:f.l.r:.thged..,them"i'*tiiil"$'?,llir';,''lll* ,'*.erb::iieq;;"t'"i lulilpri.Said.' nfl:f reyl:'trweril'# freouentlv.l;*ltl;,1{1'_*_.t i ed .n'ni',I I'lT'1, .t", pr'c'a'i,t';ri,gilnj'r.lw*Tr"Fitilqijii*i*JiiftTit,F,l.fifr eq by -Tate's .proclamailbn.l ra'!e s Y::.^;:*ly::+il.1{.:jhey, i 'v coor the p.M., At e.r'0 P.M., 'two "t,p,pr,.,..'ii rnspector Mill:1 Inspector M1r-. i Negro men'werel / j rEd"'!s rjirs ,1r t-[;jg',Xi;;;i; . 3ns,l,Hx'[x3".#t{':{*$a';'1'bri**;i-i.;"'.-l i'fr,tr r.rrr;': rnJr.JlTt'ilfirrrilitii scrnolq tn grouDs On 'f,y:snevurr peams ttr;iij{ftlill*'i"*;':li {hayor's.prrclamati"it.t;.;it;;.d,i;to-n"i. t In' the' tno' 'wtn"nergnDornooosrpoltcqitto'thoqliMq}ugh'orddrdd*heir#Mlfflih-,lsts.", $L'1n:6sl6ttdiehb6rhosds'poiicq{i1o.irre-a-;.lrr.iiiiiioraet&-{ner;#riiif"rill'ltr.,rrlill"r,satd,thevl neiphtxrr nergnDonlOds-:llTff,r 'r. 'uu rrvo "yltffrrr-aili- tii|,1 were'in addition, in ,abundance, abundance, ont:door.'iarrest,'The-.men the aieas'; areas';tloroomsrI were.. on,:door.'i arrest, '.thjtmEn scattered scatteY aslr.r;}; totd to stop and,wheir ..-l3ti' a-l j, in porice ,' afid state stores werl'.1org6;:steps,.corners, aligys,.buses, police .'rlt.pr,^ii.-.ir,tiii'iiiev"r'; uures,;, iriove<l iloved in. in. l.t:.r^.1t-:yr9T:f H:1" .:1t1",:", -were; *li arrestedi. and beer stores were hsked --'.covered frrleted to, cars. stakeoutteams;fuiitrriflei!., 1 righl-s;spects werc arrbsted.l,Jir.n"rgur.of violatine the, halt sales. rooftops f ..''i '$:fii.1:i#iiiijftLft 'iir:'the,3rea,*-Etrrr!.it,of";rr-liqitii:-iilI:,iio.,"r"ti0n,:!1s6sh;,oI .the, i which. limited ,the to- 12 12,thelhumi;r ,!l,HJj.Tli,ltt:rill:ti.['Tirvr'..1ii}i, ii:.|nS obgcanities.tl.i f; I l 1fi:'fi.','.*;t*;.:,,. irhe procramation.:.errcctiv: rt d tasr [:l;;qi'ry;l'**,**f.ji"$ilqif*it*,:t1d;#t$#:i ir9if: lil$jlil $i,ir*jltl: night and continuing $ir{::9"d"'fh"fi;T[fi.HH: irieirraalrbved'il" f;rili.'wijiilri"Hils,.2e,"of.jgt:, iv. near 30thi a gotrunity i"orn ..' toa 35, of Cohimbia st.;i the rBlack iPanthdr Party, andl the otherjas Reginald rne Icurred at I ithe F and Brown Michael youths he said, taunted The dants' said theyj Bailey,. 17, pf 21th j n: Kenneth Shos-. st. near, to the tesd bv lnerv with' shovlnr throwi 't'On tion in has r frontai areasl for matlon. lhe police trrive'iei ,harassment,' the most vile r tak, i loPl"lL tina'r.- 16, :ari::c-{ll:: breach and bottte cool,' calm police'aclking with the crowds Ringgold st...nearl 16,:' Pasquolq ';Lepe.l tl.l al-. n.6ilD^-l-r ztsi rt*-"ii/F-o'pl.) j,?harged an{ dis- i.shostak;'and tso r'we15 ;" gh6tt.6 violatio4r, l2-Hour ' Mosi'l 4re4s i ference lr , 61 ning. Most" were lo'return today. ; of.'thp proclama; r theicancellation days off. The men l2-hour tours.'! ready to,rush 1,500 the streets,rt sriid uounced : going off'duty One tion has of all pbl r1;'.r lice.,Shltts. :' 1. the', police. in botli 2,30 this under 8re "We men .'l l. 'rl $"{vithY ere. the. peace. is Rizzo y at a press cbnwhich Tate ;an proclarpation. :irssigned' to both the mayor, "have , hg, o 5 :':' s A. U} l- a m 3 G' q, drm; ' ac- cording ro the developcr.iiHc also rold rrca residents the slorc wmld opcmtc t'rcm 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily and that l- lighted Itil signs-me ior. lwso thau drc eiimi- nrtion of the scr-back. I rilcd most peoplc. Thcy I mmplafuedrhd th€ erisrcncEcdthc !x reant CVS t-.