The Forever Young Global Navigation Satellite System GPS is Starting to Show its True Value GPS is no longer confined to car navigation systems but is equally at home on cellular phones, tablets and digital still cameras. SMS check-in (notifying a friend of your whereabouts), generation of detailed life logs (recording your day-to-day activities) and other activities that use positional information are greatly changing communications and our lives. Now more than 40 years after its development, GPS is again subject to rapid progress showing that it still has plenty of potential for growth. Global Positioning System (GPS) The Global Positioning System is a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) managed by the United States Government. GPS development started in 1973 and in December 1993 was declared operational for civilian users. As of 2012, the system is operated using 31 satellites. Other GNSS's include GLONASS, a Russian system, Galileo, a system run by the EU and the European Space Agency, and Beidou, a Chinese positioning system. There are also a number of reinforcing and complementary systems. For example, Japan is building a quasi-zenith satellite system. (See the last page) ■Figure 1 Structure of a Satellite System 6DWHOOLWH$ 6DWHOOLWH% 6DWHOOLWH$ 6DWHOOLWH% 9LUWXDOVSKHUHVZLWKWKHUDGLLRIWKHGLVWDQFHVIURPHDFKVDWHOOLWH 2QHRIWKHWZRLQWHUVHFWLRQV FUHDWHGE\WKHWKUHHVSKHUHV LQGLFDWHVWKHSRVLWLRQRIWKH *36UHFHLYHU 6DWHOOLWH& ∗6LJQDOVPD\DOVREHUHFHLYHGIURPDIRXUWKVDWHOOLWHWRDGMXVWIRUWLPHYDULDWLRQV 7KHGLVWDQFHVIURPWKH*36UHFHLYHUWRHDFKRIWKHWKUHHVDWHOOLWHVDUHXVHGDVWKHUDGLXVWRIRUPVSKHUHV2QHRIWKHWZRLQWHUVHFWLRQVRIWKHWKUHHVSKHUHVLV HLWKHULQVSDFHLQVLGHWKHHDUWKRUVRPHRWKHULPSRVVLEOHSRVLWLRQWKH\HOORZVWDUWKLVPHDQVWKDWWKHUHPDLQLQJLQWHUVHFWLRQWKHUHGVWDULVWKHSRVLWLRQRIWKH UHFHLYHU3RVLWLRQFDOFXODWLRQLVSRVVLEOHEHFDXVH*36UHFHLYHUVDUHFDSDEOHRIPHDVXULQJ7LPHRI+HLJKWRIVLJQDOVVHQWE\HDFKVDWHOOLWH ■Figure 2 Method for Generating GPS Signals 50 bps Navigation message (Time and orbital information) 1.023 MHz Navigation messages, PN codes (pseudo-random pulses) and L1 carrier (carrier wave) are multiplied PN code before transmission. The generated signals are synchronized to accurate time generated by an atomic clock (rubidium and caesium). L1 carrier Accuracy: 1×10^-5 ppm Spread spectrum BPSK modulation 1575.42 MHz Transmission signal ■Figure 3 Navigation Message Data rate = 50 bps, 1-bit length = 20 ms (20 PN code cycles) 1 Frame = 5 subframes 1 subframe = 300 bits, 6 seconds 1 cycle = 25 frames, 12.5 minutes Orbital information: Ephemeris (precise satellite orbit) and almanac (status information for each satellite) What Does a GPS Receiver Do? Many end users of GPS devices are under the misconception that they directly receive positional information on where they are from the GPS satellite. The signals transmitted from a GPS satellite contain only the satellite's position (orbit), the time the signal was sent and other data. The GPS receiver uses the difference between the time the signal was sent and when it was received to calculate the distance between itself and the satellite. Knowing the positions of the three satellites and the distances to the receiver from three satellites enables triangulation to calculate receiver position as shown in figure 1. Still the clock in the GPS receiver is not as accurate as the atomic clock used by the GPS satellites (a deviation of 1 second per hundreds of thousands of years). For example, if the reception of the signal is off by a mere 1 ms (1 millionth of a second), it will introduce a distance error of 300 m. For that reason, a signal from a fourth satellite is used for time corrections. Method for Generating GPS Signals Let's take a closer look at the signals a GPS satellite transmits (figure 2). Pseudo-random code (PN code) called C/A code is used to encode the time and orbital data "the navigation message" necessary for calculating positions. This transmission Clock correction data from a satellite Subframe 1 300 bits (6 s) Preamble and clock information (synchronized data) Ephemeris Almanac (precise satellite orbital data) (orbital