- T. roant {o draw peoplc fm ursidc rlrc ryigh$mhmd 1flo Faimrrount to shop pr. $c atorct yhich t al woul*l ncan in(rcapcd tnffi cn .Faimos nt iAvdr twg irt€rscctk-rd thrt bound jahc 2l0O i:,lrk of thal ctrccL '1'' .'"'i cin 't su rvi vc wilh -lerl thc pcoplo or r: cnuc .:irl at -a u -: d Faimiwlt Avcruc," :aid rree glcmecist Ron Lcopold "This is a wglk- )r t OrWd.C'/S *ae@tlc2WMd Faiwat. Neb{NU (rttt) Ms n. Ptu: rrk.h, B.d1M ing community. not ,1.ir- drcn tnffic irg comrunity.' " iVtiir:tr: wrc csm- Hc and othe6 c|ally concerned 1o. ihg tstrq tiq- Iser rcre said WlllflCi Stror,.dittl nor be shu'r down r.:,fif,g mstructifr, md a rtprcrentativc frm CVS sr'id tnc.ltr t!.ailer deliwries, which would har. Irn mr a wck, chrkt 1p 'rirml to avoid schml chil- I Dn\ i{1 Brdun, who trict ar 23rd Street rnd .FairontAvmue that ma rgsided! us f@ parting. Rssidents werc so opposd oCVS locatingttrcrc they $lcd tbc CVS rcprE- Fn*tlivc in attmdanc CVS i knoss h will noa haw rtE sippo.t of the cornmunity. acros ;oirmount Avcn& fmr t rc proposed stm $ggcstcddrmidentsflttrinp a Nei,ghborhoal Devclop " wu said thcy werc not Foirmount re$ldent5 just soy no to BY MARK BRAKEMAN For the Weekly Pess 7 fhc CVS drugstrire chrin hu its cyes I st on rhe Ciry's Faimount s(1im ftr rhc sire of irs ncxt ibray in rhe bartle t'6 rrrarkct share ot the local phmaceutical t)usiness, bur tlrc co$pany's ntrjoroppo. il!'nr in ll'c Inovc ltJl pnrven to tc no its r1riliT cqnFe titirr! bilt its custonEr baF. Rcsrilcnrs {rt l:Jiintount haic nsjr al itrost ilnanrnrolslv in Opposition to the plan to burld il ;:c w stofc on a rcw v(anl krt in tlrc micirl c o, thc nth sidc of rhe 1100 block ,r '' .frrirmou0! Avcnue. The \rw's lutum rr :i"lhtnm would mthcr no( hilve the storc i:: rll, but the store'sd€vel,4xs say it $,!r 1 {r tuilt, so th€ eside{a rc(cntly &'si!' "l rhcmrclvcs tooptre a laritncc. thc i.:ilder is sking to dlw rlrc prolxrserl lr ilding's k)ufldaries toer. cc,l ztminU | . Lir'truns. 'l'lr (lcvcl(){r, l:till lsr.ntr.nr, rvqrkl likc r,r sct tlrc rtrrr ,ril tllC \vily rt thc track of \l,1zt- '!LY t ltlu I *,lY#919"*",*.i sidewalk otr Wallacc Strcet. ra(hcr thln leaving rhe l7 fer aquircd by rhe Ciry's ?oning codc, to-allow more room in rhe front of thc lot for parking. lscnberg is also secking a varitncc on n regulntioa requiring a five-foot clearance berwecn eithcrosi6le of the builrjing and the lot's cdge. ircnbcrg rd with omm|ri,., rcsidents Novembcr l4 to presnl his . r.npany's .tig!frrnt lol ihc ;ariancc ani! jr r rcsrcnu to their concems- Tfie neielrl I wcrc usirg thc metrng hor mly to r . dd otf to ls'nbcrg bur rodecidc how l. :al eivic asvrciatim will prcscnt thc r , ,rrrunity.s Jlosition at a Zoning Coml i . )n hear- ing0n the yaris$c nclt Tru, .r. Akhogh txialmirrcd q/ i !,iesirc ro increa* parkiirg in front"r c s(oret llsberg s{id fc planncd rrr r have a ''3e(-back" bctfven thc 1"/'r I Strcer xiitcwalk and thc srore to ;itl *curity p{otrtcms. cl' 6t1 egtg .rte trash :! p.pe I mtideEl'-*{!? opment bul wnntcd t b0!i ness m thc lot thllt wold crcalc a rcrc rclaxcd rafFc flow than tlrc CVS wld. Phamacist Rd tropolt' who nranlges tlrc phmnx; in thc Phihdclphian aPanrent buildinS, Pointed od that thc area {lready hc scven pharmacies .ard <ta:n't recd anothq. CIh , of tho$ drugstffis re fc chircs of major chains RitcAid iudlhrin WaY.) ltd sly wfrld thc CvS huilfrc busirrc:;s of the existing dng stqcs, hc said, but he Ps' lic taBer s(m wsld not ;r.l)port the ncighbor- dicted hryr, r rrl ollrcrbusiregit the irry small coterPrissdid. "(:,. anli' !dcsrE(ffilbd riy sitring in thisrm excr:', then*lve,' hc sid r)'r ]f the mmy bsstt6f ap1;; nmddrmthttP:P to cmrcnts. g:rr 1r:ople's spr:' irfavrofdrvrim ,r." -.ther smallcr cmP ler: ,rf i ts effecr ol climiiifrrsh m tllc surlgrt r f :,1 r,g place nx.i: focimiuli Orr: rroponcnt of ttE PhE sugll'rrtcd thc gruP tx4Pin Mlm€dm redPqe if go ahcad md buitding beiog built bTlmbergif drompany dm't want to smll tha{." t Othcr rnccting atien(k t4 wld mtrh livq rcnr Agrcmot (NDA) e hclp stcer CVS's develop rent of thc sitc,lt was e fab availaLrlc Sub;$ntia! puting space emPr) s racc) to dms uP tlt stark !r: r'kfrc and mkc lmkrrrre rcmmial. w aleady exisr-s half a blocl5 ffiay io mu(brclqxl lor . . wmd by thc Schml Dis- he stid, rhat dE " going to bc devct o1xd, antl "if we do s!rq*+'.! [CVS] away, tle rcxttiuilda may be McDtmald's, and I I z-) i{no osrtine 6-5||C. Strtret residcnb troptc atterding thc S!. Frrnccs Xavicr Schmt plcrely Rsidcntial block ead md the SL Frmcis Xavlei nsked if rhe archilcctun Church, both of which re- cdld bc nrade "mqe palaF mnd tl* csrer fiom the able fff r reighhrrtrood * PtopGed storc. Rsidcnls of viMritrt." Wallace Strect werc also l*nlrrrg srid thc rcrwd . afmid tb?ir strct wsld be could c,rntain franrcd wis imcsfirleduringmskuc- dows lll i)! i@k in m mly a safety of bc onstructed with puking fo 14 cffi in thc basement. He said thc building wmld not be built wcrc also conrcmed with r large conrrnercial buildi4g appcil in g s their mw m lot I ruld tlzwl WcW Faded ol tlg Funwail Puqts, FIM$ ardl/drtd! Agiah n E il), rc ryav6 to a ffi Ed h m a N Hnna v wtw- &l tr s$mptim, U ; \* "Let's crcatc a list of things we want," he said. The vrire cm be in ur [rvor,'tm, rrVe shuld my "we'r€ not going to givc yo{ a virrinne, but we'll baqgain for it." llthc variane is denied, I*nberg said thc building on $e frcnt of tlrc building and m frce-sttrding nearthe front of thc pr6poscd parking lor rvmld be - ttrc storc turod off wlrcn sas fl.tt in O{ra:l;,_.n. Tlc irsueofthe prrking with CVS in its wmit of the vtriancc to m8ke thc sto.e's pressct moB palat3blf to tlE neiBhbo{tr6l. squorc-faot building A. .-# ' the Waliace Sfrcef side would be firc "It's anr incation to hr stce thcrc," thc rqresc Etive cs?sdcd.. r:. They thcn turned th, tnpcful irc o Isenbcry o r him if 0r salc of tbc prr. erty wac, in frct, goir a of rhc mrMstort, 10,000 ar It fl ' ,rdtt als Mrifltrdho6r€aa c*ualoopaee I ir The ody publ[c ftcess rg il ru ld tll g not0d (t tlrt' " rhMgh. . lserbcrg said hc hr r tcrcd into m rgrcemnr buy lhc lor, but he ado, "We have 0rc optim cf r purchasing if wc canr. reach an agrcemcnt rr. CVS md thc City.";iA v, was then taken m supp. lbr the varirnce, b{t r tens of the vo€ ws m{ a refuta$6 of the pls buiUaCYS &t all ffilst!l ur tf* etiminatim of 0rc s brck regularior. Both a vot6 by the cmy lca's ianrediatc+nci ghbr and one by all Faimnu rcsidtr.s were in stIdrg. position to tlr vuire. Hweyllblkcr, prcsidr of dle Fsimount Pen Buciness md Neighbr As!triatim will pcsr ! cmmunity's statrc to ! Zoning Commission ar hearing on thc vrimc nr Tbcsday, Novembcr ?6. 9:30 r.m, at l6C0 Sb€!. ' ': -A,r, WHERE SOMEBODY does something: on basketball Methodist Church, 25th and Brown sts. llow the Fairmoutnt B,asketbsl e Wos Wheri"f Gr pwn !(ids H vea ac to'"Plav t p7t I. ;i ,; .. .i: ,.:..-:-.-r. 1..'r'.:: , JUL 2 6 t," t'" ff:li"Tln'!.,1fii"t',r"1ii1 i:J;' ,;t $",fi fi ,.1$'n'uffift*li,*1i",nt rir'i F[llo"Tln'1*1ff'.!;"1!:: ,.H','uffift*ll,*1iint rlJo'lil!'"'ll,Ts rffi!'"' tlthi tli:n*il r,i i :n* il Jl"J i{t i,J,i'"' ll,3s tllif ll'TS Hi:n*il .x?il,hg Jl?il#g iiilitili: [ii'$, *l$tru:i *filli,,l,?|,1i1il'"',[?l"l** department to dinner ou'Jfr* I, and rfli,jy,ef,eryrif;.::,i '"1'lli,l,,1?,1i1il'"',i? build. " fir?';i:iliiln"ff1T"l?,i iilli"liloli"l?il 1',ff:0J.1il1"""1...,'[;J,'.,! 'itniljlfl,offi) if;.::,; l',ff:oJ.lill*""|*.,': |{ti::?:i:t league .has been formed and li!fo!l! ts-small tnd_.gllqt|q'tr 3.nq'B{orylt ff .the evenin-g. guard and sdrving as a meml n"," bv are going tilt,lfl-i i f,ffi;u i''.o"iiiui.'!Tl',,l,iltJl,i:ili, [fft.t1tr,i'0"fl Bg;f]fl.,::,8:i! ' i'r'u, rev€r: s€eD .fliiu/'qllyer.ounpl becqmi troubli,f i'It was ttrelmys' idea to R::,:1,,:1' iiiii-ro, and on rhe Modet I spots ror ooys' have r, l ,1 ' street-colner teams," he Cities program. I "We've brganized them Ernh {I said. "We'! r summef <ha Each summer she t< also a is rtcn bV I through the in different . "mother" for one or mcire forMethodisi'Ct u.cil [iStt, and;I Methodist-Church.l25th the Faifmount Farents Busi- It3F_:..c10_tq:..49 Rrown sts...which:*s srs .u,hinh ilf,. ase groups srouns Brown sts.,.which ea:h group I eien exchaii.-ltua'i'tr or'uit lhs ,h an ouhri o!'t[ age ^,,r-.!:l':1t""I.113:Jlj-^P.l.l_lt_,lli:i plays its lounlerpart.;; co door basketball colrt on tt" its ji ness .Neighbors Association ji phvs-its ufriLa rr,re*'iai-'t-ciuicr''pio6.i'-^I.'glhTso,Association l?3;"Li:6t';"u ' i.'10;it1e;_r]d:*:.i. [ *,Ilrr5'?f.tiu,l*l! 