data assigned each received satellite) Subframe 2 Subframe 3 Frame Subframe 4 Subframe 5 1500 bits (30 s) ∗ It takes 30 seconds to acquire 1 frame. technique is referred to as spread spectrum. Spread spectrum is also called CDMA, a transmission technique used by cellular phones. The advantage of spreading the frequency band of the signal and its energy is that multiple communications can be performed in the same band without interference. Each GPS satellite uses a unique PN code. The receiver can therefore identify which satellite transmitted the signal. Finally, the spread-spectrum signal and the high frequency carrier are multiplied to generate BPSK modulation. Information modulates the carrier wave by changing the phase of the carrier wave. A GPS receiver that receives the carrier wave reversed the procedure for signal generation in a satellite (demodulate the BPSK modulation signal and perform spread-spectrum despreading) to obtain the navigation message and calculate the present position. GPS Objectives –– Positioning Time and Signal Strengthening Once the receiver receives one complete frame (1500 bits) of a navigation message, it can determine the orbit of the satellite (see figure 3). Since the data rate of a navigation message is 50 bps, it takes 30 seconds to receive one frame. One frame contains the time information, precise orbital information of a satellite (ephemeris) and rough orbital information for all GPS satellites (almanac). Orbital information on all satellites is required to help the receiver search for satellites that can be used in triangulation. Since each frame carries 1/25 of the almanac data, it takes 25 times 30 seconds or 12.5 minutes to retrieve all the data. Almanac data has a validity of several months, which means that acquired data can be reused. The search methods have been optimised to reduce signal acquisition times. The problem is that ephemeris information is indispensable to accurate orbital calculation. This information and the time information takes at least 18 seconds to obtain but may take 30 seconds depending on start of reception. If ephemeris is obtained, the position can be calculated in 2 to 3 seconds or even in a single second if circumstances are favorable, but ephemeris data is valid only between two to four hours. To speed calculation of time to first fix (TTFF) or position, cellular phones and other communication devices now often use A-GPS (assisted GPS) to obtain satellite position and time information from external servers. Technology allowing receivers to predict orbital information has also been developed. Noise countermeasures are another major GPS issue. As stated in a detailed discussion below, GPS signals are extremely weak and improving their tolerance to in-device noise is a major challenge when integrating GPS units in digital still cameras and other devices. Creating New Developments in GPS, a Profound Technology With the launch of the first GPS satellite in 1978, Sony started GPS development and succeeded in triangulation using four satellites by the end of the year. Sony released the "NVX-1", our first navigation device, in 1992 before the formal start of GPS operation in 1993 when the number of satellites had been increased to 24. With a view to bring the GPS business that had so far revolved around car navigation systems into a wider world, engineers in charge of developing ICs for GPS applications were moved to our laboratory in the spring of 2006. Five years later in 2011, the engineers were moved back to the Semiconductor Business Group. The purpose of this move was to bring our cumulative expertise and energy to bear on a GPS market that is undergoing dramatic changes. ■Figure 4 GPS Signal Strength Signal strength [dBm] 5HIHUHQFH 7KHRQO\PHWKRGDYDLODEOHWRWKHUHFHLYLQJDQWHQQDLV WRVWUHQJWKHQWKHVLJQDOEHORZWKHUPDOQRLVH 'HVSUHDGLQJUHFRQVWLWXWHVWKHVLJQDO 7KHQV\QFKURQRXVVXPPDWLRQLPSURYHVVLJQDOWRQRLVHUDWLR %7:L)L J G%P Demodulated signal gain H[G%+] *60 G%P Internal receiver noise Thermal noise G%P0+] Signal level at antenna H[WRG%P 0+] Frequency [Hz] Kenichi Nakano Manabu Nitta Hideki