'Ii,il iilp; , ,. ,i,e i.airmount fection o1r,d..J lttrJ-lity[ ffi;a;f6'Li,iln:itr',lirllgl::"pl_9.'9lTan pr91i iitre olaei uov.lpirvi"el"tii'in ,:'ai wbers ar her home. activity," said the Rev. J6n Swenson. pastor Swenson, oastor of }he lhe United 1yn;1"6 ---"rA ';.lri;- l. -lhe Ine summe| basketball i,. league rryas teague rvas inaugurated , - i:t;r:;llxj;9J]:l: 'for Because the playground!.qd THINCS .are ', movtng been lbft untended bv the C_ity , girls, atso. They pfali vo1,iRecreation i",leybill ' Departnient,.she ana'tasLeiUaU and the , D€caln€-eware-of fie;ppblem,i, Falrmount pBNA is plannlng - of., l: ::. unsubervised'playl:.'i!-t ..,,'l;a league to. Pro-qrlsing the boys, 1 tft j, .i.$*r"ffi Ji[i*iF;;Si.ri'*i .:it I wouro tretD. cteaD,.ur) ilrp1 'H?l'tq.JilJ"",';l;il'dlf fQtgift groqched :'found themr' rbadril .:she ttiii".llii"riiilliil ni"ii pat ;strg"iii qiidhg themselves.,to. . , Landis, Hospihl, .j ,,"iirinJ'ild[:'i,iii jrfioixlltrj,3i1i?,h{ra,G.lt?f##.,,lr"Tji 'f.lTlJ l1:{ t :the l1*?ell4f'gi,ig:afi -l'llt i JfiE"lrii'rii i ^ "i.n.iE liswentrup iana .grarritr,o", S.r,6riitdiTii.i,.1,"pirt*riii'iiolli i l', the waus'of adjoirittrs housesff I tfieieenter 6l-n.&.fuil{e';]'- i our. she supflieg,tp.,.f,ri cibJTdpilnlpo;;. I i it $iilqd' jf potic-e Oisiriifcov,irJ oi.'F;t" ",1,or" i kirB?llll:,,i' l,i t. yri ht Jxi;tt} :.'ii.<;i.,moUnt :' ''i .j. " atea.'sums ui what ti ; Fif i'i:;; 13 LIKE lt'Irs. Myers, " Mrs.t:i1'going on th6rer',Thrire's a tot I l. -BarreEan { has . trled : to,,r do Lqof ' actlvltv}and lt's.thc,klnd I i li i. !;',4hings t' l 'fpr . the :neighborhood li'like to seirlt.allloot$ gggd.t0l !'' rr'{')rl childfen'on'her'own. At Past with Present '""J;: Aaenue Girard yt;r*jgtru)" A COMMUNITY WEEKLY DEVOTED TO THE WELFARE OF [s = BRE WERYTOWN AND FAIRMOUNT CIRCUUTION CUAMNTEED ADVERTISEN 'SBELL PHONE FRE. 6FEIT' gIF .O.WO BEADERS COMPLETE LOCAL MOVTE PROCBAMS CTNII Starfln T-o Pltrish Sts' i'1,3n'ii.-tif;"At 2ltth &;+ + + + + Girl ls Chos,en'Fllost Q,tsta1ling' #lLocal I -":J -:i ."..i ';' ? i lorr.nlry-P.0.ql -r.ttt* l : -f:,if1'"f. I'T,"rllJiif,q lt#;i;r't1't,f[iiE,f;ll{ig[ AwAnD ffii1$'#J.lF' ::i-:, ',', ""*"f#'?lr*u1:H"'" *' ,iiut'ion lSanti rparade . ldJ;i"fu-Ctriionl.;s,s.,""G*.*sl*tLooalirelies-icETs ffif.q$*,ii+? - #.fii;y^fi:ilil'fi' l,,rrn:";-",hf:,j:j-:il;,.i]!:Iii_i:i',iJ,?.iHril dith stret.nd dllbnr6 $k bdh- l lli-;:,::_l-,*rl-xi:"*Si",lfiJff.'i!,ll':,H:*iY#:l:i - -' , ;:-.| s""," Craus ro Priua"lplra. wili o"y,1.;*".i,::;1..11u'n li1T,"J"";;,j,,;;G;;;i:;:;l,r):'l+li:ih.yii::r^,"f l4le N. M.#n srr*r l--':^Jn""J NEws awar4 a chcd, (e' oi i.i" il Irh:.I.ioll: Novanb.F l{tL. vcu old | I wdrcl wlr Dc ndted to him b . "13 :fi ,*'*To'""0f*lfo'1?'*, sov€*r rss-.,, y.a. o,d l, *:ffiT:f tt I J SAVINGS i r*1"r" 1Bl9 I n r THE HOME ifX'*Jj'1i \'*t * -pB{".'", . " Emmanuel;,\,:,"'ii,jL,o*lL',ll ,T'"1iil;f -"'I ii [UtO .l l9 tocat ACCident iHS#5##F# 1"; r;.ylllil-boy *ar kna and lhr€ companiont, also tocelit 3. veli hiuled *h€i &h auto- lx;#;' Wm' =' ;; *tffiLADlEsl rLllltlAltLlt ii!; Hurt in 3 ulIrEIs o $thers rurl-llr i l sr"pr** *,',i iur'l- i ;i*ir'':F' r r *iu r"-..unirv I be rl;d !' know .h.l th. Itanh roraii4 lhe Xrd Anni- n,r tbe ski,,e rt !l,e John Schol{/ Sce D.,!. ,, ri r i coup,,n \rhiLh l I ruit \lrrke, od i! igilh apPcstuq }t€tu&ll and $n Toyiahd. j$li \f. ck5.d. cnrirlc" r.. ru . Ir,e xrmancrrijn this public,rion ;n rhe back dd Effiu.l I r"F". sk'!. | .\rcnue. Orudi, 4$ i *i,.. I cAm. ELSIE arllALn "il. .B-l ||d hkBr hfvc kn prsndl "rC LURE" lN HOSIBY Eld. All'Dlch \l CaDbh c.^,"r- ELh Ax.nrch ol a ,,__ ot rb. Isi;r Colo! Guild ot thr l€r wH unne,l lh d @ P;::rh?:i 3.-1H';lk*"frii SuFtuEnent ,,,. mod.xdtiilS ,*,,". ,.,"* tdlrn narun ll PNEUEWS -.o..*-,,,* SH(,ITS ll irn.hc. E. D.hnly Pst No. 24 dl d.Urd tu Eodg emon al I cvci bqilred iD you hGl€ry b rrAm.llcu LSfot oI 22ild .nd.F.E l0$ o'dd. I fdlv blcndcd !o yql comDl.*l.D douili Av€nue, eat Pre*nlcd wlu fdtw o( ffi hou I . . jut db "r-d k'c' lDd'D.rld rt! ddtffi (C6.h&d o! P{. a) THEATRE$ lnd dd-lltine, ro, an vlun \dth c;!don'! fl h. S. ptgbtio propdond hqhry hl\ d . rt d drd-v&.tnlindlddully eh Illy-ruy rUX I herrr or !,,y child can b li:d lree '"*3T,??H*"..1.i.*#i:i]l;i,B.*+:.Jfl;:,!i'l.li..*[:,*.''l,ll..".s',''j.,:",':.:"'J1-':li:llll"l.''l.":xi,'::.;1'"1.l,,1x:"*iWJ PIEUIEWS (lF lllT 0F HIT SHQIIS LUURL Al ltt ALL T(ICAL -*ffi*H-*'"gfi:nl;;:;:l*5",:9"*{,r*:,:nll AT . *ffif'ti g:ili:;""$';Jf InEAlltEDll-"',''ie#iH";J-*nF'it"'-' '!@orMr'rsdu'd'rEqro'i\hdL.hBl:A",L"*'ff'"fLfl | "BooM ToWN" OPENS AT :?,i: "i:il"..T I l'n:l --11'LrcxilN'' ffi ,i"a.H:l *1:...*llltff""'i'#J".*J#l FAIRM9UNTToDAY;srARcAsrl-9',:1*-.:i"--411'.-ck.'dAF suFtrbh, c6i'r p'-*ulml.ffri':tr'il,.H'H".iiT::l$l^-J-A:'j':',:---'-l:-]--:--j:-j-:j--'-:-:lnp!.ilnoilnethq*'.'.riv{nv it ' dii;'*-n;"-i ;ii;;d;hrh;&;t.rtul;;il;yi;T;T'aj:i*:'U;l-"#;"i?_r"5j'HX,T1-'fi1", ,,1 sqgffi,*rdj-.f;;lfuilt;-i*r.:l""ri s,t*l;i-'hT:.:"s;!*rr1_?:"r ggyg -"-'i.-.-.' lElT",*'.rlI"T;":l.Tj.tJiiii ar.you L9JF l4Tr1*r1i!"y,fr$tS* JH I AGATN,' l;li:"'Ti"T'"'8tr'"?t' I *Hi,T:lI".i?-oI^-.1*"* *""i"$l'iiTf,,^'.1,';11;"1"*':\ry,f:ri:Al ---.'::H:"*" l1:':::--=.:-.^ .- ;if ]nffr'Firu.5l"T"'""offi*ffi,"""o r.u.*.u""ffr'*^ nrr. ,"*.,,-=#.;:",";:1".1"q.'li*vl1t:'ltlt:ifii+*i$i.;"*'*{t'l"a1'*l#"i;"e{igi'1itphi,tl. o" w,1v'1e '*' lii#T.i :" iil]" '"'"i;illJl"ilii:"i^1'f.T'";'J'lHIH:"I.,-T".,1.;'#::; d#r.#ti"*Iffir'"'d11; | S-ouvenirs. i too rurruys to- !ffiiil{,iLi",J""l.,l': * t+i"$ili'"ii,,*'"",.i ffit*Tn:;',",lE d&:"**:' Hf'"P"'"TlFree . i At Girard Market' Bt Awaioed At l:ig':ll"..f;"h,*:n ,liiJJlfj;lpil"!!ii'"duli'"""lili;r "- ',"- v'* 9Lnwglggg^lyrlrntb(k|)inhNlinlod'!coverlF Card Partv it';f'li1lilril,i:li tfi':;ffi1*o',o^' l1"5f,"d.^' T'1* "'"^. 'ili: ;.1;i:;: l ilorir.r ,lil: |€mpletcimcer.{GDadDcnrh!d.ll,;i'i..J;;l;i.,].;.'.'li]''ii"'i..:;]l1ili.l,i.].i:i"';].ir:"::',.'*,;:5",:| "l ".i+ ur 'k on' irmistice oay gaby ll,ln,,*...;*,,""L,",,ntHX1 *;iri,il{i! I,lit.:iliiti.j; (h0n nildi'dri'rn .r rr': To cll.blata );:1iil,"111,"i,'"*i'"i,Yfi,l3ffiil Itrrdtrt ,ind sltud+ l :'.ulrl., on ci!h' h'rr"er il,c tr!,\v oil mk l',,i;r,,',"*'""'''' "'' '|;*ix,l*;:' llll:"'' " ll, h rh r rE___.__ I _.... ..-,1:,;,-.l:i.,1!1,;11"11;1;fi';1.''i,'".,Foreiqn I"u'.'._rl^'-_Jiixx,,l;"ror ' ' '.c-,r;;,;r.,,, t::tt^:_q_. r dilbn b UEi! Frull D th! occsioD EniK siu b. Eiv!'t e ',';;l;1,,,.:11i"'ii, i,;,;,. r:;r;; ;i Correipondent" I ^*Fir$?r;lliiitifl""lfinackec in Flsra ;;;,R,if,?lr*Hirl:r:';l'iir$t'iii:rrff:'rtn* Girt scroor #il"n*tr"":d#qii'Til St..!tame,. Tells Pclicemen 'fr,{..11,}-fitii1id-_S,ffiluonnls ';i"#".i"#ffit*.it1,i5tl [t"Uillll [l4ryiE*,1r'*#frlFlititt b'I vou 6rd thr b 'iv' ' Dtrnched ,. nr. .'nnhn,( :.ifr#,""s' r' ., n'in iri"ii"lill tr,l4pii!",169r*g*31,,1,'i4p11;11,1,1r*..,UI at SCll00L lT0ll,lY tgJ.fftf{ARg * turr ffinL o' yd li::..':."lg'Li #;p#iJr"#fittffifr 4eq -- - - i l;.;;';'';'; tir -:*.*l1i;i',ir "o*^Bu'*"*'o ,,r** u,d,i. s.!,, fi' ;l"r.j;'i"X*, _ H;*W&.,!stiis *:t'.ri7iE'tr r-tt gi:; rrndst' "-.*l **1ry616-1.$**?;lm,#ld*":r-:rH,,''tr ffiffi{d.gg#HftHil},v*li;*'r*t""ili}rli'fili;.,;l;;:.':II'".#,r,"l4f #t""f;'I*1l*o'*1liffl::*; lL;'i;f i.$T.?;!'iI b; or ui,nd ME. roh! ,ibrrii*p,on :i?;i'.S"t"f^*,i,i'"ii'*:*gl;t*'**l;;l;',f ;,*l: *'*'t:;:#riiy i; ''re'nw '; rnd :,;**1$,."liT:*,"ruffi*'u"$:"'Hih*iitH-r"$ii##if#;r*' ' "* '.r,ft*rr,iiiil'""r'" I ON ITS AN N UA g9gg* I- FLAGI FEST|VAL'Sffi UNDAYJJU ilI'E-iZ;li enty foriiwo I .s6A J'nC -0,ln qarrmount. ,'Talklng about, l,ost Color rn eould get In'the rurh at thc..crr .,' ' ',,. oI{'Falr,, of i'iBroad GardeniF a nobody. pass. lng through'their now csn have; .any ldea of It was Uke lni hdi mor4. i $;5,. Vears there was those da1's."; . "I meanr. t e fellow ,'aeilvltles ; arpund ld stop and walk.' tffhat have you got ? Steam, .shovels,r, and ;dtggqrs.' ,I rl'dltch.l say they're d hot:,lnterestlng watch, when which lan't t'!i{ttet