Awata Manager Section 8 Communication LSI Product Department Analog LSI Business Division Semiconductor Business Group Sony Corporation Section 8 Communication LSI Product Department Analog LSI Business Division Semiconductor Business Group Sony Corporation Section 8 Communication LSI Product Department Analog LSI Business Division Semiconductor Business Group Sony Corporation ∗ Positions they held as of end of July, 2012. –– Opening up New Possibilities used. At least, there was no concept like check-in in our minds. the hard way that noise could not be taken lightly. Nakano: After Sony reoriented the GPS Nakano: The idea of how your positional data can be used has greatly changed, I think. As cellular phones started taking off, some people complained that they disliked the idea that they c ould be contacted anywhere. Now, it has become an indispensable communication method. People are using GPS to tell each other where they are making it possible to meet up with friends who happen to be in their neighborhood and this may develop into communication methods that bring us back to the real world. Great changes are afoot. Even so, many GPS issues such as power consumption, sensitivity, time to first fix still need to be solved. Nitta: As this figure (figure 4) shows, GPS –– Strength of an All-around Research Approach Awata: The signal waveform around the used in such devices, we had no clear idea. N it ta: E xc e p t a s a l o g of yo ur ow n activities, we had no clue how it would be Awata: When we starting integrating GPS ICs into portable terminals, we learned business from the car navigation field, two of us here and other GPS engineers were sent to the laboratory to hone our skills. Those efforts are what brought us to where we are today. I am the present project leader and I set great store by a group of people who have experienced both the joys and hurdles of GPS development. A w a t a : A t t h e l a b o r a t o r y, w e w e r e prepared for development not limited to the car navigation field. Of course, we were proud of the achievements we had made in the car navigation field, but we had to look ahead to the next goal. Nitta: From the star t, we focused on cellular phones and digital still cameras. Awata: But how positional data would be signals are extremely weak. GPS signal strength is -130 dBm or 30 dB lower than cellular phone signals (GSM ), which means that they are 1/1000 the strength of a cellular phone signal. When it comes to Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, the difference is even greater; the GPS signal has only 1 millionth of the strength of such signals. Nakano: GPS signal level is even lower than thermal noise. Cellular phones have solid electromagnetic interference (EMI) countermeasures in place to protect them from interference. Integrating GPS in digital still cameras and other devices not usually thought of as communication devices is a more formidable problem. antenna after reception shows noise only and it is virtually impossible to see the GPS signal. Nakano: Despreading a received spread- Field Trials of Complementary GPS Technologies at “Abashiri Prison” Use of a Sony GPS receiver module showed that positioning is possible in locations where it is normally difficult to get a signal. *36IDFHVWKHIROORZLQJSUREOHPVD6LQFH*36VDWHOOLWHVVSHQGOLWWOHWLPHGLUHFWO\RYHU-DSDQEXLOGLQJVDQGPRXQWDLQVLQWHU IHUHZLWKWKHVLJQDOVLQFLWLHVDQGPRXQWDLQRXVDUHDVFDXVLQJSRVLWLRQDOGLVFUHSDQFLHVE3RVLWLRQPHDVXUHPHQWVFDQQRWEH PDGHLQGRRUVRUXQGHUJURXQG7ZRQH[WJHQHUDWLRQ-DSDQHVHWHFKQRORJLHVFDQVROYHWKHVHLVVXHV²²$ILHOGWULDOZDVKHOGLQ $EDVKLUL3ULVRQDPXVHXPLQ+RNNDLGRWRWHVW0,&+,%,.,DTXDVL]HQLWKVDWHOOLWHDQG,0(6DQ,QGRRU0HVVDJLQJ6\VWHP EHWZHHQ2FWREHUWR6RQ\SDUWLFLSDWHGLQWKLVODUJHVFDOHILHOGWHVWRUJDQL]HGE\DFDGHP\LQGXVWU\DQGJRYHUQPHQW %\PRGLI\LQJ,&ILUPZDUHIRUH[LVWLQJ*36ZHZHUHDEOHWRUHFHLYHTXDVL]HQLWKVDWHOOLWHDQG,0(6VLJQDOVDVZHOODVSURYLGH DQGWHVW*36PRGXOHVFDSDEOHRIVHDPOHVVO\UHFHLYLQJSRVLWLRQLQJGDWDERWKRXWGRRUVDQGLQGRRUV MICHIBIKI, a Quasi-zenith Satellite MICHIBIKI is a GPS satellite that the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) launched in