rutr how ;t!:'" wfth'a', bwake? .compdre.wl rg'itllemselved Iharrl€es,'t.anall irhls headtofti 'thelr senses.i ,about,€fflclenj What dods'ther 1J -r----- --, .,care fe.mew ts look I i"'iWhat' he tsii tnle{€,1.!ng ililtAnother great placr to hanr. anound was a blaeksmlth't. ghoi .alway! open tg,the :atreel' yoti i, hor:erh-r could,:tiwatch the'i., horseghoer -could,:rrwatch "' the harnmerroUt the,rhoes, and tee i!he. hoor,q, and you ll*.,89m* eould:smell that,clzle ryhen-, he Ilttedlthe shoe.,; And an thc 'tl{n9zt$ere was that blg ox ol a \cart'' horse,:',-rulllng bll eyer, Ah,iiwell,.1'6'' stlll'tonrl ot #:i, iletr.ry-*t !t ffiii,S,'q" $ ---------:- rdt'al-/r 136sidentsAs More.Pollce ol.:the the 'rtrzoth ; ntght, for beti 1 ,ln lthelr. ter 'lollce!rDr i ilelghborhood. ictttdg lest ! l'by 'teepage young girl f tr,rattact on''t:l ms I l Broad.Street ri irebt on to Instrnccs,of wlnd. *:'} o to ta[r: .tt'anniflg e fla in,Fairmount ##W'$tt XI t+ FAIRMOUM, Frorn l-B times last winter, the last time lilH;'T"I"l,:"d;n';lli ;;ff;'ft;i"]'ii"'{i,1,?i,liia'1T,7, W ;;;ilii'Eiiu,r?.#iffifft i {&rEintimidatioj! {ilil3ie'i!.H1, did not 1!* keop -?lt ill l.rff n'ghln,_:t1 i'_*l rs",{ryJiq"i Dr.Cha|alsa],sthathegavefiltis1]$$$i.i'{ir;i'lfiffil.l..{stroJed. rt'"J.ugltuili,ili.ffi"Hfi;;'$$;{$.i#ifffii'..fi-,1h".9.1y?fthefire,about.50peo- *,li:;,,;""";;"^',7".jiffi'i$tjffi.iiti3'.",.'T'od'l.1.,,".,,:l'",i.":::ll,,i?ff* ,i'.$ *|| ;tll,IU'_1l'ru;Fil,HII ffi,$jlffiH',,{ ;tJTil#ffi:ttT,tTT?tr'[Ji "l did ir t^o-see if I could f6lp hirn. i I. telt I could develon ;:#;,'T'l#,11,X11;; a ro/erinrrchin i, who haa ffif, ii:il":1,|!''"1L.T#;,,Ii,,rli',iliiiilii ffi iJ"4'r:'.x,',".'/':iii.%;;;; i ffi:$llffirffiWf ;rit.tr:'i}fil:[it**,'ffiH1ffi *{iffiffi nnd not as rviclied as tl* otlrers';-ant i ---'l'l cottld benefit from his la'o cotrldbenefitfromhisfare. Fosrct had been onelof his patients. a long time ago, he sy'ld, but had not ffi.SI been treateg. treated by him if ill recent years. vears. l. I irr their eyes i&l&16ffiffiilffiffiji,i,''t 'ffiq$lffiffiffiltfi docrdr:S rhaa tt rvas so overu'hernring, in fact, thar'the doctors decided not ro take a couple weeks off, but to set uD li:il#::l':: fi:"i:'.'J'F,"Hil"",t i, And after that Wffiffirffiffi[ tell dre ing," ho said. '$rffij$liffi&ffiffiff,j, l,!:l'i.l"fi9,,':T#"1,ffi:'#;fr1'il. doctors and say thitfieir reputations Te.cpd. They bragf that Di. ceratd to. [i;;" decision was rnade. i,H': tH'']n?.,il:"'; |fl t "il%1il:1il'tR';ffTlff ffi[']"il:i""i::"f,,:1iil,J.fi-;i'i ;r{t$lffiffiffiWl*fi ri ?,r'i,".r,i;',lil',b;f'l1li*r;",.x:i to help tlansport files and othei small band of loca{toughs. ftre *'t itoms salvaged trom dnfy . ;: s. from tf th6 rire fire to the S. Hadwis's Hadwie conve convenl I *fi,,q:#;;ffi".1"/Tl,:,:.*:: iriiiii,,l''i'uJ',it'iill.,"ifiiil;'l,"on't i',j[1il"X1"";,","hX1.'"Xfilffi. p9" [ . : .' i;,;i;;;ii F"H*:-"*:'^-t1{:-"llltr."l 6i'l'iil3 i,,;'il';;;'ilJt;'r,,1i,":i"';'l i'' .teryu3|1ri,al.f,tof lrTilRTffi"'*;;,ti'f;;#f: urJur^rsanqramlnssorsnuld-be randthelike. 1,,:,i,;,]i;lir,e7.tii1'ti,''lirtiei"i '-r; : l ' icornfortably settled if . at tie conr.I,ve had bottles *ry. | thrown ;;:ru./ jli,,ir'"j*e]'f,"]y::fi1i '"ffiilt aboft o.. Dr. my Chalat, .*,", window; phr they Hll!#,.I .._y-tl:l $r",-:h[ ?rLudl i fnoriymous' !li'filr"ioT.o"'ilTlil,',f,?*;:'",|:' f,1,1"J9'i:',:ii'.::::"""^Hi]:*l , them as one, housd', for uu rur no f*son' feason, one on. *orai woman i .sg:ld.gnH brother planned .:/-o__t _eso-lis ;';iir's;il.jr#["#ilffii.fi'{lji: between Ken- i]lirfi" l said. r mount fi,r nbw i,l[ff.'3i"H$,,y,i,".Tfiiiillr.ii: have cowed-the ornce fnd moving back udq lilh'i:?Lo"H::'l1tl:*I'^':l:t, ^^T:l-lqp.f,1trv one;r'"iilipii'rTlii iiili'iiio-'Ji ll?::i.:"_loc:th"!l-.in the sam.e .communitn !il'"r;;;: iil;"rfi;j.il:':I'B f",',',t'&"ri#3i"ol",iT**f,,*"i':l arter they rinishedltheir training"at tr,"-i"ctirslrnJ",;i*;;;?:t' ff:':*l-o'ry;:: ti:':.i,::"0:Fg' ,l;^t:,*:_ li.qrrtgnga ;f,r,Ji: EJ."ij'&lli.r'fi"rrJI',1:T";: Ptiladelphia Gen{ar Hosniraf in, a"."ibea,ill,ij:.*f:n_1ti;*iio,lii,!i*"bPt vilitine patients at li res2' go-.out of.their way to pG5".'il1'ni!.1; I tt'"J;I;: rhey live in the lpbutbs about 10 , ',i;fi'ili:d;il"r"iUiiiig he th'ougrrt that Gerald . attended on the street. ^.He .said ,,a goid .,; -i# nilnures ginytes. rrom frgp the me _ohice; oftice: Gerald'in Chalal Gerald' 16 chalal was sood doc10q,, doctor,n but f,,i ..i h. ena n'"-l.rhii; he t.lirJ at least .l^_ ion_ ^+ r^.-r Narberth, his brother in Bata .Cyn- asked not to be ?uoted. Ugcaur"-oi "amits,out of the neighborliii,if"j pirri"g t *h"t ln,gttth.pe;-.to rris yu' _ business ffi"fhfi*- he bas practiced for 26 ,., ir ht t*k tht dtqttt't tidt' Largely -black ;; ;;']i,lf tou-ghs, they ;d;Ji;; il*fiJg . I Cgpld Chalal says he is proud of-!q. his clientele,:many'of whom are black and at least half of whom aie, elderly; :Aftor r tht , fire, ,he saidtr : he , treated; ' In , theti care,' ' several t Dan . tiens rho'had drlven irto pbiladeli plia r:sut-iieJl iternitieil ,! rFl 4i;-,1t, ;i: d.riil;i ".":t iilt. - 7 every size and shape. Although some are deteriorating or€re boarded up, sparkling windows and fresh piint are morq.characteristic of the neighbor- hcod. ( of Chamberlin-Welker Real Estate, called Fairmodnt "the hottest area in the city, right now." Most of the houses are more than 75 years old, she said, and prices vary, depending on size, amount of renovation needed and location. Shells are priced from S15,0fi) to $30,000. Homes that are livable, but need work, range from 95,000 to $45,000. Single-family houses thar have b€en at least partiauy renovated, she said, cost beBroker Juliet l['ilker, Bulletin by Alfred F. Schell On€ ot the vlews from Fairmouni Includes lhe n€arby Philadelplhia Mus€um-bf Art. tween i.. .BETHMGCAU MARYBET you ii'ie ibTheBulleh Special|ol Speci(bTlaeBulletin ia gmall a|l Pl Phlladelphls Philad€tpht small tount, ja Beniamin..Frank Beniamin..Fra rth olI the Benia e Fairmount has ropean Cathotics. Their lor several generations, called an extremely close Sixty-nine-year-old Belen been in her lamily since borhood is'rJust great. 'one would do anlthing for Several.,blocks away, I said, "Tlfcfe aliays is a ln time of trduble.l' In recent years, the area artlsta, ol nerP resldents ;yeni and the Uke. ManY ( - I gtord or modernlzed, new ! rorm€r non-resldential r temporaryhoEe& Sue Eenchert, 32, qnd 165,000. Prices for new houses - nk of the old a and nted mlx contented nE|9 aoffitn constnrcdm,cdexi offitnlcdm c0( t. and new century mwfrou mwfu iuse of-the-cetrtu , turn-of-the-c€ntury adng taxeslurde taxesFrur thoughh escaladng rers, thesp oortl home ownet!, owners, eased witu the lr witU the s" seem €m pleased oleased neighborhood, home to many S40,000 can go as high as f84,000. Welker estimated ihat about 20 percent of Fair'mount's homeS,are lented, for about $AS{, to 1600 per month. Apartment rentals, stre said, range $45{l or'more a month. High tax and the lack ol a zupermarket are thel commonly voiced complaints ln the ar€a. Sotne mention unpredictable -bus sendce. Arldn FaiFmotrnt has its share of vandalism and stmilai many agree that the muggliigs:ahd g that once plagued past coupleof years. residents have Substdbd in Because there.are ho or recreation centers ' within the neighborhood, organizations 'bave taken stdps to.ipro activitles for young people. Joe Battistelu; l3r that, with the organized sports team+ the sr ooncerts at the P-hiladelphia Museunf of Art the abundance of hiends livtng near bn ls a good place to Eastertr Eu- livcd there i;Tl"f"utv hbme has She said thp nelgh- gossipy; bqt &ery- else.'l ' ,ir.i. Regina Bily4sp, 30, !'Phdn'1 attracted e vadety doc(ors,,bC- ts have been have been built and "* *lifff" tiPTilet Montgomery Ccnmty,'explalned.that Falrmout ls one ol the lew netghborhoods h center-city Pldladelplda stlll offering reasonably prlced housing. There were