September 2010. MICHIBIKI stays close to zenith around 8 hours per day. It will complement the GPS system to provide positional information accurate down to 1 meter. *36UHFHLYHUPRGXOHXVHG LQWKH$EDVKLUL3ULVRQILHOGWHVW Indoor Messaging System "IMES" This is a system proposed by JAXA. Three dimensional data (identifies what room on what floor) prerecorded by the transmitter is sent using the same system as GPS. Abashiri Prison where a visitor is confronted with numerous facilities spread out over a vast area is the ideal location to conduct a field test of a seamless positioning system. In the test, more than 100 local university students, parents and children took part in a stamp rally to verify the effect and issues of the new positional technology. This environment proved tougher than imagined as signals were reflected of the prison gratings. For that reason, this field test was extremely useful in finding the issues that will have to be bridged before commercialization. (Kenichi Nakano) spectrum signal produces peaks and through synchronous summation, that is overlapping the signal by itself cancels random noise. This process eventually reconstitutes the original signal. is essential, we also pay attention to ease of use for set manufacturers. GPS that are still going strong 40 years after development. Nitta: It is repeated interaction with set Nitta: Despreading and synchronous summation are standard procedures, but each manufacturer tweaks them in subtly different ways. Nakano: That our core members returned from the laboratory with an improved skill set has plainly worked in our favor. Awata: Although the basic concept of satellites that just transmit signals has not changed, there is still plenty of room for technology improvements and refinements at the receiving end. We must come up with new development as new applications of the technology appear. And that is what is so exciting about this profound technology. Awata: We also had to develop noise countermeasures –– and we were aware from the start that noise countermeasures would become an area where differentiation would arise. N i t t a : W e t h o u g h t t h a t a F o u r i e rconversion block for obtaining the GPS signal could also be used to measure noise. This concept led to building a special block for removing noise in the CXD5400 ∗ GPS receiver module. Then we added a function for outputting the result of noise measurements. Awata: Visualization allowed us to analyze the noise from a set in operation on a PC monitor and determine what type of noise is at work. Nitta: If the signal before and after noise removal could be compared, the effect of removal would also be plain to see. Awata: While a noise monitoring function designers that leads to such functionality and helps to form a proposal. ∗: See the New Products section in CX-NEWS, Volume 65. –– Technology that Fires up an Engineer Nakano: That GPS is more about o bt aining ac c urate time infor mat ion rather than just positional information is not generally known even though GPS clocks are phenomenally more acuurate than radio clocks that are synchronized to terrestrial time signals. Awata: When you start up a car navigation system, you get very accurate time data, but few people are aware of this. Nakano: I am sure we will see applications that employ time information. It will become possible to simultaneously shoot photos at a high degree of accuracy at dif ferent locations around the globe. Anyway, there are few technologies like Nitta: Yes, it is certainly profound. And it is thanks to a solid basic design that all this has become possible. This provides us with room for coming up with new applications. Awata: Our stint of thorough GPS study at the laboratory was a great opportunity. Nitta: We were allowed to conduct a lot of trial and error experimentation and it was really exciting. Naka no: Ye s, a n d i t s t i l l i s exc i t i n g (laughs). Awata: And GPS will go on to become bigger. Nakano: The members are all headed in the same direction and our morale is high so I am sure we can look forward to a future with positive results.