several reasons for her recent purchase of I home ln Fairmounf She said. "It was a €fiblnation of what you can get tor your money and the lact that we definitely think thii is the up and comlng area." She likened the purchase of her horse to "getting Into Society Hill on the bottom floor." . Fairmount's proximity to Philadelphia's museums and parks ls an obvious advantage. Bordering the parkway, and a short walk from E. River drive, residents have easy access to the space they may lack in their own backyards. Downtown jobs are withln walking or bicycling disthnce. And the mid./icity shopping-district k close. i primarily h'i6stdential sectlon, Fairmount his no shopplng dtstrict of lts owtr. ln fact, the lack of a gupertnartet seesls to be the residenb'number one complaint. Although corner sior6 abound, residenB travel to places llke Roxborotgh and Clty Ltne to do their major food shopping. Mlxed ln wtth the area's high rlss'apadmentlt' schools and other institutloB are the homes. Pr€. dominately rowhouses, |I Failmq|nt, they oome lo . '; -': live. '"It's : I t really b€autiful her€," he said, "the ol Art. Fairmount Schuylkill Riv€r, the Park-lt'salxpnderful Bache Publlc SCHOOLS - Aletander School,22d and Bru*n sts.; School,860 N.2{th sg; St. al School, 24th and Glrard and Corinthlan aves. Nicltolas Parochial Xavler Parochi- str.; Girard College, MEDICAL s Distrlct Center, lgth st. and Falrmount ave. Falrmount Parents, CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS Euslness and Neighbors Associatlon; Falrmount - Sports Associatlon. TRANSPORTATION SEPTA Bus Rout6 A,.7, 83, 13,48; iFoltey Rout€ 15. - ''co i J{ii;iiii t.s ,to NE ,qE f8 uo. o -c fo a VE &a 99, 4= ,o to a> -o o, z, TO EO ,a i t€ lo IG !(, r-r tx, c) l- iE lc r5 ro () L. .t o r3 o- .c t o t+r o E o E (E ll. o o (t t,o o o o sI :flg x6 Hh o;6 b:o € OO d @ 6 0t a J =t eo Oa rE o -94 Fi U'- 3 :fEFI$ r-I o E -2 I I \E fJ o* -l rig t4tr loo!s l9r& t >l !l3 o EE 85 EE 6 IEEE =ff CU slffE e If; gl€ 3E8 q. o o E o g Y 6 o o a Ito o 5I x B oI tL l; 6VEFs !o Y lE flgle Ei d ! l ngls 4 q0 li.8 E It lse; EE ' at ss $s FAE tl=:l: 2i Cn ' ql tto Ek € I O DO a; 3E 55 oq b4 5E fe .i' e fij o E o o I F *F tE tr>r o >f 6 g€ E !oo 6E B6 6 EO. Eg q0Ei !' -eoE 5p €E .Hg tr @ o I qt E s*s ' '-d 3a €F Q6 3rd Eg !c E6 ' C' o #ffi Eq = t o oo I e 6 ' x ' q o 6 dF OO o c, o A q I dt O I 6 o m o T5 Fo d >; 36 o OJ 5 EF a o T3 !' € CI >E 6 0 A e .5. I o o tIJ 6 ll 6 6 ilEi (t d !,s IE rc F) .T KQ :.: o o l4 >' FL x> o EEE o (, a vt ' E q 6 9E eE o o a, E.F o a io p ?i* g o .58 o ] o r 9) at o 5E dt :5 E o lt o dt oo I U it 6 o di @ o oFi E_E ! 6 B I v, +( bo c 6 o o o o o0 ;d6 gat > 5 o c )x a ! q o 5 € uo o kat9 o 6 tE o o oo 'tt a -c, o o 6u d3 A d ts8 sg o tro arE *E o 3 €g s, F 6 d: Ee € €3 d sE 5ri EO -g a9 €.4 t,F. r) (t o t5 E oo ! Et ee ! d 6 E 6:'O EE;M z E.o aa +., (-l cE o i dt 6 o !o Q o !'x; o o.: TH E: €g d o 9.9 f,t l* x< Se (t to iE3 tt E E o!.1 .r. a, co Po at o o -o 0) 6E 3E E c lJ-- t- att ,o 2E 'ao d'X g3 (!- @ oo o > Eg j o trR ov oq ',',)' t,. V. I .:., Xi q' riij, (/1,. {o d o n (D 1 o tst FO (l(o , '' \,i :iffigffi IH t,'ri\; F' igflggfiff \-i l\l'':" "r ,r, , g\. *ffFHg F; a*F ii_r 't"*O gErutntqii =l -;Ef,Fi S iii fid .Tl "'O, L!,. l,tto-'5 <8 ox PE S'-il Il1r l;Fig: $l5ii ilc eF D '-o € F it GI AT .o rr o E? a 3(! s eB o {!t ato (Ds qt ilrFsggFiigEF a.eBo! o i aiu; 3 E if fll.5 Foi'g AE o n{f 8"( gEFI'F; a ;;rgi FI aq =D) t6'q oq ad d4q i.-'l o 5: !t ue 7 5 al G' ,l al o -. to 6 !t !t o o. qc.9; ii(lll r:. g B';' a o o t3 E8 o ,,' O. ,ts v, {o (: E E' ct o. (! o ,f (!- q .J o .9 fct ,,L (.l !t EI .t o c =. ,{(D F'3 ^lt , E tt .a \\. 3 ,.,'5,, *E' !oe $4 €F :.(D6=r : 6) r'l.. "\ o E,: sr. h d C ,(D: o 0t o o o. 'cf :r' {1 U 'pres aqs .,.uarplrqc \,1 ,,,Ii ':i \'li: I ::ll 'l) 3 o ':i ,; du asrE.r uEc I_ 3Jaq,$ a,r!l ol ac8ld o^Frl ol sl op ol lue^r I llvJ' u uJ ltBls 01 _- , aqs'?ltnourJlEd puu.uonsanb eql ;o l!-EI ,lno 8ruoas {oBq EuJAoru lnB